GirlFriends is a publication of Girl Scouts of Nassau County
There’s a new COOKIE in town! It’s Girl Scout S’mores - creamy marshmallowy goodness and chocolate filling sandwiched between two graham cookies promoting Girl Scouting with every bite! Inspired by a time honored campfire treat, this Cookie is made with natural flavors and specialty-ingredients. And, each Cookie is imprinted with an Outdoor badge, celebrating the outdoor adventures of Girl Scouting! Girl Scout S’mores will be on the order card so get ready for sales to soar! After the initial order period, you’ll be able to get some more in Nassau County, but only while supplies last. So, if you and your customers crave this new Cookie, be sure your initial order includes S’mores!
January 7, 2016 2:00pm-4:30pm Uniondale High School For Daisy, Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts with accompanying adults. $8 for girls, $3 for adults Register on the Program page at
100 YEARS OF SELLING COOKIES! In 2017, we’re celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouts selling Cookies. The first recorded Cookie sale was from the Mistletoe Troop in Muskogee, Oklahoma. That Troop baked and sold Cookies to support their service projects. Over the years many Troops across the USA sold cookies that they baked in their homes. (Commercial bakers were added in 1936.) In Nassau County, we sold nearly 1.2 million boxes of Girl Scout Cookies last year….aren’t you glad we don’t have to bake them anymore? Every Troop has the opportunity to earn a special commemorative “Cookie Troop 100” patch. Talk with your Troop Leader about these 4 easy steps:
Set a Troop goal and share the plan for your Cookie proceeds
2. 3. 4.
Earn a Cookie Business badge Ask 100 new customers to buy Cookies “Bling” your booth!
Once all 4 steps are complete, your Troop Leader can go online to unlock
your patch, and enter for a chance to win funds to invest in your Cookie Take Action or service project. And, Girl Scouts know how to party, so we’re going to make the most of this 100th Anniversary. Join us for the funtabulous Cookie Palooza on January 7th details in the box above right.
COOKIE CALENDAR December 16, 2016: In-person order taking begins Digital Cookie online setup begins January 4, 2017: Online selling begins January 7, 2017: Cookie Palooza @ Uniondale HS January 24, 2017: Initial Orders due Order taking continues February 3, 2017: Booth Sales begin February 24-26, 2017: National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend March 28, 2017: Cookie Sale ends
Tricks f the Trade By: Isabella I, Massapequa Troop 2185
Every year, I sell a lot of Girl Scout Cookies. The number one question I get is “how”? First, I look at the number of Cookies I sold the previous year. Then I add to that number, and that Digital Cookie is back and better than ever!
creates my goal. During Cookie season I dedicate all my
In 2016, Girl Scouts of Nassau County more
free time to selling. I wear Cookie costumes. They aren’t
than tripled online orders from the year
only a cute sales tactic, but an extra layer of warmth.
before! On or around December 16th, look
ask everyone that passes if they would like to buy Cookies
for an email invitation to start getting your
or make a donation. Selling takes a lot of dedication and perseverance
Digital Cookie site set up.* Take some time
not only because of the freezing temperatures, but because a lot of
on the site to enter your goals,
people say “no” when they are asked. Being able to accept rejection is
upload a photo, and learn about marketing
a skill that I have learned through the Cookie Program. Another skill I
in the digital age before the Digital Order
have become a pro at is staying warm in freezing temperatures.
Card (DOC) opens for order taking on
Now some of the secrets to Cookie selling have been uncovered!
January 4, 2017.
While selling Cookies is hard work, it really pays off in the end.
*If you don’t get an email invitation,
This year, I earned a trip, with my mom, to Washington D.C.
go to:
We went to the Spy Museum, and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural
AFTER December 16, and click on “Need
History. We also got a tour of the US Capitol building. I was even able to
a Digital Cookie registration email?”
take a picture with a portrait of Juliette Low in the National Portrait Gallery. One night we took a trolley tour that brought us to a bunch of the national monuments. It was so much fun! The last day we spent a lot of time at the Smithsonian National Zoo. My mom
SELLING COOKIES IS A REWARDING EXPERIENCE! In addition to the fun you’ll have, and the great skills you’ll learn, girls who sell Cookies also earn funds for their Troop and rewards and patches for themselves. Your Troop earns $0.55 to $0.60 per box sold. (Last year, Troops in Nassau County earned over $650,000 for their spend/save/ share goals!) And, you can earn unique 100th Cookie Anniversary items, Cookie Credits and other amazing rewards. Once we pay the bakers for the Cookies, Troops receive proceeds, and girls receive rewards, all funds stay in our Council and are used to pay for programs, volunteer resources, financial assistance, maintaining Camp Blue Bay etc. Look on your Cookie order card, or go to the Cookie pages at for more information about this year’s Cookie rewards.
and I got to see the pandas. They are very cute. After that, we walked across the street and got snacks at this really awesome nut-free bakery called Baked by Yael. I enjoyed the whole trip but out of everything, I really enjoyed the zoo and the Spy Experience at the Spy Museum. I would definitely suggest for others to take a trip to Washington D.C.! I can’t wait to see what this year’s 4000 box reward is!
Why Sell COOKIES? You may know that your Troop earns proceeds from Cookies and girls earn patches and rewards, but did you also know the Girl Scout Cookie Program teaches girls essential skills that will last a lifetime….and it’s fun? Every year, Girl Scouts of Nassau County (GSNC) asks our girls and families for their feedback about the Girl Scout Cookie Program. What you told us you liked most* about selling Cookies was:
1. 2. 3. 4.
It’s fun People love buying Girl Scout Cookies The excitement of striving to reach sales goals Earning rewards and patches
When the Girl Scout Research Institute measured the impact of the Girl Scout Cookie Program, they found that a majority of Girl Scout “Cookie Entrepreneurs” are developing the five essential skills of goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics. Learning valuable life skills via the Girl Scout Cookie Program helps girls become successful community and business leaders, now and in the future. *Not surprisingly, what our girls like least about selling Girl Scout Cookies was the cold and snowy weather! See the article above by GSNC’s top seller, Isabella I, and read about how she endures the elements!
Adult Volunteer Recognition Volunteer-– llabification: vol·un·teer-Pronunciation: ͮͰॠǀćͲůŶͲढ़ƟƌͰ A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task. Do you know a Girl Scout Volunteer that deserves to be recognized? Your own daughter’s Leader? The Association Cookie Chair? A dad that volunteers to help at every event? Please take the time to nominate some of these amazing volunteers. They will be recognized on a local level and, if qualified, will receive recognition at the Girl Scouts of Nassau County Annual Adult Recognitions Ceremony on March 19, 2017. For specific details and the nomination form, go to The deadline for GSNC nominations is Friday, January 20, 2017. Award recipients will be notified by mail. The following Awards are reviewed by the Adult Recognitions Committee comprised of GSNC Volunteers with a staff liaison. Appreciation Pin - Volunteers who actively give exemplary service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to at least one geographic area or program delivery audience. Honor Pin - Volunteers who actively give outstanding service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience in two or more geographic areas. Thanks Badge - Volunteers whose ongoing commitment, leadership and service have an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the missiondelivery goals and priorities of the entire Council or Girl Scout Movement. Thanks Badge II - A prior Thanks Badge recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role, resulting in measurable impact that benefits the entire Girl Scout Movement. Girl Scouts of Nassau County Continuing Service Award - This award will be presented to Volunteers that are nominated after receiving the Appreciation, Honor or Thanks Badge and have continued service for an additional five years. The Award Pin depicts a tree as a symbol of continuity, continued growth and service to Girl Scouts of Nassau County.
Camp Update
Council Camp Programs
Camp Blue Bay has a new Facebook Page! Like our new page and keep up to date with everything Camp Blue Bay. Feel free to post your pictures or share stories both past and present.
New for 2017 SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION WILL NOW BE ONLINE, be sure to check out the 2017 Camp Guide when it arrives in January for more detailed information.
Inside the VRC (Volunteer Resource Center)
The Volunteer Resource Center (VRC) is a place where Leaders in Nassau County can: z Reserve materials for their Troop z Plan their meetings and Journeys z Find cool trips to take z Learn about what badges to earn
Volunteer of Excellence - The Volunteer of Excellence Award recognizes those volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) through use of the National Program Portfolio or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the Council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members. The Volunteer of Excellence Award is awarded to volunteers through their Association. There is no deadline for this award. Nomination forms are located on our website at GSNC Spirit Award - This Award can be earned by a member that has already received at least one prior GSUSA Award (Volunteer of Excellence, Appreciation Award, Honor Pin or Thanks Badge). Candidate embodies the Girl Scout spirit, consistently gives priority to Girl Scouting and presents a positive role model. *Please note because the Volunteer of Excellence is awarded in each Association, it will not be received at the Adult Recognitions event. If you have questions, please contact Joan Bompane, MVP Director of Volunteerism at or 516.741.2550, ext. 245
z Get resources on Girl Scout
history and traditions and more! Remember- The VRC is now located at our Temporary Space in Hicksville. If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, email Volunteer Resource Specialist, Cathy Ciccone at or call 516.741.2550 ext. 244.
Girl Scouts of Nassau County’s 2017
Girls Go the Distance “Family FunDay”
Do you have the Voice? The Girl Scouts of Nassau County (GSNC) Chorus is looking for a few good voices to add to its ranks. Are you that Voice? Do you love to sing and want to be part of this renowned group? Come to an Open Audition. (Space is limited.)
Auditions will be held on: When:
Saturday, January 21, 2017 10:00am to 1:00pm
Where: GSNC Temporary Service Center 325 Duffy Avenue, Hicksville, NY 11801
Calling all Girl Scouts and their families – this spring is the time to challenge yourselves both mentally and physically at the 2017 Girls Go the Distance Family FunDay on Sunday, April 23, 2017 at Old Bethpage Village Restoration. Plan to spend the day having lots of fun and being active in the great outdoors, as this year’s twelve activity stations are geared toward every age and stage of life, with more advanced instructions for those who want to take it up a notch in their quest to earn patches and prizes! The fun doesn’t end there! Once you complete your challenge stations, its time to enjoy a good ole’ family picnic. And after the day is over, all attendees are invited to step back in time and experience life in Old Bethpage Village Restoration’s mid-19th century village. All funds raised at this event will be used to support GSNC’s Healthy Living programming. Visit our website to learn how to join the fun! Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors, we need your help running this year’s challenge stations. Please contact Dianne Auci at for more information.
The GSNC Chorus is open to girls from Nassau County in grades 3-11. Each girl will be asked to sing one song of her choosing; it can be a Girl Scout Favorite, a pop song or show tune. All auditions are done a capella. Girls will be selected based on the needs of the Chorus for vocal and musical strength; eagerness to perform; and availability to meet minimum attendance standards at rehearsals and performances. The Chorus represents the diversity of the girls living in Nassau County. Girls interested in auditioning need not be registered as a Girl Scout, but they must agree to join if selected. While prior experience is not required, the application form asks for information on a girl’s previous experience in singing, performing, playing an instrument or reading music. An application form is available at If you have questions, please contact Donna Rivera-Downey at or 516.741.2550 ext. 260. (No appointment will be given in advance.)
2016 GS Gardeners’ Program This wonderful partnership with The Farm at Oyster Bay has just completed its 7th year. Girls Scouts across Nassau County volunteer to tend the garden throughout the growing season: March-September. In the Girl Scout tradition of community service, all produce grown is donated to local food pantries. Daisies through Cadettes learn how food goes from seed to table at this historic farm, under the guidance of the garden manager, Amanda Roberts. She is assisted by the Under Gardeners (UGs), a Girl Scout program that has been in place for the last 4 years. This program is for Senior & Ambassador Girl Scouts; they earn their community service award by giving 20 hours to The Farm. The UGs are given the opportunity to take the lead when younger Girl Scouts tend the garden and they also organize and run special events such as Dig It Day and the Harvest Celebration. Look for the Spring Possibilities Event Guide to sign up for 2017!
by girls, FOR GIRLS
The Road to
is paved with your whole Girl Scout Experience:
By Alexa Belulovich, Girl Scout Ambassador “I will do my best to be: Honest and fair, Friendly and helpful, Considerate and caring, Courageous and strong, and Responsible for what I say and do, And to Respect myself and others, Respect authority, Use resources wisely, Make the world a better place, and Be a sister to every Girl Scout.” If you recognize this statement, either you or someone you know is a proud Girl Scout. I have been a Girl Scout for so long that it feels like I was born in uniform. I joined Girl Scouts in kindergarten as a Daisy, the youngest Girl Scout group. My mom signed me up because she thought it would help me make friends, but in reality, Girl Scouts has taught me not only about friendship, but also about responsibility, leadership, honesty, respect, and so much more. I used to recite the Girl Scout Law from memory without really thinking about what the words mean, but now I realize that the Girl Scout Law has shaped the person I am today. At the age of seventeen, I have been a Girl Scout for more years than I have been anything else; nearly thirteen years of my life have been dedicated to not only my Troop, but also to myself, in the sense that everything that I’ve done in Girl Scouts has helped mold me into a better person. And, earning my Gold Award has been an achievement for which
xcited about becoming a Girl Scout– look what’s in store for you!
As a Daisy you will build a strong foundation by learning the Girl Scout Promise and Law which will help you and your Troop discover who you are and the values of Girl Scouting. The Girl Scout Law is the foundation for a quality Gold Award project.
Continuing on with your Girl Scout experience as a Brownie, then Junior, onto Cadettes, you will have opportunities to do community service, help with younger Troops, go on a Journey or two, earn badges and awards, and go on adventures. All of these activities will help you on your “road to Gold.” For the girls who stay committed to Girl Scouting you become Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts in high school. This is an elite group of girls who are recognized by colleges for this commitment and who go on to make the world a better place by earning the highest award in Girl Scouting, the Gold Award. Words of wisdom from Troop 1472; “Once a Girl Scout always a Girl Scout!” Our Council challenges you to stay a Girl Scout through HS.
Why become a Girl Scout and continue on to earn the Gold Award? Girl Scout Gold Award recipients do well in life! They rate their general success significantly higher than their peers and report greater success in reaching their goals in many areas. HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAREER z Distinguish yourself in the college admissions process z Earn college scholarships z Enter the military one rank higher LIFE SKILLS Be seen as a role model and distinguished leader z Master time management skills z Make the world a better place z
COMMUNITY Use your vision for change z Tackle an issue, locally or globally z Establish a lifetime network z Create your community legacy with a sustainable solution to a problem z
Source: Girl Scouting Works: The Alumnae Impact Study, a report from the Girl Scout Research Institute, 2012
I am most proud because it constantly reminds me that I can accomplish anything I wish to do. Being in Girl Scouts
Brownie Troop 3242 from Hicksville had a fun first meeting getting acquainted with each other!
has given me friendships that will last a lifetime, as well as skills and strengths that I will take with me into college and into the workforce when the time comes. Having been a part
To submit a Troop photo or story to Girlfriends, email it to with the following information:
of a strong, united group for so long makes me look forward to joining student organizations and civic organizations in the future. It makes me look forward to finding others who share my values of service and community.
• Caption explaining the activity • Troop Number • Association Name • Girl Scout Level. All photos must be a .jpg file attached to your email.
Tribute FUND
In Memory of: 110 Ring Road West Garden City, NY 11530
Regina LaRossa Farley (Sister of Linda-Ann Wargo, Plainedge Association Service Team) –GSNC Board and Staff
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GirlFriends, 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530
Nate Chaimowitz (Husband of Cindi Chaimowitz, longtime volunteer The Plains Association and Father of the late Jessica Chaimowitz, 2002 Gold Award Recipient) –GSNC Board and Staff
GirlFriends (USPS 135-280), is published quarterly with a special issue in August. Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Inc. 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 Periodicals Postage Paid at Garden City, NY 11530.
to remember
Wanda Jackson President & Chief Volunteer Officer Donna Ceravolo Executive Director/CEO Deborah Goldsmith Chief Operating Officer Donna Rivera-Downey Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Anna Lenz Graphic Design and Production Coordinators
December 19-23 December 24January 2 January 7
Designed by Anna Lenz Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Inc., an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Agency, is a member of Long Island’s United Way, Village of Freeport CDA, United Community Fund of Great Neck, and The Community Chest of Port Washington.
Shop Closed for Inventory Girl Scout Service Center and Shop closed for holidays Cookie Palooza Uniondale High School
Josephine Ann Detz (former Leader of Troop 1754 West Hempstead/ Franklin Square Association) –GSNC Board and Staff Tracy Simmons (former Leader of Troop 3331 and Service Team member Central Park Association) –GSNC Board and Staff
January 13
Referrals for Nominating Committee due
January 20
Adult Recognitions Nominations due
February 6
Camp Registration opens online
Barbara Cannon (Wife of Austin Cannon, GSNC Board Member and Rockville Centre Diocesan Scouting Coordinator) –GSNC Board and Staff Sandra Ashby (former GSNC Board Member) –GSNC Board and Staff
December, 2016
The Volunteer Toolkit (VTK)
z Program Planning:
What if the time it took to become a volunteer was cut in half? What if new Leaders had a year’s worth of meeting plans at their fingertips? Could that transform Girl Scouting? We think so! GSNC is on track to launch the new Customer Engagement Initiative (CEI) during the Spring of 2017. This system is expected to provide a positive and consistent customer experience. In a nutshell, transformation is on its way! Here’s a snippet of what to expect:
• Issue 5
Interactive tools will help Leaders plan every aspect of a meeting and deliver a consistent, robust program experience. z Troop Management: Leaders can manage rosters and contact information, email parents and even manage Troop finances. While we know that change does not come without challenges, we are excited about the impact this will have on Girl Scouting. We look forward to celebrating each milestone and each success with all of you. Keep an eye out for more information and progress reports in our upcoming issues of GirlFriends, e-newsletters and on our website.
A New Volunteer System z Faster and easier way to register girls
and adults online z Shortened volunteer application process
Follow Us On
Carolyn DeMarco (former Leader and CAV East Meadow Association) –GSNC Board and Staff; Steve Ainspan; Starlight Chorus, Lakeland, FL; Alice Martin and friends at DOT Allen Elder (father of GSNC Board Member Andrea Elder-Howell) –GSNC Board and Staff George Martin Olsen (father of Debbie Meehan, Service Team Member – Massapequa Association and grandfather of Fiona Meehan, 2010 Gold Award recipient) –Massapequa Association Judy Jacobs (Nassau County Legislator District 16 and friend of Girl Scouts) –GSNC Board and Staff Timothy Dowd (son of Janice Dowd, longtime volunteer and brother of Margaret – Troop 532, Manhasset Association) –GSNC Staff