2019 Family Cookie Guide

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Cookie Season

Family Guide

Dear Families: There is a Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader waiting to unleash her BOLD, living in your home! Yes, she is your Girl Scout. No matter her age, your girl is experiencing opportunities through Girl Scouting that will help her thrive in the future. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience focuses on building skills and creating adventures in STEM, The Outdoors, Life Skills and Entrepreneurship. Together with her troop sisters, your girl sets her sights on programs and activities that spark her passions, camping adventures that take her into the great outdoors and away from the hubbub of a digital world, STEM experiments that encourage her to invent and explore, and badges she can’t wait to earn. Our girls’ goals are built on Cookies! The Girl Scout Cookie Program fuels your girl’s potential by giving her real-life experiences in the business world. She sets goals, makes decisions, manages money, develops people skills and learns business ethics. The proceeds from her cookie business can be used to fund her dreams! Whether she wants to spend a summer at Camp Whispering Pines or Hacienda Day Camp, save up for a trip she’ll never forget, or buy the supplies she needs to complete a new badge and learn a new skill, your girl can earn her experience. Do you remember the first time you said, “I earned that?” The feeling of pride and accomplishment you felt—that is how your girl will feel as she achieves her goals. As with all of your girl’s activities, Girl Scouting is a family affair. You are vital to her experience in everything she does in the Movement. You bring her troop experience to life with your participation and your interest in her accomplishments. The Cookie Program gives you many opportunities to be involved! Help your girl decide where she wants to make a difference in the community by exploring local needs for her Gift of Caring project. Take her on a walkabout in your neighborhood to offer Girl Scout cookies to your community. Work with her at a cookie booth and marvel in her ability to talk to strangers, make a sale, or politely accept a “no, thank you.” The Cookie Program will help your girl build important skills and have fun with her sister Girl Scouts. It is my hope that you enjoy the journey as well. On My Honor,

CEO, Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona

Table of Contents 4

Why Participate In The Cookie Program


Get The Most From The Cookie Program


Meet The Cookies


It’s A Team Effort!


Safety Tips


Family Calendar For Success


Ways To Sell Cookies


Cookie Booths


Digital Cookie


Girl Scouts Give Back


Cookie Season Contests


Media Guidelines


Travel Bucks & Cookie Dough


Cookie Merchandise Headquarters




Reward Experiences

Why Participate in The

Cookie Program? What are your hopes for your Girl Scout? Certainly, you want her to make good decisions, know how to manage money, and feel confident setting and reaching goals, like attending college. The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps her succeed today and prepares her for future success. There’s a good reason it’s a beloved family tradition!

Goal Setting Your Girl Scout sets cookie sales goals individually and with her troop, creates a plan to reach them, and develops cooperation and team-building skills all along the way. Help her to set personal learning goals, and keep a record of her accomplishments throughout the season!


Decision Making Encourage your Girl Scout to develop a basic business plan for her cookie sale, and to team up with her troop to make decisions about how to spend the money they earn. These critical thinking and problem-solving skills will go a long way as she learns and grows!

Money Management Your Girl Scout takes cookie orders, handles customers’ money, and gains valuable and practical life skills around financial literacy. Help her develop a budget for accomplishing at least one of the goals she sets, and use this budget to help determine her sales goals!

People Skills Your Girl Scout learns how to engage with all kinds of people while selling cookies, building healthy relationship skills that will last her a lifetime. Encourage her to practice her “elevator speech” about what she is selling and why.

Business Ethics Our Promise and Law are the foundation of Girl Scouting. Talk with your girl about how she connects those values to what she does in the Girl Scout Cookie Program as a businesswoman!

Get the most from the

cookie program Girl Scouts builds financially savvy young women who use their values to change the world. At the core are the 5 Skills gained through the Cookie Program. Cookie Business and Financial Literacy badges help girls learn to apply these skills to everyday situations, giving them the tools to become self-reliant and financially empowered.

Talk It Up and Count It Up Daisies see how cookie money adds up and decide how to best use cookie profits.


Meet My Customers and Give Back


Brownies find customers and get comfortable selling to them, then learn how businesses help others.

Cookie CEO and Customer Insights


Juniors learn to manage all facets of the cookie business and gain a better understanding of customers.

Think Big, Business Plan, and Marketing


Cadettes set big goals for the cookie program and brainstorm creative ways to reach them, write an effective business plan, and create a marketing plan for the cookie program.

My Portfolio and Customer Loyalty Seniors show college admissions officers and employers the benefits of the sales experience, and build business by increasing customer loyalty.


Profit and Loss and Research and Development


Ambassadors use research and Girl Scout values to develop new ways to build the business.

The Girl Scout Activity Pin All girls who participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program are eligible to earn the annual Cookie Activity Pin. When she receives the pin, invite your girl to share her accomplishments from this Cookie Season, and reflect on how she has grown in each of the 5 Cookie Skills!


core cookies

Specialty Cookies Why are these cookies $6? Girl Scout S’mores and Toffee-tastics cost our council twice as much as the core cookies! That additional dollar goes a long way toward supporting our troops and powering girl adventures.

$6 S’mores


This crunchy graham sandwich cookie has layers of creamy chocolate and marshmallowy filling, embossed with the Girls’ Choice Outdoor badges.

•Developed just for Girl Scouts, in response to popular consumer trends, it’s the first cookie in the world with layered fillings! •Made with natural flavors and specialty ingredients, the S’mores cookie is Whole Foods Market compliant, with:

No hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils

No artificial colors

No high fructose corn syrup

No GMOs •To create the exclusive fillings, the baker invested in new machinery and procedures. •Delivering the taste and intensity consumers expect requires twice the amount of natural flavors compared to artificial flavors. These additional expenses are added to council costs.

Toffee-Tastic $6

Toffee-tastic is a rich, buttery gluten-free cookie packed with toffee chips. Special gluten-free ingredients, and the process of testing the production line and product to ensure this cookie is gluten-free, create additional expenses that the baker passes on to councils.


It’s a Team Effort Here are some ways that families can support their Girl Scout: Encourage Goal Setting Goal-setting is an important life skill. Guide her to set practical goals about what she hopes to learn and earn. Ask about her troop’s goals. Help her complete the order card section that explains her troop’s goal. Encourage her to share her goal with customers.

Support her sale Be by her side as she develops her confidence to ask people for their support. Listen to her as she practices her sales pitch. Accompany her as she sells and delivers cookies.

BE IN THE KNOW As a parent or guardian, your encouragement and guidance is essential to your Girl Scout’s positive and safe Cookie Program experience. Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the guidelines and standards listed in this guide.

TAILOR YOUR COOKIE EXPERIENCE We understand how busy you are! Talk with your troop leader and cookie manager to determine the best participation level for you and your girl.

Volunteer Help her troop and Troop Cookie Manager by chaperoning booth sales, picking up cookies, sorting rewards and more.

Practice Safety Help your girl understand the Girl Scout safety rules for selling cookies.


Safety Tips Show you’re a Girl Scout. Wear uniforms, the Girl Scout membership pin and/or Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout.

Buddy up. Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe; it’s more fun.

Be streetwise. Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout Cookies.

Partner with adults. Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors when they are taking orders, selling, or delivering the product. Girls grades 6-12 must be supervised by an adult when selling door-todoor and must never sell alone. Adults should be present at a cookie booth in any public place at all times.

Plan ahead. Always have a plan for safeguarding money, and avoid walking around with large amounts or keeping it at home or school. Give proceeds to supervising adults, who should deposit it as directed by your Girl Scout council as soon as possible.

Do not enter. Never enter someone’s home or vehicle when you are selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys.

Be safe on the road. Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles.

Protect privacy. Girls’ names, addresses, or email addresses should never be given out to customers. Use a troop contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information, reorder, or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the product sale. Girls should never take credit card numbers.


Be Netwise. Take the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge before going online, and follow the specific guidelines related to marketing online. Girl Scouts cannot collect money online.

family calendar

for success COOKIE RALLIES Saturday, Dec. 8 Graham/Greenlee Cookie Rally

Thursday, Dec. 13 Cochise County Cookie Craze

Saturday, Dec. 8 Yuma Cookie Rally

Saturday, Jan. 12 Bear Down Cookie Kickoff

Rothery Education Center 3305 E Fry Blvd, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 5:30-7:30pm $3.00 per girl

First United Methodist Church 1020 S 10th Avenue, Safford, AZ 85546 10:00am-12:00pm FREE!

MLK Center 300 S 13th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 10:00am-12:00pm $3.00 per girl

UA Women’s Gymnastics Meet McKale Center 1 National Championship Drive Tucson, AZ 85719 1:00pm-5:00pm $3.00 per girl

REWARD EXPERIENCES Girls earn individual rewards for participating in the Cookie Program. All rewards are cumulative and based on the overall total number of boxes sold. Please note event dates as girls plan their goals. There are no rain checks, as dates are firm. Girls who make it to our experience-based rewards will receive an invite from the Cookie Team once the sale has ended.

May 18

July 20

400+ Box Contest Event

500 Club (Waylons - Yuma)

Odysea Aquarium

April 13

May 31 - June 2

September 6-7

March 23

Top Golf

Disneyland Turnaround Trip

May 5

June 15

November 14-20

iFly Indoor Skydiving

Disney Cruise

500 Club (Reid Park Zoo)

Out of Africa

COOKIE SALE DATES Janurary 19 Cookie Sale Begins February 23-25 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend March 3 Last Day of the Cookie Sale


ways to sell cookies Door-to-Door

Encourage girls to canvass their communities with buddies and adult partners, leaving no doorbell unrung!

Sell door-to-door with cookies in hand. Load up a wagon with cookies, make signs, and you are ready for a

neighborhood walkabout.

Telephone Sales It’s fast and easy to sell Girl Scout Cookies by phone. Girls can review order cards from previous years and contact these customers again. Later in the sale, call customers who have purchased orders and ask if they need additional cookies.

Try a text-a-thon! Girls may want to text friends and family to let them know it’s cookie time and ask for orders.

Workplace Sales Girls can contact business owners or managers to request permission to sell cookies at a workplace. Girls can either make a quick “sales pitch” at a staff meeting or make sales calls around the office, depending on the

wishes of the business. Once employee sales are complete, the business may allow girls to leave an order card in a visible spot. Leave a note from your troop outlining your goals and plans for the cookie proceeds. (Remember not to list girls’ last names or phone numbers on the order card or note.) An adult at work may oversee the card, but it is the girl’s responsibility to fill all orders, write thank you notes, and oversee delivery.

Girls should establish a date and time to pick up the order card and deliver the cookies.





Troop leaders sign up for booths in advance, and will share dates with families once booths are scheduled. Individual sellers may contact their troop liaison to discuss booth scheduling.

Dates and Hours Cookie booths begin the first day of sales (January 19th). Please note that grocery stores and other locations are subject to scheduling by their corporate headquarters and may not be available the first weekend of sales. Booths will be scheduled as follows (dependent on store restrictions): Monday through Friday, 4:00pm to 7:00pm Saturday and Sunday, 8:00am to 8:00pm

Booth Behavior It is important for the girls (and guardians) to recognize that they are representing Girl Scouts at the booths, and therefore should be on their best “Girl Scout Behavior.” Remember the Girl Scout Promise and Law! Girls should be courteous to patrons, stand in front of the booth, and be energized and engaged! Girls should also be wearing appropriate Girl Scout attire. Parents and guardians are also encouraged to wear Girl Scout attire, and should exhibit and role model appropriate behavior at booths.




In order to best protect our girls, Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona recommends all adults working with girls be registered and approved volunteers.


While strongly encouraged, the second adult supporting a cookie booth is not required to have a Girl Scout membership. However, they MUST have an approved background check. Booth supporters do not count towards safety ratios. For more information, see girlscoutssoaz.org/boothsupport. (When caregivers are working directly with their own girl and no other Girl Scouts are present, a background check is not required.)

A “My Sales Booth” can be scheduled with your Troop Cookie Manager. These are set up at businesses not already approached by council. Please contact your Troop Cookie Manager prior to asking a business about a “My Sales Booth,” so they can inform you whether or not the location is already secured by council.

Girls can set up a table in their own front yard. This is called a “lemonade stand.” Pulling a wagon through a neighborhood is always encouraged! (However, please do not bring a wagon to the University of Arizona campus, through the Gem Show, or through city parks during sporting events. Per Arizona law, you can be fined for doing so.)


Digital Cookie™ is an exciting way for girls to learn 21st century entrepreneurial skills. The secure online system allows girls to design personalized storefronts to share their cookie program goals and invite customers to support them. With Digital Cookie, girls can send customers to their website to order and pay for cookies online. Customers can ask for their orders to be delivered in-person, or pay for shipping. Orders are automatically recorded in eBudde. It’s a faster and easier way to reach goals!

Become an e-biz whiz! Digital Cookie Construction Day is January 5th from 10am-12pm.

Did you know? On average, Digital cookie orders are bigger than in-person orders!


Girls in our council selling traditionally (door-to-door and booths) had a per-girl-average (PGA) of 225 boxes. Girls in our council selling both traditionally AND online had a PGA of 435!

Digital Cookie Rewards Send 15 emails through Digital Cookie and receive the Cookie Techie Patch!

Sell 50 boxes through Digital Cookie and receive the Clouded Leopard Charm!

Online social networking sites are a great place for teens (13 and older, with parental permission) to ask for cookie orders. Be sure girls follow the GSUSA safety guidelines for online marketing (see page 20).


GIRL SCOUTS COOKIES FOR MILITARY During this time of year, we reflect and give thanks to those who have impacted our lives. Girl Scouts of all ages are encouraged to learn about and honor the military men and women who risk their lives to serve our country through the Mission Military patch program. The COOKIES FOR MILITARY (CFM) program is designed for customers to purchase cookies for deployed military, and is a council-sponsored Gift of Caring. Girls collect money for Cookies for Military as they would for a regular box of cookies. However, this is a “virtual donation” – the cookies sent overseas do NOT come out of your troop’s (or your girl’s) inventory. This program gives girls the opportunity to learn about military service and history for each of the five branches of our military. To participate, go to www.girlscoutssoaz.org/missionmilitary.

Cookies for Military Rewards


GIVE BACK GIFT OF CARING Troops may also choose to donate cookies to other organizations, in an individual GIFT OF CARING, or to participate in COOKIES FOR CHANGE by supporting organizations that may not need physical boxes of cookies. Girls can use a portion of their cookie proceeds to provide goods or resources to a cause or their favorite organization, such as purchasing canned goods for a food bank or buying the supplies to make dog treats for an animal shelter. Girls are encouraged to advertise these efforts at their booths and talk about them with their customers. Girls will earn a Gift of Caring patch for selling 5 Gift of Caring boxes or the equivalent in donated funds.


Cookie Season

COntests BLING MY BOOTH Encourage your girl to dream big and go for bold! This year’s Bling My Booth contest is themed “Go For Bold: Share Your Cookie Goal!” Girls and troops are encouraged to use their imaginations and decorate their booths to show customers how they plan to use their cookie proceeds this year. For example…

Saving up for surf camp, or a backpacking trip? Style your booth “under the sea” or “on the trail”! Raising funds to support a local animal shelter? Decorate your booth with paw prints and puppy tails! Planning to support your Gold Award project with cookie money? Tell the world what your project’s all about!

Submit a photo and a story about your troop’s Cookie Season goals at girlscoutssoaz.org/blingmybooth to enter to win a prize for your whole troop!

We’re challenging girls to sell 400+ boxes individually by February 10th! Girls who reach that goal will be invited to a special event in their area on Saturday, March 23rd.



MEDIA GUIDELINES Online Selling and Marketing

For the safety of girls, GSUSA has provided guidance with regards to online selling for Girl Scout Product Programs. Girls may only use the Internet to market the Girl Scout Cookie Program and Fall Product Program to Friends and Family (for clarity, “friends and family” are people whom the girl or her family personally know).

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a girl-led program and online marketing and sales efforts should always be led by a girl while also being supervised by her caregiver. Friends and family of a girl participating in the Cookie Program must not market or share a girl’s contact information, sales links, or sales information on public-facing online sites. They also should not share their sales links with any news outlets (this includes online and traditional news media, such as radio, television, or magazines). We know customers will ask about cookies in community forums and Facebook Groups. Please only share the Cookie Locator publicly! (You may also privately connect them to your girl’s Digital Cookie page.) For safety purposes and other reasons, online marketing activities, especially those conducted through social media platforms, should always be done through accounts set to “private.” Should any online marketing activities be identified as in violation of guidance, GSUSA and the council reserve the right to intervene and request removal or remove the post. Caregivers, girls, and volunteers should contact and collaborate with council and GSUSA in advance on any national news media opportunities, and should contact council for guidance on any local news media opportunities. The only approved platform for accepting Girl Scout Cookie money online is Digital Cookie. You may not use any additional online payment platforms.

We All Represent Girl Scouts! Social media is a wonderful tool! It allows us to connect with others and promote our amazing entrepreneurship program. Please keep posts positive. We all represent the Girl Scout Movement and Cookie Program to the public. If you have a concern, there are plenty of people ready to support you (Area Cookie Managers, the Cookie Advisory Team, and Staff).


News Media Guidelines Girl Scouts have so many wow-worthy stories to share—and the Cookie Program is one of the most popular! We love when the media showcases troops’ Gift of Caring projects, or girl-led adventures funded by the Cookie Sale. Please keep in mind that any troop that speaks to the media is representing the entire Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona council, as well as GSUSA. If you are approached by the local media, whether for an online, print, radio, or television outlet, please contact the Cookie Team for guidance. Please do not approach the media independently of council. If you have a fantastic story to share, let us know, and we can help you and your girls spread the news!

COOKIE DOUGH The Cookie Dough Card is designed to be earned and used by individual Girl Scouts. It is separate from troop proceeds, which are earned by each troop to support activities and projects. Cookie Dough Cards are not to be accepted for troop dues or to become part of the troop treasury. Cookie Dough Cards may be used toward the fees for any GSSOAZ-sponsored camp or event, GSUSAsponsored Destination or travel program, funding for Highest Awards projects, or toward merchandise from the GSSOAZ retail shops. Cookie Dough Cards are not redeemable for cash. Cookie Dough Cards from the 2019 season will expire on Februray 28, 2020.

TRAVEL BUCKS Travel bucks are designed to give girls the opportunity to convert their earned Cookie Dough (before its expiration date!) into virtual funds that they can save up to use later on travel experiences, either through the GSUSA Destinations program or through council-sponsored travel opportunities.

In order to convert Cookie Dough into Travel Bucks, the following rules must be followed: The Cookie Dough must be submitted to the local Girl Scout office via the online form found at girlscoutssoaz.org/ cookieresources. Cookie Dough must be converted prior to their expiration date. Cookie Dough for the 2019 season will expire on 2/28/20. Travel Bucks expire 5 years from the original Cookie Dough expiration date. If they are not redeemed by their expiration date, they are forfeited. Travel bucks converted during the 2019 cookie program will expire 2/28/24. Travel Bucks are issued in whole dollar amounts only, with a minimum of $25 to do a conversion. Travel Bucks are not transferable to another person. Travel Bucks can only be used for GSSOAZ council-sponsored trips or GSUSA Destinations.


How the

cookie crumbles

GSSOAZ proceeds benefit girls, troops, and volunteers, by supporting... Girl activities and programs

Social Impact programs ensuring all girls in our community have the opportunity to be a Girl Scout Camp and Resource Center properties Training workshops Community partnerships Financial assistance Background screenings for volunteers

100% of proceeds stay in Southern Arizona! 22



Rewards 24

Paws-Off Journal OR $3 Cookie Dough

Wild About Cookies Chair OR Messenger Bag

Leopard Plush OR $4 Cookie Dough

Disneyland Turnaround Trip (May 31 - June 2, 2019) OR Free Week at day camp OR backpacking pack and hiking poles

Pen Bracelets

Cookies & Milk Drink/Snack Cup OR $5 Cookie Dough

TY Dotty Backpack Clip

TY Dotty Slides OR TY Dotty Wristlet

Phone Ring Stand OR Leopard Sleep Mask

Reid Park Zoo (May 4, 2019) OR Waylon’s Water World (Yuma, May 18, 2019) OR sleeping bag and jumbo pouf

Custom Vans OR Custom 40 oz. Hydroflask

Out of Africa Safari Experience (September 6-7, 2019)

(November 14-20, 2019) 25



Trip Details Per GSUSA guidelines, any out-of-state experience with a Daisy or Brownie Girl Scout requires a parent/caregiver chaperone. We have provided experiences in which all Juniors and above will travel with staff chaperones, helping them build courage, confidence and character by experiencing time with other girls their age.

Disneyland and California Adventure Turnaround Trip MAY 31 - JUNE 2, 2019 Daisy and Brownie Girl Scouts must have a parent/caregiver chaperone on the trip. Chaperones’ tickets into the park will be the financial responsibility of each chaperone. All Junior Girl Scouts and up will be chaperoned by a staff member. • Leave the night of May 31st for California. • Arrive in the early AM of June 1 to Anaheim. Brief pit stop to change, eat breakfast, and get ready for the day. • Snack items and continental-style breakfast will be provided. Additional items may be purchased at your leisure at our pit stop, but is the financial responsibility of the individual Girl Scout. • Spend the day hopping between both Disneyland and California Adventure. • Board buses for home after the fireworks, and return home by 9am on June 2. • Girl safety is our number one priority while on this trip! We strongly encourage all girls to ride the bus to and from Disneyland. Girls will not be permitted to ride the bus one direction or be picked up from any location other than their original drop-off and pick-up location. • Ticket exchanges or upgrades will not be permitted.

1500+ Top Golf Experience - APRIL 13, 2019 Join your 1500 Club Girl Scout sisters for an afternoon of celebrations at Top Golf-Tucson. Girls will enjoy 2 hours of Top Golf game play, lunch, dessert, a goodie bag and tons of fun! This experience is only open to girls who received this reward. Additional family members are welcome to attend and financially responsible for themselves.

2019+ iFly Indoor Skydiving - JUNE 15, 2019 Girls will be transported to Phoenix for an indoor skydiving experience at iFly! Girls will participate in a STEM activity with iFly educators who will guide them through an interactive presentation and demos in the wind tunnel. Following a pre-flight training, girls will have the opportunity for multiple flights in the wind tunnel, including the high flight. During their time in the wind tunnel girls will receive one-on-one flight instruction. Lunch, a t-shirt and a patch will be provided for each girl.

2500+ Odysea Aquarium and Animal Encounter JULY 20, 2019 Girls will be transported to OdySea Aquarium in Phoenix, where they will explore the different exhibits the aquarium has to offer, from Penguin Point and the Otter Banks to a variety of marine touch pools. Girls will also enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour, as well as an animal encounter where we will learn about habitat, behaviors, eating habits, and everything in between. Lunch at the aquarium will be provided for each girl. Additional family members are welcome to attend and are financially responsible for themselves.

3500+ Out of Africa Safari Experience - SEPTEMBER 6-7, 2019 Have you ever wondered what an African Bush Safari Tour is all about, or what it’s like to feed a Tiger? How about meeting a two-toed sloth named Bart! Girl Scouts and their adult chaperone will enjoy an exotic wildlife experience without leaving the state of Arizona, during this overnight adventure to the Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Camp Verde, AZ. Girls and their chaperones will be transported to Camp Verde on Friday, September 6th, where we will settle in for the evening before waking up to experience all that Out of Africa has to offer on Saturday, September 7th. Meals, lodging, transportation and experiences at Out of Africa are all included in this experience for both the girl and her adult chaperone. No additional family members are permitted to attend. Out of Africa Safari Experience (September 6-7, 2019)

4500+ Disney Cruise - NOVEMBER 14-20, 2019 Get your passports ready! Girls who sell 4500+ boxes will earn an unforgettable Disney cruise for themselves and an adult chaperone. We will first travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico where we will board a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. For 5 days we will enjoy the food, fun, sights, scenes, and experiences that each of the ports of call has to offer. No additional family members are permitted to attend. The adult chaperone attending the trip MUST BE 18 years or older and a registered Girl Scout Adult Member. A passport is required for international travel, and must be obtained by each Girl Scout and chaperone in order to attend. Council is not responsible for fees associated with obtaining a passport.


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Family Guide

Cookie Season ENTER YOUR TROOP INFO HERE: Troop Cookie Manager Name: Phone: Email: Best Time to Contact: Troop Cookie Information Cookie Payment Due Dates: Troop Gift Of Caring Project: My Girl Scout’s Goal: Other:

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