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Shareyour BEST tip for someonejust
starting their GRAYjourney.
Understand that it'sgoing to take longer than you think to get totally silver if you do it naturally and don't chop your hair.
Trina P
Hatsbecame my best friendsduring my transition, but now I don't go out in the sun without one so I won't get yellow tonesas quickly
Shari B
It'syour hair, so do it your way. I knew I couldn't handle letting it grow out, so I had my stylist add highlights and blend as I work towardsit I still have about two inchesof old color to go
Mirya S
I read lotsof posts and blogsby women whose hair I admired and followed some of their tipsand stuck with the ones that worked
Jane P
Take care of yourself in the process. Some will get you and some won't. Don't let that throw you off if you want to go gray.
Tina B.