2 minute read

NoteFrom Robin

HelloSilver Beauties, Let'saddressthewhiteelephant intheroom around print copiesasI'vebeengettingalot of questions.

I,myself,love print magazine'sthat I canfeel inmy handsandyes,our issuesarebeautifully craftedwith abuttery soft feel to her pages She'sreallymoreof a tabletopbook andI wasexcitedtooffer themwhen wefirst launchedin2021


But,weranintoissuesduring2022 withsupply chains,etc makingit hardtodeliver our print issues andbeabletooffer themat reasonableratesasa smaller magazine Our pagesaren't full of adsaswe carefully curateour partnerstobesurewe're bringingyouproductswetrust andbelievein I don't want tojust throw productsat youinorder tolineup advertisers,sowe'vecometoabit of aconundrum For thetimebeing, aprint ondemandoptionis availableper issuefor thosewhoreally want toholdit inyour hands It'snot my favoriteoption, but thewayweneed tomoveforwardfor thetimebeing

Withthat said,we'rerevampingour digital footprint tobecomemorethanjust adigital magazine platform.I hopeyou'll grow andconnect withusinthismanner and I'mlookingforwardto sharingsomeawesomethingscomingupinour Graceissuethat comesout inJuly.

Inthemeantime, check out oneof my favoriterecipesfromMina,TheGravesDiseaseChef for "CrabCakes",afunreminder that makeupisokay at thebeachwithCynthia, Street/work styles withIlise,Bridal popsof color perfect for theweddingseasonfromJill KirshColor,Tina'sbeauty picks, Jineen'scolorsfor Spring,theentrepreneur musingsandabit about healthbeingwealth withLeah Asalways,check out our beautiful silver sisterssharingtheir storiesandI think you'll enjoy meetingthreeof our sistersthat havetakenfriendshipandpassiontoanext level toinspire ustopossibilities!

Thank youfor beingapart of our journey tosilver.I appreciateyouall morethan wordscan express Silver for thewin, Robin

RobinSalls| Founder & Publisher | robin@tangledsilvermag.com

Do you have a great story or idea you'd love to share that could help another woman in her midlife adventures or embracing her silver hair?

We'd love to hear from you and see if you might be a good fit to join our She-Pack of contributors! These are the women that help make this magazine a voice for all women defining beauty and aging for themselves.

Reach out to robin@tangledsilvermag.com to get the conversation started and learn more

Silver for the win!

Grand Central Sightings

Beforeheadinghomeonthetrainin NYCafter aday doingmakeupand hair for acorporatephotography assignment I stoppedat thefoodhall for asnack,andsaw thisdelicious outfit.

Weseehow she'stakenthose neutral,slightly warmtones,but banishedtheblahthat sometimes happenswithsilver hair byaddinga whimsical totewithpopsof fun colorsthat addcontrast thecroppedchunky sweater isfull of textural anddesigninterest Paired withthewideleggedfawncolored corduroy pantsandmustardcolored sneakerswehavean outfit that is seasonally transitional andyouthful without beingjuvenile

Key words:




Youthful ProAge

Grand Central Sightings

Sightingtwostoppedinmy tracks,(punintended)whenI saw thissimplebut elegant updo.Wow,one scrunchieandtwoclipsmadefor anurbanchicandprofessional look.

I wounduphavingalovely chat withBrendaLaManna,owner of Damselfly Global,LLC,agrabandgokiosk of beautiful flower bouquets.Shewasinthemidst of anemployeemeetingbut took afew minutestoelaborate onher pandemictransition

Her husbandhadbeenadvocatingfor her toditchthedyefor years.Her last hair color appointment was scheduledfor afew daysafter lock down,sothat wasthat! Shegetscomplimentsall thetime,nosurprise.

Thechicblack suit,turtleneck,chunky chainnecklacewithhoopearringsareimpeccable.Thehair;sleek and casual all at once.

Key words: UrbanChic. Professional. Elegant. Sleek.

MaxineSherman, dancer, choreographer,master Pilatesteacher Againandagain,not toberedundant, but every Monday morningI am treatedtonot only her excellent class, but toawalkinginspirationfor everyday elevatedstyle.Inthesetwo images,shetacklesasubject that comesupvery oftenfor silver sisters How towear thosecream,camel, champagneandbrowntonedneutrals Theanswer iscontrast.

Inthisfabulousdrapey silk blousewith theattachedscarf byJennifer George, theboldprints,eventhough predominantlybrown(not asilver girl's best friend)aregiventhepunchfactor bythebold black andbright whitethat speakstoher hair Noblahhere She's pairedit withupscaleworkout pants withcontrastingtopstitching.She's addedalongnecklaceaswell asa modernpearl choker toomuch?Nope

BoringBeige(photoontheright)is anythingbut inthisexample First,take alook at thedelicateplay of textures Thesilk pantsareEileenFisher,but several sizestoolarge,sothey hangon her hipandcreateaslouchy look.The tank tophasasubtleshimmer.The contrast comesinthereddishcoral print inthesilk vest,alsoJennifer George Shecontinuesthecontrast withthelayered jewelry inthosedeep red/coral tones;chunky around the neck,thedark leather cordinthelong necklacethat repeatsthecolor inthe beadsat thebottom Thecream neutralsspeak toher skinwhilethe contrast of thered/coral makessure it'snot awashout withher hair. Balanceiskey,inpilatesandinfashion.

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5 STARS- HandsdownHerbal FaceFood getsmyfull endorsement asoneof thetop skincarelinesonthemarket.

Their tagline"TakeBackyour Skin" livesup toits hype At 55,I havethebest facial skin thanI'vehadinyears After 3 daysuse,I did start toseeachangeinmyskin,asthey promote,but wantedtogiveit several monthstobesureit wasn't just myskin acknowledgingsomethingnew Youknow, that feelingwhenyoufirst useanew product andit seemsgreat,but your skin getsboredwithit prettyquicklyandgoes backtoit'snormal statefor you

Colorado'sdry,yet sunnyclimatemakesit toughfor metokeepmyskinsoft andsubtle. I'dmoisturize,but withinhours,I'dbe reapplyinginorder tokeepthedryflakesat bay.

I followedtheir morningandnight routine andI havetakenbackmyskin Gonearethe daysof needingtotouchup Whileit didn't workmagicandcompletelytakeawaymy wrinkles, (nor didI expect or needit to do) it'ssignificantlyimprovedtheir appearance Myporesaresmaller,theslight graying under myeyesisgoneandI havebacka healthyglow without usingfoundationsthat I haven't hadinyears

Plant basedwithanti-oxidantsand phytonutrientsthat heal fromacellular level fromthe outsideinandaddress topssigns of aging NoFiller,nochemicalsandnoBS

Abrandthat livesuptothe hypewhile being sociallyconscious andpromoting consciousconsumerismandbeauty

I don't give personal endorsementsoften. But,Herbal FaceFoodhasmorethan earnedthisone. I'mnow abeliever that you cantakebackyour skineveninmidlife.

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