1 minute read


I wear SPF treated hats, typically straw or weaved hats, mostly cowboy style during the summer, but not much during the winter monthsunless I'm skiing

Michele D.


To hat or not to hat; HAT always!

Robyn G

I've worn my cowboy hat that hasan SPF lining every time I'm outdoorssince I bought it. Sun'sfading her beautiful chocolate shade, but my sassy silversare protected

Robin S.

Not a fan of hats, but I'll wear a bandanna or wrap with my hair pulled up if I'm going to be outside for awhile.

Nina L

I love hats, but they don't protect the length of my hair from the sun as my hair is almost to my tush! I braid it and try to keep asmuch under the hat rim aspossible though I'd love any tips for protecting the length!

Rebecca M.

Turquoise, yellow & lavender

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