Girlz 4 Christ Spring 2017

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Some Things Take Time Have you had a time where your life felt like it was on hold, waiting on God to follow through? You pray hard, work hard, yet nothing seems to be moving forward. I’m at a point like that right now. Reading God’s promises in the Bible has offered some encouragement. But then I read about Old Testament heroes, like Abraham and David. God promised to do great things through them, but they only got to see a mere glimpse of this work during their lives. But God still came through. It just took time. An example of how God’s timing is not our timing can be found in the pages of this magazine, though it may not be obvious. Over the past six years, I’ve gotten many e-mails from readers asking me to interview Sadie Robertson. As a matter of fact, I started requesting interviews with her before the first episode of Duck Dynasty even aired! I never heard back from these requests until recently, which is why you can finally get an exclusive look into Sadie’s life. Did God want us to be encouraged by Sadie’s words? Yes. But he wanted us to learn from dozens of other young women first. He is always faithful; it just takes time.

From the Editor, Jessica Lippe Design: Lily Garay (cover) and Jessica Lippe (pages) Editors: Jessica Lippe and Lily Garay All other contributors, photo credits, and sources are listed on the page in which they appear.

In This Issue Godly Girlz ......................................... 3 #ineedJesus................................. 3 True Beauty .................................4 To the Girl Who Messed Up ...... 6 Faith That Moves ...................... 10 Girlz in Action ................................. 12 Sadie Robertson: Life After Duck Dynasty ......................................... 12 Girls Around the World................ 16 16 Spring Service Projects ........... 18 Follow Us on Instagram .............. 19 Beautiful Girlz .................................20 Dress-ing Up .................................20 The Natural Look ......................... 24 Fun 4 Girlz .......................................26 Jammin’ With ...............................26 Surrender .....................................29 Book Club .....................................30 Extra! Extra! ................................. 32 Find more content at We’re on your favorite social media, too! Although we try to ensure that mentioned sites and outside resources are accurate and appropriate, we cannot guarantee due to changes over time. Opinions/recommendations were not swayed by payment. Readers under 13 need to obtain parental permission before reading or visiting any online sites.





What a smashingly beautiful world we live in. No one can walk outside after a heavy thunderstorm, watch the sun rise through the dramatic fog of early morning, or step into the vast blue ocean lapping against the sandy coast and think God doesn’t care about beauty. Clearly, God has an eye for design. But the beautiful hardly stops at nature—God made us in His image, and He is the epitome of beautiful (Revelation 1:13–15). Beauty is meant to reflect God’s glory and splendor. He created us to behold, enjoy, and exhibit His beauty. Woven into the fabric that makes us women is the desire to be beautiful, and when anyone—even ourselves—tells us that we are otherwise, we struggle with feeling unhappy, inferior, and unacceptable. We can become so focused on outward appearance that we lose sight of God’s idea of beautiful— especially when our clothes aren’t fitting right, we despise our unphotogenic smile, and we look nothing like the Photoshopped models we’re told we should resemble. The media’s philosophy? Either you’re “hot,” or you’re just not. But wait: Who are they to say who’s beautiful and who’s not? Do they have the right to set the standard for beauty because they themselves are “10s”? For that matter, who determines who’s a “10”? Truth is, the path to becoming that kind of “beautiful” is just an empty, unfulfilling, painful road of compromise and broken dreams—it’s an ugly lie. The chase isn’t worth it; after all, physical beauty won’t last forever (Proverbs 31:30). That kind of competitive, seductive, unreachable beauty doesn’t reflect the Creator’s glory; it just leaves us dissatisfied. So many girls go crazy believing ugly lies. There are physically gorgeous girls who can’t stand the way they look. Unhealthily skinny girls who genuinely think they need to lose weight. Pretty girls who don’t bother taking care of themselves because they don’t think they’re worth it. If only they would believe the truth—God’s definition of beautiful. First Peter 3:3–4 says, “Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.”



Straight from God’s Word, here’s the truth about it all: Outward beauty is nice, but it isn’t everything! It’s not as valuable as the condition of our hearts. It will eventually fade, but real beauty found on the inside will not. A girl who is devoted to serving Jesus desires to make her heart a beautiful dwelling place for her King. Underneath the exterior of her appearance lies this priceless deposit of beauty within. It’s who we are, not just what we look like, that makes us beautiful.

6:19). We don’t get to choose the physical appearance we are born with, but we certainly can do something with what we’ve been given. I believe God has given every girl outward beauty—it’s all about making the most of what we’ve got! If I may offer a few tips:

What is this “gentle and quiet spirit” that God finds so valuable? A wild, restless spirit revels in going against God to chase her own fleshly whims, but a gentle and quiet spirit trusts the Lord, submits to His will, follows Him wholeheartedly, and deeply desires to please Him. Her life and obedience are expressions of her loyalty and love for the Lord.

• Take proper care of yourself. Maintain cleanliness and good hygiene. Exercise regularly and eat moderate portions of the right foods. Taking good care of the bodies God has given us not only is good stewardship but will improve our overall appearance.

Proverbs 31:30 (NLT) says that “a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised”—a reverent fear of the Lord is worth far more than beautiful looks in the grand scheme of things. To protect us and lead us into His perfect plan for our lives, God requires our submission, obedience, and devotion. “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil,” Proverbs 8:13 says. Fear of the Lord survives well past the prime of beauty into wrinkles and gray hair. This kind of beautiful is full of worth, fulfillment, and joy. It is purposeful and selfless. Its ultimate end is to bring glory to God. We don’t want to be so hung up on my outward appearance that we miss out on serving Jesus and celebrating the golden beauty of a heart that is completely in love with Him. We want to believe when we hear my Lord say, “O my love, you are altogether beautiful and fair. There is no flaw nor blemish in you!” (Song of Solomon 4:7 AMP). We want to love and be thankful for the way God made. See, it’s not that we should disregard the way we look, but rather we ought to make our heart and life all about reflecting Jesus. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit if Jesus is dwelling in our hearts (1 Corinthians

• Smile more! Laughter and joy happen to be two very attractive (and contagious) qualities; a glowing, genuine smile will do wonders for our appearance.

• Enhance, don’t distract. We can wear modest, fashionable clothing in a way that glorifies God, draws attention to our face and who we are, and gives our appearance a boost. We can use makeup to enhance our natural features. Inward and outward beauty are gifts from God and a reflection of His glory. Outward beauty should merely be a reflection of the beautiful work God is doing inside our hearts. What is more beautiful than the Lord patiently refining us into brilliant diamonds as He purifies us and shapes us to be more and more like Jesus every single day? He makes us beautiful. A portion of this article was taken from Devoted by Marjorie Jackson with permission from Barbour Publishing. Devoted: A Girl’s 31-Day Guide to Good Living with a Great God by Marjorie Jackson is coming this May to bookstores near you. Keep up with Marjorie through her

Instagram, Facebook, and



To the Girl Who Messed Up Adelee Russell is a freelance writer from Brownsburg, IN. Her favorite hobbies include exploring old bookstores and hanging out at coffee shops. Have you ever messed up? Like, really badly? Have you ever done something so stupid or shameful it haunted you for weeks? Maybe you’re there right now. Every time you close your eyes you see flashbacks of what you did, what you said. Before you know it all the joy is sucked out of you and you wonder if you’ve used up all your second chances and if God has officially given up on you. Maybe it feels like you can’t do anything without messing up. Maybe you’re carrying around a burden of shame and guilt with you wherever you go. Maybe you think God could never love you because you always make mistakes: You never keep your promises to spend more time with Him. You forget to read your Bible. You miss opportunities to reach out to others because you’re too afraid of looking weird or getting rejected. Or maybe it goes deeper than that. Maybe you went too far with a guy, or you found yourself going back to addictions—even though you swore the last time that you’d never do it again. But you did. And you feel all dirty inside. It feels awful to let God down, doesn’t it? Our sins can create gaping chasms in our hearts that keep us from experiencing and embracing the love of God. If any of these words have struck a chord, please allow me to share with you, dear sister, about this thing called grace.

This Thing Called Grace I’ve always struggled with the concept of God’s grace. I’m a recovering perfectionist so it’s hard for me to believe that God would love a mess like me. It’s hard for me to claim the truth that I am forgiven and no longer condemned for my sins because of Christ. But God has been working extensively in this area of my life for a few years now. He’s brought me out of the dark winter of shame and into the spring of new beginnings. Before I go any further I should probably clarify that our sins do matter to God, but maybe not for the reasons you think. God wants the best for you. He wants you to experience the abundant life Jesus promises us through an intimate relationship with Him. He wants to take you along the best possible path for your life—His path. Sin gets in the way of that. It steals a part of our heart and draws it away from God. Sin gets in the way of God’s plan for our lives, and although there is ALWAYS redemption to be found through a genuinely repentant heart, it can steal opportunities God wants to give us. That said, Satan loves to take a bad thing and make it worse. For Christians especially, he loves to use our mistakes as a way to make us give up on our walk with God and hide our hearts from our Savior, Jesus Christ. GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


Conviction vs. Condemnation Always remember: God convicts. Satan condemns. God may speak to your heart through the Holy Spirit and tell you that a certain behavior is harmful and you need to go in the opposite direction. Satan will show you an endless replay of your mistakes and tear you down by telling you you’re worthless; you’re a mistake, and there’s no hope for you. If you hear the loving voice of a Heavenly Father urging you to turn away from a harmful habit, follow His voice. But if a voice is constantly berating you, telling you you’re too far gone and you should give up, that’s Satan. Should we feel condemned when we mess up? Nope. Here’s why: Romans 8:1 declares, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus”. In verses 33-34 it says, “Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God's right hand, pleading for us” (NLT). Aren’t we supposed to repent for the bad things we do? Yes. But contrary to popular belief, repentance doesn’t mean wallowing in guilt and paying emotional penance; rather it simply means to turn away from something and go in the opposite direction.

Jesus Christ took all our shame when He offered Himself up to be crucified. Colossians 2:13-14 says, “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross” (NLT). We receive salvation by God’s grace alone, and we keep it by grace alone. My standing as God’s child doesn’t depend on performance, but on God’s character. 2 Timothy 2:13 assures us that “If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is” (NLT). Freedom to Try Again This is all part of the freedom in Christ Paul talks about in his letters. We are free to reject the lies of Satan that condemn us when we fall, and accept the grace of God that gives us the strength to try again. Even Paul messed up. Paul admits his own struggle with sin when he says in Romans chapter 7 verses 15-23, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate… I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway… I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind…” (NLT). GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


It sounds depressing at this point. If even Paul can’t get it, where’s the hope? He answers in verses 24-25: “Oh what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord” (NLT). Jesus is the reason you were saved from your sins. Jesus is the reason you can stand with dignity when you fail. Jesus is the reason you can claim God’s love when you mess up. Jesus is the reason you can turn in the opposite direction of your sin and try again. To the Girl Who Messed Up Whenever I write an article for Girlz 4 Christ Magazine, I always ask God what He wants to say to the precious girls who read it, and this time this is what He said: “To the girl who feels defeated because she tried to make goals, and ended up failing again, tell her there’s nothing she could ever do to earn My love. It’s already hers, and the more she soaks up My love and grace, the more naturally everything else falls into place. To the girl who can’t forget her mistakes, tell her I have separated her from her sins as far as the east is from the west; I no longer associate her with them. I have forgiven her. She can lift

her head with dignity, because My love has destroyed any trace of her mistakes. To the girl with scars on her arms who’s tempted to cut herself again, tell her she doesn’t need to shed her own blood because the blood I shed on the cross paid for her sins and shortcomings. Because of My love and grace she can reject the lies of condemnation and claim the truth of My unconditional love. To the girl who’s huddled on the floor in tears, terrified because she went too far with a guy and she’s scared, tell her I still love her, and nothing can ever separate her from My love. Tell her not to be afraid because if she cries out to Me, I will help her, and I will work everything out for good—even her mistakes. Breathing in Grace I struggle with sin. You struggle with sin— even the most influential pastors of our time struggle with sin. No one is perfect. No one is righteous apart from Jesus Christ. Every single human on this planet is completely dependent upon the grace of God. Not one of us has a leg to stand on without it. God knows this. He knows we’re imperfect. He knows we mess up. He knows we even do horrible, awful things sometimes. 2 Timothy GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


1:9 says, “For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time--to show us his grace through Christ Jesus” (NLT). God has good plans for us. He wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him and experience the abundant life Jesus promised. He wants us to do the right thing—not because He wants us to be perfect, but because He wants us to experience Him. Paul says in Ephesians 3:14-19, “When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. “Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God” (NLT).

If you’re a Christian, chances are you want to grow, you want to make progress, you want to do better, you want to get out of the rut of sin and shame. We all want to become strong and mature Christians, but where does Paul say that strength comes from? “Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong,” (NLT). God’s love. God’s grace. That’s what makes us mature in Christ. That’s what gives us the power and wisdom to turn away from our sins and follow Him. That’s what gives strength, and understanding, and power. A Leap of Faith God’s grace goes against every natural thought process of mankind. It’s unexpected. It’s undeserved. It’s unexplainable. It’s unfathomable. It takes a leap of faith to pick ourselves up when we fall. It takes faith to lift our heads with the dignity bought by Christ and push aside the devil’s lies so we can claim God’s grace and try again. The more I allow the truth of the Gospel— God’s ultimate demonstration of grace—to affect the way I behave, the more I begin to experience the abundant life He promised.



Thousands of years ago, God asked a man named Abram to move. His example shows how our faith can help us survive packing tape, noisy neighbors, and uncertainty. Faith obeys. Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1 ESV) As far as I can tell, God didn’t give Abram any advanced notice he would be moving. The previous chapter, Genesis 11, records his family’s genealogy and their one move to Haran, where they all settled together. The word settled makes me imagine a community playground for the cousins, family cookouts by the campfire, and all the comforts of home. Moving. I can’t decide what I like least about it: getting the boxes, packing, or unpacking. Getting the boxes (if you’re thrifty like me) can involve borderline dumpster diving or soliciting the local grocery store. I felt like a puppy begging for food when I asked the clerk if she had any empty boxes. She threw me a bone and said I could check the empty pallet out back. Since I’m a recovering perfectionist, packing boxes also poses a problem and takes forever. When I reach the unpacking stage, I empty the brown cartons with much less tenderness. They litter the hallway like landmines until I find scissors to break them down. Even once the dust settles, then begins the process of meeting neighbors, making new friends, and relearning the grocery layout. Yes, I moved this year, and some of you can relate. Whether you’re moving with your family, into a dorm, or into your own place, relocating can be a stressful time. How do we respond to the changes when we prefer our comfort zones?

Now, God called Abram to uproot his immediate family and leave behind his relatives. Doing so meant he would likely never see them again. Has God asked you to make a hard choice? Sometimes, just “growing up” and moving out can bring mixed emotions. (Other times, both parents and teens can’t wait for the process to start!) Often, we’re reluctant to give up the familiar, but when God calls us to go somewhere, we can know He has our best interests at heart. And so, Abram went. He packed up everything, even though he didn’t have an address to give the moving truck. Faith obeys, even when it can’t see beyond the very next step. Faith starts over. So Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. (Genesis 12:4) GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


Moving at any age is hard, but can we even imagine what starting from scratch at seventyfive would have felt like? Granted, life expectancies were longer in Abram’s day. His father, Terah, died at 205 years of age (Genesis 11:32). However, in many ways, life was harder. People traveled in caravans but not the mini-van kind. Horses and camels provided slower transportation. When we think of moving, our biggest concerns are making friends at a new school, learning to live with roommates, or figuring out which aisle the grocer stocks cookie dough ice cream. (Yes, it’s my favorite.) Abram had to worry about finding pasture for his livestock, digging a well, protecting his company from marauders, and keeping the peace among his traveling group. Turns out, his nephew Lot’s herdsmen didn’t like Abram’s, but that’s another story (Genesis 13:7).

Faith trusts “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2-3) If you’re going through a transition, move or otherwise, the future can feel uncertain, even scary. We need to cling to God’s promises. That’s what Abram did, and God promised him some things that seemed impossible! After all, his wife Sarai was barren (Genesis 11:30), and though seventy-five wasn’t the end of the road for him, he wasn’t a spring chicken. But Abram believed God would do what He said. Yes, at times his faith wavered and he made some poor choices, but he continued to trust God to accomplish what He had promised. And guess what? God did.

When God asks us to “start over,” how can we make the best of the situation? •

Focus on what we’ve gained, not on what we’ve lost. Practice contentment in “whatever situation” we find ourselves, like the Apostle Paul did (Philippians 4:11). Put the “interests of others” above our own (Philippians 2:4). When we look for ways to bless others, we find ourselves blessed in return. No place feels more like home than one graced with hospitality. Remember that God stays by our sides during times of change. “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it” (I Thessalonians 5:24).

I challenge you to look up the promise verses in the box below, and share some of your own! You can do so on the Girlz 4 Christ Facebook page. Your favorite promise might just be what another sister needs to hear. The Christian life is a journey, and wherever it takes us, God has a plan (Jeremiah 29:11), and it’s always for our good (Romans 8:28).



She built up a dynasty… She danced with the stars… She appeared in movies… She wrote books… She saw the world… She lived originally…

What’s she up to now?



Sadie’s “Most Originals” Most original Easter tradition My family does a big Easter egg hunt at my grandma’s house, and it’s awesome. Most original tour buddy Britt Nicole. She’s just as powerful backstage as she is onstage, and I respect that. Most original family member Uncle Si! That man is original in itself. Most original Duck Dynasty Probably John Luke and Mary Kate’s wedding. (John Luke said the same episode in the summer 2016 issue!) Most original current goal Write another book. Most original verse to live by Psalm 46- the whole thing! Most original place traveled Austria- an awesome trip!

Sadie Robertson first came to us through the TV screen in 2012, along with the rest of her family working behind the Duck Commander business. With Duck Dynasty approaching the end of its series run on April 12th, we caught up with Sadie to ask her about her faith, family, and ducks. Life after Duck Dynasty: have things picked up or slowed down with the show coming to a close? Oh goodness! I would say things picked up in a way for me now with Winter Jam, a lot of traveling, and a lot of crazy things. But a lot of people in my family are excited about it winding down for them. Everybody’s just a little bit tired at the moment. Duck Dynasty fans are really upset but at the same time excited to see what God brings in the future What are you currently speaking about? Right now I’m on the 2017 Winter Jam Tour. This year at I’m bringing a modern-day twist to the David and Goliath story. Nowadays we need the message of the challenge. I think it’s great for me as a 19-year-old speaking to a lot of teens. It’s good to be in that situation that I feel serves God. I’m excited about doing that. How do you prioritize time with God in your busy schedule? Well, God IS my busy schedule. I feel like I would not have this schedule without God. There’s no rhyme or reason to why I should be able to do this or how I got this opportunity besides it being God. So, I think with that, everything has to be done in His name. Everything has to be done in prayer. Everything has to be brought to Him. It’s just been great because I don’t think anything can get too busy for Him. Do you see yourself continuing as a speaker, or are there other career prospects you’d like to pursue? I would love to continue as a speaker. That’s my passion and that’s where I feel like God is really leading me right now as the best way that I could glorify His kingdom. I hope to continue on in that. But if God opens a different door and says, “hey, I need you here”, then of course I would have to follow because I’ve got all my trust in Him. So I guess we’ll see, but I do love speaking! GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


Sadie Robertson acting alongside sister Bella and Masey McLain in the movie I’m Not Ashamed

What are your goals? My goal this year for myself is to become more selfless in my faith. I need to know that I may not always get to do something that I want to do, but if it’s something that God needs me to do, then my life is His life and I should do it for His Kingdom. Understanding that and knowing that that’s what I need to do is my goal. But not just like “oh, I need to do that”, but being confident in that and having joy and peace in that. That’s my goal for myself. And then my overall goal, I want to continue to be a voice for people to look up to. Maybe if somebody doesn’t have a sister to give them advice about God, I could be there for them. Maybe they needed something someday and they looked at my Instagram and saw it. I just want to continue to be there for them. This is kind of a challenge because I don’t necessarily want to be in the spotlight and have people know me like that, but if

that’s what God needs me to do right now, that’s what I’m going to try. I want to walk selflessly. So it’s been a cool journey and a very interesting one at that. Has the spotlight changed you as a person? I would say that the spotlight hasn’t changed me as a person, but it has changed my lifestyle completely! What’s the most original act of kindness you’ve done? That’s an interesting question! I think lately my favorite act of kindness to do happens a lot of times when my fans are going through trouble. Maybe a relative passed away or it turns out they have cancer. I like to call on them and talk to them and encourage them. And that’s been really cool because I get to relate to them on a really personal level during a really hard time. So that’s probably my favorite thing to do.



Sadie performing in the film God’s Not Dead 2

Left: Sadie and her mom Korie Robertson with I’m Not Ashamed crew. Below: Sadie models Roma boots. (photo credit: Meshali Mitchell) Is it possible to duck hunt in a prom dress? Haha, good question! I would say negative, ghost rider, on that one. That would be a pretty miserable hunt.

Interview by Jessica Lippe

Would you like to part with any words of wisdom? I would like to say, for teens especially, what’s been on my heart is recently I’ve heard a lot of people who are going off to college and going off on these crazy paths. They always say “this is my path, my year to have fun and do whatever I want, and then I’ll simmer down and really come back to God.” And I think that we just can’t live like that. If you’re saying you’re a Christian but your stance is this is “my time”, I think there’s something wrong with that. This is not your time; this is always going to be God’s time. Check yourself in that. Why not walk with God and own it? A lot of times as Christians we’ll say “well, I just want to find out how I can have fun and still be a Christian”. So why are we caving to the world? Instead you could say to your friends, “hey, y’all, come here and see how this perfect love, perfect joy, perfect peace, and awesome confidence in walking with the Lord is something that’s meaningful and purposeful”. I think that sometimes we need to change our mindset from caving to the world to praising God. That’s just been really on my heart lately and I hope that speaks to somebody else out there who’s been thinking that this is “their time” to do whatever they want. GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


In every issue, you can meet a sister-in-Christ living in a different part of the world. 19-year-old Anna Christina is in Guatemala!

By Anna Christina as told to Jessica Lippe



Where she’s from: Originally Indiana. But I’m living here in Fraijanes, Guatemala for almost six months. On family: I’m staying with a family here. Two parents, a girl my age, and a boy a little younger. And then we have 10 kids here in the house, anywhere from one month to six years old. A typical day: Well, I live and work here in an orphanage. So I’m usually up around 6 (depends on how tired I am), and I like to go outside to pray and read before the day starts. Then at 7:30 I gather with the house parents and the other two house workers I share a room with for devotions and prayer. From then, some days we give the kids baths, and then breakfast. By 9:45 we are outside to play until 10. For the 10 o’clock hour we do one-on-one learning with them. 11 is snack, then we play until 1 which is lunchtime. I get an hour break for my lunch, then I am in the house from 2-4:30 for naptime to feed the babies bottles. We get them up and changed into their pajamas and I'm off for the rest of the day. I’ll usually go meet my friend for Spanish practice or take my hammock out into the woods. The best site in her country: I’ve only been here two months, but the best site for me would be what is called the “lookout”. You can see so many mountains, the Volcano Agua, and the lake and city in the valley. It’s a gorgeous place and makes you feel really small! But any site with the Volcano Agua is my favorite, since it’s my favorite volcano. Her favorite getaway: My friends’ house near San Jose Pinula. They let me sleep a lot and just chill out, and we always have a lot of good talks and laughs!

Favorite food: Refried beans, rice cooked in milk (so that it’s like a drink), and Guatemalan coffee! On language: I speak mostly English, but my Spanish is growing. Guatemala speaks Spanish mainly. On free time: Read, study, or sleep! Sometimes I’ll watch a movie or call my friends and family back home. What she’d say if trying to convince someone to come to her hometown: It’s gorgeous and the food is amazing! I would also tell you that the culture here is so beautiful and the people is what makes Guatemala itself. They are beautiful, kind, and hardworking. On future goals: I want to come back to further my Spanish in the school in Antigua, then eventually move down here in the next couple years to do more work with orphans. Where she’d love to live: I would love to live here, in Guatemala. It is such a beautiful country and it has really taken my breath away as well as stolen my heart! I love the scenery, I love the people, and I can truly say it feels like home. On service: I am volunteering here at Casa Bernabe ( It’s an orphanage built on 13 acres and they are teaching the kids in schooling and skills for their future, but also the love of Christ for them in their personal lives. On her life and country: I’ve always had the motto to “find beauty in everything”. I can’t say it’s always been easy, especially when you see all the bad happening. Everything I’ve said about Guatemala has been good so far. But everything and everyplace has its problems. It just depends where you put your focus. Choosing to look at the beauty is part of what makes life so beautiful!





Our Instagram followers shared their favorite spring activity.

annabealizabeth: Picnics! GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


Easter Sunday. Spring Semiformal. Mother’s Day. Prom. Graduation. The spring season comes with lots of opportunities that call for a dress. No matter what the reason, pick one of these dresses to dress up in!

Written and photographed by Jessica Lippe

WHY A MODEST DRESS? -Make sure you don’t get called out by the dress code monitors. -No embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions. -Glorify God with what you wear. -Honor those around you by reducing temptation. -Get the respect and appropriate GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG 20 attention you deserve.



Gold in them thar hills! We met up with Julie, Karli, and Mikaela for a photoshoot in the historic gold mining town of Jacksonville, Oregon. Read 1 Peter 1:7 to discover something more precious than gold.



Be encouraged! Modest clothing does exist. These dresses are just three examples from three companies that offer hundreds of stylish options!

Mikaela showed off the Floral Wrap Maxi Dress from Novae Clothing,




Natural Look Looking for a makeup routine? Check out Ellie’s‌ Makeup never interested me in my young teenage years, but when I moved into a house with three dozen other Christian girls and started college, I began experimenting with different looks. Going Natural When I first started wearing makeup, I used the cheapest brands I could find. A few years later, I came across an article on the dangers of conventional beauty products and was shocked to read about all the harmful chemicals that are found in drugstore makeup. After conducting further research, I resolved to switch to more natural products. Although they were a bit more expensive than what I was used to, I decided that my longterm health was worth it. What I Use I currently use a mix of products from the brands Mineral Fusion,

Zuzu Luxe, and Tarte Cosmetics. My daily makeup routine is very simple. Foundation makes my skin oily, so I focus on making my eyes pop. I start off with a thin layer of Clean Slate 360 Creaseless 12-hr Smoothing Eye Primer from Tarte Cosmetics, applied to the skin under my eyes and to my eyelids and creases. Then, I grab my Rose Gold Eye Shadow Trio from Mineral Fusion and apply a small amount of Dark Brown Matte to my creases in a swooping motion. I add a generous amount of Rose Gold Shimmer to my eyelids and Pale Pink Matte to the area above the crease but below the eyebrow. Next, I use my Raven Liquid Eyeliner by Zuzu Luxe, carefully applying a thin line along my upper lash line. Some days, I add a thin line to my lower lash line, as well. After curling my lashes with a cheap curler, I apply



Graphite beauty comes from. In 1 Peter 3:3-4, the Bible Lengthening tells us that we ought not to be defined by our Mascara by outward beauty, but rather by our inner Mineral Fusion. beauty (“the incorruptible beauty of a gentle Using my Mineral and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the Fusion Blonzer Duo, I sight of God”). apply bronzer to my As daughters of the Most High King, it is vital cheekbones, followed by that we remember blush. To finish off that we are God’s my look, I cover workmanship up any acne or (Ephesians 2:10), 1 Peter 3:3-4 other marks with created in His image Your beauty should not Mineral Fusion (Genesis 1:27). While Neutral Concealer come from outward wearing makeup is a Duo. adornment, such as fun way to express True Beauty our femininity, our elaborate hairstyles and the worth must be found wearing of gold jewelry or While there is in Christ alone. nothing fine clothes. Rather, it inherently wrong Ellie is a professional should be that of your inner with makeup, we blogger who lives in self, the unfading beauty of must never Nashville, Tennessee, a gentle and quiet spirit, become so with her husband of which is of great worth in dependent on it two years. To learn that we forget more about her, visit God’s sight. where our true



Interviewed by Moriyah Harthcock

Juliana Schnee is a Christian singer and songwriter from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Her song “Expectations” was included on Radio Station WJTL’s Kids Cookie Break 4 CD in September 2012. Her first album, Dance in the Rain, released in December 2012 and her single, Diamonds, was first available in May, 2015. Juliana is currently back in the studio, working on a new project when we caught up with her. GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


When did you first decide to be a musician? I started writing music at 11 years old. It wasn't until I was 14 that it became a serious passion for me though. Who most influenced you to become a musician? I grew up listening to a wide variety of musical styles. Being introduced to Christian music at a young age, I loved the fact that music could touch people so deeply. I remember Twila Paris and the band, Avalon being some of the first Christian artists I really listened to a lot. What genre of music do you consider your work to be? My favorite musical genre to write would be Jazz / Pop What all instruments can you play? I play piano, ukulele, electric ukulele, guitar, flute, melodica, and I’m working on the banjo and accordion. I hope to learn bass guitar and the saxophone in the near future. Who are your major musical influences? Adele, Francesca Battistelli, Jimmy Needham What are your immediate music career goals? The next goal for me is to tour as much as possible and just sing my music for people and share my story. Music connects people, and I just want to connect people to God.

Can you describe a live performance experience you’ve had? My favorite live performance was singing for Momentum National Youth Conference for over 2,000+ teens. I got to sing an original song on main stage and it was the coolest moment ever. They even sang along with me! Do you prefer to sing covers or originals? I prefer to sing my originals, but I love getting to cover some of my favorite songs too. What has been one of your biggest challenges making music? The biggest challenge for me is making time to work on music while being busy with my job and other activities. What famous musicians do you admire? I really admire Tori Kelly and Ben Rector. They each have a very unique sound and as Christians artists, I believe they have really bridged the gap between doing both Christian and secular music, reaching a wider audience for Christ. Do you still take lessons for voice and/or and instruments? I am a self taught pianist. I took songwriting lessons from Jimmy Needham, and voice lessons from Cheryl Gingrich for several years. I am currently working as a Pharmacy Technician, so I was unable to continue lessons this year, but I hope to either resume them in the future or potentially give lessons to other singers myself. GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


Have you ever won music competitions? I have competed and won in several local talent competitions, and nationally for both voice and songwriting. Recently, I won a front of the line pass to audition for America's Got Talent. Although I didn't make it to the T.V. round, I did get to sing for one of the producers of the show. It was an incredible experience. How do you handle mistakes during a performance? I think you just have to laugh it off when you mess up on stage. It's only awkward if you let it be. What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous? Never give up. Making it in the music industry is hard work, but if you believe in what you do, go after it with everything you've got. How often do you practice? I am constantly writing songs. I try to practice music every day if I can, or at least a few times a week for several hours.

How do you balance music with other obligations in life? It is so hard finding a balance between music, work, and everyday life. This is something I probably struggle with the most, but you have to schedule time for the things you love. Have you ever collaborated on any projects with other musicians? I had the opportunity to take songwriting lessons with Christian artist, Jimmy Needham, and then to collaborate and write “Diamonds� which is available on iTunes. I have also cowritten songs with some of my friends, which will be on YouTube pretty soon. Where can people buy your music? My music is available everywhere digitally - iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, to name a few. I also have CDs that are sold on my website at You can check out my YouTube channel for new videos all the time. And just for fun, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate chip cookie dough and mint





In this issue, we’ve got something for everyone! Whether you’re a teen or tween, lover of fiction or reality, you’ll find the right book for you.

Reviewed by Jessica Lippe and Adelee Russell

The Radical Book for Kids

The Bible is My Best Friend Bible Storybook

The Radical Book for Kids: Exploring the Roots and Shoots of Faith, by Champ Thornton is an awesome book for kids and tweens from ages eight to fourteen. It’s a thick book packed with fun facts, devotional thoughts, recipes, as well as interactive games and activities. If you have an interest in learning apologetics, delving into devotions, or even learning the Greek alphabet, this book is for you! If you’re in your later teens, this would be an awesome book to share with your younger siblings.

This is a great way to get the whole family intrigued at the messages found throughout the Bible. Sheila Walsh splits the Bible into fifty-two stories, so you can read one each week at family devotionals and finish in a year. Your younger siblings will like the colorful pictures containing a hidden object, and you’ll be challenged to learn the relevant memory verse at the end of each story. GIRLZ4CHRIST.ORG


Mighty God Girls From A to Z, this tween devotional contains gems of truth that any age can benefit from! Author Mandy Fender uses each letter of the alphabet to drive home a point related to who you are in Christ, complete with scripture passage, real-life application, and journaling space. Mix it up with a variety of coloring pages and a special invitation to become a Mighty God Girl! It’s Worth It Masey McLain, star of the motion picture I’m Not Ashamed, has created a 21-day devotional for teens. In this book, Masey shares her personal experiences, including photos from her time on set of the film. Each meditation ends with a daily challenge, a prayer, and a page for journaling. During each day for the next three weeks, you can delve into different topics and passages of Scripture that will ultimately draw you closer to God and living fully in your purpose. Dawn on the Road In this new young adult fiction novella by debut author Lea Waterhouse, you get to meet Dawn. Dawn is an incoming high school senior in Southern California. Her parents want her to head to ivy league, but Dawn is secretly interested in a Canadian art school. When she crosses paths with her old friend Justin, his offer to ride his motorcycle to Canada sounds like the ultimate adventure. But as you’ll discover along with Dawn, this journey is so much more than sights along the coast. As a fun bonus, look at the back cover of this book for a special message from Girlz 4 Christ’s editor!





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