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Natural or a Pop of Color
Thebeauty of makeupisn't inthe makeupitself,but intheprocessof discoveringthelooksthat defineyou.
WelcomeCynthiaFarsadi tothe She-pack asshebringsher knowledge inthebeauty industrytousthrough thebrandssheloves Hereshe's bringingyouamorenatural look inthe topright andthenalook withabit morecolor usingthefollowing products.
Natural Look
Tarte by the Sea Glowlight in shade Glimmer
HourglassVanish Concealer inSilk
Nudestix Blush inMoodieBlu
1 2
Kvd Gel Liquid Bronzer in light mediumneutral
Ilia LimitlessLash Mascara inblack
Hourglass Glossy Balm Lip in shade Haze
Hourglass Ambient Foundation in shade5.5
HourglassBlush Stick inshadeSacred
Hourglass All Over Setting Powder in Veil
HourglassCaution Mascara inblack
Khole Creamy Black Liner from % pure
*All itemsandveganarecruelty free!
Glimmersof sunshine have been peeking through, but I don't feel like I am fully ready to start looking ahead towardsSpring quite yet.
I still want toenjoy thewinter withafew more,not necessarily just cold days,but snowy days I lovethe snow andhavemissed out thisseason I amwonderingif I wouldstill beso welcomingif thesnow decided tovisit andvisit hardinApril asI get ready torotatethe wardrobe I amstill workingonmy moodywinter blues by wearingmy favoritecolorsevenif they arebright summer orange Coralishwill forever bemy go-to favorite Doyouhaveone?
Beforeweget intothemakeupfun,skinhasbeenatrial anderror thisseasonasif I amnew tolearningabout it. Thisissomethingevery singleoneof usfacewhichis beingnew tolearningsomethingevenif it may not be technically learningsomething'new' but learninghow tomanagesomethingduringadifferent season I have hadaskinflareupfor monthsunder oneeyethat dancedaboveandbelow my eyefor weeksbut because I havelearnedabout productsandhow tomakecertain linesandingredientswork for me,I havebeenableto helpwiththespreadinganddurationof theflare-up. Theskingameisstill at thecoreof successful make-up routinesandnon-makeupskincareroutinesand,of course,healthy eatingisthecoreof skincaresuccess andif I godeeper thanskin-deepandgut healththen thecoreof myvery well beingisdeterminedby what I meditateon.Fortunately,not beingliketheweather that isonly predictedbut I canspeak,act,andliveon faith AlthoughI havegreat anticipationfor oneblizzard thisseasontheweather isnot inmy control but only my responsetotheworldaroundme follow any fitnesssister that inspiresustowork out andyoutoowill learnthegreat benefitsof strength training.Progressisonly determinedbycommitment. Commitment isdeterminedby what I chooseto meditateonandthink about andspeak of My favorite scripturetocomeagainst condemnationanddoubt of seeingresultsisGalatians6:9;Let usnot become tiredindoinggood what isgood At just theright time wewill reapaharvest of blessingsif wedon't giveup. Don't quit ladies! Patienceiswhat makesuspretty, not thetrophy Trust intheprogressandleannot on any excuses.
Thiswinter I chosetokeepit simple.onestepat atime asI continueonwithmy physical wellnessjourney and exercisewith@teeterfit?
Protein & Collagen
I amtrustingafew productstoalsoassist inmy routinestartingwithKerotinproteinpowder I just addit tomycoffeewithabit of coconut oil andI have instant energysupport withhealthbenefits.
Chocolateismy favoriteinmy coffeeandvanillafor family recipesespecially for proteinpancakes KerotinCollagenpowder not only treatsmy body well but servesmy nails,hair andskin My skinsuffers whenthisismissingfrommy routine Doyouuse collagen?
Skin Care
My skinisstill onthemendsfromacoldwinter but is replenishedbyfasting;of course,asawriter,I will embellishtheword inanacrostic.F...lesh- A...ndS...pirit- T...raining.Inmy personal experiencethisis whenmy body detoxesandlearnsdiscipline AsI soothethesoul my skinhasbeensoothedwith AndalouNaturals Safetosay I havebeenso impressedwiththeir masks.I never suggest keeping anythingonyour skinovernight,especially asa "treatment",but evenwithmy sensitives,eczemaand dry skin,myskinislovingit
Mylipshavenever felt better withUrsaMajor
Keepingit simplethiswinter alsowithmy hair styles but withmoreheat becauseof thecold.Evolvhstyling lotionandKerotinThickeningSpray work together liketwopeasinapod Withminimal product andstyle KerotinShinespray would betheonly product neededthat completesany styleincludingjust a ponytail or messy bun ThisShinespray keepsthe frizziestamed under that winter hat.Well,I amstill hopeful for my oneblizzard,andI will keepyouposted onmy account ontheweather report If not,I will be diggingout theSpringfashionmuchsooner thanI thought