2 minute read
Debbie Hassan
Donor Spotlight Debbie Hassan
Debbie Hassan’s mother, also a Deborah, never had the opportunity to be a Girl Scout growing up, which is one of the reasons it was important for her daughter to be one. Deborah Sr. volunteered as an Assistant Troop Leader and Cookie Chair for the troops, and Debbie completed her First Class Award—today’s Gold Award. Debbie’s Girl Scouting journey continues today, as she begins her sixth year as Chair of the Board of Directors for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania and continues to support Girl Scouts in honor of her mother.
“I give to honor my mother’s legacy of giving. She didn’t have a lot of money, but she gave a great deal of her time and talent to benefit the girls.” Debbie gives her time, talent, and dollars to girls because she knows they need to have a safe, welcoming place. Debbie also knows that without financial support girls won’t be able to enjoy and take advantage of camps and programs. “Many girls and their families need assistance to afford camp and program opportunities. I give to help those girls participate and learn that they can earn their own way through selling cookies—which is what I did. Selling cookies helps empower girls to earn money for themselves so they can take charge of their Girl Scout experience.” A longstanding and generous donor, Debbie contributes in multiple ways. When she was working for Deloitte, she gave through the firm’s United Way campaign and influenced her organization to send its own contributions to support Girl Scouting. Debbie has donated through the Board Annual Fund and supported GSEP’s signature fundraiser Take the Lead by securing sponsorships, bringing guests with her to the event, and participating in the live Campership campaigns. She even attends Adult Camping Weekend (and sleeps in a platform tent) to raise funds for older girl scholarships; and she buys lots of cookies, donating them to the military, and to residents and healthcare workers at the senior home where her mother Deborah lives!
Debbie is also a major supporter of the Girl Adventure Place Capital Campaign, which helps to fund much needed improvements and additions to GSEP’s camps. Debbie attended Camp Laughing Waters in the summer despite her father’s trepidation at her going “so far away.” Getting away from home and her five younger siblings to camp in a tent and do all the activities was life changing—“I made friends from all different areas and learned new skills like canoeing, s’mores, and telling ghost stories around the fire.” Debbie knows that, like Girl Scouting, the outdoors is critical to mental health. Being outside, and off their phones and screens, ensures that girls learn to be in the moment, connect with nature, and learn how to steward a planet in trouble. And in the end, perhaps Debbie’s giving will inspire the next generation to give their money, and their time, and their talents, just like Debbie and her mom have done.
My Girl Scout Kit

Purchase must include at least one book or badge requirement*, uniform components (vest, sash, and insignia) and equal $60 to earn the free bag.
Free bag with purchase of uniforms and printed Girl Scout materials!
Or purchase the bag for $10 with any uniform purchase over $25!

*Earned Awards and Badges are not included in My Girl Scout Kit. Kit bag valued at $15.