Tangled Silver Magazine - CELEBRATE 2022

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W ELCOME t o Tangled Silver Magazine

A Magazine BY and FOR Silver SIsters Around the Globe!



Tangled SILVER Magazine Founder & Edit or Robin Salls robin@tangledsilvermag.com Cont ent Assist ant david@tangledsilvermag.com Copy Edit or David Salls Beaut y Edit or & Phot ographer Tina Pirozzoli tina@tangledsilvermag.com Cont ribut ing W rit ers Tina @grey.grace.andgrit Mel @silver_styling Joanne @jobo_silver-linings Katie @katiegoesplatinum Joli @quicksilverhair Leah @leahrachel66 Stevie @silverilocks Lisa @katz9132 Jineen @jineenmariesilvery Jill @jillkirshcolor Mina @breakingdailybreadwithmina Jill @jillyjaeger Helen @doc_femme_vitale Julie @thefiftyist Layout Designer Robin Salls

TS Magazine is published quarterly featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle. All annual subscriptions in print, digital or print/digital are for four issues. (February, May, August and November) Single Print issues are available for $15.99 USA Single Digital issues are available for $6.99 USA One year/four issues print -$49 USA One year/four issues digital -$20 USA & Countries where available One year/four issues print - $58 Canada One year/four issues print - $66 International Airmail to select countries. Please allow four to sixteen weeks for delivery of new subscriptions. HOW TO CONTACT US Tangled SIlver Magazine | Girls Gone Grape, Inc. PO Box 503, Johnstown, CO 80534 Phone: 970-880-1636 tangledsilvermagazine.com SUBMISSIONS | iNQUIRIES | ADVERTISING Please see the submission guidelines on our website at tangledsilvermagazine.com, or write to the editor at the address above or email sales@tangledsilvermag.com

Tangled Silver Magazine - ISSN (Print ) 2768-4407, (Online) 2768-4415 . CELEBRATE 2022. Print ed in USA. Tangled Silver is published quart erly (4x per year) February, May, August , November by Girls Gone Grape, Inc. Tangled Silver Magazine. All right s reserved. Reproduct ion of any cont ent or art work is prohibit ed in any print or elect ronic form wit hout prior writ t en permission by t he publisher.

Photography by Tina Pirozzoli


Not e Fr om Robin Dear Silver Beauties, I'm about to get real here. This isssue was a bear to put together. Life got messy shortly after our last issue dropped. Deadlines were missed, printers raised rates and stories and images were lost. Dispair started to set in because life got messy enough that I lost my creative mojo for a bit. Thoughts of throwing in the towel crossed my mind as I started to doubt myself... Then I was reminded that I'm a fierce, bold woman who took on going silver before Covid and popular media started to accept it. This issue is late, but it did not break the spirit of what it stands for...YOU! The silver community changing the outdated narrative of aging and women going gray. This is a huge endeavor for myself and our writers that is done in love at this early stage of production. We don't have a huge staff pounding the pavement with us...it's the writers spending their time to share , the hubs editing and myself creating, well doing whatever else needs to be done to get her done. I share as sometimes people think we are a huge corporation run business, which we are not. We are real women, which means we are not going to get it right all the time. That's part of the beauty of getting to this stage of age as we know perfection isn't a reality. As you're reading this, we're already busy getting the next issue put together. Organizing stories, photos, products, etc. to keep bringing issues that speak to the heart of being a silver sister. Our commitment to you is to keep striving to improve our timing, our processes and keep the silver revolution moving forward. This issue shares another fabulous recipe to thrill your tastebuds with summer fare, along with tips on beating frizz , diving into embracing your natural curls, all while introducing you to some amazing women. You'll meet Nora, a special education teacher who stretched beyond her comfort zone to become Ms. Salida and compete at the State level with her silver beauty that runs far deeper than her hair shade. You'll discover sisters bringing podcasts that you'll want to catch on midlife transitions and so much more. Grab a cup of java and kic k your feet up with us! Silver for the win,

Robin Robin Salls | Founder & Publisher | robin@tangledsilvermag.com CELEBRATE 2022


Gr ay Hair Pigt ails Writer

Robin Salls

Road Tr ip To Self Aw ar en ess Tangledsilvermagazine.com

EMBRACE | You 13

Y ou know gray hair is becoming mainst ream when Sat urday Night Live creat es a skit poking fun of women, of a cert ain age, wearing gray hair pigt ails! As a woman, of that certain age, with long hair that I frequently braid or pigtail, I wasn?t quite sure how to take that skit. It was hilarious and the women of Saturday Night Live did it justice. The silver pigtails were on point and their lines had me cracking up. So much so that I shared with my fellow silver haired sisters. Yet, I kept coming back, questioning what message the skit actually created. Did it bring more empowerment to women considering going gray or already gray? Or, did it lend itself to those that still believe we should be jumping on the anti-aging regime and doing whatever it takes to hold onto youth?

I loved the Saturday Night Live skit portraying us as women embracing our whimsical sides while being free to express ourselves and unleash our passions! But, did they get it? Really get it? Part of the aging process is coming to a place where you listen to your inner voice rather than letting the voices around you drown yours out. The saying, ?you?ll understand when you're older? rings loud and clear once you get older. My mother?s going to love this article smirking with her all knowing, ?I told you so?look. I feel I should be more upset about that, but I figure every generation gets their shot at these moments and mine aren?t far off with my own kids! We come to a place of peace with who we are and slowly, but surely, we start recognizing the things that bring us joy and the things that hold us back. We start saying yes to the joyful, while hopefully saying no more often to the ones that no longer serve us.

Long haired women of all ages have been sporting pigtails, braids, buns, and ponytails for centuries. Yet, we still associate women with silver hair wearing these same looks they?ve worn for years as women suddenly straining to hang onto youth? Centuries ago, women and men were sporting white/silver wigs for special occasion's and in court's that we?re never associated with grasping for youth. Let?s drop the narrative that our hairstyles have to adapt to what the public opinion of the time is.

I suggest, as I?ve done myself, that you delete the hard drives that say gray is bad, pigtails are for the young and once you hit 40, life?s all downhill. Screw that! Wear those silver pigtails proudly. Play dress up like you did as a child when you wore what you wanted. If it made you feel pretty, you didn?t care about what anyone else thought. I can still see my mom?s eyes rolling with my lace gloves, tutu and mismatched socks walking out the door. I was one stylish little girl in my universe!

Aging is a process we can?t stop. Sure, we can delay it by buying into ?lotions & potions? promising that youthful everlasting glow, but the bottom line is with each passing day, we will all be older than we are today.

Going Gray is the next adventure on life?s road trip. It?s a time where we shed old beliefs, discover new ones and maybe redefine a few to fit our lifestyles. While women have grayed before you, no one has ever taken your journey. It?s up to you to define your trip, planning your CELEBRATE 2022

course to your destination.

Whether your hair is long or short, your style is classic or bohemian, the important part is that it?s yours. The skit gave me a good laugh, but I?m so relieved that the days of giving a second thought to others' thoughts on my silver hair are gone. It's

not easy to shut out the voices, but it's best for you and your silver journey. Trust me!

If you find yourself struggling a little, remember we all go through this in the timing that?s perfect for us. Maybe it?s not your time yet to embrace your grays if you find yourself questioning yourself constantly. But, maybe, just maybe, it?s TangledSilverMagazine.com

your time to hit the pedal to the metal and hit those speeds you never thought possible for yourself. It took me till 51, and I have no plans on hitting the brakes!

To gray and beyond my beautiful silver community! Silver for the win!

Join Robin, Founder & Publisher on her adventures over on Instagram @tangledsilver or join her over on tangledsilvermagazine.com for monthly lLIVE chats.

EMBRACE | You 15

ROBIN'S GO -TO'S Robin's a big proponant of spacing out wash days to help care for her silvers. That means several day's call for pigtails, braids, buns or ponytails to get her through to the next wash day. Here's a few of her tips for spicing up those days!


Lower pigtails with a little braid twist make for a stylish look that works well if you feel the need to add a hat too. - Hair beads, & jewlery, like the ones in the photo on top left are fun to give different looks. She searched for Viking hair accessories on amazon for these trinkets. - Don't stick with the everyday ponytail, try a side ponytail with a few loose strands. - Messy buns are always a girl's best friend in between washes. Just be sure to use silk (preferably), satin or velvet/velour scrunches over rubberbands that can cause more friction. - Play with your hair!



EMBRACE | You 17


THE MANE, THE MOOD, AND MENOPAUSE Not everyone is going through menopause, not many woman realize that they are or may care to admit, and those women that are, are sounding off about it and loudly. Not everyone likes their mane, everyone is moody whether they admit it or not and everyone goes through menopause on some level. One thing that binds us also separates us because of how we choose to walk through that season. Hot flashes are a common symptom during menopause and these symptoms will have you feeling like menopause is as hot as one season but lasting all four. TangledSIlverMagazine.com

EMBRACE | You 19

I haven't heard of the chills yet during meno but I will let you know if I do. Menopause is becoming a topic of discussion as to what the next best red lipstick on the market is! Although depending on where you are in life both are important and controversial, lol. The community is filled with so many women that are sharing their attention on what gives them the strength, the energy and the motivation to pull them through this rough season. So many areas of our life are affected by this. Our hair may thin or lose its vitality, our moods can fluctuate like CELEBRATE 2022

the weather and our bodies will just seem to be on a collision course with any meal we sit down to enjoy. Changes are inevitable and this is where we can learn from women that are handling it head on. Remedies for new skin care, healthy diet adjustments and a physical change in exercise are the three main areas that come under fire all at once. To keep that 3 tier plate spinner of a balance, the one main leg to hold all that up would be mental health. Finding that place of contentment to rejuvenate and restore your mental capacity to continue.

i f you are anticiapting menopause what are you doing to prepare? If you have entered into this season, where are you and what are you doing? If you have gone through it and have made it out alive, what is your best advice? Let's go live during a SWAGchat conversation and let's talk about it.


Catch Beauty Editor Tina LIVE on Instagram with her SWAG chats featuring inspiring women and inspiring topics to take your journey to your best self to the next level!

EMBRACE | You 21 MENTAL REJUVENATION Finding ways to restore and rejuvenate for your mental well being are essential during this phase of your life. It's easy to become overwhelmed with emotions as hormones start tapering off. Think back to things you enjoyed, but perhaps let time push to the backside. Is there an inner artist waiting to escape? Those monthly massages sure would be nice again, wouldn't they?

EXERCISE CHANGE UP You might mentally feel like you're still in your twenties, but your body is NOT. Consider changing up your current work out routines and challenge your body to find a new norm! If you're not already doing so, add a day or two of weight lifting to help fight osteoporosis, which becomes more typical in women post menopause. If running's been your thing, why not throw in a strenuous hike . Challenge your body in new ways and of course, always listen to your body and/or check with your physician before making any major changes.

more of a plant based diet does appear to help with many symptoms of menopause. Find the adjustments that work for your lifestyle and body needs.

NEW SKIN & HAIR CARE The loss of estrogen brings many of us to a startling place of hair loss. Our once fabulous hair suddenly seems to being falling out in huge handfuls while loosing its bounce and shine. Our skin that once was tight and plump, now struggles with dry patches, adult acne (what the heck) and more. It's time to change up your products and look for things to meet your skins new needs. Pro-aging is about finding products to help our skin and hair stay as healthy as our DNA and outside factors will allow. Your current products might be okay, but they might not be giving your skin and hair the extra nourishment it now needs. Dry skin or brittle hair are signs you need to adjust your body's intake both topically and internally. Menopause can be your friend when you invite her to come play at your house.

HEALTHY DIET ADJUSTMENTS We don't know many women that like the word "diet". It sounds restrictive. It's even worse when you hear the term "hormonal belly." We just endured years of unwanted monthly visitors and now they're telling us we're going to automatically gain weight around the mid-section. Can we throw a flag on this one! Instead of dieting through menopause, try adjusting your nutrition to meet your needs. You may need fewer calories, then again, if you're adding exercise, you might need more. Our bodies are as individual as our experiences and the key is making healthy adjustments to suit your body's needs. Adding more fruits and vegetables, while cutting back on sugars is always a good thing. And, for some moving to CELEBRATE 2022


Robin Salls TangledSilverMagazine.com



The thing about silver hair is that it?s as individual as each of us. No two stories are ever the same. And, as we embrace our natural hair we often discover it?s not exactly what we thought it would be. This time we?re going to take you into my hair story of taking on curls as I spend 2022 trying to encourage the waves.

Did you know they actually define hair and curl types? Do you know which type you have? Or, maybe the better question is do you care what type you have or how best to encourage it? And, if you?re like me, are you wondering who the ?they?are? I?m encouraging my waves/curls this year with a no heat tool routine. No blow drying or heat tools to curl? for the most part just Mother Nature, some good products and once in a while some heatless curl tools for added curl. It has been challenging and that?s putting it nicely.

I can?t begin to tell you how many spiral perms I sat through in the 80?s to get the coveted curly hair that I envied on my naturally curly girlfriends. Add in 80?s pop icons like Taylor Dayne and Paula Abdul and my straight as straight hair was just not going to cut it. Those perms made me feel like a curly haired Goddess while costing a fortune! Flash forward and my straight hair suddenly became the rage as my curly haired girlfriends used flat irons to get my straight locks. Isn?t it funny how we perceive the grass as being greener on the other side at times? I?d come to a place of loving my straight hair and understanding I couldn?t keep a curl in it for my life. Or, so I thought. Enter my transition to gray? I expected color changes, but didn?t realize in letting my hair go CELEBRATE 2022


WAVES! I actually have natural waves NOW that fall into the 2a - 2c categories when I air dry my hair! The level ranges depending on my use of products! I?m loving Evolv?s Smart Curl leave-in conditioner and Super Curl Defining cream, along with L?ange?s Salt & Sea Texturizing spray. I apply it to my damp hair and let her flow! I use the ?curly girl method?of scrunching the products in with my head upside down too. The results feel like I just spent the day at the ocean in under five minutes! I?m also loving my Octocurl that I?ve been using for about four months now for heatless curls when I want more than my natural strands can do on their own. It?s the craziest looking, but super comfortable way to curl your dry or wet strands without the harsh heat from most irons. I?ve got the long, satin version for my longer locks and while it looks crazy on with my hair wrapped around 8-16 'legs', it?s easy to use and sleep in. You can use them with dry or damp hair (I prefer damp hair overnight) for curls that last days. It?s versatile allowing for loose to tight curls and even braided looks. For those who like to blow dry their hair, you can wrap and blow dry for quicker results too. I?ve tried several other methods; bathrobe tie, cut strips of fabric and it?s possible to get curls that way, but overall the Octocurl is hands down the winner for me. I?m told the more I encourage my curls, the more likely they will TangledSilverMagazine.com

develop. That?s advice coming straight from curly girl sisters I follow, like Tina @grey.grace.andgrit, Tina @tinaclark687 and Joli @quicksilverhair. All silver sisters with amazing curls who share their experiences getting their curls! There are a myriad of other curly haired women to follow, these three just hold a special place in my hair care. FRIZZ! The frizz struggle is real! Especially when I let my hair air dry. I usually need to add serum or oils to help at some point during the day. My frizz is due to several elements; dry climate, genetics, gray hair norms. I didn?t notice frizz issues while I was blow drying my gray locks, so this is an interesting twist. I?d love to know what products you love to control your frizz! I?m adding QuickSilverHair?s squalane oil that?s helping, but still haven?t found the magic connection for my hair yet. HAIR LOSS! Unfortunately, this does seem to come with the territory of aging, perimenopause and menopause. For some women it?s quite shocking to see more and more hair in those brushes. I?ve added Kerotin Hair gummies to my supplements, along with their Hair growth serum that I use about 3x a week. I?ve also been sleeping on 100% mulberry silk pillowcases, which doesn?t cause as much friction overnight. We?d love for you to reach out and tell us how you?re tackling this issue. Share your reels with us over on Instagram on this


topic and we?ll pass them along in our stories! Let?s help our silver community figure these concerns out.

And, while we?re on the topic of hair stories? we?d love to hear from our sisters sporting pixies, shoulder length hair and other styles that rock silver for an upcoming issue of the magazine. Long hair is fabulous, but not for everyone and we?re looking to add a shorter style section to reach all our silver sisters. If you?d like to share your hair style photos or contribute in another way to this section, reach out

to us at info@tangledsilvermag.com and one of us will get back to you shortly. Just be sure to list ?HairStyles?in the subject line to be sure it doesn?t get missed!

We can't wait to hear your hair stories!



Phot ography by St eve Bit her

WRITER Jillian Jaeger

Single & Silver

AsI lay on hisstrong chest hisfingersbrushed through my hair. Looking down at me he asked, ?What color isyour hair?? I thought it was obvious I was a brunette with subtle blonde highlights. A slight burning sensation had entered my face as I was 1 week away from the next color appointment. ?I?m a brunette, '' I explained. He persisted and asked me again. This time his fingers became more curious as they caressed my head. Where in the world was this conversation about to go? Was I on verge of being discovered as a lady who colors her hair? Silly as it seems I was worried when it is a known fact of life that women with colored hair in their late 40?s are in fact using dye to achieve the color. However, the topic seemed taboo to discuss with this new man I had begun dating. I was planning my defense in preparation for his next statement. I became frustrated with myself and the hair dye industry as a whole. They had failed me at this moment. I had done my due diligence earlier in the morning. The roots were touched up to the specification of the instructions in the box. This time, it wasn?t enough for a moment so intimate. I went into the evening believing I was confidently covered. My salon visits were happening every 4 weeks. The silver started to shine through in the 3rd week of every month, but I always pushed it a week trying to TangledSIlverMagazine.com

stretch the dollar. He kindly requested the information again. This time, with a quick defense in my back pocket, I went ahead with an explanation. As I lifted my head from his chest, I sheepishly explained I am in between appointments and continued how embarrassed I was that my gray was coming through. With his boyish grin he embraced both sides of my face with his hands,


looked me in the eye and said, ?It Sparkles!? Your hair is sparkling under there.? Then twisting my locks between his fingers to admire. What? My face lit up and an immediate sense of freedom washed over me because I knew the time had come. I was being released from the hair dying cycle I had come to bore of. ?Who is the target audience for the hair dying ritual??I wondered. Up until this exact moment I believed I was doing this to appear


more attractive and youthful to the male species. For both gains in romance and business. Now excited to be on the brink of no longer having to hide my natural color in over a decade. As he drifted off to sleep his words danced through my mind. I snuck away into the bathroom to peek at my own hair. This time was a peek. Early in the day it was BodyCELEBRATE 2022

scrutiny. I lifted the top layer and sure enough, it was sparkling. For the first time seeing my hair through different eyes. Those once pesky grays have transformed into a silver sparkle. Over our Kona French Press coffee, the next morning, the sparkling hair conversation had picked back up. He said, ?You know what you should do?? Rolling my eyes, in a playful tone I asked ?what? go blonde?? As had been suggested to me many times before. Being newly single, I had been attracting hair aficionados of the opposite sex comfortable enough to provide me with unwarranted hair color advise and style direction. This time the advie would change everything.

Follow @jillyjaeger


He then said ?You should go gray. You know, like a silver?I thought he was teasing me, and no single man could possibly be approving of natural hair. This is going against everything society has taught. I was covering my hair for men! He was very serious. I had been secretly yearning to make a change. Make a bold hair move while remaining professional in my appearance. It was also this time that I was very envious of the young ladies and all the men at the hair salon who sauntered off happily on a beautiful Saturday afternoon after spending 30 minutes in the salon chair and were able to seize the remainder of the precious weekend. I questioned how thiscolor change would be perceived in the business world I am very much a part of. I wasvery interested in what he had to say. Tickled that the suggestion wasfrom a single man. My mind immediately opened to the thoughtsthat were secretly hiding inside me. I became enamored with the idea asif I had just entered through the doorsof Oz. A sense of release that soon followed that hit me like a tidal wave. I was open to the idea. I never in a million years thought a man would like or appreciate the silver hair. A personal belief that would be demolished. Being single, I absolutely valued thisvalidation from this surgeon of mine. The ideaswere in me, he provided the confidence to act. That very afternoon my journey to natural hair began.



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Declar e Your

#I AM SILVER BEAUTY TangledSIlverMagazine.com



Beaut y Now

Soul happinesscomes easily once YOU believe you are beautiful! And, SIlver Sisters, you are sillver beauty! Robin Salls, Founder

#iam silver beau t y CELEBRATE 2022


Danger of COMFORT

Wr it er JulieKneafsey



I don?t mean to worry you, but did you know that getting comfortable can be DANGEROUS? I?m not talking about sofa cushion squishiness levels or finishing each other?s sentences, no, I?m talking about getting too comfortable with time.

The Short and Long of it

I'm not talking about sofa squishiness levelsor finishing each other's sentences...

Instinctively, we all know how time works. We don?t have internal clocks, but we all know how time feels as it?s passing: what a few minutes feel like waiting for a loved one at an airport, or that the longest hour known to woman is the wait for the takeaway delivery. In addition, we have an amazing ability to mentally time travel backwards to relive past events, and forwards to create a vision of our own future. Such skills! Why then, do we seem to think we have all the time in the world? That it?s okay to put things off, that there will always be another day to do those things we dream of. This is the danger zone of comfort? dun dun duuuuun!

Infinit e? Finit e... One of the reasons we feel this sense of complacency is that we use our past experiences to help foretell what may happen in the future. ?There?s always been plenty of time before?, we think, ?so there will always be more?.But it?s so easy to forget that it?s finite ? our mortal time here ? and that the Grim Reaper is going to rock up in its cape, possibly sooner than we?d like. We forget that we don?t come with a manufacturer?s guarantee of reaching three score years and ten (70), and on we plod in our routines and habits. CELEBRATE 2022



Fr eedom

What?s great is that despite our inbuilt perceptions and time?s unpredictability, with some effort we can choose to get uncomfortable! Silver Sisters are a great example of women who have stepped firmly out of their comfort zones. Taking on a silver hair transition changes you internally and externally and is a fantastic use of time because your hair?s doing it while you get on with your life! You gain time in fact; all those hours dyeing in the chair become free for new things.

Love it , hat e it Time?s wonderful, messy unpredictability doesn?t help either. We love time when it stretches away from us at the start of a holiday, seemingly interminable like a delicious banquet table, but hate it when we?re running along a rainy street in heels because the train was late and it has shrunk to a tiny wedge of seconds, each one of which counts hugely. We see time as something to kill, and yet it can rob us, the wily bandit. It can surprise us ? that feeling when we suddenly have a cancellation and there?s a two-hour space in our day? It can be invested consciously and wasted thoughtlessly, be in plentiful then short supply within seconds. And it?s precious. At the precise moment of each of my breast cancer diagnoses, the timespan of my life shrank to the next five minutes, and then the next five. There?s nothing like a challenge to your mortality for bringing time into razor-sharp focus and then it becomes a luxury you grieve. Seeing my daughter grow up, life-plans with my husband ? all gone. Once the glimmer of hope is there though, if you are lucky enough, then it becomes something you cherish. I can attest to that. TangledSilverMagazine.com

Transitioning halts the backward-looking search for more youthful looks via hair colour, is positively pro-age and challenges the notion that the passing of time contributes negatively to a woman?s worth and visibility. Letting go of the past faces you forwards into the future. Remarkable, and fun! Using time wisely doesn?t have to just be a fun thing though. Being more conscious of time passing could force you to sort out your affairs. You could get into good habits, file that giant stack of paperwork (me), reduce timewasting and increase your productivity ? all positives that leave more time for? you guessed it, following your dreams and getting uncomfortable which is where the growing, learning and fun happens.

Deat h? No, happiness! Although in most Western cultures we tend to fear ageing and death, in Bhutan, people are encouraged to consider their mortality by thinking about death five times a day. And, surprisingly, it?s not depressing! Research has shown that doing so can stimulate happy thoughts and motivation. The proof is that Bhutan is known to be one of the happiest places to live in the world. I know you won?t be surprised when I tell you there?s a free app for this. It?s called WeCroak (love that) and if you sign up to it, it reminds you five times a day, at random, that you?re going to



die and sends you motivational quotes. I'm enjoying it immensely - it's certainly a motivator! (Not an advert) It's latest quotes says: Silence = Death

Act Up

How great is that? I'm working on my 'acting up' right now!

The clock t icks, t he sand t rickles... Its risky to believe we will always have time to do the things we want. We should take the lead of the Bhutanese and regularly remind ourselves of the brevity of life, for nicks in time can come at any point and side-line us from our ?one-day?dreams or ambitions. So, my advice would be to let time weigh heavily on you now and then. It won?t hurt and you could find it makes you happier. Download the WeCroak app and get motivated. Feel the grains of sand slipping through the glass funnel of your beautiful life?s egg timer, smile, know it?s all good, take a breath and get uncomfortable!

Julie is an eternal optimist, silver advocate, kitchen-dancer, ex-literacy teacher and a twice over breast cancer survivor who is keen to defy age-related expectations. She is excited to write about health and fitness, ethical beauty and fashion, menopause issues after cancer and having a blast in your later years and beyond!See more on her blog launching early 2022. Silver since 2018.


How do you pr ot ect your silver s in Spr ing & Summer mont hs? I've got t he best hat from Wallaroos t hat I saw in last Summer's issue! It 's st ylish and UV prot ect ing! Sue R. Hat s. hat s, hat s and more hat s! Tina T. I wet my hair before I get int o t he pool t o absorb less chlorine and rinse it out aft er or as soon as possible. Neena L. I wear a lot of braids and use heat prot ect ion product s. I t hink t he braids leave less hair exposed t o t he sun t his way and it keeps me cooler! Jenna P.. Before going out side I spray Coola Scalp & Hair Mist Sunscreen onmy part and all over my hair. It 's not greasy, and has SPF of 30 t o it ! Saves my part line every t ime. Robin S. I don't really change my rout ines. I always leave in condit ioners and heat prot ect ion and I seem t o be fine. Robyn R.





THOUGHTS... Buffs, bandannas and hat s are a st aple for me during t hese mont hs! Especially wide brimmed hat s! I've got a Julia Robert s from Pret t y Woman t hat I use at t he beach or gardening Michelle T. I deep condit ion my hair at least weekly, t hen purple shampoo t o get out t he yellowing t hat seems t o be more prevalent from t he sun. Maybe it 's all in my head, but I t hink I get more yellow from t he sun, like it 's st ronger t his t ime of year t han in t he wint er mont hs. Marri P. Hat s. Deep condit ion. RInse my hair wit h an apple cider vinegar rinse aft er swimming in anyt hing wit h chlorine. Renee R.. I look for hat s t hat have an spf or UV lining and t end t o t uck my hair up under t hem when in t he sun for any major lengt h of t ime. I love a good baseball cap and my waves flying free. Trina H. I t ry t o keep t o my wash days, but somet imes I need t o wash my hair more oft en due t o chlorine, sweat et c. It seems t o dry me out , so I add a hot oil t reat ment regularly and keep sunscreen on my forhead and part line. Plus, a st ylish hat is always a must . Regina F.



Writer Leah Rachel Friedman




The Human Body really is quite amazing! The fact that it can heal itself from the smallest scrape to more worrisome illness illustrates this. Given an appropriate environment, the right nourishment, and proper movement, the body is capable of curative activity beyond what we can imagine. This is the beauty of how it was constructed. As a silvering community we are all paying homage to this process of life. Didn?t we ditch the dye in order to become accepting?I believe we owe it to ourselves to take care of the entire package, not just the lovely locks on our heads. Beginning with an organ that keeps beat with all our life?s challenges in addition to our core emotions. There is a great deal of controversy over the logistics of Cardiovascular exercise. I have seen on Facebook and many other places, various trainers recommend less cardio in favor of more strength training. They claim that the amount of time spent on any number of cardio machines does not produce the changes in physique most are looking for and how this is a waste of time and energy. I certainly agree that strength training is important and will discuss that in another issue; however, what the trainer does not explain are the benefits associated with aerobic exercise. Let?s not forget that the heart is a muscle too. In fact, I would wager to say that it might be one of the most important muscles in the body. Without this incredible pump, each of us would not survive. The slightest malfunction could cause serious problems not only with the heart itself, but also damage other tissues including the brain. This intricately designed organ is responsible for pulmonary, systemic and coronary circulation. All three of these types of circulation carry a multitude of nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other wastes away from the heart, and to the brain and organs.


Rather than explain the technicalities of this biology, I?d rather focus on the benefits of what a powerful heart can accomplish while exposing the dangers of an underdeveloped circulatory system. Most of us understand how important oxygen is to our existence. We breathe it in and it?s molecules get picked up and carried to our heart among other operations. This is where it is sent through the bloodstream to be delivered to each organ for the purpose of proper function. From there wastes gather and then are sent back through the blood to be cleaned once again utilizing oxygen in the processes. While this is an oversimplification, I believe you can understand its basic functionality and gather how essential O2 is for life. Without it alll types of illness could result. For instance, Cancer thrives in an environment where oxygen levels are low. Most often tumors grow where cells are starved for O2. A condition called Hypoxia can occur anywhere in the body, not just cancer cells. It is a condition directly affected by adequate oxygen supply. Higher oxygen blood saturation can create a strong internal environment able to fight sickness. This is a big deal at any age or stage of life. Precisely because of this fact, aerobic exercise reveals its relevance. Employing this rhythmic pump circulates all vital elements to life. The percentage of oxygen in the blood directly affects how hard the body must work to process all it?s systems. The harder it works, the more it is susceptible to damage and sickness. Plus, if nutritional elements are missing in the bloodstream, the body fights to flush all the bad chemicals out, once again creating more stress anatomically. Everytime you put something harmful into your body, whether through eating, drinking, smoking, etc., it works all the more strenuously to clean or heal itself. Why not make it easy?


Wouldn?t you rather cooperate in healing? It is precisely through stressing aerobic capacity that the system responds with more efficiency. Cardiovascular exercise is worth more than just

a better outlook to maintain health rather than treat illness?Through proper nourishment, enough oxygen in the blood and an accelerated metabolism, every system is enabled to function optimally. Getting enough exercise while protecting emotional wellbeing, and intellectual stimulation will guarantee holistic, long term health. I usually recommend aerobic exercise at least 3 times per week. Beginners should aim to workout a minimum of 12 minutes while gradually increasing resistance, and time. Intensity becomes important because in order to empower the heart, it must be stressed just like any other muscle. As it adjusts to higher levels of stress, the response will be more powerful. Stroke volume will increase just as oxygen saturation does.

burning calories as these facebook fitness authorities proclaim. It truly boosts the immune system, increases circulation for all bodily functions and creates an optimal internal conditioning rudimentary for health. Additionally, the heart is the place where we feel. All vital emotions are experienced through our hearts. The soul connection to our heart/blood is existential. Keeping it healthy, efficient, and pumping good nutrients will dictate our essence both physically and spiritually. As a trainer, it is my job to teach people to be proactive in their wellness. Isn?t it


(Please note: If you are taking beta blockers, exercise should be moderate, not high in intensity.) Any questions related to this article or others are invited and welcome! Leah@tangledsilvermag.com

Health & Fitness Expert Leah brings her expertise to help us navigate the process of self-effficacy. Be sure to check out her Q & A Article too!



Tangled Silver Magazine believes that age and experience are beautif ul things. We believe women embracing their natural selves should be celebrated. We believe our daughters and granddaughters should be taught early on to tap into their creativity with wild passion. We believe that silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re letting yourself go. We believe f riendships are important. We believe sisters connecting together over shared passions is joyf ul. We believe aging gracef ully looks dif f erent f or every woman and there is no right or wrong way along the journey. We believe in encouragement. We believe that embracing your silvers goes f ar beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a story to share. We believe that everyday is a gif t. We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. We believe that positive self -talk is not only essential f or our happiness, but f or the girls and young women around us who are developing their understanding of beauty and self -conf idence. We believe grey hair does not equate old age. We believe you are never too young or too old to start embracing your natural hair. We believe it is time to end the stigma surrounding grey hair and to celebrate who we are instead. We believe that supporting other women in their journey to acceptance and authenticity is of the utmost importance. We believe our encouragement and love f or one another online is leading to more positive and productive social media experiences f or women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring those around us to do the same.

Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

MEET KAREN 58 | Event Planner, Writer | Silver Since 2018 Silver hair isn?t just a state of being, it?s also a state of mind. My hair had been a source of pride and prejudice for as long as I can remember. It was brown, not the often-bleached blonde shades that our high-school cheerleaders proudly turned heads with during small-town Texas football games. It was coarse, without the coveted radiant shine being marketed in magazines, touted on TV and crowding store shelves. One boyfriend compared my hair to a horse?s tail. And, it had waves so it could never effect the face-framing silken blanket that the Partridge family?s Susan Dey showed off each week. As a teenager I squeezed lemons or poured on Sun-In, wore hot curlers to school and sprayed my head with Final Net in the parking lot. If I couldn?t have straight hair, I was determined to mold my locks into a cascading Farrah Fawcett waterfall, praying it wasn?t a humid day. As a college student, I asserted my independence by becoming a redhead (like my fiery grandmother) which lasted well into my 40?s. I tried every

@muddygirlmedia | CALIFORNIA shade of red with various hot tools of torment to force my wavy hair into submission. When the Brazilian Blowout was introduced, I was first in line. Looking back at photos, I see myself as a girl, a young woman and then a wife and mother who was desperately trying to meet the expectations of society. Despite proclaiming myself as an independent feminist, my hair, makeup, and clothing choices were often based on trying to fit in rather than stand out. As I aged, I recognized I was trying to chase the younger version of myself even when an older woman stared back at me. Finally, on my 50th birthday, I made a strong decision to stop straightening my hair. I found a curly hair stylist, donated my curling and flat-irons, hair curlers and straight hair products and decided to go cold turkey. It was amazing. My hair, in shock at finally being released from its straight-jacket, became a thing of beauty ? Rapunzel-like in its determination to unfurl into ringlets. And then came menopause. My shower, clothing and furniture became a repository for (continued on page 88) TangledSilver.Magazine.com






Photo Credit: @going_grachael



MEET RACHAEL 47| Administrator | Silver since 2021 A sea of silver hair has been a daily sight for me for over 20 years? with a master?s degree in Gerontology and as a Certified Assisted Living Administrator, I have been overseeing the daily operations of long-term care communities for many years. I have always admired the multi-faceted glow of my residents' silver hair, but my journey to silver started much earlier. As a young child, I spent some time living with my great grandmother, Sadie. My earliest recollection of Sadie was with completely white hair; I remember being mesmerized by her hair, running my fingers t hrough it . Sadie had an active social life, and I was surrounded by older adults while living with her. I was lucky enough to have her in my life for 30 years, until she passed at 99 years of age. In 1999, I moved across the country to attend University of Missouri-St. Louis, one of the only

@going_grachael | NEW JERSEY Gerontology MS programs in the US at that time. It was then that I learned of the terms, ?Successful Aging?, ?Healthy Aging?, ?Pro Age?, and ?Ageism.? As a 23-year-old, these terms were hard to grasp, and since, there has been much debate regarding their concepts. It is only now that I am really grasping what these terms mean - not to the public, but to me. I noticed my first gray hair at 17 and started dying regularly at 22. As a lifelong admirer of silver hair, I contemplated growing my silver hair for several years. In late 2021, I discovered the Silver Sister Community on Instagram. Seeing their pictures, reading their stories and their words of encouragement really helped me to gain the confidence to consider a gray hair transition. At 46, I had to dye my hair every two weeks to hide my roots. My mind was made up after my last at-home root touch-up on November 25, 2021, after the eczema on my scalp flared up, I stained my bath mat, and I could not get the dye off my forehead for days. I was done dying my hair. Although this transition is not easy, I will never go back. Gray to Stay! WINTER 2022


MEET RENE 68 | Podcaster | Silver Since 2018 I have the best memories of growing up in the Midwest, one of which is sitting while my blond mother brushed my long blond hair. I had always worn my hair long in spite of different trends though out my life, that is until a week after my wedding! My new husband and I were heading back to Yokosuka Japan to complete my contracted duty with the US NAVY. Jane Fonda was sporting that great shag and I knew if I was going to get it cut, I should do it in the USA, not on a Navy Base in Japan! Big Mistake! My hair was cut in various short odd styles for the next ten years, the color was odd as well. I was birthing babies during my 20?s so my hair care was from a Walgreens. Thank You Rachel (from Friends) for finally introducing a ?longer?short style and thank you to my baby?s physical therapist who introduced me to a professional hair colorist!

@gograydame | ARIZONA After the birth of my sixth child in 1985, we moved to Acreage. Someone suggested that a large family should reside in the country. Being close to Mt. Hood in Oregon had its advantages, hair salons was not one of them. Long story (I think that?s a pun), I stayed a slave to hair trends until four years ago. My effort to stay blond was tiresome, as was the 4 week trim to keep up a ?style?. I took back my power four years ago. I said to my stylist, ?I?m t ired of t rying t o cover my gray, I t hink I?ll just let it go?She said, ?Absolut ely not !? THAT?S ALL I NEEDED TO HEAR! The next day I called another salon and made an appointment to cut my hair short, bleach out my already very blond hair, and begin the silver journey. BEST DECISION I have made since 1974! I regret cutting it short, I wish I would have had my silver sisters then to show me how I could have left it long. Regardless, I?m back now at sixty-eight with long hair from my childhood. Now however, I smile when I see my refection, there I see my father?s silver wavy hair. (Check out Rene's podcast "She Became Visible" for inspiration!) TangledSilverMagazine.com





Photo Creds: Robin Salls



MEET ROBIN 54| Entrepreneur | Silver Since 2018 I never thought of myself as someone afraid of going gray. I was surrounded by silver women, first my Newmommy (grandmom), then the little ladies at the nursing home where I volunteered and eventually worked. I knew one day I'd join them...when it was time. But, a comment about covering my gray roots bef ore I looked older than my mom sent me on a 24+yr journey to stay some form of golden blonde at all costs. By one, I was a little toe head. At four I was darker blonde. My natural shades ranged from strawberry blonde to dark blonde up through my teens until my discovery of "Sun-In and lemon juice". I considered those natural, so didn't feel like I was really coloring my hair until that comment about my mom. Then it was a full on salon or box color lifestyle. I had bought into the story that I had to color my hair, along with trying to be the person everyone

@t angledsilver | Colorado thought I should be. It was exhausting. I started pushing coloring farther and farther apart. I had friends really struggling with aging, yet I was happy to celebrate it and didn't want to hide it. I love knowing what I know now and being a more confident woman, I think, thanks to the wisdom of getting to age. I get to be the wild Nonna with Elsa hair and there's nothing to put a bigger smile on my face than that. I've lost some friends to the struggle of striving to be youthful, which used to make me sad. But, I've gained many more. There is something, almost magical, about these friendships that have been forged starting with the common thread of our silver strands. I've got a confidence in my step that I don't think I ever had before. Younger Robin was fun and I'd never trade her experiences for anything as they've led me to who I am today. But, today, I can stand boldly and tell you I'll be 55 this summer, will have six grandkiddos by Fall and am celebrating almost 27 years loving and being loved my the most supportive hubs around. This journey around the sun keeps getting hotter and I love every year of it! CELEBRATE 2022


MEET ELLEN Midlife | PH.D., RDN, NBC-HWC | Silver Since midlife

For years I was climbing a ladder of success but it was up against the wrong building. My life looked good on the outside but inside I was miserable. I did a lot of soul searching and became more authentic. I left a 25 year marriage, also stopped coloring my hair, and transformed my personal and professional life. Now I?m living on a beautiful island and engaged to an amazing man. I went from self-loathing to self-love. I discovered self-compassion as part of my dissertation research on body image and learned to treat myself like a good friend which was a total game changer. I was addicted to exercise and had undiagnosed Hashimoto?s disease (a thyroid disorder) in my

@t he_midlife_whisperer | VERMONT 40s) so I was exhausted all the time. I was a personal fitness trainer at the time which was really challenging and also had negative body image. I healed myself (the thyroid issue and the body image issue) through dietary change and self-love. Why did I decide to go silver? I hated coloring my hair ? the expense, the toxicity, and even how it looked. I didn?t feel comfortable and authentic. I absolutely love my hair now. It?s effortless and makes me feel good in my skin.

Dr. Ellen is also spotlighted on page 66 where you'll meet her as The Midlife Whisperer an. She's a bestselling author and radio show host representing women rocking their midlife and she's a silver sister to top it off! Give her a follow and be sure to check out her latest book "Rock Your Midlife: 7 steps to Transform Yourself and Make Your Next Chapter Your Best Chapter!





PODCASTS, VIDEOS & BOOKS SHE BECAME VISIBLE PODCAST Rene Steelman is an eternal optimist whose drive drove her to try and eek out a personal identity after almost 50 years of being told who she was suppose to be. Join Rene as she interviews other women in their jounrey to fill in the blank "I am _______."

TANGLED SILVER STORIES COMING SOON! Jump into the rabbit hole with us into "Silverland" as we chat silver and midlife everything. Warning: Enter at your own risk as laughter & tears may happen.

Resources created to encourage and inspire ...




ROCK YOUR MIDLIFE Dr. Ellen will help you get real, discover who you are, and give you the tools to navigate your life to the fullest.

REINVENTION REBELS Stories of unapologetic women, 50-90 years young, who have boldly reimagined life, on their own terms, to find new purpose and possibilities. These women don't have all the answers, but they're figuring it out. They've got interesting, insightful and inspiring stories to share.

QUICKSILVERHAIR YOUTUBE Join Founder Joli Campbell as she brings her knowledge of silver hair care and more to you in video format. Look for reviews and tips to help get your hair in its best shape ever.

KATIEGOESPLATINUM BOOK One of the first women bloggers to bring silver transitions to the forefront is now offering several digital books to help the next woman considering going silver. It can feel like a lonely road, but Katie's wisdom into the jounrey makes for a good read.



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ot h er w om en on t h is jou r n ey. Fin d you r w om en . @graytdaysahead @jens_going_gray.zy @mountaingirlsilvers @silver_lining_living Photo creds @the.keelers




Photo Credit: @Anaisebenoudiz

on board, we said our farewells to Rochester, New York, and ?ALOHA?to Oahu! I taught elementary special education on an Army base in Central Oahu. It is very common for new students to transfer in and out throughout the school year. This was the case in January 2005 for one little girl who came to live with her military father and stepmother. Every year, I had mandatory training on how to identify and report child abuse and neglect. In this case, when I came face to face with abuse, I didn?t realize it. The early indications of abuse were more subtle TangledSilverMagazine.com

Photo Credits: Michael Teak Left Top & Center | Spirit Artis, Hair Vanessa Li, Make up Ashely Arti Bottom Left & rights

My story began 57 years ago, born in central New York to my silver fox Dad (prematurely gray) and beautiful mother whose white streaks adorn me today. My mother, a voracious reader, always ?fed?me books about special education teachers with their exceptional students. I devoured them! During my school years, I fluctuated between mediocrity and excellence. It drove some teachers crazy, but I am now able to relate to the students I serve. This planted the seeds that grew into who I am today. Currently, I am an online special education teacher. My students have a variety of learning needs ranging from autism to Deaf/Hard of Hearing. I love what I do and am grateful for those ?seeds?that brought me to my current profession. After graduating college and teaching a few years, I got married in 1992 with children immediately following. I returned to teaching in 2000. In January 2002, I received the opportunity to teach in Hawaii. With the family

BE | In spir ed


Meet Nor a Hust ed Special Educat ion Teacher & Mor e CELEBRATE 2022

than expected. The clues were only noticed after it was too late and the family evaded further notice by removing this student from school. I had no idea of the horror that this precious little girl experienced daily at home. After the close of school during summer break, It was on the local news that I learned this barely 5 year old child?s ultimate fate. She was killed by her father resulting from ongoing abuse. That hit me at the core and I was plagued by the ?woulda, coulda, shoulda's?which drove me into a deep depression. Her death led to the passing of Talia?s law in 2016. It also moved me to advocate for expanding and improving education concerning abuse prevention. My advocacy began in earnest in 2015. I had since received my Master?s degree in Educational Leadership and was working as a Special Ed Director in New Mexico. I was invited to participate in a year-long program called ?Partners in Policy-Making?. Here I learned how to make change happen on local, state, and national levels. Each person had to choose a project: an initiative to create change. Mine was simple. I needed to find a way to prevent child abuse before it happened. In 2019, I proposed a resolution to the Hawaii State Legislature (HCR 57) and began developing a curriculum to give families the tools they need to effectively communicate and resolve TangledSilverMagazine.com

conflict? but life happened in the interim! In 2016, while overwhelmed with the stress of work and a failing marriage, I was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis. Honestly, it?s a pretty sh**tty diagnosis to have (pun intended). By August 2017, I was grossly malnourished and underweight. A close friend of mine handed me $2,000 and told me to get help at the best hospital I could find. The next day I was headed to Denver, CO. Long story short, after being admitted and treated with no success, my surgeon told me I had a choice

between saving my colon or my life. I chose life! During this saga is when I began my transition back to gray. During 2017-2018, I had four surgeries, almost died twice, and lost about 40% of my hair. It was a time of questioning, prioritizing, and soul searching. I believe in

God. During this time, I realized that HE wasn?t done with me yet and I needed to dig deep to repair the damage done in my life, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. After my last surgery, I escaped New Mexico and returned to Hawaii, ironically with a new job working as a special ed teacher in the prison system.

BE | In spir ed Change happens gradually, nothing is overnight no matter how much we would hope it would. My physical, spiritual, and emotional growth during my time back in Hawaii was essential for true healing to begin. My hair transformation was gradual with the initial jump into the deep end. I removed the color from the front, revealing the white streaks from my mom. The rest of my hair was highlighted to soften the demarcation lines as my locks grew back. Then it was only a matter of time, with a faithful hairstylist who supported me every step of the way. As my hair grew, so did my sense of self. My authentic self was revealed, nothing to hide behind and cover up who I really am.


adorned crowns of silver hair.

My hair has been the external manifestation of this transformative change. Silver ismy crown. ~Nora

Fast forward to my current life chapter. I moved to Colorado to support my daughter and her new life as a mother. Unexpectedly, I was invited to step into the unknown and participate in the Miss Colorado for America Strong Pageant in April 2022. This is a division for separated, single, or divorced women who are 18+. I qualify, but would my age and silver hair be accepted? Well, two years ago, a 60+-year-old woman with silver strands came in as a runner-up in the Mrs. Colorado competition, so maybe I 'd have a chance! The content of ones?character seems to be a priority, not the person?s age or hair color. The clincher for me competing this year was my platform, my mission, my calling. I am able to speak about how to prevent child abuse before it happens, through effective communication and conflict resolution. My long-term goal is to speak and teach others about this on local, state, and national levels so change can truly happen in the lives of our children and their families. During this season of transformation, I began to embrace myself and come to terms with who I am as an individual. My hair has been the external manifestation of this trans formative change. Silver hair is my crown. I wear it proudly. I move forward in life sharing my authentic self and touching the hearts around me. It is my hope as I participated in the Miss Colorado Pageant, that a new standard will be set, embracing the beauty of mature women exemplified through naturally CELEBRATE 2022

WRITER Robin Salls

TangledSilverMagazine.com TangledSilver.com | Winter 2022

BE | In spir ed


We love coming across silver haired women redefining what aging looks like in today?s world. Many women are still falling into the pattern taught by society that equates youth to vitality and aging to being near death's door. So when we meet a woman breaking those barriers, we want to celebrate her. TM

Today, we?re celebrat ing Dr. Ellen Albert son, aka The Midlife W hisper! She?s a psychologist, registered dietitian, national board-certified health and wellness coach, Reiki master, author and radio show host who brings over 30 years of counseling, coaching and healing experience to her holistic approach to challenging midlife. She?s written 5 books with her latest title being ?Rock Your Midlife: 7 Steps to Transform Yourself and Make Your Next Chapter Your Best Chapter!?. As a bestselling author, motivational speaker and expert on women?s wellbeing her holistic approach to aging is a breath of fresh air in the stagnant waters encouraging women to hold on to their youth, rather than embrace their next chapters She?s appeared on Extra, the Food Network and NBC World News, along with sharing articles on wellness in SELF, Better Homes & Gardens and Good Housekeeping. A woman celebrating her best chapters while helping women raise their vibrations so they have the energy, confidence and clarity to claim their next best chapters. When asked what the motivation was behind her writing a book and hosting a radio show about midlife, she shares that like silver hair, midlife needs rebranding. She?s out to change the way we view this dynamic period. A google search on midlife has it conjoined with ?crisis?, put in the thesaurus and the


only thing that comes up is ?The wrong side of 40.? A connotation with a negative tone right off the bat. Yes, it?s challenging, but she believes with the steps she shares in her book, if you put them to use, women can transform their lives. While there are many memoirs about midlife, she saw a need for a good self-help book that could give you challenges and changes that you could put into action. A personal signature system that she has used to help hundreds of women transform from what they thought midlife was supposed to be to what it can be. It?s thought provoking, but compassionately written with the understanding that this time of life comes with challenges that really haven?t been discussed openly for many. It?s a fabulous read for the silver sister community as going silver is a huge transformation. A transformation that is just the tip of the iceberg for many as they find their way to embrace their truth and shine in this next life chapter. Opening Pandora?s box takes courage and while midlife shouldn?t be thought of as Pandora?s box, there are so many pieces to the puzzle that it can get overwhelming to try and complete it alone. Dr. Ellen reminds us that we don?t have to sit at the table alone struggling to figure it all out. Add in her radio show, ?Rock Your Midlife?, bringing live conversations about midlife designed to empower women to get real, discover who they are and get the tools they need to navigate their lives and you?ve given women powerful steps to take. You're hearing real stories from real women living midlife.


Dr. Ellen believes in the importance of connecting with your soul. You?re not just humans that simply have souls, but souls having human experiences. Once you understand that truth, start tapping into your soul and have the courage to listen to and follow your heart then you can change your trajectory. She empowers women to stop and savor happy, meaningful moments while being yourself and realizing that no one can tell you you?re doing it wrong. Practice self compassion and you might just find yourself aligning with what makes your soul happy. For more information on working with Dr. Ellen, her books or how to listen to her radio show head over to midlifewhisper.com.

Writer Robin Salls



y text

BE | In spir ed



IliseHarris @ilisehar r is Fr ee Lance Makeup/Hair Ar t ist . Wr it er. Phot ogr apher. Cr eat ive Coor dinat or, FACE St ock holm Our hair defines us in so many ways, growing out of us like an energet ic ext ension of our t rue selves, or a messenger t o t he world about who we are. My teen years were spent obsessively straightening my thick curly hair into submission to achieve the culturally preferred straight and shiny. My valiant efforts never did produce the beautiful hair that the straight haired gals came by naturally. Eventually, I surrendered to the curls. I did not embrace them. I just quit, they won. The advent of leave in conditioner was a Godsend. I finally appreciated my hairs?uniqueness. It suited me, and looked best when simply left alone. By my late teens I understood the time wasted and agony involved in trying to be a poor substitute for something else. My twenties and thirties took me all over the world as an international makeup and hair artist. I worked with models, celebrities, and on photo shoots for catalogs and advertising campaigns. I learned to look carefully at details, as this was the age before photoshop where details could make or break a shot. I taught makeup artistry in Japan, and explored how every little color and texture we choose helps to create the whole. The whole is the look, and the look is the communicator in a visual world. It?s all packaging. My forties found me in suburban N.Y.; the mother of two young girls. I opened a makeup studio where most of my clients were my peers; exhausted women juggling children, homes, jobs, while in the throes of peri-menopause or menopause. I, like them, had silver hairs sprouting, and obediently sat at the salon to get them covered up. Gray hair was for women who didn?t care about their appearance or the very old. Men of course could have gray hair. I felt like a fraud. I was helping women to accept themselves as they are; encouraging them to feel more confident and refreshed with a little sprucing of the makeup and hair. Hiding my grays suggested shame or a resistance to getting older. What a contradiction to be encouraging others not to succumb to anti-aging marketing messages, while succumbing myself. The single process semi-permanent color on my brunette hair would oxidize, shifting the hair toward the warmer, brassier tones, and I hated it! As I sat in the chair, smelling the noxious CELEBRATE 2022

chemicals on my scalp, staining my ears brown, I begrudged the cost of this folly and became more agitated with each visit. What really grated me was society?s underlying agreement that women shouldn?t age, that our best self was our younger self. The dogma was that gray was ?aging?, didn?t suit all skin types, made us look faded, and that we needed to stay young looking if we were to succeed in the workplace or dating arena. I was pissed at the sexist double standard. I examined colored hair with regards to all these assumptions. I noticed couples leaving a movie theater, or out in public. The men with their silver temples, or salt and pepper never looked faded or at odds with any skin tone or eye color. The men looked bright and fresh. The women in these couples often had damaged hair in multi-hued combos. I saw blondes that really shouldn?t be blondes, I saw fresh dye showing through thinner areas in the hairline. I saw single color flat looking helmets, I saw roots in need of touchups. I wasn?t seeing better. To my stylist?s eye, I saw artifice that often made woman actually look more frumpy, more manufactured and less natural. The esthetic did not look contemporary. I made a decision to let mother nature be my colorist. I was 47. When told I would look older, I?d say, ?Older than who??I didn?t want to try to look younger than I was, that felt desperate, and an acceptance of society?s nonsense. My teen daughter told me I looked like I walked into a spider web. My 7 yr old asked, ?Mom, are you old??I asked her, ?What is old??She said, ?I don?t know.?I said, ?me neither.? I faced plenty of resistance for letting it grow out. I was told I would not work as a beauty professional. The rebellion was on! I was alone, going silver had not yet become a trend. I started to enjoy my hair again; watching it get healthier and seeing the color patterns emerge. I had the skills to see my wardrobe and makeup differently. When I hit a drab stage, where my silvers weren?t bold enough to add light and the natural color had lost some vibrancy, I got some very dark , chunky permanent low lights to add dramatic contrast. The low lights looked intentional, like a lipstick color. They were not designed to hide or cover. I felt my authenticity and originality return as I embraced going silver. There is something self-empowering to be


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Check out HairStory


comfortable with who you are. The notion that we don?t look good enough as we are is destructive. The obsessive pursuit of looking younger as we continue to age is a losing battle. I love hair color for fun, for self-expression, for any reason that is self-affirming or positive. I just resist the idea that we must not go gray or become less attractive, less stylish, or obsolete with our natural, silver hair. When my hair became even thinner and finer post menopause, I wanted to protect it more with products that did not contain damaging ingredients. In doing so, I became involved with a great natural hair care line called Hairstory that has a special guide for silver hair.

wonderful FaceBook groups, Instagram role models and of course, Tangled Silver Magazine to support, inspire, and show us the path through our metamorphosis. Part of my metamorphosis has been joining the Mother/Daughter duo behind FACE Stockholm as an Art Director. I love this beauty brand company and their products that have been iconic for 40 years. Family owned and nimble, I'm hands on doing what I love best: planning photo shoots, writing copy, connecting people and hatching concepts. Products I particularly love for the Pro-Age crowd;

The pandemic pushed Model: @ilenemcduffie Fruit and Flower Oil Photographer: @donnademariphotography the silver trend into high gear with all the Chamomilk Cleanser salons closed. It was Magic Wand the perfect time to Art Eye Liner work with women on Zoom to help with Tinted Mineral transition strategies, makeup lessons, overall styling Moisturizer and Zoom appearance for those who now work Smart Wheel (multitasking cream colors) remotely. It?s been great. Time marches on! I?ll be 64 when this is published. I love my silver,? . It takes guts and perseverance and the ability to say no to your hairdresser and a mindset that is dated, sexist and agist. It takes guts to embrace a positive attitude towards aging and be part of a shifting consciousness about beauty, wellness and inclusivity. It takes guts to be a young woman with silver hair. And it takes a critical mass to change ideas. But here?s the best part, silver is beautiful! We have


Get 15% off all FACE Stockholm products with code FACExHARRIS

Learn more about Ilise Harris over at Iliseharris.com and check out her make-up videos over on vimeo. Check out FACE Stockholm at facestockholm.com to learn more about this beauty brand, thier products and services while supporting a women owned business in the process.

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Getting recommendations is a great start to discovering products that fit your lifestyle. But, keep in mind we're all as individual as raindrops, so it's just a start... Get to know your skin type, hair texture, etc. Then play around till you find what works for you Check out this quarter's picks from real women sharing the products they love.


Real Women Tina's pr oduct pick s

Vintner 's Daughter serums vintnersdaughter.com


Herbal Face Food Serum I & The Cure available at herbalfacefood.com Bambuearth All Natural Skincare available at bambueearth.com Ursa Major body lotion, shampoo & Conditioner, Deodorant available at ursamajorvt.com


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Lash Princess False Lash Effect Mascara-available at essencemakeup.com Kiss Modern Art Gel Fantasy Nail Kit-available at kissusa.com UNTAMED by Glennon Doyle-book available on Amazon.com

L?Oréal Paris Infallible Full Wear, Full Coverage, Waterproof Concealer-available at L?Oréal.com

Jineen's pr oduct pick s

Real Products CELEBRATE 2022


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We're excited to share this new collaboration between Tangled Silver Magazine and Jill Kirsh Color in hopes to inspire your silver journey while playing in color. It's a quirky thing, color. One day the shades are perfect, then you start going gray and color seems to betray you. Enter Jill Kirsh and her theory on your hair color, rather than your skin tone, being the color code to rock your silvers. I had my colorsdown years ago. I wasconfident with my wardrobe with my pitch black hair, but now that I?m almost a steel grey with a few skunk stripes, I?m lost asI feel like something?smissing. What colors should I be looking at adding or getting rid of? ~ Lisa T. JILL: Hey Lisa! Great quest ion. So if your silvery gray is up against t hose dark st ripes, t he st ripes are adding some dept h & dimension. A few of t he shades for fashion I recommend are cobalt , fuchsia, royal purple, deep emerald & pure whit e, which are t he same I suggest t o my client s wit h black or dark brown hair. If t he gray event ually soft ens & becomes more solid, t hen I?d suggest a different palet t e. In answer t o what t o t oss, t hough wit h t he pit ch black hair you've probably recycled t hese already, I?d lose any camel, olive, must ard or warm brown pieces you st ill might have. Which color palate's bring out the best in silver and some Carmel toned hair - brightsor pastels?~ Regina P. JILL: Hi Regina. Silver is a cool color whereas carmel is a very warm shade. It really depends on which is t he predominant color, especially around t he face. The effect I go for wit h my client s is t hat all t heir shades for fashion & beaut y are in sync wit h each ot her & not choppy or fragment ed. Then everyt hing just flows & it ?s incredibly aest het ic. We play off t he hair color t hat frames t he face. Each of my color palet t es have bright & light valued shades. Now that I?m silver should I move to mostly silver jewelry?I?ve worn mostly gold jewelry most of my life except for my wedding set, asit?s gold and I?ll never part with it for obviousreasons. ~ Theresa J. JILL: Hi Lisa. Tot ally underst and about t he gold wedding ring. Mine is gold t oo & it ?s not going anywhere! That said, silver jewelry is beaut iful wit h silver hair, especially up around t he face. You might also want t o t ry rose gold, which has pinker t ones & is lovely next t o silver st rands. Black isa staple for me, but what typesof accessoriesand colorscould I add to make me feel less washed out. My hair iswhite and I have very light skin and blue eyes. ~ Lisa M.



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COLOR QUESTIONS? EMAIL US at info@TANGLEDSILVERMAG.COM for Jill t o answer in fut ure issues! Can't wait t hat long? Visit JillKirshColor.com and check out her color swat ch books mat ched for your hair color t oday!

JILL: Oh my Lisa! That ?s an ent ire art icle it self! There are so many t ips on how t o make black work & I?m excit ed t o share t hem wit h you on t his plat form. So here?s one: A scarf is an amazing way t o bring out your face & hair & st ill be able t o use black as a backdrop. And since you ment ioned your fair skin & blue eyes, I would find a scarf wit h some dust y blues & mint greens.

Head over to jillkirshcolor.com and download her free E-book on color

Mel Tickel's SILVER LONG HAIR STYLING IGTV @silver _st ylin g

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Hair & Make up Tips @SILVER_STYLING

What to do with your silvers between hair washes, tends to be a theme among long haired sisters. . Mel Tickel offers fabulous and simple style instruction through her IGTV @silver_styling. She breaks down her tricks in quick video content, with most under 4 minutes of your time. CELEBRATE 2022


Shades t o Celebr at e with Jineen Marie Silvery TangledSIlverMagazine.com

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The first color of the season that calls is beautiful YELLOW because it reminds me of sunshine in the Springtime! It really makes silver hair pop! I used a softer look on my eyes, a pop of color on the lips to keep it bright and cheery and a simple silver earring.-JineenMarie CELEBRATE 2022

Not only are lilacs my favorite flower, but they come up for a short and sweet season in the Springtime! LILAC is fabulous with Silver hair and really compliments the white in the front of mine! I did a darker purple eyeshadow on my eyes to tie in the earrings and another shade of purple for the lip to bring it all together!-JineenMarie


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I also chose a soft shade of PINK which makes me think of the lovely cherry blossoms that come out in the Springtime as well. I used some amber colors on my eyes and some soft glossy pink lip color for my lips. I added a touch of pink and glitter for an earring to pop against my silver hair!-JineenMarie CELEBRATE 2022

(Karen Rappaport McHugh , cont.pg.46)

As a woman now in my 50?s I realized there would be no graduations, milestones, or markers to guide me toward this next phase of aging. For most of my life, I tried to emulate something and someone. Now, it was up to me to set the example, become a guidepost and model for my daughters and for younger women. My curly hair stylist, younger than me, was letting her grays shine. She casually mentioned that whenever I was ready, she would be there to support me. On my 55th birthday, I told her I was ready. She toned my burgundy locks to a cool brown, she told me it wouldn?t be easy, and she assured me that she was there to help. She also said that hats make a fashion statement. Luckily, it was December. People told me I looked like Bonnie Raitt as the silver emerged and began to frame my face. I noticed that I my natural color, which I hadn?t seen in years, was much darker than I remembered. My hair began to thicken and shine again. I noticed that I did too. Released from any expectation of who I should look like, I started revisiting my clothes and wondering who I should dress like. The answer came in a flash. Dress like yourself. Myself. My self.

handfuls of hair. Strands of gray burst stubbornly through my scalp almost overnight. Hair color of any shade began to look flat. Salon visits became more frequent, my wallet emptied out and my at-home treatments never yielded the same results. No matter what I tried to stay ?young,?I knew an older woman was struggling to break free. I had friends with silver hair. I said it looked good on them. I noticed some celebrities with platinum styles. I said they were famous and didn?t need to care. I said gray hair would only look good on women with light eyes, a certain skin tone, a different shade of silver. I made every excuse for why it was fine for others and not me. I?ve both heard and said them all. The truth is there is no truth except my own.


I?m 58 years old now. I feel fortunate to be alive, to be healthy and to be representing the wise women who know that aging is a blessing. I want to celebrate her. I?m determined to look and feel my best in any way that seems right to me. I strut in my cowgirl boots, sashay in sexy outfits, and show off my sassy silvers. That?s who I am today. It might change tomorrow but that?s up to me to say.

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New Thoughts, Ideas, Reviews,

Photo Creds: Tina Pirozzoli Photography

& Stories to Soothe the Soul


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Suddenly Summer Too many SPF products to mention but we know the importance of them in-spite of the numerous vast choices we have. We don't have any excuse to not start the first line of defense against skin cancer and damaged skin. If you are overwhelmed by your choices the EWG, The Environmental Working Group, is a great place to start, or my page :). Their app is worthy to download and use while shopping. This year I am letting my imperfections shine with a clear SPF instead of a tinted SPF. Don't get me wrong, the tinted SPF is a better choice than foundation without SPF. I have been using the Herbal Face Food that has a natural spf so going skin bare is helping with menopause frustrations of making simple decisions not so difficult. You do know your imperfections are quite literally perfect, right? These simple daily choices can be more thought consuming and go unnoticed and have a bigger impact than what we may like. I have embarked on a lifestyle of decluttering but not organizing unnecessary items, de-owning things not quite minimalist but understanding the balance of 'ENOUGH". I am beginning with bare skin and taking on a new journey of conditioning my perspective of natural skin with the high contrast of color. This is new thinking because we are bombarded with the idea of the 'no make-up make-up look'. That marketing idea still is unacceptable to those women that boldly go bare as it truly means. Call it like it is and it is still makeup. I've

WRITER Tina Pirozzoli CELEBRATE 2022

been able to dare to dream to like my skin with a few great concentrates and serums but even then my skin is still in need of hydration but I am learning to accept my skin as my canvas. Are you willing to join me in a challenge to begin with a natural skin canvas before adding your signature to?

SPF and mixing a bit of sunshine and hope in your water will be your best summer nutrients to a more healthy you. Think of them as your Psalms and Proverbs to living consciously. This season is the best place to begin because if you find yourself outside more often then you will most likely be kissed by the sun and find your natural glow that will ease you into a bare skin routine easily. If this is not your route, stick to what makes you feel your best. Through my Silver Swag Chats I am embracing my inner confidence that so many friends share while going live and spilling treasures out from inside their IG window. The idea of the lifestyle you desire reflects from the inside. I can put all the make-up on and still cast a weak aura or I can face the world bare, look minimal but with maximum confidence. It is all about what is on the inside and the idea I want to convey. Some of my reviews the past couple of months were skincare products. My perspective will come from a sensitive skin point of view as I only try lines catering to this area. Bambu Earth is a line with a few ingredients that you can pronounce and most likely will find on a nature walk. How amazing is that The creator of the company also shares her faith on the packaging. I personally love finding a personal note whether it be Scripture, or encouragement, or pro age tips written on the boxes. Bambu Earth has an email you can subscribe to and add to your reading list of self-help. Amber's authenticity and raw heart she shares is truly an inspiration to countering the beauty industry and seizing your true self worth's soul cry. We can be drawn to a line for its packaging that may appeal to your eyes and emotions. What do you think? Do you judge a book by its cover in more ways than one? Ursa Major was another line that truly appealed to my senses and, goodness, does this line transport you to the deep woods where the air is unaltered. The smell of this line is therapeutic in ways unimaginable. I guess if you like the smells TangledSilverMagazine.com

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of the outdoors either near the seas or in the forests. This line is natural and offers physical and mental benefits. The skin is soothed and improved while the aroma is intoxicating. Check out my favorite products for these lines in my Beauty Editor's pick page. Make-up is dwindling down to a few pieces as the weather warms up and I get outside for exercise and playdates. As a stay-at-home mom I am still in the line of fire for being sprayed with the hose or having a squirt gun fight. As long as my soul is soothed, my senses are met with the luxury smells of creation, SPF, hydrating face serum or spray, and a bit of lip SPF protection, I will be good to go. Should I venture out without my mom's bag and throw on 'the girls' attire then I will surely pull out the most vibrant of colors. I will not hesitate to wear sea blue turquoise and orange and an assortment of pink melon colors on my face and clothing all at once!! What will be your go-to routine this season? Thanks to all the lovely ladies that shared their time and wisdom with all of us during our SWAG CHATS. It is a beautiful thing when you fling open your IG window and hang out of it to say "Hey!" to everyone. Every single chat was inspiring because every single one of you is a unique inspiration. And a big congratulations to all the winners of the giveaways hosted on my page!! Grey because I am. Grace because of the great I AM. ~ Tina

@grey.grace.andgrit Cosmetologist & Conversationalist, Photographer and our own Beauty Editor.



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Leah Rachel welcomes your questions quarterly to help you find your optimum health balance. She's sharing her advice, but in no way is giving you specific direction regarding your health choices. Please consult your Doctor or other health specialist before making nay adjustments to your lifestyle.

work through any pain. Remember there is a difference between pain and muscle discomfort. I would also suggest you work with a trainer or machines to make sure your body alignment is correct when performing any activities. Start with no weight or light weights.

Q: I'm recovering from a shoulder injury. W hat weight -bearing/ exercises would you recommend if any?

Q: Everyone t alks about pre and post -workout drinks, but wit h so many out t here do you have any you'd recommend?

~Lisa L

~Ellen P

A: To protect yourself from re-injuring your shoulder, strengthening all the muscles that help support the shoulder joint becomes essential. I would recommend doing push-ups or any exercises targeted to the pectoralis major/minor. Equally important are the muscles & tendons surrounding your scapula: Teres Major, Teres Minor, and subscapularis.Rotator cuff exercises specifically will strengthen the joint. Make sure to work deltoid and rotator cuff exercises equally.Be careful not to

A: Water, water, and water. The only drink that will properly hydrate you, aid in digestion, and always benefits the body is just plain water. Having said that, there are times when drinks like gatorade can replenish electrolytes. Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphorus, etc. When electrolytes are imbalanced often muscle spasms occur. In this case, the best thing to do is drink water!

Q: I've been doing t he V Shred program for about 3 mont hs and it get s my heart rat e up, but it 's killing my knees. W hat else can I do t hat will get my heart rat e up,

BE | In spir ed 101 but not need t he use of my knees so int ensely?

avoid anything with preservatives. Eat fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, healthy protein sources such as poultry, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, etc. There are many different juice cleanses to choose from if you feel inclined. Let me know how it works for you!!

C~Lari ontribu tor Meet & Greet R A: While many of these new programs are effective, they were designed for the people who created them. Their target audience are mainly people below the age of 40. Wear and tear have not appeared yet in this age group and their specific focus is usually muscular definition, not overall health and wellness. I am sure they care about their fitness but they haven't experienced the limits of the 50+. The decline of hormones simultaneously accompanies a gradual decline in physiological status. Thus the focus now must be about health, proper nutrition, and maintaining all anatomical functions to the best of our ability for as long as possible. There is no need to kill Age 55 yourself over a workout.

Leah | Texas

Leah has decades of experience with her emphasis on exercise and keeping your body mobile. Send your questions directly to her at leah@tangledsilvermag.com. Be sure to check out this month's article on Heart & Soul. You can also send your questions to info@tangledsilvermag.com and we'll be sure to get them over to Leah.

She's also available to reach out to her with questions over on her Instagram account if you can't Q: W hat is your t ake on juice wait between issues. Her goal is to cleanses and are t hey wort h it ? Medical Exercise Specialist, answer your questions and help Group Fitness Instructor ~Marcy M you create a healthy lifestyle that works within your current A: Juice cleanses are usually just lifestyle. She's a firm believer that a brief refrain from toxins in the Heading into my next adventure you can still enjoy the things you body. They are effective and if in Texas and joining the TS Mag love with a little tweak to your you are inclined to try it just to f amily. I went silver back bef ore routines and keeping yourself see how you feel from it, it would there were communities to moving during the holidays. not hurt you at all. However, if

support women embracing their

you really want to keep your grays. body clean for the long term, eat healthy foods, drink water, and

Find her on Instagram @leahrachel66 .

Silver Since 2011 Tak e car e of you r body. It 's t h e on ly place you h ave t o live.

~ Jim Roh n


Wr it er Joli Campbell TangledSIlverMagazine.com

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@quicksilverhair www.quicksilverhair.com/ blog Founder of QuickSIlverHair, knit t er, phot ographer, paint er... Silver since 2015


Salut e To The Men of Silver They have st or ies t oo

This month we celebrate one of our previous silver sister's husbands! I thought my hair turning gray was just the natural thing to do. As men, we are called silver foxes and distinguished. Aging has more of a positive overtone for men. For woman it?s always been a different story.

Photo Credits: Kat and Bob Garza

My wife and I were in our 60s when we met, just 4 years ago and she was already silver. The first thing I noticed was her beautiful silver hair and blue eyes. What stood out was how confident she looked and that made her stunning.

Meet Bob | @jezebelandgigolo on Inst agr am 66 | Shoe Designer, VP, Entrepreneur



I listen and watch everyday as she goes to social media platforms in support of women transitioning and it?s disheartening to hear their stories. Many stories are based on the fact that their husbands, partners or friends are not in support. Many of their husbands may be gray or even bald. In my opinion, what makes a woman look good, is not the color of her hair, but her confidence. If you don?t think silver will look good, you won?t. But if you think silver will will look good, it most definitely will.

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