2018 Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Summer Camp Guide

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e m r m ussions se Camp

S G i r lou ts Go S c Explore Get Outside e l s r s! a e F eB ! e v a r B Be


Have Fun !



i lv e r S a g e

w a A i e t r s n e t u v d A Opportunity o

Be Bold ! You’re a super hero!

f a life t i me!


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Online Instructions 2. Dear Camper 3. Camp Traditions 4 - 8. Camp Alice Pittenger Sessions 6. Counselor in Training 9. Camp Ta-Man-A-Wis Sessions

Sign up online! Registration opens

January 15, 2018! Can A Girl Scout cookie take you to camp?

Cookie Dough funds are earned by girls participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. She can use the Cookie Dough she earns to be used as payment toward camp! Log onto www.girlscouts-ssc.org/cookies to find out more.

You're one smart cookie! 1


11. Join Our Team! 12. Trading Post and Camp Care Packages 13. Details and Instructions 15. Camp At A Glance 16. Camp Sponsors 17 - 18. Silver Sage Day Camps

1. Fill out the Registration Form Online

New this year! Complete the Camp Registration form for each camper-girl and adult and submit online. Our online registration system allows you to register, complete forms, add money to trading post accounts, and make payments all in one place. Online registration is the fastest and most accurate way to register. Simply visit www.girlscouts-ssc.org and click on the CAMP tab. Paper registration can be accepted, if needed. However, paper registrations can take 1-3 business days to process and spots may fill. We recommend registering online. 2. Pay A Deposit

A $50 non-refundable deposit is required. Deposits must be received with registration. The deposit is applied to the session cost. Financial assistance cannot be used towards this deposit. You may choose to pay your camp balance in full at the time of registration, or make payments at a later date online. Cookie Dough can be applied by emailing camp@girlscouts-ssc.org. 3. Follow Up

After submitting your registration, campers/parents will receive online confirmation status immediately. The Camp Registrar will provide further instructions and information as needed. 4. Complete Appropriate Forms

Parent packets will be emailed the first week of April with a link to required forms. All forms must be completed and brought to camp check-in. 5. Submit Final Payment

Final payment is due 2 weeks prior to the camp session start date. A $25 late fee will be applied to all camper balances not received by this deadline.

Dear Camper and Parent/ Caregiver,

Can you believe it’s time to get excited for the camp season already? It feels like just yesterday that it was only two weeks into the 2017 camp season! Camp Alice Pittenger and Camp Ta-Man-A-Wis are gearing up for another amazing summer. Camp Ta-Man-A-Wis has a new corral that is ready for horses and Camp Alice Pittenger is newly accredited by the American Camp Association. Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place and it’s no different when girls attend camp. This summer we will be celebrating courageous and confident women; super heroes of movies, books and history. Safety and supervision continue to be top priorities at both Camp Alice Pittenger and Camp Ta-Man-A-Wis. Staff at both camps consist of adults who are carefully screened and selected based on their abilities to work with youth in an outdoor setting. We highlight respect for self and others, trying new things and giving girls an opportunity to accept and be accepted. Our staff believes in the Girl Scout Promise and Law and receives in-depth, pre-camp training. Registration opens January 15th, 2018. We look forward to seeing you at camp this summer! Your Camp Team, Courtney “Yooper” Russell Thompson, Camp Manager & Carol “Echo” Ashton, Camp Registrar

Courtney holds two degrees from Northern Michigan University in Early Childhood Development and Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management. She has years of experiences working for the Girl Scouts and the YMCA day and summer camps. She loves leading camp songs, teaching girls about the great outdoors and anything that requires being on water. 2

Camp Traditions

Girls get a chance to try new things, make new friends, and connect with other Girl Scouts. Girl Scout camp is a place where girls find their adventurous side, and build the courage and confidence to take risks in a fun and safe environment. It’s the place where girls have the freedom to be themselves! Our Camps Camp Alice Pittenger (CAP) is located near Ponderosa State Park on Payette Lake in McCall, Idaho. CAP features water activities, including swimming, lake kayaking, and canoeing. Girls also explore arts and the great outdoors.

Our Camp Staff Girl Scouts of Silver Sage recruit and screen mature, qualified candidates who have a desire to share their enthusiasm for camping and the outdoors with your camper.

Camp Ta-Man-A-Wis (TAM) is located in the heart of the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, near Palisades Reservoir near the Snake River. TAM features extensive hiking trails and beautiful scenery for backpacking and traditional camp activities. Our camps are beautiful and rustic, and may not meet all American Disability Act Guidelines. The Girl Scouts of Silver Sage will make reasonable accommodations so that any girl can enjoy a camp experience. Not a Girl Scout? Not a Problem! All girls entering 2nd through 12th grades in the Fall of 2018 are invited to attend any of our camps. Girls entering 1st grade in the Fall of 2018 can attend Girls’ Weekend, Jack & Jill Weekend, or Family Camp. You do not have to be a member of Girl Scouts prior to camp, however you must register as one before camp. Financial assistance is available for registration and camp sessions.

ALL CAMP ACTIVITIES All campers and staff come together to enjoy fun games and challenges. This is a great opportunity for each unit to bond with girls from different age groups and units in camp.

Camp Name: 3

Selection of camp staff is based on the individual’s experience, ability to serve as a role model, and a genuine desire to work with girls. All camp staff are backgroundchecked and must have current first-aid and CPR certification. Pre-camp training includes program guidance, camping skill enhancement, relationship skills, and more. Specialized staff direct water activities, archery, team challenge courses, and other areas. Both male and female staff may fill positions such as site maintenance manager, bus driver, life guard, cook and medical support.

Opening campfire is a special introduction to the camp session. Campers meet counselors, sing camp songs, and make s’mores. At closing campfire, girls prepare skits or lead songs, and share memories from the week.

All Girl Scout camps have traditions and one that they all seem to have in common is camp names. Camp staff choose camp names at the beginning of their Girl Scout Camp careers based on their personality, a hobby or something that best describes them. If your camper comes home talking about how silly “Camo” was or that their favorite counselor was “Jazzy”, don’t be alarmed. They are just carrying on an old camp tradition!

camp Alice Pittenger sessions

Core Camp

Grades: Entering 2nd-12th $115/person

Nestled among majestic pines, Camp Alice Pittenger (CAP) is located on the beautiful shores of Payette Lake in McCall, Idaho. At CAP, girls go swimming, fun-yaking, and canoeing, they experience the team challenge course, archery, hiking, crafts, and Girl Scout camp traditions. Pioneer Girl participants venture off-site for horseback riding.

Camp with your troop! Camp staff is on site to help lead core activities, but this session is all about your troop and the activities you choose. Upon arrival, each troop will have the opportunity to sign up for core areas such as archery, arts and crafts, swimming, nature, stand up paddle boarding, fun-yaking and canoeing. Troop Leaders actively participate in camp with their girls. Bring any needed supplies to complete a Journey or a badge and do it all in the beautiful outdoors.

3 chances to core camp! Core Camp 1: June 15 - June 17 Core Camp 2: July 22 - July 24 Core Camp 3: August 1 - August 3


Pioneer Girl

June 10 – June 15 Grades: Entering 2nd-12th $480/person (Horse Session) You may have learned about the Oregon Trail in school, but now you will be able to experience what it was like for pioneer girls during this camp session. You’ll participate in all the traditional camp activities, plus games that pioneer girls played while traveling along the trail. Practice your outdoor cooking skills by making a meal with a Dutch Oven. Pioneer families traveled by horses and wagons and during this week at camp, you’ll be able to experience horses too!

Girls’ Weekends

Ponderosa Mystery

June 17 - June 22 Grades: Entering 2nd-12th $355/person What happened to Florence? Help solve the case of the Ponderosa Mystery and become a camp sleuth by learning about the scientific method. Explore evidence collection, search technologies, bone identification and forensic archeology to become a detective and help solve the mystery. Campers also participate in camp activities such as swimming, stand up paddle boarding, arts and crafts and more to earn clues.

Grades: Entering 1st-12th $150/person

Girls get a taste of what camp is all about by spending the weekend with a significant female relative in their lives. Campers will bond with that female relative while participating in staff led activities. Each girl and her female relative share a cabin with another group based on grade level. Parents and guardians are responsible for participating with and supervising girls. Campers can request a buddy group for their cabin. Girls’ Weekend sessions include:

Princess Paradise June 29 - July 1

Real Life Wonder Women June 24 - June 29 Grades: Entering 2nd-12th $365/person

Adventures aren’t just for fictional characters. Learn about real life women who were trailblazers in their fields and helped us get where we are today. Try your hand at paleontology and discover what macroinvertebrates are hiding under rocks on the shores of Payette Lake. Use telescopes to stargaze and learn about female astronauts.


Explore camp through fun and challenging activities of our favorite princesses. Learn to canoe like Pocahontas, search for dinglehoppers in Payette Lake like Ariel, shoot arrows like Merida and practice your moves like Princess Leia on our challenge course.

Back to Basics (Midweek) July 24 - July 26

We’re “kickin’ it Old School.” Campers are challenged to experience camp from the past. Activities led by camp staff include archery, arts and crafts, knot tying and more. Hiking shoes and a swim suit will help these enthusiastic Girl Scouts experience all that Camp Alice Pittenger has to offer!

Get Groovy in t he 60’s July 29 - July 31

How did Girl Scouts camp in the 1960’s? Come to this Girls’ Weekend to find out. Spend time creating a God’s eye, tie dye, and cooking s’mores over an open fire. Try your hand at archery, nature hikes, and sing original Camp Alice Pittenger camp songs.

o r e H r e p Su


June 17 - June 22 Grades: Entering 9th - 12th $350/person This one-week training session is geared toward girls interested in learning what it takes to become a Camp Alice Pittenger counselor. Work on building skills that help you become a great camp counselor while enjoying traditional camp activities. Test your teamwork skills on the high ropes course. All prospective CIT’s must submit CIT 1 Application. Space is limited.


June 17 - June 29 Grades: Entering 11th - 12th $450/person

(Two Weeks + Volunteer Week*) – Prerequisite – CIT 1 *Girls will pick an additional session for their “Volunteer Week” (to be picked before camp begins)

Continue your leadership journey by taking on a more active role in our camp community, working with campers and your peers. During your first week at camp with the CIT 1’s, you’ll rotate between different specialized camp activities, learning what each has to offer. Over the weekend, we’ll take a break for some rest and relaxation and debrief our first week, get ready for our second week, and just chill. For an additional charge, you can choose to go whitewater rafting.

CIT 1 and CIT 2 applications are included in the online camp registration.

Family Camp

July 6 - July 8 Families w/ children age 5+ $400/Cabin Camp Alice Pittenger is the perfect place to spend a couple days with those you love. Enjoy staff-led water activities, archery, hiking, and s’mores. You won’t want to miss out on the all-camp Gameshow Night activity where you and your family will participate in fun games inspired by “Family Feud,” “Minute to Win It,” and “Double Dare.” Each family must consist of at least one adult and one registered Girl Scout. Meals are included. Limit 8 people per cabin.

During your second week, you’ll take a more active role with younger campers and even design your own program. At the end of week two, you’ll decide which program area you’d like to specialize in then be paired with a staff mentor who will help further develop your leadership skills, in addition to activity specific training, which may include certifications in your chosen area for week 3. All prospective CIT 2’s must submit a CIT 2 Application. Space is limited.


Super Girls - Short and Sweet July 1 - July 4 Grades: Entering 2nd-12th $255/person

Have you always wondered what it would be like to be a super hero? Join our camp staff for a short and sweet you won’t forget! Spend time creating super hero arts and crafts, gliding around Payette Lake on stand-up paddle boards, test your endurance and stamina on our challenge course, and spend a night showing off your super hero skills!

Splash, Peddle and Roll

Hogwarts Heroines

Peddle and Roll your way to an overnight trip at Ponderosa State Park during this adventurous week at camp! Practice trip planning skills and minimal packing for your trip and take a couple test rides on your bikes before the campout. Spend some of the week splashing around in water activities at camp before and after your overnight trip! Campers need to bring their own bicycles in good repair and helmets, and must be physically able to ride 2 miles at a time.

Spend the week learning to become courageous and strong like the leading ladies of Hogwarts. Challenge your friends to a game of Quidditch using Ginny’s confidence, get creative at arts and crafts like Luna, use courage like Fleur while participating in the triwizard tournament on Payette Lake and take a stab at creating the perfect Polyjuice potion like Hermione. Participate in activities throughout the week to see who wins the house cup!

July 8 - July 13 Grades: Entering 4th-12th $355/person

Cadette Challenge

July 8 - July 13 Grades: Entering 6th - 8th $450/person Back for a 3rd summer, Cadette Challenge is your summer adventure! Raft the rushing white water of the Main Payette River and paddle your way across Payette Lake to earn the bragging rights and opportunity to put your name on one of the paddles outside of Spirit Lodge. Take the ultimate challenge by going on a 10-mile backpacking overnight trip outside of McCall where you will be able to dip your feet in Loon Lake and explore the history of a World War II bomber wreckage. 7

JULY 15 - July 20 Grades: Entering 2nd-12th $355/person

Jack and Jill: “Into the Galaxy” July 20 - July 22 Grades: Entering 1st-12th $150/person

Back by popular demand! Start practicing your lightsaber moves because at this camp you’ll have a chance to make your own and challenge your favorite guy to a duel! Create Jaba slime, enjoy popcorn and snacks while watching Episode I- The Phantom Menace. Parent/guardians are responsible for participating with and supervising girls. Each girl and her male adult relative will share a cabin with another group based on grade level. Campers can request a buddy group for their cabin.

Free Being Me and You!

Juliette’s Pearls

When it comes to sisterhood, what girls start can spiral outward and change the world. To make a change in the world, we also need to see all the good in ourselves! Girls will earn the Sisterhood Award as they gain an understanding of sisterhood in their own lives and in the world, and the Free Being Me patch as they celebrate confidence, health, and being their best self. (This part will be “Girl-Led,” so girls may not complete the TakeAction part of this Journey.) Girls will also participate in traditional camp activities, including campfire, songs, water activities and more.

A full week dedicated to our fearless founder! Learn about Juliette’s lifetime of devotion to Girl Scouting, the importance of pearls and Girl Scout history during opening campfire. Practice your outdoor cooking skills, and learn about knife safety, lashing, and how to engineer a shelter using minimal tools. Use a compass to find your way to different points around camp and other camp activities such as canoeing, swimming, arts and crafts and lots of camp songs!

August 3 - August 5 Grades: Entering 9th-12th $150/person

August 5 - August 10 Grades: Entering 2nd-12th $355/person


camp Ta-man-a-wis sessions Family Camp

July 26 - July 28 Families w/ children age 5+ $250/cabin or platform tent


Explore wild flowers , aspens & sub-alpine firs! Hike extensive trails

Core Camp

July 28 - July 30 Grades: Entering 2nd-12th $100/person

Camp with your troop! Camp staff is on site to Camp Ta-Man-A-Wis is the help lead core activities, but perfect place to spend a couple in the Caribou - Targhee National Forest! this session is all about your days with those you love. Enjoy troop and the activities you camp crafts, archery, hiking, and choose. Upon arrival, each s’mores. You won’t want to miss troop will have the opportunity out on our all-camp Gameshow to sign up for core areas such night activity where you and your as archery, arts and crafts, family will participate in fun games nature, and camp crafts. Troop inspired by “Family Feud,” “Minute to leaders are to actively participate Win It,” and “Double Dare.” Each family with their troops. Bring any needed must consist of one adult and one supplies to complete a journey or a registered Girl Scout. Meals are included. badge and do it all in the beautiful Limit 8 people per cabin or platform tent. outdoors!

located near Swan Valley in Eastern Idaho, Camp Ta-Man-A-Wis is every girl’s outdoor dream. girls will spend their time backpacking, working on their archery skills, making new friends, and learning how to do leather crafts. arts and crafts, fire building, outdoor cooking, orienteering and stargazing, and swimming at Palisades Reservoir make each girl’s time at TAM memorable.


coming up next... we’ve added horses!

Cowgirl Up

July 30 - August 4 Grades: Entering 3rd -12th $375/person

Cowgirl Up!

You asked for it, and it’s finally here! Get ready to giddy-up because horses have taken over Camp TaMan-A-Wis for a week of grooming, gaining horse sense and riding. Spend time working with the horses and learning proper ways to ride. At the end of the week, test your skills by going on a trail ride.

Cadette Challenge

Calamity Jane

Cadette Challenge is your summer adventure! Challenge yourself on a high ropes course and zip line! Raft the rushing white water of the river. Camp under the stars and discover Saturn’s rings. Spend the week making friends and memories.

Hike trails around camp and learn how to tie knots that Calamity Jane herself tied while traveling through the Wild West. Learn about knife safety, lashing and how to engineer a shelter using minimal tools. Spend two nights camping on the banks of Palisades Reservoir swimming, stand up paddle boarding, and cooking over a campfire.

August 6 - August 11 Grades: Entering 6th-8th $350/person

August 6 - August 11 Entering 3rd-12th $240/person

“I was considered a remarkable good shot and a fearless rider for a girl of my age” -Calamity Jane


Join the Team! We are hiring for the following staff positions at our gorgeous summer camps: • Camp Directors • Site Managers • Program Directors • Counselors • Registered Nurses • Cooks

“Who wouldn’t want to educate, have fun, and have the potential to change lives all at an awesome summer camp?! Last summer was fulfilling, magical, and

CAP and TAM Kitchen Internship:

Have you completed at least one summer of CIT 2, but not yet 18 years old? Volunteer to assist in the kitchen at either one of our resident camps for 2-3 weeks this summer. Contact Courtney (crussell@ girlscouts-ssc.org) to find available weeks!

meaningful. It was more than just a summer job.” - Junny “Panda” foo, Camp Counselor 2017

If you like working with children, having fun in the sun, and passionate about empowering girls and young women, we have the perfect opportunity for you! Join our camp staff team where in addition to paid salaries, you will receive free food and lodging, opportunities to enjoy camp activities such as stand up paddle boarding, canoeing, kayaking, archery, team building and leadership opportunities, and so much more!


Trading Post & Camp Care Packages

Camp Trading Post The Trading Post definitely adds to the enjoyable experience of camp. Memory books, bracelet making kits, plush toys, coloring books, water bottles, camp trinkets, temporary camp tattoos, and many other fun options await your girl at the Trading Post. Campers will have the opportunity to visit the Trading Post during check-in and check-out with their parents or guardians and also during their camp session. Each girl must have a Trading Post Account set up two weeks in advance in order to purchase items. Upon online registration, the option will be given to add money to your camper’s Trading Post Account. There will be a $5 minimum. All money deposited into the Trading Post Account that goes unused is nonrefundable. Other forms of payment (cash, check, Cookie Dough) can also be used, but must be mailed or physically brought into the store. From there, an account will be set up under her name.

With new styles every year, campers and parents alike love to collect them all. Last year’s design above. Watch for the new design on Facebook and Instagram May 2018! Camp Sweatshirts: These will also be offered during online registration. Other forms of payment (cash, check, cookie dough) can also be used, but must be mailed or physically brought into the store. Sweatshirts will be dispersed to your camper upon arrival at camp. Orders must be placed two weeks before the beginning of their camp session (no exceptions). Youth Sizes-$27 Adult Sizes-$32

Add on the fun through your registration @


Camp Alice Pittenger: No checks, cash, or cookie dough will be accepted at the camp Trading Post (exceptions will be made during parent weekends and family camp). However, credit cards will be accepted with a parent/guardian present upon drop off and pick up. Camp Tam-Man-a-Wis: Cash, check, and Cookie Dough will be accepted. Camp Care Packs: We also offer a pre-ordered Camp Care Pack for $25. In a convenient day pack, your camper will find a stuffed cuddly friend, games, and other comfort items she can use at camp. This will also be offered with online registration. Other forms of payment (cash, check, Cookie Dough) can also be used, but must be mailed or physically brought into the store. Orders must be placed two weeks before the beginning of their camp session (no exceptions) and will be dispersed to your camper upon arrival at camp. For additional information, please email the store at store@girlscouts-ssc.org


Summer camp awai

BE FEARLESS SUPER GIRL! Arrival and Departure Times Arrival: Campers arrive between 4–5 pm for all sessions. Departure: Campers depart between 11am-12 pm for all sessions. Camp Buddies Girls will make new friends while at camp. However, they may also request one friend in the same Girl Scout grade level to attend as a camp buddy. To ensure placement together, both girls must submit camp registration forms for the same session with each other’s buddy name. Only one buddy request per camper. Camp Visitors Parents may receive a camp tour when they drop off their camper(s). Because camp is a growing experience for girls, visiting campers during a session is not permitted and campers cannot be contacted by telephone. Please do not promise your camper she will be able to call home. You are encouraged to write letters. Family Emergency In case of a family emergency, all parents will be supplied with a camp emergency contact phone number with their camp information packets. Electronic Equipment So all girl campers can enjoy the full camp experience, cell phones and other electronic devices (iPods, MP3 players, CD players, hand-held games, etc.) are not allowed at camp. Digital cameras are the exception to this rule and are allowed at camp. If a camper is caught using an electronic device, it will be removed, labeled with her name, and returned at the end of the camp session. Adults may use cell phones, however cabins do not have electrical outlets for charging. Weather Girl Scouts of Silver Sage reserves the right to alter activities due to weather conditions. Alternative options will be offered to replace an activity canceled due to weather. Our primary concern is for the girls’ safety, and every effort will be made to reschedule activities. No refunds or adjustments in fees will be made. Expected Camper Behavior Campers exhibiting inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to biting, hitting, refusing to participate in a program, not following staff directions, bullying, or creating a hostile and unsafe environment will need to be picked up by a parent or guardian immediately with no refund. All campers are expected to abide by the Girl Scout Promise and Law at camp. Note: The Camp Director reserves the right to request any child who is unable to adapt to camp living be picked up by a parent or guardian. Risk Management To keep campers safe, weapons, alcohol and drugs will not be permitted at camp. Girl Scouts of Silver Sage will not be

responsible for lost or stolen items. If an adult camper drives their vehicle to camp, they will park in the parking lot while at camp. Girl Scouts of Silver Sage is not responsible for any damages to vehicles while at camp. Only service animals that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability will be allowed at camp. Physical Examinations Health History Forms are found on the camp web page and used to document each camper’s health status. Girls and adults attending more than three days of camp will be required to have a health exam (within the last 24 months from the session’s opening date). No camper will be admitted to camp without a current Health History Form, which must be turned in at check in. Girls and adults attending less than three days of camp need to complete the first page. Medical Professionals Camps have a medical professional on site. If campers require additional medical attention, area medical centers are on-call and if needed campers will be transported there. A parent or guardian will be called if a fever arises, contagious symptoms exist, or camper needs to be transported to the hospital. Health Screening Girls will go through a brief health screening upon arrival at camp. Girls and adults found to have a high temperature or contagious disease will be sent home. All girls are checked for head lice during check-in at camp and if found, the camper will need to be picked up by a parent or guardian for treatment and cleared by a doctor before being allowed back at camp. The health supervisor has the right to refuse admittance to any girl/adult who does not meet acceptable health standards. Note: This health screening does not eliminate the need for a health exam for girls and adults attending more than three days of camp. Medication The health supervisor will administer prescribed and over-thecounter medications. Note: MEDICATIONS MUST BE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERS AND WILL ONLY BE ADMINISTERED TO THE SPECIFIC PERSON TO WHOM IT WAS PRESCRIBED. Health and Hygiene Girls need to be able to take care of their basic health and hygiene such as applying sunscreen, brushing their hair and teeth, showering, and changing their clothes each day. Counselors will help cue girls with basic needs, however girls are ultimately responsible for self-care. Physical Requirements Camp is a special place where all girls are able to have fun, while gaining courage and confidence in a safe atmosphere emotionally and physically. Programs at CAP and TAM require that participants


!!! are able to walk up and down hill, on uneven trails, and hike up to a mile. To help us provide the best possible camp experience for your daughter, in regards to any special needs, disabilities, mobility limitations, emotional behaviors, dietary restrictions, or severe food allergies, please contact the Camp Manager, Courtney, at crussell@girlscouts-ssc.org. You can discuss with her the nature of your camper’s needs to determine if the camp can provide the proper support, supervision and make the necessary accommodations for your camper to have a safe, fun and fulfilling camp experience. Special Dietary Needs Girls are provided three nutritious meals and snacks daily. Basic special diets can be accommodated, including, lactose intolerance, vegetarian, and simple allergies (camper must understand her allergy and know what foods not to eat). Campers with moderateto-severe allergies need to be able to fully manage their allergies at camp. We cannot guarantee a child will not come in contact with any type of food or allergen during her stay. Campers with gluten free diets will be charged an additional $20 for gluten free food at time of registration.

camp sessions can use their daughter’s Cookie Dough. For Core Camps, Cookie Dough can only be used by girls. Cookie Dough may be transferred among sisters, but cannot be transferred to other girls. Instructions for redeeming Cookie Dough can be found online. Camperships (Financial Assistance) We want every girl to be able to go to camp. Camperships are available to registered Girl Scouts of Silver Sage and are granted based on need and available funds. Once a $50 deposit is made, a camper can apply for a campership. Selections will be made by committee review. A campership application is available during online registration. Refunds Refunds will be considered on a case by case basis. A request for the refund must be submitted in writing to the Camp Registrar. No refunds are given if a girl returns home during camp because of homesickness, inappropriate behavior, and/or other circumstances. Deposits are non-refundable.

Contact camp@girlscouts-ssc.org to ensure all special dietary needs are met. Homesickness Homesickness is a natural reaction for girls being away from home, especially for the first time. Camp staff is trained to deal with homesickness and will work with the camper on an individual basis. If the problem persists, the Camp Director will be notified and parents will be contacted. To help prepare first-time campers for being away from home, we encourage parents to research homesickness tips on the Internet. Payment Information Deposits In anticipation of a camper’s attendance, various expenses are incurred, such as supplies, equipment, registration, and camp staffing costs. Accordingly, there is a non-refundable deposit as follows: • $50 deposit per camper. Group sessions, deposit is per group (Jack & Jill, Core, Family, and Girls’ Weekend) Payment Methods Online payments are the quickest and ensure her spot. Cash, check, credit card, cookie dough, and gift certificate payments can be mailed in or dropped off at 8948 West Barnes St. Boise, Idaho 83709. A $25 late fee will be applied to all camper balances not received by the deadline of 2 weeks before beginning date of camp session. Cookies to Camp Cookie Dough is earned by girls participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program and can be used as payment toward camp. Adults attending our Girls’ Weekend, Jack & Jill Weekend or Family Camp


CAMP AT A GLANCE Session Name Pioneer Girl CAP Core Camp 1 CIT 1 Ponderosa Mystery CIT 2 Real Life Wonder Women Girls' Weekend 1 Super Girls

CAP Family Camp CAP Cadette Challenge Splash, Peddle & Roll Hogwarts Heroines Jack & Jill CAP Core Camp 2 Girls' Weekend 2

Session Specialty Horse Session

STEM Session STEM Session Princess Paradise Short 'n Sweet

Into the Galaxy Back to Basics

TAM Family Camp TAM Core Camp Girls' Weekend 3 Get Groovy in the 60’s Cowgirl Up Horse Session CAP Core Camp 3 Free Being Me & You Juliette's Pearls TAM Cadette Challenge Calamity Jane *Price Per Person unless otherwise noted

Grade Entering 2-12 Entering 2-12 Entering 9-12 Entering 2-12 Entering 11-12 Entering 2-12 Entering 1-12 Entering 2-12

Camp Dates 6/10-6/15 6/15-6/17 6/17-6/22 6/17-6/22 6/17-6/29 6/24-6/29 6/29-7/1 7/1-7/4

Price * $480 $115 $350 $355 $450 $365 $150 $255


Families with children age 5 and up Entering 6-8 Entering 4-12 Entering 2-12 Entering 1-12 Entering 2-12 Entering 1-12

7/6-7/8 7/8-7/13 7/8-7/13 7/15-7/20 7/20-7/22 7/22-7/24 7/24-7/26

$400/cabin $455 $355 $355 $150 $115 $150


Families with children age 5 and up Entering 2-12 Entering 1-12 Entering 3-12 Entering 2-12 Entering 9-12 Entering 2-12 Entering 6-8 Entering 3-12

7/26-7/28 7/28-7/30 7/29-7/31 7/30-8/4 8/1-8/3 8/3-8/5 8/5-8/10 8/6-8/11 8/6-8/11

$250/cabin or platform tent $100 $150 $375 $115 $150 $355 $350 $240


Where do you see yourself this summer? Horse back riding like Calamity Jane Paddling through cool waters like Pocahontas Solving mysteries like Hermione Exploring science like Rosalind Franklin or being an excellent outdoors-woman like Juliette Gordon Low?

Find it at all at Girl Scout Camp! 15

Camp Sponsor Super Hero’s! From financial support to healthy snacks and interactive activities at camp, we’re grateful for the support provided by our generous camp sponsors.


Silver Sage


Treasure Valley Outdoor Explorers & Engineers

Tuesday, March 27 Level: Daisy-Brownie Price: $30 Daisy & Brownie Girl Scouts are invited to a day of building and exploration. Girls will earn one of the new Goldieblox badges as well as their Art in Outdoor Badge!

Detective & Special Agent Badge Day

Wednesday, March 28 Level: Junior-Cadette Price: $30 Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts, grab your magnifying glasses and dive into science of investigation! Learn about what detectives do, and try out forensic science. Juniors will earn their Detective Badge, and Cadettes will earn their Special Agent Badges.

Spring Break Journey Jumpstart for Teens – Mission Sisterhood

Thursday, March 29 Level: Senior-Ambassador Price: $30 This Journey Jumpstart explores social styles, friendship values, and current events that effect all women and girls.

Brownie Outdoor Journey Camp

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday July 10 - 12 (girls must attend all dates to earn badge and/or award.) Level: Brownie Price: $65 During this day camp session, girls will earn their Outdoor Journey. 17

GoldieBlox & Outdoor Fun

Monday, Tuesday July 16 - 17 (girls must attend all dates to earn badge and/or award.) Level: Daisy Price: $65 Brownie Girl Scouts are invited to join us for two days of GoldieBlox & Outdoor Fun!

Think Like an Engineer Journey

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday July 18 - 20 (girls must attend all dates to earn badge and/or award.) Level: Juniors Price: $65 Girls discover how to think like an engineer by participating in hands-on design challenges and completing a Take Action project.

Journey Jumpstart for Teens - GIRLtopia

Monday, July 23, Wednesday July 25, Wednesday August 1 (girls must attend all dates to earn badge and/or award). Level: Senior-Ambassador Price: $65 On this journey, you will create an ideal community where girls’ values, needs, and interests are respected and celebrated- always! Along the way, you might discover that when you can envision a change, you can make it happen!

Journey Jumpstart for Cadettes - aMaze

Thursday, July 26, Friday July 27, and Tuesday July 31 (girls must attend all dates to earn badge and/or award). Level: Cadettes Price: $65 Life is a maze! Let this Journey Jumpstart guide your way. Through art projects, games, and fun group activities, you’ll navigate twists and turns, find friendship, and build up lots of confidence to complete your Journey.

Regional Outdoor Explorers & Engineers

Tuesday, June 19 in Idaho Falls Level: Daisy-Brownie-Junior Price: $25 Daisy & Brownie Girl Scouts are invited to a day of building and exploration. Girls will earn one of the new Goldieblox badges as well as their Art in Outdoor Badge!

Outdoor Explorers & Engineers

Wednesday, June 20 in Pocatello Level: Daisy-Brownie-Junior Price: $25 Daisy & Brownie Girl Scouts are invited to a day of building and exploration. Girls will earn one of the new Goldieblox badges as well as their Art in Outdoor Badge!

Get Day Camp details & register online! www.girlscouts-ssc.org

Outdoor Explorers & Engineers

Thursday, June 21 in Twin Falls Level: Daisy-Brownie-Junior Price: $25 Daisy & Brownie Girl Scouts are invited to a day of building and exploration. Girls will earn one of the new Goldieblox badges as well as their Art in Outdoor Badge!


Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 8948 W. Barnes St. Boise, ID 83709

Summer camp awaits.

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