Tangled Silver Magazine - Embrace 2023

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Tangled SILVER Magazine Founder & Edit or Robin Salls robin@tangledsilvermag.com

TS Magazine is published bi-monthly featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle. All annual subscriptions in digital are for six issues. (January, March, May, July, September, November)

Cont ent Assist ant david@tangledsilvermag.com

Single Print issues are available for Special order. Please visit tangledsilvermagazine.com for details. Prices will vary depending on issue lengths.

Copy Edit ors David Salls, USA Julie Kneafsey, UK

Single Digital issues are available for $6.99 USA

Beaut y Edit or & Phot ographer Tina Pirozzoli tina@tangledsilvermag.com Cont ribut ing W rit ers Tina @grey.grace.andgrit Mel @silver_styling Joanne @jobo_silver-linings Leah @leahrachel66 Stevie @silverilocks Jineen @jineenmariesilvery Jill @jillkirshcolor Mina @thegravesdiseasechef Julie @thefiftyist

One year/six issues digital -$24 USA & Countries where available Please allow four to six for delivery of new subscriptions.

HOW TO CONTACT US Tangled Silver Magazine | Girls Gone Grape, Inc. PO Box 503, Johnstown, CO 80534 Phone: 970-880-1636 tangledsilvermagazine.com SUBMISSIONS | INQUIRIES | ADVERTISING Please see the submission guidelines on our website at tangledsilvermagazine.com, or write to the editor at the address above or email sales@tangledsilvermag.com

Layout Designer Robin Salls Tangled Silver Magazine - ISSN (Print ) 2768-4407, (Online) 2768-4415 . INSPIRE 2022. Print ed in USA. Tangled Silver is published bi-mont hly (6x per year) January, arch, May, July, Spet ember, November by Girls Gone Grape, Inc.

Tangled Silver Magazine. All right s reserved. Reproduct ion of any cont ent or art work is prohibit ed in any print or elect ronic form wit hout prior writ t en permission by t he publisher.

Photography by Tina Pirozzoli


Not e Fr om Robin Dear Silver Beauties, Are you on team "Create Resolutions" as we enter the New Year? I use to be be, but have discovered that setting resolutions is a lot easier than actually keeping them. This year I'm focusing more on 90 day abundance blessings. I'm creating measurable activities in my personal and business life to create the abundant lifestyle I desire. I think this small change in how I look at things will create huge changes and I can't wait to share them as the year goes. Tina shares some great thoughts on how to approach the New Year too, and that it's okay if you don't set resolutions and goals. We should never feel like we need to just because everyone else is. She also shares her latest product choices for beauty, as well as health. Ilise is back with a make up tutorial featuring a beautiful dancer embracing her grays, along with sharing a new section we're calling "Silver Street Style". It's amazing to see all the women and their styles shining on our city streets. Our entrepreneurs this issue are the fabulous Stephanie O'Dell, Founder of Celebrate the Gray - a great organization helping to change how aging is perceived - and New York City Artist Sophia Manousos bringing a fun spin to silver women! Julie shines with her share on finding happiness while Mina offers up another tasty plant based dish to keep you healthy and well. Our newest she-pack share comes from former spotlight, Kat Garza, as she shes her thoughts on the outdated concept that gray will make you look old, and shares sisters who prove age is in the eye of the beholder. We're also introducing our LIVE Silver Socials this month inspired by our Gray Guru, Jill Kirsh, sharing her thoughts on Pantone's Color of the Year for 2023 in these pages. And, did you hear we're moving to bi-monthly issues this year!

Silver for the win,

Robin Robin Salls | Founder & Publisher | robin@tangledsilvermag.com EMBRACE 2023

Meet Our SHE-PACK Cont r ibut or s for Embr ace 20 23



Photography credits: Ilise Harris

EMBRACE | You 11 We seem to recognize each other in a crowd or a grocery store - other silver comrades, braving the world and its judgments, but free at last! I spotted this woman on my morning commute into NYC. She looked so pulled together! I shared my photo with Robin, and a bi-monthly column on Silver Style was born. As a makeup/hair expert coaching women, I often discuss the whole package: how to dress, our colors, how to walk the fine line of aging, staying relevant, refining our style and being comfortable in our now. If we understand why something works, we can learn from that and incorporate the thinking into our own choices. Be inspired! Here?s why this works. Keywords: Cohesive Comfortable Functional Balanced Choosing a black and white theme is a no-brainer to feature silver hair. The cropped leather bomber jacket is a perfect compliment to her naturally textured hair, but rather than rock-n-roll all the way, the plaid trousers add some grown up city-style. The cropped length keeps it contemporary. The black low heeled boot balances the jacket, adds a little bit of funk style and allows her to walk with purpose. The light gray tote really ties it all together and keeps the look neat and professional. She could go practically anywhere in this outfit.

w it h



Dancer, choreographer, and master pilates instructor. Maxine never abandons style, no matter what she is doing. She wears her good jewelry daily, and always invests in good pieces of clothing rather than throw-away fads. This season, she repurposed dated but quality shearling coats into vests that she pops over her workout attire. Full story on Maxine coming soon.


Photography credits: Ilise Harris

Maxine Sherman

EMBRACE | You 13


EMBRACE | You 15


A Tangled Journey through Perimenopause Menopause, and the road leading up to it called perimenopause, can be a tangled mess! A messy trip that many of us feel like nobody else could possibly be going through in the same way. It?s not like someone hands you a map with a perfectly drawn outline of the route you?re supposed to follow. You can?t just say ?Alexa, how long will it take me to arrive at menopause??While she might give you the standard answer that it takes having a TangledSilverMagazine.com

EMBRACE | You 17

consecutive twelve months of not having a period to be considered 'in menopause', she can?t tell you how long it will take you to get those twelve months in a row or that it may take you years to arrive. Enter my tangled mess towards menopause. I am a 55 year old woman who is still attempting to get to menopause. I wish you could hear the sarcasm in my voice. While I?ve been close numerous times to that twelve month mark? I keep missing it. And, as you may or may not know, when you get that pesky little friend, even when you?ve gone nine months without a visit, you luckily get to start counting the months over AGAIN. EMBRACE 2023

Seriously, you know you?ve been on the ride too long when you can?t wait to get off. In the beginning it's a bit of mourning going on for the idea that you can no longer bear children, but after numerous years of this back and forth, gals, I?m perfectly happy to part with that part of my womanhood if I can just get myself back. This yo-yo of a ride frankly is crap. I?ve been doing this whole perimenopause for I?d say since about 48. The metabolism slowing down and making gaining weight far easier than it?s ever been in my life was the first thing I noticed. Having to now worry about what I eat when I used to be able to eat anything and not gain an ounce was really hard to adjust to. Then came the hot flashes and night sweats that were pretty unbearable until I found some natural supplements to offset them. They now come in swings and sometimes when I eat spicy food (which can be often as I love spicy food). TangledSilverMagazine.com

Photography Credit: Bill Stratton Photography

It?s not like an advent calendar you open yearly with a holiday to celebrate at the end, no? it?s starting over again and for some like myself, again and again, until you finally arrive at your destination of menopause. Or, so I?m told I?ll eventually arrive at my destination. But ladies, I?ve got to say that I?m beginning to wonder if I?m going to be a fluke and just ride this train with no end in sight.

EMBRACE | You 19 Menopause be damned as I?m not giving up spicy food! But, here's the real pain in the tush for me. My first trip took me nine months and I felt like the train was slowing down and coming into the depot at a crawl, when I jokingly told my daughter, who was wanting to miss her periods to get pregnant, that I was wanting to miss mine to know I couldn?t get pregnant. I jinxed myself? within a week my period came back. Goodbye nine months. My little grandson arrived and shortly I?m back on my track again and riding at a steady pace around the four or five months. My daughter wasn?t trying, but with a nine month old baby, still managed to end up getting pregnant again. I was excited for the new bundle and also that I was still on track with no periods. This pregnancy didn?t seem to be making a difference. I was doing a happy dance. That was until I went to a baby appointment with her midwife about six weeks out from the new bundle joining us. I was swooped up in the emotions of my baby having her last baby. I woke up the next morning to my little friend rejoining me. Seriously. No Joke. I was having my period again and saying goodbye for the second time to almost being in menopause.

If that?s the case, I?m going to beg for forgiveness now for what my daughter may go through and kick myself for not paying more attention to my mom in her fifties. Menopause isn?t a scary beast in the closest we need to hide under the bed from. It is part of our journey and it looks different for everyone. I?m sharing in hopes this makes someone laugh about their own struggles through this period, pun intended. Because sharing and laughing at myself is the best way to get through this tangled mess of a trip to menopause. And, it?s given me a great story to share that my daughter?s pregnancies are at fault for why I?m still not yet in menopause at 55 years young. That?s my story and I?m sticking to it. What?s your story to menopause?

I was thinking If my daughter keeps having babies, I?m in trouble. Luckily there are no plans for more kiddos as this puts them at four boys and they?ve decided not to try for a girl with their odds. Thank goodness they aren?t big gamblers. This brings us to today as I write this article. I?ve gone almost five months without a period again. Until yesterday that is. You read that right. Yesterday, out of the blue with no warning my visitor came back like fireworks on the fourth of July. What the hell? I was blaming things on my daughter getting pregnant and that because we?re so close it was just part of our mother-daughter thing? but she?s not pregnant, so now what do I blame it on? My mother doesn?t remember this stage, so she?s no help? I love her, but she's absolutely no help in trying to figure out when this might end. They (they being physicians) say that we somewhat follow our mother?s patterns. EMBRACE 2023




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Pantone has chosen its color for 2023, its name is "Viva Magenta" & we?re so here for it! Especially if your hair is a soft gray, salt & pepper or you're sporting strands of silver, this color is the shade you?ve been waiting for! This pinkish red is everywhere - nail color, lip shines, apparel, home accessories - you name it. And it is the perfect color for you. So since there are so many interpretations of this shade, my thoughts would be: -if your hair is a soft gray, then the lighter, dustier variations, along with the deep, darker tones would be ideal. -if your hair is a more defined salt & pepper or deep silver, then the stronger, brighter & more definite shades would be perfection. P.S. - and since Valentine?s Day is just about here, why not pick up a piece in this happening hue & have some fun? TangledSilverMagazine.com



Will Pantone'scolor of theyear work with your shadeof silver... Of course! EMBRACE 2023





Salt & Pepper/Deep Silver think stronger, brighter & more definite shades Think Andie MacDowell or Elizabeth McGovern

Softer Grays think dusty shades of magenta or deep tones. Think Allison Janney or Helen Mirren


Declar e Your

#I AM SILVER BEAUTY TangledSilverMagazine.com



Beaut y Now

Soul happinesscomes easily once YOU believe you are beautiful! And, Silver Sisters, you are silver beauty! Robin Salls, Founder

#iam silver beau t y EMBRACE 2023

Find Your Happiness in Flow Flow is not only a beautiful word, it?s something we can actively embrace to make a positive impact in our lives. W hat is Flow? When it comes to state of mind, flow in its simplest definition is described by psychologists as a state in which a person ?becomes fully immersed in an activity?. It?s positive. It?s a place of continuous and gentle motion in one direction towards a goal and you become so submerged in the activity that there is a joyous sense of losing of oneself in it. If I were to give an example, I often fall into a sense of flow when I write: when an idea comes to me and my fingers just start typing or I?m scribing with a pen, and the words seem to glide out of every part of me onto the page. If I?m lucky, I lose myself in those moments and time can pass unnoticed. Ten minutes, an hour or two can pass and I find myself in a glorious place where there?s no restriction on me or my mind. It?s a lovely place to find. Have you been in flow? Flow is something you may have experienced but not realise it. Have you ever been exercising, running for instance, and feel like everything in you is aligned, so much so that you only feel the moment and nothing else occurs to you? Well, that?s flow! Or maybe you are focused on a creative practice ? designing a room, making a dress, upcycling a piece of furniture, free-form painting, learning a new language, trying a new recipe, and you lose time and become completely absorbed in it? That, too, is flow. A flow experience can last up to 2 hours before your brain needs a rest, and what?s great is that you can have more than one


session of flow a day, of mixed types. You might have a run in the morning, lose yourself in an enjoyable work task and then choose a creative hobby later.

seem overwhelming, EM BRACE |



Flow is powerful There are some great benefits to achieving this magical state. Regular episodes of flow can help you manage your emotions by keeping you focused, bringing calmness and lowering the stress hormone cortisol. It?s also rewarding because there?s a sense of achievement and fulfilment after these periods which can lead to increased feelings of happiness and self-actualisation: feeling like you are achieving at your highest level or reaching your potential. It may even change how you feel about the world in general and your place in it. It ?s addict ive! A huge bonus for me is that the more I find I?m able to get into flow, the more I am motivated to keep doing it. It can be hugely productive and move me on in my aims and goals which is heartening. It stimulates internal gratitude and that can feel so positive. A lovely payoff from flow states is that you can improve at what you do. The more you enter into this state, the more your mind will open and increase your performance at work and at play. It?s also often found when we are being challenged which can help maintain focus on the task.

So, h ow can you get in t o a f low st at e? Her e ar e som e h elpf u l t ips? 1. Ch oose clear goals Those which have a specific and measurable result are the best. Then you?ll have another sense of satisfaction when you?ve finished. 2. Ch oose st im u lat in g t ask s t h at w ill r eally m ak e you t h in k If it?s harder, it will be more engaging and support focus. 3. M ak e it easy t o con cen t r at e Plan when you want to have the session and make sure it?s at a time when you are generally more alert with enough energy to be able to engage. 4. Elim in at e disr u pt ion s I can?t get into flow when my phone is popping up notifications ? it?s too tempting! If you?re like me, turn it off and leave it in another room before you start. Find a quiet place if possible. 5. Ch oose t o do som et h in g you en joy It?s not easy to get into flow when you don?t want to do the task! Top Tip: Time passes quickly when you?re in flow - make sure you still remember to eat and drink. I?ve lost hours, and it?s easy to dehydrate! And finally, that old saying ?Go with the Flow?, although it wasn?t about this type of flow, was never more apt. Go with it, lose yourself for a few hours, embrace your creativity and potential ? it might open up a whole new you.

And once you have reached a place of achievement and feel good about yourself, guess what?s going to happen? You?ll want to achieve more. You?ll look for new challenges. It will help you keep your life map open and push you to grow.



Have you embr aced your silver s or ar e you st ill on t he fence about t hem? It 's a day by day t hing for me, but I'm only 6 mont hs in at t his point , so maybe t hat 's why. Trying t o decide if I'm going t o just cut it and get my t ransit ion done quicker. Trina P. 100% in for me. I can't believe I didn't do t his sooner! I feel like I look so much younger wit h my nat ural gray t han wit h t he red dye I'd been using for years. Melissa M. I want t o be complet ely onboard wit h all t he beaut iful silver women I'm seeing, but not sure if t his is going t o st ick or not . I'm darker gray t han I expect ed so far and not sure if I'm going t o st ay gray or not . Lisa F. If you t old me t hree years ago I was going t o go gray and love my hair, I would have said you were crazy. I guess I'm crazy. Jane P. I didn't expect it t o t ake as long as it is t o get a full head of gray, but I do like t he ombre look wit h my darker ends and it 's fun when a younger girl asks where I got it done! It 's nat ural darling! Ann Marie L.





THOUGHTS... I've kind of been on t he fence and have scheduled several appoint ment s t o color again, but t hen I get close t o t hose appoint ment s and have a good "silver" day and cancel t hem. My husband just laughs at me and t ells me t o make up my mind one way or anot her. Maria S. I'm det ermined t o see it t hrough and t hen make a final decision on keeping it or coloring again. It is coming in a nice salt and pepper look like my granddad's. Francesca R. I'm st ill get t ing t old I'm t oo young t o go gray, but I love it and don't care. I'm never going back t o being ruled by t he dye bot t le calendar again. Mallory J. I wasn't sure at first , but I'm experiment ing wit h new colors and make up and finding t hat it 's almost like playing dress up! Colors I never would have t ried before gray are now some of my favorit es and I can act ually pull off red lipst ick now! Zola N. I've never colored my hair and st art ed going gray at 24 and just went wit h it . I'm confident in myself, so never paid at t ent ion t o t he naysayers or comment s t hat I was t oo young. I've wat ched friends spend hundreds on color appoint ment s, while I've spent hundreds on t raveling. I t hink I'm t he lucky one in t his scenario of 't o color or not '. St epahnie R.


They say grey hair will make you look old. From my 10 + years experience, nothing could be further from the truth. I was told I?d look haggard and old. I?d look frumpy and drab. I have to laugh at that because I looked that way before! When I told a few friends that I was growing out my hair some 10 years ago, I was met with criticism. A significant influence in my choice to transition to my natural hair color was the ageless beauty of the late, Cindy Joseph, founder of the pro-age cosmetic line BOOM! whom I initially discovered her while perusing Pinterest. Her philosophy and embodiment of embracing the aging process inspired me. She had become a model in her 60s? .simply unheard of at the time! When I defended myself




EM BRACE | You with, ?But look at Emmylou Harris,? someone responded, ?Yes, and she looks awful!?I guess beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder?

my grey hair forced me to deal with other issues of my life, and the end result was more confidence all the way around.

Why are men said to be silver foxes and are considered distinguished, but women are old witches?

Grey or silver hair is just another hair color. I still have to style it, get regular cuts, and use products for frizz or shine. I have to protect my hair against heat and there are some products I use for that. Also check the blog KatieGoesPlatinum or Tangled Silver Magazine for an extensive list. What I don?t have to do is spend a fortune and loads of time in a salon chair every few weeks. THAT is freedom.

We?ve been brainwashed, it?s that simple. When I grew up in the sixties, I saw commercials on tv ? ?Wash that grey right out of my hair?and that, ?I am worth it?, when I used a certain product to cover the grey. Women were told that ?blondes have more fun?and that women won?t be attractive to their men anymore. Honestly! I also realize this is a choice, and I?m all about that. If you prefer to dye your hair, I support you! I?m simply trying to change some of the misconceptions and some fears I see over and over again with so many women. It is long overdue. We often equate grey hair to letting ourselves go. We often feel that our natural hair will not look good with our skin tone. I?ve been following women on Instagram and Facebook for many years now and I?m often blown away at how much brighter women look with their natural hair. I can even say that many times they look younger. But, I know for myself, I?m not striving for youthfulness. I?m trying to be real and true to myself. For so many years, I felt that I needed to fit into a certain box. I think embracing


I?ve heard the same stories from other women. The same words keep repeating themselves? .confidence, warrior, strength, courage, determination, success, tenacity and freedom. What started the idea for this article was something I posted on Facebook in several groups. I was watching the movie Mrs. Doubtfire. She was referred to as a 60-year-old-woman. It?s not that a 60 year old can or can?t look like ?her?, but rather, many women do not. At least they don?t have to. It is more about the portrayal of older women that has been sold to us. So I said ? Perception ? ?a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression?. The perception of the little old lady has long been, grey hair and frumpy

But what age is that ?? Mrs. Doubtfire was 60 in the movie. I probably have more wrinkles than ?she?did. But look how ?she?is perceived? This is what we are changing. But it?s going to take time. Don?t worry about looking older. I AM older. I?m 66. But I don?t have to BE old. We are only as old as we feel. Grey hair doesn?t age us. The years are passing and that is what shows our age. Why are we fighting it? It?s inevitable and time cannot be reversed. Hair. Clothing. Attitude. It all matters. Getting older, or letting our hair go grey is NOT letting ourselves go. It IS embracing our natural hair color that once was hidden under all that toxic dye. I did have a brain tumor. Why would I even want to take a chance? I often hear, ?I would go grey if my hair looked like yours?. First, you won?t know until you try. Our hair IS grey, but we often choose to cover it. I can guarantee this ? your hair will match YOUR face perfectly as nature intended, and it?s rarely ever wrong. I suggest joining a few groups on Facebook or follow on Instagram to see the scores of women who have already embraced their natural hair. I?d like to introduce you to some of my Warrior Sisters and if you head over to Jezebelandgigolo.com you'll find the original article I created in 2021. I call them warriors because they were brave enough to take the challenge, to even consider going against the norm. It takes guts and fortitude to follow through. It?s not an easy journey but one well worth it in the end. Notice how brightly they shine and how beautiful they are with naturally silver/gray/grey hair! A quick click on each photo will bring you to their Instagram page (if they have one). You're seeing this version of the article as I approached


Robin of Tangled Silver Magazine with it after having the opportunity to share my story in a past issue. Another example of women coming together to change the narrative around the stories we grew up hearing.




Like my mother, my hair started to turn grey fairly early. Although at the time I wasn?t thrilled about it, I always felt that as long as it didn?t fall out, grey was better than bald. Now, like my mom and my sister, Piper, I actually really like my grey hair. I often receive compliments on the color and how healthy it looks. My hairdresser always comments on what great hair I have. It?s fun to share with people the Sensationally Silver story and see the excitement that it creates for people with grey hair. Women so often tell me how men are so lucky to look better with grey hair as they age but as all of you ladies are proving, women do too! I think that the shift to being proud of your grey and embracing all that it implies, experience, wisdom, maturity, and a calm self-confidence is a big step in a great direction for women. The beautiful color and shine that these products deliver is a boost to anyone?s appearance and confidence. I am so proud of Piper and my mom for the message that they are carrying with this company. Women and men should be proud of their silver hair and the life that they have lived to get to this stage. The Sensationally Silver products can help you feel the pride!

Lane Gar r et t - A Sensat ional Silver Family TangledSilverMagazine.com

Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

MEET MINA Plant Based Chef, Retired Publisher | Silver Since 2020 I was diagnosed with Graves?Disease in 2015. Graves?is an autoimmune disease that occurs when your immune system, which is supposed to protect you, begins to attack your thyroid and your thyroid thinks it?s under attack, so it begins to overproduce the thyroid hormone like wildfire which, in a nutshell, turns your life completely upside down. You suffer massive hair loss, rapid and unhealthy weight loss, insomnia, anxiety, tremors, high blood pressure, hot flashes and heart palpitations ? just to name a few. It wasn?t until five years later that I discovered THIS? Hair dyes contain a cocktail of chemicals that expose us and our scalp to carcinogenic levels of harm - that life began to change for me when it came to salon visits and my hair. It was in the spring of 2020 that I stumbled upon the Silver Sisters on social media, threw caution to the wind, and joined the exciting revolution to embrace my natural hair color and my own tangled silvers.

@t hegravesdiseasechef | PHILIPPINES Little did I know that I would meet thousands of beautiful (inside and out), amazing, and uplifting Silver-haired Sisters from around the world (at various stages in their journey) ditching the dyes, embracing their grays, and changing the stigma of aging! After doing my own share of extensive research ? because I?m a complete geek about doing my research ? I discovered so much information and data that point to toxic compounds in hair dyes known as "endocrine disruptors." These compounds mimic hormones and interfere with normal hormone function, thus possibly causing hormone imbalances. Who knew?! I discovered that one of the most problematic ingredients more commonly found in hair dyes is a chemical called resorcinol. Have you heard of it? Health concerns linked to this chemical include skin and eye irritation AND it?s also an endocrine disrupting chemical that has been known to interfere with your thyroid function. Ding, Ding, DING ? that was a wake-up call for me. Exposure to hair dyes increases an inflammatory response and T cell activity. People with autoimmune diseases are more susceptible to these toxins storing up in our bodies. To be blunt, dying hair is TOXIC!



(cont' on pg. 48)




Photo Credit: @chroniclesofgraytransformation



MEET SANDRA 56| Retired Kleinfeld Bridal Consultant | Silver since 2020 My love affair with hair dye went awry in 2017 when my scalp got red and sore. I carried on dying my hair but got concerned when it worsened. I found some natural dye and things got better for two years. Then it started again and escalated to hives. My body did not want dye on my scalp! I decided t o go gray - it wasn?t wort h my healt h. Just when I was ready the pandemic hit so I transitioned mostly at home. I learned that my grays needed purple shampoo to remove the brassiness but that was drying on my mixed race curls so I used colour clenditioners (dye/conditioner mix that?s very gentle) and purple conditioners. I also used silver spray to help blend and eventually used a purple colour clenditioner on the ends to hide the old colour. One thing that kept me positive and excited during

SANDRA | CANADA the process were YouTube videos. They reminded me that it was fun watching the unveiling of our silver. They showed me that my view of gray hair on women was mostly from hair dye commercials that kept women dependent on dye for its million dollar industry. Men were called silver foxes but women were dowdy. I learned gray hair was beautiful on both men AND women! It does require different upkeep. My gray curls are frizzier, so a moisturizing gel is better than a curl cream now. I also use a bond repair conditioner. Though I?m completely gray, I went back to the purple ends as it?s fun and different. I?ve actually been stopped by young people asking me who did the gray and purple and they?re surprised the gray is natural. I hope more women realize that gray hair doesn?t make them look old or ugly. Gray hair is simply gorgeous.



MEET PAM 63 | Retired Special Education Coordinator | Silver Since about 1994 It has always seemed very contrary to never color my silver hair. I base that on the puzzled reactions I got in my mid-20s, soon after the silver started showing up: -

?Where do you get your hair colored and what is the name of your hair color?? ?If my hair looked like yours if I went gray, then I would go gray right now!? ?Is that really your curly, gray hair??

I chose to take these encounters as compliments and decided never to color my hair. By my 30s with very dark brown curly hair rapidly turning silver, I was often described as the girl with the salt and pepper curly hair. Since I?ve never colored my hair, I feel like I?ve been on the adventure to gray for all of my adult life. My path did not fit the mainstream beauty trends by any means, and with the

PAM | MARYLAND somewhat uncommon combination of curly and premature silver hair I needed to find a confident way to redefine for myself what that sense of beauty meant. I embraced my silver and decided not to color my hair long before I accepted my curls. In hindsight, I spent a lot of time trying to straighten hair that was screaming to be left alone to curl! I was very fortunate to have a wonderful stylist who always encouraged me to love my silver and my curls I encourage anyone to take a comfortable journey to silver. As women, we often face a harsh and judgmental world when it comes to aging and going gray. Gray hair does not mean we are letting ourselves go, or choosing to look frumpy and unkempt. It is simply a hair color, not an age definer. Many years aft er beginning my gray journey, and now in my 60s, what may once have been unconvent ional is now becoming fashionable!






Photo Creds: @k_growing_grayl



MEET KATE 59| Retired Educator, Wellness Coach | Silver Since 2019 Silver. I wear a crown of silver hair proudly. And for the first time in my entire life, I feel like myself. Going silver was a decision I didn?t make lightly. ?What ifs? plagued me? what if I look old? What if it looked unattractive? What if people saw me for who I really was? You see, I felt old. I felt unattractive. And I was most definitely lost. So the irony was? if I went silver, if I allowed my true hair color, my true self, to be exposed, what if all of those fears became realities? It?s that old ?what if?fear monster rearing its ugly head. But a voice somewhere deep down inside of me was whispering, ?What if silver is the beginning of your BECOMING? What if silver is the beginning, instead of the end?? And there it was. The awakening. So, I took a leap,

@t hekat eodriscoll | NEW YORK and landed right smack dab into an entirely new life. I didn?t magically become young, attractive, or authentic. You see, I always was. The hair color was a mask, a costume, if you will. I had been coloring all of my life: born a brunette, years of bleach as a teen in the sun, dyed it wild colors, like eggplant, in the 80s. Then blonde as a mom in her late thirties, not being able to keep up or afford the constant touch ups at the salon as I fought the silver crown - pushing its way through at my roots every two weeks at best. And then at 55, I did it. It was the end of a 33 year career of teaching. Who would see me anymore? Not the kids. Not the parents. Would anyone ever ?see?me again? Lit t le did I know t hat going complet ely silver was a rebirt h. I was no longer hiding behind color, behind who I thought I was supposed to be. Instead, I became who I was meant to be. And the ?What ifs?became ?What?s next?? I was only just beginning to become myself. My true self, with a crown of silver hair. EMBRACE 2023


Dyes contain a cocktail of chemicals that expose us and our scalp to carcinogenic levels of harm. I don?t think I?m telling you something you may (or may not) already know but here?s the thing that many of us may not know? more than 5,000 chemicals can be found in hair dyes. That?s a fact. YES. More than 5,000+ chemicals! EEK Gads! Its elevated level of toxicity should make anyone pause for genuine concern. It did me. When I discovered these facts about dyes, I decided to take deliberate steps to lower my risk of frequent toxic exposure and improve my overall health, especially because of my Graves' Disease. That?s when I joined the Silver Sisters community and I?ve never looked back! While the jury may still be out on hair dyes, it can be a trigger and can irritate and disrupt your endocrine organs, like your thyroid. I finally ditched the dye and when I did, I soon discovered ? I wasn't alone.

Beautiful friendships blossomed and bloomed. Laughter and encouragement were plentiful and abundant. The best part of all, after ditching the dyes and meeting other Silver Sisters from around the world doing the very same thing ? I?ve never felt as FREE and so liberated as I do now. It's been a magical ride. Truth is, it?s been life changing and I shall be forever grateful for this loving and blessed adventure. Swoon!


Photo Credit: @Anaisebenoudiz

My contemporaries from across the globe were embracing their Silvers and being openly gray too! Meeting them and being part of this journey has been one of the most beautiful, uplifting, and inspiring journeys I have ever been on because it started off as ?just the hair,?but it has since transformed from ?just the hair?to SO much more ? beyond my wildest dreams.

Celebrat e The Gray Collect ive, founded by St ephanie O'Dell represents over

TSMAG: What was the leading force behind starting up Celebrate the Gray? O'DELL: It was my older st yling client s t hat led me t o st art Celebrat e The Gray. I st art ed Celebrat e The Gray as a blog t o find out t he need for a fashion line for t he 50+ woman. W hat I quickly discovered were amazing older women t hat I aspired t o be, and I had an A-ha moment of 'why are t hese not t he women in advert ising t o represent aging?' because if t hey were I would feel t ot ally different about get t ing older. Anot her driving force was my 86 year old mot her (91 now) who was let t ing my fat her's abilit ies define what she could do, and I realized t hat boxes we get put int o are based on our age and sit uat ion and not necessarily our abilit ies. W it hout updat ed visuals and narrat ives, it is hard t o imagine aging different ly and we age wit h limit at ions inst ead of possibilit ies. TSMAG: How do you feel about current brands' use of over 50 models? O'DELL: There are very few brands t hat are using 50+ models on a regular basis. Target is consist ent in using older models in st ore, video and print t hey also do it in a way t hat you don't not ice, t hus normalizing age inclusion. The t radit ional companies (healt hcare, drug and financial) are using older models and t hey have begun t o modernize t he look of t he models and t he way t hey are living t heir lives. Brands may t hrow a t oken older model in a cat alog but unless t here is inclusion across all channels (visuals, narrat ives, social media, product /service) of t he brand it is not t ruly age inclusion. The most import ant conversat ion a brand can have is wit h t he end user. TangledSilverMagazine.com

and see what she really needs and want s. Many

Photo Credit Keith Cornelius Photography, Stylist Trena Ackers

She understands women want to be seen as they age in marketing and want their faces, bodies, voices and opinions valued while being authentically represented. We had the opportunity to chat with her recently and discover why she is a leading force for aging .

Photo creds: Left Top Amy Carr Photgraphy Right : Ash Baker Photography other photos provided by Celebrate teh Gray Collective

200 silver/gray haired "real" models 50+. She's a woman passionate about updating the age of models used in marketing and giving women their power back in their aging journey.

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STEPHANIE O'DELL Founder of Celebr at e The Gr ay Nat ional Speaker & Thought Leader on Age Inclusion EMBRACE 2023

?We are a st rong, engaged collect ive of women who are passionat e about updat ing t he way women are viewed as we age. We want our faces, bodies, voices, and opinions valued and aut hent ically represent ed. I believe t hat being a woman t oday means not let t ing anyone define you. You define you!? ~ St ephanie


BE | In spir ed Many brands are run by men using aspirat ional market ing and women cont inue t o buy product s/services promot ing t hat messaging t hus reinforcing t hat we desire t o be our younger selves. TSMAG: Why do you feel there is a need for more brands to embrace silver haired models? O'DELL: YES!! Because we have more money and disposable income t han younger generat ions! The older woman want s t o be seen and heard and doesn't aspire t o be her younger self, but it 's hard t o be what you don't see. Gray hair is t he first t hing t hat women are t old we need t o change in order t o fit int o what societ y deems beaut iful. We are given t his messaging by not only advert ising but by our friends and family. Current advert ising t ells women t hat t heir younger selves were more beaut iful, visual and import ant yet we have more wisdom, experience and confidence which is rarely shown. TSMAG: What do you look for as a mature woman when you?re looking at brands to support? O'DELL: I look at t he visuals and narrat ives t he brands use t o represent women, young and old. I am consist ent ly reaching out t o brands t o say t hank you for including an older woman in t heir advert ising and on t he flip side t o let brands know t hat we are t heir cust omer and t hey are represent ing us aut hent ically. I am careful of where I spend my money and t hat t he brands I support underst and me as a consumer. TSMAG: How can women be stronger voices for leading brands to hear what we?re really looking for and how to reach us with their messages? O'DELL: That 's a great quest ion, we have so much power t hat we don't use. The st rongest power we have is our voice and $$. The biggest t hing we can do is not buy int o t he ant i-aging messaging and product s. The more we buy int o t hat messaging by purchasing ant i-aging product s t he more it is reinforced wit h brands t hat we desire t o be our younger selves. Be vocal about how old you are and what you're doing, t he age models being used are out dat ed and decision makers' percept ion is


not our realit y but if t hey don't know what 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 look like t hey cont inue t o t ell out dat ed st ories and use unrealist ic visuals. W hen someone t ells me, "you look great for your age" - I ask first what pict ure are you comparing me t o and t his is what 60 looks like. We need t o be part of updat ing t he visuals and narrat ives of aging women. This also gives younger generat ions realist ic imagery of what aging looks like. We can be inspired at any age by any age. TSMAG: How do women reach out to you to find out what it takes to join Celebrate the Gray? O'DELL: I have women reach out daily about joining Celebrat e The Gray, I love hearing t heir aging journey and t he way t hey felt compelled t o reach out . It t akes each and every woman in t he Celebrat e The Gray Collect ive t o st art making changes on how women are viewed as t hey age. I am only one voice changing t he face of aging for women but t oget her we are a st rong, passionat e group of women whose pict ures and st ories are giving ot her women t he permission t o see t he possibilit ies of aging and not t he limit at ions. The first st ep in joining Celebrat e The Gray is t o fill out t he applicat ion form on t he models page: www.celebrat et hegray.com/models, send a headshot and full body shot and sign up for a phone call t o make sure t hat Celebrat e The Gray is t he right fit . TSMAG: When did you start your journey to embracing gray ? O'DELL: My gray is slowly coming in and I'm fort unat e t hat my hairdresser encouraged me t o not dye my hair and just let my gray come in nat urally. I am also lucky t hat my mom and bot h grandmas were gray and vibrant women who lived full and advent urous lives. I have good role models, especially my 91 mot her who st ill drives a t ract or on her 6 acre garden. My gray is my body changes, I've been an at hlet e all my life and over t he past 5 years I have seen drast ic changes and have learned t o accept t hat I am st ill st rong and powerful and my body has birt hed t wo amazing children, run 5 marat hons and am I st ill able t o run, hike, cycle and be act ive! EMBRACE 2023

TangledSilverMagazine.com TangledSilver.com | Winter 2022

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ophia Manousos , Art ist , New York. Somet imes random Inst agram scrolling can lead t o

amazing connect ions and t he moment I found her art work feat uring Silver haired women and pups, I knew I was hooked. I needed t o know what inspired her t o creat e t hese gorgeous images of women t hat spoke t o me on a special level. It 's as if t here is a st ory behind each one and I am


compelled to share them. She describes her creative process as much like visual journaling. Whether painting portraits from photographs, video, memories or documenting the world around her, it?s important to capture the essence as well as the likeness of the subjects.

that is typically her intention as she prefers having the art appear as a memory or experience not aiming towards realism. What I love about her not aiming for realism is that you can almost step into any one of Sophia's drawings and feel in the moment. I'd like to share the conversation we had bringing her artwork and silvers full circle. R - W hen did you st art embracing your gray and what made it t he right t iming for you? SOPHIA - I became allergic to the henna I had been using for yearsabout 6 monthsprior to Covid19 lockdown period. I wasa bit resistant at first, but then I embraced the transition 100% and went cold turkey with long hair. I went from being resistant to my natural silver, to passionate about defending against the stigma of the dreaded gray hair. Being silver and transitioning hasgiven me a strong self of worth, and confidence that I didn't have when I washiding my roots. I don't have anything against hair color asa form of expression but discovered that my natural hair isby far more fun. R- W hat is t he inspirat ion behind your art work, especially wit hin t he silver communit y? SOPHIA - I realized that there isvery little representation of vibrant, modern women with silver hair; most photosshow a woman with silver hair asa crone. I wanted to embrace the stage of life that I am in and help represent silver-haired women in a more positive light.

R- W hat 's t he art ist ic process behind each of your silver inspirat ions? How do you creat e t hem?

Plein air painting is the ideal, but mostly Sophia takes quick photos, sketches and does quick daily studies to transform impressions into lasting memory. She attempts to accomplish this by working quickly with a timer, limiting painting time and using a limited palette, as she paints onto paper while in the moment alla prima. This quickness may appear as an unfinished representation of the subject, but


SOPHIA - Each woman in the portrait isfrom my imagination, asI try to represent a diverse group of women with silver hair. I especially like to play around with fashion archetypes, and place silver-haired women in a shopping pose that isreminiscent of fashion magazinesbut isunexpected asthe woman in the illustrative style painting hasgray or silver hair. These paintings elicit a strong emotional response and it hasso far been overwhelmingly positive among most. R- Do you feel societ y is finally opening up t o silver-haired

L-R, self portrait, making my own way, pink scarf, walking the dog swing.

WheretoFind Instagram@sophia.manousos ETSY - SophiaManousosArt FaceBook - SophiaManousosPortraits ARTWORK BY SOPHIA MANOUSOS


R- W hat in life inspires you t he most t oday? SOPHIA - Living in New York can be challenging, I try to find beauty in the everyday grind, and the diversity of the people and the cultural diversity and fashion inspiresme. R- How was your personal experience wit h embracing your grays wit h ot hers around you? Did you feel support ed or more like you were out on a cliff? SOPHIA Thankfully I found support on FB groupsand one of my good friends embraced her silver/gray transition at the same time I did.

women or do you t hink we've st ill got a ways t o go for it t o be a new normal for women embracing t heir gray hair? SOPHIA - Although there isdefinitely a shift in how silver hair isviewed, we have a way to go for all of society to embrace women with silver hair as sexy, vibrant, and dynamic. I think there isstill a stigma of ageism with silver/gray hair but it islessening. R-. W hat messages, if any, do you hope your art work conveys? SOPHIA - I want people to recognize their friends, mothers, daughters, themselves, and maybe their future selvesin the work. I try to capture everyday momentswith movement and vibrancy.


R- How long have you been an artist and what inspired you to pursue it as a career? SOPHIA- I started painting when I was 30, I got stranded at a friend's house during a snowstorm with no electricity, and used his art suppliesto paint all night to fight the boredom. Something was unleashed there and I haven't stopped creating since.

Be sure t o follow Sophia and be on t he look out for more silver inspirat ions coming in 2023.

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2 Evening Make Up This issue, I'm sharing an evening make up look created for Marianne that captures her beauty and essence. Marianne has beautiful skin, exquisite bone structure, and deep set eyes. Here is a simple evening look where the principles can apply to just about anyone. The result is dramatic for evening yet still fresh and natural. 1. Skin prep with Khus-Khus Sans Age Serum, FACE Stockholm primer and Picture Perfect foundation. Blended with a brush for a very minimal coverage because we don?t want to cover up the skin, just add a bit of glow and even tone. 2. We used a matte pink eyeshadow under the brow bone after filling in the brows just a tiny bit with some brow powder. We covered the whole lid with a beautiful shimmery blue-gray shadow from Givenchy. We rimmed the lower lash line with the same shadow and a tiny brush.


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3. Using the FACE Stockholm Art Eyeliner in black, we defined the area UNDER the lashes top and bottom for depth and drama, curled the lashes and applied mascara. 4. A delicate application of this very bright hot pink blush adds so much life to the complexion. 5. FACE Stockholm?s magic wand is a kind of hybrid concealer/highlighter/brightener. It added just another dimension of glow and light without looking cakey. 6. Ilia lipstick in a light formula with a berry tone. Less is more. All we did was pull the hair into a simple top knot. No smoothing, no fussing, no ?do?. The beautiful makeup, the delicate jewelry, and the exquisite dress was more than enough for an evening event. Doing too much makes things frumpy, making it look effortless is current and comfortable. The dress is by The Vampire?s Wife. It was a splurge, but she?ll wear it forever. In a heavy luxurious corduroy, Marianne pairs it with combat boots, or dress boots. Stunner. Ilise offers personal makeup https://vimeo.com/633922408

tutorials via




Photo Creds: Tina Pirozzoli Photography



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ew Year. New You! Nope, doesn't have t o be t hat way.

If this is a new beginning for you, a fresh new start, then go for it! Fire away with changes and encourage others to join the club. If the club and the idea of a new you is not your vision for this year then just keep plugging along. Slide right into the new year without anyone ever even noticing. I'm here to make a psa that says 'It's ok.' You don't need the horns to blow or the red carpet rolled out when you arrive. You can be the girl that shows up as the one delivering take-out and then leaving. There is a crowd that wants to continue on their journey and not start over every 365 days. Either preference, continue on. Whether you are reading, writing, illustrating or editing your chapter, let perspective be your pen. Personally, I have decided to not bombard my mind with vision boards, mantras, or a word for the year. My idea is to begin every day with a blank slate and allow my faith and beliefs to speak and to grow differently on a daily basis. I am setting myself up for short-term success, a WIN for me, for everyday! The key to understanding this idea is not looking at physical results to be the crowning victory but to achieve victory through inner discipline. Discipline through leaning on one step at a time yet building upon every step in strength and discernment. I am embarking on the investment of strength training at the beginner's stage. This is my discipline and the next step to continue in a healthy lifestyle. After experiencing a very long illness with a longer recovery, my body hit the reset button. Although, the lack of desire for certain foods is obvious it is more evident of the 'conscious awareness' that I am desiring better choices even more. The mind has told the body what to do and the heart is now controlling the calls and my self well-being is now driven by love. Teeter FitForm is my strength training companion during this journey.

WRITER Tina Pirozzoli EMBRACE 2023


BE | In spir ed FitForm offers safety for the at-home gym rat without sacrificing the benefits and results from free weights at the gym. I love knowing that I can still work out on days that vertigo is holding out and I can fight through it with exercise. I have a few really great eating habits in my routine, such as 4 mason jars of water a day and at least one meal that is a salad. Fasting is key for optimal health for eating and exercise to benefit. At this point, I am happy to look forward to feeling good in my clothes but my one true desire is to feel better physically when it comes to not feeling dizzy. Being silver has taught me that 'quality of life' triumphs quantity of life. My days ought to burn bright and fully. A spark is only the beginning of shining. The 'fullness of life' is the coat I am wearing this season. Speaking of coats, it is cold and layering is so important to protect skin this winter. I am showcasing two new lines for my Beauty Review this issue. Have you heard of or tried Prima or Beauty Stat? You can check them out here and in my Instagram bio there are few new links! Codes for the cold weather products, yeah. My winter routine consists of clean coffee with Clevr Blends, (mocha is my favorite right now), and Herb Pharm liquid herbs. Layering skin products rather than cycling is my preference because layering allows you to adjust to your skin needs rather than being ruled by results from a routine of products. Are you familiar with 'skin cycling'? So many beauty topics and trends to be only aware of after learning about your skin needs.


Prima New Year New Level of skin care. Prima has danced her way into my routine like a 'prima ballerina'. This facial oil proved that my skin was lacking in hydration after one use of an overnight treatment. Night Magic main ingredient is 300mg of hemp/cbd oil that is accompanied by a few of my favorites like prickly pear oil, moringa oil, and marula oil. I am devoted to oils because they have proven well beyond their claims to support a dry skin texture lacking in a little bit of hydration and sensitive skin for various other reasons. Beaut y St at Universal C A highly coveted vitamin c serum for women of all ages but attentive towards mature skin , it delivers results without damage. This potent and powerful serum provides a velvety finish and superior skin benefits because of ingredients and results. It took me a bit to get used to the velvet finish but once I noticed I was not having a dryness occur after usage I continued and saw results in the texture of my skin to be smoother. A win for sensitive skin when venturing out in the land of potent and strong products!

Do Not Delay Your Crown. Psalm 103 (*4) Grey I am Grace He gives Grit we live Tina #donotdelayyourcrown

Don't assume but rather be assured of what you know by seeking trusted education to incorporate into your agenda. You can find inspiration and education following up on topics in this issue of TS. Join me in conversation and community reels to get to know other women and to maybe get to know something new about yourself. I can also be found on FB, YT, and TT.

The mind hastold the body what to do and the heart isnow controlling the callsand my self well-being is now driven by love. ~Tina



TheGraves' DiseaseChef

THAI INSPIRED HOME STYLE COOKING This recipe for Gourmet Thai Plant-Based Green Curry is based off a seriously addictive curry that I use to have for lunch at a local restaurant along the San Francisco Bay Peninsula. I wasn?t just a regular, I had lunch there nearly EVERY day, when I was still expecting our second born son, Massimo way back (circa 1991) and, I ordered the same dish every day! Yep! Every day except weekends. There?s a super easy secret that makes this green curry restaurant quality. It?s as simple as what curry paste you use ? which I?ll spill the beans about below ? especially when you don?t have the time to make it homemade. I serve this savory curry with freshly steamed jasmine rice, chopped cilantro, and lime wedges for the best flavor. And, if you like the spicy like we do, optional thinly sliced Thai peppers give you the authentic kick you?ve come to know and love when dining at your favorite Thai restaurant when they ask ?How hot? you like it. You designate by telling them how many Thai chili peppers you want in the dish. I remember asking once what is the hottest order of peppers they had ever received for a single dish. Without missing a beat, she replied 24! Can you imagine?! Twenty-four crazy hot Thai chili peppers ordered by one of their regulars for his soup! Oh. My. Goodness. My mouth dropped. 24 is fire and heat and fire on top of that in a soup! Our usual request is 4 minimum to 7 tops, depending on the heat of the peppers which is already mighty hot and spicy! Lest I digress, back to the green curry story. This is my favorite curry of all time, and I promise I?m not exaggerating. I love all curries from all time, I love all curries from all types of cuisines, but this one has always captured my heart. The inspiration for this one is based on the ingredients I was able to source fresh from our local Farmer?s Market on the island and from the curry paste I had shipped to us from Thailand. But not to worry, if you can?t find it at your local Asian grocery store, you should be able to order it online too (wink wink).


BE | In spir ed My ?restaurant inspired version? is a green curry that?ll keep you making it for your family and friends through the years because it?s really that good and that simple.

curry paste that reins king and queen over all green curry pastes in my book and it turns out, it?s what ours and many local Thai restaurants use. It?s not as good as making it from scratch, but I?m trying to keep it simple here. I will share my homemade recipe in the future or you can email me and I?ll happily share it. Keep reading to find out which curry paste I?m talking

Over the years I?ve tried to come up with a green curry that is even close to what I remembered enjoying every day when we were expecting our second bundle of joy, but I?ve mostly been disappointed. It wasn?t until I started using a specific curry paste

which I?ll talk about below that I finally started getting some fabulous results. From there it was just a matter of getting the right amount of flavor without it being overwhelming. And finally, after many years of trying to get it right, I have a recipe that rivals what I came to love all those months of pregnancy and I?m thrilled I get to share it with you in Tangled Silver Magazine. -

Curry past e ? is everything to the flavor of your curry. I finally discovered the green



about. Onions, galangal (or ginger), eggplant & bell peppers ? make up the usual veggies you?ll find in green curries, but you can change things up to whatever vegetables you enjoy most or what you have in your fridge. Green Beans + Spinach ? I like to add Green Beans and fresh Spinach for extra veggies to this curry and because we dine plant-based and just love eating colors in my cooking. Broccoli florets





also work and is used more often, but you don?t have to add anything green here unless you love eating the colors of the rainbow too. Lime leaves ? add a light and bright flavor. When I can?t find fresh lime leaves, I add the zest of 1 lime or use dried Kaffir leaves. Coconut cream ? or even coconut milk works here for a tasty curry. I love the cream in

this dish. I don?t recommend using anything low fat in this recipe and be sure the coconut milk or coconut cream you buy is unsweetened. Vegan Fish sauce ? adds savory depth and flavor.


Gour met Thai Plant -based Gr een Cur r y DIRECTIONS: 1. Over medium heat, add oil to a Dutch oven or deep heavy bottom pot and sauté sweet onions until translucent and caramelized, about 7 to 9 minutes. 2. Add green curry paste and toast for 3 to 4 minutes until aromatic. You?ll want to turn the fan on at this stage. Add Kaffir lime leaves and galangal slices (or ginger) and give it a good but gentle stir and cook another minute to get those flavors infused. 3. Add vegetable broth and scrape up any bottom browned bits. Add eggplant, green beans and red bell peppers and bring to a slow simmer. 4. Once veggies are crisp tender (4 to 5 minutes), add the coconut cream, coconut sugar, vegan fish sauce and sea salt. Bring to a gentle simmer uncovered. Keep in mind that a gentle simmer helps keep the sweetness of the coconut cream and keeps it from separating. Simmer 25 minutes more to allow the flavors to marry, stirring a few times in between cooking. 5. Remove from the heat, add in spinach to wilt and squeeze in the juice of one lime (2 TBS). Give it one final stir. 6. Serve over hot steamy Jasmine rice in generous sized bowls, topped with fresh cilantro, torn basil leaves, (optional Thai pepper slices) and extra lime juice. Add roasted pumpkin on top, if desired and indulge!

Curry past e is t he ent ire secret t o t his recipe. Let?s kick things off here, shall we? Time to spill the beans and the greens ? the one I?ve come to know and love love LOVE is the Mae Ploy brand. This isn?t sponsored nor anything like that at all but I can tell you from years of Chef?ing in my Graves?Disease Test Kitchen and prior to that, my Breaking Daily Bread Test Kitchen, the Mae Ploy brand is simply the best curry paste I?ve ever purchased. And I?d like to think through my years of kitchen cooking, experimenting and recipe developing, I know my way around spices, seasonings and pastes from around the world. Not only does the flavor take your curries to the next level, there aren?t any additives, dyes, nor added sugars. Win! Win in my cookbook! There is a generous amount of curry paste per container, so if you don?t make curry very often, share generously with your besties. They?ll love you forever. Just know that when you do make this recipe, I?m pretty confident, it?ll become part of your rotation especially when you?re hungering for authentic Thai Green Curry ? that container will empty in no time. The added bonus, it?s a perfect comfort food dish for these cooler temperatures that we all seem to be experiencing around the globe ? even on the islands. As I finish up this column though, bid you adieu and encourage you to give this recipe a go? we?re actually in California for a few months spending much needed time with our sons and grandson (having been living between island life in the Philippines and Cali life at the moment). It is cold as ice here in Northern California so guess what?s on the menu tonight?! You guessed it! The green curry story! Time to get prepping. Cheers to the New Year and to living a healthy, happy and intentional lifestyle through good, clean, wholesome food because as we?ve all heard by now, food is thy medicine and medicine is thy food.

As they say in Thailand, Th?n h??? xr?xy (Enjoy your meal)! Swoon! Mina TangledSilverMagazine.com

BE | In spir ed


Gourmet Plant-Based Thai Green Curry Serves 4 to 6 As a quick not e, t he veggies I use here are based on what prot ein INGREDIENTS: and veggies I like t o use in my Thai cooking. You can use any combo of - 2 ? sweet onions, finely veggies you?d like, but t his is t he diced part icular combinat ion I come - 1 inch knob ? fresh back t o again and again because galangal, very thinly it ?s familiar and comfort ing and sliced (or fresh ginger) yes, seriously addict ive. Opt ional t opping: 1½ lb. cleaned and diced fresh Pumpkin + 2 TBS extra virgin olive oil + ¾ tsp Sea Salt + 1 tsp chili powder + 1 tsp smoked paprika + 1 tsp garlic powder. Toss all ingredients in a large bowl until well blended. Roast in a preheated oven @425 degrees F in a single layer for 30 minutes, tossing halfway through. Serve as a topping with garnish.



Garnish: Additional lime wedges, fresh cilantro sprigs, or Red Thai Chili peppers, thinly sliced diagonally.


3 to 4 TBSP ? Avocado Oil 4 to 5 TBSP ? Green Curry Paste store-bought green paste (or ½ cup homemade) 2 cups ? Veggie Broth 2 ? 14-ounce cans ? Coconut Cream 16 ounces ? fresh Tempeh, steamed and cubed or Portobello mushrooms, sauteed and cubed ½ tsp ? Sea Salt 2 tsp ? Coconut sugar







2+ tsp ? Vegan fish sauce (can substitute with Tamari, if you can?t find fish sauce) 2 ? Japanese eggplants, thinly sliced into half-moons 1 pound ? Fresh green beans, cut into 1½ inch bite size slices 1 large bunch ? Fresh Spinach 2 ? Red or Yellow Bell Peppers, diced 10 to 12 ? Fresh Kaffir Lime Leaves or 6 to 8 dried 2 ? Limes, seeded and cut into wedges (divided for garnish) ½ cup ? fresh Thai Basil leaves, torn (can substitute with sweet basil) EMBRACE 2023

Tangled Silver Magazine believes t hat age and experience are beaut iful t hings. We believe women embracing t heir nat ural selves should be celebrat ed. We believe our daught ers and granddaught ers should be t aught early on t o t ap int o t heir creat ivit y wit h wild passion. We believe t hat silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re let t ing yourself go. We believe friendships are import ant . We believe sist ers connect ing t oget her over shared passions is joyful. We believe aging gracefully looks different for every woman and t here is no right or wrong way along t he journey. We believe in encouragement . We believe t hat embracing your silvers goes far beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a st ory t o share. We believe t hat everyday is a gift . We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. We believe t hat posit ive self-t alk is not only essent ial for our happiness, but for t he girls and young women around us who are developing t heir underst anding of beaut y and self-confidence. We believe grey hair does not equat e old age. We believe you are never t oo young or t oo old t o st art embracing your nat ural hair. We believe it is t ime t o end t he st igma surrounding grey hair and t o celebrat e who we are inst ead. We believe t hat support ing ot her women in t heir journey t o accept ance and aut hent icit y is of t he ut most import ance. We believe our encouragement and love for one anot her online is leading t o more posit ive and product ive social media experiences for women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring t hose around us t o do t he same.



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