Sheba sign Media Kit

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Table of Contents About Us


Digital Signage


Benefits for Brands


Our Process


Target Audience


Editorial Calendar


Customized Content


Our Company


Contact Us


About Us

We are dedicated to a singular passion. We love brands! Our mission is to help brands communicate better through interactive media.


Sheba Sign

Introduction Sheba Sign is a digital media and signage company with offices in Addis Ababa, Khartoum and Toronto. We started with the premise and conviction that there is a better way for brands to tell their stories. With this in mind we started assembling a superstar team of wordsmiths, production geniuses and project wizards. We are masters at crafting the perfect story and targeting it to the right audience. Our team is well versed in all the technologies we need to create this incredibly interactive platform. We have a team of experts in Coding, Graphic Design, Web 2.0, Motion Graphics, 3D Design, Interior Design, Branding, Curating Content, Marketing and Copywriting. Our team is composed of the best designers, content and marketing professionals with decades worth of experience in North America. Furthermore, our project managers have worked in East Africa and the Middle East.

What We Do We are committed to delivering the right message to the right audience at the right place and at the right time. We work with a core group of placement partners that host our network of screens in their establishments. Our content developers and production managers curate and broadcast tailored content throughout the network. We aim to inform and interact with audiences using contents that are designed to help better themselves. Our ultimate goal is to create a collective - a group of highly engaged audience interested in the messages being broadcast. Brands on the other hand can also leverage those same audience members to increase their brand awareness through targeted advertisements. We invite you to experience the unique advantages and benefits that Sheba Sign’s Digital Signage as a Service offers. We are excited to bring the skills, resources and international experience to offer a unique communication strategy.


Digital Signage

We are extremely delighted to introduce you to the newest platform to advertise your products and make your brand more visible. It will surely take Addis Ababa by storm. We would like you to partner with us and take this novel but highly rewarding first step.


Sheba Sign

What is Digital Signage? Digital signage is a name given to any number of methods used to display multimedia content in public venues. Digital signage, the central focus of our service is, “a network of digital displays that are centrally managed and edited for targeted information, entertainment�.Alternatively known as dynamic signage, electronic signage or narrowcasting, networks of digital signs have been deployed across numerous retail chains, banks, travel hubs and corporate headquarters to deliver informative and entertaining content to captive audiences and passers by. Our content strategy is anchored around content that are designed to inform and entertain. It is designed to help audiences consume content in small doses. Interacting with audiences using content that is relevant to them ensures that we have an engaged audience that will be receptive to the branding messages of both your placement and brand partners.

Design & Automation Designer

Management Content Manager

Playback Player Standard Displays

Large Screen Displays

Digital Posters Existing Media and Other Applications


Interactive and engaging content is designed to ensure to that the audience is receptive to branding messages. Not only does this make it easier for co-branding efforts it also guarantees that consumers stay captivated by information that they are exposed to. What makes Sheba Sign unique is that we use our international experience to make sure that we have partnered with the best brands in world to highlight and advertise your brand to the best of our abilities. Moreover, our local presence gives us that additional edge to tailor the content and present your brands to target audiences in a way that is attuned to different infrastructure challenges and cultural nuances that apply.


Benefits to Brands

Before you take the first step into partnering with us, we would like to first tell you a bit more about the benefits of this once in a lifetime opportunity to mke your mark in the advertising landscape. It is all so simple. Our four pronged approach makes sure that you get the best service that money can buy.


Sheba Sign

Benefits of Digital Signage Analytics We rely on data driven marketing. To that end, our in house market research department is privvy to the latest information tto help you gauge the impact of your message on your target audience. We let you have access to live air time analytics as well as audience count and demographic analysis to help you track your brand’s exposure on our network in an effort to target the audience you would like to reach. Moreover, we will also make available data analytics gathered during customized brand campaigns. Flexibility We have designed our services to accommodate different kinds of demands and scheduling interests and be as flexible as our customers demand. Therefore, we make schedules regarding content around you and not the other way around. This can attest to our dedication to tailoring your brand’s messaging to what you think is best. We have left decisions at your discretion - to have your brand advertised at a time you you think is most fitting. We can even display special messages along with your content or advertisement inline with the social climate at the time. Quality Our digital signage platform grants you access to the industry’s best graphic designers, photographers, animators, interior designers and content developers. Relaibility Our network of digital signage screens are designed to be operated efficiently on our existing internet infrastructure. This will ensure that the screens are able to run with minimal interruption. Our team has designed fail safe procedures to make sure that we achieve maximum uptime: We use the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) business model. Our servers are located in Europe to ensure that we will run uninterrupted. We use ADSL Broadband and all other connections consist of fixed land lines alredy in place in all our locations. All of our screens are also equipped with 3G internet. Furthermore, should there be any connectivity problems with the land line, we will maintain connection as our screens will automatically switch to 3G connection. In the unlikely event that internet connection across the city becomes unavailable, our technical staff is equipped to update the screens manually.


Our PrOcess

Each month of our editorial calendar is dedicated to a specific theme, we provide your brand a unique opportunity to sponsor our monthly content. Our main aim is to position your brand as a thought leader in its field.


Sheba Sign

Our PrOcess We work with companies to provide them with an unprecedented level of dedication and professionalism. As your branding partner, we want you to focus on what you do best - serve your customers. Leave your branding concerns to us. Our team will help you tell a story that will make your customers fall in love with your brand and company. Account Manager

An account manager will be assigned as your brand ambassador to cater to your needs and advocate on your behalf while overseeing the management of content relating to the brand.

Dedicated Content Managers - Generating Content



The Content Department responsible for curating, editing and creating audience specific content will then work on delivering a prodcut that is both engaging and informative. Once a certain theme is selected from our wide array of topics to be covered during the year, content managers work to generate different ideas as to how your brand can be best positioned and advertised in a certain context.

By employing a holistic approach, the Marketing Department will analyze all touch points your brand has with customers. This is done with close collaboration and under the advisement of your marketing team. The final product will be a totally customized digital marketing plan that ensures the brand stands out. Social Media Campaign



Data Driven Marketing Our Marketing Department has a dedicated market research branch. We have an extensive database of consumer behaviour data that is frequently updated to keep up with the ever changing market profile.

360o Brand Consultation


We offer both new and existing using social media. Our team is ready to work with your marketing team to create a customized social media campaign designed to interact with your customer. Campaigns on social media offer your company and brand the opportunity to connect with customers on different and hip online platforms. At its core, social media is about sharing. Our team of tech savvy online socialites will ensure that your brand is the talk of the town. Once they are able to understand the target audience, we launch a social media campaign in line with brand values and promote it on our network. Our personnel will then be able to generate post campaign analysis to assess if the promotion has garnered the right amount of buzz.

Content Released on Our Digital Signage Network


After consultations and feedback from your team on initial drafts that are submitted by our content department, a final draft is approved and agreed upon. It is finally time. Time for your brand to shine. Customized content is finally released on our networks and ready to view, thus positioning the brand as a thought leader in its field.


Target Audience

It is our firm belief that budding brands need to foucs on the right kind of audience and gear their adveritisng efforts towards to appealing to them. Think about the game of darts: one has to aim in order to hit the board. If you let your darts go without aiming them, you probably won’t be very popular. If you hit the board, you score. It would be our pleasure to help you hit the bull’s eye.


Sheba Sign

TargeT audience Our target audience are opinion leaders, business influencers and affluent consumers. We target our audience at the point of purchase to trigger their purchase decisions. They are frequently trendsetters, business owners and those at the mid to higher echelons of their respective companies. No matter what industry, we have the right audience ready to pay attention.


Our target demographic spends


more in monthly housebold expenses for an average household size of 6


than the average household in Addis Ababa


Our target demographic has

Our Demographic Addis Ababa

more people with a diploma or more than the average for Addis Ababa

Our demographic at the senior and Professional level spends


Our Demographic Addis Ababa

more for household expenses than those at the same occupational level in Addis Ababa



Population Demographic

30 - 39 Yrs Old

15-29 Yrs Old

43% Others

Our Demographic

Our target demographic spends



$ $


















Addis Ababa







more on recreation per month than the average for Addis Ababa


audience PrOfiles HigHest LeveL of education attained



Student / College / University

Diploma / Degree



Professional Degree (LLB, MD, CA, JD)


empLoyment status

2.9% PhD

49.3 %

Self - Employed

39.1 %



Not Working

RoLe in induistRy .2 %


Self Employed

10.2 %

Senior Management Middle Management

23.3 %


Junior Management




Support Staff

5.5 21.6 %




aveRage montHLy income (in etB) < 3,000

11.4 % 34.9 %

3,001 - 6,000

35.4 %

6,001 - 15,000 6.6 %

16,001 - 30,000

5.5 %

30,001 - 50,000 50,001 - 70,000 70,000 + 11

Sheba Sign

4.4 % 1.8 %

Our audience decision making At Work


At Home


Primary Decision Makers Not Primary Decision Makers

daiLy inteRnet BRowsing HaBits 10.7%

30 min - 1Hr


1 - 2 Hrs


2-3 Hrs 4-5 Hrs



More Than 5 Hrs`

sociaL media usage




Linked in





fRequency of visit to a cafe, BaR oR RestauRant 54.5 %

43.7 % 22.5 %

6.5 % None

2-3 Days

visit peR week

4-5 Days

34.9 %

16.5 %

5-7 Days

14 % 30 Min - 1Hr

1-2 Hr

2-3 Hr

5.2 % 4-5 Hr

2.2 % More Than 5 Hr

LengtH of stay peR visit


Editorial Calendar

We like for you to think of our digital signage screens as the inside of glossy magazines. With sesoned staff comprised of an editor in chief, fact checkers and staff writers, our network is designed to create content much like a traditional magazine. Our editorial mission is to create content that will inform and interact to create an engaged audience. It is this engaged audience that we present to our advertising partners. 13|

Sheba Sign

ediTOrial calendar Our editorial calendar is one of a kind and begins half way through each month of the Julian Calendar. We plan to release a new issue every month to run our digital signage screens. We dedicate each issue or month to an in-depth look into a specific theme. Our content hopes to lay the groundwork or context to discussions that our audiences would hopefully be attuned to and enjoy. Past issues will be made available online as well as a separate application (app) we hope to unveil shortly. We have gone above and beyond to pinpoint themes that our target audience will surely enjoy. Here is a glimpse of our editorial calendar.

September - Meskerem new yeaR, new you

The appearance of yellow and white daisies in fields around the country signals the arrival of the New Year. Apart from welcoming the new year with renowned vigor and out of this world parties, this issue hopes to go above and beyond. How about a new you to boot? Following the start of the new year, we offer our audiences the chance to reflect on the past year and make resolutions in different aspects of their lives. We hope to guide our audience through the treacherous waters of self-development and empowerment. Is this finally the year that you get the courage and resources to do what you have never dared before? Is this your one opportunity to quit a bad habit or get out of that toxic relationship that you have held on for far too long? Look no further, we will give you the tips to conquer it all.

October - Tikimt

i am woman; HeaR me RoaR This edition is completely dedicated to the celebration of women from different socio-economic backgrounds in different stages of their professional and personal lives. We also hope to voice our concern about issues that affect them. It is the perfect venue to introduce and hear from women who are trailblazers in their fields of expertise. It will then go on to address and try to find solutions for problems that keep women away from making changes to their lives and communities. The edition is dedicated to empowering women through celebrating their existence and achievements as well as giving them the platform to collaborate on projects they are passionate about.

November - Hidar tecH and innovation

This edition is exclusively geared towards doing a rundown of what is new in the world of technology and innovation. It will be the newest, cutting edge publication featuring fascinating and useful information about innovation and tech across a variety of sectors. Our team of experts celebrate the passion for innovation in technology through talk of leaders, ideas, products and initiatives driving growth. It hopes to bring major stakeholders like scientists in research institutions, investors in technology companies, entrepreneurs and public officials involved in tech together to foster national dialogue. As is tradition, we will be showcasing new and fresh talent making a name for themselves.

December - Tehasas induLge tHe senses

This is truly going to be a treat to all of your senses. We would like to whisk you away from that boring desk job to a place where your every whim and desire is fulfilled. Our luxury collection introduces you to all the best there is. You will live like the rich and famous. Consider this issue to be the ultimate guide to luxury living and it is sure to come at you with full force. Hold on to your seat and your loved ones‌ it is going to be one hell of a ride. We look at ambience and chase all that feeds the soul. By the end of the month, we hope to get you cultured and pampered. We will push you to try new experiences! You only live once... might as well go out with a bang.


January - Tirr HoLiday editiion In line with our one of a kind editorial calendar, this Holiday Edition is an all-inclusive celebration of a diverse number of festivities that happen to be celebrated during this period. Having difficulty sticking to the new year’s resolution that you made back in September? Well, the good news is you get another chance to do better. Santa will be making his rounds twice. Have you been naughty or nice? Maulid is also a huge holiday - celebration of the birth of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Don on all white and head on over to mosque to pray and pay homage in reverence and in unison. Finish the month off by heading over to Jan Meada to throw lemons at potential suitors and enjoy the revelry of the Timket (Epiphany) festivities.

February - Yekatit tHe ReLationsHip issue This issue explores all types of love and relationships that nurture and keep us going. Stroge is a kind of family and friendship love. Phileo refers to an affectionate, warm and tender platonic love. It makes you desire friendship with someone. Eros is a passionate and intense love that arouses romantic feelings. There is also a different kind of love, a distinct type of relationship, separate from all the others. It is a relationship that one has with one’s self. We talk all aspects of these relationships and promote healthy ones.

March - Megabit peRsonaL deveLopment March is all about creating a better you! There is no day like today to start afresh. Do you have the guts to transform yourself in the best possible way and get all the glory? The issue features professionals with a variety of specialties in the field of selfdevelopment. These professionals will give our audience the motivation and tools to do wonders with their lives. Tips like how to nail a job interview and gain spiritual growth. The issue will also seek to remind our audience of the promise they made themselves at the beginning of the year. We look into on how to go forward and how to pick up the pieces of resolutions long since abandoned. Equally, we celebrate and give kudos to people who have persevered.

April - Miazea fasHion montH Haute coutuRe comes to etHiopia The Fashion Edition is timed to coincide with Fall Fashion Week around the world. We will do a recap of the hottest looks off of the New York, Paris and Millan runways. We will also have the chance to look back and reminisce about our favorite looks of Spring/Summer Fashion Week. Our fashion forward crew will give you tips to dress for the job you want or that very special event that you have been looking forward to. Crash courses on accessorizing right and picking out signature looks will be the norm. Our tutorials will surely keep you on your toes and make you rethink your whole wardrobe and your approach when it comes to fashion. The Issue will also showcase raw Ethiopian talent in the fashion world.


Sheba Sign

May - Ginbot Business & entRepReneuRsHip This edition is at the intersection of business, economics and cutting edge entrepreneurship intersect. It is bound to come in handy as all the tips you need for business and entrepreneurship will be at your fingertips. Pages are filled with information that is essential to the modern day business person. We celebrate the spirit of creativity, curiosity and innovation. Our goal is to empower readers and challenge traditional thinking. The issue welcomes audiences to contribute and collaborate with likeminded individuals. Moreover, it also seeks to explore hidden treasures and collective Addis Ababa’s entrepreneurial spirit. We feature established as well as up and coming entrepreneurs. We will also cover the important minutia of running a business.

June - Sene inside out Good health is key. This issue explores what it means to be healthy, beautiful and content. It focuses on physical and psychological health. Doctors, nutritionists and exercise enthusiasts weigh in on how to turn back the clock and stay young and virile for as long as possible. This issue hopes to change the daily regimen of the men and women of Addis Ababa. We advocate for leading a healthy lifestyle and being content in one’s own skin. We also like to tackle the taboo surrounding mental illness. Psychological wellbeing is as if not more important than physical health. Moreover, we will also be looking into the benefits of staying active. To cap it off, we take an in-depth look into what makes one attractive and offer our sage advice on all things related to beauty.

July - Hamle schOOl is OuT! Thank the heavens, school is over for the year. It is time to put away the books and welcome all the fun. This also happens to be a time where a lot of the youth in the city is transitioning from one phase to another in their lives. Many young adults get accepted in different universities and colleges across the country. As well, college kids graduate and start preparing to join the work force. With graduation celebrations and the pressure of picking out future careers and employers, this edition pays homage and is attentive to the voices of the youth. And rightly so, the youth comprises a staggering percentage of the population in Ethiopia. This is a unique opportunity to hear what they have to say.

August - Nehasae tHe tRaveLouge mamaRua etHiopiaye Winter, with all its gloom and doom is upon us. Do you long to escape to another country and get a few stamps on your passport or would you be up for a staycation so you could curl up next to a fire and eat bekolo? Either way, fear not for we have got a jam packed issue planned for you. As the leisure issue for the year, the travelogue is your ultimate guide to making that long overdue vacation a reality. It will showcase all the beautiful spots Ethiopia has to offer from the beautiful Bale Mountain ranges to the alligator farms of Arba Minch to the world renowned Souf Umer caves to the east; we will leave no stone unturned to find you a place to explore. A rollercoaster ride is what we offer; and what we will deliver.


Customized Content

Powered by SCALA, our services have the added advantage of having the ultimate flexibility to broadcast the right kind of content. We chose to divide up our digital signage screens into three main sections; each separate section operating as independent channel. These three screens simultaneously transmit different “active” and “passive” content tirelessly working to showcase your brand.

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Sheba Sign

layOuT Preview Of Our digiTal signage screens


Our Company

As the old saying goes, it does take a village to raise a child. The same can be said for Sheba Sign as bringing an idea of this magnitude takes the effort and collaboration of many individuals well versed in the design, implementation and running of digital signage platforms.



Sheba Sign

Eternal Media & Promotion We Design Your Success

Since its launch Eternal Media and Promotion has quickly garnered the attention of the design community with unique projects that have elevated how brands communicate. With expertise in a wide array of design and UX work such as coding, graphic design, Web 2.0, motion graphics and 3D design; Eternal Media and Promotion has quickly become one of the top design firms in Ethiopia. Eternal Media and Promotion is enabling brands to communicate with their end users at an unprecedented level. Whether it is the custom 3D interactive way finding system developed for the UNECA or the custom designed virtual reality tour of UNESCO registered world heritage sites; Eternal Media and Promotion is redefining what is possible.

9 Degrees Communication We Guide Your Message

An ode to the city of Addis Ababa and its entrepreneurial spirit, 9Degrees is named after the coordinates for the city. With offices in both Toronto, Canada and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia we bring the best of both worlds when it comes to communication. Our mission is to help brands guide their message. Our experience in varied industries such as consumer goods, hospitality, NGOs, risk management, event management, business research, IT, and tourism, means that we understand differences your industry’s unique communication challenge. We work collaboratively with your team to make sure that your unique brand stands out.

Al Roaya Media Services Established in1983 a Platinum Scala Certified Partner , developing long-term relationships with clients by emphasizing education, communication, flexibility and an ethical approach to business. Our Top International Partners excel in Providing Turn Key Solutions in Audio/Video, Visual Effect, Event Management, Mass Media Distribution, IPTV, Dynamic Digital Signage, OTT, TV Broadcasting. We operate in Sudan, UAE, KSA, Netherland, South Africa, India, South Sudan and Chad.


cOnTacT us


Saudi Arabia





Beklo Bet Garad Mall 7 floor Office No. 432-6-1 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 114 703 099 +251 911 385 918 +251 911 235 491 th


Khartoum - AlRiyadh, Alnus St. Omdurman - Al Rawdah, Alwadi St. Sudan Tel: +249 922 285 124 +249 912 308 410

Saudi Arabia


Content Al Bassa, Business Center 3rd Floor Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 22234-8200 Tel: +966 59375 7222 +966 50463 78022

700 King St. W 8th Floor Office #13 Toronto, Ontario Canada Tel: +1 416 854 5969

Sheba Sign





Sheba Sign


Table of Contents About Us


Digital Signage


Benefits for Brands


Our Process


Target Audience


Editorial Calendar


Customized Content


Our Company


Contact Us



+251 911 385 918, +251 114 703 099 Beklo Bet Garad Mall, 7th Floor Office No 432-6-1

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