Camp Guide Spring & Summer 2021

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Summer Camp COVID-19 Strategies & Updates Wow, this year sure has been full of curve balls and changes to our “normal” lives! We miss you! The camp team at GSEP has been working hard to figure out how we can safely open our camps for summer 2021. We are sure that everyone is used to words like “evolving situation” and “new normal” by this point in the year. Camp will need to use phrases like that as well, because while we have put together the safety strategies and guidelines below, we will also be keeping up to date with any additional and evolving changes that are announced by our health experts and advisors, including the Center for Disease Control (CDC), national, state, and local rules and regulations. This is not an all-inclusive listing, as that list would be too long for this guide! Please check our website regularly for the most up to date information

Group Size Campers will be assigned to a cohort of up to 12 campers. The majority of activities, meals, etc. will take place within this cohort. At times a cohort will interact with one other cohort, to be consistent throughout the time that they are at camp.

Mask Use All person entering camp must properly wear a mask, covering their nose and mouth. At times there will be situations for campers and staff to take their masks off. Day Camp – Masks must be worn whenever travelling through camp, interacting with another cohort, or in an indoor space. Masks may be taken off when outdoors and appropriately socially distanced, when eating or drinking, and during aquatic activities. Of course, if a camper wishes to keep her mask on at times when she is permitted to take her mask off, she is welcome to do so. Resident Camp – Masks will be worn by all campers and staff when not exclusively with their cohorts. Masks will be worn at all times during off property trips, where others are present, and on all methods of transportation. The exception to this rule is when participating in aquatic activities. Of course, if a camper wishes to keep her mask on at times when she is permitted to take her mask off, she is welcome to do so.



Health Paperwork and Procedures All campers will be required to go through a daily temperature and symptom screening. Resident Camp – All resident campers will be required to complete a temperature and symptom screening for 14 days prior to attending camp.

Cleaning Protocols Each camp will have dedicated cleaning staff. High touch surfaces will be cleaned regularly throughout the day. Increased cleaning of activity equipment will be done per recommended guidelines.

Handwashing Stations Handwashing and/or sanitizing stations will be available throughout camp. Time will be built into each schedule for designated hand washing.

Food and Meal Procedures Day Camp – All food will be individual, prepackaged or individually portioned by designated staff. Campers will receive a snack each day. Dietary restrictions will be handled on an individual basis by the camp director. Campers will bring their lunches with them to camp and will not be permitted to share food or drinks with anyone. Campers will wash their hands before and after eating their lunch and will eat appropriately socially distanced. Resident Camp – Each cohort will have a designated table for the duration of their session. Meals will be served at staggered times to reduce cohort interaction and will be served by designated staff. Alternative options will be available at each meal; for example, cereal at breakfast, or salad at lunch or dinner. Contact the camp director with any concerns about dietary restrictions at least two weeks in advance of the start of the camp session. Any time campers eat outside of the Dining Hall either kitchen staff will prepare the food, or individual campers will prepare meals for themselves using individual portions.

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