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MEET AMBER 44 | CustomerConnectionsKanthaBae | Silver

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September of 2018 at 40 yearsold,I wasat aweddingand really wantedtopull my hair up But I couldn? t becauseI hadmy hair coloredtheday beforeanddark browndye remnantsstainedmy earsandthetopof my head


SoI sat there ~hot,just wishingI couldjust pull upmy hair. Andthenthethought hit me- what if youstoppedcoloring your hair?Wheredidthat comefrom?I wasshocked! But thenI wasmet withanother emotion FEAR

There?snoway that couldhappennow I?mtooyoung What wouldmy natural gray hair look like?Later that day,I went onInstagramtoscroll,andI saw abeautiful youngwoman withsalt andpepper hair ?40 Year OldDecidedToDitch TheDyeandEmbracesGray Hair?

Whaaaaaaaat??!! I hadnever seenanythingabout that before,but all of asudden,my soul wasscreaming! I read everythingabout her,whichledmetoanInstagram movement called@grombre For 2 weeks,I wasobsessed withreadingeverythingI couldabout thisjourney and decidedthat thiswasmy next step However,that little emotiondidn? t want toleave FEAR I went for it and jumpedright in.I?venever beenahugeselfieperson,but thiswaswhat thismovement isall about.I lovedseeingall of thegorgeous,diversewomenpost their journeys Documentingandinspiringiswhereit?sat,andI decided to beall in I decidedtoembracemy silver,insteadof hidingit I hadbeeninhidingfor alongtime Thisgray hair that I was soafraidof,endedupsettingmefree. What I?velearned over thelast 4 and1/2 years,isthat the only way to combat fear iswith love. Love of self. Love of thisjourney. Love of my circumstances Love of my creator Loveof all thebeautiful womenthat I?veconnected withalongthe way Lovehascarriedme,andnow I amnolonger afraid I?mnot afraidof what peoplethink.I?mnot afraidof how I?ll beperceived.I?mnot afraidof aging. Lovingme,asI am,has beentheanecdoteandthecure. WhenI look inthemirror, andseemy beautiful silver,I loveme WhenI look inthe mirror,anddon? t recognizemyself,I loveme WhenI dothe hardthings,I loveme h o t o c r e d i t s : @ s i l v e r h a i r m a k e u p a r t i s t r e d s :


Meet Cynthia

Makeup Artist| Silver Since2019

Cynthiahasbeenlivingandworkingasamakeup artist,intheLosAngelesmetroareafor thelast 21 years

Shehastrainedwithmultipleprofessional Makeup Artistsbrandsandhashonedher craft over thelast 21 years. Shecurrently worksastheAccount Executivefor Hourglasscosmetics,acruelty-free, veganluxury beautylinethat launchedin2004 She lovesteachingandshowingclientsthesimplest make uptipsandhow tofeel fabulousat anyage!

Her silver hair journey beganin2019 whenagood friendandfamily member becameseriously ill,she lookedinthemirror,oneday anddecidedthat shedid not want todyeher hair anylonger It wastimetodo

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