Tangled Silver Magazine - Journey 2023

Page 48



DEEP FRIENDSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS. It wasn't more t han a few years ago when t hese women were complet e st rangers. Unbeknownst by all, t hey had several common t hreads t hat would lead t hem t o one anot her. Their creat ivit y, soulful passion and embracing of t heir grays while uplift ing one anot her personally and in t heir ent repreneur t ravels should be an inspirat ional goal. Three jewelry designers wit h a slight difference offer t heir own original designs, along wit h pieces t hat t hey have collaborat ed on t o include one anot her?s designs and offerings. Each offering has a sacred, magical feeling t o it as each is creat ed wit h a deep passion root ed in t heir love for t he divine universe and all she offers. St ones, coins, and beads are all t hought fully procured on t heir t ravels t o creat e amazing pieces t hat always seem t o find t heir person t o call home.

her love of nat ure and sacred blessings as each goes t hrough a ceremonial blessing before being released t o t heir new person. Jennifer?s soulful offerings come as necklaces, bracelet s, earrings and more wit h a fun t ouch on st ones, beads and coins t hat speak t o her. Her pieces feel like a lit t le t reasure t hat you?ll want t o share wit h t he world. Their designs st rike a perfect balance of elegance, nat ure and feminism wit h every offering. That balance flows int o t heir very beings. These are women who inspire beyond t he physical product s t hey offer, while almost giving you a piece of t hemselves if you're blessed t o have t he opport unit y t o meet or work wit h t hem.

D?Wana?s pieces are beaut ifully handcraft ed wit h polymer clay, st ones, beads and leat her. They elicit a calming and passionat e vibrat ion.

There is enough pie for everyone and t hese women are living proof t hat you can connect wit h ot her women t o uplift one anot her while we?re walking t his journey of life.

Michele?s designs range from malas, prayer beads and more t hat speak t o

You can find t hem on Inst agram.


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