Tangled Silver Magazine - Journey 2023

Page 29



THOUGHTS... I wear SPF t reat ed hat s, t ypically st raw or weaved hat s, most ly cowboy st yle during t he summer, but not much during t he wint er mont hs unless I'm skiing. Michele D. To hat or not t o hat ; HAT always! Robyn G. I've worn my cowboy hat t hat has an SPF lining every t ime I'm out doors since I bought it . Sun's fading her beaut iful chocolat e shade, but my sassy silvers are prot ect ed. Robin S. Not a fan of hat s, but I'll wear a bandanna or wrap wit h my hair pulled up if I'm going t o be out side for awhile. Nina L. I love hat s, but t hey don't prot ect t he lengt h of my hair from t he sun as my hair is almost t o my t ush! I braid it and t ry t o keep as much under t he hat rim as possible t hough. I'd love any t ips for prot ect ing t he lengt h! Rebecca M.


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