Tangled Silver Magazine - Journey 2023

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Tangled SILVER Magazine Founder & Edit or Robin Salls robin@tangledsilvermag.com

TS Magazine is published bi-monthly featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle. All annual subscriptions in digital are for six issues. (January, March, May, July, September, November)

Cont ent Assist ant david@tangledsilvermag.com

Single Print issues are available for Special order. Please visit tangledsilvermagazine.com for details. Prices will vary depending on issue lengths. Delivery is typically 3-4 weeks.

Copy Edit ors David Salls, USA Julie Kneafsey, UK

Single Digital issues are available for $6.99 USA One year/six issues digital -$24 USA & Countries where available. This includes full access to our community site.

Beaut y Edit or & Phot ographer Tina Pirozzoli tina@tangledsilvermag.com Cont ribut ing W rit ers Mel @silver_styling Joanne @jobo_silver-linings Leah @leahrachel66 Jineen @jineenmariesilvery Jill @jillkirshcolor Mina @thegravesdiseasechef Julie @thefiftyist Ilise @iliseharris Cynthia @silverhair_makeupartist Layout Designer Robin Salls

HOW TO CONTACT US Tangled Silver Magazine | Girls Gone Grape, Inc. PO Box 503, Johnstown, CO 80534 Phone: 970-880-1636 tangledsilvermagazine.com SUBMISSIONS | INQUIRIES | ADVERTISING Please see the submission guidelines on our website at tangledsilvermagazine.com, or write to the editor at the address above or email sales@tangledsilvermag.com

Tangled Silver Magazine - ISSN (Print ) 2768-4407, (Online) 2768-4415 . INSPIRE 2022. Print ed in USA. Tangled Silver is published bi-mont hly (6x per year) January, arch, May, July, Spet ember, November by Girls Gone Grape, Inc.

Tangled Silver Magazine. All right s reserved. Reproduct ion of any cont ent or art work is prohibit ed in any print or elect ronic form wit hout prior writ t en permission by t he publisher.

Photography by Tina Pirozzoli


Not e Fr om Robin Hello Silver Beauties, Let's address the white elephant in the room around print copies as I've been getting a lot of questions. I, myself, love print magazine's that I can feel in my hands and yes, our issues are beautifully crafted with a buttery soft feel to her pages. She's really more of a table top book and I was excited to offer them when we first launched in 2021. But, we ran into issues during 2022 with supply chains, etc. making it hard to deliver our print issues and be able to offer them at reasonable rates as a smaller magazine. Our pages aren't full of ads as we carefully curate our partners to be sure we're bringing you products we trust and believe in. I don't want to just throw products at you in order to line up advertisers, so we've come to a bit of a conundrum. For the time being, a print on demand option is available per issue for those who really want to hold it in your hands. It's not my favorite option, but the way we need to move forward for the time being. With that said, we're revamping our digital footprint to become more than just a digital magazine platform. I hope you'll grow and connect with us in this manner and I'm looking forward to sharing some awesome things coming up in our Grace issue that comes out in July. In the meantime, check out one of my favorite recipes from Mina, The Graves Disease Chef for "Crab Cakes", a fun reminder that make up is okay at the beach with Cynthia, Street/work styles with Ilise, Bridal pops of color perfect for the wedding season from Jill Kirsh Color, Tina's beauty picks, Jineen's colors for Spring, the entrepreneur musings and a bit about health being wealth with Leah. As always, check out our beautiful silver sisters sharing their stories and I think you'll enjoy meeting three of our sisters that have taken friendship and passion to a next level to inspire us to possibilities! Thank you for being a part of our journey to silver. I appreciate you all more than words can express. Silver for the win,

Robin Robin Salls | Founder & Publisher | robin@tangledsilvermag.com JOURNEY 2023


Meet Our SHE-PACK Cont r ibut or s

Do you have a great story or idea you'd love to share that could help another woman in her midlife adventures or embracing her silver hair? We'd love to hear from you and see if you might be a good fit to join our She-Pack of contributors! These are the women that help make this magazine a voice for all women defining beauty and aging for themselves. Reach out to robin@tangledsilvermag.com to get the conversation started and learn more. Silver for the win!



Photography credits: Ilise Harris

EMBRACE | You 1311

GRAND CENTRAL SIGHTINGS Before heading home on the train in N.Y.C after a day doing makeup and hair for a corporate photography assignment I stopped at the food hall for a snack, and saw this delicious outfit. We see how she's taken those neutral, slightly warm tones, but banished the blah that sometimes happens with silver hair by adding a whimsical tote with pops of fun colors that add contrast. the cropped chunky sweater is full of textural and design interest. Paired with the wide legged fawn colored corduroy pants and mustard colored sneakers we have an outfit that is seasonally transitional and youthful without being juvenile.

Key words: Transitional Whimsical Feminine

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Youthful Pro Age


GRAND CENTRAL SIGHTINGS Sighting two stopped in my tracks, (pun intended) when I saw this simple but elegant up do. Wow, one scrunchie and two clips made for an urban chic and professional look. I wound up having a lovely chat with Brenda LaManna, owner of Damselfly Global, LLC, a grab and go kiosk of beautiful flower bouquets. She was in the midst of an employee meeting but took a few minutes to elaborate on her pandemic transition. Her husband had been advocating for her to ditch the dye for years. Her last hair color appointment was scheduled for a few days after lock down, so that was that! She gets compliments all the time, no surprise. The chic black suit, turtleneck, chunky chain necklace with hoop earrings are impeccable. The hair; sleek and casual all at once.

EMBRACE | You 15

Key words: Urban Chic. Professional. Elegant. Sleek.


Maxine Sherman, dancer, choreographer, master Pilates teacher. Again and again, not to be redundant, but every Monday morning I am treated to not only her excellent class, but to a walking inspiration for everyday elevated style. In these two images, she tackles a subject that comes up very often for silver sisters. How to wear those cream, camel, champagne and brown toned neutrals. The answer is contrast. In this fabulous drapey silk blouse with the attached scarf by Jennifer George, the bold prints, even though predominantly brown (not a silver girl's best friend) are given the punch factor by the bold black and bright white that speaks to her hair. No blah here. She's paired it with upscale workout pants with contrasting top stitching. She's added a long necklace as well as a modern pearl choker...too much? Nope. Boring Beige (photo on the right) is anything but in this example. First, take a look at the delicate play of textures. The silk pants are Eileen Fisher, but several sizes too large, so they hang on her hip and create a slouchy look. The tank top has a subtle shimmer. The contrast comes in the reddish coral print in the silk vest, also Jennifer George. She continues the contrast with the layered jewelry in those deep red/coral tones; chunky around the neck, the dark leather cord in the long necklace that repeats the color in the beads at the bottom. The cream neutrals speak to her skin while the contrast of the red/coral makes sure it's not a wash out with her hair. Balance is key, in pilates and in fashion.


EMBRACE | You 17

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IliseHarris CELEBRATE 2023




Take 15% off wit h CODE: tangledsilver


5 STARS - Hands down Herbal Face Food gets my full endorsement as one of the top skincare lines on the market.

Colorado's dry, yet sunny climate makes it tough for me to keep my skin soft and subtle. I'd moisturize, but within hours, I'd be reapplying in order to keep the dry flakes at bay. I followed their morning and night routine and I have taken back my skin. Gone are the days of needing to touch up. While it didn't work magic and completely take away my wrinkles, (nor did I expect or need it to do) it's significantly improved their appearance. My pores are smaller, the slight graying under my eyes is gone and I have back a healthy glow without using foundations that I haven't had in years. Plant based with anti-oxidants and phytonutrients that heal from a cellular level from the outside in and address tops signs of aging . No Filler, no chemicals and no BS. A brand that lives up to the hype while being socially conscious and promoting conscious consumerism and beauty. I don't give personal endorsements often. But, Herbal Face Food has more than earned this one. I'm now a believer that you can take back your skin even in midlife.




Their tag line "Take Back your Skin" lives up to its hype. At 55, I have the best facial skin than I've had in years. After 3 days use, I did start to see a change in my skin, as they promote, but wanted to give it several months to be sure it wasn't just my skin acknowledging something new. You know, that feeling when you first use a new product and it seems great, but your skin gets bored with it pretty quickly and goes back to it's normal state for you.


EMBRACE | You 21


Wedding Season Shades "Opt for metallic shadesin silver or pewter to compliment your silver strands." Jill

Tip for everyone with soft gray, salt & pepper or silver hair: If you?re looking to go metallic in a dress or a shoe, definitely opt for silver or pewter over yellow gold, bronze or copper.




Hi there! So I recently heard from a client who shared that she was overjoyed with all the compliments she received at her daughter?s wedding & how happy she was with the way she looked in the photos, all because the dress she wore was one of the colors we chose for her in our color session. And of course, this completely made my day! Then I started thinking why not share some tips on the best shades of color for all the mothers of the brides & mothers of the grooms & women in general who are rocking their newly silvered, salt & pepper or soft gray locks & are looking for the perfect dress for their special event? So here we go: If your hair is salt & pepper or silver (Andie McDowell, Tia Mowry & Jane Fonda) & you opt for a light valued shade, definitely think ice pink instead of a muted peach tone. If you want to make a stronger statement, then fuschia, cobalt, royal purple & charcoal are strikingly stunning! If your hair is a soft overall gray like Glenn Close, Jamie Lee Curtis & Helen Mirren & you?re searching for pastel shades (which are so good with this hair color), then dusty pink, sky blue, lavender & dove gray are perfection! If you?re going for a stronger, more dramatic look, rose red, cadet blue will amaze! Hope this helps and happy shopping, XO Jill JOURNEY . 2023


Declar e Your

#I AM SILVER BEAUTY TangledSilverMagazine.com



Beaut y Now

Soul happinesscomes easily once YOU believe you are beautiful! And, Silver Sisters, you are silver beauty! Robin Salls, Founder

#iam silver beau t y JOURNEY 2023

Healt h is Wealt h It?s no secret that aging introduces new challenges. The saying ?aging isn?t for sissies?is quite accurate. While the human spirit in each of us finally figures its true path for genuine fulfillment, our bodies begin to slow us down. It?s like some sort of trick from the universe. Without the challenge of physical limitations, I believe our existence could become limitless. The wisdom we acquire widens so that something must further challenge us on our life journey. Rather than pursue youth, it becomes incumbent upon us to chase after health in addition to the other goals we set for ourselves. This is a much better use of our fleeting time. How easy was it in our 20s, and 30s to get up and be active? It seemed effortless then. However, slowly but surely our metabolism stagnates. We don?t even realize it is happening until the flight of stairs you take everyday suddenly feels like Mt Everest. Or heavy bags of groceries you carry a short distance trigger a much needed cat nap. Even walking on uneven ground or ice or mud can cause loss of balance that we took for granted not too long ago. The good news is, there is something we can do about this. Health is a responsibility each of us must strive to access on our own. There is no prescription drug that will solve one physical problem without causing another. In fact, drugs are mainly bandaids to mask physiological problems. Rarely do they fix it completely. Nevertheless, flora and fauna exist to help us edify our organic anatomy and exercise will do the same. Is it a cure all? No. but it will boost energy and


seem overwhelming, EM BRACE | You of course increase mobility. Something that time and gravity fight against. Being able to move freely, without pain or injury is a commodity as we age. Working on our balance and movement will target activity in our brain. This in turn will stimulate the nervous system resulting in increased neurological transmissions thus increasing circulation. Movement will keep our muscles contracting and stretching will keep them toned. All these things affect digestion, heart health, brain health, and maybe even most importantly, emotional health. Movement of any kind can release endorphins and foster good moods. Keeping active in both mind and body will assure the best possible outcome as each of us experience natural declines. While aging just happens, moving will always make us feel better even if we lose some of the mastery we once had over our dexterity. One day you are taking your dog for a leisurely walk when suddenly, your knee shouts at you to stop. Or maybe you are doing something as simple as baking in the kitchen when your shoulder begins to ache. Although these are both realistic scenarios, exercises targeted to strengthen joints will protect against the wear and tear we all experience. Nevertheless, the gains we


amass in our emot ional/ment al/spirit ual awareness is immeasurable. All t he experiences and knowledge gained over a lifet ime is more valuable t han any mat erial acquisit ion. There is so much t he human soul has t o cont ribut e t o t he world. Even more for people who earned wisdom t hrough a life lived well and t o t he fullest , similar t o a fine wine. Aged wine is meant t o be savored. Enjoyed slowly. Each sip will have you reflect ing t he nuances of it s mat urit y. Besides t he aromat ic flavors experienced wit h each one of your senses, t he memories of an enjoyable glass of robust wine is not easily forgot t en. Especially when it is shared. Life is more beaut iful wit h such meaningful memories. Remarkably, muscles remember your long journey t oo. How wonderful is it t hat each of us moves and our bodies respond as if t ime has not passed. This built in memory enables us t o maint ain mobilit y, st rengt h, power, and more for as long as possible. This is t he beaut y in aging. This is what we need t o feel proud of and cont inue t o st rive t owards. Enhancing our lives wit h act ivit y cont ribut es t o t he making of a great st ory about vit alit y. Increase t he element s in your own st ory wit h exercise, fresh air, memories and of course a glass of wine shared wit h a friend or loved one. Bot h good and bad experiences creat e wholeness. W it hout each of t hese element s, growt h and st rengt h st agger. Similarly, a life wit hout movement will lit erally dull all t he senses and deeply affect your moods. I encourage each of you t o cont inue t o move in mind, body and spirit . Design t he healt h you want and go aft er it wit h fervor. Aft er all, it is your life t o live and enjoy. Make it t he best one possible because none of us get s a second chance.



What 's your t ake on wear ing hat s for


pr ot ect ion in t he sun? I know I really should wear one, but I get so hot and sweat y t hat I usually don't . Mia V. Hat s became my best friends during my t ransit ion, but now I don't go out in t he sun wit hout one so I won't get yellow t ones as quickly.

I prefer SPF buffs t o regular hat s as I'm pret t y act ive and t hey're easier t o keep on. Sara L. I love Wallaroo hat s! They have such a variet y of st yles t hat I have one t o fit every mood I'm in. I also love t hat t hey're SPF, or most of t hem. Nina G. I'm hesit ant t o wear hat s because I t hink hat wearing increases hair loss risk, but my friend says I'm crazy if t hat 's my reason for not wearing hat s t o prot ect my scalp and grays. Bet t y T.


Photo Credit: @joining_the_greyrevolution

Shari B.



THOUGHTS... I wear SPF t reat ed hat s, t ypically st raw or weaved hat s, most ly cowboy st yle during t he summer, but not much during t he wint er mont hs unless I'm skiing. Michele D. To hat or not t o hat ; HAT always! Robyn G. I've worn my cowboy hat t hat has an SPF lining every t ime I'm out doors since I bought it . Sun's fading her beaut iful chocolat e shade, but my sassy silvers are prot ect ed. Robin S. Not a fan of hat s, but I'll wear a bandanna or wrap wit h my hair pulled up if I'm going t o be out side for awhile. Nina L. I love hat s, but t hey don't prot ect t he lengt h of my hair from t he sun as my hair is almost t o my t ush! I braid it and t ry t o keep as much under t he hat rim as possible t hough. I'd love any t ips for prot ect ing t he lengt h! Rebecca M.


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SPRING INTO COLOR TangledSilverMagazine.com


Tu r qu oise, yellow &

EM BRACE | You 31

Springtime is the beginning of nature's beautiful and bountiful palate of colors. April's rains have nourished the soil and buds are beginning to sprout reminding us of all the potential fun colors we can draw off of from nature. I love the shades of Spring and here are a few of my favorites.

Turquoise is another beautiful shade with silver hair and for this lovely time in May! It?s also lovely with a brighter fuchsia colored lipstick to complement the pretty turquoise shade!



is an amazing color for Spring as it

reminds us of the sunshine that comes along with this fabulous season! It?s an amazing color to make the silver hair pop! I added a fun pink lipstick to the look and yellow earrings to keep it bright and cheery!

Lavender and lilacs are my favorites during this season as well! I added a bit more purple colored eyeshadow and fun eyeliner and went with a softer shade of lipstick and gloss to soften up the look. I also added a fun scarf to give this more of a retro look! It?s one more fun way to enhance your silver hair

Jineen currently resides in Tennessee with her husband while encouraging women to be authentically themselves. She loves to share fun styles, hair and makeup and you can see more of her looks over on her YouTube channel Jineen Marie Silvery or on Instagram @jineenmariesilvery. She's also a curvy model with Tribe Talent,. ANother beautiful silver sister finding a modeling career in their next chapters.





Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

MEET JEN 51 | Creative Soul, Jewelry Designer, Writer | Silver Since 2020 I was in my early 20's when I began getting gray hair. My hair was naturally very dark and they were very easily seen. When I first noticed them I remember feeling terribly embarrassed and thinking that I was way to young to start getting gray hair. I remedied them by plucking them out anytime I found one. That is until eventually there were to many and I began coloring my hair in my mid 20's. It was in the end of January 2020 when I decided that I would no longer color my hair. I had colored it for the last time the week of my 48th birthday at the end of January. I mostly stopped coloring it because it just became to much to keep up. I was coloring every couple weeks and my hair was no longer healthy. The chemicals in the color also played a huge role in my decision. I wanted to be the healthiest me and I knew that the chemicals definitely weren't helping. I stopped coloring about a month and a half before Covid hit and the lock downs happened. I do believe that made it easier for me to continue to

@jens_going_gray.zy | OHIO let my natural hair grow out. What have I discovered during the process of growing out my gray? Many things! For example... I've learned that women tend to overthink and even complicate the process of going gray, myself included! Wondering the best way to do it, worrying what people will think, even stressing about the best products to use. Ladies, please don't do this to yourself. I promise you that your way is the best way...I promise! Don't look around too much...look inside. The most surprising gift t hat I've received is a confidence t hat I have never had before. The t ransformat ion is not only physical it also occurs very much inside us! I t hink it comes from t he freedom of let t ing go of ot hers judgment s and our own fears...it makes you feel like a rebel! What I want people to learn from my story is to do what makes you happy (as long as you're not hurting others). Please don't complicate the process, but instead embrace it and enjoy the entire transformation. Be happy with yourself so you can offer your love and light to the world. Stop listening to what society says we need to do to make us happy and start listening to what your heart and soul is telling you! TangledSilverMagazine.com





Photo Credit: @harryand thehippychick



MEET EVA 53| Fashion, Retired| Silver since 2019 My hair journey was accidental. I have worn my hair as a teenager and most of my adult life in a Pixie style (Sinéad O'Connor). It was edgy, cool and timeless. As an adult with three children and a very demanding career it was the obvious choice. I noticed in my thirties I had some silver strands peeking out but because I wore my hair so short they weren?t so visible. My hair beginning to transition didn?t spark any concern or alarm. It did however ignite my creative side to do something I had wanted to do for a very long time. I wanted to dye my hair gray!!!! There was a runway show around 2015 and the models had the most amazing gray hair. I saw all over Pinterest and Instagram young women with their dyed silver hair! Little did we know it but it started what was then called the ?Granny?hair trend!! I was thirty five and I was obsessed! I decided I can do that to my hair. So I drove to Sally?s after consulting with

@harryandt hehippychick | PUERTO RICO my Mom who owned a hair salon. I bleached my hair numerous times before but this time was different since I was not only removing color but adding. After a few hours I had my over processed straw beach blond hair. I added what would be the violet gray blue coloring. The end result was a very bright Smurf blue color. My family laughed and I cried. It was an epic fail so bright but I wore it with the same confidence I always exude. Thankfully the blue faded with time. I gave up on my dream hair color but I was determined to someday make it happen. Fast forward and I started noticing more gray. I thought to myself what if I grow my hair out? in 2019 I did just that. I think my hair transition was easier than most. My hair is super curly so it allowed me to just let it be. I played around with head wraps and hats. I focused on the prize. My first cut was a shag cut and since then I?ve kept it in this style. It works with my curls and allows my salt and pepper hair to shine. To the ladies that are hesitant to just do it... it really is that easy. Your hair color should never define you! We are amazing wit h our grays so much t hat we have young women creat ing what we nat urally have in a hair salon!! JOURNEY 2023


MEET AMBER 44 | Customer ConnectionsKantha Bae | Silver Since 2018 September of 2018 at 40 years old, I was at a wedding and really wanted to pull my hair up. But I couldn?t because I had my hair colored the day before and dark brown dye remnants stained my ears and the top of my head. So I sat there ~ hot, just wishing I could just pull up my hair. And then the thought hit me - what if you stopped coloring your hair? Where did that come from? I was shocked! But then I was met with another emotion. FEAR. There?s no way that could happen now. I?m too young. What would my natural gray hair look like? Later that day, I went on Instagram to scroll, and I saw a beautiful young woman with salt and pepper hair. ?40 Year Old Decided To Ditch The Dye and Embraces Gray Hair? Whaaaaaaaat??!! I had never seen anything about that before, but all of a sudden, my soul was screaming! I read everything about her, which led me to an Instagram

@embracingamber | NORTH CAROLINA movement called @grombre. For 2 weeks, I was obsessed with reading everything I could about this journey and decided that this was my next step. However, that little emotion didn?t want to leave. FEAR. I went for it and jumped right in. I?ve never been a huge selfie person, but this was what this movement is all about. I loved seeing all of the gorgeous, diverse women post their journeys. Documenting and inspiring is where it?s at, and I decided to be all in. I decided to embrace my silver, instead of hiding it. I had been in hiding for a long time. This gray hair that I was so afraid of, ended up setting me free. What I?ve learned over the last 4 and 1/2 years, is t hat t he only way t o combat fear is wit h love. Love of self. Love of t his journey. Love of my circumst ances. Love of my creat or. Love of all the beautiful women that I?ve connected with along the way. Love has carried me, and now I am no longer afraid. I?m not afraid of what people think. I?m not afraid of how I?ll be perceived. I?m not afraid of aging. Loving me, as I am, has been the anecdote and the cure. When I look in the mirror, and see my beautiful silver, I love me. When I look in the mirror, and don?t recognize myself, I love me. When I do the hard things, I love me. TangledSilverMagazine.com





Photo Creds: Photo credits: @silverhair_makeupartist



MEET CYNTHIA 44| Makeup Artist| Silver Since 2019

Cynthia has been living and working as a makeup artist, in the Los Angeles metro area for the last 21 years. She has trained with multiple professional Makeup Artists brands and has honed her craft over the last 21 years. She currently works as the Account Executive for Hourglass cosmetics, a cruelty-free, vegan luxury beauty line that launched in 2004. She loves teaching and showing clients the simplest make up tips and how to feel fabulous at any age! Her silver hair journey began in 2019 when a good friend and family member became seriously ill, she looked in the mirror, one day and decided that she did not want to dye her hair any longer. It was time to do

@silverhairmakeupart ist | CA something drastic and for Cynthia that was letting her gray hair show and seeing what happens next? later on during the 2020 pandemic she found the silver hair community online! Cynthia now loves int eract ing wit h and meet ing her silver-hair Sist ers in person in real life. She now believes t here is so much joy t o be had and t o experience lat er in life!

Part of those experiences has recently brought her into the Tangled Silver Magazine She-Pack as one of our Beauty Contributors sharing her take on products she loves with inspiring before and after makeup looks.

Be sure to keep your eyes open for her shares in this and future issues!



Photo Credit: @Anaisebenoudiz


Pascale is one of the happy faces that always greet me at two of my favorite farmer's markets. In rain, snow, or lettuce wilting heat, she is there in her screaming poppy red lipstick. I recently noticed that she's joined the silver movement! So now she's a hybrid ginger/silver.

Author of ?American Pie: Slices of Life and Pie from America?s Back Roads? (HarperCollins, 2002) in which she chronicles her cross-country road trip in an old Volvo 240 named ?Betty?in search of her American roots and people who still make pie from scratch.

Here she is in a candid moment welcoming the early spring sunshine with an expression of pure acceptance and gratitude.

A first-generation American, Le Draoulec was raised in California, in a decidedly French household obsessed with all things ?food.?

What you can't see are her absolutely dazzling blue eyes. The navy knits, jeans, blue down vest and those signature red lips pull her farmer's market style together. She's also the founder of Morning Glory Markets. She operates markets in 5 communities in Westchester, N.Y. as well as a market inside the gates of the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Before running markets, Ms. Le Draoulec was a newspaper reporter for 18 years. She spent most of those years writing about food, and from 2001 to 2007, she was the lead restaurant critic at the New York Daily News where she won a James Beard award for her frank reviews.


A hard-driving rain always meant foraging for plump snails in the backyard, purging them in a bucket of salt overnight in preparation for escargotsa l?ai et au persil. Ms. Le Draoulec learned to cook (and to make goat cheese and pluck a chicken) while living on a dilapidated dairy farm near Normandy in her 20s. Markets are her happy place.

Writer Ilise Harris is on the streets capturing style and silver beauty through the eye of her lens. She's currently working on a multi generational documentary around aging and embracing gray .





DEEP FRIENDSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS. It wasn't more t han a few years ago when t hese women were complet e st rangers. Unbeknownst by all, t hey had several common t hreads t hat would lead t hem t o one anot her. Their creat ivit y, soulful passion and embracing of t heir grays while uplift ing one anot her personally and in t heir ent repreneur t ravels should be an inspirat ional goal. Three jewelry designers wit h a slight difference offer t heir own original designs, along wit h pieces t hat t hey have collaborat ed on t o include one anot her?s designs and offerings. Each offering has a sacred, magical feeling t o it as each is creat ed wit h a deep passion root ed in t heir love for t he divine universe and all she offers. St ones, coins, and beads are all t hought fully procured on t heir t ravels t o creat e amazing pieces t hat always seem t o find t heir person t o call home.

her love of nat ure and sacred blessings as each goes t hrough a ceremonial blessing before being released t o t heir new person. Jennifer?s soulful offerings come as necklaces, bracelet s, earrings and more wit h a fun t ouch on st ones, beads and coins t hat speak t o her. Her pieces feel like a lit t le t reasure t hat you?ll want t o share wit h t he world. Their designs st rike a perfect balance of elegance, nat ure and feminism wit h every offering. That balance flows int o t heir very beings. These are women who inspire beyond t he physical product s t hey offer, while almost giving you a piece of t hemselves if you're blessed t o have t he opport unit y t o meet or work wit h t hem.

D?Wana?s pieces are beaut ifully handcraft ed wit h polymer clay, st ones, beads and leat her. They elicit a calming and passionat e vibrat ion.

There is enough pie for everyone and t hese women are living proof t hat you can connect wit h ot her women t o uplift one anot her while we?re walking t his journey of life.

Michele?s designs range from malas, prayer beads and more t hat speak t o

You can find t hem on Inst agram.


BE | In spir ed






BE | In spir ed



I?m writing this musing as I sit in the surgery waiting room as my mother has her 5th full hip replacement surgery giving praise to God that I?m able to be here for her. I?m also blissfully grateful that I can work from anywhere in the world and be where I need or want to be at almost any given moment. It?s one of the core reasons that being an entrepreneur is the road I?ve chosen for my travels. The road to entrepreneurship isn?t as easy as laying out a map and drawing your route out from destination to destination, but I still believe the perks of entrepreneurship outweigh what some may see as limitations or risks. I?m finding many women I?m connecting with in midlife starting to wonder if the road of entrepreneurship might be their next calling. It?s exciting to think about following your passions, but also a bit discerning not knowing what the future holds if you jump into this journey

It?s not a journey for the faint of heart, but if you keep hearing that inner voice telling you to step on the gas and just go, then you might want to listen. This magazine was born out of listening to that voice. I never imagined in my twenties that in my fifties I would be running a magazine for midlife women embracing defining beauty and aging on their terms. Angel Cornelius, Maison 276 creator and CEO spent most of her life in a corporate world until her calling could no longer be ignored. She started creating her products out of her kitchen and now has one of the leading beauty brands on the market for women with White, SIlver, Gray and blonde hair. Then there is Julie Gordon White, CEO of Bossa Bars creating a nutritional bar for women in menopause launching yet another business that came from listening to her inner voice. What?s your inner voice whispering to you? Could it be your next adventure in life?


EMBRACE | You 51 And, how do you know if you have a passion or inner voice worth risking the journey into entrepreneurship? Here are a few tips I?ve picked up over the years from personal experience and talking with other women entrepreneurs. The journey looks different for all of us, but by now silver beauties, we all probably understand that notion better than most! DOES YOUR PASSION MAKE BUSINESS SENSE? We?re all passionate about something, but the key here is rather or not your passion can be turned into a business. I?m passionate about dance, but I have yet to find a way to turn that passion into a business model for success. I?m passionate about empowering women to define life on their terms, especially when it comes to embracing gray and aging. I saw a need for better representation of what graying and midlife looks like in actual daily life and when I couldn?t find a format

addressing what I?d like to focus on? ARE YOU A RISK TAKER? Or, are you more of a paint by numbers kind of gal? Honoring your core answer is important because neither answer is right or wrong. Someone who needs structure, consistency and a paycheck weekly may respond very differently to the situations that arise in business than someone who can roll with the flow, isn?t thrown off as much when plans go awry and can work with whatever the numbers are at the end of the week. Ask yourself which way you tend to lean into more? Be honest with yourself. Your passion may be there, but you need to have your core aligned there too.

In business it?s 100% important to map out your business and create plans for success. It?s also 100% important to understand that even the best laid plans do not always go accordingly and how you embrace those moments may have a huge impact on your business success. For better and sometimes worse, I am a natural risk taker. I don?t need to have a guaranteed weekly paycheck (though it?s nice). I can roll pretty easily when situations arise that warrant thinking out of the box. I thrive under pressure and I love to get lost in

Midlife Ent r epr eneur Musings sharing it, I created the first magazine curated for silver haired women. Questions to ask yourself - Do others need what I?m passionate about? Is there a market that desires and needs solutions that my passion can address? Who or What else is out there currently that may be

adventure, whether that?s driving down unknown roads or figuring out at the last minute how I?m going to replace an article or model profile in the seventh hour. Sometimes I get stressed, overwhelmed and cry, but I always get back up. I refuse to let the ?yuck? keep me in the mud for long and I know that I?ll always bounce back if not out of anything other than my sheer will to do so. Many of my entrepreneur friends have found the past several years challenging, especially those producing JOURNEY 2023

products as supply lines have been challenging, but you?ll find most of them still looking to the future because they know that ebbs and flows are part of the process. When you know you?re willing to risk today for what may be tomorrow then you?re probably met to listen to your inner voice. COACHING AND MENTORING I don?t want to shock you, but you do realize that you?ve been being coached and mentored since childhood? Our first coaches and mentors are typically our parents, followed by friends, teachers and relationships. Sometimes that has been an amazing experience and for others, not so great, but either way, we?ve all been some part of the experience now known as coaching and mentoring. When it comes to business this should be a key piece in your entrepreneurial journey. Why reinvent the wheel yourself when you can learn from those who have gone before you and are a vast well of knowledge? Most of these people are in the trenches with you and sharing their knowledge to hopefully help you along your path. Giving and receiving are a huge part of this experience and when you can open yourself up to having a third eye, so to speak, give you insight on your business, then you are already ahead. It is empowering to have a cheerleader, critic and wise sage to help keep you focused by bringing you to moments of focused clarity. I?ve spun my wheels for years, feeling like I had to do it all and since adding coaching as a vital part of my business plan, I?m now breaking barriers I didn?t always see as possible to break.

NETW ORKING Kevin Costner, in Field of Dreams, built something off of his dreams and I can relate to that perfectly. But, the piece of ?if you build it, they will come?is a bit of a double edged sword. Yes, you need to build, but you also need to be sure you?re out there sharing what you?ve built for people to find it. The best way to do this is to be more visible. You can have an amazing product or service, but if you?re not out there sharing it, it may not get found in the mess we know as algorithms. The web is wonderful, but you still need to be out there sharing in person. Your website can be TangledSilverMagazine.com

perfect in the digital world, but that?s only a piece of your networking puzzle. Join networking groups and other communities that offer in person opportunities to share who you are and why you?re so passionate about what you do. Step into being more consistent and visible while giving more value and you?ll soon become a person people will want to be around. They will not only want to share about you, but want to share you with others they know for your expertise.

Covid opened the door to Zoom live meetings, which are great, but also left many of us forgetting how much better business is done when in person. Get yourself out there again! Make connections through giving more, listening more and doing more. I could continue on, but then this would go from an article to a book! If you?ve got the little voice tugging at your ear then it?s time you quit silencing her and give her some of your attention. Maybe you're not destined to become a business owner, but what if just maybe, you are? What could you do or give back to your community and loved ones if your idea is the next Amazon or you?re the next Brene Brown?

Interested in sharing your Midlife Entrepreneur thoughts? Reach out to robin@tangledsilvermag.com

EMBRACE | You 52



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ur current favorit e podcast s embracing midlife !


heck out t he episodes sharing Robin and t he magazine, along wit h t he ot her amazing guest s sharing on midlife t opics! JOURNEY 2023

Yellow ing Pr event ion SPF & UV

wallaroohat s.com avg $55

quicksilverhair.com - $53.49

coola.com - $28

buffusa.com - $17

Beaches BBQ'S Hik ing Paddle Boar ding TangledSilverMagazine.com

Mount ains Boat ing Leisur e Time Sunset s Waves

Sunshine Playt ime Sw imming Hik ing Wat er sk iing

Pr ot ect ion

BE | In spir ed 57


Full disclosure; I went detergent free 5 years ago when I discovered Hairstory and improved my hair's health and manageability. I became an ambassador because I freelance and talk about hair to everyone! The Hairstory Newash is a cleanser and conditioner in one, and I am so devoted that I haven't wanted to add other products to my mix, although I have used two others I can talk about here as well. My hair doesn't really get yellow. It's virgin hair, and I don't use heat. That said, there was a time in my past that I had highlights, and toners, and all that transitional torment that went yellow, and I used Davine's Silver Conditioner. It's strong! It works. It stained pretty much everything around me, but it kicked the yellow and gave the silvers some of that blue mojo which I didn't mind. I've also tried Curlyworld's With Or Without Hue, Cool Blue Illuminating Conditioner. It was lovely to use, no weird chemicals or smell, but the results were so subtle I really didn't see much of an effect. I was over the moon when Hairstory recently launched its Purple Boost product and sent me their bundle to review. There are times when I feel like I would like a little boost to brighten and silverize. The bundle comes with an 8 oz pack of Newash, a tube of Purple Color Boost, a little whisk, and an aluminum container. You could use the Boost in other ways as well. I whisked the Boost into the pre-measured recommended amount of the Newash. Washed hair as usual though I left it on for about five minutes. No weird smells. No stained fingertips. No stained shower curtain. No irritated scalp. Yes to ingredients like lavender extract, rosemary extract and viola odorata flower extract. Yes to easily brightened silver curls,.....so it's officially one of my favorite things. I noticed that it gave my virgin brown hairs an added coolness which created an extra hint of contrast to my silvers. I do hope if you try any Hairstory products, you will use my code so I can earn a little commission for all my hard work sharing with you gals. I can always be reached for any help around products you consider trying. Shine on! Ilise Harris TangledSilverMagazine.com

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Beach time is always fun times and I still love to wear a pop of color when I am lounging.

1 Left side before makeup, after swimming and snorkeling near my hotel. Right side , Lanikai Beach on Oahu, you?ll see I?m wearing blush by Hourglass called Sacred, brow gel by GLOSSIER, and Confession lips from Hourglass called I AM, and some shadows from Pat McGrath. (Mini Travel set).


The only item I leave out when swimming is mascara. Unless you have a waterproof mascara, no need to apply when dipping into the ocean! I hope this inspires your beach days! Wear Make up or don't. The decision is yours and either is a good one! Thank you! Cynthia Farsadi Account Executive Hourglass Cos. Los Angeles/Hawaii


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Photo Creds: Tina Pirozzoli Photography



BE | In spir ed 63 I wait ed for t he grand finale of W int er and she decided t o exit early wit hout an encore or even so much as a ?Toodleloo.? Nevertheless, here we are. I am committed without any regrets to join in the welcoming dance to a new season. How easy that will be with the beautiful display of color that is sweeping across all of our media pages. Have you noticed the colors, and if so, what has caught your eye? I have to admit the nail polish colors and designs are incredible. After working in a hair salon for years, a posh facial & beauty spa picked me up as a nail technician. Oh, the precision and the attention to detail was my forte?, but the allure of painting on those colors was quite addicting. The choice of what color polish to wear or help pick out was the most impending issue in my world. OPI and one other line, for the menopause brain of mine , I simply cannot remember, but adored. A few clients would bring in their own polish and that was when a new favorite color was introduced. French manicures were a staple as was red. Everything else varied by event, outfit, or season. After being hit again with a drawn out cough, I had to pass the time and still find something that helped pick up my mood. Nails! I returned to the nostalgia of my working years. I have discovered a powder dip that goes on with a nail polish formula in between dips. I wanted to opt out of gel due to the upkeep and damage they cause. I am enjoying this powder over my natural nail. The formulas of today amaze at their set dry time and the thick shiny gel look. I am hooked but that is probably because I can get my nails done at home. No cost is a true plus and also minus the drive to a salon this

WRITER Tina Pirozzoli JOURNEY 2023


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homeschool mom doesn?t have time for as we finish out the school year.

4. Skin improvement with serums immediately. Safe for sensitive and immediate application to exfoliated skin.

Spring is always the perfect time to begin again. This truly, for me, is the start of the new year as it is obviously the best time to come out from a long needed rest and bloom again. This silver journey has offered a long ?bloom?and I don?t think I feel the joy wearing off yet or even simmering. The windows are open and Spring cleaning has begun.

5. True to matte and French inspired.

First on the agenda is to appreciate and explore a new line.

All fashion and face aside, faith resounds as the true light that shines through.

Since the retirement of the brand Vapour I thought for sure I wouldn?t find another one to compare in the feeling and look of the skin being illuminated from within. I have never been to France but France came to me through Violette_FR. As much as I would have liked to have bumped into her outside in a cafe surrounded by artists and croissants, I found her on IG. Nothing about this line disappoints my sensitive skin and hard critique. An artist that created a line that defines and produces products that embody the ideas that can only be found in other cultures.

Top three products; Boum-Boum Milk, Serum Superlatif, Baum Shine. Ps. I have been using the Baum Shine as a reflector for my dark circles.

Grey Grace & Grit The Cosmetologist & Conversationalist

Violette_fr curates colors that bring to life the look of french make-up that looks adaptable to routines near or abroad and any genre. Her makeup and skin care is worth diving in for a peek. Here are a few of my favorite takeaways from this line. 1. The luxurious textures of the pieces. 2. The makeup can be applied to unfoundation skin. 3. The blush brush makes a great budget friendly item.



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Momma Mina's

"CRAB CAKES" Plant based, Ocean I nspired Goodness TheGraves' DiseaseChef


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Tangled Silver Magazine believes t hat age and experience are beaut iful t hings. We believe women embracing t heir nat ural selves should be celebrat ed. We believe our daught ers and granddaught ers should be t aught early on t o t ap int o t heir creat ivit y wit h wild passion. We believe t hat silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re let t ing yourself go. We believe friendships are import ant . We believe sist ers connect ing t oget her over shared passions is joyful. We believe aging gracefully looks different for every woman and t here is no right or wrong way along t he journey. We believe in encouragement . We believe t hat embracing your silvers goes far beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a st ory t o share. We believe t hat everyday is a gift . We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. We believe t hat posit ive self-t alk is not only essent ial for our happiness, but for t he girls and young women around us who are developing t heir underst anding of beaut y and self-confidence. We believe gray hair does not equat e old age. We believe you are never t oo young or t oo old t o st art embracing your nat ural hair. We believe it is t ime t o end t he st igma surrounding gray hair and t o celebrat e who we are inst ead. We believe t hat support ing ot her women in t heir journey t o accept ance and aut hent icit y is of t he ut most import ance. We believe our encouragement and love for one anot her online is leading t o more posit ive and product ive social media experiences for women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring t hose around us t o do t he same.


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