Tangled Silver Magazine - CELEBRATE 2023

Page 26

Shar e your BEST t ip for someone just st ar t ing


t heir GRAY jour ney. Underst and t hat it 's going t o t ake longer t han you t hink t o get t ot ally silver if you do it nat urally and don't chop your hair. Trina P. Hat s became my best friends during my t ransit ion, but now I don't go out in t he sun wit hout one so I won't get yellow t ones as quickly.

It 's your hair, so do it your way. I knew I couldn't handle let t ing it grow out , so I had my st ylist add highlight s and blend as I work t owards it . I st ill have about t wo inches of old color t o go. Mirya S. I read lot s of post s and blogs by women whose hair I admired and followed some of t heir t ips and st uck wit h t he ones t hat worked. Jane P. Take care of yourself in t he process. Some will get you and some won't . Don't let t hat t hrow you off if you want t o go gray. Tina B.


Photo Credit: @joining_the_greyrevolution

Shari B.

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