Tangled Silver Magazine - CONNECT 2022

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Tangled SILVER Magazine Founder & Edit or Robin Salls robin@tangledsilvermag.com Cont ent Assist ant david@tangledsilvermag.com

TS Magazine is published bi-monthly featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle. All annual subscriptions in print, digital or print/digital are for six issues. (January, March, May, July, September, November) Single Print issues are available for $15.99 USA Single Digital issues are available for $6.99 USA

Copy Edit ors David Salls, USA Julie Kneafsey, UK Beaut y Edit or & Phot ographer Tina Pirozzoli tina@tangledsilvermag.com Cont ribut ing W rit ers Tina @grey.grace.andgrit Mel @silver_styling Joanne @jobo_silver-linings Leah @leahrachel66 Stevie @silverilocks Jineen @jineenmariesilvery Jill @jillkirshcolor Mina @thegravesdiseasechef Julie @thefiftyist

One year/four issues digital -$20 USA & Countries where available Please allow four to sixteen weeks for delivery of new subscriptions.

HOW TO CONTACT US Tangled Silver Magazine | Girls Gone Grape, Inc. PO Box 503, Johnstown, CO 80534 Phone: 970-880-1636 tangledsilvermagazine.com SUBMISSIONS | INQUIRIES | ADVERTISING Please see the submission guidelines on our website at tangledsilvermagazine.com, or write to the editor at the address above or email sales@tangledsilvermag.com

Layout Designer Robin Salls Tangled Silver Magazine - ISSN (Print ) 2768-4407, (Online) 2768-4415 . INSPIRE 2022. Print ed in USA. Tangled Silver is published bi-mont hly (6x per year) January, arch, May, July, Spet ember, November by Girls Gone Grape, Inc.

Tangled Silver Magazine. All right s reserved. Reproduct ion of any cont ent or art work is prohibit ed in any print or elect ronic form wit hout prior writ t en permission by t he publisher.

Photography by Tina Pirozzoli


Not e Fr om Robin Dear Silver Beauties, Wow, we are wrapping up 2022 and I don?t know where the time went. This year has tested my business strength, but has left me with the resolve that nothing will stop us from continuing to embrace, celebrate, inspire and connect with this community. Connection is at the heart of everything we do, even if we don?t recognize it as the fueling source behind our actions. Connection is defined as a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else. It?s the fuel for building relationships with others, but also with ourselves. It?s easy to think about connecting with others, but oddly a tad difficult to think about connection with self as a thing that?s equally important. In this issue you?ll find connection represented in numerous ways from connecting with others through our workouts, connecting with self through strong I am statements, and connecting with the women of this issue boldly sharing a glimpse into their silver journey?s. Her pages are sprinkled with tips for loving the silver lifestyle and that goes beyond your silver hair. Hair might have introduced you to the silver lifestyle, but like most of us, I?m sure you?ve discovered that there?s so much more to this lifestyle than just a color.

Be sure to check out The Graves Disease Chef?s latest recipe to warm your soul and take a peek at the hair tutorial with Hairstory products brought to you by Ilise Harris and her beautiful silver model Rosie Saur. And to finish up this note I?m going to share that as 2023 comes into view you?re going to see more of us! We?re moving from a quarterly magazine to a bi-monthly starting in January. Expect some changes in the New Year as life never stops changing, just like our silvers!

Silver for the win,

Robin Robin Salls | Founder & Publisher | robin@tangledsilvermag.com ICONNECT 2022

Meet Our SHE-PACK Cont r ibut or s for Connect 20 22



Robin Salls

CONNECTION Tangledsilvermagazine.com

EMBRACE | You 11 their working partnership for both endeavors and most importantly you could feel the respect they share for one another. If you?re wondering if Robin Norwood is the Therapist Robin Norwood who wrote Women Who Love Too Much, a blockbuster book that?s still helping women around the globe understand patterns of thoughts and behavior that can affect their relationships, then you would be right. She?s continuing to help women today with this latest endeavor for hair care. I?m struck by this duo?s connection to one another, but also by their connection to the world around them. That might sound cliche, but I?m excited to introduce you to these ladies, share a bit of their stories to gray and encourage you to check out Sensationally Silver to see if it might be a good fit for you. Like Tangled Silver Magazine they want to inspire women to live their best silver lifestyles, so without further ado meet Robin and Piper Norwood.

ROBIN NORW OOD'S JOURNEY TO W HITE I love when I discover a Mother/Daughter duo that not only enjoy their silvers together, but also work together while on their entrepreneur paths. That duo is Robin Norwood and her daughter Piper Norwood. I met Piper about six months ago when she reached out to share the products her Mother had created to keep her white hair white after experiencing disappointments with other products on the market. Like myself, Robin is all in on the idea of promoting and encouraging pride in the silver lifestyle. Youth is wonderful, but life is just sweeter when you discover the confidence and self acceptance that comes later in our lives.

This duo is the team behind the hair care brand Sensationally Silver, which is a line designed with a three step process to help keep your silvers, grays and white looking their best. What struck me most about Piper while sharing about their product was her connection with her mom. While we talked about hair care and why Robin Norwood set about to create Sensationally Silver, she included glimpses into her mom?s career as a best selling author,

For months I?d been parting my hair in the middle, examining my roots to see if I had what I considered to be enough grey hair to justify letting it grow out. I was 40 and so ready, so tired of the attempts to cover up those white hairs that first appeared when I was 17. My hair was short and the transition to pretty salt-and-pepper was painless. I loved my grey hair; how healthy it was and how my natural color enlivened my skin tone. Granted, I looked older, but I looked so much better that I didn?t care. I?ve always cared more about looking my best than trying to look younger than I am.

Case in point: when I was in my 60?s my daughter and I were passing time trying on wigs. We were at opposite ends of the store and I had on a highlighted brown wig close to what my hair had looked like right before I stopped coloring it. I approached my daughter, said her name to get her attention and she replied, ?Oh, Mom! I didn?t even recognize you. You look so different.?We both agreed I appeared about fifteen years younger, but the wig did nothing for me. My appearance was totally unremarkable. With my now nearly white hair I was striking.


Forward another decade and I?m sitting outside on my farm when I hear in my head the words, ?sensationally silver?. Wow! I loved the sound of that phrase as well as its implications. It struck me as the perfect name for haircare products made specifically for people of my generation who have naturally grey or white hair. I felt we deserved something created especially to celebrate us at this time of life. And so Sensationally Silver was born, the only complete hair care product line created specifically for virgin grey or white hair.

When my daughter joined the business our focus expanded to embrace all those women of her generation who were deciding to not continue coloring their hair and accepting instead what nature gave them. I watched her struggle with the decision to go grey and became aware of how each person?s path is the same and yet different.

Today I like my looks better than ever before. No one ever stopped me on the street to tell me how beautiful my brown hair was, not once. But for many years now when I?m out and about I receive compliments from complete strangers who tell me, ?I love your hair. It?s beautiful.?How wonderful is that? How wonderful it is to be able to offer everyone with naturally grey or white hair superb products that help them celebrate who and what they are today ? really, truly sensationally silver! Robin Norwood | Founder and President Sensationally Silver, Inc.



Two things happened that made me decide to stop coloring my hair. My brother, whose opinion I hold in high regard, told me my dark hair was a bit harsh for my age. Ouch! Then, not too many weeks later, during a business meeting on ZOOM, a marketing person said to me, ?I see YOU don?t use your products.?and I replied, ?I DO use our Balancing Shampoo, I?m just not ready for the toner yet.? After that meeting I realized how much I wanted to say that I DO use ALL of our products.

I felt that I wasn?t being an honest representation of our company, so I decided to ?ditch the dye?. October of 2021 was the last time that I used a product to change the color of my hair.

Making this decision felt like a BIG deal, a challenge I wasn?t sure I was up for. I had recently left a twenty-plus year marriage and was on my own for the first time in decades. It was a tender time emotionally. Adding onto that the challenge of thinking about looking older and feeling as if I?m going to be invisible to those younger than I was overwhelming at times. It?s been over a year and I am measurably closer to having fun with my new appearance. I am not quite there yet. I am still sometimes surprised when I catch my reflection in the window of my car wondering, ?Who is that??. I do feel lucky to be working for a company that has created a line of products that make silver hair look its best. I want to feel good about the way I look, just like every other person out there who is looking for the ?perfect?potion on the endless shelves of bottles. I used to get compliments on my haircut, now people tell me they like my hair, telling me it?s beautiful. I love hearing this and I love using our products because they bring out my best silver self!

Piper Norwood, CEO Sensationally Silver, Inc.


EMBRACE | You 15


CAN I LOSE WEIGHT AND FEEL GOOD AGAIN IN MENOPAUSE - YES! As women we need to understand the change in hormones is a natural biological process that we can not avoid. Menopause is going to happen, but we can learn how to navigate these years with more ease and grace through education, creating a healthy lifestyle, healing past trauma, proper testing, the correct supplements and finding the right health professionals to support you. TangledSIlverMagazine.com

EMBRACE | You 17

Let?s Review the Stages of Menopause: Perimenopause lasts up until menopause, the point when the ovaries stop releasing eggs. In the last 1 to 2 years of perimenopause, this drop in estrogen speeds up. At this stage, many women have menopause symptoms. Perimenopause occurs during the 40s for most women, but some notice changes as early as their mid-30s. As estrogen hormones rise and fall, periods grow longer or shorter and women experience menopause-like symptoms such as weight gain, hot flashes, anxiety, and insomnia to name a few. INSPIRE 2022

Personally, my period started to change around 45 and that is when I started to notice shifts in my body. My period was all over the place and I gained over 35 pounds in one year and I did not change a thing. I still ate well and worked out six times a week but no matter what I did the weight came piling on. My other symptoms started to appear such as brain fog, hot flashes, lumps in my breasts and low energy. Do these symptoms sound like you? Don?t worry you are not alone. About 85% of women experience at least one menopausal symptom. An average of 27 million women between the ages of 45 and 64, or 20% of the American workforce, experience menopause each year. I was determined to figure this change of life out and went back to school and found the right health team to TangledSilverMagazine.com

Photography Credit: d-z-photography.com Make up - @ssglamstudios

Is this you? You still have your period but have frustrating symptoms and you don?t have answers? Maybe your doctor has told you this is just part of aging and there are not many options available, so you leave discouraged. Maybe you are in the next phase which is menopause and you just have learned to live with your uncomfortable symptoms. Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It's diagnosed after you've gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States. Menopause is a natural biological process that we should celebrate but if you experience physical symptoms it can feel like someone has taken over our body. You may not even recognize yourself anymore. I see you and feel you. That was me.

EMBRACE | You 19 support me. Here are 3 key tips I used to lose my muffin top and optimize my health in menopause: 1. Sleep ? Did you know once you stop your period your ovaries stop making estrogen? Once this happens the adrenals take over. If your adrenals are not working optimally because of burn-out, the fat cells take over and start making estrogen. To all the women who wake up one morning with a muffin top, you can thank your fat cells for making estrogen to keep you functioning. You will struggle losing weight if you have not worked on healing your adrenal glands and the best tool to start healing your adrenals is SLEEP! This was the hardest new habit I took on was giving myself permission to REST when I was tired because all I ever knew my entire life was one speed and that was GO TIME. Slow down and give your adrenals a break so they can start making estrogen for you again. 2. Fast ing ? Did you know that fasting has been clinically proven to boost cognitive function, reduce inflammation, support weight loss, and help balance blood sugar? I used to eat three meals a day plus a snack when I was hungry. That used to work for me until it did not. I found the optimal time for my body was fasting between 6pm and 10am. This meant eating no calories for 16 hours and then eating 2 balanced meals in my eating window. The first few weeks were an adjustment but once my body was used to this new way of eating the weight started to release. If fasting is new for you, start off with a smaller window of no calories like 12 ? 14 hrs and work your way up to 16 hrs like I did.. 3. Proper Test ing & Supplement s? Science has advanced so much in the last 10+years around supporting women in menopause, but the question is, does your doctor keep up? My doctor had almost zero training in menopause so therefore I was uncomfortable relying on her to support my needs. I hired a hormone doctor, functional medicine coach and a Naturopath Doctor to support me and get to the root cause. We used tests like DNA, Saliva, Urine, Hair, Live Blood Analysis, and blood work to help understand my hormone story and what deficiencies I had in my body before choosing the right supplement options

for me. Each of us has a different story and needs- we are like a puzzle, and we need a proper health team to help us figure out which pieces are missing. Seek out the right health professionals who are experts in helping women in menopause.

I want to offer you hope. If I can celebrate menopause so can you. I believe our best years are ahead if we have the right community to support us. It?s 100% possible to lose weight, have energy, stamina, focus and a passion for your life again ? yes, even during menopause.





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Have you ever had something that you really wanted to try, but not the courage to take the leap ? Well that was with me with Pole Fitness. I know, I know everyone assumes I'm going into clubs and Pole Dancing. Nope. It's a fantastic way of getting fit and an all over workout. I swear you discover muscles you never thought you had! Ouchy, in a good way. I saw an ad years ago, but couldn't find my nerve. Until a few years later I saw the same Pole School advertising. This time I noticed private lessons being offered. Less opportunity for me to make a complete spectacle of myself... and a discount for a first trial lesson. Well readers, I went for it and have never been so nervous on that drive to that lesson. Claire was so lovely and did her utmost to put me at her ease. She had seen all these nerves from others before and promised me when I left, I'd be back. She was right ! I learnt spins, some basic moves and in that hour I have never felt more alive. I fell in love with Pole and booked my next lesson there and then. I won't lie, the next day my body screamed at me and for a while I walked away with a Pole Kiss (bruise) or two! But honestly, your body gets used to it. The aches fade, as your body adapts and gets stronger and the kisses get less and less. A Cardio and strength session all in one, and so much fun too. The rush I get when I nail a new move or spin. I still remember the first time I was able to invert and hang from that Pole by my feet.



Please don't think for a minute you have to be strong to start out. I wasn't particularly, but that all comes with territory. As you progress with Pole, you gain that strength, flexibility and tone. Another misconception, you have to be small to do Pole. NO. Pole Fitness is open to all shapes and sizes. Women and Men. You only have to search YouTube to see. Six years on and I still love it as much as ever. Plus, Claire is now a great friend. We've gone through much together. Pole and gossip, what more could you want ?! Studios are popping up all over the world and Women are seeing it as not only an amazing way to keep fit, but it's fun too. So, if you've ever thought about it or wanted to try something different. I invite you to take the leap, as I did. For me. Pole is good for the soul.



St art Slow. Safet y first . Build strength as you master the those beginning moves with grace and ease before attemping more difficult moves. Those moves will come in time Skip Lot ions & Oils on class days. Pole dancing requires being able to grip with your


skin, so avoid using moisturizers on class days to avoid slipping off the pole. Avoid unnecessary injuries.








St art Slow. Safet y first . Build strength as you master the those beginning moves with grace and ease before attemping more difficult moves. Those moves will come in time. Skip Lot ions & Oils on class days. Pole dancing requires being able to grip with your skin, so avoid using moisturizers on class days to avoid slipping off the pole. Avoid unnecessary injuries. Grip Aids can be your friend when st art ing out . You'll need a strong grip and grip aids can help you stick to the pole while you build up that strength in your hands. W hat st yle are you looking for? Pole dancing offers options likepole fitness or exotic pole using heels and dance techniques, like ballet. Wear t he right clot hes.


investment to help prevent injuries would be crashmats, along with a pole. But, the community of Pole is something special, so maybe start in a studio setting first!

Pole wear specific tops, shorts and cute outfits allow for more skin to grip on the pole than regular fitness clothes. But, you can check out your first class in what makes you most comfortable. W here do I st art ? Learn from Qualified instructors in a studio, privately or online. And, if you choose to start at home, a good CONNECT 2022

Declar e Your

#I AM SILVER BEAUTY TangledSIlverMagazine.com



Beaut y Now

Soul happinesscomes easily once YOU believe you are beautiful! And, SIlver Sisters, you are sillver beauty! Robin Salls, Founder

#iam silver beau t y CELEBRATE 2022


CHANGE Your Br ain w it h Af f ir mat ions

Wr it er JulieKneafsey



Ever been anxious when you have t o st ep up in front of ot hers and t alk?Ever woken in the middle of the night with no idea how you are going to get through a particularly awful personal time? Of course, at that moment before the presentation, and at 3am, everything seems worse ? that churning endless pain of emotional turmoil ? but there are helpful things you can do. You can use affirmations for instance. When those moments seem overwhelming the power of words can literally change how you think.

I?m st rong, I?m powerful, I?m fearless? What power there is to be had in those words.

When those moments seem overwhelming the power of wordscan literally change how you think.

A friend bought me a bracelet when I was going through a particularly hard time last year and these three words ? strong, powerful, fearless ? are what it represented. These attributes are linked to the stones in the bracelet but are also affirmations, and boy, can they be a help when you are in need.

So, W hat are Affirmat ions? Well, they are positive phrases, words or mantras you can say to yourself, aloud or in your head, or write down, when you need to. They are helpful in stressful situations, before a job interview for example, or indeed any time you need to boost your self-esteem or sense of confidence. They can stop the act of self-sabotage ? when you might talk yourself out of doing that thing you really should do, or you are feeling like you are ?less-than?.

The theme of this issue is ?Connections?, and affirmations can be one of the most powerful ways of connecting with yourself and making permanent changes on a deeper psychological level. Repeating positive phrases can make a huge difference to performance. It?s been proven that using them moments before a difficult situation can make chemical changes in the brain that improve performance. This has been shown with students in exams for example. Another benefit of using affirmations is the increase in self-belief and worth. Brain scans have shown an increase in the activity of the brain?s reward CONNECT 2022


affirmation can act as a small rod of iron we allow to stiffen our resolve, or to gird ourselves physically or to step out and do the thing that scares us, whatever the thing is, that?s a positive.

How to do it? It?s easy ? you can do them anywhere ? but it?s quite good to say them aloud to yourself when you are standing in front of a mirror. There?s a sense of achievement in seeing yourself speak these powerful words. If you enjoy journaling, writing your affirmations can be helpful too. As they are written in the present tense as well this confirms to your suggestible brain that you are already doing these things ? halfway there before you even start!

You can choose to use them only when needed, which can be powerful in that moment, or you can use them daily to help you visualize your success and positivity regularly and keep the momentum you gain from these powerful words. Here are some of the most popular affirmations taken from the internet, but you don?t have to use these ? you can choose your own: I am enough. I believe in my dreams, myself, and all that I am. I love myself for who I am. centres after affirmations were performed. It?s a fascinating fact given that these are just words. Shows how powerful thought and words are for changing the chemistry of the brain and helping us make deeper more positive connections with ourselves. Affirmations can also keep you calm ? I know this for sure from my perspective as I regularly use them when I feel out of my comfort zone. I often use that old phrase ?I can do this?repeated over and over until my brain believes it and I find I can do the thing. We?ve all been through or are currently managing testing times in our lives ? from health issues that either shock or test us, managing relationships, or dealing with our own insecurities. So, if using an TangledSilverMagazine.com

I create my own happiness. My life is filled with abundance of goodness. My challenges are actually opportunities. I am beautiful just the way I am. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. I am proud of myself.

No one made great steps forward believing they couldn?t do an important thing, so why not enroll the power of these positive words and make it more of a likelihood? Someone said it?s like a mental ?fake-it-till-you-make-it?? I love that. I?ll leave you with some more lovely affirmations you can use to help you with your anxiety, motivation and



confidence if you need to. These are easily searchable on the web: I am worthy of what I desire. I can. I will. End of story. I am the hero of my own life. I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough. And don?t mind me, I?m just putting on my affirmation bracelet, feeling strong, powerful and fearless and moving on with my day.

And, while we're talking about affirmations, why not use #iamsilverbeauty on your next social posts on Instagram or Facebook and let us see all the amazing women embracing their silvers and connecting to themselves as we finish out 2022!

Have a favorite affirmation you'd like to share? Be sure to tag me as I'd love to see what affirmations speak to you!

Julie is an eternal optimist, silver advocate, kitchen-dancer, ex-literacy teacher and a twice over breast cancer survivor who is keen to defy age-related expectations. She is excited to write about health and fitness, ethical beauty and fashion, menopause issues after cancer and having a blast in your later years and beyond! See more on her blog launching early 2022. She's a voice from our UK sisters! Silver since 2018.


How has connect ing w it h ot her Silver Sist er s helped your jour ney? I love hearing about t he product s everyone's using! Helps when I'm looking t o t ry somet hing new. Lisa R. I felt pret t y alone as none of my friends are going gray, but me. Then I found groups on Facebook and I feel like I now have lot s of friends going gray wit h me. Lisa S. Ot her women going silver just get it in a way ot hers don't . It doesn't make us old. It doesn't mean we st op t aking care of ourselves. It 's just nice t o have someone get you. Teresa P. It 's been uplift ing t o find support and encouragement from all t hese beaut iful women who know what it 's like t o quest ion yourself daily, yet st ill love your gray. Jeannie R. A girl can't get any luckier t han t o surround herself wit h a sea of silver support and encouragement . There is no bet t er communit y t han t he Silver Sist ers. It 's almost magical. Robin S.





THOUGHTS... If I've got quest ions about my grey all I have t o do is reach out on Facebook or Inst agram and I get so many answers from so many different women! It 's awesome t o feel t his kind of support . Gina B. Educat ion and friendship are t he t op t hings t hat come t o mind. I've got friends around t he world I'd never have got t en t he chance t o meet if it wasn't for finding each ot her t hrough post s about being silver. Nina N. Hanging wit h t he best peeps, aka Silver Sist ers in person and online! Ricki J. I just got back from a silver sist er meet up where t he rest aurant manager t hought we'd known each ot her for years by our laught er. It was t he first , but not t he last I'll be at t ending. Helen P. I found a source full of women t hat were rocking t heir silvers and owning it , which helped me t o change my mindset and fully accept my gray. I love how support ive t o one anot her we all are. Renee S.


Tangled Silver encourages every nat ural silver woman all t he aut hent icit y t hat ent ails, t o join and grow t hrough our bonds of sist erhood. Leaning towards the goal of always becoming our best selves at every stage and age in our journey is only a fraction of what keeps us moving forward. The bonds we develop in this process of supporting each other do not end on these pages. Although we are at different stages of the same

game.there is always a rhetorical hand reaching out to pull us up. A vital part of self-nurture develops through the focus we dedicate to our personal well-being. Although this challenge gets progressively more strenuous later in life, the need for fitness equally intensifies. Motivation often wanes at this crucial stage but finding a workout partner is an excellent way to crossover any personal difficulty that might stand in your way as they serve many roles. Workout partners are great to keep you on track and ensure that each workout is meaningful and fun.

THE PROCESS Writer Leah Rachel Friedman

OF BECOMING TangledSilverMagazine.com

EM BRACE | You Partners are there to hold you accountable for each meeting you arrange together. Additionally, they can push you or cheer for you when you struggle. When you both enjoy a strenuous workout together, you have someone to understand your soreness the next day or test your strength on another day. By pushing past your limits or what you perceive to be limits, self-actualization takes place. With a partner along to share in this evolution, bonds will inevitably result. Pushing past those limits could be illustrated by simply raising the weights, repetitions, or number of sets of any given exercise. This could reveal significant facts about yourself or your partner. There are so many ways to incorporate a partner workout into your current routine or develop one. The possibilities are endless for how to bring your best game for you and your friend. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Remember these exercises are supposed to be fun, so feel free to play with any variety that comes to mind so long as you and your partner agree, and you do the exercises safely. Additionally, it?s good to choose someone who is equal to your fitness level so you both can improve together.


both legs, one leg or a variation between them.

Planks Planks target the upper back, abdominals and glutes. So many variations of planks are possible here. Side planks, forearm planks, straight arm planks, push-up planks, etc. You can even add crunches, shoulder taps, claps with your partner, or more.

Sit ups and t hrow Using a ball, and mat, face your partner. Get onto the mat and lie down on your back with feet close to your partner?s feet. With either bent or straight legs, engage abdominals into a sit up while passing the ball back and forth with your partner.

Foot and Hand Shadow drills Stand facing your partner and follow their movements. Feel free to incorporate isometrics, jumps, lunges, or more into this exercise. It?s a great way to test each other?s strength, dexterity, speed and flexibility.

Pist ol Squat s Pistol Squats are great for balance and strength. Face your partner, take hold of one or both hands (depending on your level of fitness), engage quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, abdominals as you bend into a squat. This can be done on INSPIRE 2022

for 1 minute, sit-up throws for 10 reps, partner planks of your choice for 10 reps, rest for 1 minute then repeat. It?s up to you and your friend which pattern works best for you. You should feel challenged, invigorated, engaged and encouraged to continue. If something doesn?t work, replace it with a variation or change the exercise if needed.

Part ner Bat t le Ropes Alternate this interval cardiovascular workout so one partner rests while the other works. It will target arms, shoulders, abdominals, legs and of course your heart. Keep your back straight and support it with slightly bent legs and engaged abs. Other considerations for a partner workout might include: setting up a circuit for training, and remaining within time limits for rest and work periods. An example of this might be, battle ropes for 15 seconds, then pistol squats for 10 reps, shadow drills TangledSilverMagazine.com

In addition to exercises, having a partner who can help you stretch can facilitate increased flexibility. Flexibility is important as we get older so when possible accidents happen, our bodies are conditioned to overcome injury or prepared to recover more quickly than if we were not well conditioned. Be careful not to overstretch. Overstretching can injure a muscle which could take many weeks to fully heal. No matter what you choose to do with your partner, make sure you are consistent. Just having a friend to inspire you can make all the difference. Who knows, you

might even wake up one day, and suddenly realize that while having so much fun and bonding with your partner, a toned, healthy musculature has emerged.

Health & Fitness Expert Leah brings her expertise to help us navigate the process of self-effficacy. Be sure to check out her Q & A Article too!

Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

MEET RACHEL 51 | full Time Care Giver | Silver Since 2013 I'm a 51 year old single Mum, living in the UK. After a career with The London Ambulance Service, I'm now full time Carer to my two amazing children, both with special needs. I'm coming up on 9 years dye free this December, and still know it's one of the best decisions I ever made for myself. I always thought I would dye until I died. Its just what I thought you did, just like my Mum. My hair was a natural brunette with pale skin and freckles. Thanks to my Irish heritage. My Dad had started to go white around the age of 18, and he passed that gene down. Finding my very first around 18, but not till around 25 I think did I start to try hiding the pesky greys that were appearing. By about age 30, I found the dye was becoming more urgent. Appointments every 6/8 weeks. Root's appearing after 2 and having to make sure Appointments fit around birthdays, holidays, parties and special occasions. By 40 I tried blond, in an attempt to blend the greys. But, I am someone who does not look good blond, and I was becoming

@silverpoleninja18 | UNITED KINGDOM more and more dissatisfied after every appointment. Not to mention the burning, itchy scalp. It never occurred that this was a treadmill I could just step off. Then one evening in December 2013, age 42, a light bulb moment. My baby Brother had been diagnosed with Cancer a few months previously and suddenly that evening dyeing my hair didn't matter. W hy was I put t ing myself t hrough all t he t ime, expense, ult imat e dissat isfact ion when I could just st op. There were way more import ant t hings. That was that. Decision made and I never looked back. I came across a page on Facebook called; Going Gray, looking Great. All of a sudden I was looking at beautiful women with their natural hair. Post transition, transitioning and all with a certain air of freedom about them. They literally glowed and all the difference shades of grey were just stunning. 9 years ago there wasn't much in the way of Silver Groups and Instagram didn't exist, but I found The Cafe Gray online and a whole bunch of women from all over the world, rooting for each other. Still good friends with some today and we would all have Silver Sister Meet ups and share photos and laughs. I went the cold turkey root, with the help of a very supportive stylist from bra length to a lob and watched my roots grow out. Most empowering and freeing decision I've ever made. No Regrets! TangledSilverMagazine.com





Photo Credit: @chroniclesofgraytransformation



MEET MISSY 50| English Teacher | Silver since 2020 Gray hair has been chasing me since I was 17. As soon as I spotted a silver strand, I pulled it out because I thought I was too young for gray hair. I continued that trend until I finally decided to dye it at age 25. I purchased a box of hair color and down the rabbit hole I went. For the next 22 years, I dyed my hair every 6 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 3 weeks, then 2 weeks. It became a futile effort. After day 4 of dyeing, I was using hair shadow to cover the roots that were already popping through. By the time I was 40, I had made countless appointments with my hairdresser for hours of blending or dyeing treatments only to cancel every single one. I wanted to stop coloring, but I wasn?t ready to be gray. I felt that people would look at me differently and that I would be perceived as old. That ?s right . I believed what most ot her people

@chroniclesofgrayt ransformat ion | FLORIDA believe. Oh, how wrong I was! Upon discussing it with family and friends, I realized that I had an amazing support group to cheer me on, and I was finally prepared to ditch the dye. I stopped the madness at the end of March 2020. The first few months were rough. I used hair shadow and root touch up sprays and wore my hair in lots of hats and ponytails. By month 5, I was wearing it down for the world to see. People stared, but people also stopped me to ask questions, to admire, and to offer encouragement. This process has been overwhelmingly positive. I am no longer wasting money on toxic chemicals that damage my hair and scalp. This 50-year-old high school English teacher from Florida is happier and more confident than ever. I am enjoying the process and making so many wonderful connections, friendships, and partnerships from simply allowing my hair to be its natural color. I am thankful to all the ladies who have inspired me, and I hope to inspire others as well.



MEET RANDI 38 | Full Time Mom | Silver Since 2020 At 36, I was a stay at home mom, and had been coloring my hair since my early 20s. I started noticing silver hair in my late teens. We had just sold our home in North Carolina, and were becoming full time travelers. It was all so exciting? except that little voice in my head that kept asking, ?what are you going to do about your roots?? Coming up with a solution felt so overwhelming. Packing hair dye seemed problematic in a suitcase. Looking for new stylists each month seemed time consuming and frustrating. I felt like I was trying to plan my life around dying my roots. My old stylist had mentioned a growing group of women embracing their silver hair, and since I wasn?t having much success with a solution for my roots, I decided to turn to

@randi_honeycut t _ | NORTH CAROLINA the internet to see if I could find women around my age embracing their silver hair. Once I saw how beautiful it was, I felt like I had been had by the beauty industry. My perception of silver hair completely changed. I spent a week or so thinking about it, trying on filters that tried to mimic silver hair, and gaining inspiration. Then I knew... The solut ion t o my silver root s wasn?t t o cover t hem up, it was t o st op t hinking about t hem as a problem. At 38, I am a few cuts away being completely dye free. Embracing my silver hair has been the most magnificent journey, growing me in ways I?d never imagined.






Photo Creds: @k_growing_grayl



MEET KATHLEEN 38| Mom, Entrepreneur | Silver Since 2017 I?m a 38 year old mom to the coolest 8 year old there is and married to my incredible husband of 13 years. We live in a small town outside of Toronto, Ontario where we own and operate a custom picture framing business. I started seeing my first silvers when I was 16 years old. My mom had been covering her silvers for as long as I could remember, so when my silvers started to show, I thought that's what I was supposed to do. From my teens to my early 30s, every 6-8 weeks, I made sure the world never knew those silvers existed. I even remember dying my hair days before giving birth to ensure my roots were fresh the first time my son met me. My journey started in January, 2017. The night before my 33rd birthday, I stood there staring at my dye stained forehead in the mirror and I asked myself ?am I really going to do this every 6 weeks for

@k_growing_gray | CANADA the rest of my life?? The thought of it terrified me. That was the moment I decided, it was the last time. I didn?t know ANYONE who was growing out their silvers. The Silver Sister Community didn't exist like it does today and the journey felt very lonely. I had no idea what to do or how to do it. I felt like my only options were to strip the dye out or chop it off and start fresh. So, I went cold turkey. I grew it out for 9 months then chopped it off to a pixie cut and have been growing it out ever since. This journey is neither quick nor easy. It tested me in ways that I never imagined. But as my silvers grew longer, I grew stronger. I st art ed t o care less about t he opinions of ot hers and more about what was right for me. I grew more confident in who I am and learned to accept my other so-called ?flaws?. I'm very proud of these silvers, they have helped me become my most authentic self and truly know self love. It's an honor to be part of the Silver Sisterhood. One that helps others see the beauty in their silvers and change the narrative around what it means to go gray. CONNECT 2022


MEET TASHANA 49 | Learning & Development Professional | Silver Since 2010

To be perfectly honest I don?t recall exactly when I made the decision to go grey. Heck, I don?t even remember my first grey hair. That?s something that is typically a milestone for people, but it was never a huge deal to me. I have always colored my hair with rinses; blue, purple and burgundy. About 18 years ago, I noticed the grey hair begin to peek through at the edges. I kept coloring, but it became harder and harder to keep up with the grey. I made the switch to permanent hair color and over the course of time that began to take a toll on the health of my hair. On my way to a gala one night in 2010, I commented to a friend that I hadn?t had time to color my hair. He asked

@locdnlet t os | USA why I would color my hair and I didn?t have a good reason. I?m sure I colored my hair a few more t imes, but kept asking myself why and I didn?t have an answer. So I st opped. I?ve always gotten overwhelmingly positive responses to my grey. The most common inquiry is whether or not I color my hair grey. Occasionally, people comment that grey hair is for old people and that they would color their hair if they were me. But those instances are less common than the admiration and inspirational comments.





Photo Credits: @grayawhile




MEET ALISON 45 | Depute Headteacher | Silver since 2020 I'm a Scottish lass living in a tiny, country village in the south of Scotland. I am 45 years old, although inside I?m still in my 20s! I am married and a mum to my gorgeous 11 year old daughter and 4 hairy babies - a cat, a dog and 2 rats. I work as a Depute Headteacher of a school for children with Complex Additional Support Needs. I find my job so rewarding and fulfilling? and also love the holidays! My journey to silver was completely unplanned and, like many, started during the second Covid Lockdown in Britain. I had NEVER intended to go grey. My mum has been silver for as long as I can remember and I found my first silver strand at 16. As a child, I remember others saying ?why is your mum?s hair grey??, ?is she your granny!?etc and (ashamedly now) being embarrassed by my mum?s hair, so I swore I would never go grey? especially for my daughter?s sake. I also remember getting my husband to promise if I was ever inthe hospital to dye my hair for me! I was serious. I cut

@join in g_t h e_gr eyvolu t ion | Scot lan d my hair in styles which wouldn?t show re-growth, planned hair appointments around socialising and hated windy days when my roots would show. I found it oddly liberating not dying my hair every 4 weeks and it was during a chance conversation with my sister and brother-in-law on Easter Sunday that we discussed the ?why not give it a go?mindset. Why not? My ever supportive (and highly skilled) hairdresser reassured me that if anyone could get away with it I could and my mind was made up. Inspired by the many gorgeous, vibrant and inspiring silver sisters on instagram I started my journey. I decided to set up a grey hair account to represent middle aged (but young feeling) grey haired ladies hoping I could inspire ot hers in my posit ion and hopefully show t hat embracing your silvers doesn?t mean you are ?past it ?or ?let t ing yourself go?.You can be silver and st ill relevant . I can also truthfully say I have never had so many compliments about my hair than when I let my silver show. And my biggest supporter?My daughter who I hope grows up with a different mindset to me. As Robin says, silver for the win.



MEET YOMAIRA 39 | Accountant, Mom | Silver since 2020 Hi, my name is Yomaira. I'm 39 years old. I started my silver hair journey about 2 1/2 years ago. I started getting gray in my teens and had been dyeing my hair since. In March of 2020 I decided to ditch the dye as I was tired of dyeing my hair every 2-3 weeks and seeing the demarcation line. I was scared and nervous at the beginning of my journey because I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know anyone else with gray hair at my age. However, I was also excited because I couldn't wait to finally see what my hair would look like without the dye. Even though it was my decision to ditch the dye it wasn't an easy journey for me. I spent the beginning of my journey wearing hats, headbands and headscarves. I wasn't comfortable seeing or showing my gray. I struggled with the transition process. I had

@_span ish eyes_ | Con n ect icu t to unlearn what I learned growing up about gray hair. Finally, 8 months into my journey I decided to cut off all the dyed/damaged hair. I thought this would help me with my transition. It turned out to be the opposite. W hen I saw myself in t he mirror I didn't recognize myself. I no longer had t he black hair I was so used t o seeing. I no longer had t he long hair t hat I guess was my prot ect ion "blanket ". I was in shock. So my journey cont inued in learning who I was wit hout t he hair dye and t he long hair covering all my insecurit ies. It t ook a while but I st art ed t o love t he person I saw in t he mirror. Like I mentioned before this journey wasn't an easy journey but it was worth it. I'm loving the mental and emotional growth! I am loving my silver curls and the self love, freedom and acceptance that came along with this journey.







Photo Credit: @Anaisebenoudiz

For self employed women the struggle is just as real. While no one can fire them, they do still live with the perceptions of aging and going gray, both their own and others. For this reason, it excites me when I meet other women entrepreneurs embarking on aging and graying for themselves and seeing how they allow it to define them within their businesses Melissa Kellogg Lueck is a woman who is NOT defined by aging or embracing her grays. This Marketing & Mindset Business Coach, podcastor, wife, mother, and hockey player is defining her personal and business life on her terms. Aging and hair color are just pieces of her puzzle. She?s unknowingly becoming an ambassador to women entrepreneurs showing that your success and worth aren?t determined by your age or hair color. When you grasp that concept completely and stop thinking that your hair color and age outweigh the passion and energy you bring to the table then you are in the driver?s seat of your journey. Which is exactly where Melissa thinks all women should be in business or life, the driver?s seat.. She?s leading by example and inspiring others to take a closer look at what?s holding them back from leading the life they want. Figuring out what is holding you back is one of the first steps to moving forward and connecting with yourself. For those struggling with their aging and grays, understanding where those struggles began is important for moving past them. Perhaps you grew up hearing that gray equates to life being over or being gray means you're old. Acknowledge those stories and then you can change them.


Photo Credit Keith Cornelius Photography, Stylist Trena Ackers

by the firing of a popular Canadian Newscaster whose choice to embrace her gray appeared to lead to her being let go from her position. It catapulted the fear many working women have with the struggle to go gray or not.

Photo creds: Left Top Julie Ulstrup Photography, Middle Valerie Mosley Photography, Left Bottom Danileel DiFiore Photography Right Phtot Julie Ulstrup Photography

There?s been a lot of t alk recent ly around gray and t he workplace seemingly spurred on

BE | In spir ed


Melissa Kellogg Lueck Mar ket ing Exper t + Business Coach CEO + Founder CONNECT 2022


BE | In spir ed In business it can be the stories we tell ourselves or have had others tell us that can set our thermostats for success low without even realizing it. If the story is that people with money are rude and I don?t ever want to be rude, then you?re most likely going to hit a block getting to the level of success in business that could make that story real. It?s amazing what we tell ourselves without even realizing it. Far too often women get caught up in the hamster wheel of needing to do everything themselves and not understanding why they?re working so hard and feeling like they?re not getting the results they want. Melissa brings years of solopreneur experience to the table and has channeled her experiences into the type of coaching she often wishes she had in the beginning of her career in 2005. A coach who will be honest with you around your business, ask you the hard questions, and then help you set up a plan to move into the CEO of your life. Melissa?s goal in coaching is to help you succeed by not getting caught up in the myth that if you just figure out that one big thing, then everything will be good. In business especially, it?s usually a lot of little things that make a difference rather than the one big thing. If I just land that high end client I?ll be golden. But, what if that client is already in your circle and you haven?t realized it because you?re too busy chasing big clients instead of nurturing the ones you?ve already made? Puzzles are made of hundreds of pieces finding the right fit together. Life and business are the same and perhaps we need to start looking at all the pieces with a fresh perspective.


Melissa just might be the business coach for you. She coaches by example and helps you discover the missing pieces to complete your goals.

?The truth isthat it?snot one big thing; it?s all the little things like growing our network, building relationships, keeping in touch with our audience, and making compelling offersto them.? ~ Melissa

Coaching in any form is an investment in yourself and many women find it hard to invest in themselves. The family needs, our partners needs, and your business needs always seem to take precedence over investing in yourself. But, as Melissa discovered for herself, coaching is a vital piece of reaching your full potential. Successful people invest in themselves with coaches, training and surround themselves with a circle of people that cheer them on. Coaching isn?t just for athletes or the super rich either. If you think it's time you start investing in yourself and your business then CONNECT 2022

Gr ay Day Daw ning & Giving Guidance (or Back t o My Root s) Wr it er Ann Ber gen TangledSilverMagazine.com TangledSilver.com | Winter 2022

BE | In spir ed ?Mom, if I look as good as you do wit h whit e hair, when I?m your age, I will definit ely st op dying my hair.? I wish I could say this conversation happened in the sweet comfort of my childhood home over a cup of tea with my mother, but in actuality, it happened at St. John?s Hospital in Santa Monica the day before my mother had her first brain surgery. I was 23 and my mother at the time was 53.

I was raised in an entrepreneurial household back in the 60?s and 70?s in Huntington Beach, CA. My parents owned two drug stores back then. It was a family owned and operated business and us kids all worked in it at some point. To me, being a business owner was the way to go in life. Sometimes business was up and sometimes it was down and we were ok with that. It was a risk we accepted .The one risk we never accepted was the early diagnosis of breast cancer my mother had at the age of 33. I was just 3 years old at the time so this was a dark cloud that hung around my entire life until my early adulthood. My mother survived her initial cancer diagnosis, but just barely. Later we lost her at the age of 54. While I was in college, she experienced a resurgence of her cancer. Her chemotherapy treatments


stole her dyed brown hair and when it began to grow back, it was her natural stark white with a touch of salt and pepper in the back. As a child of the 50?s she accepted the need to cover up those pesky early grays that started in high school (like mine) as normal. It was a beauty industry standard we had universally come to accept. When the gray starts coming in, you cover it up with color. So what does my gray hair transformation have to do with starting a business or my mother?s cancer story?A lot actually. I had never really embraced my family?s business roots as an adult, at least not on my own. My husband was a solo practicing attorney and I stayed home for the better part of 15 years with our daughters until they reached high school staying involved in volunteering. In a turn of events, I was approached by a friend of mine who was hired to be a high school campus speaker for an art college. They were looking for another speaker to hire for additional high school visits. Because my volunteerism led me into public speaking roles, I interviewed for the position and was hired on the spot. I spent the next two years visiting nearly every high school in Orange County presenting to students about fashion, design, and applied art. I learned I related well to this age group. From there a career was born. After my art college gig, I had the opportunity to apply to be a college and CONNECT 2022

I had the opportunity to apply to be a college and career specialist at a new high school in my area. I was hired at the new school and worked in collaboration with the counselors, academic advisors and of course the students. I stayed in my position for over eight years. Had I ditched the dye at this point? Nope, I was still fully committed to my color trap. A sad change of events caused a layoff as year 9 approached. I still dreamed of having my own business so I considered starting up my long awaited enterprise, but we needed my health benefits so those plans were sidelined. I even bought my domain name a few years earlier, gotguidance.com, and paid ten years for it before actually using it. I guess you could say I was playing the long game. Around the time of my layoff, another opportunity arose. A nearby district made it known about a new guidance position opening up and was eventually hired to be their college and career specialist position. It was a dream job in many educators' minds, mine included, and I was grateful to have been hired. Four years into my new position, I had become successful in my role and grew in my college and career knowledge. I loved working with the students and loved what I did. The benefits were exceptional and the pay was good. In December 2019, we had just celebrated Christmas in our home. The month before our daughter and son-in-law were married. A plethora of wedding activities and a very busy job left no time for career planning for myself. I just assumed in a few years I would retire from my state employment and take my benefits with me. On December 26, 2019, I was preparing to go back to work a few days before winter break was over to get ready for the new year. It had been five weeks since my last root touch up. I had taken to doing most of my own coloring at home as the biweekly root touch up TangledSilverMagazine.com

had become difficult and too expensive to keep up with in the salons. I had already been following some of the silver sisters on Instagram sharing their experiences and embracing silver liberation. I found their stories inspiring and celebratory. In the back of my mind, I wondered if I could really do the same. My first thought was I couldn?t just quit dying my hair, I?d have to figure out some sort of transition strategy. I even went to a high end hairdresser that specializes in gray hair transitioning, but after a consultation and a shockingly high price quote, not to mention the transition maintenance, I opted out of that idea. So on that fateful day in December, I made a bold decision to just quit the dye. I?m just going to do what I told my mom I would do 35 years prior in the hospital room. ?When I?m your age, I?m not going to dye my hair anymore?, and so I finally fulfilled that pledge. I guess you could say it was a 35 year long decision making process. Nothing impulsive about that I?d say. Colleagues were surprised by my choice, students said very little about it but looked oddly at me. I continued giving presentations, attended a steady stream of meetings, hosted college related events and even hosted a district wide career fair complete with district administrators and industry professionals. Yes, my peekaboo white roots were on full display, but no one seemed to care much. A fair amount of comments though, some positive, some not so much. But the great part was, I didn?t really care what others thought and that was truly the most freeing part of this whole adventure! Four months after being ?openly gray?, in March 2020, as my line of demarcation became more and more evident, I was sent home along with the students and staff to work remotely. In California, our Covid precautions and guidelines were pretty strict and precautionary. As I set up my remote home office, days

turned into weeks and coming back to school didn?t seem like it was going to be happening before the end of the school year. Summer break came and went. Like all educators, we scrambled to get back to in person learning, only to have delay after delay because of the Covid virus. In the fall of 2020, I had become comfortable with working remotely at home. I didn?t have young children at home so it was mostly my husband working on one floor and me working on another floor. In the beginning, it was fun and novel, after time, it was stressful and tedious. Though I enjoyed my short commute, my hours were incredibly long and I was becoming exhausted. But I enjoyed setting up a home office. It very much laid the foundation for my current enterprise. I was productive, efficient and helped the students much better than I thought possible at a distance. The wheels in my head began to turn.

I had started an Instagram account @graydaydawning right after ditching the dye. I post pictures of my grow-out regularly. Many women on Instagram came alongside me to champion my transition and celebrated my decision to be bold and be me. It has truly been one of the most empowering things I have ever done. I felt God was cheering me on as well. Giving me a thumbs up for embracing my true authentic self instead of hiding what I thought of as a ?design flaw?. Back at work, opportunity knocked again. An independent consultant who owned a private counseling business contacted me and let me know she would be retiring. She asked if I would be TangledSilverMagazine.com

interested in doing what I do privately and if so she would send all her referrals my way. It was fall 2020, nearly one year after I had been living a dye free life. The year had shown me much. Change had been hard but it had been also profound and instructive in many ways. I learned by ditching the dye cold turkey, I could be comfortable in what was previously uncomfortable. I could reach beyond what I thought I was capable of and live the way I wanted to live, not what I felt I had to live by. It was an extraordinary time for me.

So did I finally quit my job and strike out on my entrepreneurial adventure? Well, technically, I retired. I mean, I wanted to keep my benefits and all. And I am now a proud owner of my own business, Got Guidance College Consulting. I have a full caseload of students working from the same home office I set up during our pandemic shutdown. I was even profitable in my first year of business and more so in my second year. I enjoy my families and work with students from both my previous districts and beyond. Even my now retired husband supports my new venture and has become my in house counsel and campus touring sidekick. I guess it proves that those that can, can also teach. I think my silver hair mom would be proud.

BE | In spir ed 65

Getting recommendations is a great start to discovering products that fit your lifestyle. But, keep in mind we're all as individual as raindrops, so it's just a start... Get to know your skin type, hair texture, etc. Then play around till you find what works for you Check out this quarter's picks from real women sharing the products they love. Ilise Harris brings you a hair tutorial featuring Hairstory products while Tina Pirozzoii brings you her favorite products for the season.


I ran into ballet teacher and choreographer Rosie Saur while shopping for dance shoes. I hadn?t seen her since the start of the pandemic and had no idea she had grown her hair out. It was fantastic! Like many, her colored hair was damaged, and looking dull. She noticed the silver sparkles in her roots had shine. She just went cold turkey. Like most of us, she was told it would age her and she shouldn?t do it. Rosie was wearing her hair in a smooth blow-dried chin length bob when I first saw her. She was dealing with some frizz, and adjusting to the new texture. She was using conventional shampoo and a curly mousse product when she wore it curly, which made it stiff and crunchy. She liked to wear it naturally, just didn?t know quite how to achieve a softer look and maximize her waves I told her I was contributing to Tangled Silver Magazine, and asked her if she?d be interested in modeling a hair tutorial for me. She said, ?YES!? I switched her to the non detergent New Wash by Hairstory, and she immediately saw the difference in the softness and manageability. I sent her to a curly hair stylist to add some layers around the face to enhance the waves. Rosie is really loving her hair now, and has seen it get healthier and more luxurious with the gentler and more nourishing products and less heat. She is now working on representation to be a pro-age model! In this visual tutorial, I take you through a number of possible steps using some of my favorites in the Hairstory product line. I love this line, it made a world of difference on my own thin, fine, curly silver hair. I also advocate for this brand

BE | In spir ed 67 because of their use of non-toxic, organic ingredients, essential oils, refillable packaging, and charitable donations. I use the Newash as a face wash, and I?ve used both the hair balm and hair oil on dry skin while traveling.

Newash is a hair cleanser and condit ioner. The longer you massage it in, the better- keep adding water. The hair rinses out detangled and moisturized. Detergent in shampoos strip your hair of ?good oils?, which is why conditioner was invented? to add the moisture back in. New Wash cleans and conditions hair in one simple step without any detergent.

Undressed This texture spray adds volume, moisturizes, protects against UV rays, and creates touchable waves without drying. Use it with or without blow drying.

Hair Balm Like skincare for your hair: This lightweight cream adds moisture, helps to define curls and revive over-processed hair without feeling crunchy, sticky, or gelled. I like to use a tiny bit on dry hair to smooth out frizz that comes with silver hair, or use it on wet hands to refresh waves or curls.

Lift A heat-activated volumizing root lift spray formulated with a blend of thickening, shaping resins, moisturizing extracts, and quick-drying spirits to add body and fullness or ?starch?to lock in shape before hot tools. The finish? Smooth, weightless, and workable hair. I also use it without heat on clients instead of hairspray at the roots for a bit of LIFT

Hair Oil This styling oil helps smooth out frizz, adds shine, and hides the signs of damage while softening texture. A blend of 8 essential oils does wonders for parched or frizzy areas when worked through hair ? damp or dry. It?s quite luscious. Click this page to find links to HAIRSTORY if you'd like to try out their products for yourself. Makeup for this story; FACE Stockholm, FACEXHARRIS for a 15% discount



Photo Creds: Tina Pirozzoli Photography



BE | In spir ed 69

Fall is a season and NOT a color. As a matter of fact, every holiday and season are in themselves separate from their traditional colors that seem to define them. If you consider 'yourself' the celebration you are apt to allow yourself to define the occasion you are celebrating and feel free enough to wear what you choose. Trends will become less of a focal point but more of only a guide in your fashion flair. YOU ARE IN SEASON so decide what you like and invite others to also by encouraging them and complimenting them. This year I decided to splurge on red lipstick. Even as a sahm (stay at home mom) in the education field I celebrate me more than I celebrate what I do. I enjoy wholeheartedly what I do but what I do is because of who I am. The core of who I am in my identity because I am fearfully and wonderfully made celebrating life in red this season. My top choice did not come easy as I had some great iconic shades to choose from. I still may have a few more to pick up but only if I can get them in a mini. It was between Pat McGrath Elson and Lisa Eldrige in Velvet Ribbon. Velvet Ribbon won first place ribbon. This is a matte lipstick with full coverage and a powerful pop of pigment in one swipe. Matte but not drying; actually, moisturizing and protective lip barrier feel. I was shocked I didn't feel like I was wearing a full coverage matte. The formula is amazing.

WRITER Tina Pirozzoli INSPIRE 2022

As quickly as summer high-tailed it out of here I will not be surprised that those cold days will be pouncing upon us. My sensitive skin is keeping a rein in the flexibility it usually allows me to experiment with, so I have only ventured out on a few lines as I have had to stay close to what I know recently. I wanted to play with products that focused on 'glass skin'. Peach & Lilly translucent serum takes the cake for that perfect effect of skin looking like glass.

Mad Hippie was like revisiting an old friend. Ya' know those friends you see after years, and they haven't aged? Well, Mad Hippie was just like I remembered but with new products. So, the product that blew me away was the overnight peel. My face peeled for 2 days, and I was left with a 'bare skin' texture I hadn't felt before. Mad Hippie offers a great line-up of full skin care products for all skin types. As I am writing this edit, I am still recovering from having the flu for almost 10 days. The brutal onset is lingering with a great loss of appetite. I know keeping up my immunity will be crucial this winter and so for the best possible defense I can guard my system with is Liquid herbs from Herb Pharm. Check out my bio over on Instagram as this is one company worth bragging about and partnering with. I completely stand by this B corporation and highly recommend looking into them to support your well-being lifestyle. Echinacea and lemon water have been my bff during this fight to health. And for my final beauty and fashion splurge there are the pair TangledSilverMagazine.com

BE | In spir ed


of pink patent leather link lug loafers (what a mouthful or shoe-ful, I should say) that are en route as I write, and Robin publishes. You will have to wait for the review of the Guess shoes when they come. I may have ordered them in my deliria. I must have ordered them in my sleep. I don't recall. Gosh, I hope they fit. Last year, I waited too long and didn't order a pair of lug sole loafers and this year I decided to jump on a sale early. I am trading in three pairs of shoes that don't seem to offer the stability I need especially when my balance is compromised by my vestibular system and vertigo hits. I have been out of high heels for so long I have no desire to return to them at all so I will find comfortable and funky shoes to gallivant in or just teach in. Dr. Madison; the vertigo doctor; is where I follow for advice and education. She looks like she is 15 but she is older. She is a Vestibular Physical Therapist. Great page!!

Do Not Delay Your Crown. Psalm 103 (*4) Grey I am Grace He gives Grit we live Tina #donotdelayyourcrown

@grey.grace.andgrit Cosmetologist & Conversationalist, Photographer and our own Beauty Editor.



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Leah Rachel welcomes your questions to help you find your optimum health balance. She's sharing her advice, but in no way is giving you specific direction regarding your health choices. Please consult your Doctor or other health specialist before making nay adjustments to your lifestyle.

Q. Any t hought s on how t o keep t he wint er gain down? I always seem t o gain about 10 -15 pounds t his t ime of year. ~ Gina R A. Without knowing your regular exercise routine or your diet, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of your winter weight gain. While the cold months do encourage more frequent comfortable cuddles with your warm pillows and blankets, it's also possible your diet might include more comfort foods. I recommend drinking as much water as possible and sticking to a healthy diet filled with fruits and vegetables. Soups are a way to include these nutrients while providing a warm meal simultaneously. Avoid holiday sugar-filled foods as much as TangledSilverMagazine.com

possible and refrain from too much alcohol. Holidays can be celebrated equally without gluttony. Stick to a regular workout schedule and you should be able to have some level of control over seasonal weight gain. Q. Any recommendat ions for at -home workout programs or apps since we can't get out side as much now? ~ Regan T A. There are many workout videos online you can do in the comfort of your own home. Try a new yoga or tai chi workout to mix things up a bit. You might even find something that you never imagined could capture your interest. One of the main things to keep in mind is that stretching keeps muscles supple. This doesn't exclude the need for strength training, but in a pinch or lack of ability to do any type of full workout, stretching will go a long way in protecting the function of joint movement and musculature. I always recommend getting outside as much as possible. Fresh air is great for the lungs, and a brisk walk in crisp cool air can clear your mind and elevate your mood.

BE | In spir ed 79 There are many new workout apps available now, but I can't name one specifically to try. Keeping track of your target heart rate when doing aerobic exercise will ensure you are working most efficiently. Any weight training app should include some sort of schedule and target every muscle throughout the week.

musculature, you must consume more protein and fewer carbohydrates. If you keep in mind the work-to-rest ratio, eat more protein and change your routine occasionally, you should notice more positive changes.

Contributor Meet & Greet

Q. I'm working out almost daily, yet I don't feel like I'm making much progress t o get t oned up. Someone said I might be exercising t oo much and not giving my muscles t ime t o heal. ~ Merri G.

Leah | Texas

A. Often we get into a routine that over time does not reflect any gains. Even though the consistency of your Age workout 55 is great and illustrates self-discipline, self-care, and Medical Specialist, dedication, it isExercise also important to Group Fitness Instructor give your body a rest. The most efficient way to put these two concepts together is to switch Heading my again. next adventure your routine into now and in Texas and the TS Mag Change things by joining incorporating f amily. went silver back different or Inew exercises, dropbef ore there were communities to sets, supersets, etc. There are support women embracing many ways to train; however, it istheir also important to grays. give your body at least 2 days per week to rest and rebuild muscle.

Summer bodies are made in the Winter

Overworking can lead to injury, Silver Sinceand 2011 problems from overuse, less efficient progress. Additionally, it's important to know that protein builds muscle. What this means is that if you want bigger or more prominent INSPIRE 2022

Tangled Silver Magazine believes t hat age and experience are beaut iful t hings. We believe women embracing t heir nat ural selves should be celebrat ed. We believe our daught ers and granddaught ers should be t aught early on t o t ap int o t heir creat ivit y wit h wild passion. We believe t hat silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re let t ing yourself go. We believe friendships are import ant . We believe sist ers connect ing t oget her over shared passions is joyful. We believe aging gracefully looks different for every woman and t here is no right or wrong way along t he journey. We believe in encouragement . We believe t hat embracing your silvers goes far beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a st ory t o share. We believe t hat everyday is a gift . We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. We believe t hat posit ive self-t alk is not only essent ial for our happiness, but for t he girls and young women around us who are developing t heir underst anding of beaut y and self-confidence. We believe grey hair does not equat e old age. We believe you are never t oo young or t oo old t o st art embracing your nat ural hair. We believe it is t ime t o end t he st igma surrounding grey hair and t o celebrat e who we are inst ead. We believe t hat support ing ot her women in t heir journey t o accept ance and aut hent icit y is of t he ut most import ance. We believe our encouragement and love for one anot her online is leading t o more posit ive and product ive social media experiences for women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring t hose around us t o do t he same.



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