Tangled Silver Magazine - CELEBRATE 2023

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THOUGHTS... Don't get t oo caught up in what color you t hink you're gonna be in t he beginning because it probably won't be what you end up wit h in t he end. I ended up more silver when I st art ed more salt and pepper. Sally F. Moist ure is key in everyt hing. Drink more wat er, use moist urizing shampoos, fewer heat t ools and did I say drink more wat er. Frizz is real, but t his can help. Francesca R. Trust your gut if your st ylist t ells you t o do somet hing and you're not sure. I got t alked int o using highlight s and t oners when I want ed t o just let it grow out . No offense t o her, she's a nice person, but I t hink it t ook longer doing it her way inst ead of mine. Jolene J. If none of your friends are going gray t hat 's okay, but I suggest you find silver sist ers t o follow and reach out t o make connect ions wit h women who will get you when you have t hose moment s of self doubt . Zola N. Ret hink using heat t ools daily, underst and t hat clarifying your hair at least once a mont h is going t o be a regular t hing t o help wit h yellowing and your silvers will never look like anybody else, which is t he best part ! W ho want s t o look like anybody else! Love your silvers for what t hey are and if you don't like t hem, t hen color again because you're in charge! Robin S.


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