4 minute read


Deep Friendshipsand Collaborations

It wasn't more than a few years ago when these women were complete strangers Unbeknownst by all, they had several common threads that would lead them to one another.


Their creativity, soulful passion and embracing of their grayswhile uplifting one another personally and in their entrepreneur travelsshould be an inspirational goal

Three jewelry designerswith a slight difference offer their own original designs, along with piecesthat they have collaborated on to include one another?s designsand offerings

Each offering hasa sacred, magical feeling to it aseach iscreated with a deep passion rooted in their love for the divine universe and all she offers. Stones, coins, and beadsare all thoughtfully procured on their travels to create amazing piecesthat always seem to find their person to call home

D?Wana?spieces are beautifully handcrafted with polymer clay, stones, beadsand leather They elicit a calming and passionate vibration.

Michele?sdesignsrange from malas, prayer beadsand more that speak to her love of nature and sacred blessings aseach goes through a ceremonial blessing before being released to their new person.

Jennifer?ssoulful offeringscome as necklaces, bracelets, earringsand more with a fun touch on stones, beadsand coinsthat speak to her Her pieces feel like a little treasure that you?ll want to share with the world

Their designsstrike a perfect balance of elegance, nature and feminism with every offering

That balance flowsinto their very beings These are women who inspire beyond the physical productsthey offer, while almost giving you a piece of themselvesif you're blessed to have the opportunity to meet or work with them

There isenough pie for everyone and these women are living proof that you can connect with other women to uplift one another while we?re walking this journey of life

You can find them on Instagram

I?mwritingthismusingasI sit inthesurgery waiting roomasmy mother hasher 5thfull hipreplacement surgery givingpraisetoGodthat I?mabletobehere for her I?malsoblissfully grateful that I canwork from anywhereintheworldandbewhereI needor want to beat almost anygivenmoment

It?soneof thecorereasonsthat beingan entrepreneur istheroadI?vechosenfor my travels

Theroadtoentrepreneurshipisn? t aseasy aslaying out amapanddrawingyour routeout from destinationtodestination,but I still believetheperks of entrepreneurshipoutweighwhat somemay seeas limitationsor risks

I?mfindingmany womenI?mconnectingwithinmidlife startingtowonder if theroadof entrepreneurship might betheir next calling It?sexcitingtothink about followingyour passions,but alsoabit discerningnot knowingwhat thefutureholdsif youjumpintothis journey

It?snot ajourney for thefaint of heart,but if youkeep hearingthat inner voicetellingyoutosteponthegas andjust go,thenyoumight want tolisten.This magazinewasbornout of listeningtothat voice.I never imagined inmy twentiesthat inmy fiftiesI wouldberunningamagazinefor midlifewomen embracingdefiningbeautyandagingontheir terms Angel Cornelius,Maison276 creator andCEO spent most of her lifeinacorporateworlduntil her calling couldnolonger beignored.Shestarted creatingher productsout of her kitchenandnow hasoneof the leadingbeautybrandsonthemarket for womenwith White,SIlver,Gray andblondehair Then thereisJulie GordonWhite,CEO of BossaBarscreatinga nutritional bar for womeninmenopauselaunchingyet another businessthat camefromlisteningtoher inner voice.What?syour inner voicewhisperingtoyou? Could it beyour next adventureinlife?

And,how doyouknow if youhaveapassionor inner voiceworthriskingthejourney into entrepreneurship?

Hereareafew tipsI?vepickedupover theyearsfrom personal experienceandtalkingwithother women entrepreneurs.Thejourney looksdifferent for all of us,but by now silver beauties,weall probably understandthat notionbetter thanmost!


We?reall passionateabout something,but thekey hereisrather or not your passioncanbeturnedintoa business I?mpassionateabout dance,but I haveyet to findaway toturnthat passionintoabusinessmodel for success.I?mpassionateabout empoweringwomen todefinelifeontheir terms,especially whenit comes toembracinggray andaging I saw aneedfor better representationof what grayingandmidlifelookslike inactual daily lifeandwhenI couldn? t findaformat


addressingwhat I?dliketofocuson?


Or,areyoumoreof apaint by numberskindof gal? Honoringyour coreanswer isimportant because neither answer isright or wrong Someonewhoneeds structure,consistency andapaycheck weekly may respond very differently tothesituationsthat arisein businessthansomeonewhocanroll withtheflow, isn? t thrownoff asmuch whenplansgoawry andcan work withwhatever thenumbersareat theend of the week Ask yourself whichway youtend toleaninto more?Behonest withyourself Your passionmay be there,but youneedtohaveyour corealignedthere too.

Inbusinessit?s100% important tomapout your businessandcreateplansfor success.It?salso100% important tounderstandthat eventhebest laidplans donot alwaysgoaccordinglyandhow youembrace thosemomentsmay haveahugeimpact onyour businesssuccess

For better andsometimesworse,I amanatural risk taker I don? t needtohaveaguaranteedweekly paycheck (thoughit?snice) I canroll pretty easily whensituationsarisethat warrant thinkingout of the box.I thriveunder pressureandI lovetoget lost in

Entrepreneur Musings

sharingit,I createdthefirst magazinecuratedfor silver hairedwomen

Questionstoask yourself - Doothersneedwhat I?m passionateabout?Isthereamarket that desiresand needssolutionsthat my passioncanaddress?Whoor What elseisout therecurrently that may be adventure,whether that?sdrivingdownunknown roadsor figuringout at thelast minutehow I?mgoing toreplacean articleor model profileintheseventh hour Sometimes I get stressed,overwhelmed and cry,but I alwaysget back up.I refusetolet the?yuck? keepmeinthemudfor longandI know that I?ll always bounceback if not out of anythingother thanmy sheer will todoso

Many of my entrepreneur friendshavefound thepast several yearschallenging,especially thoseproducing productsassupply lineshavebeenchallenging,but you?ll findmost of themstill lookingtothefuture becausetheyknow that ebbsandflowsarepart of the process Whenyouknow you?rewillingtorisk today for what may betomorrow thenyou?reprobably met tolistentoyour inner voice

Coaching And Mentoring

I don? t want toshock you,but youdorealizethat you?vebeenbeingcoachedandmentoredsince childhood?Our first coachesandmentorsaretypically our parents,followedbyfriends,teachersand relationships Sometimesthat hasbeenanamazing experienceandfor others,not sogreat,but either way, we?veall beensomepart of theexperiencenow known ascoachingandmentoring.

Whenit comestobusinessthisshould beakey piecein your entrepreneurial journey Why reinvent thewheel yourself whenyoucanlearnfromthosewhohave gonebeforeyouandareavast well of knowledge? Most of thesepeopleareinthetrencheswithyouand sharingtheir knowledgetohopefully helpyoualong your path Givingandreceivingareahugepart of this experienceandwhenyoucanopenyourself upto havingathirdeye,so tospeak,giveyouinsight onyour business,thenyouarealreadyahead.

It isempoweringtohaveacheerleader,criticandwise sagetohelpkeepyoufocusedby bringingyouto momentsof focusedclarity I?vespunmy wheelsfor years,feelinglikeI hadtodoit all andsinceadding coachingasavital part of my businessplan,I?mnow breakingbarriersI didn? t alwaysseeaspossibleto break.


KevinCostner,inFieldof Dreams,built somethingoff of hisdreamsandI canrelatetothat perfectly.But,the pieceof ?if youbuildit,they will come?isabit of a doubleedgedsword Yes,youneedtobuild,but you alsoneedtobesureyou?reout theresharingwhat you?vebuilt for peopletofindit Thebest way todo thisistobemorevisible.Youcanhaveanamazing product or service,but if you?renot out theresharing it,it may not get foundinthemessweknow as algorithms Thewebiswonderful,but youstill needto beout theresharinginperson Your websitecanbe perfect inthedigital world,but that?sonly apieceof your networkingpuzzle.

Joinnetworkinggroupsandother communitiesthat offer inpersonopportunitiestosharewhoyouareand why you?reso passionateabout what youdo. Stepinto beingmoreconsistent andvisiblewhilegivingmore valueandyou?ll soonbecomeapersonpeoplewill want tobearound They will not only want toshare about you,but want toshareyouwithothersthey know for your expertise.

Covidopenedthedoor toZoomlivemeetings,which aregreat,but alsoleft many of usforgettinghow much better businessisdonewheninperson Get yourself out thereagain! Makeconnectionsthroughgiving more,listeningmoreanddoingmore.

I couldcontinueon,but thenthiswould gofroman articletoabook! If you?vegot thelittlevoicetugging at your ear thenit?stimeyouquit silencingher and giveher someof your attention Maybeyou'renot destinedtobecomeabusinessowner,but what if just maybe,youare?

What couldyoudoor giveback toyour community andlovedonesif your ideaisthenext Amazonor you?rethenext BreneBrown?

Our current favorite podcastsembracing midlife !

Check out the episodessharing Robin and the magazine, along with the other amazing guestssharing on midlife topics!

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