1 minute read
J I N E E N ' S C O L O R N O T E B O O K
Springtimeisthebeginning of nature'sbeautiful and bountiful palateof colors. April'srainshavenourished thesoil andbudsare beginningtosprout remindingusof all the potential funcolorswecan draw off of fromnature.
I lovetheshadesof Spring andhereareafew of my favorites
isanother beautiful shade withsilver hair andfor this lovely timeinMay! It?salso lovely withabrighter fuchsia colored lipstick to complement thepretty turquoiseshade!
isanamazingcolor for Springasit remindsusof thesunshinethat comesalongwiththis fabulousseason!
It?sanamazingcolor tomake thesilver hair pop! I addeda funpink lipstick tothelook andyellow earringstokeepit bright andcheery!
andlilacsaremy favorites duringthisseasonaswell!
I addedabit morepurple coloredeyeshadow andfun eyeliner andwent witha softer shadeof lipstick and glosstosoftenupthelook
I alsoaddedafunscarf togive thismoreof aretrolook! It?s onemorefunway toenhance your silver hair
Jineencurrentlyresidesin Tennesseewithher husband whileencouragingwomento beauthentically themselves
Shelovestosharefunstyles, hair andmakeupandyoucan seemoreof her looks over on her YouTubechannel JineenMarieSilvery or on Instagram@jineenmariesilvery.She'salsoacurvy model withTribeTalent,.ANother beautiful silver sister findingamodelingcareer intheir next chapters.