2019 A NN UA L R E P O RT
CHANGEMAKERS Change takes many forms—it can be exciting or upsetting, easy or hard, by choice or by circumstance. Change is, by definition, transformative. Every time a girl has her first camp experience, joins a robotics team, or donates her time and resources to someone in need, she is transforming into her future self. At Girl Scouts, she forges her own path and becomes someone who will change the world.
Dear Girl Scouts Family of Supporters, You know the old saying, “the only constant in life is change.” The 2019 annual report embodies our mission to literally change the world—to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. Our numbers tell us this is so: with your support, GSGLA engaged more than 47,000 girls in the greater Los Angeles area, challenging their expectations, exploring their interests, and inspiring them to serve others. The stories within these pages demonstrate change in personal ways, too. You’ll see how your support encouraged girls to find their courage at summer camp, their power through leadership experiences, and their hope as they gave in service to others. You’ll see how Girl Scouts themselves make the world a better place.
Sue Callaway Kelly
Theresa Edy-Kiene
Michelle Reagan Attalla*
Glovebox Media
Girl Scouts of Greater LA
OFFICERS Shelley B. Thompson Chair / Attorney
Thank you for changing the lives of girls throughout Los Angeles.
Denise Gutches Vice Chair / FilmL.A.
Ellen Swarts Vice Chair / Teledyne Controls
Michelle Wroan
Theresa Edy-Kiene Chief Executive Officer
Treasurer / KPMG
Erin Dawkins Secretary / House of Taylor
Shelley B. Thompson Board of Directors Chair
GSGLA CEO Theresa Edy-Kiene and Board Chair Shelley B. Thompson
City National Bank
Megan Martin
Hayley English Blockley*
Warner Bros. Entertainment
Jones Lang LaSalle
Jana Monroe*
Mia Britel Deloitte
Tod Burnett
Bill Nelson Abode Communities
Brandman University
Kathryn Nielsen*
Juanita Dawson
Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group
Joanna Dean* Toyota Financial Services
Monique Earl
Jim Niemiec Southern California Edison
Erin Oremland
L.A. Dept. of Transportation
ICM Partners
Cheryl Hundley*
Andy Park
Karen Jong*
Tania Van Herle
Harley Elli s Devereaux
GSGLA Board Members and Companies FY2019 and FY2020 as of April 8, 2020. *Denotes Board service has concluded.
1% Am eric an In dian
A s ian Am eric an Bl ac k / Af ric an Am eric an Hawaiian / Pac ifi c Is l an der
( 6,2 7 2 s q u are mi l es)
Girl members served
Camp Lakota
Perce ntages bas ed on t hos e repo rtin g
Santa Clarita
Woodland Hills
Headquarters Service Centers Community Girl Scout Houses Outdoor Program Centers
El Ranchito Long Beach Marine Landing
Big Bear Lake
increa se of new t ro o p s
Girl Sco ut t ro o ps
Camp Osito Rancho
San Gabriel
4 3 % of tot al identified as His p an ic
Adult members suppo rted
Frazier Park
Mountain Camps
Wh ite
La Casita Johnstone
Leve l Da isy Brownie Junio r Grade ( K- 1) ( 2- 3) ( 4- 5)
Ca dette Senio r Am ba ssa do r ( 6- 8) ( 9- 10) ( 11- 12)
z ip co des served
wa s awa rded in fi na nc ia l a ssist a nce fo r girl m em bership a nd progra m co st s
Girl Sco uts in underserved co mm uniti es
GSGLA is the largest girl-serving organization in Southern California
Girl Sco uts receive m embership fi na nc ia l a ssista nce ( 26% of girl m em bership)
ALexandria 11th grade
As a shy five year old, Alexandria attended GSGLA’s Twilight Camp (named for its late afternoon to evening meeting time). As she recalls, “every day the counselors helped bring me a little further out of my shell.” She found comfort and encouragement in friendships, badge workshops, and learning outdoor skills. She returned every summer, enjoying the fun and adventure. She also dreamed of becoming a camp counselor – just like the ones who inspired and reassured her every year. So, in sixth grade, Alexandria trained as a Girl Scout Program Aide, a program for middle schoolers to engage with younger girls and help counselors. Now, at age sixteen, Alexandria credits her Girl Scout camp experiences for her success in several leadership roles including National Honor Society Vice President, academic decathlon team captain, and cheer team captain. “Girl Scout camp counselors made such a difference in my life,” she says. And now, Alexandria makes a difference in the lives of others.
girls pushed their boundaries, earning Trail Adventure badges as part of Girl Scouts and The North Face She Moves Mountains campaign
summer campers found adventure and independence
68% of girls
outdoor experiences countered nature deficiency
said outdoor activities in Girl Scouts helped them overcome at least one fear*
89% of girls
say that Girl Scouts has taught them how to take care of the environment*
girls served in the summer camp counselor-in-training leadership program
A record campers enjoyed the newly introduced boating experience at Marine Landing Day Camp
*2019 Girl Scouts Research Institute, Girl Scouts Soar in the Outdoors
5th grade
What happens when tweens from underserved areas of greater Los Angeles are introduced to Girl Scouts? Change! This year, ten middle-school girls from our partnership with Uncommon Good, an organization breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty, received summer camp scholarships— we call them camperships. Darlene was initially unenthusiastic, having endured other lackluster summer programs. However, after a week of archery, rappelling, outdoor cooking, and serving as a flag ceremony leader in Girl Scouts’ supportive, all-girl environment, Darlene discovered a sense of courage, self-sufficiency, and confidence she’d never known. “Camp showed me how girls and women can do what boys and men can do, how not to think that you can’t do it,” she says. Not only did Darlene sense a change in herself, she also recognized her own convictions regarding gender equity and ability. Now, Darlene hopes to receive a campership every year, and that even more girls have the same opportunity.
70% of
community organizations in underserved communities, including After-School All-Stars, Boys & Girls Club, and the YMCA, provided the Girl Scout experience for girls in their programs
girls who had little previous outdoor experience before Girl Scouts increased their confidence in their outdoor abilities and willingness to try challenging activities*
in camp scholarships was awarded in 2019
girls in underserved communities learned financial empowerment via the Driving My Financial Future Program collaboration with Toyota
37% of our
girl membership lives in underserved communities
8/10 girls say
Girl Scouting allows them to do outdoor activities they have never done before and wouldn’t have done otherwise*
*2019 Girl Scouts Research Institute, Girl Scouts Soar in the Outdoors
ALYSSA 10th grade
High school sophomore Alyssa didn’t always know she had a future in STEAM. After joining a school sponsored FIRST Lego League robotics team in fifth grade, she and the other girls on the team were confined to the research portion of the project, while the boys on the team took over building and programming the robot. “They had ideas, they were eager, they didn’t ask questions or question themselves. Girls, we doubt ourselves all the time,” Alyssa said. “I thought robotics wasn’t for me.” However, in seventh grade, Alyssa joined Javabots, an all-girl GSGLA robotics team. She learned computeraided design, programming, and engineering with her girl teammates. She says she felt safe and empowered to try new things. Her perception of robotics and of herself changed, and she began to love STEAM experiences. Alyssa went on to form a STEAM club at school, attend a technology camp at Stanford University, and is a research assistant to a PhD student at CalTech. She is also pursuing the Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest leadership honor a Girl Scout can earn—by creating an app that connects girls to all-girl robotics teams.
1,621 girls earned the
new cybersecurity badges ranging from decrypting and encrypting messages, to learning proper protection methods for devices, to exploring girls focused hacking scenarios on science and creativity in Engineer Factory workshops that covered scientific concepts and engineer design processes
Nearly girls earned the Think Like a Programmer badge when GSGLA teamed with Raytheon and Hack4Change for a badge day
Girl Scouts robotics teams engaged in innovation and problem solving while competing in FIRST Lego league robotics competitions*
girls earned the new mechanical engineering badges via GSGLA’s program collaboration with the American Society of Civil Engineers
middle school girls were immersed in the Careers in Motion program about public transportation operations, environmental impact, and the future of electric vehicles
*GSGLA FIRST Tech Challenge team the Javabots advanced/competed in the 2019 World Championship in Houston where they were named finalists for the Motivate Award, which highlights teams that promote FIRST Lego League in their communities in meaningful and impactful ways. 13
6th grade
When Josie’s troop began using their cookie proceeds to benefit local charities, the decision was motivated in part by the community service project component of earning the Bronze Award—the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior (grades 4-5) can earn. The troop decided to help children experiencing homelessness. They collected toys and hosted a party for children at Homes for Hope, an organization providing temporary housing. They felt honored to brighten the kids’ day. The troop recognized that service was core to their values and decided to always use cookie money to help the community. Josie and her troop, now sixth-grade Girl Scout Cadettes, are earning the Girl Scout Silver Award. This time, they are focused on helping children with disabilities. The spirit of giving that transformed Josie and her fellow Girl Scouts continues to help them do the same for others. “We like to do projects to help kids,” Josie says, “and if I can make other children happy, it’s so worth it.”
More than hours of community service are provided by GSGLA Girl Scouts per year
high school Girl Scouts individually engaged in multi-year advocacy and development of a sustainable community project, earning the Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest honor in Girl Scouts
5 skills gained from the Girl Scout
girls participated in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, the largest youth financial literacy program in the world
Cookie and Fall Product Programs are: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics
Girl Scouts are more likely to exhibit community problemsolving skills than non-Girl Scouts*
Girl Scouts grades 4-5 worked in their troop to learn about a need and do a community service project, earning the Girl Scout Bronze Award
Girl Scouts grades 6-8 teamed in groups to develop and promote a “take action” project that serviced or solved a community need, earning the Girl Scout Silver Award
*2017 Girl Scouts Research Institute, The Girl Scout Impact Study
ACTIVITIES for the year ended 09/30/19
Property + Equipment (Net)
Total Assets
Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities
$4,394,687 65,288 $4,459,975
Net Assets without Donor Restrictions $37,087,683 Net Assets with Donor Restrictions
Product Program (Net)
Merchandise Sales (Net)
FINANCIAL POSITION as at 09/30/19 Current Assets
Public Support
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities + Net Assets
Program Fees
$50,000+ Dreamworks Toyota Financial Services URW
619,132 1,718,128
Property + Equipment Use Fees
Interest + Dividend Income (Net)
Realized + Unrealized Loss on Investments (Net)
Loss on Sale of Assets (Net)
Other Income
Total Support + Revenue
Total Expenses
Change In Net Assets Net Assets (Beginning of the Year) Net Assets (End of the Year)
Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, and corporations for their investment in the well-being of Girl Scouts throughout our region. (Gifts received between Oct.1, 2018 a n d S e pt . 3 0 , 2 0 1 9 ) .
37,526,116 $37,963,479
15% Ma n a ge m e nt + Ge n e ral
81% Prog ra m
Lakeview Foundation
34% Indi v i du a l s
37% Fo u ndati o ns
AT&T EY FMR Enterprises, Inc. Kroger Lisa St. John–WPAK, Inc. Little Brownie Bakers Lynn Mack-Costello + Joseph Costello National Recreation Foundation The Fanny & Svante Knistrom Foundation The North Face Vernon Community Fund $15,000+ Capital Group Citizens Business Bank Herbalife International Joan Jones Long Beach Community Foundation Northrop Grumman Corporation The Walt Disney Company $10,000+
4% Fu nd rai s i n g
29% Co rp o rati o ns
Deloitte Bernice Horst KPMG Jennifer Kushell LEGO Systems, Inc. Lon V. Smith Foundation Andrew + Ji Yeon Park Payden & Rygel Aileen O. Poehls Renaissance Charitable Foundation Sony Pictures Entertainment
Southern California Edison Teledyne Controls Valero Energy Foundation Frank Wu Brenda J. Zamzow $5,000+ Annenberg Foundation Mary Bankston Betsey L. Brewer Tod Burnett Clifford Swan Investment Counselors Daniel C. Jackling Endowment Fund Hayley English Blockley Harley Ellis Devereaux Cheryl M. Hundley ICM Partners Rita Illig Liebelt Jones Lang LaSalle KLM Foundation Lise L. Luttgens Megan Martin + Brian Long William Nelson Kathryn E. Nielsen Perkins+Will Pattie Sellers Shelley B. Thompson $1,000+ Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. AmSpec Group Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Atlas IP Gwen + Guilford Babcock Kerri Balbone Bank of America David A. + Julie Battaglia Karin Berger Stellar + Sean Stellar Cindy + Gary Bernsdorf Sharla + Barry Boehm Moira Brady Mia Britel Constance L. Burg California Bank & Trust Sue Callaway Kelly + Robert Kelly
Certified Contracting Services, Inc. Audrey Chen City National Bank CohnReznick County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors Lois Cox Christie + Sean Crahan Patricia A. + Curtis Crider Janet Davis Paul Dougherty Georgianna Erskine Aveeram Eschenasy Natalie Farrar Adams + Stacy Adams Fiel Foundation First Republic Bank Fuze Megann Giardino Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Margaret A. Gordon Linda B. Griffey GSGLA Crescenta Valley/Glendale Service Unit 407 GSGLA Troop 00263 GSGLA Troop 03455 GSGLA Troop 12345 Denise Gutches Harry Webb Trust Karen W. Jong Susan King Kiwanis Club of Claremont Honorable Sandra Klein Michael Kraut Kimberly Krivis Camille Lamoureux Karen Lavin Susan Leary Lockheed Martin Bill Maher Jana Monroe Mutual of America NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Denise + Ken Nowack Joseph Ollivier Erin + Jason Oremland Pacific Premier Bank Laurel Pavone Penske Media Corporation
Marie Peters PwC, LLP Terilyn + John Proffitt Nancy Ramage Michelle Reagan Attalla + Ted Attalla Kathryn F. Richards Heather + Herb Rim Ivette Rosas Kanji Sahara Santa Anita Park Lara Schmidt Sempra Energy David Seres State Farm Company Foundation Ellen Swarts Judith + Ben Tang Francesca Taylor + Ann Giagni Mary Taylor TechMD The Dibble Youth Trust Travelers Foundation Trophy Nut Company UnitedHealth Group Tania Van Herle Wal-Mart Foundation Michelle C. Wroan Nancy Yaeger Donna Ziel $500+ Bonnie Abaunza Noeleen Acosta Lily Albaisa Madelyn Alfano AmazonSmile Foundation Bonnie Arnold Graziela Aston Ruth + Errol Berman Jeff B. Berner Lynne Brickner Julie Bryant Jack Cay Michelle Chamberlain Scott Crudele Phyllis E. Currie Juanita Dawson
Rosa Delgado + Albert McNair Gerald + Kathleen Delker Elisabeth L. Dick Kathleen + Jim Doty Electronic Arts Outreach Richard Faulkner Renee W. Fraser, Ph.D. Anne + Mark Gifford Ewing Carmella Grahn GSGLA Troop 00246 GSGLA North Redondo Service Unit 526 GSGLA Troop 02083 GSGLA Troop 02345 GSGLA Troop 09545 Sue + James Hillendahl Stacey Hoppe Paul Hwang Shizuko Ito Erin Jorgensen Julia Justus McGinity Catherine Keller Knights of Columbus Council #2455 Susie Lang Susan Major Wendy Marlett Toni Martinovich Gina McLeod Margot + Mitchell Milias Lori Miller Adam Nemeth Marie Hamer Parco Genie Parkinson Mark Perez Debra Petersen + Robert Watson Danielle Portnoy Project Development Group Salesforce Foundation Diane Schroeder Tammie Scott Jeff Shankel Carol + Roger Shively Andrew Smith South Bay Lakers Laura Survant Mery + Adam Taylor Ted’s Village Pharmacy, Inc. The Beavers, Inc
Thomas + Almerinda Tierney Lannie + Calvin Tonnu Elizabeth Topkis William + Susan Tully Karen Velligan Kathleen Williams Teressa Wilson Tandy + Ric Wilson Arlene Withers $250+ Adam Bester Charitable Fund Vickie Adams AEG Aetna Foundation, Inc. Aquarium of the Pacific Deanne Aranda-Moore Alexis Aratow Vicki Ariyasu Lisa Axelrod Ann Babcock Molly + Peter Bachmann David Balasa Diane Ballen Mary Barneby Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire Lee Braly Krystle Brown Lisa Burke Selma Calmes Gerardo Castro Donna E. Chinn Leigh Christy Christine Crone Rebecca Cruz DBA Tidal Air Conditioning Russell Doe Maurene + Mortimer Dorris Todd Farin Michele Faulkner + Albert Katz FFP Insurance Services, Inc. Kristin Fossum Marie J. Fouts Tera Fowler Lisë Funkhouser Paul Gelson’s
Marissa + Jeffrey Goldberg Robyn Goldman Eunice Goodan Adrienne Grant Jennings Carol Grosvenor GSGLA Troop 00804 GSGLA Troop 02151 GSGLA Troop 15136 Anne Marie Hand Joan Hasler Debra Homola Nisha + Christopher Horton Stuart Jarvis Debra Jeandron Rachel Karten Manetti Laura Katayama Gayla Kraetsch Hartsough Chet + Alison Kronenberg Elizabeth Lamont Sherry Lapides Caryn + Gary Leemon-Krausz Laurie Levenson + Douglas Mirell Daniel Macias Karen Masini Joanne Mathew Sandra Mayo Carrie McKenzie Archie + Thuy Mesina Marina Mitri Claire Moncrief Russell Moore Laura Murphy Gale + John Musker Deborah Neveu Ava Newman Patricia Newton Ann Oelschlager Paige Olson Teresa + Roger On Flor Ornelas Gabriel Ornelas Kimberly Pease Nick Prosser Marie + John Queen Marguerite Rangel Rawhide Ranch Pamela Rector
Carrie Robertson Jennifer Rocca Dora Rojas Ray + Gail Roulette Elsa Sarullo Mariette + Alexander Sawchuk Michele Schembre Maureen Schultz Cathy Schwartz Martha Sensel Cyreeta Sharp Smart & Final Meg + Henry Stimson Jeanmarye Stobaugh Patricia H. Summers Jane Swanson Rosy Sweat Mia Tepper The Boeing Company Anita Thompson Joanne Thorne Tena Tucker Gina Tufaro United Methodist Women First United Methodist Church Uptown Long Beach Lions Club James + Margaret Vallely Mary Vardaman Ligiah Villalobos Annie Wang Jill Weinberg Yolanda + David Williams Michael Wing Woodland Hills Woman’s Club, Inc. Shara Wright Makoto Yamasaki Xiaoping Ye Lori Zeman
We are proud to recognize the following individuals who have included Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles as a beneficiary in their wills, retirement accounts, trusts, or insurance plan as of March 31, 2019
LaNease Adams Lissa Alfred Eva + Erik Andersen Lisa Axelrod Carolyn Baker David A. + Julie Battaglia Julie + Kenneth Beals Dianne Belk + Lawrence Calder Dianne Belk + Lawrence Calder Girl Scout Movement-wide Challenge Planned Gift Betty Berdiansky Steve Bolkovatz Gail I. Boyle Moira Brady Betsey L. Brewer Michele Broadnax Chrystal Broesel Constance L. Burg Jessica Cardenas Katy Carlson Charles Carroll Elizabeth Chadwick Hailyn J. Chen Debbie Cook Patricia A. + Curtis Crider Phyllis E. Currie Christine A. Dean + Rosemary C. Veniegas Carol M. Dedrich Steven DePaul Katharine DeShaw + Mark McConnell Juanita Doplemore Barry + Peggy Edwards Natalie Farrar Adams + Stacy Adams Marie J. Fouts Liisa + Michael Froggatt Diane K. Grohulski Gloria + Bob Halfacre Erika Homan Bernice Horst
Denise Hsu Shannon Johnston Sherry Lapides Lise L. Luttgens Lynn Mack-Costello + Joseph Costello Megan Martin + Brian Long Toni Martinez-Burgoyne + Rod Burgoyne Kelly + Jason Maxwell Gina McLeod Ann Moore Frances + Richard Moreno Kathryn E. Nielsen Denise + Ken Nowack Adrienne Pacheco Marie Hamer Parco Melissa + Martino Pepe Sharis Peters Aileen O. Poehls Janice Rector Elisabeth Rendeiro Debbie Reynolds Leanne J. Rodgers Sylvia + Paul Rosenberger Margaret Rosenthal Shamira Sadler Danielle Sager-Ebling Ron Schrantz Yvonne + Robert Schueller Steve Shelton Chara Swodeck Cortney Szlemp Francesca Taylor Cindy + Ben Tenn Shelley B. Thompson Pamela K. Verhaegen Janet Whaley + Steven Preston Brenda J. Zamzow Margaret B. Zarate
be the change Girl Scouts change their communities and change the future f o r t h e b e t t e r. G i r l S c o u t s o f G r e a t e r Lo s A n g e l e s i s a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and we rely on the generous support of donors to deliver impactful, engaging, and e m p owe r i n g p ro g ra m s t h at p re p a re e a c h a n d eve r y g i r l t o reach their greatest potential. We can’t do it without you. Please consider giving your gift of time, talent, or treasure to GSGLA. Visit girlscoutsLA.org, call (213) 213-0123, or email us at giving@girlscoutsLA.org to find out how you can help.
on my honor, i will try: To serve god and my country to help people at all times, and to live by the girl scout law.
VISIT US: Headquarters 1150 S. Olive St., Ste. 600 Los Angeles, CA 90015
Arcadia 101 E. Wheeler Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006
Inglewood 423 N. La Brea Ave. Inglewood, CA 90302
Long Beach 4040 N. Bellflower Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90808
Palmdale 41307 12th St. West, Ste. 105 Palmdale, CA 93551
Santa Clarita 18316 Soledad Canyon Rd. Santa Clarita, CA 91387
Upland 313 E. Foothill Blvd. Upland, CA 91786
Woodland Hills 20931 Burbank Blvd., Ste. A Woodland Hills, CA 91367
© 2020 Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles. All Rights Reserved.