GPS Annual Report | 2016-17

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Mission Statement Girls Preparatory School inspires each girl to lead a life of integrity and purpose by engaging her mind, cultivating her strengths, and nurturing her self-confidence and respect for others.

Dr. Autumn A. Graves Head of School Jenise Gordon Head of Upper School Lynne Macziewski Head of Middle School Angela Johnson Assistant Head of School for Advancement Elaine Milazzo Director of Innovation and Teacher Engagement Daniel Millbank Director of Educational Technology & Information Systems Bilda Small Director of Strategic Communications & Marketing Mark Vosskamp Chief Financial Officer Jay Watts Director of Athletics Debbie Bohner Young ’79 Director of Admission

TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 // Cornerstone Society

35 // Young Alumnae Leadership Society

12 // Giving Societies for Impact Fund

38 // Corporations, Foundations, & Matching Gifts

16 // GPS Finances at a Glance

39 // GPS Faculty & Staff

20 // Giving Circle Members

40 // GPS Parents & Grandparents

28 // Alum Giving by Class

44 // Gifts in Honor & Memory


2016-17 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Christine Benz Smith, Ph.D. ’72 Holly Lynch Harwell ’84 Claire Hunt McVay ’87 Bradley B. (Brad) Cobb Danna Bailey ’89 Kerri Martin Bartlett ’75 Charlie Brock Betsy Blunt Brown ’92 Blair Bennington Cannon ’93 The Honorable Marie Williams Cleary ’70 Melissa Woodall Curtis ’85 Johnel Angel Evans ’92 Elizabeth Bright Graham ’77 Jane W. Kline Nathan Carter Newbold, IV Michelle Ruest *Term ended October 2016

HEAD OF SCHOOL: DR. AUTUMN A. GRAVES Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Rebecca Stimson, Ph.D. ’73 Mary P. Tanner, Ph.D. Rob Taylor* Amy Thomas Kirk Walker* Clay Watson Mary Moncure Watson ’74 Thad Whitfield Randy Wilson Ex-Officio Trustee: Dr. Autumn A. Graves, Head of School

THE YEAR OF LOVE. You may have seen the phrase on our school banners or on a sticker on a student’s laptop. And you may have wondered—what does that mean? There is no way to deny our world is in conflict. In preparing for the 2016-17 year, as I thought of ways to support and equip our girls to engage and contribute to this world in positive ways, I was struck with the thought that only love can make us strong enough to thrive during turbulent times. Love gives us purpose and makes us stronger. Love generates hope.


I met with the leadership team of the senior class, and they committed to lead with love during the 2016-17 school year. To them that meant encouraging their classmates, checking in with each other more, smiling often, and making an extra effort as Cats to be kind to their Rats. They used the phrase: Covering each other with love. I think you’ll agree that they understood the wonderful, uplifting power of love.

Throughout the year, GPS administrators, faculty, and staff sought out opportunities to show our girls they were loved. Our deans listened to all sides of the story when trying to resolve conflicts. When there were instances of “unkind” behavior, they involved the girls in problem-solving and community-building. When a student needed additional support, our teachers partnered with the newly formed Support Services team to provide additional learning or counseling assistance. A special series on civil civic discourse taught students how to engage in productive and respectful discussions, even when they didn’t agree on the issues. Our goal was to show them that demonstrating love can lead to actions that can evoke real and positive changes. There are many other GPS accomplishments I could share, such as our new Makerspace, which gives girls and teachers an additional learning lab with easy access to a 3-D printer, or the move of the Cadek Conservatory of Music to our campus, bringing with it new families who have become part of our community. GPS also hosted Dr. Michael Gurian’s parent workshop on how girls learn, attended by more than 500 parents from the greater Chattanooga area. During the spring, MBD took a bold step in launching MBD: Girl Edition, where dozens of girls participated in the 24Hour Generator and pitch session and a Girls’ Marketplace. The momentum then continued to the summer where 12 girls from six public and private schools participated in the course Chattanooga as Text for placemaking and uncovering and solving community problems as social entrepreneurs. In the middle spread of this report, you will see listed many of the great accomplishments of our students in the realm of academics, athletics, community outreach, and more. GPS girls are truly amazing, but what I believe is even more impressive is their ability to love. So, we thank you. You may have shared your treasure with us this year or shown your appreciation to our teachers by providing cookies to celebrate the holidays, or volunteered at one of our events. All of these expressions of love are appreciated as they encourage, affirm, and empower us to continue this great work on behalf of our girls. Here’s to the Girls,




WE WANT TO THANK EVERYONE in the GPS community for their support over the past year. At Girls Preparatory School, we pride ourselves on developing the social, emotional, and academic talents of each and every GPS girl—and your generous contributions of time, talent, and treasure helped make our work possible. You continue to demonstrate to our girls, our faculty, and the greater community the value of a GPS education and the value that a GPS girl can and will bring to our community. With your support and the help of a strong volunteer team of alumnae, parents, and friends, we achieved our goal of raising $1 million for the Impact Fund, continuing a consecutive three-year trend. In addition to reaching this milestone, we increased giving from key constituencies, including alumnae, current and past parents, foundations, and corporations. The advancement team, under the leadership of Angela Johnson, focused on increased outreach and “friend-raising” to help build and improve relationships with all of our supporters. We launched a new signature fundraising event to help support GPS and the Impact Fund called Bruiser Bee. Bruiser Bee is a night of food and drinks with live entertainment: an adult team spelling competition. Alumnae, parents, and friends came out to show their support for GPS and their favorite spelling team, all while helping to raise money for students to attend GPS. Read more about it on page 46 of this report. Your contributions, time, and efforts enable GPS to carry on its legacy of preparing girls with a world-class education. On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff impacted by your contributions, we thank you for your commitment to the school and our girls! Sincerely,

Claire Hunt McVay ’87


Betsey Evans Kates ’97


The Cornerstone Society Established in 1992, the GPS Cornerstone Society consists of devoted GPS alumnae, parents, and friends who want to ensure the school’s success for the future. Members of this invaluable society have named GPS in their wills or have included the school as a beneficiary in their estate plans. CLASS OF 1950 Dugan Coughlan Davis +

CLASS OF 1921 Jenny Spears Welch +

CLASS OF 1951 Elizabeth Lupton Davenport + Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Stephens (Estes Carter)

CLASS OF 1922 Martha Bachman McCoy + CLASS OF 1925 Dorcas H. McDonald + Sally Reahard + CLASS OF 1926 Mary McCallie Ware +

CLASS OF 1929 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker + (Sarah Houston) CLASS OF 1931 Lucile Reisman Rosenbaum + CLASS OF 1933 Betty Miller Shealy + CLASS OF 1934 Mary Elizabeth Smith +

CLASS OF 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nixon + (Anne Hixson) CLASS OF 1940 Josephine Houston Bishop + Dorothy Tharpe Peerson +

CLASS OF 1947 Mr. and Mrs. Lew Boyd (Ann Cullom) CLASS OF 1948 Frances Street Smith CLASS OF 1949 Anonymous (1) Margaret Wheland Cate 10

CLASS OF 1957 Gail Bryan CLASS OF 1958 Marilyn Sherman Center Jane Aiken Dowden Betty Sue Ayers Farmer + Ann Gayle Norvell + Katherine Dickinson Paty + CLASS OF 1960 Anonymous (1) Martha Swingle Carriger Anne Austin Donnovin Charlotte Fox Janet Parks Deedee Driver Raulston Wendy Wehrmann Taliaferro CLASS OF 1961 Anonymous (1) Nancy Auer Frances Ann Estes Klamon Fontaine Patten Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Taylor (Sally Smartt) CLASS OF 1962 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Soileau (Rebecca Evans) CLASS OF 1963 Martha Phillips Rutherford Marilyn Johnson Sutterlin

CLASS OF 1988 Koren Gaines-Hoover

CLASS OF 1967 Charlene Cook + Helen McCallie CLASS OF 1968 Lucinda Gibson CLASS OF 1969 Corinne Anderson Adams Margaret Churchwell Card + Laura Leach Judy Willett Meadows CLASS OF 1971 Betsy Bates Pollinger CLASS OF 1972 Christine Benz Smith Gloria Murray Smith CLASS OF 1973 Ann Blake Dr. and Mrs. Doug Graydon (Linda Robinson) CLASS OF 1974 Jeanne Scanland Mary Moncure Watson CLASS OF 1975 Lavinia Johnston Maria Kain Matthews CLASS OF 1977 Nini Davenport CLASS OF 1978 Alicia Lewis Manning CLASS OF 1979 Mary Shepherd Bowen + Lyn Harris Carol Killebrew Holly Reeve CLASS OF 1982 Martha Holt Reisner Dana Rogers

CLASS OF 1991 Mr. and Mrs. T. Clayton Watson (April Hughes) CLASS OF 1993 Margaret Cleary Dean

“Being a GPS girl means your word is taken as truth. The character instilled here extends far beyond your years as a student here.” —Phoebe Warren ’17, Honor Council President

CLASS OF 1997 Kimberly Pettyjohn

FRIENDS OF GPS Anonymous (7) Lillian B. Baker + Robert H. Caldwell Jody and Robert Clark Linda and Russell Friberg Cindy and David Garvey Lowell H. Greene + C. Ben Harnsberger + Jane and Henry Henegar Richard H. Houck + W. Frank Hutcheson + John G. Kain IV + Helen W. McCravey + Suzanne and Glenn Morris Lois Moyer + William E. Ragland, III + Catherine G. Reilly + Michelle C. Ruest Hillary and Ross I. Schram M. B. Seretean + Mary Hannah Tucker + Stanley R. Tucker, Jr. + Terri Tucker Theodore Wachs + Silas Williams, Jr. + Jo Ann Yates

“Being a GPS girl puts me in the company of girls who do something not because of how it will look but because they care to do things well.” —Delaney Swann ’17, class officer and varsity athlete

“I realize that I can do this. I have the confidence now that I can follow through.” —Jamisha Dunigan ’18, varsity athlete

“I have learned that true respect is mutually shared. I am an equal with those I tutor; I just need help in different ways.” —Meg Marshall ’18, Partnership in Community class representative

+ deceased


CLASS OF 1944 Maddin Lupton McCallie +

CLASS OF 1954 Judith Finley Stone +

CLASS OF 1966 Marian McCamy Phillips Helen Reed Wiley


CLASS OF 1936 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gaither + (Mary Fowler) Elizabeth Brown Milne +

CLASS OF 1953 Jane Keese Ragland +

CLASS OF 1983 Dr. and Mrs. James R. Barber (Tammy Evans)


CLASS OF 1927 Martha McBroom Shipman +

CLASS OF 1952 Georgia A. McIlwaine + Marianne Thomas Ozmer + Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stalker (Debby Brown)

CLASS OF 1964 Lynn Miller Hodge Cherie Muerth

INTEGRITY, PURPOSE, CONFIDENCE, and RESPECT are at the heart of what we do. These values define each girl at GPS and, furthermore, show the many facets of a GPS girl.


CLASS OF 1919 Mary Ellen Thompson +


A Lifelong IMPACT Girls Preparatory School impacts a wide swath of the community—from students, parents, and grandparents to alumnae and employees. Betsy Chisholm Silberman ’63 has moved with grace, compassion, and selflessness through nearly all of these roles.

INTEGRITY “My faith is very important to me and brings the desire to act with integrity,” Silberman says. “I see GPS building integrity in young women through the honor code, traditions, and strong relationships among students and faculty.”


n 1979, when thenheadmaster Dr. Nat Hughes looked for someone to fill a role in alumnae relations, Betsy Silberman and her mother, Martha Chisolm ’40, shared the position, with Silberman spearheading connections with younger alumnae and her mother with the older graduates.

Susan Butterfield Brooks ‘63 and Betsy Chisolm Silberman ‘63 catch up on campus.

What started as a patched-together position blossomed into much more—a lifetime commitment to sharing and connecting with others. Silberman, in her nearly 30 years on GPS staff, developed a young graduates group. She helped start the Founders Club and Visions, an event with both an alumna and parent chair that transformed from a luncheon to a gala during its tenure. Silberman, a true relationship initiator, served many roles within alumnae and development, strategically recruiting community members to contribute. Her spirit of integrity and compassion for others shines through her legacy at GPS— she always made a point to make requests in person and make volunteer opportunities engaging. “I like to see volunteers energized, doing something fun,” Silberman says. “That was my theory—make it fun— because it energized me too. It’s that energy I miss the most about working there.” Today as Silberman walks the halls, students, faculty, and staff all greet her, a testament to her wide web of community connections—and her sense of empathy and love for others around her. She reminisces about her favorite teachers, remarks on Chef Tom’s creations in the dining


hall, and catches up with daughters, granddaughters, and nieces of friends and classmates.

A FOUNDATION OF LEARNING Silberman, while now retired, is a lifelong learner. Over the years she’s taken psychology courses, learned to row on the river, and taken up painting watercolors with former GPS staff member Liz Klinefelter. “I’ve always had an interest in people and the way they work,” Silberman says. And that passion likely started while she was a student at GPS. Silberman was voted most popular, with her photo gracing many pages of her senior yearbook, and that connection with others still persists today. Silberman jokes that while she participated in many class activities while she was a student, what stands out the most are her classmates and the bond they shared in the all-girls’ learning environment. “GPS gave us such a strong foundation of learning to speak well and stand on our own feet,” Silberman says. “I felt empowered to go to an all-girls school, and I carried the lessons I learned at GPS throughout college, into my first career as a high school psychology teacher, and then into my position at GPS.”

COMING FULL CIRCLE Giving to GPS has been a major part of Silberman’s life—from her time as the daughter of an alumna, a student, an alumna herself, a parent to alumna Catherine Silberman Leckenby ’89, and finally an employee. She still volunteers

today, contributing to key events such as Bruiser Bee, supporting her upcoming 55th class reunion, and attending the Founders Club luncheons that she and her mother started years ago. Her personal integrity sets an incredible example for the GPS community, among her peers in the Class of 1963 to current students, one of whom will receive the annual award named after Silberman. All of Silberman’s efforts have furthered the legacy of learning at GPS—connecting parents and alumnae through Visions, establishing a senior alumnae advisory, and strengthening relationships among alumnae. “GPS has had a profound effect on me,” Silberman says. “While I’ve made new friends, I have certainly kept the friends I made here. This place made me who I am today, and I believe GPS is still having that impact on girls.”

HONORING A WOMAN OF INTEGRITY In 2008, the Parent Council honored Silberman’s legacy of caring and compassion with an endowed gift in the form of an annual student award. The Betsy Chisolm Silberman award is given to a member of the senior class who exemplifies Silberman’s qualities—a true servant-leader who never seeks recognition for herself, and who always shows empathy and concern for others’ perspectives as she inspires those around her to follow her sterling example. 13

Giving Societies THE CREST CLUB ($50,000+) Anonymous (1) Charlene Cook ’67 + Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Ann ’63 and Johnny Johnson Lavinia Johnston ’75 M & M Industries, Inc. Suzanne and Glenn Morris THE RING SOCIETY ($25,000 TO $49,999) Kerri ’75 and Richard Bartlett Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga Nini ’77 and Elliott Davenport Butch and Olan Mills The Generosity Trust TSWII Management Company BENEFACTORS CIRCLE ($10,000 TO $24,999) Anita & Julian Saul Foundation, Inc. Bessemer Trust Fletcher Bright Karen ’67 and Tom Buckner Betsy ’98 and Ben Cake Charlotte Caldwell ’01 Lewie Card Laurel Carney ’79 and Dave Cameron Margaret Cate ’49 John Chapin Carole Clark Courtney ’87 and Brad Cobb Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Tee Conroy ’71 Amy ’71 and Fred Decosimo Rachel ’94 and Christopher Farris Charlotte Fox ’60 Jody and Ken Jackson Jane and Lowry Kline Lauren Lorberbaum ’04 and Sean Donohue Sharon Mills ’65 Charlie Monroe Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Kate ’95 and Lindsay Nevin Andrea Saul ’00 14

Anita and Julian Saul Chris ’72 and Trip Smith Gloria ’72 and Randy Smith The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Coca-Cola Company Matching Gift Program Unum Weldon F. Osborne Foundation, Inc. Willard and Ruth Johnson Charitable Foundation FOUNDERS SOCIETY ($5,000 TO $9,999) Anonymous (1) Danna Bailey ’89 Jenny and Vance Bell Katherine Betts ’76 Sally and Cliff Betts ++ Barbara Blake Pam and Nelson Bowers Anne ’78 and George Bright Joan ’78 + and Michael Brown Lisa and Tony Brown Rachel ’96 and Brian Cohen Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia Angie ’78 and Pat Conroy Phyllis and Drew Haskins Lynn Hodge ’64 Kay Kendall ’62 and Jack Davies Kerfoot Investments LLC Sandra and Randy Kerfoot Jennifer and Will Kline Pat Knox-Hudson ’54 and Jim Hudson Mary Katherine Lawrence ’74 and Art Klose Laura Leach ’69 and Rich Lawrence Marsh & McLennan Companies Matching Gift Program Allison ’88 and Kincaid Mills Jack Milne RIE Investments, LLC Winnie Robinson ’55 Michelle Ruest and Dick Gossett Lorie ’81 and Bill Runge Schwab Charitable Becca Stimson ’73 and Tom Jenkins Cindy Stone ’82 Ann Swafford ’66 The Daniel Ashley & Irene Houston Jewell Memorial Foundation

The Davies Foundation Jan and Ben Vance Vanguard Charitable Verizon Foundation Patsi and Kirk Walker Debbie and David Watson Karen and Miller Welborn Anne Williams ’64 Sheri ’67 and Bob Wood BLACK BOW SOCIETY ($2,500 TO $4,999) Anonymous (1) Betsy Anderson ’46 BBC Foundation Caroline ’83 and Larry Bentley Lisa and Charlie Brock Donna and Kirk Brody Kim and Eric Brown Bob Caldwell Marie ’70 and Jeff Cleary Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Vicki Corbett Susan ’70 and Robert Cotter Sally ’76 and Ward Crimmins Ashley ’97 and Ward Davenport Laurie and Jason Eck Barbara ’67 and James Eustis Joan ’60 and Dan Frierson Lucinda Gibson ’68 Autumn and Vann Graves Lyn Harris ’79 Holly ’84 and Marc Harwell Ruth Holmberg + Angela Johnson Jenny and Hamp Johnston JPMorgan Chase Foundation Karen Kendall ’74 Klamon Family Foundation, Inc. Ann Estes ’61 and Larry Klamon Betty and Charles Lebovitz Pat ’69 and David Martin Martha McCravey ’67 Susie and Scott McGinness Jan ’85 and Kevin McGregor Mountain View Ford Lincoln Willson ’91 and David Overend Betsy ’60 + and White Patton Porter Charitable Foundation

Marcy Porter SANOFI Rachel Savage and Don Ritzhaupt Michelle and Jimmy Scotchie Frances ’48 and Gordon Smith + Mary Tanner and Homer Kemp Betsy ’88 and Brent Taylor Amy and Jamie Thomas Dori ’99 and Blake Waller Katie and Bill Warren April ’91 and Clay Watson Mary ’74 and Tom Watson Bronwyn ’74 and Ronald West Beth ’76 and Tom White Carol and Thad Whitfield 1906 MEMBER ($1,906 TO $2,499) Anonymous (1) Brandi Andrews ’07 Amy and Ted Arrowsmith Ashley Averett ’95 Hazel ’77 and Mitchell Bell Terri and Tiku Bhutwala Emily ’01 and Jonathan Byrd Meg ’99 and Brandon Cannon Marilyn ’58 and Mort Center Christy Charman ’77 Chattanooga Shooting Supplies, Inc. Tammy Combs Leland Davenport ’55 Sally and Buddy Faulkner First Tennessee Bank Linda and Russell Friberg Lizzer ’77 and Scott Graham Amber ’86 and Tom Hamby Kay Hutcheson ’79 Margaret Jan ’87 and Alex Chi Jonnie Sue and Bob Lyons Kitty Maclellan Maria ’75 and Dennis Matthews Jennifer and Jay Mills Shelby ’72 and Carrington Montague National Philanthropic Trust Mollie Nelson ’60 Missy Phillips ’66 Reggie Sherrill The Maclellan Family Foundation Vanessa and Madison Torrence Mark and Kim Vosskamp Mary Leland Wilde ’85

CENTENNIAL CLUB ($1,000 TO $1,905) Anonymous (2) Corinne ’69 and Jeff Adams Lorraine Aiken Debbie and David Anderson Tenley ’98 and Nick Armstrong Tiffany ’93 and Keith Askew Associates in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery PC Bagho, LLC Lee ’81 and Ross Ballenger Maggie ’97 and Jamie Barrie Karen ’78 and Mike Blount Bristol-Myers Squibb Matching Gift Program Dottie ’65 and Frank Brock Kim and Marshall Brock Meg ’79 and Oscar Brock Susan ’63 and Mike Brooks Carol Browder ’52 Karen ’72 and Richard Burns Sarah and Lee Burns Barbara ’67 and Peyton Bush Amy ’02 and William Campbell Allison ’89 and Jay Carroll Celeste Center ’86 Susan ’67 and Robert Chandler Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation Sally ’47 and Brad Currey Camille ’91 and John Arthur Daniel Kitty ’75 and Jim Delany Barbara and George Edwards Kathy ’46 and George Edwards Stacy and Kyle Eiselstein Connelly ’59 and Bill Ensign Joy and Chad Eslinger Johnel ’92 and Dan Evans Ann ’92 and Jason Farmer Laura ’90 and Rob Ferguson Cindy and David Garvey Leah Gerbitz ’87 Brenda and Jeff Hamn Helene and Tommy Hamn Carolyn and Ray Harlin Sarah and Tommy Hayes Healthcare Business Specialists, LLC Ann and Tom Heys Lynne and Russell Hill Marian ’85 and Mike Hoffman Katherine Holland ’45 L. J. ’54 and Bob Huffaker Natalie and Rob Huffaker IBM Matching Gift Program

Ginger ’77 and Jim Kachline Cathie Kasch ’72 Betsey ’97 and Tom Kates Sendil Krishnan Martha Law ’33 + Rebecca and Todd Levin Daisy and Esteban Lim Susie ’76 and Mark Lynn Melissa and Bob Magill Mary Lynn ’57 and Johnny Majors Angela McAllister ’92 Claire ’87 and Wyatt McVay MICO Foundation, Inc. Microsoft Matching Gift Program Amanda ’94 and Aon Miller Donna and Marshal Mize Lucas Monroe Barbara Moore ’50 Mary ’67 and Ted Moore Hilda ’72 and Lee Murray Alice and Billy Oehmig Margy Oehmig ’72 Marian Oehmig ’62 Ashley ’99 and Robert Palmer Peggy Parker ’67 Mimi ’80 and Bailey Patrick Raymond James Charitable Trust Ashley ’95 and Jamie Reaves Adrienne ’50 and Buddy Rhodes Francisco Rodriguez Valerie ’77 and Ray Russenberger SAGE Dining Services, Inc. Shell Oil Matching Gift Program Lynn ’93 and Jason Shelton Fern and James Shire Shire Facial Plastic Surgery Suzanne Smartt Margaret ’62 and Lanty Smith Mary Stanley ’94 and Scott Grant Lane ’87 and Anthony Steele The Hand Foundation The US Charitable Gift Trust Patty ’67 and James Thomas Patrika ’92 and Robert Tsai Betsy ’57 and Charlie Tuller Courtney ’95 and William Valentine Anne and Mike Warren Ralston Wells Caroline and Nelson Williams Mary ’68 and Lex Williamson Patricia and Joe Wilson Angie ’88 and Gary Wood Debbie ’79 and Carter Young Kerry ’96 and John Yun Frances Zwenig ’63 15

SUSTAINER CLUB ($500 TO $999) Anonymous (3) Ann ’69 and William Aiken AMA Architects LLC Cynthia ’57 and Stephen Anderson Beth Backer ’90 Emily ’98 and Tim Bandeen Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mary Baxter Carol ’73 and John Beard Rowena Belcher ’73 Elizabeth Berman-Lovell ’94 and Martyn Lovell Lauren and Peter Boehm Mary Helen ’87 and Tom Bondurant Mary Bowen ’79 + Allyson Bowman ’84 Laura Catharine ’95 and Lee Brittain Susu ’74 and Paul Brock Betsy ’92 and Hugh Brown Emily ’94 and Chapman Brown Anne ’05 and Brian Burley Gayanne and Phil Burns Graham Burns ’57 Sherri and Jeff Burns Jenny ’77 and John Burritt Carla ’77 and Stuart Bush Katy ’98 and Ken Byers Capital Group Anne ’96 and Trey Carr Emmy ’53 and Allen Casey Sara ’78 and Keith Chambless Chattanooga Children’s Clinic Kelly and Shane Chittum Geraldine and Joe Connatser Coughlin ’88 and Jed Cooper Myra Creighton ’81 Mandy and Brandon Culpepper Melissa ’85 and Michael Curtis Betsy Dalgliesh ’68 Donna Dalton ’79 Susan ’81 and John Davenport DELRIO Margaret ’00 and Tillman Douglas Renita Eason ’98 Electronic Controls Elliott Davis Decosimo Kelley and David Elliott Emilie ’79 and Keith Evans Lisa and John Eyster First Tennessee Foundation Matching Gift Program Cristina and Radian Florea 16

Dominique and Paul Gable Darlene and Tom Glenn Faye and Arnold Godwin Jenise Gordon Kaky ’97 and Carter Grant Linda ’73 and Doug Graydon Emily ’68 and Roger Grimes Sara ’68 and Howard Hamilton Alice ’03 and James Harris Marian Harris ’55 Lina ’73 and Charles Hart HCA Caring for the Community Mary Margaret ’80 and David Heaton Milca Hernandez Alice ’93 and Robert Heywood Jamie Holstine ’08 Michal Howick ’03 Hilda ’81 and Marshall Jemison Kyoung-Hee and Gill Jeong Peggy Jones ’52 K :: A Boutique by Katherine Roberts Kameel Master Stitch, LLC Liz Kennedy ’05 Betsy and Gerry Kersey Kendra ’98 and John Kurylo Barbara Lammon Marti and Jess Langley Betsy ’61 and John Lapoint Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan, PLLC Leigh and Sam Linhoss Kerri ’98 and J. J. Lovegrove Alicia ’78 and Bill Manning LeaAnn and Bob Marshall Kelly and Bob Maxwell Anne McAllester ’76 Ann ’62 and Russell McAllister Tresa and Franklin McCallie Elizabeth McElroy ’83 Larkin ’99 and Richard McMillan Zara and Naveed Memon Elaine and Tory Milazzo Ginger Milligan ’65 Linda and Tony Mines Cate ’83 and Dan Mueller Jenny and Tripp Nash Paula and Steve Nicola Kirsta and Bo Oglesby Lynn ’65 and Pat Owings Christy Park ’87 and Christopher Aikens Janet Parks ’60 Jessica Parks ’71 and Ed Swindell Nancy and Ron Patch Carmen Patty ’08

Charlotte and John Paty Connie and Trey Paty Laura ’85 and Todd Pierce Shannon Pitner ’72 Janice and Dan Provine Upshur Puckette ’53 Carol and Patrick Quinn Anne ’65 and Millard Ramsey Renaissance Charitable Foundation Suzanne ’86 and Glenn Richey Jeff Rizer Lindsay Roberts ’74 and Rick Shepro Barbaranelle and Chris Rowe Margie and Charlie Rowland Nancy Rucker ’86 Julia Schaffeld ’02 Rebecca ’90 and Greg Scotchie Umbar Shah and Mohsin Ali Penny and Kenny Sholl Betsy ’63 and Toby Silberman Bilda and Frank Small Sissy ’66 and Lex Tarumianz Betty ’64 and Kory Teoman Martha Thatcher ’44 The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia The Winston-Salem Foundation Ellis ’05 and Stephen Thomas Carolyn Thompson ’61 Title Guaranty and Trust Company of Chattanooga Bina and Mike Todai Kathryn ’02 and Arch Trimble U.S. Xpress UBS Ginger and Jimmy Vaughn Jennifer Vickery ’88 and Patrick Frisch Virginia Milligan Family Foundation Penny and Jeff Wade Brenda and Barry Walston BLACK AND BLUE CLUB ($250 TO $499) Anonymous (1) Betsy ’06 and James Akins Jan and Skip Alexander Holly ’87 and Chase Ambler Bonnie ’87 and Henry Anderson Peter Arrowsmith Susan Ashley ’07 Lucena and Tom Ault Stephanie and Stephen Austin Linda and Ed Averett Sarah and Max Bahner

Karen Baker-Curtis ’87 and Tippy Curtis Bay Motor Products Christine and Chris Bertani Julie Brandao ’84 Polly Brooks ’84 Temple and Mike Brookshire Becky and Coy Browder Deanna ’02 and Stephen Brown Zane ’74 and Gregory Brown Bailey ’06 and Jonathon Bullard Mandy ’02 and Eric Burger Beth and Teddy Caldwell Margaret ’91 and Winston Caldwell Blair ’93 and Ed Cannon Sue and Morrow Chamberlain Shelton ’00 and Patrick Chambers Mary and Bill Cherry Cisco Systems, Inc. Laura ’91 and Jeff Clark Sallie Gray ’98 and Jason Clayton Mary Ann ’82 and Fred Clelland Joy Clements ’90 Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Iz Conroy ’04 Mary Carlie ’06 and Braun Corbitt Mitsy ’75 and Mike Costello Marie Crimmins ’47 Judy ’76 and Mark Cunningham Eve ’82 and Don Currin Jennifer Davis ’84 Taylor Dickinson ’10 Julie ’92 and Guy Dixon Jackie Dolin ’63 Joelle Doss ’94 Tracie ’80 and Dirk Durham Mandy and Brian Eftink Janelle and Tom Ellis Anne Exum Connie Farrar ’50 Stephanie and John Felker Ashley and Ricky Floyd Susan ’49 and Larry Fogo Kerry and David Foropoulos Whitney ’97 and John Fuller Jenn ’96 and Tim Garrett Betsy ’00 and Ryan Gentzler Georgia Health Foundation Katherine Giles ’96 Liz ’83 and Frank Grant Keating Griffiss ’56 Alexis ’89 and Erik Haakonsen Marcie and Will Haisten Tavenner Hall ’61

Pat and Bryan Harwell Headwaters Enterprises, Inc. Liz and Mac Hedges Amy ’02 and Jim Hinds Bucky Hughes ’50 Michelle and Deston Hutcherson Maggie ’97 and Carlton Jackson Molly ’90 and John Jamieson Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga Gin ’53 and Tad Johnston Anne-Marie ’02 and Jay Jolley Kate Juett ’69 Pat and Colin Kelley Diane and Troy Kemp Carol Killebrew ’79 and Tony Meyers Vickie and Larry King Starr Klein ’60 Karen ’61 and Ted Kromer Alyx Labbe ’14 Francine Labbe Doranne and Buddy Lane Lisa ’83 and Troy Layton LiquidPower Specialty Products, Inc. Karen and Eric Love Beth ’94 and John Luehrs Bea Lyons ’60 Meredith MacLean ’08 Mary Masingill Mandy and Tommy Massengale Paige and Michael Mathis Mary Ellen and Gary Mazo Janice McAfee ’57 Betsy ’65 and Robert McGroarty Sarah ’94 and Peter McGuigan Rebecca and Edward McIntire Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Jackie ’69 and Ralph Mohney Cannon ’69 and Rick Montague Mary Moon-Ballard ’76 and Arthur Ballard Fontaine Moore ’61 Lela Moore ’94 Ann ’81 and Larry Morgan Caroline ’80 and Hugh Morrow Amanda ’97 and Matt Moulthrop Adelaide ’87 and David Naumann Becca ’77 and Richard Ott Karen Pala ’05 Kris Palmquist ’64 Dedra and Lamar Partridge Charlotte ’62 and Tom Patrick Kathy ’59 and Bryan Patten Loretta and Ralph Pedigo

Tracey ’81 and Frank Peele Rickie and Charles Pierce Gail and Frank Pinchak Tina and James Player Rivers Powers ’99 Debra Prescott Helene Reisman ’66 Lauren ’03 and Grantland Rice Trish and Dick Rice Fluff ’90 and Atkins Roberts Lisa ’85 and Andy Robitshek Kristin and Bill Rogers Anne ’68 and Gabriel Rouquie Allison Sample Michele and Chris Sanborn Stacy ’01 and Andrew Sartoris Cathy ’71 and Tom Schulz Virginia Anne ’77 and Hugh Sharber Jennifer ’01 and Chad Sikes Starlet ’59 and Fred Speakman Leslie Spiegel ’89 and Kenneth Turnbull Mary ’87 and Jack Stansbury Estes ’51 and Gerry Stephens Sonya Stephens Tom Stimson Gaye Stone and Rex Rowell Jane ’64 and Kurt Strasser SunTrust Foundation Matching Gift Program Tanya and Steve Swann Julie and Rob Taylor Tennessee Wesleyan University Stephanie and Chris Thacker The Dixie Group, Inc. Kim and Jon Thorstenson Louise ’69 and Blanchard Tual Virna and Mark Tucker Sarah ’08 and Joel Varnedoe Lauri ’85 and Jim Waggoner Sunny ’71 and Richard Wagner Kakhi ’02 and Michael Wakefield Paige ’95 and Stephen Wallace Shannon and John Walters Elder ’63 and Stan Wellborn Amanda Wheelock ’09 Angie and Robbie Williams Ashley ’99 and Brian Williams Huegette and Richard Williams Katherine ’92 and Jay Williams Amanda and David Wills Suzanne and David Winchester Ann ’51 and John Woody Mary Alice ’66 and Jim Wyatt Mandy and Chad Young 17





What a wonderful year of learning and love! During my first full school year with GPS, I had the pleasure of experiencing firsthand the deep love and commitment each of you holds for GPS and our girls. The powerful impact of your investments in every aspect of school life for students, teachers, and programs inspired and affirmed the new name for annual support— Impact Fund. Your contributions of time, talent, and treasure supported our efforts to inspire each of our girls to reach her full potential. To emphasize the impact of GPS, we focused throughout the year on highlighting the qualities that GPS helps to instill in every girl who has passed through our halls—integrity, purpose, selfconfidence, and respect for others. Whether she is out in the workforce, in the community, or still in the classroom, we know these qualities developed during her time at GPS will have an enduring impact on her life.

$31,449 Arts & Humanities $2,765

With heartfelt gratitude,


Other Revenue

(After subtracting financial aid)

$1,014,719 Fundraising


$14,636,920 TOTAL REVENUE

$7,896 Faculty & Staff $83,576 Financial Aid $11,760 Technology

In this annual report, four women from our community—alumnae, parents, former staff, and volunteers—share their experiences of what they believe it means to be a GPS girl. In each of these stories, they share what they feel they have gained from GPS and why they feel it is vital to continue supporting the work of the school today. Their contributions mirror the strong foundation of support we receive from you, our constituents, through your giving to the Impact Fund, endowments, events, and more. I hope you find the stories told and generosity shown throughout this report as inspiring as I have! Thank you for every dollar raised and donated and every hour spent volunteering for our girls! Every gift you make helps to ensure our ability to impact the lives and experiences of each and every GPS girl. With your support, we’re able to continue our strong legacy of preparing girls to lead lives filled with purpose, integrity, self-confidence, and respect for others.



$875,297 Area of Greatest Need

$572,300 $614,552

Debt Service

Food Service $1,911,211


Facilities & Transportation

$1,012,744 Impact Fund

Contributions by Family of Funds

Salaries & Benefits





$131,969 Athletics $512,985 Academics

Angela Johnson Assistant Head of School for Advancement 18

*These numbers are pulled using preliminary, unaudited figures. 19

A COMMITMENT to Education

ROOTED IN CARING Johnson fondly recalls her days in Chattanooga at Girls Preparatory School, remembering the institution as a place full of caring people and kind classmates. “Our teachers consistently supported us and insisted we learn what was necessary to move forward,” Johnson says. “They were wonderfully kind people.” Johnson says she stays in touch with a number of her classmates from GPS. They effortlessly catch up no matter where they’ve left off or how long it’s been. “When I run into my classmates, even if it’s been 20 years since we’ve seen each other, it feels like it was just yesterday,” Johnson says. “They’re all down-to-earth, quality people. Everyone in this community accepts you for who you are and is so interested in how you’re doing in the moment. It’s so fun to keep in touch with GPS alumnae.” After continuing her education at Vanderbilt University, Johnson pursued a career in special education and continues that work today. As a certified academic language therapist, she specializes in teaching children who have speech disabilities, with a focus on dyslexia. “I taught children with dyslexia for more than 15 years,” Johnson says. She also worked in charter schools, helping students reach appropriate reading levels.

Ann ‘63 and John Johnson at their home in Houston.

For one Class of 1963 alumna and her husband, their commitment to service is lived out through their dedication and support of education. 20


y parents always told us education was the most important thing,” says Ann Johnson ’63. And it’s obvious that mission lives on in both Ann and her husband, John. The Houston residents have made supporting education a priority throughout their lives in myriad ways, from contributing to their alma maters, serving on boards, and, most notably, advising and guiding nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving the well-being of others. Through Ann and John’s sense of purpose and caring for their classmates, they’re helping others make the same connections—from promoting access to charter schools to serving on the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and contributing to an endowed scholarship fund. They’re lifelong philanthropists dedicated to improving the lives of those around them.

“As a tutor, I use my ability to teach reading for a range of

students, including those who are learning English as a second language or struggling to read at grade level,” she says. Both Ann and John Johnson were integral to starting two charter schools in Houston, including the KIPP and YES schools. Now they’re involved with the Purpose Built Community’s Connect Community Campus, a partnership aimed at improving the quality of life for people in a particular area. These communities, modeled after East Lake in the Atlanta area, provide aligned education, literacy, and career, plus spiritual health and wellness in a high-poverty area. “This model goes beyond just offering education for students— the KIPP school partners with St. Luke’s United Methodist, the YMCA, and Legacy Community Health Services,” Johnson says. “Together, these organizations provide crucial access to services for an underserved community. We’re hoping to be as successful as other programs in improving education, seeing a decrease in crime, and just generally impacting the quality of life for these individuals.”

FURTHERING THE LIVES OF GPS STUDENTS Both Ann and John act with a sense of purpose through their continued contributions to GPS— Ann through the Impact Fund, supporting the annual needs of the school, and John through an endowed scholarship fund that

supports a student on her journey through GPS. The Johnsons stay tuned into what is happening on campus, even from Texas, through friends and family. Ann’s sister, Karen Kimball Gregory ’68, and three nieces, Shannon Kimball Horridge ’90, Amy Kimball Kilgore ’90, and Channing Kimball ’00, also graduated from GPS. “I see GPS carrying out its history of traditions and excellent education, just the way the school used to,” she says. “I think it’s fortunate GPS has changed with the times and stayed ahead of the curve in regard to key areas for growth, including technology and athletics.” Johnson encourages girls today to be appreciative for everyone who may help them out along the way, including family, teachers, and friends. “I believe GPS will continue to be a leader in educating girls, giving them confidence and teaching them to have lasting friendships,” Johnson says. “It is vital that the school instills such strong values, including giving back to the community, every step of the way.” Those values—honor, respect, curiosity, individuality, and relationships—endure today. Because of the generosity of the Johnsons, and others who support the Impact Fund, GPS continues to instill in future generations of students the time-honored principles that still hold true.

PURPOSE “John and I are deeply appreciative of our education,” Johnson says. “We want everyone to have an opportunity to provide a decent life for their families. While it helps to give money, it helps even more if you can further someone’s education.” 21

Cadek Conservatory of Music provides music education for all ages, including Kindermusik for the very young.

Giving Circle Members for 2016–17 Giving Circles were established in 2013 to broaden the circle of supporters who are committed to the mission of GPS and who are capable of making a significant gift over three years to the GPS Impact Fund, our annual fund. With gifts ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 over the three-year period, donors enable GPS to build for the future, and the support provides a solid financial foundation for the resources that will allow the school to be strategic and innovative in moving forward.

Anonymous (1) Danna Bailey ’89 Kerri Bartlett ’75 Jenny and Vance Bell Caroline Bentley ’83 Barbara Blake Anne ’78 and George Bright Lisa and Charlie Brock Donna and Kirk Brody Joan ’78 + and Michael Brown Lisa and Tony Brown Betsy ’98 and Ben Cake Charlotte Caldwell ’01 Laurel Carney ’79 and Dave Cameron Carole Clark Courtney ’87 and Brad Cobb Angie ’78 and Pat Conroy Tee Conroy ’71 Susan Cotter ’70 Sally ’76 and Ward Crimmins Ashley ’97 and Ward Davenport Nini ’77 and Elliott Davenport Ann Flynt ’60

Charlotte Fox ’60 Melissa and Gary Fullam Lucinda Gibson ’68 Autumn and Vann Graves Linda ’73 and Doug Graydon Lyn Harris ’79 Holly ’84 and Marc Harwell Phyllis and Drew Haskins Lynn Hodge ’64 Amanda ’97 and Keith Jackson Ann ’63 and Johnny Johnson Jenny and Hamp Johnston Lavinia Johnston ’75 Karen Kendall ’74 Ann Estes ’61 and Larry Klamon Jane and Lowry Kline Jennifer and Will Kline Mary Katherine Lawrence ’74 and Art Klose Laura Leach ’69 and Rich Lawrence Pat ’69 and David Martin Susie and Scott McGinness Anita ’58 and Sam Michaels

Allison ’88 and Kincaid Mills Suzanne and Glenn Morris Kate ’95 and Lindsay Nevin Beth ’84 and Carter Newbold Marcy Porter Michelle Ruest and Dick Gossett Rachel Savage and Don Ritzhaupt Michelle and Jimmy Scotchie Chris ’72 and Trip Smith Frances ’48 and Gordon Smith + Stacey and John Spann Becca Stimson ’73 and Tom Jenkins Amy and Jamie Thomas Jan and Ben Vance Patsi and Kirk Walker Dori ’99 and Blake Waller April ’91 and Clay Watson Debbie and David Watson Mary ’74 and Tom Watson Karen and Miller Welborn Beth ’76 and Tom White Carol and Thad Whitfield Anne Williams ’64

Awards, Designated Funds, & Endowments BETTY BRIDGE ENDOWMENT FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE Mollie Nelson ’60 CADEK CONSERVATORY Jamie Curtis ’75 CAPACITY FUND Fletcher Bright Nini ’77 and Elliott Davenport Jody and Ken Jackson Lavinia Johnston ’75 M & M Industries, Inc. Suzanne and Glenn Morris Beth ’84 and Carter Newbold Chris ’72 and Trip Smith Becca Stimson ’73 and Tom Jenkins Weldon F. Osborne Foundation, Inc.


CLASS OF 1952 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Janet Davies ’52 Sally Reeve ’52 CLASS OF 1961 ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Russell ’61 and Jack Huber Fontaine Moore ’61 Shirley Pangle ’61 Carolyn Thompson ’61 Ann Ward ’61 CLASS OF 1962 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Ann McAllister ’62

CREW FUND Anonymous (1) Barbara Andrews Sophie Caughman ’16 Bettie and Sam Chester Robin Crump Kendra ’98 and John Kurylo Jennifer ’09 and James Purgason Patricia and Walter Stamper Tanya and Steve Swann DESIGNATED GIFTS Rachel ’94 and Christopher Farris Verizon Foundation DORRIS CHAPIN WELLS BLACK AND BLUE AWARD Mimi ’80 and Bailey Patrick Ralston Wells 23

DUGAN C. DAVIS ENDOWMENT FOR TALENTED STUDENTS Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Elizabeth Collier Farmer Award BBC Foundation Betsy ’60 + and White Patton CHARLENE COOK ENDOWMENT Charlene Cook ’67 + ENDOWMENT FOR TALENTED STUDENTS Mollie Nelson ’60 Title Guaranty and Trust Company of Chattanooga ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Karen and Eric Love FACILITIES FOR 21ST CENTURY Amy ’71 and Fred Decosimo The Maclellan Family Foundation FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT Melinda and Bill Thompson FUND FOR TENNIS IMPROVEMENTS Barbara and George Edwards Paula and Steve Nicola General Scholarship Fund Justine ’85 and Don Avera Veronika Nowading Janice and Dan Provine Claire and Roger Smith HELEN WELLS MCCRAVEY ENDOWED FUND FOR TALENTED STUDENTS Martha McCravey ’67 KIMBALL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Ann ’63 and Johnny Johnson Willard and Ruth Johnson Charitable Foundation LIBRARY FUND Wanda and Steve Cope Jessica and Jack Good Martha and Albert Griffin 24


Charlie Monroe Katie Pesce ’06 The Generosity Trust Kerry ’96 and John Yun ROWLAND RING Margie and Charlie Rowland SANDRA MARTIN AWARD Sandra ’55 and Lewis Weeks SARAH HOUSTON BAKER/ JOSEPHINE HOUSTON BISHOP ENDOWMENT Sally and Tom Juntune

MICROCAMPAIGN 2014 Tee Conroy ’71 NANCY COSTELLO MEMORIAL FUND Jim Bullard Mitsy ’75 and Mike Costello Elliott Davis Decosimo, LLC Sharon Hamrick Pamela Mantone Maria ’75 and Dennis Matthews PETE WOOD AWARD Becca ’77 and Richard Ott Amanda and David Wills POOL IMPROVEMENTS Charlene Cook ’67 + RANDY TUCKER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Claire and Roger Smith

GIFTS IN KIND Anonymous (1) Becky ’67 and Rick Bowers Brewer Media Group Dish T’ Pass Cooking School and Catering Company Good Dog Pam Greer Starr Klein ’60 Jennifer and Will Kline Lake Winnepesaukah Lucidity Float Center Mountain View Ford Lincoln Robin Hays/About Face ShowTime Event Rentals Sound Force Entertainment The Dixie Group, Inc. Yacoubian Tailors, Inc.

REAGAN AND JAXSON COHEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Tiffany ’93 and Keith Askew Mary Cady ’01 and Brian Bolin Cisco Systems, Inc. Sallie Gray ’98 and Jason Clayton Rachel ’96 and Brian Cohen Julie ’92 and Guy Dixon Jenn ’96 and Tim Garrett Katherine Giles ’96 Leigh Ann ’94 and Morgan Jones Kerri ’98 and J. J. Lovegrove Lucas Monroe 25

Here’s to the GIRLS


2 0 1 6 –1 7

6th grade made 25 BIRTHDAY BAGS for children served by Salvation Army, one year’s worth of BIRTHDAY CARDS for children’s hospital, and 6 months of LETTERS for Widow’s Harvest

COLLEGE STATS FOR CLASS OF 2017 (78 GIRLS) The Class of 2017 attends


and universities in 21 STATES and the District of Columbia.

66% of the Class of 2017 received MERIT- OR TALENT-BASED SCHOLARSHIP OFFERS.



59 66% attends out-of-state colleges and universities. The private and public split is 59% and 41%.

Middle School entry in Verizon App Learning Contest was Best in State 11 seniors inducted into Cum Laude Senior named Morehead-Cain Scholar




ATHLETICS 82% of the Class of 2017 took at least one ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSE; 53% participated in SIGNIFICANT COMMUNITY SERVICE; 64% PARTICIPATED IN A SPORT while in high school.



Cross Country, Softball, and Tennis were STATE RUNNERS-UP; Golf finished THIRD; Softball and Bowling CLAIMED REGION TITLES

ACADEMICS ACADEMICS 12 seniors were recognized as National Merit Scholars (5) or Commended Students (7)

Enviro science students INSTALLED A DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM in the GPS Garden and PROVIDED HUNDREDS OF POUNDS OF PRODUCE to the local food bank.


82% | 53%| 64%

50 were honored for AP achievement 9th grade team qualified for National History Day competition 17 projects won awards in Regional Science and Engineering Fair

1 YEAR 6 Months GPS volunteers PACKED 1200 MEALS at the YMCA for the after-school meals program

21ST HOME BUILT with McCallie for Habitat for Humanity





3 RECOGNIZED in Congressional Art Contest

STANDING OVATIONS for 3 productions: Annie JR, Uncommon Women & Others, and Pippin


AP ART DISPLAYED at opening of Chattanooga Workspace Artists Studio

GPS musicians were in the All-State East Orchestra 3 were all-state



2nd consecutive year GPS WON THE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD TENNESSEE CHAMPIONS SERIES AWARD 6 Bruiser swimmers scored points in a 10TH PLACE FINISH at the State Swimming & Diving Championships


4th Annual Mission Remission continued annual effort to RAISE OVER $20,000 for cancer research

FINE ARTS OTHER Senior won inaugural Citizen of the World Award from The Bright School Model UN won Best Delegation for 4th year in a row at Southeastern Conference Mock Trial team reached the finals of local competition Senior named American Lung Association Young Woman of Distinction GPS celebrated Pi Day (3/14) with a Middle School scavenger hunt for circular objects, mini Moon Pies, and pies in the Dining Hall.



llison Cowan Carroll enrolled at GPS in seventh grade from Barger Academy. While her older brother attended McCallie before her, she believes it was the larger community and her parents who led her to this school. “Within the black community, it was word of mouth— someone told my parents about GPS, and there were families pulling us in,” Carroll says.

ENDLESS Opportunities

During her time here, she developed close friendships and formed a tightknit community, which included her first cousin, Calandra Provine Eineker ’89. Carroll says GPS opened up possibilities and exposed her to opportunities she didn’t know were available. “At GPS, I was free to accomplish whatever I wanted,” she says. “There were no limitations.”

For Allison Cowan Carroll ’89, Girls Preparatory School gave her confidence to reach a new world of possibilities.

Carroll visited Dartmouth on a college tour. While others discouraged her from dreaming of Dartmouth, her mentors at GPS said she could. “GPS made it OK to want to do something different, to take the risk,” Carroll says. “My teachers made me believe I could take on leadership positions and that I was just as smart as everyone else in the room.” Carroll received constant encouragement and reinforcement from teachers and administrators who believed in her abilities, and she took their word for it. After graduating from Dartmouth, “People around me told me business school wasn’t my thing and that I wasn’t cut out for Emory (University),” Carroll says. “Despite what I heard, I did it. I graduated and took a job in financial services.” The same messages

Carroll received at GPS came echoing back. “My teachers instilled in me a sense of discipline, the ability to process information, and an ability to communicate information to any range of audience.” That confidence carried her forward through shifts in her career and reconnection with girls at GPS today who are creating their own stories.

A LASTING IMPACT Carroll, now a financial planner with Allstate Insurance in Atlanta, says giving back to her alma mater remained sporadic until her 25th class reunion. There she reconnected with classmates, some of whom she’d kept up with and others she hadn’t. The rekindling of those friendships, along with searching for a suitable school for her daughter, now 8, broadened her perspective. “As I started looking at schools for my daughter, I asked, How can I raise this little girl to be smart, capable, and compassionate? How can I help her transition into being these and other things as a woman?” Carroll recalls. “GPS became my benchmark. I want her to have the love of learning and confidence that GPS gave me. My teachers believed in me and led me to think more about my gifts and talents.”

A CONNECTED COMMUNITY Today, Carroll prepares to celebrate the spring graduation of two friends’ daughters who are like family to her— Jordan Pauldin and Mycah Boykin, both members of the Class of 2018. While she attended GPS, Carroll was one of five African-American students in her class.

“We were all connected and related, and we are still close today. Mycah and Jordan are like my nieces,” Carroll says. “It’s different now than when we were at GPS, because there weren’t as many girls on campus who looked like us. We felt a responsibility and carried that with us. I don’t think it’s the same, maybe generationally. Today the girls are each creating their own stories, and they’re finding their own paths. It’s inspiring to watch their stories unfold.” As a member of the Alumnae Council, Carroll enjoys rekindling connections with fellow alumnae. Several African-American alums formed a group on social media to reach out to women who shared similar experiences at GPS and to connect those stories to current and future students. “It’s so important to share our experiences—not just with each other, but with young girls,” Carroll says. “We need to tell them about where we are and how we’ve gotten here. I think GPS has the ability to really launch every girl into greatness. The school is an investment for a family, and families have a lot of choices. But by coming back and reconnecting, we’re setting the appropriate stage to share that message.” Carroll believes that as women who have benefited from their GPS education, she and other AfricanAmerican alumnae are obligated to make sure the next student is given this chance. “Somebody looked ahead for us, and we have to look ahead for the next girl, even if we don’t know who she is yet.”

CONFIDENCE Allison Carroll ’89 returns to campus to visit Mycah Boykin (left) and Jordan Pauldin (right). 28

“So much has been given to us at so many different levels—people took chances on me with their time and gifts,” Carroll says. “I feel a responsibility to pave the way for the next generation of students to live beyond their expectations, where they don’t doubt or question their abilities. That’s why I give back to GPS.” 29

Martha Jane Abel Payne Upshur Smith Puckette Bev Hall Rutledge 1954 Ann Walker Abney Beth Richardson Curlin Nancy Turnbull Fletcher L. J. Powell Huffaker Pat Rimmer Knox-Hudson Joan Gough Reed Lynda Phillips Smith Carol Keese Stephenson Dorothy McCall Weaver 1955 Caroline Martin Bartusch Leland Hume Davenport Georgia Cole Degregorio Leah Gill Fischer Emily Callaway Godfrey Martha Bryan Greene Marian Mathews Harris Jane Eagar Lamkin Shirlene Hite Matus Teddi Shalett Mendel Winnie Crouch Robinson Ruth Howell Stickley Sandra Martin Weeks

Alumnae Giving by Class 1933 Martha Newton Law + 1934 Mary Past Piper + 1935 Evelyn Landress Chamberlain 1938 Presh Evans Pattee 1940 Florence Tucker Betty Thatcher Webster + 1943 Rose Andrews McConnell Janet Patten Moon 1944 Presh Divine Gill Martha Owen Thatcher 1945 Miriam Rhyne Beck Patience Place Haruta Katherine Holland Sylvia Hodes Zuckerman


1946 Betsy McDonald Anderson Kathy Banks Edwards Nancy Carter Jewell Emily Byington Wright 1947 Marie Bryson Crimmins Sally McClellan Currey 1948 Mary Ellen Selman Cook Dee Collins Parker Frances Street Smith 1949 Elinor Divine Benedict Margaret Wheland Cate Susan Talley Fogo Virginia Bowen Lester + 1950 Anonymous (1) Joanne Murphy Austin Marty Slatery Erickson Connie Crumbliss Farrar Patti Coxey Gross Bucky Latimore Hughes

Barbara Neidhardt Moore Janet Morrison Adrienne White Rhodes 1951 Gloria Clemons Brantly Sally McCoy Garland Winkie Wilson Persinger Estes Carter Stephens Irene Jewell Welborn Ann Martin Woody 1952 Carol Jewell Browder Anne Welch Burnette Janet Keese Davies Peggy Probasco Jones Susan Elder Martin Sally Lynch Reeve 1953 Emmy Patten Casey Susan Richardson Crowl Rose Mary Killeffer Dunbar Charlotte Patten Gauss Phyllis Patten Hardin Gin Johnson Johnston Ann Chambliss Lacambra

1956 Judy Marler Allen Keating Griffiss Carolyn Austin Miller Gail Willingham Newberry Mary Lucile Sharp 1957 Anonymous (1) Cynthia Finley Anderson Graham Walker Burns Emmy Pettway Cerveny Mamie Fowler Dye Deedee Drosten Halleck Jynni Hitching-Andrews Mary Lynn Barnwell Majors Janice Shipley McAfee Emmy Warner McGowin Judy Evans Rowland Sarah Dowell Sullivan Betsy Chamberlain Tuller 1958 Marilyn Sherman Center Carolyn Jennings Cofer Jane Aiken Dowden Janice Haley Fortune Jane Hargrave Harder Vicki Hayes Hardesty Tootsie White Harless

Kay Hughlett Hutcherson Julie Francis Irwin Beverly Flegal Parkman Bonnie Blevins Thomas 1959 Connelly Parks Ensign Paulette Painter Grant Bonnie Craig Hamilton Elaine Donnelly Keels Helen Vander Horst Keese Nancy Poole Klein Pinky Drosten Kushner Kathy Caldwell Patten Muffy Richardson Lori Levin Shalett Nancy Keese Sims Starlet Light Speakman Lynda Boone Stabler Linda Swanson Lucinda Goodrum Whitehead 1960 Ginny Chandler Arthur Hazel Bickerstaff Mary Groves Brooks Pat Daugherty Cofer Deedee Dunkerley Cay Verlenden Eldridge Margaret Ann Bridge Fagan Charlotte Fox Joan Haley Frierson Marilyn Light Gallas Betsy Gould Hearne-Claffey Starr Klein Bea Rutledge Lyons Betty Buchanan Murphy Mollie Johnson Nelson Janet Parks Betsy Johnson Patton + Judy Sherman Wendy Wehrmann Taliaferro Lynn Bryan Trowbridge 1961 Johanne Dixon Albright Betty Rogers Deigaard Jane Helton Fischer Tavenner Finlay Hall Russell Carden Huber Ann Estes Klamon Karen Duffy Kromer Betsy Martin Lapoint Fontaine Patten Moore Shirley Lindsey Pangle Phyllis Gifford Pepin Sally Bacon Smartt Carolyn Yandle Thompson Mary Heald Thornberry Ann Ward

1962 Martha Jo Anderson Diane McDougall Barrett Linda Turnbull Hubbard Jane Coker Kaplan Ellie Kellermann Kay Kendall Ann Parks McAllister Susie Irvine McRae Josita Mitchell Montgomery Marian Oehmig Judy Haley Parichy Charlotte Bridge Patrick Margaret Chandler Smith 1963 Laura Smartt Bennett Susan Butterfield Brooks Jackie Adams Dolin Carol Fletcher Dynesius Mary Ann McKinney Frazier Sidney Easley Hickey Babs Pollard Jackson Ann Kimball Johnson Joyce Thompson Jones Carolyn Du Bose MacColl Toni Hill McGauley Tara Templeton McGinness Janie Willingham McNabb Virginia Cifers Reed Betsy Chisolm Silberman Ginger Lansford Snider Lyn Johnson Sutterlin Elder Witt Wellborn Carol Landgrebe Williamson Frances Zwenig 1964 Eleanor McCallie Cooper Ann Robinson Dahl Bitse Levi Griggs Lynn Hodge Cherie Muerth Kris Palmquist Barbara Atwater Rowe Carolyn Poynton Sandlin Laura Balch Scherzer Helen Burns Sharp Jane Wyatt Strasser Betty Gay Teoman Linda Thompson Fain Murphey Webb Anne Williams 1965 Dottie Goree Brock Barbara Bullington Brown Gloria Smith Fohrman Carla Armstrong Giles 31

Ann Butterfield Hawkins Susan Yates Jensen Judy Daugherty Klima Donna Trail Lewis Windy Lundy Betsy Cotter McGroarty Ginger Sliger Milligan Sharon Mills Lynn Green Owings Anne Caldwell Ramsey Carolyn Drake Snider + Ann Perkins Stuart Elisabeth Pearson Waugaman Jean Brooking Weatherford 1966 Linda Holsomback Dwyer Carolyn Carter Holland Missy McCamy Phillips Helene Striebinger Reisman Alice Lupton Smith Ann Swafford Sissy Davenport Tarumianz Mary Alice Witt Wyatt 1967 Diana Thompson Bell Becky Miller Bowers Karen Wagner Buckner Barbara Gott Bush Susan Troy Chandler Susan Gunnell Collins Charlene Cook + Ty Evans Cooper Barbara Toms Craig Jan Yarbrough Ernst Barbara Simmons Eustis Margaret Fowler Knowlton Barbara Steele Leake Helen McCallie Martha McCravey Mary Navarre Moore Janet Walker Oehmig Peggy Cissna Parker Libba McNeill Shumard Peggy Bridgers Sterchi Patty Bullard Thomas Sheri Yates Wood


1968 Jane Arnold Barnhill Ellen Espy Blocker Betsy Caldwell Dalgliesh Lucinda Gibson Emily Bryan Grimes Sara Scarbrough Hamilton Mary Patten Priestley Anne Ingalls Rouquie Gwin Bader Tugman Mary McKenzie Williamson

1969 Corinne Anderson Adams Ann McKenzie Aiken Jane Healy Bourne Dabney James Kate Lupton Juett Laura Leach Pat Lee Martin Isabel Bryan McCall Rosy Colburn Milburn Jackie Gilbreath Mohney Cannon Wann Montague Becky Ray Roniger Susan Chester Snow Louise Chamberlain Tual Flossie Weill 1970 Gale Graham Allison Marie Williams Cleary Susan Cochran Cotter Jane Hutcherson Frierson Debbie McDonough Gaff 1971 Diana Banks Tee Caldwell Conroy Amy Robertson Decosimo Betsy Carter Fox Jane Kennedy Greene Rae Speer Hirsch Karie Doster Leatherman Dean Paden North Jessica Parks Nancy Robinson Pruitt Marty Bieter Roberts Cathy Mock Schulz Gena Stephenson Tanner Leslie Stagmaier Thomas Sunny Hooper Wagner Cathy Hellmann White Becky Yandle 1972 Libby McKinney Bailey Dana McDade Battaglia Karen Newton Burns Jan Bullard Colven Cathie Ault Kasch Carter Wells Kay Susan Scott Lesourd Marty Kollmansperger Mauldin Caroline Bickel McLoughlin Shelby White Montague Katie Brown Morton Hilda Schmissrauter Murray Margy Davenport Oehmig Shannon Pitner Chris Benz Smith

Gloria Murray Smith Laura Holt Strang Margaret Thatcher Thompson 1973 Beth Aiken Stewart Anderson Carol Nation Beard Rowena Lee Belcher Susan Gilley Carson Elizabeth Youmans Davis Linda Robinson Graydon Sissa Schmissrauter Green Claudia Swafford Haltom Lina Robinson Hart Georgia Dicks McCravey Suzan Adcox Robinette Jane Carter Smith Elizabeth Kennedy Spratlin Becca Stimson Sherry Caldwell West 1974 Susu Davenport Brock Zane Probasco Brown Jane Carter Catherine Clark Crabtree Cay Brooks Ely Mary Lloyd McKinney Hatcher Linda Holt Lisa Tucker Irwin Karen Kendall Bobbie Boyd Kwasnik Mary Katherine Lawrence Betsy Rankin Lindsay Roberts Patti Stephenson Spencer Peg Palmquist Wahl Mary Moncure Watson Bronwyn Larsen West Pamela Brown Wilson 1975 Kerri Martin Bartlett Ellie Bryan Billington Marie Hurley Blair Mitsy Clark Costello Jamie Curtis Kitty Fisher Delany Lavinia Johnston Maria Kain Matthews Mary Alice Morrow Sanders 1976 Katherine Betts Suzanne Woody Bodie Sally and Ward Crimmins Judy Baird Cunningham Tennyson Rhodes Dickinson Melissa Davis Gehrig

Margaret Turnage Jones Susie McVey Lynn Anne McAllester Mary Moon-Ballard Ellen Probasco Moore Janice Scruggs Pendergrast Aara Killian Pickelsimer Mary Jane Thomas Ruch Mary Leslie Scott Shelley Rucker Vey Beth Nobles White Janet Zuckerman Wile Libba Duff Woods 1977 Nancy Jones Battles Hazel Hutcheson Bell Tricia Serodino Borsch Liz Little Boyles Jenny Dowden Burritt Carla Sinor Bush Christy Dickerson Charman Cynthia Binkley Clement Nini Davenport Cyd Smith Davis Jennifer Anderson Durham Lizzer Bright Graham Ginger Gardner Kachline Becca Wills Ott Marshall Persinger Lindy Gilbert Raad Valerie Jones Russenberger Virginia Anne Summitt Sharber Melanie Young-Ransom 1978 Sara Lane Baker Karen Taylor Blount Anne Vance Bright Joan Masingill Brown + Sara Robinson Chambless Angie Davis Conroy Leslie Merritt Covington Margaret Bizzell Damm Anna Shoun Graunke Cathy Hayden Lucie Stephens Holland Caroline Chipley Johnson Anne Kimzey Alicia Lewis Manning Lyn Beyer Marvil Ellen Nation Gail Petty O’Toole Leigh Morrow Plante Jane Summerville Reeb Karen Stephenson Harriette McKeldin Stokes Nat Waldorff von Seelen Beth Braddock Warren

Cathy Weathers Missy Dunbar Weiner Wendy Woods Williamson 1979 Anonymous (1) Tammy Baker Bass Mary Shepherd Bowen + Meg Persinger Brock Laurel Carney Beth Payne Cox Donna Cardin Dalton Emilie Gates Evans Beth Flint Gaffney Karen Wilson Harper Lyn Harris Kay Hutcheson Alison Evans Johnston Carol Killebrew Debbie Bohner Young 1980 Rowan Woody Brown Tracie Marlin Durham Kathy McCallie Gardner Mary Margaret Heaton Nancy Peacock Ike Elizabeth Brown Moore Caroline Stone Morrow Deanne Isbell Mott Kelly Cobb Nation Mimi Wells Patrick Susan Bryant Roberts Amy Holland Romeo 1981 Mary Jo Rose Ashcraft Lee Harris Ballenger Allison Cannon Myra Creighton Susan Hostetler Davenport Lisa Schumpert Franklin Stephanie Petree Glasscock Meg McCall Howerton Sam Mosier Hudson Hilda King Jemison Liz Wright King Louise Brown Lochner Ann Hodge Morgan Tracey Wright Peele Tricia Matthews Privette Lorie Street Runge 1982 Diana Best Ayers Mary Ann Pedigo Clelland Eve Anderson Currin Leigh O’Neal Fernandez Tish Pryor Leboeuf Dana Rogers

Cindy Stone Luci Shoemaker Stone Lisa Tracy Beth Calderazzo Van Deusen 1983 Tammy Evans Barber Leigh Anne Davenport Battersby Caroline Caulkins Bentley Martina Boehmfeldt Julie Wallace Brooks Scottie Austin Cain Becky Buckbee Cullum Catharine Bahner Daniels Liz Clark Grant Lisa Wheeler Layton Kristi Robb Mathews Elizabeth Campbell McElroy Allyson Feagans Millican Cate Tinkler Mueller Ellen Wood Wells Susan Kelly Welsh 1984 Allyson Bowman Julie Betts Brandao Polly Brooks Jennifer Davis Adrienne Greer Foley Holly Lynch Harwell Kristy Olson Hemsley Jarmin Steffner Johnston Allison Winer Koeneman Lynne Pierce Mulligan Beth Steele Newbold Mary Boatwright Roseman Ashley King Scoggins Kara Yium Serrano Amy Albright Thatcher Carol Lawrence Thornton 1985 Justine Nowading Avera Melissa Woodall Curtis Corinne Fortune Lisa Ray Greer Marian Houseal Hoffman Jan Dolan McGregor Laura Williams Pierce Lawren Richards Lisa Bohn Robitshek Rebecca McGowan Spooner Carol Burns Stoney Lauri Leboeuf Waggoner Mary Leland Davenport Wilde 1986 Tracy Allen Mel Whisenant Brannan Kim Ballard Callaway 33

Celeste Center Teke Dillender Amber Whittle Hamby Sally Lyons Michaud Betsy Boxell Morse Adrienne Powell Suzanne Richards Richey Nancy Rucker Tracie Perrin Segura Christy McGarry Todd Cindy Walther 1987 Anonymous (1) Sharon Kelley Allsbrook Holly Pierce Ambler Bonnie Wrenn Anderson Karen Baker-Curtis Elizabeth Hammer Berrier Mary Helen Bailey Bondurant Tonya Pace Botts Courtney Bowers Cobb Lyn Ford Collier Elizabeth Hebert Day Julie Wheland Garrett Leah Gerbitz Cathey Goodgame Heather Keefe Hicks Margaret Jan Valerie Key King Carol Strahley Martin Claire Hunt McVay Angela Holland Mills Suzanne Brandon Moss Tara McGinness Murdock Adelaide Davenport Naumann Christy Park Meg Griffin Patton Becky Pope Lori Banks Ruderman Mary Robinson Stansbury Lane Hutcheson Steele 1988 Joelly Scherzer Belman Erika Campbell-Harris Coughlin Haverty Cooper Koren Gaines-Hoover Patrice Hobbs Glass Lisa Brown Hayes Allison Wolfe Mills Dalton Elder Mook Marzi Radpour-Wiley Betsy Chapin Taylor Jennifer Vickery Angie Scott Wood 1989 Danna Bailey 34

Mandy McGuire Bohner Allison Cowan Carroll Alexis Sparks Haakonsen Janet Roberts Hartman Walailux Nethin-Adcock Amy Edgar Sklansky Leslie Spiegel Lily Wang Taylor Watson 1990 Anonymous (1) Beth Lebovitz Backer Margaret Cate Christina Papa Center Joy Rucker Clements Anne Sample Covington Carrie Johnson Dahlke Kaysi Hasden Dixon Laura Hays Ferguson Shannon Kimball Horridge Molly Baggett Jamieson Kelly Richardson Fluff Killebrew Roberts Rebecca Burton Scotchie Laurel Moore Zahrobsky 1991 Sydney Alexander Margaret Patrick Caldwell Laura Brown Clark Anna Glass Clower Camille Harris Daniel Dion Roland Flynn Branan Freeman Kristy Hixson McManus Willson Milne Overend Andrea Nowell Patrick Donna Spiegel April Hughes Watson Christie Ensign Wright 1992 Betsy Blunt Brown Courtney Poole Brunetz Katye Adams Couch Elizabeth Davis Julie Kline Dixon Johnel Angel Evans Ann Pennington Farmer Kippie Killebrew Griffin Kathryn Kaplan Kelly Lara Counts Magallanes Angela McAllister Jenny Allison Perry Kathy Petros Heather Loyd Ross Meredith Predmore Schweppe Patrika Montricul Tsai

Kipton Lankford Tugman Margaret Hebert Updyke Katherine Scott Williams 1993 Tiffany Monroe Askew Millie Callaway Blair Bennington Cannon Christie Colquitt Mary Williams Gadd Mary Frances Giles Alice Pettigrew Heywood Becca Colvin Johnston Beatrice Lee Ruchi Patel Moore Christina Shenouda Sadlow Lynn Harlin Shelton 1994 Hollie Virgin Beg Kingsley Michaels Bennett Elizabeth Berman-Lovell Emily Frierson Brown Molly Molina Crawford Joelle Jackson Doss Rachel Killen Farris Rachelle Wade Haddock Leigh Ann Lunsford Jones Micah Hooper Krempasky Beth Salling Luehrs Sarah Durand McGuigan Amanda Austin Miller Margaret Ann Taylor Minihan Lela Moore Mandy Moore Katherine Palmer Lucy Williams Sawrie Mary Stanley 1995 Anonymous (1) Ashley Averett Laura Catharine McDaris Brittain Rives Moore Hotra Allison Blunt Lee Renee Nevil-Webster Kate Caldwell Nevin Ashley Downs Reaves Jenny Swanson Saluti Courtney Rowland Valentine Paige Davis Wallace 1996 Sarah Burns Bernard Kathryn Gallaher Campbell Anne Harnsberger Carr Rachel Monroe Cohen Claire Strang Farver Jenn Scott Garrett Katherine Giles

Darria Long Gillespie Cara Ginsberg Lubin Jordan McCarter Fannie Petros Moore Kerry Bowler Yun 1997 Anonymous (1) Maggie Kopp Barrie Erin Killen Beck Meredith Byrum Brown Carrie Smith Burns Cassie Champion Streich Grace Chu Kristin Heck Coverly Ashley Rowland Davenport Amy Garvey Douglass Rebecca Nelson Edwards Whitney Schram Fuller Kaky McGinness Grant Suzanne Murphy Gregory Anne Hereford Maggie Noblitt Jackson Betsey Evans Kates Maria Jones Kemp Kendra Russell Li Amanda Hill Litchford Sayle Milne Sarah Moore Vanessa Voyles Moores Amanda Mann Moulthrop Jen Virgin Muhlhausen Elizabeth Viall Napolitano Tara Counts Parr Kim Pettyjohn Anna Phillips Jill Pala Pieritz Lara Rollins Andrea Ernest Smith Becky Hixson Tatum Emmie Wayland Treadwell Brook Whitfield Trible Anna Warner Turley Callie Rushing Wheat 1998 Tenley Garvich Armstrong Emily Pala Bandeen Lauren Montagno Berkow May Burns Burke Katy Reed Byers Betsy Caldwell Cake Sallie Gray Strang Clayton Renita Eason Allison Cook Elkins Beth Summerlin Harper Kendra Iskander Kurylo Kerri Killgore Lovegrove Bekah Mason

Tricia Sebes Erin Davis Sizemore Marcie Ulin 1999 Kristin McBryde Allen Meg O’Neill Cannon Raz Mines Dumitru Meaghan Peterson Edwards Larkin Ade McMillan Ashley Moore Palmer Rivers Powers Dee Repici Ashley Ball Stein Amber Swafford Tucker Dori Thornton Waller Ashley Ferrell Williams Tiffany Durall Wolnitzek 2000 Anonymous (1) Caroline Estabrook Allison Shelton Swafford Chambers Katie Konvalinka Chapman Ann Andrews DeMars Margaret Davenport Douglas Maggie McGinness Estes April Sparks Gatlin Betsy Pinchak Gentzler Katie Lockerby Goss Mary Laughter Jones Channing Kimball Meredith Whitaker Kinney Katherine Long Megan McNulty Andrea Saul Kaki Rowland Scroggins Priscilla Simms Simms-Roberson Jane Smith Neha Gandhi Vijay 2001 Anonymous (1) Mary Cady Exum Bolin Emily Evans Byrd Charlotte Caldwell Jennifer Goldsmith Clements Mary Teague Coulter Christie Miles Denton Laura Gordon Mobley Carrie Busch Moore Susan Pala Courtney Roark Poore Brooke Hixon Pribble Stacy McCord Sartoris Rachel Donahue Sigler Jennifer Kreis Sikes Jennie Bowers Stevens Virginia Gregory Watts

2002 Deanna Gardenhire Brown Mandy Hlubek Burger Amy Button Campbell Megan Corbett Laura Burns Crahan Heather Scarbrough Ewalt Ashley Brandon Gerskin Amy Vetter Hinds Christine Johnson Jackson Anne-Marie Wheelock Jolley Maithilee Kunda Stephanie Vineyard Lewandowski Annie Loveless Jessica Meehan Lesley Fisher Moore Katherine Dann Ogden Catherine Nelson Sawyer Julia Schaffeld Megan Williams Stimpson Lee Ade Stout Megan Thomas Kathryn Smith Trimble Kakhi Huffaker Wakefield 2003 Meredith Hobbs Arp Allison Peppers Bourg Laura Anderson Calloway Sally Faulkner Hillary Hammond Mary Katherine Roark Harbin Alice Smith Harris Michal Howick Katie Kent Whitney Blocker Mashburn Mary-Martha Bullard McDaniel Whitney Webb Nall Vivian Parham Sydni Peeples Paris Amanda Youell Peper Lauren Waters Rice Tiffany Simms Emily Edmonson Swanson Peyton Moss Thompson 2004 Anonymous (1) Iz Conroy Ann Royal Cupo Taylor Fox Elizabeth Campbell Griffin Laura Keys Lauren Lorberbaum Kate Commander Poehlman Melanie Limerick Roberts Madison Jahn Templeton Taylor Lee Vinson Caroline Walker 35

2005 Gracyn Sansbury Bancroft Susan Kent Bryant Anne Campeau Burley Betsy Burnett Chelsea Turnbo Campbell Megan Grant Liz Kennedy Karen Pala Ellis Phillips Thomas Jennifer Torrance Vacek Dailey Holt Wilson

2008 Kelley Holt Anderson Claire Bartlett Kathleen Harrison Jamie Holstine Catie Lester Meredith MacLean Carmen Patty Katie Porter Christian Smith Courtney Alexander Tallant Sarah Galphin Varnedoe

2006 Betsy Harr Akins Margaret Brock Mary Alice Brock Bailey Hixon Bullard Paige Chandler Mary Carlie Vaughn Corbitt Liz Morton Doak L.B. Gossett Eleanor Powell Hildebrand Sarah Young Jackson Hailey Johnston Sarah Kate Neall Denise Rawlings O’Neil Katie Pesce Kathryn Galphin Siegel

2009 Anonymous (1) Jasmine Brown Jenna Campbell Whitney Hammond Lucy Henson Gwyne Morrison Emily Paynter Jennifer Zellner Purgason Julia Sanford Holly Turnbo Amanda Wheelock

2007 Becca Gunn Allen Brandi Andrews Susan Spicknall Ashley Priya Boyington Caroline Campbell Grace Robinette Carruthers Rachel Coker Lyons Allison Rhodes Meagan Shinn Haven Howard Wright

2010 Alex Cavitt Taylor Dickinson Laura Laughlin Margaret Welborn Lowery Moira McCravey Carolyn Pearigen Caroline Thomas Anna-Carson Rimer Uhelski Julianne Wilson

2011 Nisha Boyington Laura Higbee Ashley Lindeman Kent Ryn Fager Tompkins 2012 Finley Bandy 2014 Alyx Labbe Taylor Thomas 2015 Chelsea Jackson 2016 Sophie Caughman 2017 SENIOR CLASS Anonymous (1) Layla Alipour Lilith Allbright Claire Badgley Emily Ballentine Leah Baxter Lori Baxter Katie Brandao Hannah Brotton Leonora Browne Bailey Bryant Bennett Burns Catherine Cobb Sara Corum Maggie Crump Abby Glass Sarah Goodrich Amelia Land Sarah McDougal Kate McVay Morgan Pels Emma Rowell Carly Scott Sandlin Isabella Stern Mimi Vance Anna Ward Phoebe Warren

With the opening of the Makerspace in the Holland Library, girls have access to 21st century technology. 36

Young Alum Leadership Society A society of alumnae who graduated within the past 15 years, who contributed $100 or more to their alma mater in 2016-17.

Anonymous (1) Betsy Harr Akins Brandi Andrews Susan Spicknall Ashley Gracyn Sansbury Bancroft Priya Boyington Mary Alice Brock Deanna Gardenhire Brown Bailey Hixon Bullard Mandy Hlubek Burger Anne Campeau Burley Laura Anderson Calloway Amy Button Campbell Grace Robinette Carruthers Iz Conroy Megan Corbett Mary Carlie Vaughn Corbitt Ally Daniel Taylor Dickinson Sally Faulkner Megan Grant Hillary Hammond Mary Katherine Roark Harbin

Alice Smith Harris Amy Vetter Hinds Jamie Holstine Michal Howick Sarah Young Jackson Hailey Johnston Anne-Marie Wheelock Jolley Liz Kennedy Ashley Lindeman Kent Maithilee Kunda Alyx Labbe Lauren Lorberbaum Annie Loveless Rachel Coker Lyons Meredith MacLean Mary-Martha Bullard McDaniel Jessica Meehan Lesley Fisher Moore Katherine Dann Ogden Karen Pala Vivian Parham Sydni Peeples Paris Carmen Patty

Carolyn Pearigen Amanda Youell Peper Katie Pesce Jennifer Zellner Purgason Lauren Waters Rice Catherine Nelson Sawyer Julia Schaffeld Kathryn Galphin Siegel Megan Williams Stimpson Emily Edmonson Swanson Courtney Alexander Tallant Madison Jahn Templeton Ellis Phillips Thomas Megan Thomas Taylor Thomas Kathryn Smith Trimble Sarah Galphin Varnedoe Taylor Lee Vinson Kakhi Huffaker Wakefield Caroline Walker Amanda Wheelock Julianne Wilson Haven Howard Wright 37


y all accounts, Amy Temple Smartt Arrowsmith should have been a GPS girl. Her mother, Sally Bacon Smartt ’61, graduated from Girls Preparatory School, as well as her grandmother, Isabel Temple Smartt ’23. Along with a legion of extended family members, Amy’s three aunts also attended GPS: her mother’s sisters, Jody Bacon Law ’59 and Helen Bacon Yates ’66, and her father’s sister, Eugenia “Temple” Smartt Eldridge ’63. In fact, Arrowsmith’s great-great uncle, Walter T. Temple, was part of the original GPS committee to incorporate the school in 1945. But when Sally Bacon met and fell for a McCallie boy named Pat Smartt, they would eventually marry, move for Pat’s job to Decatur, Alabama, and raise their family in a different small Southern town.




Y a L I d n M o y e FA


The ties to GPS run deep, but the future for all girls who attend here— and the faculty who teach them—defines one family’s reason for giving.

After starting high school, Arrowsmith begged to live with her grandparents to attend GPS, but her parents couldn’t let her go. Instead, she stayed at Decatur High School and then went on to graduate from Sewanee: The University of the South.

RETURNING TO THE SCENIC CITY Serendipitously, Arrowsmith would eventually move back to the Chattanooga area, purchase her grandmother’s home, and raise her own family there. Today, she and her husband, Ted, have three boys— George, John, and Teddy—and a daughter, Mary Margaret ’18. When it came time for Mary Margaret to select a school, GPS was certainly a top consideration for the Arrowsmith family, but not a given. “I understand that institutions change over time, so we didn’t know for certain we would send her here,” Arrowsmith says. As part of the admission process, the Arrowsmiths attended an event

Amy Arrowsmith with her mother, Sally Bacon Smartt ‘61, and daughter Mary Margaret Arrowsmith ‘18.

at GPS where former grads took part in a panel discussion. The girls represented a variety of colleges, but she recalls all were extremely articulate, confident, and passionate about the fact that their experience at GPS was the reason they all felt so prepared for college. This display of confidence spoke volumes to Arrowsmith. She wanted her own daughter to be in this type of school environment, surrounded by other girls who were driven and assured of their abilities. “I always thought I wanted Mary Margaret to attend GPS,” Arrowsmith adds, “but I had to be sure. That event convinced us GPS would be the right fit.”

A REASON FOR GIVING AND SERVING Not long after Mary Margaret started school at GPS, the Arrowsmith family began contributing to the Annual Fund, now known as the Impact Fund. It had become clear to Amy and Ted that their daughter was receiving more than an education; she was gaining self-confidence and the motivation to do her best. She was receiving positive reinforcement from teachers who challenged her beyond what even her parents thought she was capable of achieving. They wanted to further that through giving. “I never saw Mary Margaret as someone who would enjoy physics, but Bryant Haynes has been amazing for her,” Arrowsmith says. “The girls have so much respect for him and other teachers like [English teacher] Mr. Wells.” While Mary Margaret shares with her mother that both classes are challenging, the teachers are sincere and well-respected by their students. Arrowsmith appreciates the mutual respect between the teachers and the girls in the classroom. “The teachers model respect very well,” she says. “They listen and encourage the girls to give their opinions. Students are taught that their voice matters and also to

RESPECT “Students are taught that their voices matter and also to respect others’ opinions that may be different from their own,” Arrowsmith says. respect others’ opinions that may be different from their own.” Family legacy notwithstanding, Arrowsmith established her own connection to GPS, having served as president of Parent Council and now serving as a member of the GPS Board of Trustees. It’s her deep respect for the work of those changing lives at GPS that keeps her committed to her volunteerism. “My mother has a lot of selfconfidence, and I attribute that to GPS,” she says. “She excelled here; my daughter has excelled here. That’s why I feel it’s important to give back. I believe in the strategic plan and the direction the school is heading under the leadership of Dr. [Autumn] Graves. I am confident in her vision.” As Mary Margaret prepares to graduate from GPS next spring, her mother will continue to give and to serve on the board of her daughter’s alma mater. Arrowsmith says, “Continuing to prepare girls for the next phase of their lives is a mission I strongly believe in.” 39

English teacher Catherine Ingalls guides students through a discussion.

Corporations, Foundations, & Matching Gift Companies CORPORATIONS Anonymous (1) 6 Strong Media ABC Bonding, LLC Advanced Center for Sleep Disorders AMA Architects LLC Arrhythmia & Cardiology of Chattanooga Associates in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery PC Athens Area Chamber of Commerce Bagho, LLC Bay Motor Products BB & T Insurance Services Blue Cross-Blue Shield Brewer Media Group Chattanooga Children’s Clinic Chattanooga Shooting Supplies, Inc. Chattem, Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling Company United, Inc. DELRIO Dish T’ Pass Cooking School and Catering Company Electronic Controls Elliott Davis Decosimo, LLC First Tennessee Bank Good Dog Headwaters Enterprises, Inc. Healthcare Business Specialists, LLC JumpFund Management Group, LLC K :: A Boutique by Katherine Roberts Kameel Master Stitch, LLC KENCO GROUP, INC. Kerfoot Investments LLC Lake Winnepesaukah Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan, PLLC LiquidPower Specialty Products, Inc. Lucidity Float Center M & M Industries, Inc. Mountain View Ford Lincoln Patten and Patten, Inc. Peachtree Creative, LLC RIE Investments, LLC Robin Hays/About Face Robinson Real Estate Rone-Regency Jewelers Russ Blakely & Associates SAGE Dining Services, Inc. Shire Facial Plastic Surgery ShowTime Event Rentals


Sound Force Entertainment SunTrust Bank The Connected Table, Inc. The Links, Incorporated The US Charitable Gift Trust Title Guaranty and Trust Company of Chattanooga TSWII Management Company U.S. Xpress Weill & Long, PLLC Yacoubian Tailors, Inc. FOUNDATIONS Amazon Smile Foundation Anita & Julian Saul Foundation, Inc. BBC Foundation Bessemer Trust Bright Funds Foundation Communities Foundation of Texas Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Georgia Health Foundation HCA Caring for the Community Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga Klamon Family Foundation, Inc. MICO Foundation, Inc. Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. National Philanthropic Trust Porter Charitable Foundation Raymond James Charitable Renaissance Charitable Foundation Schwab Charitable The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia The Daniel Ashley & Irene Houston Jewell Memorial Foundation

The Davies Foundation The Dixie Group, Inc. The Dowd Foundation The Generosity Trust The Hand Foundation The Winston-Salem Foundation United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut Vanguard Charitable Verizon Foundation Virginia Milligan Family Foundation Weldon F. Osborne Foundation, Inc. Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Willard and Ruth Johnson Charitable Foundation MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Allstate Matching Gifts Bank of America Charitable Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Capital Group Cigna Foundation Matching Gift Program Cisco Systems, Inc. First Tennessee Foundation Matching Gift Program Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program IBM Corporation Matching Gift Program JPMorgan Chase Foundation Marsh & McLennan Companies Matching Gift Program Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Microsoft Matching Gift Program PepsiCo Foundation SANOFI Shell Oil Matching Gift Program SunTrust Foundation Matching Gift Program Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. The Coca-Cola Company Matching Gift Program The Maclellan Family Foundation UBS Unum Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program

GPS Faculty & Staff GPS FACULTY & STAFF Kathy Ables Sue and Billy Bartlett Erin Bas Mary Baxter Amber Beason Andrea Becksvoort Katy Berotti Katherine Betts ’76 Beverly Blackwell Kelsey Brock Meg Brock ’79 Jo Brotton Kristi Bryson Jenny Bullard Holley Busch Meg Cannon ’99 Caroline Carlin Maria Carlone Marinda Cauley Sean Caulfield Christie Collins Nathan Cook Coughlin Cooper ’88 Katye Couch ’92 Ralph Covino Glen Cox Susan Crownover Rebecca Davenport Susan Davidson Julie Deavers Tracie Durham ’80 Anne Exum

Beth Gaffney ’79 Jeff Gaither Kim Gilbreath Will Glass Debbie Glasscock Claudia Goldbach Jenise Gordon Autumn Graves Lauren Haley Callie Hamilton Bryant Haynes Amanda Hayslett Kelby Henry Stacey Hill Barbara Hodges Tony Horton Paul Houston Michal Howick ’03 Georgetta Hughes Catherine Ingalls Ronna-Renee Jackson Sarah Jackson ’06 Angela Johnson Judy Johnson Cathie Kasch ’72 Kate Kerekes Trish King Sheryl and Jim Kreis Heather Landreth Angie Langevin Terry Lawson Mike Lees Kim Leffew Cindy Lepore

Leigh Linhoss Annie Loveless ’02 Rachel Lyons ’07 Maria Matthews ’75 Angela McAllister ’92 Isabel McCall ’69 Jordan McCarter ’96 Susan McCarter Jennifer McClelland Julie McElroy Suzy McKenna Elaine Milazzo Daniel Millbank Linda Mines Kim Myers Bud Nance Melanie Northcutt Jill Pieritz ’97 Amy Piper Robin Priest Elizabeth Resnick Jeff Rhodes Karen Richards Renee Romero Adam Sanders Keith Sanders Andy Sarjant Erin Schmidt Mandy Senn Erin Sizemore ’98 Bilda Small Deborah Smith Kendra Stanton Lee Sonya Steele

Marsha Sturm Gail Sutherland Courtney Tallant ’08 Kipton Tugman ’92 Chris Twombley Anita Vetter Glen Vey Mark Vosskamp Diane Walker Amy Walters Jay Watts Gina Wells Todd Wells Corrie White Jennifer Williams Suzanne Winchester Patrick Winecoff John Woods Lee Wright Paul Yeagar Tim Yother Debbie Young ’79 Laurel Zahrobsky ’90 Chris Zeller Ashley Zidan PAST FACULTY & STAFF Lee Ballenger ’81 Cathy Barker Sally Betts + Kristin Coverly ’97 Sandy Cushman Eleanor Dobson

Charlotte Freeman Donna Gaines Patrice Glass ’88 Jessica Good Nancy Harr Pat Harwell Jane Henegar Amy Hinds ’02 Trina Holland Alia Hollback Bucky Hughes ’50 Gin Johnston ’53 Carol Killebrew ’79 Susan Kopp Georgia McCravey ’73 Diane Moore Dee Parker ’48 Winkie Persinger ’51 Andrew Phelps Rickie Pierce Gail Pinchak Julie Prescott Helene Reisman ’66 Sharon Schier Betsy Silberman ’63 Suzanne Smartt Claire Smith Starlet Speakman ’59 Amy Thomas Caroline Walker ’04 Barbara Walling Betty Webster ’40 + Mary Alice Wyatt ’66


Parents & Grandparents CURRENT PARENTS BY CLASS 2017 Luanne Ballentine Mary Baxter Julie Brandao ’84 Jo Brotton Robyn and Chris Bryant Anna ’91 and Talley Clower Courtney ’87 and Brad Cobb Ana and Paul Cornea Crystal Cox Chip Crump Robin Crump Leann and Randy Davis Helene and Brian Dolinger Vickie and Jim Dorris Patrice ’88 and Will Glass Diane and Troy Kemp Kord Kutchins Laura and John Land Carol ’87 and Garrison Martin Claire ’87 and Wyatt McVay Lynne ’84 and Michael Mulligan Jenny and James Nevans Beth ’84 and Carter Newbold Karen and Jim Pels Kristin and Bill Rogers Umbar Shah and Mohsin Ali Shelley and Martin Simms Gaye Stone and Rex Rowell Carol ’85 and Robert Stoney Tanya and Steve Swann Alicia Tomokane Vanessa and Madison Torrence Jan and Ben Vance Deseret and Steve Ward Katie and Bill Warren David Willard Angie and Robbie Williams


2018 Anonymous (3) Aundrea Agee-Wagner and Jimmy Wagner Amy and Ted Arrowsmith Rachel and Steve Berger Katy Berotti and Greg May Christine and Chris Bertani Lisa and Mark Bonadio

Aimee and Scott Braman Lynn and Jeff Breedlove Kim and Eric Brown Joanne and Allen Coffman Elizabeth ’87 and Andy Day Beth and Frank Delaney Kristie and Jason Doan Joy and Chad Eslinger Ashley and Ricky Floyd Beth ’79 and Kevin Gaffney Julia and Lee Glover Claudia Goldbach Rafe Goldbach Helene and Tommy Hamn Caroline and Lowndes Harrison Margaret and Hank Hopping Tara and Mike Hoskins Hunter Jennings Jennifer and Will Kline Sandra Lamb Etsuko and Kurt Lammon Daisy and Esteban Lim Susie ’76 and Mark Lynn Patti and Matt Marsden LeaAnn and Bob Marshall Rebecca and Edward McIntire Zara and Naveed Memon Sally ’86 and Andy Michaud Pinaki and Divyesh Modi Jenny and Tripp Nash Adelaide ’87 and David Naumann Kirsta and Bo Oglesby Jana and Wilson Pauldin Tracey ’81 and Frank Peele Sandra and Phil Pitts Sandy and Peter Poggi Davella and Lloyd Porter Julie and Kyle Prescott Kim Rasbury Michele and Chris Sanborn Sarah and Bob Schlegel Beth and Scott Self Fern and James Shire Jenni and Mark Smith Karen and Mat Smith Lori and Jimmy Stamey Aye Than and Moe Han Christie and Tony Towns Emma and Joe Veys

Caroline von Kessler Wilson von Kessler Shannon and John Walters Karen and Miller Welborn 2019 Cindy and Tim Alford Susan and Chip Arnold Lee ’81 and Ross Ballenger Lori and Jay Benefield Terri and Tiku Bhutwala Beverly and Chris Blackwell Kim and Marshall Brock Donna and Kirk Brody Lisa and Tony Brown Sandy and Brian Calhoun Jenise and Rob Cantrell Tammy Combs Leann and Randy Davis Stacy and Kyle Eiselstein Kara and Gary Fannon Paise and Roy Friddell Jennifer Hargis Robin Hays Jama and Brian House Jana and Jason Humble Jennifer and Will Kline Jackie and Mike Kuebler Laura and Don Lewis Thalia and Andrew Little Amber and Adrian Long Rebecca and Eugene Long Sally ’86 and Andy Michaud Shanti Mohling and Scott Resnick Ann and Jim O’Brien Malvika and Chirag Patel Teresa and Phil Raisin Umbar Shah and Mohsin Ali Samantha and Danny Smith Ellen and Tim Stowell Tanya and Steve Swann Amy ’84 and Tommy Thatcher Virna and Mark Tucker Kipton ’92 and Kevin Tugman Jan and Ben Vance Auburn and Zach Walley Carol and Thad Whitfield Mary Leland Wilde ’85 Christy and Greg Wilson Todd Worlen

2020 Aundrea Agee-Wagner and Jimmy Wagner Jenny and Vance Bell Kingsley ’94 and David Bennett Susan and James Bevill Paula and Bobby Brooksbank Alicia and Paul Burke Coughlin ’88 and Jed Cooper Jennifer and David Cope Mandy and Brandon Culpepper Kris Cunningham Laurie and Jason Eck Lisa and John Eyster Kerry and David Foropoulos Claudia Goldbach Rafe Goldbach Alaine and Stephen Gray Naushaba Hasan Esther and Jess Hoodenpyle Karen and Tj Ingle Jennifer and Andy Kreek Francine Labbe Celeste and Peter Lindeman Pamela and Brian Lockhart Melissa and Bob Magill Carol ’87 and Garrison Martin Mandy and Tommy Massengale Lasherril and Jeffrey Matthews Kelly and Bob Maxwell Allyson ’83 and Brian Millican Cate ’83 and Dan Mueller Stephanie and Keith Owensby Robin and Gary Priest Elaine and Jonathan Propes Nehtisha and Joseph Rollis Barbaranelle and Chris Rowe Marg Sherrill Reggie Sherrill Sherry and Archie Stamey Sonya Stephens Vanessa and Madison Torrence Nedra Wakefield

2021 Anonymous (1) Amira Badawy and Farid Siyam Luanne Ballentine Julie Brandao ’84 Julie and Shannon Brown Sarah and Lee Burns Brittain Bussart Sandy and Brian Calhoun Lara and Jay Caughman Anna ’91 and Talley Clower Joanne and Allen Coffman Tammy Combs Elizabeth ’87 and Andy Day Vanessa Dexter Laurie and Jason Eck Stacy and Kyle Eiselstein Ashley and Ricky Floyd Kerry and David Foropoulos Lisa Fritschen Dominique and Paul Gable Amanda and Scott Grisar Kord Kutchins Jennifer and Michael Lockwood Ann and Raleigh Maddox Julie McElroy Jan ’85 and Kevin McGregor Claire ’87 and Wyatt McVay Elisha Millan Suzanne and Glenn Morris Jenny and James Nevans Beth ’84 and Carter Newbold Michal and Bob Parsley Connie and Trey Paty Tracey ’81 and Frank Peele Adrienne Powell ’86 Naina Sharma and Manvesh Sinha Lynn ’93 and Jason Shelton Becca and Wick Spears Mary Stanley ’94 and Scott Grant Carol ’85 and Robert Stoney Ellen and Tim Stowell Kim and Jon Thorstenson Sharon and David Turner Caroline von Kessler Wilson von Kessler Mandy and Chad Young Aleeta and Chris Zeller 2022 Stephanie and Stephen Austin Anna and Frank Baker Angie and Jamie Blevins

Mandy ’89 and Alex Bohner Emily ’94 and Chapman Brown Sherri and Jeff Burns Brittain Bussart Mary Ann ’82 and Fred Clelland Michelle and Sean Coakley Courtney ’87 and Brad Cobb Tammy Combs Leah and Paul Daniel Mandy and Brian Eftink Lisa and John Eyster Rachel ’94 and Christopher Farris Lisa and Andy Felker Allison and Chuck Foster Rhonda and John Friant Leah Gerbitz ’87 Marianne and Chris Greene Naushaba Hasan Milca Hernandez Michelle and Deston Hutcherson Catherine and Jamie Ingalls Jennifer and Andy Kreek Rebecca and Todd Levin Karen and Eric Love LeaAnn and Bob Marshall Michele and Owen Megahee Dalton ’88 and Doug Mook Copper and Wade Newman Paula and Steve Nicola Melissa and Wesley Nimon Connie and Trey Paty Amy and Steve Perry Allison and Jeremy Pettus Julie and Kyle Prescott Sarah and Duke Richey Michelle and Jimmy Scotchie Lynn ’93 and Jason Shelton Sonya Stephens Stephanie and Chris Thacker Kipton ’92 and Kevin Tugman April ’91 and Clay Watson Julie and Mark Wiedmer Huegette and Richard Williams 2023 Anonymous (1) Lauren and Peter Boehm Tonya ’87 and Casey Botts Kelly and Shane Chittum Laura ’91 and Jeff Clark Mandy and Brandon Culpepper Carrie ’90 and Roger Dahlke

Thankful and John Davis Kelley and David Elliott Sondra and Johnathon Etchison Alison Gerber and Jimmy Espy Sophia Gross Marcie and Will Haisten Lisa ’88 and Tom Hayes Amanda and Tommy Hayslett Jenny and Hamp Johnston Sande Lambert and Brent Alverson Rhonda and Tyke Layne Pamela and Brian Lockhart Jennifer and Michael Lockwood Rebecca and Eugene Long Carol ’87 and Garrison Martin Mandy and Tommy Massengale Karen and Gary Maynard Mary Ellen and Gary Mazo Claire ’87 and Wyatt McVay Misty and Erle Miles Allyson ’83 and Brian Millican Allison ’88 and Kincaid Mills Jane and Patrick Mitchell Melanie and Helge Nestler Tisha and Greg Noll Andrea and Randy Odle Stephany and Austin Pedigo Jeff Rizer Barbaranelle and Chris Rowe Jenni and Mark Smith Shelley and Chris Talton Auburn and Zach Walley Vicki and Ivey Williamson Christy and Greg Wilson CURRENT GRANDPARENTS Johanne Albright ’61 Barbara Andrews Mary Ann and Boyce Arnett Peter Arrowsmith Lucena and Tom Ault Hogla Aviles-Hernandez and Hector Hernandez Linda and Allen Ballenger Joan Barnes Gail and Bobby Beech Laura ’63 and John Bennett Sally and Cliff Betts ++ Barbara and Pat Bisson

Elaine and Bruce Boncutter Pam and Nelson Bowers Dottie ’65 and Frank Brock Theresa and Jim Brown Wayne Brown Graham Burns ’57 Lois and Bill Calhoun Marilyn ’58 and Mort Center Mary and Bill Cherry Bettie and Sam Chester Carole Clark Sarah Clewell Linda and Ron Cloud Susan and Boyd Cobb Geraldine and Joe Connatser Jo Ann Cook Wanda and Steve Cope Linda and Michael Corcoran Emily and Dennis Coyle Mary Lou Crow Brenda Crowe Leland Davenport ’55 Judith and James Dossett Winship and Bill Durrett Sarah Eck Barbara and George Edwards Judy and Bill Eiselstein Kate and Charles Foster Joan ’60 and Dan Frierson Gayle and Don Glover Faye and Arnold Godwin Judith Gribben Brenda and Jeff Hamn Jane and Vincent Haren Tootsie ’58 and Butch Harless Carolyn and Ray Harlin Dolores Harris Marian Harris ’55 Patricia and Fonda Harwell Sarah and Tommy Hayes Harriette and Earl Hereford Becky and Virgil Hollingsworth Olivia and Bill Hopkins Margaret Horton Lottice Johnson Pat and Colin Kelley Sandra and Randy Kerfoot Betsy and Gerry Kersey Lynda and JR Kilgore Roseanne and Larry Killen Vickie and Larry King Jane and Lowry Kline Barbara Lammon Marti and Jess Langley Loretta and Ron Lankford Susan and Frank Lindsey 43

Betty Lupton Jonnie Sue and Bob Lyons Jean and John Machen Susan Martin ’52 Billie and Anthony Martino Nina and Jack Mattox Janice McAfee ’57 Jena McGowan Janie ’63 and Lanny McNabb Kay and Erle Miles Butch and Olan Mills Elizabeth and Wilmer Mills Frances Newell Frances and French Newton Ruby Norwood Charlotte and John Paty Loretta and Ralph Pedigo Trisha and Mike Peek Sandy and Jim Pickerill Rickie and Charles Pierce Betty Pitts Tina and James Player Patricia Poggi Mary and Charles Portera Sandra and Ray Prescott Pam Propes Nancy and Al Raffo Liz Raisin Sandra and John Rathjen Rhoda and Ron Resnick Glenda and Brooks Rizer Janice and Buckley Robbins Beverly and Rick Roberts Judy and Gerry Rogers Virginia and Bill Rowe Donald Salisbury Elwynn Schwartz Ruth and Jim Scotchie Karla and Bud Self Maureen and Thomas Shipp Sally ’61 and Pat Smartt Chris ’72 and Trip Smith Frances ’48 and Gordon Smith + Karen and Paul Songer Jackie and Harold Stamey Joann and Archie Stamey Willie Steele Dianne and Kenneth Stephenson Wendy ’60 and Ed Taliaferro Joe Thatcher Florence Tucker ’40 Marie Turner Karen Walls Brenda and Barry Walston Barbara and Keeling Warburton 44

Susan and Therald Ward Anne and Mike Warren Cathy and Bill Watson Debbie and David Watson Irene Welborn ’51 Frankie and John Whitmire Patricia Wiedmer Linda Williams Georgia and Dave Wilson PAST PARENTS, PAST GRANDPARENTS, AND FRIENDS Anonymous (2) Ann Abney ’54 Sarah and Kevin Ade Maxine and Paul Adkins Lorraine Aiken Johanne Albright ’61 Carleen and Larry Alexander Jan and Skip Alexander Amelia + and Owen Allen Betsy Anderson ’46 Debbie and David Anderson Sue Atkinson Linda and Ed Averett Kathy and Stuart Bacon Sarah and Max Bahner Tammy ’83 and Jim Barber Cathy and Muecke Barker Joan Barnes Anne Barron and O. J. Morgan Sue and Billy Bartlett Jamie and Paul Bergmann Phyllis and Thilo Best Sally and Cliff Betts ++ Barbara Blake Ellen ’68 and Kent Blocker Becky ’67 and Rick Bowers Judy and Jemison Bowers Pam and Nelson Bowers Peggy Bowman Kelley and Tony Boyd Louis Boyer Anne ’78 and George Bright Fletcher Bright Dottie ’65 and Frank Brock Lisa and Charlie Brock Meg ’79 and Oscar Brock Mary ’60 and Howard Brooks Temple and Mike Brookshire Becky and Coy Browder Carla and Scott Brown Jim Bullard Carol and Herb Burhenn Gayanne and Phil Burns

Graham Burns ’57 Beth and Teddy Caldwell Bob Caldwell Lewie Card Rob Carden Steve Carter Emmy ’53 and Allen Casey Margaret Cate ’49 Bill Caulkins Suzanne and Desmond Celestine Marilyn ’58 and Mort Center Sue and Morrow Chamberlain John Chapin Mary and Bill Cherry Bettie and Sam Chester Julie and Frank Chirumbole Carole Clark Marie ’70 and Jeff Cleary Connie Cline-Hudgins Susan and Boyd Cobb Jan and Dub Cochran Carolyn ’58 and Joe Cofer Linda and Rusty Colquitt Angie ’78 and Pat Conroy Tee Conroy ’71 Herschelene Cook Eleanor ’64 and Mel Cooper Ty ’67 and Jim Cooper Vicki Corbett Mitsy ’75 and Mike Costello Marie Crimmins ’47 Stefanie Crowe Susan and David Crownover Becky ’83 and Greg Cullum Melissa ’85 and Michael Curtis Sandy and Bill Cushman Anne and Bob Dann Leland Davenport ’55 Nini ’77 and Elliott Davenport Cyd ’77 and Neal Davis Glenda and Raymond Davis Mary DeCamp Amy ’71 and Fred Decosimo Anna and Doug Dennett Tennyson ’76 and Tommy Dickinson Eleanor and Steve Dobson Alice and Roddey Dowd Jane Dowden ’58 Diana and Richard Doyle Rose Mary ’53 and Jim Dunbar Tracie ’80 and Dirk Durham Patricia and William Edwards Judy and Bill Eiselstein

Judy and Bill Ekiss Janelle and Tom Ellis Cay ’74 and Lars Ely Connelly ’59 and Bill Ensign Teresa and Phil Essary Christy and Dillard Evans Anne Exum Connie Farrar ’50 Marie Farrar and Mitch Baldree Carol Farrow Sally and Buddy Faulkner Carole and G. W. Fauth Greg Fazio Stephanie and John Felker Julie Fisher Nancy Fletcher ’54 Cristina and Radian Florea Nan Fortiner and David Mouron Janice ’58 and Archie Fortune Ann Fox Linda and David Fox Charlotte Freeman Linda and Russell Friberg Joan ’60 and Dan Frierson Karen and Jim Fulmer Marcia and William Fuqua Debbie ’70 and Michael Gaff Donna Gaines Jeff and Kay Gaither Lynda and Dave Galik Kathy ’80 and Ellis Gardner Brian Garner Cindy and David Garvey Charlotte ’53 and Dick Gauss Kim and Tim Glascock Darlene and Tom Glenn Jessica and Jack Good Colleen and Tague Goodhue Lizzer ’77 and Scott Graham H. Grant Liz ’83 and Frank Grant Sissa Green ’73 Pam Greer Laura Gregory Martha and Albert Griffin Bitse ’64 and Erick Griggs Beverley and Frank Groves Susan and Mark Gruwell Cindy and John Grzesiak Jan Haberer Tavenner Hall ’61 Sharon Hamrick Sadie Jean and Ray Hannah Patricia and Bob Hardison Tootsie ’58 and Butch Harless Carolyn and Ray Harlin

Corinne Harper Marian Harris ’55 Stephanie and Chuck Harrison Cathy and Jeff Harvey Pat and Bryan Harwell Phyllis and Drew Haskins Liz and Mac Hedges Jane and Henry Henegar Harriette and Earl Hereford Ann and Tom Heys Jim Hibbler Lynne and Russell Hill Stacey Hill Jynni Hitching-Andrews ’57 and Dan Andrews Mary Vassar and Frank Hitchings Barbara and Glynn Hodges Patricia and Richard Holder Trina and Mack Holland Ruth Holmberg + Tracy and Tony Horton Suzie Howick Janet and Tommy Hudgins Charlotte and Hugh Huffaker L. J. ’54 and Bob Huffaker Natalie and Rob Huffaker Bucky Hughes ’50 Julie and Craig Humphreys Kay Hutcheson ’79 Linda and Jack Ireland Jody and Ken Jackson Nancy and Larry Jackson Kyoung-Hee and Gill Jeong Judy and Roy Johnson Gin ’53 and Tad Johnston Jan and Tory Johnston Jarmin ’84 and Fox Johnston Lavinia Johnston ’75 Nita and Jim Johnston Summerfield Johnston Peggy Jones ’52 Sally and Tom Juntune Jane ’62 and Shelby Kaplan Cathie Kasch ’72 Pat and Colin Kelley Anne Kennedy Betsy and Gerry Kersey Roseanne and Larry Killen Alice and Rusty Kimball Jane and Lowry Kline Susan and Taco Kopp Sheryl and Jim Kreis Sendil Krishnan Prabha and Sarma Kunda Doranne and Buddy Lane Loretta and Ron Lankford

Mary and Ed Laughlin David Lawman Betty and Charles Lebovitz Susan ’72 and Chet Lesourd M.J. and Howard Levine Pam Lewter Nikki Lockerby Sally and Bill Lockett Fannie Mae Loyd Jonnie Sue and Bob Lyons Kitty Maclellan Henry Magnuson Pamela Mantone Oneida Martin Pat ’69 and David Martin Susan Martin ’52 Mary Masingill Paige and Michael Mathis Marty Mauldin ’72 Janice McAfee ’57 Cindy and Jeff McCall Isabel ’69 and John McCall Jennifer and Joe McCall Sara and Spencer McCallie Tresa and Franklin McCallie Susan McCarter Georgia ’73 and John McCravey Toni ’63 and Jack McGauley Susie and Scott McGinness Tara ’63 and Joseph McGinness Suzy and David McKenna Janie ’63 and Lanny McNabb Sue and Ronnie McNeil Teddi Mendel ’55 Janet Milanesi Elaine and Tory Milazzo Rosy ’69 and Jim Milburn Jennifer and Jay Mills Jack Milne Linda and Tony Mines Donna and Marshal Mize Charlie Monroe Lucas Monroe Shelby ’72 and Carrington Montague Barbara Moore ’50 Meredith Moore Ann ’81 and Larry Morgan Hennie Morris Caroline ’80 and Hugh Morrow Katie ’72 and Don Morton Georgia Nelson Mollie Nelson ’60 Elaine and Bob Nevil Carol and Steve Newton

Jennifer Nicely Georgia Nicholson Veronika Nowading Alice and Billy Oehmig Marian Oehmig ’62 Lynn ’65 and Pat Owings Joe Painter Lotika Pandit-Chandra and Anuj Chandra Tommie Paris Merrill Parker Peggy Parker ’67 Dedra and Lamar Partridge Nancy and Ron Patch Charlotte ’62 and Tom Patrick Kathy ’59 and Bryan Patten Pemmy Patten Betsy ’60 + and White Patton Diane Patty Charlotte and John Paty Martha Jane ’53 and Moses Payne Judy and Steve Paynter Phoebe and Rob Pearigen Loretta and Ralph Pedigo Gershon Perry Pat Persinger Winkie ’51 and Jack Persinger Jackie and Andrew Phelps Deb and Charlie Phillips Mufti and John Phillips Carolyn Pierce Laura ’85 and Todd Pierce Rickie and Charles Pierce Gail and Frank Pinchak Brenda and Jack Pollard Marcy Porter Mary and Charles Portera Melissa and Charles Portera Debra Prescott Jackie and Bill Price Susan and Buzz Prigmore Knox and Stephanie Proctor Janice and Dan Provine Carol and Patrick Quinn Anne ’65 and Millard Ramsey Sally Reeve ’52 Helene Reisman ’66 Robert Renfro Elizabeth and Irv Resnick Lisa and Michael Revenig Adrienne ’50 and Buddy Rhodes Trish and Dick Rice Barbara Riddle Janice and Buckley Robbins Suzan ’73 and Dana Robinette

Kathleen and Fred Robinson Virginia and Robert Rodgers Francisco Rodriguez Virginia and Bill Rowe Judy ’57 and Tom Rowland Margie and Charlie Rowland Deb and Mike Royal Dot Rucker Michelle Ruest and Dick Gossett Lorie ’81 and Bill Runge Sharon and Richard Russell Allison Sample Carol and Jack Sample Lee Ann and Larry Samuels Julia and Keith Sanford Anita and Julian Saul Rachel Savage and Don Ritzhaupt Dorothy and Robert Schaettle Britt Schaffeld Carol Schaffeld Jackie and Marty Scheinberg Laura Scherzer ’64 Sharon Schier Elwynn Schwartz Christie Sell Sheilah and Benny Sellers Lori ’59 and Mike Shalett Margaret and John Sheehan Penny and Kenny Sholl Betsy ’63 and Toby Silberman Becky and Bill Simpson Anne and Mark Singer Alice ’66 and Alfred Smith Becky and Allen Smith Chris ’72 and Trip Smith Claire and Roger Smith Elaine Smith Frances ’48 and Gordon Smith + Gloria ’72 and Randy Smith Merle and Norman Smith Susan ’69 and Tom Snow Debbie and Rickey Sparks Starlet ’59 and Fred Speakman Patti ’74 and Defo Spencer Harriette Spiegel Patricia and Walter Stamper Estes ’51 and Gerry Stephens Carol ’54 and Jack Stephenson Peggy ’67 and Drew Sterchi Becca Stimson ’73 and Tom Jenkins Tom Stimson Harriette Stokes ’78 45

Gifts in Honor & Memory Laura ’72 and Thorny Strang Emily and John Straussberger Mary and Neal Sumrall Sissy ’66 and Lex Tarumianz Julie and Rob Taylor Joe Thatcher Amy and Jamie Thomas Bonnie ’58 and Bob Thomas Melinda and Bill Thompson Bina and Mike Todai Patti and David Unruh Julia and Peter Vagovic Judy Varnell Ginger and Jimmy Vaughn Margaret Venable Anita and Robert Vetter Bea and Ron Wade Penny and Jeff Wade Sunny ’71 and Richard Wagner Patsi and Kirk Walker Cissy and Bill Wallace Barbara and Challen Walling Betty and Don Walther Barbara and Bill Walton Barbara and Porter Warner Debbie and David Watson Taylor Watson ’89

Betty Webster ’40 + Sandra ’55 and Lewis Weeks Ralston Wells Melissa and Ross Whitaker Pat and James Whitaker Beth ’76 and Tom White Ruth and Johnny White Caroline and Nelson Williams Jennifer Williams Nancy and John Williams Amanda and David Wills Pamela ’74 and Randy Wilson Patricia and Joe Wilson Suzanne and David Winchester Sheri ’67 and Bob Wood John and Jan Woods Ann ’51 and John Woody Emily ’46 and James Wright Renuka and Ashok Yadav Sylvia Zuckerman ’45

GIFTS MADE TO GPS IN HONOR OF Heather Ake ’20 Kennedy Alverson ’23 Christine Anderson ’09 Molly Ballenger ’19 Maddox Bandy ’18 Mary Baxter Jaela Beamon ’19 Joelly Scherzer Belman ’88 Brandi Berghorn ’11 Chelsea Berghorn ’15 Katherine Betts ’76 Cathy Bobo Bolden ’75 Allyson Bowman ’84 Lydia Bowman ’11 Peggy Bowman Dottie ’65 and Frank Brock Elizabeth Brown ’19 Lauren Jackson Brown ’11 Morgan Brown ’21 Phyllis Mathis Brown ’65 Pierson Brown ’18 Astra Burke ’20 Anne Welch Burnette ’52 Bennett Burns ’17 Graham Walker Burns ’57

Halley Caldwell ’04 Laura Anderson Calloway ’03 Avery Campbell ’18 Lindsey Campbell ’20 Terry Carney Mary Carrithers Rachel Celestine ’13 Emmy Pettway Cerveny ’57 Grace Chu ’97 Class of 1951 Class of 1982 Class of 1993 Class of 1997 Emily Clelland ’14 Mary Ann Pedigo Clelland ’82 Mary Catherine Clelland ’22 Anabelle Clower ’21 Mary Jane Clower ’17 Catherine Cobb ’17 Emmaline Cobb ’17 Izzy Cobb ’22 Rachel ’96 and Brian Cohen Madison Cope ’20 Megan Corbett ’02 Ava Culpepper ’23 Ella Culpepper ’20 Rebecca Davenport Janet Keese Davies ’52 Louise Freeman Davis ’84 Christy Loyd Dodd ’88 Barbie Edwards ’20 Ellie Edwards ’18 Jane Eiselstein ’21 Kylie Eiselstein ’19 Anne Exum Katie Eyster ’22 Mary Frances Eyster ’20 Graci Felker ’22 Rachael Felker ’99 McKaylyn Fults ’17 Presh Divine Gill ’44

GPS students celebrate May Day 2017 46

Abby Glass ’17 Jessica Good Katie Lockerby Goss ’00 GPS Tennis Team Liz Clark Grant ’83 Autumn Graves Trinity Greene ’22 Katie Killebrew Grimes ’57 Elisabeth Hale ’17 Rebecca Hayslett ’23 Jane and Henry Henegar Hanna Hopkins ’18 Betty Jo Horton Alli Hoy Amanda Thompson Jackson ’97 Leeann Jackson ’13 Connie Duke Jones ’47 Cathie Ault Kasch ’72 Betsey Evans Kates ’97 Annsley Kelley ’21 Tia Kemp ’17 Lindsay Lail ’17 Raegan Lamb ’18 Kelsey Lane ’10 Mary and Ed Laughlin Laura Laughlin ’10 Emily Lilley ’03 Claire Lindeman ’20 Reagan Long ’19 Iris Love ’22 Lainey Maddox ’21 Lily Mahanes ’23 Erin Marshall ’21 Allison Wallace McCarty ’93 Abby Lockerby Medley ’03 Morgan Miller ’24 Reese Miller ’21 Linda Mines Jeanette Mitchell Barbara Neidhardt Moore ’50 Ruth and Albert Muerth Emma Nash ’18 Keith Owensby Bernard Parham Betsy Paty ’96 Mae Mae Pedigo ’23 Natalie Wallace Perdomo ’96 Bella Perry ’22 Nancy Armstrong Perry ’57 Winkie Wilson Persinger ’51 Izzy Phillips ’14

Anna Claire Pierce ’15 Laura Williams Pierce ’85 Rickie Pierce Maria Pitner ’61 McKinley Pitts ’18 Marjorie Polk Burnett ’75 Jane Porfiri ’21 Abby Claire Prescott ’22 Hannah Prescott ’18 Mary Beth Propes ’20 Susan Overmyer Ragland ’57 Rachel Raisin ’16 Hannah Bowman Rawn ’08 Sally Lynch Reeve ’52 Carmen Resnick ’19 Courtney Cochran Reynolds ’84 Emmy Richey ’22 Caroline Riede ’23 Liza Rogers ’22 Winnie and John Rose Heather Loyd Ross ’92 Caroline Rowe ’23 Elizabeth Rowe ’20 Jennifer Laughlin Sanders ’07 Annie Sanford ’21 Laura Balch Scherzer ’64 Suzanne Schier-Happell ’94 Leightta Sherrill ’20 Jennifer Kreis Sikes ’01 Starlet Light Speakman ’59 Tatum Spears ’21 Donna Spiegel ’91 Leslie Spiegel ’89 Lisa Galik Surprenant ’03 Amy and Jamie Thomas Daphne Thomas ’18 Kathryn Thomas ’18 Neely Thomas ’18 Peggy Thomas Cece Turner ’18 Charlotte Vance ’19 Mimi Vance ’17 Barbara Walling Shelby Walters ’18 Phoebe Warren ’17 Elizabeth Warwick ’20 Darren Williams Jennie Williams ’17 Ally Wilson ’23 Riley Wilson ’19 John Woods Lauren Wright ’17

GIFTS MADE TO GPS IN MEMORY OF Martha Kemp Barber ’32 Ray Barnes Esther Barnwell Brian Baxter Sally and Cliff Betts Vicki Freeman Blanton ’61 Richard Bohner Laura Breen ’04 Muffet Handly Brock ’54 Allen Brown Joan Masingill Brown ’78 Susan Bryant Gradeanna and Don Cannon Martha Gilbert Chisolm ’40 Jax Cohen Reagan Cohen Eric Conn Fred Cook Jo Costello Smith Anna Craft ’96 Edwina Cranfield Helen Smith Davenport ’53 Chet Devaney Cindy Dyer ’73 Bashie Steele Evans ’36 Betty Sue Ayers Farmer ’58 Mary Wright Ferguson ’32 Sharon Finnell Peggy Morin Franck ’55 Sarah Thompson Gilman ’36 Joel Ginsberg Ann Greene Palmer Griffin ’08 Peggy Haley Kit Bowen Harra ’46 Gerald Hebert Lorene Hegwood Ann Kosik Hibbler ’64 Linda Deakins Hogan ’71 Ruth Holmberg Nat Hughes Jerri Hughlett Charlene Hutcherson Frank Hutcheson Karen Iskander Kitty Johnston Glynn Key Betsy Polk Law ’75 Mavis Ledesma

Robert Leffew Marghee Levine ’91 Jimmy Loyd Diana Harp Martin ’52 Richard Matus Grace McCallie Mary Stewart Becking McClain ’38 Dorcas Hutcheson McDonald ’25 Martha McDonald ’44 Phyllis Metsky Margot Williams Milosavljevic ’60 Roberta Moore Alice Joiner Morrow ’47 Sally Nash Lara Pardue Owen ’87 Betsy Johnson Patton ’60 Sara and Jack Payne Barbara Pedigo Gay Osborne Peeples ’62 Patrick Poggi Jane Keese Ragland ’53 Bob Riddle Charlotte Hibbler Roarick ’50 Linda Roland Mike Salisbury Hal Schwartz Gordon Smith June Milton Stobaugh ’62 Susan Donnovin Sutter ’87 Randy Tucker Dennis Turnbo Ruth Vredeveld Dorris Chapin Wells ’46 Joan Austin Williams ’53 Martha Miller Willingham ’32 Kay McKenzie Wilson ’57 Florence Bagley Witt ’38


Bruiser Bee 2017

BRUISER BEE BY THE NUMBERS • 170 ATTENDEES • 21 TEAMS • 4 TEAMS competing in the FINALS • 1 JUDGE, Dr. Mary Tanner, Board of Trustees H









• Queen Bees • Leit-ning Lawyers • Spell on Wheels • The Spellbinders • Highway to Spell • Nulli Nisi Optimi

See what all the BUZZ IS ABOUT! SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2018 6 to 9:30 p.m. The Westin Chattanooga


Girls Preparatory School introduced a new signature event this year

BRUISER BEE AS CHATTANOOGA’S FIRST and only adult spelling competition, the Bruiser Bee was held in December 2016 and was a hit. In addition to attracting supporters of GPS, attendees from the greater Chattanooga community participated in this fun night of spelling and friendly competition. Alison Lebovitz, local TV host and author, emceed this event where a game show atmosphere combined with a lounge setting gave participants an alternative to a black-tie fundraiser. There were prizes and costumes—and much audience participation in cheering on the competing teams. Words such as amanuensis and aardvark topped the list, and Triple Nerd Score team members Caren Jones, Sendil Krishnan, and Jim Tate outlasted the others and claimed the prize as Chattanooga’s Best Speller. Bruiser Bee serves as our fundraiser, a key event for our school, that helped us reach our goal of raising $1 million for the Impact Fund last year.

Anonymous (1) 6 Strong Media Maxine and Paul Adkins Aundrea Agee-Wagner and Jimmy Wagner Amy and Ted Arrowsmith Associates in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery PC Bagho, LLC Danna Bailey ’89 Lee ’81 and Ross Ballenger Sue and Billy Bartlett Kerri ’75 and Richard Bartlett Leigh Anne Battersby ’83 Jamie and Paul Bergmann Barbara and Pat Bisson Tonya ’87 and Casey Botts Priya Boyington ’07 Julie Brandao ’84 Kim and Marshall Brock Lisa and Charlie Brock Donna and Kirk Brody Kim and Eric Brown Lisa and Tony Brown Blair ’93 and Ed Cannon Meg ’99 and Brandon Cannon Rob Carden Maria and Jim Carlone Marie ’70 and Jeff Cleary Courtney ’87 and Brad Cobb Coughlin ’88 and Jed Cooper Melissa ’85 and Michael Curtis Ally Daniel ’22 Nini ’77 and Elliott Davenport Rebecca and Elliott Davenport Jennifer Davis ’84 Mary DeCamp Tennyson ’76 and Tommy Dickinson Tracie ’80 and Dirk Durham Laurie and Jason Eck Stacy and Kyle Eiselstein Kelley and David Elliott Elliott Davis Decosimo Joy and Chad Eslinger Anne Exum Lisa and John Eyster Rachel ’94 and Christopher Farris First Tennessee Bank Joan ’60 and Dan Frierson Dominique and Paul Gable Mary ’93 and Jason Gadd Brian Garner

Leah Gerbitz ’87 Julia and Lee Glover Jenise Gordon Lizzer ’77 and Scott Graham Autumn and Vann Graves Holly ’84 and Marc Harwell Kristy ’84 and Murray Hemsley Michal Howick ’03 Il Primo Sarah ’06 and Chris Jackson Jenny and Hamp Johnston K :: A Boutique by Katherine Roberts Kameel Master Stitch, LLC Cathie Kasch ’72 Jane and Lowry Kline Jennifer and Andy Kreek Sendil Krishnan Alyx Labbe ’14 Francine Labbe Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan, PLLC Pamela and Brian Lockhart Jennifer and Michael Lockwood Rachel ’07 and Kody Lyons Patti and Matt Marsden Maria ’75 and Dennis Matthews Angela McAllister ’92 Georgia ’73 and John McCravey Claire ’87 and Wyatt McVay Elaine and Tory Milazzo Daniel and Marta Millbank Amanda ’94 and Aon Miller Allyson ’83 and Brian Millican Ann ’81 and Larry Morgan Mountain View Ford Lincoln Cate ’83 and Dan Mueller Beth ’84 and Carter Newbold Jennifer Nicely Andrea and Randy Odle Diane Patty Carmen Patty ’08 Peachtree Creative, LLC Tracey ’81 and Frank Peele Karen and Jim Pels Mufti and John Phillips Anna Phillips ’97 Tina and James Player Julie and Kyle Prescott RIE Investments, LLC Barbaranelle and Chris Rowe Michelle Ruest and Dick Gossett

Triple Nerd Score celebrates their win!

Jackie and Marty Scheinberg Beth and Scott Self Christie Sell Fern and James Shire Shire Facial Plastic Surgery Betsy ’63 and Toby Silberman Erin ’98 and Jay Sizemore Bilda and Frank Small Chris ’72 and Trip Smith Starlet ’59 and Fred Speakman Donna Spiegel ’91 Sherry and Archie Stamey Sarah and Jamey Steffner Becca Stimson ’73 and Tom Jenkins Tanya and Steve Swann Mary Tanner and Homer Kemp Sissy ’66 and Lex Tarumianz Ellis ’05 and Stephen Thomas Amy and Jamie Thomas U.S. Xpress Jan and Ben Vance Mark and Kim Vosskamp Penny and Jeff Wade April ’91 and Clay Watson Mary ’74 and Tom Watson Karen and Miller Welborn Mary Leland Wilde ’85 Caroline and Nelson Williams Pamela ’74 and Randy Wilson Debbie ’79 and Carter Young 49

Forty-four girl-owned businesses from schools around the region participated in the Girls’ Marketplace at MBD: Girl Edition

MBD: Girl Edition 2017 Anonymous (1) BB & T Insurance Services Big 95.3 Blue Cross-Blue Shield Brewer Media Group Chattem, Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling Company United, Inc. Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga Dish T’Pass Cooking School and Catering Company E1 Body & Soul Eleanor ’64 and Mel Cooper Elliott Davis Decosimo First Tennessee Bank Good Dog Charlotte and Hugh Huffaker Natalie and Rob Huffaker Il Primo JumpFund Management Group, LLC KENCO GROUP, INC. Lake Winnepesaukah Mountain View Ford Lincoln Pamela Greer Photography Power 94 WJTT-FM Russ Blakely & Associates 50

ShowTime Event Rentals Sound Force Entertainment Starkey Printing SunTrust Bank The Generosity Trust The Links, Incorporated Weldon F. Osborne Foundation, Inc.


Saturday, March 17, 2018 • 24-Hour Generator • Girls’ Marketplace • Help fund summer community course— Placemaking: Chattanooga as Text MORE INFORMATION AT GETYOURMBD.COM 51


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