Tangled Silver Magazine - CELEBRATE 2023

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Tangled SILVER Magazine Founder & Edit or Robin Salls robin@tangledsilvermag.com

TS Magazine is published bi-monthly featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle. All annual subscriptions in digital are for six issues. (January, March, May, July, September, November)

Cont ent Assist ant david@tangledsilvermag.com

Single Print issues are available for Special order. Please visit tangledsilvermagazine.com for details. Prices will vary depending on issue lengths. Delivery is typically 3-4 weeks.

Copy Edit ors David Salls, USA Julie Kneafsey, UK

Single Digital issues are available for $6.99 USA One year/six issues digital -$24 USA & Countries where available. This includes full access to our community site.

Beaut y Edit or & Phot ographer Tina Pirozzoli tina@tangledsilvermag.com Cont ribut ing W rit ers Mel @silver_styling Joanne @jobo_silver-linings Leah @leahrachel66 Jineen @jineenmariesilvery Jill @jillkirshcolor Mina @thegravesdiseasechef Julie @thefiftyist Ilise @iliseharris Cynthia @silverhair_makeupartist Layout Designer Robin Salls

HOW TO CONTACT US Tangled Silver Magazine | Girls Gone Grape, Inc. PO Box 503, Johnstown, CO 80534 Phone: 970-880-1636 tangledsilvermagazine.com SUBMISSIONS | INQUIRIES | ADVERTISING Please see the submission guidelines on our website at tangledsilvermagazine.com, or write to the editor at the address above or email sales@tangledsilvermag.com

Tangled Silver Magazine - ISSN (Print ) 2768-4407, (Online) 2768-4415 . INSPIRE 2022. Print ed in USA. Tangled Silver is published bi-mont hly (6x per year) January, arch, May, July, Spet ember, November by Girls Gone Grape, Inc.

Tangled Silver Magazine. All right s reserved. Reproduct ion of any cont ent or art work is prohibit ed in any print or elect ronic form wit hout prior writ t en permission by t he publisher.

Photography by Tina Pirozzoli


Not e Fr om Robin Dear Silver Beauties, Happy International Women's Month! Isn't this a great reason to celebrate! I believe you'll find a huge number of our gorgeous silver sisters celebrating on March 8th by blowing up social media in red! Join them using the hastag #silversistersdoredforIWD . Our own Julie @thefiftyist was part of the team to create this fun way to celebrate! I believe everyday we should find a reason to celebrate! It could be as simple as waking up today or as elaborate as celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary (I'll be doing so in April), but the point is that we win at life every time we take a moment to celebrate it. Life isn't always easy, but why do so many of us feel like we need a big reason before we can celebrate? Maybe needing a "big" reason to give yourself permission to celebrate is just another story we've bought into, like going gray will make us look dated or I can't start a business in midlife. Hmm... As always, we're celebrating amazing women and sometimes a story touches me to the point where I don't want to shorten it to fit our space, so we let it flow, which is the case from our beauty out of Bulgaria this issue. Dima's share just shouted that someone else might need to hear her whole story! Then we celebrate a few new faces to our She-pack, along with a familiar one as Cynthia and Mel share their takes on make up and hair going from day to night to inspire you. Julie touches on the subject of aging and long hair, while Ilise's Street Style features ballet teacher Rosemary sharing how to combine youth and class into perfect balance. You're also getting a peek into our Partner, Robin Norwood's, life beyond her hair care line and being a best-selling author, to discover another one of her passions. And we're celebrating our own Mina, The Graves Disease Chef, as she celebrates the launch of her cookbook. In it, she shares life-altering plant based recipes that have changed her world for the better while revealing her latest goodies in our pages. Throw in some reviews from Tina, along with shades of green for St. Paddy's Day from Jill Kirsh color and we're starting off March with reasons to celebrate. Silver for the win,

Robin Robin Salls | Founder & Publisher | robin@tangledsilvermag.com


Meet Our SHE-PACK Cont r ibut or s for Embr ace 20 23



Photography credits: Ilise Harris

EMBRACE | You 11 It feels like March in the North East: a little bit winter, a little bit spring. Sometimes we may want to wear youthful items, but often don?t know how to do it with a sophistication that feels age appropriate. I think Rosie nails it right here with this leather mini-skirt. As a ballet teacher, she has great legs and toned arms, so why not show them off?

The black leather mini looks pro age with opaque black tights and overthe-knee suede boots. She doesn?t give it all away with yards of cleavage, but pairs the mini with a high necked, softly draped sleeveless blouse. There is nothing ?desperate to look young?here, nor ?buttoned up?either. The feminine flower print blouse contrasts with the edginess of the black leather mini and boots. No need for jewelry, the center zipper on the skirt provides all the bling she needs. The lightly styled hair and minimal makeup keep the look classy.

Key words: Transitional

w it h


Contrast Feminine Sexy Pro Age


Maxine Sherman, dancer, choreographer and master Pilates teacher continues to provide inspiration for those who wear utilitarian workout wear. The fuchsia silk cami is a piece she doesn't wear alone anymore, but under a short sweater it turns a pair of leggings and a black sweater into a wow; fuchsia nails and some fun earrings take it even higher.

Who would think to wear a silk skirt with a slit on the side to teach pilates? Maxine, -paired with these olive velvet flat mules and a drapey scarf in a plum print, she makes use of all her beautiful pieces.


EMBRACE | You 13

w it h

IliseHarris CELEBRATE 2023

EMBRACE | You 15



EMBRACE | You 17





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What Shades of Gr een t o Consider



So with St. Patrick?s Day just around the corner, the question becomes: How to WEAR green Without LOOKING green? The go -to greens of the past, like Avocado and Kelly, really don?t enhance your silvered strands and actually cast a muddled and dull look to your face and hair. However, there are some fabulous greens in your present that completely embrace your hair color and make your features pop for all your Zooming, in person events and basically life in general! Here are some tips: If your hair is a distinct salt and pepper or silver, (which has a bit more dimension than a soft gray), then deep emerald green and pine green are spectacular. If your hair is a soft gray or a taupe-gray (gray with a bit of a cool, light brown), then mint, jade and sea foam are perfection.

Enhanceyour hair & face with theright shadesof green for you today! CELEBRATE.. 2023


Declar e Your

#I AM SILVER BEAUTY TangledSilverMagazine.com



Beaut y Now

Soul happinesscomes easily once YOU believe you are beautiful! And, Silver Sisters, you are silver beauty! Robin Salls, Founder

#iam silver beau t y CELEBRATE 2023

Long Hair Don't Car e I?m 56, I have long silver hair, and I don?t care. Because I?m rebelling against two societal myths: one, that I should keep dyeing my hair to hide any signs of ageing, and two, that women should cut their hair short as they age because it?s a style only younger women can pull off. I?m pretty sure if you?re reading this excellent magazine, you are already in the silver hair camp, if not transitioned already, so we can all agree that the taboo of silver hair is being broken. Let?s talk about the second one about long hair being seen as unsuitable if you?re over 40. ?40 or older ? above t he shoulder? Can you believe this is actually a saying? What an astounding assertion. It begs the question who made this stupid rule? Who on earth has the right to tell anyone what to do with their hair at 40 or older? I?m guessing you?re thinking ?no one?and you?re absolutely right. I wrote an Instagram post on this recently and had such a strong response in support of long hair at any age, I couldn?t resist talking about it with you. When it comes down to it, hair isn?t terribly exciting is it? It comprises thin keratin strands that extrude from our scalps, and if you grow it nothing dramatic is going to happen. There is no legal age limit imposed on it, no long hair police to come along and chop it off. Somehow, though, special meaning has been attached to it by society and a whole lot of shame and age segregation has been imposed on women who, frankly, have enough to deal with without having to think about this. The root s of t he idea Science tells us that hair length is linked to health and fertility, and long hair signifies that a woman who is healthy enough to grow it, is therefore able to bear children. This must ultimately have filtered through society to imply that an older woman doesn?t need long hair as her childbearing years are over.


seem overwhelming, EM BRACE | You

Also, long hair is viewed, in many societies, as a feminine and attractive trait. As young women we are shown that long hair represents our It?s t ime t o say t his loudly innocence, but also that long hair can be sexy and a weapon of long hair is not of f-limit s at any age. sensuality to be ?let down?and, in doing so, loosen our inhibitions. It?s crazy that in cutting it ?because we Age is no longer t he deciding fact or. should?, we are allowing ourselves If you look now, there are many prominent older women who swish their to be segregated by our age, can let long hair with pride and a certain defiance. Julianne Moore, Michelle Yeoh, society inhibit our sexuality or add Beyonce, Sarah Jessica Parker, J-Lo, Andie MacDowell, and hundreds of other connotations to it. Silver Sisters ? all looking totally epic and setting the standard as we move forwards. I was shocked to read a piece by Alyson Walsh for The Guardian There?s more t o it t hough? newspaper (UK, 2015) in which she There are other completely understandable reasons women cut their hair stated this view (not hers I have to when they get older. The reduction in hormones brought about by the say): menopause can, over time, result in thinning and weak hair, and many ?There?s a belief that as you get women prefer to have shorter hair which can be layered to look thicker and older, hair should become healthier. shorter ? that long hair In addition, long hair is high maintenance ? especially if it?s silver. (I know equates to being either a this!) As they get older, many women grow tired of looking after long hair, try-hard cougar or a slovenly and get it cut to save time and fuss. old hag?. The Daily Mail (UK) ran an article recently which gave 46 as the average age Well. I?m pleased to say that this women cut their hair. view seems to have moved on! ?Forty-six is a watershed year for many women and we are all conscious of not getting stuck in a style rut as we age. Many women feel they need Sadly, both sexes are bombarded to adapt their hair as they get older as the style that suited us in our from birth with images of the twenties may not necessarily work in our fifties.? attractiveness of women with long hair ? indeed every Disney princess If this is you, then go for it. It?s all subjective. Nowadays it?s all about feeling has long glossy hair, along with like your best self and doing what feels right for you in your current every beautiful model in an advert circumstances. for hair dye or hair products. It?s The final cut hardly surprising that this trope is so ingrained! But here?s the crux of the bias - if older women shouldn?t have long hair, then it follows that they shouldn?t be viewed as feminine and attractive either. Wow. Harsh. A woman commented in my DMs that her hairdresser had told her she should cut her hair now as long hair can make older women look saggy. I?d definitely look for a new hairdresser if this were me!


Just because society has historically demanded we cut it doesn?t mean we have to. And if someone doesn?t like it, they don?t have to, but that?s their problem. With the changing narrative about this, we can easily defy these traditional feminine norms and walk our own paths, so please don?t feel you have to chop it at 40, or 50 because you?re supposed to. Our hair is an extension of our personality and a choice that we can make without prejudice or shame. We make the rules now ? times have changed and the scissors are firmly in our own hands. And with that, I?m off to swish my long silver hair! Let me know if you have an experience of long hair prejudice ? I?d love to hear it ? catch me on thefiftyist@gmail.com



Shar e your BEST t ip for someone just st ar t ing


t heir GRAY jour ney. Underst and t hat it 's going t o t ake longer t han you t hink t o get t ot ally silver if you do it nat urally and don't chop your hair. Trina P. Hat s became my best friends during my t ransit ion, but now I don't go out in t he sun wit hout one so I won't get yellow t ones as quickly.

It 's your hair, so do it your way. I knew I couldn't handle let t ing it grow out , so I had my st ylist add highlight s and blend as I work t owards it . I st ill have about t wo inches of old color t o go. Mirya S. I read lot s of post s and blogs by women whose hair I admired and followed some of t heir t ips and st uck wit h t he ones t hat worked. Jane P. Take care of yourself in t he process. Some will get you and some won't . Don't let t hat t hrow you off if you want t o go gray. Tina B.


Photo Credit: @joining_the_greyrevolution

Shari B.



THOUGHTS... Don't get t oo caught up in what color you t hink you're gonna be in t he beginning because it probably won't be what you end up wit h in t he end. I ended up more silver when I st art ed more salt and pepper. Sally F. Moist ure is key in everyt hing. Drink more wat er, use moist urizing shampoos, fewer heat t ools and did I say drink more wat er. Frizz is real, but t his can help. Francesca R. Trust your gut if your st ylist t ells you t o do somet hing and you're not sure. I got t alked int o using highlight s and t oners when I want ed t o just let it grow out . No offense t o her, she's a nice person, but I t hink it t ook longer doing it her way inst ead of mine. Jolene J. If none of your friends are going gray t hat 's okay, but I suggest you find silver sist ers t o follow and reach out t o make connect ions wit h women who will get you when you have t hose moment s of self doubt . Zola N. Ret hink using heat t ools daily, underst and t hat clarifying your hair at least once a mont h is going t o be a regular t hing t o help wit h yellowing and your silvers will never look like anybody else, which is t he best part ! W ho want s t o look like anybody else! Love your silvers for what t hey are and if you don't like t hem, t hen color again because you're in charge! Robin S.


Ever find yourself wondering about the people behind the brands you love and trust? I do. So, I thought it would be fun to share a bit beyond the brands in a series that lets you see them as more than just a product, service or brand. We're kicking this off with Sensationally Silver's Robin Norwood. While you might know her as a best selling author and silver encourager, we'd like to share another passion of hers with you. A life-long horse lover, Robin Norwood originally wrote this article for the Norwegian Fjord breed magazine, THE NORWEGIAN FJORD HERALD. We thought you'd like to see how both these passionsintertwine for her. ?So? t his shampoo is for horses, right ?? Oops. I guess I should have known better. W.C. Fields never liked to share the limelight with children or animals because he knew they wouldn?t share it. They?d steal it. TangledSilverMagazine.com

After considerable effort and expense, it appears that I?ve proven his point! Those who view the commercial we shot here on my farm notice only Pisco and Angelina, my scene-stealing Norwegian Fjords. Forget the inspiring voice over, the charming jingle, the beautifully framed product shot ? all of which make it abundantly clear that these are products for people ? people with grey or white hair. Nobody cares. All their comments and questions focus on the horses. ?Ooh, they?re so cute!? ?Are they yours?? ?What are their names?? ?How old are they?? ?Where do you keep them??On and On.

EM BRACE | You 29 The day we shot the commercials these two were already stealing hearts with the arrival of the film crew at sunrise. Their scene-stealing just followed naturally. I suspect they can?t help it, that their Fjord charm is as genetically based as their limpid brown eyes and ridiculously full forelocks.

out, his teeth grabbed Dave?s beautiful pearl grey custom built Double H Cowboy hat and with a perfect little toss, he sent it sailing like a frisbee. But cowboy reflexes are quick and Dave caught his hat out of the air to much laughter and applause for both performers. The good news: the camera followed all the action and captured the scene beautifully. The bad news: a crew member was caught in the frame and spoiled the shot for use in the commercial. Darn. I so wish that typical bit of Pisco mischief could have made it onto the screen. It showed my darling grey dun at his clever best? Oh no! I?ve been

Another built-in Fjord feature is their amazing work ethic. Over a very long day?s shooting these two proved to be real showbiz troupers. While we rode back and forth again and again over the same path the horses stayed cheerful and willing. Even learning to start moving forward when they heard, ?? ready? and? ACTION!? When I?m trimming his mane, Pisco can wriggle like a nine-year-old boy waiting for recess. Somehow he managed to stand as still as a statue for retake after retake as I removed and resettled the saddle on his back. Finally, though, he?d had enough and the nine-year-old boy took over. My co-star in the commercial, Dave Stamey, is a celebrated singer/songwriter as well as a true cowboy. He was out of the shot and turned the other way when Pisco made his move. His head snaked CELEBRATE 2022

seduced, just like those viewers I described, into thinking this commercial is about my adorable Fjords and their winsome ways. But it?s not strictly about shampoo either? The main purpose of this little vignette we filmed is to remind those of us who are no longer young that life can and should be a daily celebration. If we?re not sure how to make this happen, all we have to do is watch a Fjord. Pisco and Angelina, like the rest of their breed, know how to celebrate. Those of us who share life with Fjords have seen them make a party happen out of nothing. No food or drinks or music needed. No special event or occasion. Not even an invitation other than the magnetic charisma Fjords naturally exude. Our dun friend won?t be doing much of anything when out of nowhere people start to gather round. First they praise, then they pet. Next they smile and when their smiles get too wide they laugh. They talk to each other and? wow! Life feels really, really good. TangledSilverMagazine.com

So yes. It?s true. Fjords steal things. They will steal the scene at any event at which they?re present. Why not? They get to be the center of attention because it really is all about them. And they certainly steal hearts. I lost mine long ago and if you are around Fjords your heart is probably long gone as well. The important thing is what they give in return for what they take. It would appear then that it isn?t stealing that is taking place but rather an exchange. What we receive, every day, is an invitation to celebrate with them. They give such lovely parties. Let?s not miss a single one. To see Pisco and Angelina starring in their commercial go to www.sensationallysilver.com.




Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

MEET REGINA 55 | Podcaster | Silver Since 2020 Regina Young from W igs t o Nat ure t o Silver-Haired

My hair journey started when I was young - I always wanted long hair. Cher?s length would have been great but I soon found out we have two different hair types. As I got older, my mom?s generation wore wigs when it was not popular, like it is now. So, twenty years later I would wear half falls wigs for length with the front of my real hair out and the back a half wig. Sometimes I wore a full wig to cover my entire head if my hair was in a transitional state. In the 2000s there was a natural hair movement to give up using perms, dyes, and chemicals on our hair, I jumped on it.

@t eat imemidlifeedit ion | PENNSYLVANIA I cut my hair off to 1 ½ inches and dyed it bright red. It was the trend at the time. By my late 40s. I had been using those products for more than 30 years. Dyeing my hair red constantly met it needed dyeing at the roots or the gray/silver hair would start to show. I put on a wig for two years so everyone did not see the awkward stages of growing the red out of my hair. My gray hair revealed I had a reverse skunk stripe right down the middle head. My hair grew well without the chemicals. I had my first blowout and cut it into a long bob.

'I loved it and accepted that my new normal is silver.'






Photo Credit: Ilise Harris



MEET ROSEMARY 56| Ballet Teacher| Silver since 2020

As a former ballerina and now as a ballet teacher, my appearance and looks were always important for my professional decorum, and my own confidence. Over the years I often changed my natural mid-brown hair color to various shades of chestnut brown, auburn, orange and even indigo. But none of them seemed to really suit me and I was never fully satisfied. Then the pandemic hit, and with all the hair salons closed, I decided to use this opportunity to finally expose those sneaky silver locks that were peeking through at the roots. I was so curious to see how I would actually look with completely silver hair, and it took another twelve months of patience until they were finally, fully revealed!

@silverrose.88 | NEW YORK Already in my 50s I had to listen to many comments such as "you'll look so much older" and even, "you don't have the personality to go silver". None of that would deter me, I was brave enough to see it through. After all, if I didn't like it, I could always go back to dying it again. Over time, my friends would walk their comments back, once they started seeing more of my newly developing look! But my hair was still damaged from the years of dying and blow drying it - that?s when I discovered HairStory! Their products have positively changed the texture of my hair and added a beautiful shine. My silver transformation was complete!



MEET CLAUDIA 51 | | Silver Since 2016 It all started with anger. Anger on myself that I suffered every 2 weeks through the itchy coloring process to hide a part of myself only out of fear. What might other people think of my grey hair? Will I look old and ugly? I didn?t want to be that insecure, unauthentic woman anymore, that?s why I decided to stop coloring my hair 7 years ago and never regretted the decision. The transition took me a long 5 years because I wanted to keep my length - and I also immensely enjoyed the grombre process - for me it stands for personal growth and development and I was even a bit nostalgic when I cut the last dyed ends off. Of course I also got remarks about my hair. That I would be too young to show grey hair - but at the same time too old to wear my hair long - highly entertaining :D

@cloudeeyah | GERMANY Sometimes I have the feeling people feel confronted by me. Long hair is seen by society as sensual and sexy and grey hair as old and witchy - especially my curly salt and pepper mix - if grey, then it should be nicely elegant white.

But I don?t mind t his. Reject ion is a nat ural first react ion. It makes people t hink and reflect about t heir own sit uat ion. Like "when t his woman is get t ing away wit h not dyeing anymore, maybe I can do it t oo".

And there are also others who tell me how beautiful they find my hair and that they feel inspired by me and were only not brave enough yet to let it grow long or grow out the grey. That is also the reason why I started an Instagram account: to support the silver sisters community, to show other women my hair, that it's okay at any age to wear it long and natural and you still can be happy and feel beautiful ;-)






Photo Creds: Top Left & Right photos - Tina Piirozzoli, Bottom Left - Michelle Gotay



MEET MICHELLE 60| Humorist/Speaker| Silver Since 2022 Four years ago, I underwent a major physical transformation (about 180 pounds worth). As my physical body got smaller and stronger, my self-esteem grew. It was wonderful to see my shoes again and be able to walk and breathe at the same time! I felt more confident and so grateful to experience better health again. In some ways you could say I was a completely new person? . and in other ways, I was not. Let?s just say I am a slow learner of some of the lessons that life is (repeatedly and patiently) offering to teach me! One of the big ones has to do with seeking my own approval and knowing what it is that I want for myself rather than what others expect of me. And right now, my hair has been helping me with this assignment! Upon turning 60, I decided to ?let the silver shine through?, and initially, I was all in! Completely 100%* committed to the idea, I stopped coloring my hair (*but only one appointment at a time? . just in

@MICHELLEGOTAY | CONNECTICUT case? .). It?s funny how once you declare a thing, the Universe will test your resolve, right? I guess we find what we look for in this world. My own doubt was showing up in others?responses to my decision. ?You really don?t think it makesyou look old?? Well, I didn?t a minute ago? . ?Wow, one day you have beautiful blonde hair and the next you are just gray.? I?m just gray?!? ?Someone once told me that the way to stay beautiful forever isto never stop coloring your hair.? OK, Universe. That one just made me laugh and realize the absurdity of my anxiety over this. It?s only hair. Most days I like it a lot and some days I even LOVE IT! But I think I?ve decided in writing this that I need to worry less about letting the ?silver?(or blonde or brown or blue) shine through and more about letting whatever light is within shine through. I think that?s what will always make me look my best. CELEBRATE 2023


MEET ALICE 57| Meditation Teacher/Realtor| Silver Since 2013 The life of my hair? growing up in the 70s with so much hair and not knowing what to do with it? I was bullied all through grade school and Jr. High, mostly because of my hair. I was called scarecrow for years, so of course I hated my hair. I tried everything I could think of to tame it, to no avail? Then finally at the age of 47, when I started to make life changing choices, for me, I decided to go as natural as possible. I started with going all gray, then years later I decided to stop using hot tools on my hair and let my natural curls do whatever they want. It wasn?t easy! I had many men and women asking me why? Why go gray so young?!?

@ALICESINOHUI | ARIZONA But it was so freeing? it gave me the courage to make choices for me, about me, for the first time, ever! As the gray came in and my hair became its natural self, the compliments started, random people at the store, at get-togethers - every day there would be compliments. The attention to my hair was oh so different from back in the 70s! I am so glad I made this decision. As a meditation teacher/facilitator, I have helped others with self love and to accept who they are and where they are? and they see in me a genuine soul, brave enough to embrace something not socially accepted because it ages a woman to have gray hair! Well, I did rewrite my story. I live the life I create and my husband of 5 years, who is my greatest fan, loves my hair? and me being 13 years his senior does not make me ever want to dye my hair, to look younger. Yout h comes from wit hin and my gray does not st op me from living? no more scarecrow?









MEET DIMA 49| Legal Assistant| Silver Since 2021 I am a mother of a handsome 28 year old young man and a grandmother of a beautiful baby boy of 9 months. I was born with matte skin and have always been the classic natural brunette - black curly hair and warm brown-black eyes. For as long as I can consciously remember as a young woman (from around age 25) I had already had quite a bit of white hair (a genetic factor with me) and started dying my natural dark brown an almost black color. As the years progressed, the silver in my hair increased, and I used to dye my hair once every 3 months. Then I noticed that I began to resort to dye every month - a month and a half - to hide the gray hairs. By the end of 2021, it was only 3 weeks between dye. Naturally, this exercise took me a lot of time and money. Also, I had noticed that over time my hair was losing its qualities like shine, vibrancy, manageability, I was buying all kinds of expensive hair cosmetics in an effort to improve my hair and make it look good, but it was starting to look more and more like a nest on my head, and in structure it was like straw - limp, plucked, and my natural

@dimakrivleva | BULGARIA curls had almost straightened. I have also fought with hair loss many times. I was wondering how I could make my life easier in this regard, while not neglecting my appearance and looking like an unkempt woman (I can say that I am quite vain in general). I had heard that in Western Europe and the US, it was becoming more and more popular for women of all ages to wear their hair dye-free, to go back to their natural look, to accept themselves in their natural form. I searched for material on the subject on the internet (here in Bulgaria and for Eastern Europe people mostly do not accept this kind of a look for women, especially if she is young). I came across several groups on social networks, where I joined "Going Gray Gracefully" and there I enriched myself by meeting many women with their personal stories and photos. I followed the group for over a year without having any appearance there, just being an observer. I made sense of everything I heard and saw, without realizing that on a subconscious level I had also chosen to change something radical in my life. I made a decision for myself that I wanted to be myself. I was tired of racing against time, hiding gray hairs, running



every month and wasting time and money in beauty salons, I was wondering what would I look like if I were one of the many women in the group, what shades would my natural hair be? I saw such interesting combinations and amazing, unique transitions of black and white, gray and white (I had forgotten the colour of my natural hair for so many years). I embraced that thought with love and gratitude and THERE IT IS my journey, which has been much, much longer in thought than in practice. And in practice, being an impatient person, I decided for myself that I would not be able to wait for my natural hair to gradually grow out and periodically trim the dyed ends until it grew out completely, so I solved the issue radically with a single haircut. I had let my hair grow about 2 cm (after the last dyeing, which was on 10.11.2021) and two months later, I cut off all my dyed hair (buzz cut) and left my hair no longer than 2 cm. But t his hair was mine, t here was not a drop of chemicals or poison on it , it was soft and alive!

my hair rejuvenated me for many years, because I felt relieved, full of energy, eager for other changes after this one - like I had taken off a huge burden that had been accumulated for years.

I want to especially thank the creators of the group ?Going Grey Gracefully?and all its members over the years, who have been (and still are) for me a motivation and an example of how to accept and love ourselves, as we all are - real, unique and beautiful! And in the end, I would like to wish each of you, who read these lines now, to follow yourself and your inner voice, to feel yourself, to accept and love yourself truly, without hiding behind artificial things, but also to never forget to take care of yourself with responsibility and awareness of aesthetics and beauty. I hit t he RESTART but t on for myself, and since you're here, you can do it t oo! Stay healthy, natural and beautiful inside and out. Greetings from Bulgaria!

Immediately after my external change, I also felt a change from the inside - my energy increased, I became more proactive, I had a desire for many activities, both new for me, and to return to a number of those that I had abandoned.

I admit that the change itself was shocking for me at first, but I don't regret it at all. I believe that a person should be accepted, respected and loved as he is. I don't think that hair color defines us as young or old. On the contrary, it's a matter of inner feeling. On a spiritual level, I even think that, what I did by cutting TangledSilverMagazine.com

Photo Credit: @Anaisebenoudiz

I'm still quite unsure sometimes of my new look even though it's been a year since then (I'm keeping my hair short for now) and I know it will take time and patience to fully accept it because the road back to myself is long, but I made the decision to accept myself as I am today, and to love myself, because regardless of some negative comments from people around me that this look makes me old, I personally like myself very much and I think the vision is quite unique.

Many may think most 50+ women are easing into transitioning out of their careers, but I?m finding more and more women in the silver community suddenly being bit by the entrepreneur bug and excitedly jumping head first into new career adventures in midlife. We?re joining the likes of Martha Stewart, Betsey Johnson, Kathy Bates, and many others whose careers really hit their prime in midlife. I?m meeting women such as Mireya Olmos and Kat Garza creating modeling careers, Regina Young hosting a podcast around midlife, Mina Ward authoring several books based on her journey to health through plant based living with Graves Disease to Bossa Bar?s Founder Julie Gordon White creating a business around an energy bar specifically for women in menopause! All these women have a common spark among them? midlife is not slowing them down.

But, I want to take that even deeper. Wisdom is said to come with age, yet there seems to be an astounding confidence and energy that comes from women embracing their natural selves. It?s a discovery of courage, risk, grit, joy, confusion, self confidence and finally coming to a place of not giving a flip about how others perceive us. We no longer need the approval or definitions set out on the table before us. This new understanding of ourselves makes midlife something to be celebrated, rather than hidden. It?s this new spirit within that has us leaning out of our comfort zones and defining our next chapters. If you?d told me in 2012 that I?d be publishing a magazine by 2021 for silver haired women, I probably would have thought you were crazy.

Full disclosure, the entrepreneur bug hit me early in life as I have supported my family and self through various versions of what that looked like for me. I wouldn?t change my journey to where I am today, but I look back now and see that I spent a lot of time and TangledSilverMagazine.com

EMBRACE | You 49 money in those ventures without really understanding the whys or whats of how I was defining myself. I spent much of those years doing it ?all?and feeling worn down and feeling like I was never quite getting where I wanted to be. I?ve felt a different passion and energy in bringing to life this magazine, but along the way I?ve also noticed the gnawing feeling in my gut that I needed to make some changes in my patterns of my business life, but wasn't quite sure where to start. By 2022 I knew I needed to change things up and invest in myself in a way I had been hesitant to do based on past experiences. I decided to look for a coach with an emphasis on business coaching. I?d done some coaching in the past that I perceived as not very successful, so the thought of trying again was out of my comfort zone. I had to take a hard look at my past experience and realize that I had put too much expectation on the coach ?fixing?things, instead of questioning my commitment to doing the work. Doing the work would be key this time around.

developing your skills as a quarterback. Ask yourself what you really are looking for and then go out and find the coach who speaks your language.

Those of us in business or starting up a new venture should look for a coach with emphasis on helping you grow your business. If it's more about your lifestuyle choices for health and well being, then look for someone whose focus is more aligned with that need. It's not hard to find coaches out there, but you need to be discerning when it comes to working with one. We don't just buy the first house we look at because this is one of our biggest investments. Think of coaching as one of your biggest investments in yourself. You may even find you need several coaches in specific areas in order to get your game of life on spot for you.

I actually found several coaches who spoke my language and started with Dr. Kelly Schuh after hearing her at a luncheon talking about money blocks and living abundantly. I joined one of her group coaching programs with thirteen other business owners from around the USA and Canada. It was some of the most empowering conversations that led me to a new understanding around how I make decisions. It led me to look at things with fresh eyes and realize things I needed to keep, change or let go of to move

Midlife Ent r epr eneur Musings

forward in my business.

Finding the right coach(s) is also key, regardless of how much experience you bring to the table. I like to use football as an example as there are numerous coaches on a team, each with a laser focus. A quarterback coach?s whole purpose is to make that player the best damn quarterback. While he may think it?s great you can also play tight end, his focus is on

I didn't realize I still had some old stories playing around in my head that weren't necessarily my stories, but stories that were told to me. Stories that we're blocking me from moving into who I really am today. While my silver journey gave me new confidence, I was still falling into old patterns that felt like I was taking one step forward and two steps back in my business life. But , how can that be. I'm boldly telling the world that #iamsilver beauty and working to change the narrative on aging and going gray by


by creating a space to celebrate mine and other women's stories . Coaching brought up questions and answers that I may not have been able to come to on my own. Having that extra perspective that Dr. Kelly and the other ladies brought to the table got me thinking in new directions and rewriting the stories that were blocking me. It also brought me over to team pro -coaching in that investing in ourselves through coaching is something every women in business should do for herself.

professionally as I implement the things I've learned from this recent experience and future experiences, as this was just the beginning of my coaching journey.

I decided to share a bit of my story about coaching because I think it?s empowering for women to know that we don?t have to have all the answers in midlife. And, if you?re turning a passion into a business, know you don?t have to go it alone. Find a peer group and surround yourself with women who will uplift you. Coaching has been just one of the ways I?ve discovered how to find my flow in midlife!!

I can't wait to watch things unfold both personally and

Interested in sharing your Midlife Entrepreneur thoughts? Reach out to robin@tangledsilvermag.com


EMBRACE | You 51


to you? She should as we shared her silver story in our last issue. Yet, we discovered during our time together that she also has an entrepreneur journey that started from a decision to retire. Her journey inspires that there is more to retirement than just having lazy days around the pool! Enjoy.

Silver Ent repreneur I thought I was done. Not just retired, but ?stick a fork in me? done. After 33 years in more classrooms than I could count, I thought I?d go into retirement quietly, destined to tutor a few students, maybe walk some dogs at the shelter, and float around in my pool. The joke was on me! My retirement marked the beginning. Now, I know what you?re thinking. There?s the old expression about life after retirement. Travel and see the world. Enjoy making doctor?s appointments in the middle of the day. Nap if you?d like! But that is not what the universe had in store for me. In September of my 33rd year of teaching, I became eligible to retire. Most don?t at 55. But something felt like it was changing. I couldn?t put my finger on it. It wasn?t my love for teaching. That was stronger than ever. It was a year before the pandemic, and I was on the top of my game as an educator. But there was a tugging, a definite knowing that this was it. And I made an appointment with my superintendent the second week of school and announced that this would be my last year. She was stunned. Her initial response was to ask about my health. I remember explaining that my health was ok, but life had taught me that teaching didn?t define me, and that I was meant to live a big life. And although I loved teaching, I knew it wasn?t the TangledSilverMagazine.com

In the spring of 2020, I found myself nearing 200lbs. Napping daily because I was exhausted, mindlessly eating and drinking, and frightened of my declining health. I remember the day I almost quit on myself. I was trying to convince myself that I would have a daughter getting married soon, and I?d eventually be a grandma. Aren?t all grandmas fluffy and tired? And then I saw a friend who had lost a lot of weight. But it wasn?t just the weight loss that drew me in. It was her confidence, her joy. And without giving myself time to talk myself out of it, I messaged her. We had a conversation about change, not about weight. She spoke to me about habits, not diets. She offered me some hope. And I took it. That decision to change and get healthy has changed my entire life. Yes, I lost the 57 lbs that had been protecting me like a suit of armor. But I also began learning about HOW I had gotten there, and more importantly, how to NEVER go back there again. I began to build habits, one at a time, and began to gain control of my emotions, which in turn helped me make healthier decisions and as the weight came off, I discovered someone. Myself. And if creating healthy habits and managing my emotions could empower me like this, I just knew I had an obligation to share it with every human being who needed change. THAT felt like what I was put here to do. Two and a half years later, I have a health and wellness practice where I help people achieve a higher level of health and wellbeing. I also help people build businesses for themselves so that they may create health of all kinds in their own lives. Becoming silver didn?t slow me down. It wasn?t an indicator of the end. In fact, it was the catalyst for becoming exactly who I was meant to be: a hope dealer, a life changer. And I?ve only just begun. Reach out to Kate @thekateodriscoll to chat.

Photo Credit Keith Cornelius Photography, Stylist Trena Ackers

look familiar

Photo creds: Left Top Amy Carr Photgraphy Right : Ash Baker Photography other photos provided by Celebrate teh Gray Collective

Does Kat ie

period at the end of my sentence; it was more like a semi-colon, the beginning, but more was to come.

BE | In spir ed


KATE DRISCOLL Silver Ent r epr eneur, Healt h & Wellness CELEBRATE 2023


BE | In spir ed


REGINA YOUNG Mid-life Podcast Host


id-life Podcast Host Regina Young

creat ed Teat ime Midlife Edit ion Podcast for women in midlife t hat want communit y, friendship and t o not do midlife alone. She offers expert advice, self-awareness, and ideas for fun challenges while bridging the gap in who you can be during the most transformative time in your life. She strives to bring you some of the best flavors of conversations one teacup at a time. We had the opportunity to interview Regina after she reached out to invite our founder onto her podcast. We're thrilled to announce that her Season 4 Kick off starts with Tangled Silver Magazine's Founder, Robin Salls sharing about our #iamsilverbeauty movement and the importance of defining beauty on our own terms. The episode drops on Sunday, March 5th at 3pm EST. We hope you'll head over, listen and subscribe to support this fabulous silver sister on a mission to help women embrace midlife. When asked what was the motivation for starting this podcast her answer is delightful and one we feel many can relate too. She was trying to figure out her menopause journey and started where most of us are told too. Look to your Mother's journey to get an idea. Unfortunately Regina's Mother had passed, so she reached out to several aunts, who couldn't help as they'd bot had a hysterectomy, so they couldn't answer her questions. Feeling a bit frustration she happen to strike up a

conversation with co-worker she connected with and this connection turned into teatime chats about menopause together. She realized other women probably we experiencing the same thing and while she was fortunate to meed someone in the workplace that likely isn't an easy thing for most women. While the workplace is paying attention to the needs of maternity and paternity leave,along with mental health issues, the topic of menopause still seems to be taboo. Women are worried about how things like brain fog and sometimes needing to miss work due to menopause will effect their positions, so they tend to suffer through. She thought, "why should women not have a place to go for answers" and Teatime Midlife Edition was created. Why the name Teatime Midlife Edition? She loves what seems to be an added benefit of tea. Not just the health benefits, but the actual sense of allowing yourself to slow down over a cup of tea. Teatime rituals are worldwide and they're known to encourage you to slow down and take a minute to breathe. Something that becomes extremely important during midlife in general when many women suddenly feel like they no longer know themselves or have control over whats happening. And, because menopause/midlife wasn't a topic taught in schools like menstruation and sex education it leaves many of us unaware of what "it" really looks like. It's a new season and we need to start talking about it and taking it from being taboo or conversations that EMBRACE 2023

happen in quiet places to shining a light on what women can expect and that it's okay , no more than okay, to talk about it. Regina believes there is no need to suffer through this time alone and is bringing you guests to share their experiences through this time life. Regina and her guests will have you laughing, and breaking free from what people think or believe midlife means. They address topics like Dating over 50, World peace thru Awesome Sex, Relaunching the Second half of Life, Thyroid Healing in Midlife, Running on Your Own Power and much more. When asked about her background that led here, we loved that her story really shared that we can do anything in midlife when we set our minds to it. She was a model early in life, but her mother told her she should have a back up plan that led her into working for Pharmaceutical companies and learning the ins and outs where she learned various processes that helped her ease into her podcast career. She'd been thinking about he teatime idea for a while, but it was really propelled forward when the pandemic shut things down. Within about two weeks from that time, Teatime Midlife Edition was born . She started interviewing friends and family. Then once she was comfortable with recording, editing, and sharing the podcast she moved into reaching out to those she was following whose stories or journey's inspired her. She found people that were thriving during midlife. They all had stories to TangledSilverMagazine.com

BE | In spir ed 57 to share about finding their passions and going for them. Midlife wasn't stopping them and it was refreshing to hear from others. It was also refreshing to know that others shared her thoughts and desire for more in midlife and were excited to share their version of midlife with her. She went from feeling like she was on an island alone with no support to understanding their were many other women looking for the same answers she was searching for. Teatime Midlife Edition feels like you're sitting around a table with your girlfriends sipping tea and discussing life. It's conversations, laughs, and being real. Regina's making midlife conversations part of the norm with her style . You can find Teatime Midlife Edition Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Regina can also be found on Instagram and she also has a community over on Facebook for you to join and stay connected with her midlife musings! Be sure to tune in on March 5th when she kicks off her Season 4 with Robin Salls and join them on March 7th with a live chat over on @teatimemidlifeedition on Instagram. Be sure to grab yourself a cup of tea and enjoy midlife with ease!



BE | In spir ed 59


Nat ural or a Pop of Color


The beauty of makeup isn't in the makeup itself, but in the process of discovering the looks that define you. Welcome Cynthia Farsadi to the She-pack as she brings her knowledge in the beauty industry to us through the brands she loves. Here she's bringing you a more natural look in the top right and then a look with a bit more color using the following products.


NATURAL LOOK Tart e by t he Sea Glowlight in shade Glimmer Hourglass Vanish Concealer in Silk Nudest ix Blush in Moodie Blu


Kvd Gel Liquid Bronzer in light medium neutral Ilia Limit less Lash Mascara in black Hourglass Glossy Balm Lip in shade Haze

THE COLOR LOOK Hourglass Ambient Foundat ion in shade 5.5 Hourglass Blush St ick in shade Sacred Hourglass All Over Set t ing Powder in Veil Hourglass Caut ion Mascara in black Khole Creamy Black Liner from % pure

*All items and vegan are cruelty free! Are you more nat ural or color pops?


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6 Before




Photo Creds: Tina Pirozzoli Photography

Glim m er s


BE | In spir ed 63


of sunshine

have been peeking t hrough, but I don't feel like I am fully ready t o st art looking ahead t owards Spring quit e yet . I still want to enjoy the winter with a few more, not necessarily just cold days, but snowy days. I love the snow and have missed out this season. I am wondering if I would still be so welcoming if the snow decided to visit and visit hard in April as I get ready to rotate the wardrobe. I am still working on my moody winter blues by wearing my favorite colors even if they are bright summer orange. Coralish will forever be my go-to favorite. Do you have one? Before we get into the makeup fun, skin has been a trial and error this season as if I am new to learning about it. This is something every single one of us face which is being new to learning something even if it may not be technically learning something 'new' but learning how to manage something during a different season. I have had a skin flare up for months under one eye that danced above and below my eye for weeks but because I have learned about products and how to make certain lines and ingredients work for me, I have been able to help with the spreading and duration of the flare-up. The skin game is still at the core of successful make-up routines and non-makeup skincare routines and, of course, healthy eating is the core of skincare success and if I go deeper than skin-deep and gut health then the core of my very well being is determined by what I meditate on. Fortunately, not being like the weather that is only predicted but I can speak, act, and live on faith. Although I have great anticipation for one blizzard this season the weather is not in my control but only my response to the world around me. This winter I chose to keep it simple. one step at a time as I continue on with my physical wellness journey and exercise with @teeterfit?

WRITER Tina Pirozzoli CELEBRATE 2023


BE | In spir ed follow any fitness sister that inspires us to work out and you too will learn the great benefits of strength training. Progress is only determined by commitment. Commitment is determined by what I choose to meditate on and think about and speak of. My favorite scripture to come against condemnation and doubt of seeing results is Galatians 6:9; Let us not become tired in doing good what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessings if we don't give up. Don't quit ladies! Patience is what makes us pretty, not the trophy. Trust in the progress and lean not on any excuses. Prot ein & Collagen I am trusting a few products to also assist in my routine starting with Kerotin protein powder. I just add it to my coffee with a bit of coconut oil and I have instant energy support with health benefits. Chocolate is my favorite in my coffee and vanilla for family recipes especially for protein pancakes. Kerotin Collagen powder not only treats my body well but serves my nails, hair and skin. My skin suffers when this is missing from my routine. Do you use collagen?


My lips have never felt better with Ursa Major. Keeping it simple this winter also with my hair styles but with more heat because of the cold. Evolvh styling lotion and Kerotin Thickening Spray work together like two peas in a pod. With minimal product and style Kerotin Shine spray would be the only product needed that completes any style including just a ponytail or messy bun. This Shine spray keeps the frizzies tamed under that winter hat. Well, I am still hopeful for my one blizzard, and I will keep you posted on my account on the weather report. If not, I will be digging out the Spring fashion much sooner than I thought. Grey Grace & Grit The Cosmetologist & Conversationalist

Skin Care My skin is still on the mends from a cold winter but is replenished by fasting; of course, as a writer, I will embellish the word in an acrostic. F...lesh- A...ndS...pirit- T...raining. In my personal experience this is when my body detoxes and learns discipline. As I soothe the soul my skin has been soothed with Andalou Naturals. Safe to say I have been so impressed with their masks. I never suggest keeping anything on your skin overnight, especially as a "treatment", but even with my sensitives, eczema and dry skin, my skin is loving it.

My skin hasbeen soothed with Andalou Naturals. Safe to say I have been so impressed with their masks. ~Tina


Roasted Eggplant & Poblano Deconstructed Enchilada Cazuela with Creamy Salsa Roja

I think we can all agree that South of the Border inspired dining is always a delicious treat, no matter the season. I'm always being asked to make my homemade all plant based, all organic Eggplant and Poblano Enchiladas with Creamy Salsa Roja (aka Picante Hot Red Enchilada sauce) so I thought, if my family loves it that much, it might be a fun recipe for you to try out with your family. The great thing about Enchiladas is how forgiving they can be. You can switch up the layers and the heat based on who's coming for dinner. You can make mild sauce if that's what you fancy, there's medium heat for the inbetweeners or if you have hot n' spicy diners coming over, you'd definitely enjoy the picante blazing hot Roja sauce. No matter which heat level you choose, enchiladas are always a welcome main course. You can use black beans or pinto beans or even cannellini beans or a blend like I did in this recipe because we love feasting on all the beautiful food colors of the rainbow. Having grown up in California almost all my life, we've been extra spoiled with the variety of cuisines from all over the world without having to even leave town and yet, we find ourselves always falling back on our MexiCali favorites like tacos, burritos, tostadas and yes, enchiladas. Why? Because they treat you right when made with organic ingredients and love and because they're just THAT good! Who doesn't love good Mexican food?!

TheGraves' DiseaseChef TangledSIlverMagazine.com

The layers of roasted eggplant and poblano peppers lend the most amazing and exciting flavor bombs of savory goodness in every bite. This deconstructed version generously serves a family

BE | In spir ed The best part of all, while the Cazuela is baking in the oven, you get to enjoy more family time together. Win! Win! WIN! Here's a takeaway from this recipe from a health perspective and from someone who has done extensive research about foods, herbs and spices do the body good. I've often been told, believe it or

not, by well intentioned friends and family that I ought to stay away from eating too much spicy foods because according to them, they've "heard" from a friend of a friend of a friend... that eating hot n' spicy peppers are bad for your gut, that "they cause ulcers" and eating all those hot peppers are dangerous. Trust me, I've heard them all. I beg to differ. That thought process has become a popular myth that somehow took on a life

of its own which I call false truth because it simply can't be back by evidence. The truth is, peppers are actually very healthy for you and those health benefits are found in capsaicin. Cap what?! Capsaicin. I talk about this in greater detail in my soon to be released Cookbook, "The Graves' Disease Chef - How to Master Simple to Gourmet Flavors from Around the World".

As a matter of fact, I am super excited to share that you can finally Pre-Order your copy now by going to gravesdiseaseChef.com and be one of the first to sign up to receive a limited edition personally signed copy when the Cookbook launches and gets released in late Spring. Everyone who signs up will also receive the freebie link to the "Top 12 Essentials You Should Always Have in Your Pantry," as my way of saying thank you for your


continued love and support. Signed copies will only be available at select book signings so if you want to snag yours, sign up today before the launch and as soon as the Cookbook is released, your copy will be shipped out to you immediately. And, if you haven't checked out the free 'Sneak Peek Preview' of

the Cookbook, cut and paste the URL here into your favorite browser: thegravesdiseasechef.ck.page/ thegravesdiseasechefcookbook and you'll get to see excerpts of what's inside and be treated to a recipe straight from the Cookbook.


Mina EMBRACE 2023

EVOO or Avocado Oil cooking spray.

ENCHILADA CAZUELA INGREDIENTS 1 large eggplant - 1 1/2 pounds 2 large Poblano peppers - cored and seeded 3 TBSP - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided Olive Oil or Avocado Oil Cooking Spray 2 - large sweet onions, thinly sliced 6 - garlic cloves, finely minced 2 TBSP - chili powder 3 tsp - dried oregano 1/2 cup - scallions (white and green parts), thinly sliced 1/2 tsp - garlic salt 1 tsp - onion powder 1 TBSP - ground cumin 1 - 28 ounce can - fire roasted diced tomatoes 1 - 15 ounce can - black beans, drained and rinsed 1 - 15 ounce can - pinto beans, drained and rinsed 4 - fresh serrano peppers, coarsely chopped (for less heat, remove white membrane and seeds) 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped, divided for garnish 1 - 2 ounce can, sliced black olives

Slice unpeeled eggplant into 1/4 inch thick rounds, then slice again into half moons or quarters, if too large. Slice Poblano peppers, using the membrane lines, as your guide and slicing point. They should resemble large triangles. Arrange eggplant in a single layer on one tray and poblano peppers in a single layer on the other tray. Brush eggplant and poblanos generously on both sides with 1 TBSP olive oil. Roast poblanos first on the lower oven rack for 35 to 40 minutes. At the 35 minute point, while poblanos continue to roast, add baking tray of eggplant to the upper rack. Roast poblanos and eggplant until both are slightly browning on the edges and tender, an additional 20 to 25 minutes. Remove both trays from the oven and allow to cool. Heat 2 TBSP olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Add onions, stirring occasionally until golden and caramelized, about 10 to 12 minutes. Add garlic and scallions. Stir to combine. Cook until aromatic an additional 1 to 2 minutes being careful not to burn the garlic.

10 corn tortillas, cut into quarters/triangles

Add dry spices - chili powder, oregano, onion powder and cumin and allow to toast and become fragrant, 2 to 3 minutes.

1 1/2 cup - Plant-based shredded sharp cheddar cheese, more for extra cheesy layers

Stir in tomatoes, beans, serrano peppers and 1/4 cup cilantro.

1 1/2 cup - Plant-based Monterey Jack cheese, more for extra cheesy layers

Let it come to a quick bubbly boil and immediately lower heat to simmer.


Allow to slow simmer for 20 minutes, slightly covered, until liquid has reduced.

Pr eh eat oven t o 375F degr ees Cover two 9 x 13 baking trays - also called jelly roll baking pans - with parchment paper and coat with TangledSilverMagazine.com

While tomato bean mixture simmers, make Creamy Enchilada Red Sauce.

BE | In spir ed Creamy Salsa Roja

cut pieces over the sauce without overlapping.

2 TBSP - Plant-based butter

Spread 1 cup tomato bean mixture over the tortillas and spread evenly.

2 TBSP - unbleached flour, leveled not heaping 1 cup - Vegetable broth 1 28 ounce can - Organic red enchilada sauce (mild, medium or hot - your choice) 1/2 cup - cashew milk 1 tsp - ground cumin 1/3 cup - sour cream DIRECTIONS Start by making a roux. Melt Vegan butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in flour, 1 TBSP at a time, until a thick buttery paste forms. Allow to cook for several minutes, stirring frequently, to cook off the raw flour taste. Slowly add Vegetable broth and continue whisking until it's creamy and smooth. Once it's slightly thickened, add Enchilada Sauce of your choice, cumin and cashew milk. Cook for an additional 5 to 10 minutes to desired thickness. Stir in sour cream and remove from heat. Set aside until ready to use.

The Main Event - Assembling t he Cazuela Spray the bottom of a 9" x 13" glass or ceramic baking dish. Ladle 1/2 cup of Creamy Salsa Roja to coat the bottom of baking dish. Layer 1/2 of the tortilla triangle

Sprinkle 1 cup Vegan Cheddar and Jack cheeses over tortillas. Layer 1/2 of the roasted eggplant and 1/2 of roasted Poblano peppers. Add remaining tortilla triangles. Spread 1 cup tomato bean mixture again. Sprinkle another 1 cup layer of


pre-cut parchment paper to avoid cheese from sticking, then snugly wrap foil over the parchment paper. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes until bubbling. Uncover slowly and allow to bake an additional 10 to 15 minutes more for cheeses to melt and slightly brown. Remove from the oven and allow to rest at least 10 minutes before serving. Even though you'll want to dig in right away, allow the Cazuela to rest. This step is key to making sure the Enchilada doesn't have a meltdown from the baking dish to plating and lose it's beautiful form. Hahaha. Ladle Salsa Roja on the bottom of your dinner plate and then top with a generous slice of Enchilada.

Vegan Cheddar and Jack cheeses evenly.

Add extra sauce on top, if you fancy the saucy and then top with your favorite garnishes (see suggestions below).

Top with remaining roasted eggplant, roasted Poblano peppers and 1/2 black olives.


Spread remaining tomato beans mixture over the top.

Sour Cream

Slowly ladle 1 cup of Creamy Salsa Roja Top with remaining cheeses and remaining olive slices. Finish with freshly cracked peppercorns, to your desired taste.


Guacamole Chopped purple onions

Dig in! Buen provecho!

Cover top of baking dish with

Roasted Eggplant & PoblanoDeconstructed Enchilada Cazuela with Creamy Salsa Roja CELEBRATE 2023

Tangled Silver Magazine believes t hat age and experience are beaut iful t hings. We believe women embracing t heir nat ural selves should be celebrat ed. We believe our daught ers and granddaught ers should be t aught early on t o t ap int o t heir creat ivit y wit h wild passion. We believe t hat silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re let t ing yourself go. We believe friendships are import ant . We believe sist ers connect ing t oget her over shared passions is joyful. We believe aging gracefully looks different for every woman and t here is no right or wrong way along t he journey. We believe in encouragement . We believe t hat embracing your silvers goes far beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a st ory t o share. We believe t hat everyday is a gift . We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. We believe t hat posit ive self-t alk is not only essent ial for our happiness, but for t he girls and young women around us who are developing t heir underst anding of beaut y and self-confidence. We believe grey hair does not equat e old age. We believe you are never t oo young or t oo old t o st art embracing your nat ural hair. We believe it is t ime t o end t he st igma surrounding grey hair and t o celebrat e who we are inst ead. We believe t hat support ing ot her women in t heir journey t o accept ance and aut hent icit y is of t he ut most import ance. We believe our encouragement and love for one anot her online is leading t o more posit ive and product ive social media experiences for women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring t hose around us t o do t he same.


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