2 minute read


Don't get too caught up in what color you think you're gonna be in the beginning because it probably won't be what you end up with in the end I ended up more silver when I started more salt and pepper

Sally F


Moisture iskey in everything. Drink more water, use moisturizing shampoos, fewer heat toolsand did I say drink more water. Frizz isreal, but thiscan help.

Francesca R.

Trust your gut if your stylist tellsyou to do something and you're not sure I got talked into using highlightsand tonerswhen I wanted to just let it grow out No offense to her, she'sa nice person, but I think it took longer doing it her way instead of mine.

Jolene J

If none of your friendsare going gray that'sokay, but I suggest you find silver sisters to follow and reach out to make connections with women who will get you when you have those momentsof self doubt



Rethink using heat toolsdaily, understand that clarifying your hair at least once a month isgoing to be a regular thing to help with yellowing and your silvers will never look like anybody else, which isthe best part! Who wantsto look like anybody else! Love your silvers for what they are and if you don't like them, then color again because you're in charge!



Ever findyourself wonderingabout thepeoplebehind thebrandsyouloveandtrust? I do

So,I thought it wouldbefuntoshareabit beyondthe brandsinaseriesthat letsyouseethemasmorethan just aproduct,serviceor brand.We'rekickingthisoff with

Sensationally Silver'sRobin

Norwood While youmight know her asabest sellingauthor andsilver encourager,we'd liketoshare another passion of herswithyou

A life-longhorse lover,Robin Norwood originally wrote thisarticlefor theNorwegianFjord breedmagazine,THE NORWEGIANFJORDHERALD.Wethought you'dliketo seehowboththesepassionsintertwineforher.

?So? thisshampoo isfor horses, right??

Oops I guessI shouldhaveknownbetter WC Fields never likedtosharethelimelight withchildrenor animalsbecauseheknew they wouldn? t shareit.They?d steal it.

After considerableeffort andexpense,it appearsthat I?veprovenhispoint! Thosewhoview thecommercial weshot hereonmy farmnoticeonly Piscoand

Angelina,my scene-stealingNorwegianFjords

Forget theinspiringvoiceover,thecharmingjingle,the beautifully framed product shot ?all of which makeit abundantly clear that theseare products for people ?people withgrey or white hair.

Nobody cares All their commentsandquestionsfocusonthehorses



?What aretheir names??

?How oldarethey??

?Wheredoyoukeepthem??On andOn

Theday weshot the commercialsthesetwowere alreadystealingheartswiththe arrival of thefilmcrew at sunrise.

Their scene-stealingjust followednaturally.I suspect theycan? t helpit,that their Fjordcharmisasgenetically basedastheir limpidbrown eyesandridiculously full forelocks.

Another built-inFjord featureistheir amazing work ethic Over avery long day?sshootingthesetwo provedtobereal showbiz troupers Whilewerode back andforthagainand againover thesamepath thehorsesstayedcheerful andwilling.Evenlearningto start movingforwardwhen they heard, ??ready?and?ACTION!?

WhenI?mtrimminghis mane,Piscocanwrigglelike anine-year-oldboy waiting for recess Somehow he managedtostandasstill as astatuefor retakeafter retakeasI removedand resettledthesaddleonhis back Finally,though,he?d hadenoughandthe nine-year-oldboy took over.

My co-star inthe commercial,DaveStamey,is acelebrated singer/songwriter aswell as atruecowboy Hewasout of theshot andturnedthe other waywhenPiscomade hismove Hisheadsnaked out,histeethgrabbedDave?sbeautiful pearl grey custombuilt DoubleH Cowboy hat andwithaperfect littletoss,hesent it sailinglikeafrisbee But cowboy reflexesarequick andDavecaught hishat out of the air tomuchlaughter andapplausefor both performers

Thegoodnews:thecamerafollowedall theactionand capturedthescenebeautifully

Thebadnews:acrew member wascaught intheframe andspoiled theshot for useinthecommercial

Darn I so wishthat typical bit of Piscomischief could havemadeit ontothescreen.It showedmy darling grey dunat hisclever best?Ohno! I?vebeen seduced,just likethoseviewersI described,into thinkingthiscommercial isabout my adorableFjords andtheir winsomeways

But it?snot strictly about shampooeither?

Themainpurposeof thislittlevignettewefilmedisto remindthose of uswhoare nolonger youngthat life canandshould beadaily celebration If we?renot sure how tomake thishappen, all wehaveto doiswatcha Fjord


Angelina,like therest of their breed, know how to celebrate

Thoseof us whosharelife withFjords haveseen themmakea party happen out of nothing

Nofoodor drinksor musicneeded

Nospecial event or occasion.Not evenan invitation other thanthemagneticcharismaFjordsnaturally exude

Our dunfriendwon? t bedoingmuchof anythingwhen out of nowherepeoplestart togather round First they praise,thenthey pet.Next they smileandwhen their smilesget toowidethey laugh Theytalk toeach other and?wow! Lifefeelsreally,really good

Soyes.It?strue.Fjordssteal things.Theywill steal the sceneat any event at whichthey?represent Why not?

Theyget tobethecenter of attentionbecauseit really isall about them.

Andthey certainly steal hearts.I lost minelongago andif you arearound

Fjordsyour heart is probably longgone aswell.The important thingis what they givein returnfor what they take It would appear then that it isn? t stealing that is takingplace but rather an exchange What we receive, everyday,is an invitationto celebrate withthem. They give suchlovely parties

Let?snot missa singleone

ToseePiscoandAngelinastarringintheir commercial gotowww.sensationallysilver.com.

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