2 minute read

Health isWealth

It?snosecret that agingintroducesnew challenges.Thesaying?agingisn? t for sissies?isquiteaccurate Whilethehuman spirit ineachof usfinally figuresitstrue pathfor genuinefulfillment,our bodies begintoslow usdown It?slikesomesort of trick fromtheuniverse.Without the challengeof physical limitations,I believe our existencecouldbecomelimitless.The wisdomweacquirewidenssothat somethingmust further challengeuson our lifejourney Rather thanpursueyouth, it becomesincumbent uponustochase after healthinadditiontotheother goals weset for ourselves Thisisamuchbetter useof our fleetingtime

How easywasit inour 20s,and30stoget upandbeactive?It seemedeffortless then However,slowly but surelyour metabolismstagnates Wedon? t even realizeit ishappeninguntil theflight of stairsyoutakeeveryday suddenly feels likeMt Everest Or heavy bagsof groceries youcarry ashort distancetrigger amuch neededcat nap Evenwalkingonuneven groundor iceor mud cancauselossof balancethat wetook for grantednot too longago.Thegood newsis,thereis somethingwecandoabout this.


Healthisaresponsibility each of usmust strivetoaccessonour own.Thereisno prescriptiondrugthat will solveone physical problemwithout causinganother Infact,drugsaremainly bandaidstomask physiological problems Rarely dothey fix it completely.Nevertheless,floraand faunaexist tohelpusedify our organic anatomy andexercisewill dothesame Isit acureall? No but it will boost energy and seem overwhelming, of courseincreasemobility. Somethingthat timeandgravity fight against Beingableto movefreely,without painor injury isacommodity asweage

Workingonour balanceand movement will target activity in our brain Thisinturnwill stimulatethenervoussystem resultinginincreased neurological transmissionsthus increasingcirculation Movement will keepour musclescontractingand stretchingwill keepthemtoned. All thesethingsaffect digestion, heart health,brainhealth,and maybeevenmost importantly, emotional health Movement of any kindcanreleaseendorphins andfoster goodmoods Keeping activeinbothmindandbody will assurethebest possible outcomeaseachof us experiencenatural declines

Whileagingjust happens, movingwill alwaysmakeusfeel better evenif welosesomeof themasteryweoncehadover our dexterity.Oneday youare takingyour dogfor aleisurely walk whensuddenly,your knee shoutsat youtostop Or maybe youaredoingsomethingas simpleasbakinginthekitchen whenyour shoulder beginsto ache.Althoughtheseareboth realisticscenarios,exercises targetedtostrengthenjoints will protect against thewear andtear weall experience Nevertheless,thegainswe amassin our emotional/mental/spiritual awareness is immeasurable. All the experiencesand knowledge gained over a lifetime ismore valuable than any material acquisition

There isso much the human soul hasto contribute to the world. Even more for people who earned wisdom through a life lived well and to the fullest, similar to a fine wine Aged wine ismeant to be savored Enjoyed slowly Each sip will have you reflecting the nuancesof itsmaturity Besidesthe aromatic flavors experienced with each one of your senses, the memoriesof an enjoyable glassof robust wine isnot easily forgotten. Especially when it isshared. Life ismore beautiful with such meaningful memories Remarkably, muscles remember your long journey too How wonderful isit that each of usmovesand our bodiesrespond asif time hasnot passed Thisbuilt in memory enables usto maintain mobility, strength, power, and more for aslong aspossible. Thisisthe beauty in aging. Thisis what we need to feel proud of and continue to strive towards. Enhancing our liveswith activity contributesto the making of a great story about vitality. Increase the elementsin your own story with exercise, fresh air, memories and of course a glassof wine shared with a friend or loved one Both good and bad experiences create wholeness Without each of these elements, growth and strength stagger Similarly, a life without movement will literally dull all the senses and deeply affect your moods.

I encourage each of you to continue to move in mind, body and spirit. Design the health you want and go after it with fervor. After all, it isyour life to live and enjoy. Make it the best one possible because none of usgets a second chance

What'syour takeon wearinghatsfor protection in thesun?

I know I really should wear one, but I get so hot and sweaty that I usually don't.

Mia V.

Hatsbecame my best friends during my transition, but now I don't go out in the sun without one so I won't get yellow tonesas quickly.

Shari B.

I prefer SPF buffs to regular hats as I'm pretty active and they're easier to keep on.

Sara L

I love Wallaroo hats! They have such a variety of stylesthat I have one to fit every mood I'm in I also love that they're SPF, or most of them.

Nina G

I'm hesitant to wear hatsbecause I think hat wearing increaseshair lossrisk, but my friend saysI'm crazy if that's my reason for not wearing hatsto protect my scalp and grays.

Betty T

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