Girls for Jesus | March - April 2014

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Oreo Puppy Chow A Meek & Quite Spirit

10 Reasons to Read Your Bible



Table of Contents

Girls for Jesus Magazine A Note From the Author …………………………… 4 10 Reasons to Read Your Bible ……………….…. 6-9 Ha-Ha …………………………………………………… 10-11 A Meek and Quite Spirit …………………………… 12-15 Rolled Rosette ………………………………………... 16-17 Oreo Puppy Chow ………………………………...… 20-21 Who are You, Lord? What Should I Do? …..…. 22-23 Closing Note …………………………………….……. 24



A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR Hello! I’m so excited to be publishing this issue! I hope each and every one of you will be blesses and encouraged. To everyone that gave me permission to publish their work in here and to those that wrote articles for the magazine, Thank you so much!!!!

-Latisha 4

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10 Reasons to Read Your Bible


Here are ten reasons to make reading the Bible a day school classroom? priority this year and always. The answer is—yep, you guessed it—by reading the Bible! 1. It's a way to talk to God, and hear Him talk back! Wouldn't you love to sit down for coffee with God and listen to Him share His heart? Well, you can! Sort of. I'm afraid we can't have coffee with God this side of heaven. (Although I sure hope there's coffee in heaven!) But you can hear from God through His Word.

Second Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is useful for teaching and for training in righteousness. Romans 15:4 says that the Word was written for our instruction. The best place to learn about God isn't through our feelings. It isn't through what other people tell us about God. It isn't great books about God. In the study of God, the Bible is our best teacher.

Did you know that 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is breathed out by God? It's not just 3. The Bible is alive. God's ideas or what someone guesses God would Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word of God is say. "living and active." In 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Paul put it this way, My Bible doesn't breathe. It doesn't have a beat"And we also thank God constantly for this, that ing heart. I haven't noticed it doing any jumping when you received the word of God, which you jacks lately. So what does this passage mean heard from us, you accepted it not as the word when it describes the Bible as "living and acof men but as what it really is, the word of God, tive"? which is at work in you believers" (emphasis It means it's more than just a book. The words added). in the Bible do not change, but their impact on Yes, men played a part in recording the Bible, us does. It is the only book that has ever been but Paul reminds us that it's not the words of written that is capable of meeting us right men; it is ultimately the Word of God. It is where we are in every stage of life and giving us God's thoughts in His own words. If you want tailor-made truth. to hear from God, the Bible is a great way to do it! 4. The Bible is a good surgeon. The rest of Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word 2. The Bible is a good teacher. of God is "sharper than any two-edged sword, How do you get to know the God of the unipiercing to the division of soul and sprit, verse? How can we study Him outside of a Sun-


of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

Timothy 3:16 tells us that it is helpful for "reproof and correction."

This verse describes the Bible as a very sharp sword.

That's a fancy way of saying it puts a magnifying glass over our sin.

It does more than just entertain us, or enlighten us, or inform us. As we read the Bible it does surgery on the parts of us that need to submit to God, leaving behind healthier, holier hearts and lives. If you've got junk in your life that needs to go (hint: we all do!), you need the Bible to do the cutting.

I'm not very good at seeing my own sin. It's so easy to justify, make excuses, and compare. But sin (even the sin I don't see) works like acid, eating away at me. Left unchecked, sin will The Bible is so much more than a list of rules or stories. It can be a filter you

5. The Bible feels good! Romans 15:4 says, "For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."

eventually destroy me. That's why I'm thankful that the Bible has the power to expose my sin, even the sin that's hard for me to see.

The Bible is designed to be a great source of encouragement and hope. True, not every passage in the Bible will give us a warm fuzzy, but the overarching themes of the Bible—that God loves us, that He is willing to forgive us, that He is preparing a place for us, and that He will eventually defeat all that grieves us— ought to comfort and inspire us.

7. The Bible is a gird. First Peter 1:13 says, "Wherefore girding up the loins of your mind, be sober and set your hope perfectly on the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" (ASV).

Do you need encouragement? Open your Bible. 6. It works like a pair of glasses. In addition to assuring us that the Bible breathed out by God and useful for teaching, 2

use to see your life more

When was the last time you worked the phrase "gird up your loins" into a sentence? It's not a term we throw around much anymore, but it provides an image of securing clothing with a belt, of preparing for action, of bracing ourselves 8

The job of a gird is to secure, support, and surround. God's Word has the power to protect us from enemies we can see and enemies we cannot see. It braces us to live our lives for Christ, come what may. It supports and holds us up when our world starts spinning. It provides sure footing in a broken world. 8. The Bible is a grid. Another word for grid is a filter. The Bible is so much more than a list of rules or stories. It can be a filter you use to see your life more clearly. You can take the questions, doubts, and concerns you have throughout your life and squeeze them through the grid of God's Word and find answers every time. 9. The Bible is a tether. Here's a shocker: 90 percent of young people from Christian homes will ultimately abandon their faith. If something doesn't change, there's a good chance you could be one of those girls who grew up in church, heard the teaching of Jesus, spent years trying to follow Him, but eventually decided to follow a different path. God's truth has the power to keep you connected to God Himself. But here's the kicker—you actually have to know God's truth to be tied to it. If you don't know the Word, if you don't make a habit of studying God's

truth and applying it to your choices, and if you don't "gird yourself" up with what God teaches you throughout the Bible, you will Gods truth has the Power to Connect you to God himself! find yourself unprotected, unsure, and untied from God. 10. The Bible is a fairy-tale castle. Amusement-park goers often experience something called "museum feet." It's a general feeling of being lost or exhausted that comes from hanging out in such a large space. Having museum feet could give park-goers a bad experience or cause them to give up and leave the park. But if architects include a large visual landmark such as Cinderella's Castle, Spaceship Earth at Epcot Center, or Hogwarts Castle at Universal Studios' Harry Potter attraction, park-goers are less likely to become overwhelmed. The Bible works the same way. Life is big. It is easy to feel lost or overwhelmed or like you want off the ride. But when we know God's truth, we are anchored and protected from the feeling of "museum feet." Truth gives us a point to come back to when we feel alone, small, or afraid. So how about you? Why do you read the Bible? Is there anything on this list that inspires you to read the Bible more in the year ahead? 9

HA - HA!

Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest? A: An Investigator.

Q: What do you get from a pampered cow? A: Spoiled milk.

Q: What gets wetter the more it dries? A: A towel.

Q: What do you call sad coffee?" A: Despresso.

Q: Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks? A: Neither, they both weigh a ton!







Quite Spirit BY: Rachel Mullett


Hello Young Ladies! Grab your favorite hot drink, a nice cozy blanket, and imagine that you are sitting in my apartment in front of the fire place getting to know one another! =) I am Rachel Elvira Mullett. My middle name is pronounced El-ver-ra. Strange. Right? Well that is because it’s Italian! My Grandma was from Italy! (Now that is a whole long story in itself and maybe someday I will write my life story for you! It's an interesting one!) J More about me... I am 24 years old. My birthday is February 15. I am the oldest of 8 children. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters, and a little niece or nephew that is on the way!! Some of my favorite things are (in no particular order) coffee, relationships, Eric & Leslie Ludy, books, purity, making up new words, smiles, warm cozy blankets, babies, midwifery, children, friends, heart to heart conversations, traveling, etc., etc., etc. I have lots of favorite things! I love life! But my favoritest of all is Jesus! I would be totally lost without Him! I was 16 when I surrendered my life to Christ and life has never been the same since!

Jesus? So many things we could talk about! J But the subject Latisha has asked me to write about today is on a Meek and Quiet Spirit! Now what do you think of when you think Meekness is that remembering life is not just about you, but its about others! of meek and quiet? I used to think it meant that I had to be reserved and quiet! Which, if you would know me, that is kind of hard for me to do because God has made me with an outgoing personality! And then I discovered it doesn't really mean that at all. Whew... I can breathe! =) So what does it mean? Meekness in the Bible has the meaning of: Human and subjective (modesty), gentleness, humility, humble in mind (gentle) a calm temper of mind, not easily provoked. I would say the key to meekness is humility, gentleness, a laying down of one’s self !

Jas 3:13 (ASV) Who is wise and understanding among you? let him show by his good life his works in meekness of wisdom. -Meekness here means mildness; humility. So the good in your life, the wisdom God has given you share with others in a spirit of humility! In other I am currently in V.S. work! I have been since March 1, 2012. I work with young girls words not placing yourself better. and single moms as a mentor/counselor/big Col 3:12 (ASV) Put on therefore, as God's elect, sister. I also teach school, and do office work! holy and beloved, a heart of compassion, kindness, My life is never dull! J lowliness (humbleness of mind), meekness, longsuffering; - Meekness here means gentleness; So tell me about you? What is your humility. We are to be gentle, compassionate, name? How old are you? How many siband humble. lings do you have? What are your favorite things in life? How is your relationship with

Mt 11:29 (ASV) Take my yoke upon you, and 14

learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. -The

Now doesn’t that sound like a life worth living?

word meek means gentle; humble. The word lowly means humble. In this verse is Jesus is talking and He is saying that we are to be like Him by being gentle and humble.

Ps 37:11 (ASV) But the meek shall inherit the land, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Rachel Mullet

So how do you make that practical in everyday life right now?! Surrender your life to Jesus! Give your life, your time, your body to the King of Kings! Ask Him to give you a The next 3 verses I want to share with you spirit of humility, lowliness, gentleness, and compassion! And look for ways to bless othdon't have the word meek in them but they ers. You can do that by writing a word of enare what meekness is all about! Phil 2:7 (KJV) But made himself of no repu- couragement; helping a busy mom with her tation, and took upon him the form of a servant, cleaning; asking your mom how you can best help her etc., etc., etc. and was made in the likeness of men: Meekness is remembering life is not just Phil 2:8 (KJV) And being found in fashion as a about you but its about others as well and we man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unare called to be a servant, a blessing to those to death, even the death of the cross. around us! Also remember we do good not 1Co 9:19 (KJV) For though I be free from all because we are good but because Christ is [men], yet have I made myself servant unto all, good in us!! Truly of ourselves we are noththat I might gain the more. ing but God takes our nothing and makes it Now does that sound like someone who is into something beautiful when we surrender reserved and quiet?! NO!! This thing we call to Him! a meek and quiet spirit requires Courage and Well my friends it has been a lovely chat! Bravery! It a laying down of one’s life! Car- I would love to hear from you! God bless ing more for others than for yourself ! It is: you each and every one of you as Humility; A letting go of your reputawalk this journey with God! tion; Gentleness; Compassion; A total reliance upon Christ. This, my friends is what a meek and quiet spirit is all about!! This is not an "easy" "feel good" way to live life. But it is a worth it way to live!! Jesus says: Mt 5:5 (ASV) Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.


What you will need… Hot glue gun Clothe -that fraysTo make the rosette… 1. Rip a strip of cloth about 56” long and 1 1/2” wide. *The easiest way for me to rip clothe is to start the rip with a small cut with a scissors.* 2. Tie a knot at the end of the strip of material. Then twist, wrap, add a small dab of glue until the strip is all wound up. 3. To secure the rosette twist the end underneath and glue it there. And you done! 16

To use the rosette you can hot glue it to a picture frame or pin it with a safety pin to you purse! If your going to be using it on your purse then you will want to put lots of hot glue on it so that it stays together.



God owes us nothing, but he gives us everything. 19

Oreo Cookie Puppy Chow



1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 cup white chocolate chips 2 teaspoons shortening 8 Oreo cookies, broken into a fine crumb using a food processor or blender 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar 6 cups Rice Chex cereal

METHOD: 1. In a large Ziploc bag, add 1/2 of the Oreo crumb mixture and 3/4 cup of the powdered

sugar. Add the remaining Oreo crumb mixture and remaining 3/4 cup of powdered sugar to a second large Ziploc bag. Set aside.

2. Add white chocolate chips and 1 teaspoon shortening to a large microwave safe bowl. Microwave in 30 second intervals until fully melted (mine took one minute and 30 seconds).

3. Add 3 cups of the cereal directly to the melted chocolate. Toss gently to guarantee all pieces are covered in chocolate. Pour chocolate-covered cereal into one of the prepared Ziploc bags.

Seal and shake vigorously for a few seconds until the cereal is covered in the sugar and cookie mixture. Empty contents of bag onto a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper.

4. Add semi-sweet chocolate chips and 1 teaspoon shortening to another large microwave safe bowl. Melt in the microwave in 30 second intervals. 5. Repeat step 3 with the melted semi-sweet chocolate. Pour chocolate-covered cereal into the second Ziploc bag. Shake and empty contents onto the same parchment-lined cookie sheet. 6. Combine all of the cereal together. Serve and enjoy! Leftovers can be kept in an airtight container. 21

Maybe you want to study your Bible but you don't know how. Where do you start? What do you do? How do you make sense of this collection of sixty-six books written by forty authors, none of whom ever had an iPhone or WiFi or access to digital media of any kind? It can feel hard to relate to these authors, and digging into the Bible can feel overwhelming. I want to show you two questions you can use to get right to the good stuff when you open God's Word.

I borrowed these questions from the apostle Paul. In Acts 22, Paul tells a crowd his conversion story. Paul (he was called "Saul" at the time) was on his way to Damascus to round up and arrest Christians when Jesus stopped him in his tracks— literally. Paul thought he was doing a great service to God by trying to stamp out this Christianity movement. He thought Christians should be arrested, even executed. Paul thought he was on a mission for God, but He had things upside down and inside out. 22

"Thankfully, God is really good at straightening out mixed-up people. A great light appeared to Paul, and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Paul answered with a question of his own: "Who are you, Lord?" I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting," the voice replied. Paul responds with another question: "What shall I do, Lord?" And you know what? Jesus tells him what to do! He doesn't leave Paul to figure it out alone. We don't usually hear Jesus speaking to us out loud—I never have—but He does speak to us through His Word. Through Scripture, the Holy Spirit tells us who Christ is and what we should do! When you open your Bible, try using Paul's questions to better understand the text: Who are you, Lord? And What should I do, Lord?

Remember to keep the questions in that order. Christ Himself—who He is—means so much more than what I do for Him. I

God is really good at straightening out mixed up people! must always start with Him, never with me! Sometimes when I'm reading the Bible, I like to take a piece of paper and fold it lengthwise into two columns. On the left I write the heading, "Who are you, Lord?" and on the right, "What should I do, Lord?" I'm almost always surprised by what I find. There's usually a whole lot more about God in a text than there is about the people following Him; this is a huge comfort! He's the refuge, and I'm the one under His wing. He's faithful when I'm not! So often, we think being a Christian means we're supposed to do a lot of things (or not do a lot of things). Really, being a Christian simply means following Christ. To follow Him, we must keep our eyes on Him, and we do this by hearing Him speak to us through His Word. I invite you to turn to Psalm 91 and try this experiment today. Get out your paper and pen and dig in! Who are you, Lord? What would you have me do? 23

I hope you enjoyed the magazine! If you have anything that you want to contribute for the magazine such as, a story, craft idea, recipe, your testimony, pleas feel free to email it to me at!


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