Tangled Silver Magazine - Journey 2023

Page 26

Healt h is Wealt h It?s no secret that aging introduces new challenges. The saying ?aging isn?t for sissies?is quite accurate. While the human spirit in each of us finally figures its true path for genuine fulfillment, our bodies begin to slow us down. It?s like some sort of trick from the universe. Without the challenge of physical limitations, I believe our existence could become limitless. The wisdom we acquire widens so that something must further challenge us on our life journey. Rather than pursue youth, it becomes incumbent upon us to chase after health in addition to the other goals we set for ourselves. This is a much better use of our fleeting time. How easy was it in our 20s, and 30s to get up and be active? It seemed effortless then. However, slowly but surely our metabolism stagnates. We don?t even realize it is happening until the flight of stairs you take everyday suddenly feels like Mt Everest. Or heavy bags of groceries you carry a short distance trigger a much needed cat nap. Even walking on uneven ground or ice or mud can cause loss of balance that we took for granted not too long ago. The good news is, there is something we can do about this. Health is a responsibility each of us must strive to access on our own. There is no prescription drug that will solve one physical problem without causing another. In fact, drugs are mainly bandaids to mask physiological problems. Rarely do they fix it completely. Nevertheless, flora and fauna exist to help us edify our organic anatomy and exercise will do the same. Is it a cure all? No. but it will boost energy and


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