THE GIRLS PREPARATORY SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT TEAM works diligently to raise funds for the school, but it is not our sole focus. Much of our time is spent deepening relationships with alumnae, parents, grandparents, and friends. I am incredibly proud of our team that rallied and adapted in a year that went from familiar to quite unpredictable. In the fall and winter of 2019, we traveled to different cities across the nation, including New York City, San Francisco, Nashville, and Birmingham, to visit with alumnae in more intimate settings. Back on campus, we welcomed alumnae 50+ years out at our annual Founders Luncheon. Also impressive were the number of our alumnae who returned to campus to mentor our girls through Lunchtime Learning sessions or special speaking opportunities during IMPACT or a club or class. Nothing inspires a GPS girl more than to hear from a woman who has achieved success after having worn the same dress and black onyx ring. Many of our alumnae have been joining GPSAlumnae.org to learn more about mentoring opportunities. Just as our Alumnae Weekend and annual parent-led fundraiser, Bruiser Bee, were about to kick off, the pandemic hit. We sure missed having everyone on campus, but we held class alumnae reunions via Zoom to keep everyone connected, and our Bruiser Bee auction went virtual to keep our annual Impact Fund on target. In April, GPS launched the Bridge Fund to support families financially affected by COVID-19. Donors like you rallied together to support our students and employees in heartwarming ways—a light in truly a dim moment for our school community. Thank you for making GPS a philanthropic priority throughout the years. We simply could not deliver the excellent education experience that is synonymous with Girls Preparatory School without your support. With deepest appreciation,
Ali Gant Chief Development Officer