People & Faces Since the start of Girlz 4 Christ Magazine nearly six years ago, our goal has always been to provide a global community for Christian girls. Now this magazine is being read by thousands of girls in at least 35 countries, including several areas where Christianity is restricted or illegal. With this issue, we want to focus less on how widespread we are and more on the people in all those locations. It's not about the places; it's about the faces. We want to celebrate the people and faces that represent Jesus Christ. You’ll find stories from just a handful of them in this issue. Meet one of your sisters in Christ from England, the girl who started The Penny Story, the woman who designs wedding dresses, the one who wrote Radical God Talk, and the teen who runs Missions On Fire. Also discover that you are more than just a face; you are a daughter of the Most High King! Celebrate that with finding your true beauty, reading through the Bible, and celebrating the Christmas season, just to name a few ideas. We’ve got plenty of resources in the following pages to get you started.
Celebrate the people and faces in your life, and tell us about them online. You might just appear in a future issue!
From the Editor, Jessica Lippe Design: Lily Garay (cover) and Jessica Lippe (pages) Editors: Jessica Lippe and Lily Garay All other contributors, photo credits, and sources are listed on the page in which they appear.
In This Issue Godly Girlz ......................................... 3 Living Water at Jacob’s Well ......... 3 Radical God Talk ........................... 6 Read 66 ........................................ 10 Finding Hope in the Dead of Winter ........................................... 12 Girlz in Action ................................. 14 The Penny Story ........................... 14 Girls Around the World................ 16 Missions On Fire........................... 18 Beautiful Girlz .................................20 The Power of Embracing GodDefined Womanhood .................. 22 Designing the Dress ..................... 24 Pearls and Pigs ............................. 25 Fun 4 Girlz ....................................... 27 Books for the Journey ................. 27 Christmas Crafty Corner ..............28 Extra! Extra! ................................. 32 Find more content at We’re on your favorite social media, too! Although we try to ensure that mentioned sites and outside resources are accurate and appropriate, we cannot guarantee due to changes over time. Opinions/recommendations were not swayed by payment. Readers under 13 need to obtain parental permission before reading or visiting any online sites.
Living Water at
Jacob’s Well She woke up and turned in bed. Her boyfriend’s half of the bed was already vacated. It wasn’t just because of her lack of job that kept her sleeping past the time her boyfriend left for work. The fact was, she was tired. She’d lost her motivation to get up in the morning. What did she have worth living for, let alone getting up for? After a series of difficult divorces, she had finally given up on marriage. It wasn’t just her ex-husbands she had a problem with. It seemed like everyone hated
her! It was partly because of the labels associated with someone who had experienced so many failed relationships, and partly because she was born to unfortunate circumstances. Even though people in her area were treated like scum from the surrounding communities, according to her neighbors she was lower than scum! The hot sun beating down outside her window only reminded her of her insatiable thirst. There wasn’t a drop to drink anywhere in her home. But by the look of all the people outside, she couldn’t go out for water yet. No matter how terrible her thirst became, the mocking and scorning from everyone would be a hundred times worse. She waited. It was almost noon when the crowds began to die down. Of course, the reason they went indoors was because of the hot weather, which only intensified her need for water. But alas, she could sneak out. She went out and headed over to Jacob’s Well. “We’re going to get some food. Wanna come with us?” Several of his friends asked with eager anticipation. They knew something interesting was bound to happen if he came along. It was true, he had caused a few riots! And while he made some enemies along the way, he rose in popularity as well. Now that he and his friends were traveling together, they expected him to cause even more shock and awe with his various performances. But right now, he was tired. Maybe it was from the hot sun, maybe it was from their long journey, or maybe it was because it had been awhile since he had some alone time, but he needed some rest. Perhaps this break would lead to something bigger. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
“You guys go ahead and grab me something. I’ll meet you at Jacob’s Well.” As she approached Jacob’s Well, she realized she was not the only one braving the heat. A man was sitting there. Cringing at the fear that he might be a mean neighbor, she walked closer to notice that he wasn’t a local at all. He was from the religious people that hated her people! She considered turning around, but her parched tongue reminded her of her reason for coming. She went to get water, hoping the man would leave her alone. But as she got water, he had to open his mouth. “Will you get me a drink?” Her fear of
cruel words faded as she turned to this man. Was he smiling at her? No one had smiled at her for years- not even her own boyfriend! Stunned, she replied. “Your people hate my people! Why are you even talking to me, let alone asking me for a drink?” His smiled continued as he explained, “You don’t know who I am. You don’t even know the gift of my loving God. If you did, you would ask me for a drink! And I would give you something that can’t be found at Jacob’s Well. I would give you Living Water.” She didn’t understand what he was talking about. Was he at this place at this time of day because he was crazy? She sheepishly decided to set him straight. “You’re obviously new here. Yet you still should have known not to come here without a container for your water! Jacob’s Well was established generations ago by the great Jacob himself! Do you really think you’re so high and mighty that you can serve something not provided here?” He laughed and shook his head. “Everyone who has ever come to Jacob’s Well has become thirsty again. But no one who drinks my Living Water thirsts. It’s not just water; it’s eternal life!” This could have been more crazy talk, but something about it intrigued her. “Please give me this Living Water so I never have to come back to Jacob’s Well again!” “Come back here with your husband.” She stammered. “I, uh, I have no husband.” She hoped he wouldn’t question her further on this, but to her surprise, he knew her exact situation! How could he have guessed she was married five times and now living with her boyfriend? This man must be a prophet.
They talked for a little longer, as he told her more about who he was and his faith. She shared the little she knew about her beliefs as well. At the end of their conversation, he told her something so surprising, she dropped her water container and ran back into town, without even stopping for a drink! She barely noticed that she almost plowed over a group of a dozen men on her way to town; she was so excited to tell her neighbors what she learned. She didn’t even care about the mean things they had said and done to her. She knew that everyone needed to know who this man was. He was just the person they had all been waiting for! While his friends headed over to Jacob’s Well to rejoin him, they saw in the distance that he
had been socializing with a local woman. They were relieved that this dreadful woman didn’t plow them over, although she sure came close! When they met up with him, they stood for several moments of awkward silence. None of them were sure if they should address this unusual fraternization. Finally, one of them piped up. “Hey, all twelve of us already ate. We brought you some food.” “No thanks” he smiled. “I’m full.” As they left Jacob’s Well, he explained that he hadn’t snuck any food without his friends. Instead, he had a filling conversation with this woman. It provided more than food ever could. They continued walking through town just as they saw a crowd of people approaching. With them was the woman. “He’s the one! He’s the one! He told me everything I ever did!” she exclaimed. Someone from the group walked up to him. “Please, stay with us here in our town. I insist!” He shrugged. “I suppose my friends and I could stay here a couple days.” “Wonderful!” the woman jumped with glee. “You have to tell everyone more about the Living Water. I think it will change all of our lives!” She paused. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name?” “My name is Jesus.”
Jessica Lippe is the editor of Girlz 4 Christ Magazine. She hopes everyone reading this goes to John 4 to read the full story, and to discover the good news Jesus told this woman!
God Talk Scribble, paint, write it out, hear His voice and journal it down! Are you one to sit down and journal? Are you one to pour out your hearts desires, fears and dreams on a piece of paper or scribble your way to God? Are you willing to share and expose your whole heart to the Lord through a pen? I know for me that was NOT the case. My experience with a pen and paper was always very negative and downright scary! When I was young, I had a very difficult time understanding things the teachers would teach. When I was in the 3rd grade I heard loud and clear: “you are STUPID!” So as a young girl, I struggled with fear and shame because I was unable to comprehend things that were easy for others. Unfortunately, that led me down a dark road because I was unable to do the things I wanted to so. I got involved with alcohol, drugs, and a life of sin. For years, I would not write papers or do anything academic for fear of failure and humiliation from peers, teachers, and even my own husband and family. Isn’t it crazy what the enemy will do to keep you hidden away in the dark things and speak lies in your life to keep you from becoming what God has created you to do? When I was 33 years old I was born again and soon got involved in a women’s bible study that stressed the importance of journaling.
They would say write down the things God is doing in your life, and wait on Him to hear what He is saying to you. Honestly, that was the last thing I was going to do. I felt if I wrote down those feelings or desires, it would sound stupid. And what difference would it make? What could be so important that I needed to write it down? What if someone read it; what would they think? I have learned more than anything that Satan will always try to build strongholds and will try to snare you when you are a young girl to keep you from the true gifts and callings in our lives. He will try and convince us we are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or we have nothing to offer that could make a difference in this world. Or he even says you’ve made too many mistakes for God to use you in a powerful and mighty way! One Saturday morning, I was sitting quietly before the Lord, and I heard very clearly, WRITE! This was very out of the ordinary and surprising to me. But I picked up a pen and words began to flow. They came one word at time at first, like a small creek, but then the words began to pour out like a mighty river, taking twist and turns, and filling pages and pages of beautiful journals with love letters to me. He would speak with love, GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
encouragement and even rebukes, teaching me, guiding me and showing me great and marvelous things in Him, building me up. I had a difficult time with understanding. The Bible too was difficult to grasp. Every day when I picked up my pen, I would listen intently to His voice and read His word, and it became life and nourishment to me. Then one day, He said, “You will write books!” WHAT! Are you kidding me Lord? I am the last person to write books. I then heard, “for young girls”. The pen began to take on another flow. It was poetic, rhythmic and relevant to this generation. He began to speak about computers, iPhones and iPads. He began to ask questions about mirrors—with strong, deep questions like “Whose approval are you looking for?” and “Who is God Anyway?” Can you imagine the God of this universe asking you questions about your personal life, or giving you the answers to your questions? He wants to speak into our lives, and he wants it to be fun, exciting, and yes, out of the box! He is a God who wants to be a part of every detail of our lives. He wants us to take Him to the mall, school, and parties. He wants to be
involved in the intimate things and ask Him those tough questions. Have you been in a group of people talking and laughing, and in that moment you just knew He was standing right beside you, wanting to just be acknowledged, or just wanting to be included in the conversation? Or even knowing He is smiling down on you and saying, “I am proud of you, you’re special, and My heart pounds in love for you”? Yes, this is our God. Girls, He wants to speak to us. He wants to be real to us and show Himself in our lives in a powerful way. Can I encourage you today to look at your pen and paper a little differently? I encourage you to get a beautiful journal and some colored pens. Expect every day to hear Him speak, and to show and instruct you in the way He intends for you to go. Girls, do you know how much he loves us? Seriously, I was 45 years old before I knew I had a gift inside me. I didn’t think I had anything to offer the Kingdom of God. I couldn’t write or speak! Everyone around me could write beautifully and speak with
eloquence. What did I have to make a difference? But I soon realized, I have a gift to write, a gift to speak, and a Holy Spirit living inside of me, teaching me all I need to do to help those in need of encouragement, and to those who have been snared by the enemy to set them free. I have learned journaling looks different to everyone. Think about it. We all think and do things with unique qualities. Why do we think we must be like someone else, even
spending our quiet times with God? “RADICAL GOD TALK” is a women’s journaling tool that takes us all to a different place and different level with God. In those quiet times, He teaches us who we are, who He is in us, and gives us the confidence in knowing He is always for us and we can really do “all things” through Christ. Journaling changed my whole life. Journaling led me to a place where God said, “this is your gift to the world, your part in the kingdom”. Someone who couldn’t put two sentences together has now written a book for young women to journal in a unique, crazy, and fun way. Show your own unique qualities and begin to encounter God in a new way. Start your journey today with a pen and paper, even if you’ve never done it before. Get ready, because He wants to speak to you. For those who know they have the gift to write, allow Him to expand your territory, widen your horizons, and flow with a pen in a mighty and powerful new way! Happy Journaling! -Monica Withers GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
Set a New Year’s goal! Here are 66 tips for reading the 66 books of the Bible this year. 1. Start with your favorite chapter of your favorite book and keep reading until you’re back to that chapter. 2. Read three chapters six days per week and five chapters on the seventh day. 3. Or read four chapters for six days followed by one catch-up day. 4. Try out different translations. 5. Find an audio Bible to read along with. 6. Too intimidating? Stick with the New Testament to start out with. 7. Each day look for one thing you learned or can apply to your life. 8. Find a One Year Bible that has each day’s reading planned out. 9. Find an accountability partner.
15. Set aside a designated time each day to read. 16. If you need help understanding a passage, check the footnotes or a commentary. 17. Pray before you read each day. 18. Pick a “Verse of the Day” from each reading. 19. Make up a tune (especially for the Psalms)! 20. Journal. 21. Highlight or underline. 22. Make a checklist so you can mark off each chapter you’ve read. 23. Slow down or re-read if you think you’re breezing by important messages. 24. Share something you read on social media.
11. Download a Bible app on your phone.
25. Watch “The Bible”, “AD”, or another series or movie that will help illustrate the events you read about.
12. Read whenever you have time between classes or waiting for an appointment.
26. Learn a little Biblical history so you can read in better context.
13. Incorporate your reading into a daily activity, such as exercising or eating breakfast.
27. If you can choose the books for your school’s required reading, pick the Bible.
14. If you get a waterproof Bible, you can even read while showering!
28. If you’re homeschooled, see if you can combine your lessons with Bible reading.
10. Read out loud when possible.
29. Give yourself a little treat after completing each week or book. 30. Write down the main reason why you’re reading the Bible and put it somewhere you can see it often. 31. Designate a time each day to read. 32. Or split reading into twice per day, such as morning and nighttime. 33. Put a Bible on your nightstand so it’s the first and last thing you see each day. 34. Find your favorite place to read. 35. But expand your horizons and be willing to read everywhere. 36. Write a list of why it’s important to read the Bible. 37. Attend church and Bible study to get a fresh perspective on passages you’ve read. 38. Find podcasts of pastors who preached on the same passage you’re currently reading. 39. Snap a photo of something that reminded you of the day’s reading. 40. Doodle. 41. Make a collage. 42. Ask for advice from someone who has read through the Bible in a year before. 43. Give regular progress reports to a parent or church leader.
lifelong difference. 48. Remember: this is God’s love letter to you. 49. Don’t feel like you must start with Genesis 1 on January 1st. Start wherever and whenever you feel led. 50. Make daily Bible reading a positive experience to look forward to. 51. Mark off each successful day on a calendar. 52. Pray about this commitment. 53. Read with someone else. 54. Memorize scripture that stands out. 55. Sign up for a “Bible in a year” plan where you’ll get a notification every day. 56. Determine if you’d prefer to read in order or include Old and New Testaments each day. 57. Break it into a few Bible-reading sessions per day if that helps. 58. Take notes in the margins. 59. Play worship music in the background. 60. Put your electronics in airplane mode or even turn them off. 61. Ask about our eBook, Girlz with Goalz, that can help you with this and other goals. 62. Make your own list of Bible-reading tips that work for you. 63. Stop making excuses.
44. Plan for how you’ll keep reading if you go on a trip or otherwise disrupt yours routine.
64. Get encouragement from the Girlz 4 Christ community.
45. Don’t be discouraged if you miss a day. Just forgive yourself and get back on track.
65. Plan a reward or celebration that you can have at the end of the year.
46. As you read, find Scripture that shows the importance of reading the Word.
66. E-mail to tell us about your commitment!
47. Think of how this one year could make a
Jessica Lippe read 66 books of the Bible in 2016! GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
I never understood the concept of depression until sixth grade. It was my first year of middle school and my first step out of my carefree, childhood years. My friends from elementary school transitioned from kid to pre-teen; they separated into cliques and had a fascination with make-up, boys, and drama. Me? I longed to carry on my childhood years. The idea of carrying a purse made me shudder! Since I wasn’t like them, the enemy began to whisper lies to me. He told me something was wrong with me. I was “weird”. That explained why I wasn’t like my peers, right? That was a lonely year. The relationships I had formed in elementary years weren’t the same as they once were. I didn’t feel like anyone was truly interested in being my friend. In fact, I felt like they wanted me to be different, so I began to separate myself from them. (This, of course, was just another lie from the enemy.)
I would come home from school in tears because of how lonely I felt. I remember times when I went through the entire day without speaking a word to anyone. I would constantly beg my mom to homeschool me. Meanwhile, my older sister in high school had a great reputation. She was the definition of popular: Cheerleading captain, straight A student, considered a “good” Christian, and involved in almost every club imaginable. Everyone knew me as her little sister. Many of her friends had siblings who were in my grade, and I felt like they wanted me to be more like her. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me – why couldn’t I be more like my sister? Why couldn’t I, too, be outgoing? Sociable? Into fashion, make-up, and shopping? One day when I came home from school, my mom presented me with a journal that she felt God had told her to give me. On the cover of GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
the journal was the scripture Ecclesiastes 3:1, which says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (KJV) She told me that, even though it felt like loneliness and depression was never-ending, sixth grade was only a small season of my life. The truth of her words sparked a beam of light into the darkness that had clouded my vision. By grasping the meaning behind Ecclesiastes 3:1, God began to give me the ability to view my life as a series of seasons. It was almost as though I could suddenly see my life from a birds-eye view. This hope gave me strength to bear the “cold season” and reminded me the pain wouldn’t last forever. “Someday,” I remember my mom telling me back then, “the experiences you’re going through now will be used as material for your future books. It’ll encourage others and give hope to those who can relate.” After that revelation, any time I had a bad day, I would take a moment and remind myself of my mom’s words. Even though sixth grade was specifically a hard year for me, I knew I could use that experience to reach and comfort others through my future books. That’s exactly what happened. My novel, Purple Moon, was published when I was 19. It went on to become a Selah Award Finalist. My second novel, Unwritten Melody, was especially written with my middleschool-self in mind.
If it hadn’t been for those tastes of depression, loneliness, and self-contempt, Unwritten Melody wouldn’t be the story it is. My purpose with this story was to offer hope, to help view life from a bird’s eye. To remind them that they were created exactly as they were for a purpose, and to show them how winter never last forever. Those truths – the ones that my mom had helped me grasp as an 11-year-old –gave me motivation to push through those middle school years. We’re going to experience hardships. The Bible doesn’t deny this. Yet we know suffering is only temporary. Christ walks with us in every season. Seasons change, but He remains the same. He gives us peace and strength amid every storm. The pain you experience can be used to reach others, just as 2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT) says, “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” I challenge you to view your own life through an eternal lens. We might not know the purpose behind every season, but we do know the One who can see our life from beginning to end. Be assured that there’s a happy ending for us when we reach heaven – an ending that will mark the eternal beginning of anguishfree living. This season might be bitter. But as we tread through the dark and dead season of winter, we can find hope in this one fact: Spring will come. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
By Kendall Altmyer, Founder of The Penny Story I came up with the idea for The Penny Story because I wanted to join the fight against human trafficking. I interned with A21 in the fall of 2013. My job was to "place love and value on the survivors of human trafficking." I was intimidated by such a task but I didn't let that stop me from giving my all! I moved to Thessaloniki, Greece, to start my internship, and I quickly fell in love with the girls. After my time with A21, I knew I couldn't just go back to normal American life... whatever that is!
I admire what A21 does. When I interned with them, I experienced the "behind the scenes" functioning of A21 and gained even more respect for the cause. I wanted to do something to help bring freedom to victims of human trafficking so I did the only thing I knew I could... sell penny bracelets. The proceeds will always go to A21!
We began making penny bracelets - we collected pennies, stamped in the word WORTHY, and made them into bracelets. We sold the penny bracelets to our friends, and I would get so excited every time a bracelet sold because that meant more money for A21.
I grew up in a Christian home and in church, but was easily distracted and never gave my whole attention or heart to God. I got so burnt out spiritually, and knew I was missing something. I removed a dating relationship in my life that became toxic. Though it broke my heart, it ended up healing my heart because at that point I could seek God wholeheartedly. With this, I asked God what He had me on this earth for. It was soon after this that I moved to Greece and gave my heart to the mission of bringing life and worth to those who have been deemed unworthy of life.
A couple of months after making the first bracelet, singer/songwriter Kari Jobe picked up the penny bracelet to sell in her merchandise. I had prayed for God to give the penny a voice larger than mine. I had no idea Kari Jobe would be the answer to that prayer!
The word “worthy� is important because to put worth on something the world deems worthless shows that victims of trafficking are worthy, despite what the world says.
You can support The Penny Story and raise awareness for human sex trafficking by purchasing a bracelet at These make a fantastic gift for your holiday season!
“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:13, Kendall’s favorite verse
Girlsaround the WORLD By Jessica Lippe and Hannah Brailsford
Hi! My name’s Hannah Brailsford and I’m 18 years old.
I was born and live on the Isle of Wight in the English Channel. The Isle of Wight is the largest island in England, with a population of 140,500.
I’m part of the Girls’ Brigade of England and Wales, which offers clubs for girls of all ages. Girls Brigade is international, so you may be able to join a group in your hometown as well! GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
On family: I currently live at home with my Mum (Sandra) and my Dad (Mathew). I am an only child and I get along with my parents and extended family well.
On language: I can speak English and a tiny bit of Spanish (when I say little I mean a little bit like hello, goodbye and I can order ice cream the most important bits haha!).
A typical day: A typical day starts off with me getting up for 7:30am I usually leave the house at 8:40am either getting a lift from my friends, Mum, or walking to college for a 9:00am start. I am currently studying Health and Social Care at the local college. I hope to spread my wings and go over to the mainland (main England) as we don’t have a university where I live on the island. After college I go round town with my friends or visit my family at the family business that we own here on the island.
On free time: In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano, reading romance and rom com books, spending time with my friends and family and watching YouTube (Zoella, and Tanya Burr are my favourites). I have attended Girls’ Brigade since the age of 4 and I now help lead one of the age groups. I am also a Sunday School leader at the same church where my Girls’ Brigade group is based.
The best site in her country: There are so many beautiful places to visit here on the Isle of Wight. You can go for lovely walks along the Downs, where you can see both ends of the Island. There are also many lovely beaches to walk along on the Island. My favourite place to visit on the Island is a place called Cowes, because it makes me feel like I am somewhere different than I am, somewhere warm and sunny. Cowes is one of our coastal towns here on the Island, where an annual festival called Cowes Week is held. This is an international sailing regatta that brings lots of tourists and celebrity sailors to our lovely Island for one week every August. Her favorite travel spot: If I could go anywhere I would probably go back to Florida. I have been a couple of times to visit Disney when I was younger but I haven’t had the opportunity to visit the Universal Studios. For a weekend getaway, I think it would have to be Bristol in England. I love all the oldfashioned streets and the history the city has. Favorite food: My favourite food is anything that contains pasta. I love, love, love anything pasta from lasagna to stuffed pasta. I also like prawn and Marie Rose sauce sandwiches.
What she would say to convince someone to visit: The Isle of Wight is probably the hottest place you could visit in England. We have been hotter than Ibiza and Spain in the past so it’s lovely in summer. We have lots of fun things to do on the Island from visiting our two adventure parks (Robin Hill and Blackgang Chine). We have four main beaches that are 20 minutes away from the center of Newport so you don’t have to travel a long way to get to a beach. The Island also has the former home of Queen Victoria who died in 1911 and spent a lot of her time as Queen on the Island. On future dreams: My future goal is to become a pediatric nurse and try and make a difference in the care that children receive when they become ill and need medical help. My dream for the future is to eventually marry a great chap and have a family. Where she’d love to live: I would like to live in America. Every time I have visited, everyone is friendly and welcoming, also the weather is hot and there’s Disney! On community involvement: I help with a Christian organisation called Girls’ Brigade once a week. I am volunteering at the local hospital for my college course. I also help at a toddler group at my local church once a week. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
If you met Samantha Miles on an average day, you might assume she was a typical teenage girl. You might not realize that she suffers from a disease called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). You also might not know that she’s of a nonprofit founder and turned her diagnosis into a chance to reach others with the love of Christ across the globe. How old were you when you started Missions on Fire? I was 16 when I first had ministry ideas, but I was 17 when Missions on Fire became an official organization. What inspired you to start this ministry? My entire childhood I was an active and bubbly young girl who was passionate about sports. That came to a halt in a January 2014 basketball game, when I tore tendons in my left ankle. A 6-week recovery process became a burning pain I’d never forget. A few months later, I was diagnosed with CRPS, a debilitating pain condition that turned my life upside down. I was on crutches for 4 months before an intensive three-week pain rehabilitation program for the summer. The semester I was diagnosed, I attended school for only 20 days. After the pain rehab program, I was living my life to heights I never expected I would reach again. Then during my sophomore year, I attended full time, missing only four days. I also became a lifeguard at a local pool, despite the pain I still experienced. The summer before my junior year, I felt well enough to participate in a mission trip to Puerto Rico. I was extremely high functioning, so I didn't think I would have problems. The trip was going well; I played with kids, painted houses, and everything everyone else could do! On the final day, my church leader
proposed a thirteen-mile hike through the rainforest. I knew that I would never be able to do that, let alone tolerate the pain that would follow. The group wasn't very understanding or accommodating. It was tough to be excluded. I spent that day in a coffee shop, which gave me time to think and pray over my situation. The idea came to me there: I should start an organization to help others like me. I didn't want anyone to experience what I went through that day. I wanted to make a change. Can you tell us a little more about CRPS? CRPS is characterized by severe, burning pain, swelling, changes in skin color and temperature, muscle spasms, and hypersensitivity. It’s caused by an injury to the body, big or small. My pain began in my left ankle and foot. Although I did tear some tendons, I was still experiencing an extraordinary amount of pain and was unable to walk months after the injury had healed. For eight months, my CRPS pain remained in my ankle, but then spread to other areas. As it spread, I started having different types of pain and medical issues. A year after the basketball injury, I had full-body CRPS, joint pain, insomnia, Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (which caused me to get sick an average of 5 times each day), migraines, constant nausea, and fatigue. Seizures, hives, allergic reactions, food sensitivities, jaw problems, joint dislocations, and digestive problems followed. CRPS not only causes physical pain and discomfort, but mental health problems as well. I became extremely depressed and anxious. CRPS is something I still battle every day, but the accompanying conditions have provided even more of a challenge. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
Logo Credit: Gabe Lowe
How How aa Teenage Teenage Girl Girl Turned Turned aa Devastating Devastating Diagnosis Diagnosis into into aa Ministry Ministry Opportunity Opportunity
Like many of my previous issues, I expected a cast to be able to fix all my problems and pain. As I learned more about my potential diagnosis, I became terrified. Although it would be nice to have an official diagnosis, those four words didn’t change the pain I was in, especially if there was no cure. I was on crutches and figured I would never be able to walk again. I was destroyed. My life revolved around sports and I was looking at playing in college. My identity was shaped with the sports I played, my teammates, and how people at my games saw me. Looking back, I recognize that my identity was placed in earthly things like talent and appearances, and not in being a girl of Christ like it should’ve been. The first few months
were the worst for me. I couldn’t attend school; my friends all lost interest in a sick girl like me. I couldn’t find my identity that was previously rooted in sports. I lost my grades and relationships with my family members as well—all while I was losing my health. Before my injury, I don’t think I ever really knew what being a Christian meant; I didn’t grow up in a Christian household. During these months of adversity, I continuously asked myself if there was a God who imposed pain like this. Could He hear my late night, muffled cries for help? It was during one of these nights that God extended His arm out to me. On that night, God and I came face to face for the first time and I realized I couldn’t do this alone. Thankfully, I didn’t have to. I tried to overcome this for months by myself, failing day after day. These latenight cries finally meant something. After that night of confession, I googled, “verses for adversity”. Job pushed his way into my life as I read about the trials and faith of a man similar to me. I can’t count the number of times I read about Job’s loss and love, but I attribute my newfound hope and motivation to that book. These months weren’t easy, but going through this gave me the opportunity to really learn about Jesus, and that changed everything. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
Photos courtesy of Carmen Daughterty and Samantha Miles
What went through your mind the day you received the CRPS diagnosis? What helped you get through the months that followed? My doctor said, “This is something you may have. If these injections help, then you have it.” I was so relieved that someone understood my pain and was willing to figure out why. The prior two months, I had been to seven different doctors, all clueless and unwilling to believe the physical pain I was in.
What encouragement would you give to a girl who has received a similar diagnosis of a chronic illness? My number one piece of advice is to always remember that you have someone who is willing to listen—even if your parents or friends do not understand or support you— God never leaves your side. Another piece of advice I’d give is to pace yourself. Not everything has to be done at 110 miles per hour. Also, utilize your resources -- get into groups on Facebook, go to pain conferences and seminars, etc.
willing to help. After one meeting, he wouldn’t return my calls. I was confused and lost. I tried and tried and tried to get pro-bono legal help and couldn’t, so I did it myself.
Tell us about Missions on Fire. What is the mission of your organization? People with chronic illnesses shouldn’t feel outcast. They should be able to be active members in mission work, even if they need accommodations and a flexible schedule.
What keeps you going when days are hard? When days are hard and I feel vulnerable to the world, I remember that Jesus gives me the opportunity to be perfectly imperfect. My day of high pain, exhaustion, and lack of sleep earns me some time for recuperation. I live in a residential high school, and I honestly love it because I always have a friend nearby who’s willing to pray for me or help me during hard times. My loving Christian friends and support group are ready to help me through anything.
While in the hospital, I couldn’t focus on difficult subjects like Calculus, so I began volunteering to teach English to native Spanish speakers online. I learned a lot about Spanish speaking countries and the need for mission work within them. I could connect with churches and ministries in some of their local areas and explain about my mission. I learned about areas in Central and South America that were desperate for help and assistance, and there were these people with chronic illnesses who wanted to make a difference but didn’t know how. The goal of Missions on Fire is to bridge the gap and provide missionary opportunities for people with chronic illnesses, despite any accommodations or help they might need. What are some obstacles you faced when creating your nonprofit organization, and how did you overcome them? From a medical standpoint, I had to be really forgiving with myself saying, “Yes, I had planned to have a lot finished, but I’ve had an exhausting week. I need some time to relax.” When starting MOF, I knew I would need legal advice, so I found an attorney at my church
I did so much research, filled out and submitted the necessary forms, and became an official company, pretty much on my own. Although I had doubts—even from my family members—in regards to the timing of wanting to start my organization, I knew it was something I was passionate about, and I would pursue it with all my heart and soul.
How can we get involved with Missions on Fire? The number one thing MOF needs right now is awareness. I do presentations at churches near Indianapolis, which brings a lot of attention locally, but my mission (for now) is to reach people across the country. I am currently accepting applications for our firstever trip to Honduras! Encouraging friends with chronic illnesses to apply would be great! I had someone contact me one day about being in a conference, but unfortunately, I couldn’t because of schedule and location conflicts. Because of these situations, I would love to have other people in different regions across the country who can represent MOF. Lastly, donations would be awesome. MOF has donor levels with gifts you can receive. You can also follow us on social media. We’re @missionsonfire on Twitter and Instagram and Missions on Fire on Facebook. GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
What advice would you give to girls who have a passion to start their own ministry? Like any business or nonprofit, you must have a clear mission and a compelling story to appeal to your audience. Having a clear mission consists of identifying a specific point that can be explained in 30 seconds and encompasses your entire mission. A compelling story is necessary to gain support and engage people emotionally. Your story and motivation will be what draws people to your ministry or organization. Furthermore, networking is important no matter what you want to pursue. Having friends or acquaintances in any area or field makes it easier to address problems when they arise. What are some practical steps they can take to start their own nonprofit organization?
Utilize the network of people you know. Be persistent. Find people with similar interests or goals. If you have an idea, stick with it. Be willing to spend lots of energy and long nights towards making your mission a reality.
Who in your life has inspired you the most? Moving to a residential high school this year was a huge adjustment for me, and it was even harder to move to an environment where Christianity is in the minority. There is a small Bible study at my school, but I connect with the Lord best over coffee, fellowship, and music, and those weren’t strong areas of this ministry. I learned a lot; I just felt like I needed another outlet. I reached out to the CRU ministry on the college campus where my school is located and asked how I could get involved. The person who reached out to me was Alicia, a then sophomore at the college and a member of CRU’s outreach team. I began to attend CRU with Alicia and met an outstanding group of God-loving people who encouraged me to grow in my faith in ways I never could’ve imagined. Alicia brought me to this loving, Christian atmosphere that shaped my first year away from home. She was available during late nights when I needed a friend and introduced me to a group of friends that I know will last a lifetime. She is such a remarkable Christian woman and exemplifies Jesus’ love wherever she goes. Adelee Russell is a freelance writer from Brownsburg, IN. Her favorite past time is hanging out at the local coffee shop (which is how she met Samantha! They were both reading the same book).
Fun Facts Do you have any siblings? I have one brother, Zach, who is 13. But, my best friend is over at my house so much that she is considered part of the family. What’s your favorite dessert? Brownies! What’s your favorite type of music? I love listening to Christian music, especially in different languages. I study both Spanish and Arabic, so listening to songs in them not only helps me feel closer and more connected to God, but it also improves my language skills. What’s your favorite book? I absolutely loved A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, as a child, but some of my favorite books now are The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom, The Lipstick Gospel by Stephanie Wilson and I Dared to Call Him Father by Bilquis Sheikh. What’s your favorite Bible verse? My favorite verse is an entire book! The book of Job helped me through so much and reintroduced me to Christianity.
Support Samantha’s Mission To support Samantha and her mission, you can go to Missions on Fire’s website at: You can also follow on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
She starred in thirty major films and was awarded the Golden Globe for “Female World Film Favorite.” She started her own production company and was voted “2nd Greatest Movie Star” of all time by Premiere Magazine. She was chosen by Empire Magazine as one of the “100 Sexiest Stars in Film History.” This blonde bombshell was beautiful, talented, successful, and seemed to have everything a woman could dream of, except for one thing – happiness. Sadly, this famous superstar committed suicide on August 5, 1962. She was only 36 years old. Her makeup covered face, dyed blonde hair, and sparkling clothes only hid what she was feeling on the inside. Depressed. Unloved. Alone. This is the true story of American icon Marilyn Monroe. As I’ve studied the life of this beautiful and famous woman, I can’t help but ask, “Why would a woman who had everything still commit suicide? Why wasn’t the fame, beauty, money, and guys enough?” Sadly, not many people stop to ask these tough questions about Marilyn’s tragic life. Instead of questioning her fruitless quest for happiness, many of us follow right in her footsteps. Like Marilyn, millions of women are chasing after happiness and satisfaction down the same dead end road. Without realizing it, many of us have bought into Hollywood’s lies about beauty, femininity, and identity. In Girl Defined, which I wrote with my sister Bethany, we refer to these crafty lies as “counterfeit femininity.” As Christian women, many of us buy into the lies that to be worth anything we need to be pretty, sexy, smart, athletic, skinny, wealthy, or popular.
We believe the lie that our worth as a female is based on our beauty and on our personal accomplishments. Believing the lie is where Marilyn went wrong, and it’s where many of us go wrong as well. “The moment we allow culture to define our womanhood is the moment we take our first wrong turn.” -Girl Defined Whether you’re the “hottest blonde bombshell” on the planet or not, if we define our womanhood on anything other than God’s timeless Word, we will always feel empty inside. We will forever struggle with feelings of worthlessness until we turn to the only One who has the power to fill our void. True worth, identity and satisfaction cannot be found outside of God’s beautiful design for us. And that’s where the BEST news comes into play: Our status of worthiness has nothing to do with us and everything to do with God. No matter how famous and pretty a woman is, or how poor and unattractive she is, her worth and value are found in the same place. Our worth doesn’t come from anything we can do, but from everything Christ already did for us. If you’re a Christian, God calls you a child of God. And because you’re a child of God, He looks at you and sees royalty. You are a daughter of the most high King. Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Not only are you a daughter of the King, God was knitting you together in your mother’s womb to look just the way you are. Just like
an artist creating a masterpiece, God handcrafted your hair color, eye color, skin tone, height, nose shape, ears, and body to look just the way He wanted it to. Our culture may not consider you to special, but God does. And He’s the only One who owns the right to say how worthy you are. If Marilyn Monroe had understood these truths, her life probably would have ended differently. The secret to true happiness in this world is to keep your eyes and heart on THE Truth. The minute you look to someone or something other than Christ to define your worth and identity, you will go downhill. It’s a guarantee. As Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” The more I have come to understand and embrace God’s design for my life, the happier and more fulfilled I have become. I challenge you to take the time to learn more about God’s beautiful design for womanhood! I hope you’ll grab a copy of Girl Defined and continuing discovering God’s amazing and beautiful design for your life as a female. If you’ve ever struggled with feelings of worthlessness, discontentment with your body, lack of fulfillment, relationship problems, or confusion about your identity this book is for you. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic as well as any additional insights you have. I would love to give you a FREE copy of my new book! Just go to and click on the “Blog” tab for more in
Designing the Dress
You may have heard of Jinger Vuolo, a 23-year-old reality television star from TLC’s Counting On. Years ago, she resolved to not start a relationship unless the man in question loves God as much as she does. After being introduced to Jeremy, the two pursued a pure, God-honoring relationship that led to marriage! On November 5th, 2016, Jinger walked down the aisle in a stunning dress that many have raved about being elegant, yet modest. We at Girlz 4 Christ found out that Jinger’s wedding dress, plus her ten bridesmaid dresses, were designed by Renee Miller of Renee’s Bridal, who excitedly shared her experience… INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE DRESS Isaiah 6:1 says " ...I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, + high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple" This verse * played such a vital role during the whole process of creating sweet Jinger's one-of-a-kind, custom wedding dress.
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The dress details were put together with Jinger and myself. The opportunity was truly God’s leading from the call, to the meetings, to the design, to the wedding day. Above all, communication was key. Jinger is a beautiful, godly woman inside and out and this was such a blessing to work with her.
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Starting my business out of the trunk of my car 15 years ago, I never imagined the direction God would lead. I pray that my story is an encouragement and testament to young girls that God is always at work and has our best in mind. He is in each and every detail of the journey that He has for us.
The train was 13 feet long 5,000 pearls were hand-sewn into the dress Pearl buttons were sewn all down the back Antique lace was used Renee Miller can be spotted in the Counting On episode “Jinger’s Wedding” More opportunities to see the gorgeous dress and Renee’s team are coming soon! The dress shopping and wedding planning episode airs January 16th February 20th is the two-hour “Wedding Premiere”
With the popularity of texting and social networking sites like Twitter and Snapchat, many teens now type things they would never in a million years say to someone’s face. Chances are you have experienced the awkwardness of having a guy say something to you that is sexually inappropriate.
often about boundaries and where to draw the line when it comes to sexual banter. I suggested that should a guy ever speak to her in an inappropriate manner, she should firmly tell him, “Do not talk to me that way ever again.” Should he continue, I told her to cut off all future communication with him. He’s not worth her time. I know this sounds like harsh advice, but if you look at Ephesians 5:4, it doesn’t give any wiggle room for sexual banter and cautions God’s people against participating in “obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes” (NLT).
Written by Vicki Courtney. Check out more of her work in her book Reflect.
I’ve seen comments from guys on girls’ posts that would make your grandmother blush. While I am disappointed in the guys, I can’t help but wonder why these girls allow guys to talk inappropriately to them. Are they so desperate for attention that they are willing to settle for Our conversation brought to mind a the wrong kind of passage of Scripture where Jesus attention? preached to a crowd on a Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not mountainside. It starts in throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they Some girls must be Matthew 5 and ends three may trample them under their feet, and flattered by the chapters later. I know turn and tear you to pieces. comments, because you are probably not Matthew 7:6 otherwise they would fond of long sermons, have deleted them. I but this one is well worth saw one Christian girl, reading. In fact, Matthew who had listed the 7:28 says, “When Jesus had Bible as a favorite book finished this sermon, the 136 crowds in her profile, with numerous sexually were astonished at His teaching.” Consider it a inappropriate comments posted on her page. sort of pep talk on how to live life to the fullest. He covered everything from loving One guy friend jokingly described in graphic your enemies (ouch) to not obsessing over detail a sexual act he wanted to perform on what you will wear (double ouch). But tucked her. I know it’s all in jest. But it’s not funny. away in the passage is this priceless bit of advice: “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do Some guys will test a girl’s tolerance of sexual not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they banter. It’s like what happens when a sub may trample them under their feet, and turn teaches and the class tests the boundaries of and tear you to pieces” (Matthew 7:6 NIV). what they can get away with. If the rules are loose, there’s a good chance the class will take You don’t have to search long on social advantage of the teacher. However, if the media to find examples of insecure Christian teacher takes charge from the beginning with girls who are throwing their pearls to pigs, clear expectations, misbehavior is less likely. slopping in the mud with the swine rather Likewise, girls who allow guys to speak than guarding their priceless pearls in a inappropriately have provided a welcome mat treasure chest. You are worth more than that. for future inappropriate comments. Remember that if a guy crosses the line with sexual banter, don’t stick around for the mud When my daughter was a teen, we talked bath. Save your pearls for a prince, not a pig.
Books Reviewed by Adelee Russell and Jessica Lippe
Begin 21: Your First 21 Steps with Jesus So you’ve just become a Christian, or you’ve recently rededicated your life to Christ; what now? Begin 21: Your First 21 Steps with Jesus is an excellent book for anyone who is taking their first steps toward an intimate relationship with Christ. Author and youth pastor, Timothy Eldred, speaks tenderly and insightfully in ways the next generation can understand and relate to. No Christianese here—just honest talk about Jesus and what it means to live a life of faith as a child of God. Separated into 21 days, each section includes a Scripture verse and a short devotional, as well as a question and a challenge. Readers are encouraged to partner with a Christian mentor and walk through the chapters together. Maybe you’ve been living all out for God for a long time; if that’s the case, consider getting this book for a friend who is a new believer and offering to go through it with her. It could be an awesome opportunity to mentor a younger Christian and invest in her life as a sister in Christ.
Taking My God for a Walk: A Publisher on Pilgrimage Our spiritual journey is an internal one. It doesn’t need a trail or driving directions. But sometimes, a physical journey reinforces the importance of a spiritual one. That’s what Tony Collins discovered. As a Christian book publisher from England, Tony decided to take a long-overdue Sabbatical. He chose to spend this time walking the Camino de Santiago: a 490-mile stretch starting in Southern France and reaching across Spain. Along the way, Tony encounters people, sights, memories, pain, and new experiences. He documents much of this in this new, unique memoir. Each chapter covers a day or two on this pilgrimage trail, originally created by Christians in the Middle Ages. Tony also documents the internal journey he had on the Camino, plus the adventures of staying in hostels, visiting dozens of small Spanish towns, and getting stuck in bad weather! While reading this, you may just want to take a walk with God yourself! GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
What do you give the person who has everything? Here’s one idea for adding a personal touch to your Christmas gifts. The best part is you can make it yourself! Earlier this year, a friend gave me a gift that has meant so much to me. It was a purple mason jar, adorned simply with a ribbon, and inside were 100 paper slips, each personalized with a Scripture promise and my name. I kept the jar on my desk by my laptop, and each morning, I would pull out a slip. Scripture is full of promises that offer hope and reminders that God has a perfect plan for our lives. As the holidays approached, I thought of you girls and, if it were possible, what I would give you. Sure, we all like gift cards and goodies, but if I could give you one thing, I’d want it to be meaningful and last long after the Christmas season. So I contacted my friend and asked if I could borrow her idea. Turns out, she shared this idea from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Their website provides a downloadable PDF with all the Scripture promises, which can be personalized with a friend’s name. I’m providing a link to this wonderful resource on my website: Look for the blog post that shares this article’s name, and you’ll find the information. (If you have trouble copying/pasting the verses from PDF into Word, message me through Facebook or my website, and I’ll email you the verses in a Word document.) I encourage you to make one for yourself and your friends. Yes, the gift is simple, but it may become the most treasured one you give this Christmas.
Materials & Instructions: 1. Mason Jars: Find these at craft stores, grocery stores, or online in clear or colored varieties. 2. Decorations: I used burlap, lace, and ribbon to wrap my jars and hot glue to secure them. (Tip: If you use hot glue, ask for help and be careful not to burn yourself!) Decorate with buttons, flowers, or make your own decorations. Be creative! I’d love for you to share your ideas on my website or Facebook! 3. Go to my website, and follow the link to download the PDF file from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Copy and paste into Word, and then do a find/replace of (NAME) with your name or a friend’s name in the document. Check that there are 100 replacements, and then print. Idea: If you’re using a clear-colored jar, print the promises on colored paper so that your Scripture slips provide a burst of color. 4. Cut the strips, and then fold them in half twice before stuffing them in the jar. 5. Let your friends “unwrap” these promises even after the Christmas season is over. -Kristen Hogrefe
Ever since I can remember, Christmas-time meant one very special thing to me. Marshmallow salad. At least, that’s what I called it. Other people knew it as pistachio salad, but I was too young to figure out that the little hard bits were a kind of nut. However, I knew
for certain that the sweet squishy bits were mini marshmallows, and that’s all I cared about. Someone on my dad’s side of the family always made marshmallow salad for the winter reunion. And I always had second and third helpings of it. Sometimes even fourths. One year, my grandma on my mother’s side started making it for that side’s winter reunion. So I got to have it twice every winter. Then we started full-time traveling and spending our winters someplace rumored to be warm during the last months of the year. And I didn’t get to have marshmallow salad at family reunions around Christmastime. So, I started making it myself. Here is my recipe for marshmallow salad.
SPICE UP Your Warm Beverage Ask your barista to add these flavorings, or do it yourself at home!
Spicy n’ Sweet Mix in chili pepper or hot sauce. Sprinkle paprika on the whipped cream. Candy Cane Lane Add a few drops of peppermint extract. Stir with a candy cane.
Caramel Apple Blend caramel sauce in the cider. Top with cinnamon. Candied Apple Dissolve red hot candies while it’s still boiling hot.
We’d love to hear your ideas! Send them to GIRLZ4CHRISTMAGAZINE.ORG
Check out what the people behind Girlz 4 Christ are celebrating this season.
A: Assistant editor Lily Garay celebrates finishing her second semester of college and having new friends to celebrate with. B: With editor Jessica Lippe’s family, even the dog gets involved unwrapping Christmas gifts! C: These are the Scripture Promises Jars that writer Kristen Hogrefe (page 28) made for her friends. D: Fashion designer Renee Miller (page 24) will share more about attending Jinger’s wedding on the Renee’s Bridal Facebook and Instagram pages.