1 minute read


Full disclosure;

I went detergent free5 yearsagowhenI discovered Hairstory andimprovedmy hair'shealthand manageability I becamean ambassador becauseI freelanceandtalk about hair toeveryone! The Hairstory Newashisacleanser andconditioner in one,andI amsodevotedthat I haven't wantedtoadd other productstomy mix,although I haveused two othersI cantalk about hereaswell


My hair doesn't really get yellow It'svirginhair,andI don't useheat That said,therewasatimeinmy past that I hadhighlights,andtoners,andall that transitional torment that went yellow,andI used Davine'sSilver Conditioner It'sstrong! It works It stainedprettymucheverythingaroundme,but it kickedtheyellow andgavethesilverssomeof that bluemojowhichI didn't mind I'vealsotried Curlyworld'sWithOr Without Hue,Cool Blue IlluminatingConditioner It waslovely touse,no weirdchemicalsor smell,but theresultswereso subtleI really didn't seemuchof aneffect.

I wasover themoonwhenHairstory recently launcheditsPurpleBoost product andsent metheir bundletoreview TherearetimeswhenI feel likeI wouldlikealittleboost tobrightenandsilverize.The bundlecomeswithan8 ozpack of Newash,atubeof PurpleColor Boost,alittlewhisk,andanaluminum container.YoucouldusetheBoost inother waysas well I whiskedtheBoost intothepre-measured recommendedamount of theNewash Washedhair asusual thoughI left it onfor about fiveminutes.

Noweirdsmells.Nostainedfingertips.Nostained shower curtain.Noirritatedscalp.Yestoingredients likelavender extract,rosemaryextract andviola odorataflower extract.Yestoeasily brightenedsilver curls, soit'sofficially oneof my favoritethings

I noticedthat it gavemy virginbrownhairsanadded coolnesswhichcreated anextrahint of contrast to my silvers

I dohopeif youtry any Hairstory products,youwill usemy codeso I canearnalittlecommissionfor all my hardwork sharingwithyougals I canalwaysbe reachedfor any helparoundproductsyouconsider trying.Shineon!




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