2015 Report to the Community

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Letter from the CEO and Board Chair Dear Friends of Girl Scouts, We are pleased to share our annual Report to the Community. You will see that we are truly moving at the speed of girls as our programs continue to grow and evolve to provide a place of their own to nearly 10,000 girls across 15 counties. In such a place, girls feel comfortable and confident to explore their passions; to discover, connect, and take action, the three keys to Girl Scout leadership. Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York continues to develop new and exciting ways to bring girls fun educational experiences. We focused on reaching and retaining member girls and their families, while improving the girl and volunteer experience. Recognizing the crucial role that volunteers play in our success, and the time they dedicate to Girl Scouts, we provide extensive direct support and education to volunteers. Through Girl Scouts, girls across our region experience overnight camping for the first time, design LEGO robotic models, and speak with community leaders to support Gold Award projects. While they are having fun, they are gaining Courage, Confidence, and Character. Built on a 100 year legacy of instilling important values and leadership skill, Girl Scouts teaches girls to take action: for themselves and their communities. Your support of our programs means girls have a protected space to try new things, discover their passions, and grow into the women who will change the world. Building strong girls who become fearless leaders can’t be done alone. And we are most grateful for your support. Sincerely,

With Thanks To You For Making Girls a Priority

In a Snapshot: The impact we have on girls is demonstrated in the numbers we serve, the activities in which they participate, and the skills they develop. From helping girls learn skills to lead healthy lives to expanding their knowledge of possible career paths, community support has made an extraordinary impact on local girls. Among our highlights, this year you helped us: Serve 9,764 girls in 15 counties Increase the retention rate of members by 67% Grow our social media presence by 40 percent Retool our volunteer recruitment efforts to better support and engage council’s more than 2,500 volunteers, including the training of 1,490 new adult volunteers Support more than 1,720 girls and adults as they invested thousands of hours in community service projects Enroll 3,052 new girl members Provide a summer camp experience to 712 girls at our various outdoor overnight and day camps Enhance girl participation in STEM programs, with 981 girls participating in more than 75 programs where they engaged in hands-on experiments in robotics, engineering, and astronomy with a continuing progression to support their budding interests Improve the lives of 689 girls who participated in healthy living programs Expand the world for 334 girls who traveled to international, interstate, and regional destinations. Support 9,280 girls who participated in troops Engage 4,258 girls in council-level programming

Mary L. Buszuwski

Chief Executive Officer

Ellen C. Schell Board Chair

Girl Grants

Membership Our membership includes girl members, adult volunteers, and adults registered as lifetime members. Lifetime members may be actively involved as volunteers or may want to stay up to date with what Girl Scouts are doing.

14,577 Total Members

4,813 Adults 9,764 Girl Members

Serving all ages: Seniors (9-10) 535

At Girl Scouts, we believe that when girls succeed so does society. We provide girls with a place to discover their passions, find their voice, and make a positive impact in their communities. These girls are building a better world for all of us! Through Girl Grants, we are able to ensure that every girl in the northeastern New York area develops the confidence that Girl Scouts nurtures. An investment in Girl Scouting is broader than a cause or a cure. It is a commitment to the next generation of self-sufficient and capable women. Our Girl Grants are direct financial assistance provided to girls in need to ensure that every girl, everywhere, is able to participate in Girl Scout programs regardless of her family’s financial situation. Girl Grants are used toward a girl’s annual membership dues, her basic uniform pieces, and program fees, including week-long summer camp programs. In 2015, you assisted 644 girls by providing $39,316 in financial assistance to participate in Girl Scout programs.

Membership Dues Uniforms

Ambassadors (11-12) 383

Summer Camp Other Programs

Daisies (K-1) 2,001 Cadettes (6-8) 1,770

$6,945.00 $2,599.00

$26,756.80 Brownies (2-3) 2,774

Juniors (4-5) 2,301


Programs The Girl Scout Leadership Experience is a model which engages girls in discovering themselves, connecting with others, and taking action to make the world a better place. For each of these three “keys,” there are five leadership outcomes that have been nationally developed for girls. In Girl Scouting, it’s not just “what girls do” (activities), but “how” (processes) that when used together, impact girls. All of our programs are designed to support girls along their journeys.

Entrepreneurship The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the world. It enables girls to “learn while they earn,” practicing 5 essential skills while earning money to fund their Girl Scout experience. These skills include Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills and Business Ethics. In 2015, 7,688 local girls became CEOs of their own cookie business. Their marketing plans sold 75,137 more boxes than last year! They also donated 20,374 boxes of cookies through the Gift of Caring program to deployed soldiers, food pantries, and other agencies of their choice.

Cookie Camp:

a three-day two-night camp experience designed for the almost 200 girls who sold over 500 boxes of cookies, including the 33 girls who sold over 1,000 boxes. Our top cookie seller was Sierra who was a Cadette from Troop 3519 and sold 5,844 boxes.

STEM Programs

Over the next ten years, five out of eight new jobs and eight out of ten of the highest-paying jobs will be in STEM-related fields. Girl Scouts will be ready! (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Projections to 2022, 2013) Some 2015 examples include:

Girls learned good dental health habits and earned a patch at the annual Brush Up – Dental Health Day: Outer Space: Your Smile is Out of this World!

During Rotor Heads, hosted by Independent Helicopters, girls learned about aviation safety and helicopter operations and were introduced to Whirly-Girls and Girls with Wings—groups dedicated to advancing women in the aviation industry through scholarships and mentoring. They explored how helicopters fly, what controls them, and had the chance to fly the simulator themselves.

At Girl Scout Engineering Day, led by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Society of Women Engineers, girls learned engineering and science concepts and put them to use building marble rollercoasters and extracting DNA from strawberries. They learned about chemical and physical reactions while creating a polymer and conducted liquid nitrogen experiments to see what chemical and materials engineers do.

Twelve Cadettes attended Be Heard Broadcasting at WGXC 90.7 FM. They created and recorded station IDs, recorded a promo for broadcast, and conducted a live broadcast at a farmer’s market event in Hudson using program content and a format they developed.

During the three sessions of the Electrical Inventions Series, girls explored concepts of electricity then designed and built electrical circuits. They also learned how electrical engineers use this knowledge when building devices like iPods, cell phones, and electrical cars.

Outdoor Experience Research shows it is important to give girls outdoor experiences: to help them connect with nature and their external environment which in turn contributes to their growing into well rounded adults. An outdoor experience is where courage and character meet to form confidence. At GSNENY, we believe no girl should be left inside. An in-depth study of our camp properties and programs resulted in: The development of a core camp experience where every girl has access to hiking, water sports, and arts and crafts. We added the option to customize their experience, adding specialty programs such as horsemanship, white-water rafting, fencing, dancing, and more. Investments in camp facilities and equipment, including stand-up paddleboards for every camp and improvements to Camp Is-Sho-Da’s bathrooms.

Improved consistency across the board at all of our camp programs along with extensive camp staff training. Free day camp open houses where girls and their families could tour camp and participate in sample camp programs such as kayaking, canoeing, eating “s’mores”, and engaging in science and engineering activities. More than 180 people attended the camp open houses! “It seemed that by eliminating “choosing a theme” for the week, my daughter did more things she enjoyed.” -Parent of a camper at Camp Is-Sho-Da. At the Camp Is-Sho-Da Float your Boat program, 10 girls learned concepts from engineers, mathematicians, and scientists then designed, built, and tested the GS Mustache and SS TaterTotter out of PVC, duct tape, and waterproof fabric in 8 hours. Both boats floated!


As girls move through each level of Girl Scouting, they learn new skills and grow in confidence. Leadership is an essential part and this is demonstrated through their commitment to community service. Through Girl Scouting’s highest awards, service and leadership come together as girls take action to improve their communities. In 2015, we honored 17 girls for earning their Gold Award, the highest award that can be achieved in Girl Scouts. The Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn; 35 girls earned their Silver Award in 2015. Please visit our website to see the full list of Girl Scouts who earned their Silver and Gold Awards: www.gsneny.org.

Girls with dreams become women with vision.

Girl Scouts from our council performed the opening flag ceremony at the Women’s NCAA Tournament Regional Championship Game in Albany. As part of the Girl Scouts’ national commitment to being girl-led, Girl Scouts of the USA created the first ever Girls’ Choice Outdoor Badges. Girl Scouts from across the United States voted to choose the theme of Outdoor Recreation and topic of Outdoor Explore. They also helped choose the visual design of the badges. The new badges are now available for every Girl Scout age level and additional badges will be selected this way in the future. At Camp CEO, a group of 11 high school age Girl Scouts attended sessions, received mentoring advice, and participated in camp activities with 11 women CEOs and Executives. Girls expanded their perspectives about careers, learned skills to better navigate school and life, and were coached by their mentors on how to achieve high goals.

In October of 2014, Girl Scouts of the USA hosted the 53rd National Council Session and Convention. Eight girls traveled to Salt Lake City, two as girl delegates and six to attend the Girl Scout Leadership Institute. The delegates were part of the business meetings, discussing and voting on issues that impact the nation-wide Movement of Girl Scouts. The Girl Scout Leadership Institute (GSLI) is a series of learning opportunities available to older Girl Scouts that runs concurrent to Convention. The girls at GSLI learned about the governance of our Movement, met Girl Scouts from all over the world, and worked collaboratively on Take Action projects focusing on topics such as education, body confidence, and gender equality. 85 girls attended Dare to Climb for minute mentoring sessions with women from diverse professional backgrounds as well as attend workshops in meal etiquette, dressing for success, the college application process, budgeting, and financial assistance.

In 2015, Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York re-dedicated our efforts to serve volunteers, who are a crucial element of the Girl Scout program.


These efforts included: Creation of a dedicated Volunteer Services Team to better serve volunteers. This new unit provides support for volunteers through training programs as well as provides answers to their questions.

Creation of GSNENY Girl Scout University, a day-long conference that features useful and purposeful courses, sharing of ideas between volunteers, and an array of informative exhibits and activities. Volunteers led the planning of this educational opportunity, just like they do for Outdoor Education Day, which focuses on hands-on learning experiences of core outdoor education classes.

Streamlining the volunteer application process so there are fewer steps from expressing interest to actively serving girls. Unveiling a new online store that provides better customer service and faster delivery to volunteers ordering merchandise, especially badges earned by girls!

Establishment of a Trefoil Troupe: monthly experiences for volunteers to connect and socialize through trips, shows, and classes.

GSNENY continues to host annual Volunteer Recognition Dinners to say thank you to our dedicated volunteers who make Girl Scouting come alive. More than 500 volunteers attended the four regional events where 56 national awards were presented and 71 membership and years of service pins were awarded, ranging from 25 years to 85 years!

Fiscal Year 2015 Financials October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015


Total $3,887,312


Total $4,189,987

$114,314 Other Revenue & Transfers

Fundraising $237,442

$385,065 Public Support Management & General $645,319

Program $408,362 $131,163 net Merchandise

$2,848,408 net Product Sales

Program Services $3,307,223


Daisy Society

“The values that you are teaching these young girls are amazing and I wish there were more young people like the Girl Scouts. I will forever be a supporter of your organization.”

Juliette Gordon Low Society

For those who have made provisions for GSNENY in their estate plans. Ms. Roberta Alexander Ms. Florence Andresen Mrs. Linda Baker Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bruce Ms. Ruth Cole Dr. Barbara Dangman Ms. Donna Rae Gelder Bigelow Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Germano Ms. Marilyn Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Glenn Ms. Kathleen Godfrey Ms. Susan Gustafson Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hess

Pearl Society $7,500 & Above GE Foundation Anonymous Stewart’s Foundation

Pathways Society $5,000 to $7,499

Dr. Sanjay Correa and Mrs. Carol Hyde Ms. Donna Rae Gelder Bigelow Mr. Paul Hudson United Way of the Adirondack Region

Trefoil Society $3,500 to $4,999

Promise and Law $2,500 to $3,499

Bechtel National, Inc. Mary and Jim Buszuwski Friends of GSNENY Ms. Muriel Ginsberg

1912 Society $1,912 to $2,499

The David S. & Janet R. Sheridan Foundation Dockstader Charitable Trust Ernest Turner Memorial Fund, Inc. Ms. Kathleen Godfrey Mrs. Sandra Grady Cathy and Bradley G. Lewis Brian and Jenn Osman Dr. and Mrs. John Prybylowski The Sandy Hill Foundation Walmart Facility #2844

Estate of Rose Marie Koch Ms. Sue Larsen Ms. Beverly Joan Mastrianni Ms. Anne Palamountain Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. and Mrs. A.J.Sarno Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Searleman Ms. Joann Tiemann Mr. and Mrs. James Tomasi Ms. Valerie Trudeau Ms. Mary Vander Veer Ms. Jane Wait

$1,000 to $1,911

Mrs. Linda Baker Columbia County Youth Bureau Ms. Thelma Douglas Glens Falls National Bank Greene County Youth Bureau Ms. Anne Hoback Mr. and Mrs. Anthony La Creta Law Office of Karen L. Deangelus NBT Bank Ms. Jennifer Oneal Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation Pride of Ticonderoga, Inc. Ms. Chandler Ralph SEFA - UWGCR State Farm Companies Foundation Mr. John Thomas The Travelers Foundation Travelers Matching Gifts Twinstate Technologies Verizon Foundation Walmart Foundation Walmart Supercenter # 1994 Ms. Renee Walrath

Gold Level $500 to $999

Dr. Meg Benke Ms. Paula Bianchi CVPH Medical Center Ms. Pamela Danz The Development Corp Ms. Andrea Dumas ETS, Inc. Franklin County Youth Bureau GR Michell Company LLC Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hilchey M. Jeanne Place Charitable Foundation Ms. Jennifer Mahar Ms. Courtney Moore Moriah Central School MVP Health Care

NBT Bank New York State United Teachers The Northeast Group QSP Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ruggles The Sage Colleges TD Bank The U.S. Championship Rodeo Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Taryn Webster WGY Radio 810 Zonta Club of Glens Falls Ms. Wanda Zygmuntowicz

Silver Level $250 to $499

Adirondack Beverages Mr. Youssef Ballout The Bank of Greene County Charitable Foundation The Business Review Mr. and Dr. Walter Church Combined Federal Campaign of Northern New England Ms. Susan D’Entremont GE United Way Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Germano Ms. Camilla Goering Ms. Stephanie Gorin

Ms. Marjorie Grout Ms. Kerry Haley Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Jerreld Kiwanis Club of Lake Placid Lions Club of Plattsburgh Ms. Claire Olds PrimeLink, Inc. Ms. Mary Provost Rotary Club of Plattsburgh Rotary International Club of Malone Saratoga’s Community Federal Credit Union Ms. Patricia Shults

Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York is a not-for-profit organization classified by the IRS as a 501©3 organization, exempt from federal income tax.

Bronze Level Up to $249

Mrs. Mary Abbott Abbott, Frenyea & Russell CPAs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abbruzzese Ms. Tiffany Accumanno Aetna Foundation Mr. Scott Aguglier Ms. Bertha Alden Mr. Christopher Alem Ms. Roberta Alexander Ms. Amanda Allen Ms. Hope Allen Ms. Anzala Alozie Ms. Lisa Altman Amazonsmile Foundation Ms. Beverley Andrews Anonymous Ms. Valorie Appio Ms. Marilyn Aragosa Ms. Christine Aransky Ms. Carol Asiello Mr. Michael Baer Mrs. Tina Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John Bailo Mr. and Mrs. Matthew John Banks Ms. Helen Barber Ms. Tami Barlow Ms. Michele Barron Ms. Maeve Bartik Bartlett and Alexander Orthodontics Mr. Todd Barton Ms. Gail Bassi Ms. Barbara Bave Mr. Steven Beauregard The Benevity Community Impact Fund Ms. Diane Bengtson Kilbourn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bielawa Ms. Florance Bigelow Ms. Yvonne Billings Mr. and Mrs. John Binder Ms. Kate Bode Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boldi Ms. Brianna Bombard Ms. Maryanne Bonventre Mr. and Mrs. Alan Booth Ms. Michele Boretti Ms. Carol Borthwick Ms. Courtney Bouchard Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brabetz Mr. Ronald Brach Ms. Mary Bradley Mr. Mark Brenneman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brewer Mr. Lewis Bristor Ms. Teresa Broadwell Mr. William A. Bronk Mr. and Mrs. Dale Broomhead Ms. Angela Brown Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Brown Brown Transportation Mrs. Sunny Buchman Ms. MaryAnne Bukolt-Ryder Mr. Daniel Bullis Ms. Amanda Burk Ms. Sharon Burstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Caine

Ms. Karen Jane Caisse Ms. Janet Calise Ms. Denise Calkins Ryder Ms. Lisa Cammarene Ms. Joannalee Campbell Ms. Nancy Carlin Carpenter Bros. Moving & Storage Ms. Jessica Caruso Cascade Tissue Group Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Mr. David Cass and Ms. Susan Brissette Ms. Doris Castle Ms. Harriet Cederstrom Champlain National Bank Ms. Felice Chandonet Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chapin Mr. and Mrs. Glen Chapman Ms. Teresa Cheon-Hsu Ms. Nicole Childs Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Chrapowitzky Ms. Ann Clark Ms. Jeannine Clemente Mrs. Margaret Coe Ms. Sarah Collier Ms. Karen Conners Ms. Helen Connolly Mrs. Susan Conway Dr. and Mrs. Brendan Cooney Ms. Patricia Cooper Ms. Kim Cornelius Ms. Sandra Corrigan Ms. Patricia Cosimano Ms. Barbara Cotugno Ms. Paulyn Cox Dr. and Mrs. Guy Cristalli Mr. and Mrs. John Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crowley Mr. and Mrs. John Cully Ms. Michele Cwiakala Ms. Christy D’Ambrosio Dannemora Federal Credit Union Ms. Karen D’Ascoli Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Ann D’Attilio Ms. Greta Davis Ms. Janice Davis Mr. and Mrs. L. Berkley Davis Ms. Arlene Davison Ms. Elsa DeBeer Ms. Destini Lane Deere Mr. and Mrs. John Delehanty Ms. Jan Delorme Ms. Jennifer Dentinger Mrs. Susan DePaula Ms. Barbara DeSantis Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Deyo Ms. Wendy Diefendorf Ms. Kerry Douglas-Duffy Ms. Margaret Drobnik Ms. Judith Duncan Ms. Michelle Dylewski Ms. Betsy Eads Eagle’s Nest Veterinary Hospital Mrs. Virginia Easterly Ms. Aosta Edelman Ms. Barbara Edwardsen Ms. Laura Eldred Mrs. Marjorie Elitzer Ms. Ann Marie Engasser Ms. Judith Engel Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Engle

Ms. Naomi Evers Ms. Christina Evola Faith Takes Family Foundation Mr. Robert Fakundiny Mr. and Mrs. John and Julia Falvo Mr. and Mrs. Philip Farbaniec Ms. Bonnie Fenwick Ms. Karen Figary Ms. Leslie Finn Ms. Constance Fisher Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitz-James Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flacke Ms. Donna Flansburg Dr. Matie Flowers Ms. Brenda Foley Ms. Paula Follett-Murphy Fort Plain Post 554 Mrs. Colleen Fortune Ms. Gail Friedman Ms. Virginia Friedman Friends in Council Ms. Linda Furnari Mrs. Theresa Galusha Ms. Marie Garbarino Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gard Ms. Doreen Gariepy Ms. Carla Garuccio-Boucher Ms. and Mrs. Alan Gee Mr. Glen Gehrkens Ms. Marjorie Geiger Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs Ms. Marilyn Gillespie Ms. April Goddeau Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gohlke Ms. Leslie Gohlke Ms. Mary Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodman Goodshop Ms. Wendy Gordon Ms. Christine Govin Ms. Fay Graham Mrs. Victoria Gray Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Green Ms. Sharee Gritsavage Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grygas Ms. Dawn Hagadorn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hamill Ms. Linda Hannan Ms. Maryann Hannay Hannay Reels Ms. Sarah Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harper Mrs. Marjorie Harrington Mr. Mark Harris Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hayes Mrs. Kay Hebert Ms. Marylou Hedge Ms. Sally Helly Ms. Jennifer Hennessy Ms. Dorothy Henry Dr. Carla Hernas Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Herron Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herzing Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hess Ms. Jane Hess Ms. Analine Hick Ms. Nikki Hilchey

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillis Ms. Stacey Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Averell and Belinda Hilton Ms. Shari Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. P. Gavin Hogan Ms. Amy Hoge Ms. Shirley Holliday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Holman Ms. Lynn Horn Ms. Diane Houle Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Rose Ann Hudson Ms. Betty Ann Hughes Ms. Nancy Hughey Mrs. Jill Hunt Dr. and Mrs. Edward Huntington Mr. Fred Hutchinson Ms. Sarah Ibrahimi International Paper Irving Tissue, Inc. Ms. Courtney Jablonski Ms. Laurie Jackson Mrs. Judith Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jandrisevits Ms. Margaret Janes Mr. and Mrs. David Jennings Ms. Jocelyn Jerry Ms. Lindsey Jess Mr. and Mrs. Elton Jodoin Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson Ms. Valerie Johnson Ms. Denise Jones Mr. and Mrs. David Joralemon Ms. Christina Joseph Ms. Marisa Joseph Ms. Dawn Judkins Ms. Martha Juenger Mr. and Mrs. Guy Juneau Ms. Cindi Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelley Ms. Amy Kelly Ms. Susan Kenneally Mrs. Katie Kerr Mr. William Kested KeyBank Foundation Ms. Tina Kiernan Ms. Stacy Kilts Mr. and Mrs. Clark King King Enterprises Ms. Nancy Kinkead Mr. Edward Kirby Kiwanis Club of East Greenbush Kiwanis Club of Plattsburgh-Noon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Klein Mr. and Mrs. Marc Kleinhenz Ms. Heather Klusendorf Stewart Ms. Connie Knapp Ms. Nina Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Patricia Knapp Ms. Dedra Kneeshaw Ms. Pamela Koch Ms. Patricia Kopach Ms. Toni Koweek Mr. Ken Kraetzer Ms. Mariah Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krekeler Ms. Kimberly Kurtzner Ms. Lindsey Kylloe

Ms. Rebecca LaCreta Ms. Leslie Ladeau Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 358 Ms. Jaime Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lagace Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Lane Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lanfear Ms. Norma Langevin Mr. Matthew Langlais Mr. and Mrs. David Lanoue Ms. Virginia LaPointe Ms. Leslie Larocca Mr. and Mrs. Dan LaRose Ms. Michelle Lavoy Mr. and Mrs. Neil Law Ms. Janet Lawrence Mr. Jeffrey Lawrenz Ms. Cheryl Learned Mr. Craig Leduc Mr. Ryan Lee Mr. Peter Lennon Ms. Maryann Levitus Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Lewis Ms. Bonnie Lichak Ms. Mimi Liebers Dr. and Mrs. Robert Liebers Ms. Linda Livingstone Mr. and Mrs. Sean Loftus Ms. Christina Longo-Porter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loomis Ms. Joann Lubinski Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Macica Ms. Susan MacKinnon Ms. Eileen Mahoney Ms. Cassie Malone Malone Post 219 Ms. Julieanne Maloney Ms. Marjorie Mannix Ms. Kelly Marino Mr. Arnold Marking Mr. and Mrs. Jay Marking Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marking Ms. Kate Marlay Ms. Lori Mathieu Mrs. Maggie Matochik and Ms. Catherine Cox Ms. Grace Mattoon Ms. Sharen Mattoon Mrs. Barbara Mayer Mr. John Mazur Ms. Liz McAndrew Mrs. Kerri McCaffrey Rev. Matthew McCaffrey Mr. Kevin McCarty Mr. Timothy McInerney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mehigan Mr. and Mrs. Bill Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Metz Mr. Charles Meyer Mr. Dennis Meyer Ms. Tammy Mickan Ms. Janet Mikovich Ms. Gina Mills Ms. Anne Mitchell Mohawk Post 1450 Ms. Dana Montalbano Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore Mr. and Mrs. John Moore Ms. Donna Moran

Ms. Paulette Morgan Ms. Jeannine Morton Ms. Paula Moskowitz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moss Mountain Lake PBS Ms. Melissa Mowry Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murphy Ms. Margaret Murray Ms. Sian Myers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nagengast Ms. Racquel Nelson Ms. Carol Nersinger Network For Good Ms. Joyce Nichols Ms. Rena Nicodemi Ms. Paula Noll Ms. Susan Norris Northern Insuring Agency, Inc. Mr. J. Arthur Norton Mr. Frank Novak Mrs. Lynda Nowik Ms. Roberta Nunn Mr. Gustav Nusskern Ms. Shirley O’Connell Ms. Kelley Okula Ms. Mary Olive-Giffen Ms. Rachel Olmer Ms. Nancy Olsen Ms. Caroline Oneill Ms. Melinda Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pachucki Mr. Peter Paine Ms. Lily Paperman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parker Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Parker Ms. Jessica Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perrella Ms. Sohodka Persaud Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pessetto Ms. Cynthia Pettit Ms. Heather Pinkowski Mr. and Mrs. James Piper Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Plass Ms. Cecile Plattner Ms. Karen Plotas-McGrath Ms. Michele Pollard Ms. Rachel Pombo Ms. Theresa Pratico Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Provost Mr. Ron Pucci Ms. Virginia Pucci Dr. and Mrs. Peter Purcell Queensbury Memorial VFW Post 6196 Ms. Marion Radin Ms. Joyce Rafferty Ms. Mary Rainey Ms. Ellen Ralbovsky Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and Christina Ransom Ms. Haley Ravile Ms. Ivy Rechak Ms. Amy Recor Xiaobo Ren Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of Clinton County Ms. Kate Reyes Mr. Ralph Reynolds Ms. Karen Ricci

Mr. Paul Rice Ms. Anita Richards Ms. Deborah Rickes Mr. and Mrs. David Rider Ms. Cynthia Rivera Ms. Ellie Roberts Mr. Richard Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Santos Rosa Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rose Mr. Christopher Rosenquest Mr. Neil Rosenstrauch Ms. Shonna Rousell Ms. Danielle Rovito Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rowland Mr. Martin Rowley Mr. John Runfola Ms. Heather Rutski Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rymski Ms. Alice Sample Ms. Eleanor Samworth Mr. and Mrs. Dino Santoro Dr. Nancy Sapio Saratoga Human Resources Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sarnacki Ms. Alison Saville Ms. Kendra Schieber Ms. Patty Schuster Schutze Family Dentistry Schwab Charitable Fund Scotia Diner, Inc. Ms. Jodie Scott Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sears Mr. and Mrs. Ted Seefeld Ms. Danielle Seem Ms. Wendy Senecal Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County Ms. Tammy Serviss Mr. and Mrs. Loren Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Shaffer Ms. Alexandra Shannon Ms. Jean Sheridan Mr. David Sherman Ms. Kyra Shippee Mr. Gregory Sides Mr. and Mrs. Justin Simmons Ms. Brenna Singer Ms. Nancy Sinkus Ms. Denise Skelton Ms. Karalyn Smith Mrs. Joanne Snell Ms. Kathy Snow Ms. Marilyn Somerville Spectrum 8 Theatres Dr. and Mrs. Richard Spitzer Ms. Kristine St. Peter Ms. Elizabeth Stapchuk Mrs. Donna Staufenberg Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stecher Ms. Patricia Steinhauer Ms. Heather Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stewart Ms. Margaret Stibinger Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stigi Mr. and Mrs. John Stiglmeier Mr. Robert Stone Ms. Shelly Stone Ms. Sari Stout Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Strife

Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York is a not-for-profit organization classified by the IRS as a 501©3 organization, exempt from federal income tax.

United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region United Way of the Greater Up to $249 Capital Region Ms. Lynn Valenti Mrs. Lucy Suhr Ms. Susan Van Patten Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Taber Ms. Kathleen Vandeloo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tarullo Verisk Analytics Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tassinari Ms. Debra Verni Mr. and Mrs. Derek Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Von Maucher Ms. Kerry Taylor Ms. Joan Walker Ms. Theresa Taylor Ms. Julie Walters Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Teal Ms. Susan Ward Mrs. Alice Tepper Ms. Michelle Waters Mr. Charles Thomas Mr. and Mrs. David Weary Ms. Laura Jane Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Nan Weltz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wescott Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Thornton Ms. Susan Whalen Ms. Marie Titus Ms. Marilyn Whalley Ms. Joanne Tobiessen Ms. Diane White Mr. and Mrs. James Tomasi Mr. Paul Wickersham Mr. and Mrs. James Tooley Mrs. Monica Wilkes Ms. Kim Trombley Ms. Christine Wilkinson Mr. Shaun Trombley William Nolan Post 405 Ms. Valerie Trudeau Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Williams Truist Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Wisniewski A S Tulchinsky Ms. Alison Wolfe Ms. Barbara Turi Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Wolin Ms. Laurie Tylenda Ms. Jan Wolski Ms. Kathryn Ulmer Ms. Janette Wood United Way of Columbia-Willamette Mr. Robert Youmans Ms. Michelle Young Mr. and Mrs. Albin Zielaskowski

Bronze Level

In-Kind Supporters 9 Maple Avenue Jazz Club AAA Northway Plattsburgh Adirondack Life Magazine Albany Broadcasting Company, Inc. Albany Civic Theater Albany Marriott America’s Mattress AmeriCorps NCCC Apple Blossom Florist Apple New England, LLC Applebee’s Arnie’s Restaurant Ausable Chasm Bluff Point Golf Resort Bromley Mountain Resort The Bull and Barrel Smokehouse Mrs. Mary Buszuwski Caffe Italia Capital American Eatery Carney’s Tavern Champlain Valley Transportation Museum The Children’s Museum at Saratoga The Circus Café The Cooking School @ Market Bistro Crossgates Mall Cumberland 12 Cinemas Depot Theatre The Desmond Hotel & Conference Center Mr. Crick Diefendorf DP’s

Druthers The EGG Epicurean Bistro & Wine Bar Mr. and Mrs. Paul Franklin Fred Villari Studios G&G Tire Garden Bistro 24 Geoffrey’s Pub & Restaurant Glens Falls Community Theatre Gore Mountain Mrs. Sandra Grady Grille, One Six Five Henry Hudson Planetarium Ms. Nikki Hilchey Hilton Garden Inn Troy Home Made Theater Honest Weight Co-op Jared and Debbie Photography Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort K&M Discount Liquor & Wine Kneucraft Fine Jewelry Lake Champlain Transportation Co. Lake George Steamboat Company Inc Lake Placid Center for the Arts Liquor & Wine Warehouse Livingood’s Restaurant & Brewery MicroKnowledge Miller Printing & Litho, Inc. Mirror Lake Inn Resort & Spa Mountain Lake PBS

9 Maple Avenue Jazz Club AAA Northway Plattsburgh The Music Studio National Baseball Hall of Fame National Museum of Dance Outerwall Palace Theatre Payson & Stoughton Jewelers Ms. Kathleen Pearce Pendragon Theatre The Pottery Place Prime at Saratoga National Rancour Photography Ms. Ellie Roberts Ms. Sara Rowden The Sagamore Resort Sage Bistro Santa’s Workshop Saratoga Performing Arts Center Schenectady Symphony Orchestra

The Silver Parrot The Six Flags Great Escape Spectrum 8 Theatres Ms. Linda Stephen Ms. Dawn Terrick Times Union Tri-City Valley Cats Twinstate Technologies UNO V. Fraas Vicarious Visions The Water’s Edge Lighthouse Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Nan Weltz Wolf’s 1-11 Restaurant Yarborough Square YMCA - Plattsburgh Yono’s Zachary’s Pastry Shoppe Zero Draft

Gifts in Memory of Betty Bates – Ms. Constance A. Fisher Joy Bigelow – Ms. Florance Bigelow William Borthwick – Ms. Carol Borthwick Jean Marie Adam Forti – Mr. and Mrs. John and Mary Binder, Friends from the Center for Environmental Health, Ms. Roberta Nunn, Ms. Susan Van Patten Clara K. French – Ms. Lynn Valenti Andrew and Virginia Garuccio – Ms. Carla Garuccio-Boucher Mary Glennon Bergmeier – Anonymous Gail Griffin – Mr. and Mrs. Milton and Elaine Chapin Margaret Millsop – Ms. Nancy Hughey Madeline Musto – Ms. Dana Montalbano Andrew Nicodemi – Ms. Rena Nicodemi Mary Oliver – Ms. Betsy Eads, Ms. Mary Giffin Fran Plummer – Ms. Lisa Altman Dolores Rosa – Elizabeth Rosa Barbara R. Thomas – Mr. John Thomas Kari Syvertsen – Ms. Greta E. Davis Rita Vollmer – Mr. and Mrs. Kurt and Sharon Von Maucher

Gifts in Honor of Melissa – Ms. Arlene Davison Girl Scouts Everywhere – Faith Takes Family Foundation Susan Conway – Mr. and Mrs. John and Julia Falvo Pam Hannan – Mrs. Marjorie Harrington Britta Kilbourn – Ms. Diane Bengston Kilbourn Rebecca LaCreta – Ms. Susan D’Entremont Ellen Schell – Mrs. Linda Baker, Ms. Donna Rae Gelder Bigelow, Ms. Nikki Hilchey, Ms. Catherine Lewis, Ms. Theresa Taylor Liz “Froggie” Sullivan – Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Ann Rymski Ginger Wardell – Ms. Elsa G. DeBeer

Every effort has been made to properly recognize each donor. If we have made an error or you prefer an alternate recognition, please contact the Fund Development Department at Give2GirlScouts@ gsneny.org or (518) 489-8110. We gratefully acknowledge all those who made gifts during our 2015 fiscal year: 10/1/14 through 9/30/15.

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