info Rijeka & Opatija, Croatia 25-27 September 2013
NALAS International Municipal Fair
Transport Info
Conference and Workshops Programme
Cultural Programme
Nexpo Programme
Day 1
Wednesday, 25 September 2013 13:00-18:00
Conference “The road to EU Integration: Removing Barriers, Unlocking Our Potentials”
Croatian Cultural Dome, Sušak, Rijeka
Day 2
Thursday, 26 September 2013: NEXPO Fair, Zamet Center, Rijeka
NEXPO 2013 Fair Opening Ceremony
NEXPO 2013: Fair, Workshops, Matchmaking, Mayors’ Cafe, Cultural Programme
Gala Dinner, Hotel Kvarner, Opatija Note: by invitation only
Day 3
Friday, 27 September 2013: NEXPO Fair, Zamet Center, Rijeka
NEXPO 2013: Fair, Workshops, Matchmaking, Mayors’ Cafe, Cultural Programme
NEXPO 2013 Closing Ceremony
Nexpo Workshops Programme Day 1
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
09:00 - 12:00
Day 2
Local Economic Development and EU integration
Host: LAF Venue: Rijeka City Hall
09:00 - 12:00
Conference the Road to EU Integration
Host: NALAS Venue: Rijeka Croatian Cultural Dome
Improving Practice in Sustainable Development Thursday, 26 September 2013
10:00 – 12:15
12:15 – 13:45
14:30 – 16:30
16:45 – 18:00
10:00 - 11:30
11: 45– 13:15
14:30 – 16:00
The Energy Transition of Cities and Towns. How to Support It in South-East Europe? Host: Energy Cities, ORF EE, REGEA Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv*
10:00 – 12:15
Local Government Assets Management Host: Libusoft Cicom Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv*
10:00 - 11:15
Cities without Corruption – Cities with Future Host: WBI Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv*
Findings from Municipal Finance and Urban Planning and Land Management SelfAssessment Tools and Piloting Urban Audit Host: WBI Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv*
11:30 – 13:00
14:30 – 16:00
Raising Citizens’ Awareness on Existing e-Government Contents and Services
Host: City of Rijeka Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Rijeka**
16:00 – 17:00
Rural Development and Sustainable Tourism Host: UORH Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Rijeka**
BFC SEE Certification - Regional Impulse for Effective Local Development
Local Economic Development and EU integration Host: ATTRACT-SEE Project Venue: Rijeka City Hall
On the Way to Building an Attractive SEE Region
Host: LAF Venue: Conference Room Opatija***
Fiscal Decentralisation Issues and public Financial Management (Own Source Revenues – Albanian Case) Host: PLGP/DLDP Venue: Conference Room Opatija***
Green Public Procurement - Public Procurement for Energy Projects Host: Development Consulting Group, UORH Venue: Conference Room Opatija***
Financing Municipal Sustainable Energy Projects Host: EBRD Venue: Conference Room Opatija***
*interpretation to all NALAS languages **interpretation to EN, MK, AL, CRO *** English only
Host: ORF MMS Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Rijeka**
Day 3 Friday, 27 September 2013
09:30 – 11:00
11:15 – 12:30
12:45 – 14:00 15:00
Preparing for EU Accession – Do’s and Do not’s Host: NAMRB Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv*
Success Deserves to be Scaled up – from Pilots to Broad Change
11:45 – 13:15
Create Your Future – the Challenges and Opportunities of Youth Integration in Local Government Host: SOS, City of Maribor Venue: Conference Room Rijeka**
Host: NALAS, GIZ ID Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv*
Equality for Women and Men in Local Life Host: CALM, SCTM Venue: Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv*
Official Closing of NEXPO
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
THE ROAD TO EU INTEGRATION - Removing barriers, unlocking our potential Wednesday 25th September 2013 | 13.00 – 18.00h, Rijeka Cultural Centre Susak
Conference Moderator: Mr Goran Milic
Mr. Vojko Obersnel,
Mr. Anton Peršak
HE Mr. Ivo Josipovic
Mr Oldrˇich Vlasák
Mr Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler
Mr Luc Van den Brande
Mr. Goran Svilanovic
HE Denis Knobel
Mr Vladimir Moskov
Mr Stevco Jakimovski
Mr Lulzim Basha
Sometimes the road to a destination is straight and direct, but sometimes it is more winding, to avoid natural and man-made obstacles. Sometimes the road’s surface is smooth, making it easy for all kinds of vehicles to travel along; but sometimes it is unpaved, or full of potholes due to lack of investment and maintenance. Sometimes, there are barriers across the road, staffed by customs officers or military personnel.
Opening and welcome: Croatian and European anthems performed by Josip Kaplan Choir from Rijeka Mr. Vojko Obersnel, Mayor of Rijeka, President of the Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia Mr. Anton Peršak, Mayor of Trzin (Slovenia), President of NALAS
Address to mark Croatia’s recent accession to the EU: His Excellency Mr. Ivo Josipovic, President of the Republic of Croatia
These have to be passed through. And sometimes, the road may be open and clear but our own vehicle is broken down and unable to make the journey. Our first step – in such a case – is to repair our vehicle, to unlock our own potential to make the journey.
The EU perspective: Mr Oldrˇich Vlasák, Vice-President, European Parliament Mr Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler, Director, IPA Strategy, European Commission Mr Luc Van den Brande, Member and former President, Committee of the Regions
The SEE regional perspective: Mr. Goran Svilanovic, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council HE Denis Knobel, Ambassador of Switzerland in Croatia Ms Brigitte Heuel-Rolf, GIZ Regional Director Discussion
Interval and coffee break
Mayors’ Roundtable Discussion: The local government perspective – responding to the challenges, fulfilling our potential Mr Anton Pershak, Mayor of Trzin, Slovenia, President of NALAS Mr Vojko Obersnel, Mayor of Rijeka, President of the Association of Cities of the Republic of Croatia Mr Emil Draghici, Mayor of Vulcana-Bai, President of the Association of Communes of Romania Mr Vladimir Moskov, Mayor of Gotce Delchev, Bulgaria and former President of NALAS Mr Stevco Jakimovski, Mayor of Karposh, Macedonia Mr Lulzim Basha, Mayor of Tirana, President of the Association of Albanian Municipalities Discussion
Performance: Putokazi (Vocal Group)
Closing remarks: Mr. Anton Peršak, Mayor of Trzin (Slovenia), President of NALAS
Group Photo of all Mayors and Speakers of the Conference
Reception and Performances: Damir Halilic´ Hal (guitar)
The overall title for NEXPO 2013 is “Paving the Road to EU Integration”, which looks at how we can most easily and swiftly make progress towards the goal of enhanced integration with and within the EU. This assumes there is a road and a roadworthy vehicle, with some improvements needed to get there fast! But for our Conference on 25th September, which launches the NEXPO, we have added the subtitle “Removing barriers, unlocking our potential”. This is because, as we look closer, there remain real barriers on our road, and we need in particular to ensure that our own “vehicle” (our local governments) are roadworthy and “fit for purpose”. The European Union has been going through a difficult time since the financial crisis broke in 2013, especially from an economic perspective, but despite this it remains an attractive long-term “destination” (in terms of economy and geopolitical security) for most neighbouring states, whether through full membership (or at least initially) through much closer economic and other linkages.
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
MATCHMAKING NEXPO 2013 Matchmaking Platform enables the municipalities and the private sector to meet, present each other and identify collaboration opportunities in the areas of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. An online Matchmaking Tool has been available at NEXPO 2013 website since July 2013 for registered NEXPO 2013 participants to post their profiles, learn more about other NEXPO 2013 participants and schedule matchmaking meetings during NEXPO. The matchmaking meetings, each up to 30 minutes long, will take place on 26 September (11:00-17:30) and 27 September (10:00-17:00), in one of the eight matchmaking offices on the Second Floor Gallery or at the exhibitor’s booth, based on each participant’s individual schedule, generated in the online matchmaking tool. The overall schedule of matchmaking meetings is available at the Matchmaking Info Desk. For any additional support, please contact the info desk, located next to the matchmaking offices on the Second Floor Gallery. Matchmaking is much more than just the pre-scheduled matchmaking meetings. Seize every opportunity at NEXPO 2013 and make the most out of it. Use the opportunity of the Mayors’ Cafe, workshops, business presentations, exhibition booths to learn more about others, exchange contacts and discuss possible cooperation. The Matchmaking Platform has been developed with support from the Open Regional Fund for South East Europe, Modernization of Municipal Services (ORF MMS)
Host: GDI Gisdata LLC
Presentation title: Wastewater Treatment and Recycling with Membrane Bio Reactors (MBR), the Key Technology for the Protection of Water Sources and Environment
Time and venue: 27 September, 11:30-12:00, Opatija Conference Room (first floor Gallery)
Time and venue: 27 September, 10:00-10:30, Opatija Conference Room (first floor Gallery) Name and contact details of the presenter: Dipl.-Ing. Werner Ruppricht, General Manager Business Development / Prokurist, Kasteler Str. 45 D-65203 Wiesbaden / Germany Tel: +49-611 962-5853 E-Mail:
Host: SIV.BG and SIV.AG Time and venue: 27 September, 11:00-11:30, Opatija Conference Room (first floor Gallery) Presentation title: Your IT- solution provider for your business processes
Presentation title: Discovering new earning and income opportunities in the regional and local government Agenda/Abstract: Using information technology from the cloud is strongly supported by the European Commission in the context of public cost optimization and implementation of software as service solutions to run government operations. Regardless of size of your region, city or community, the GDi LOCALIS connects you with the citizens and general public over modern cloud enabled technology solutions and services. Name and contact details of the presenters: Mr. Vojkan Gavrilovic, CSO Consultant – Public Administration, GDi GISDATA LLC Contact email: Mr. Krunoslav Kedmenec, Cloud business and product marketing manager , GDi GISDATA LLC Contact email:
Brief description: The presentation will include a snapshot of the companies SIV.AG and its subsidiary SIV.BG, as well as their products: the software for utilities (electricity, water, gas) kVASy and its different modules. Name and contact details of the presenter: Toni Petrov, IT Consultant , Varna,ul. Nikola Vaptsarov 3, entr. G, fl. 5, office 12
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
Programme of the Opening Plenary Session of the Fair Thursday, 26 September 2013 | Zamet Centre, Rijeka
Opening of the Fair and welcome to participants: Mr Vojko Obersnel, Mayor of Rijeka, President of the Associations of Cities of the Republic of Croatia Mr Ivo Dujmic, Mayor of Opatija
Mr Vojko Obersnel
Mr Ivo Dujmic
Mr Djuro Bukvic, First Vice-President of NALAS, President of the Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Croatia, Mayor of Lukach Municipality, Croatia
Mr Djuro Bukvic
Moderator: Mr Ivica Vrbic, Journalist
VIP Tour of Municipal Exhibitions Cultural Programme
NEXPO 2013 Cultural Programme: Feel Croatia and South-East Europe 25 September NEXPO conference, Croatian Cultural Dome, Rijeka Josip Kaplan Choir Putokazi Damir Halilic Hal
26 September Zamet Center, Rijeka 11.15 -11.40
First Majorettes of Rijeka: Dancing performance (Croatia)
11.40- 12.00
Klapa Luka: Traditional Croatian a capella singing performance (Croatia)
13.15 -13.30
Flashdance Unit: Hip hop and jazz dancers (Croatia)
13.30 -14.00
LĂźleburgaz Trockyablues (Turkey)
Luleburgaz Folk Dance Team (Turkey)
Trsat City Music: City brass orchestra (Croatia)
26 September Gala Dinner, Hotel Kvarner, Opatija Ä?ani Stipanicev Katja Budimcic Classical dancers group of Istvan Varga Hosted by the TV host Barbara Kolar
27 September Zamet Center 10.30 12.00-12.20
Moldavian Mayors: traditional Moldavian music and costumes (Moldova)
12.30 -12.45
Taik Ganic and Selma Belegic: Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina music show (Croatia)
Vocal group Rivers: gospel and traditional music (Croatia)
First Majorettes of Rijeka: Dancing performance (Croatia)
Yildirim Ottoman Military Band (Turkey)
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
Local Administration Facility workshop on Local Economic Development.
Wednesday - Thursday 25-26th September 2013 | City Hall of Rijeka
Mr Grzegor Orawiec
Mr Miguel Rivas
Mr Frans Heesels
Ms Simone Beissel
Mr Johan Proot
Mr Paul Deegan
SPEAKERS 25 September
Workshop organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the Committee of the Regions and the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALAS). The Local Administration Facility (LAF) is an assistance programme for the benefit of regional and local authorities of the beneficiary countries (Western Balkans and Turkey). The programme is under the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument (TAIEX), managed by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission. LAF supports workshops for both elected and permanent officials of local and regional authorities. The topics of the workshops cover the aspects of the EU acquis of particular relevance for local and regional authorities The aim of these workshops organised under LAF is to increase the understanding on what the EU stands for at the regional and local levels. TAIEX has been invited by NALAS to organise a LAF event in Rijeka during NEXPO 2013 (in collaboration also with the Committee of the Regions). The subject of the workshop is Local Economic Development (LED). Regions and municipalities are important actors to achieve sustainable growth. The objective of the workshop is to provide information on how to develop a successful strategy for Local Economic Development. The participants will also learn about good practices related to LED that will demonstrate the benefits of the EU integration.
Local Economic Development: planning a strategy.: Mr Grzegor Orawiec, Manager, Department of Regional Development. Marshall Office of Swietokrzyskie. Poland
Going to Relevance: a Focused Local Agenda in Economic Development.: Mr Miguel Rivas. Partner of Grupo TASO. Former CEO of the Urban Agency for Economic Development of Seville. Spain.
Coffee Break
SME and entrepreneurship initiatives to fight unemployment at a local level. Mr Frans Heesels. Team Manager, Division of Social Affairs. City of Amsterdam. The Netherlands
Lunch Break
Departure from the Rijeka Town Hall. Visit to NEXPO Conference “The Road to EU Integration - Removing Barriers, Unlocking our Potential�.
26 September
The work of the Committee of the Regions in Local Economic Development. Ms Simone Beissel. President of the Commission for Economic and Social Policy. Committee of the Regions.
Cooperation between municipalities in the development and management of business. Mr Johan Proot. Head of Business Accommodation. Westvlaamse intercommunale. Belgium..
Coffee Break
Strategic planning in Regional Economic Development. A case study of the Shannon Region of Ireland.. Mr Paul Deegan. Independent International Consultant. Former project manager in Shannon Development. Ireland.
Lunch Break
Departure from the Rijeka Town Hall. Visit of NEXPO Exhibition area.
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
The energy transition of cities and towns. How to support this in South-East Europe?
Thursday, 26 September | 10:00, Conference Hall Zamet
Mr Kamil Okyay Sindir
Mr Johannes Elle
Mr Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler,
Mr Gérard Magnin
Mr Stevche Jakimovski
Mrs Vesna Želježnjak
Mr Vojko Obersnel
Mr Husejin Smajlovic
Mr Davor Kunc
Ms Tina Opalic´
Mr Ljupcho Dimov
Mr Julije Domac
Organized by Energy Cities, GIZ - Open Regional Fund Energy Efficiency and REGEA – North-west Croatia Regional Energy Agency When it comes to energy efficiency and renewable energy, the role of local authorities via policies and actions is becoming more and more recognized not only in Europe but in the Balkans as well. In Europe, some Member States have been asking for reducing the EU’s energy and climate ambitions, whilst cities and towns across Europe and beyond are still regularly joining the Covenant of Mayors and are accelerating the necessary energy transition. While the political will to engage in an energy transition is getting stronger, municipalities in the region face numerous obstacles in translating it into action. Inter alia they often lack the capacities (both human and financial) to design and implement energy efficiency measures. Support schemes on the national level are often underdeveloped and the municipalities in SEE do not enjoy access to most of the EU support schemes which are open for their peers in EU Member States. Hence, there is a perceived need for better recognition and additional support to local authorities from Southeast Europe in the European agenda for climate and energy policies. Hosted by Energy Cities, the European association of local authorities in energy transition, also leading the Covenant of Mayors Office, GIZ – Open Regional Fund Energy Efficiency and REGEA, this workshop offers to highlight the indispensable role of local authorities in the long-term European strategy for climate and energy. Presentations from EU experts and representatives from local authorities will allow for a better understanding of the EU policy framework as regards energy and climate and the role allocated to local authorities. In the following panel discussion existing gaps and needs of support for municipalities in Southeast Europe will be further analysed and possible support schemes discussed.
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
10:00 – 10:05
Welcome address Mr Kamil Okyay Sindir, Mayor of Bornova, Vice-President of Energy-Cities Mr Johannes Elle, Team Leader, GIZ Open Regional Fund Energy Efficiency
10.05 – 10.10
Greetings from the EU Commission Mr Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler, Director IPA-Strategy, DG Enlargement
10:10 – 10:25
The role of local authorities in the energy transition Mr Gérard Magnin, Executive Director of Energy Cities
10:25 – 11:00
The energy transition of cities and municipalities, what is it all about? Focus on needs of municipalities, lighthouse cities Mr Kamil Okyay Sindir, Mayor of Bornova Municipality Mr Lulzim Basha, Mayor of Tirana Municipality (tbc.) Mr Stevche Jakimovski, Mayor of Karposh Municipality Mrs Vesna Želježnjak, Mayor of City of Koprivnica Mr Vojko Obersnel, Mayor of Rijeka Municipality Mr Husejin Smajlovic, Mayor of Zenica Municipality Moderator: Mr Gérard Magnin, Executive Director, Energy Cities
11:00 – 12:25
Panel discussion: Sustainable energy challenge for all Small step for you is a big step for Europe. What do we expect from each other? Panellists: Mr Davor Kunc, Programme manager, European Commission - DG Enlargement Mr Gérard Magnin, Executive Director of Energy cities Ms Tina Opalic´, Head of International Cooperation, REGEA Ms Jasna Golubic, GBP Manager, City of Koprivnica Mr Ljupcho Dimov, Head of Energy Efficiency Unit, Municipality of Karpos Association of municipalities Moderator: Mr Julije Domac, Managing Director, REGEA
Local Government Assets management
Thursday, 26 September | 10:00, Conference Hall Zamet Host: Libusoft Cicom Ltd.
Nowadays mayors, business partners and central state are more and more focused on assets management. It is clearly that this interest is connected to high values that local communities have in their property especially in real-estate. Over the past decade our company has developed a holistic approach on assets management. Over that period of time based on special PRLS methodology created by The Urban institute we had developed IT solution called REGISTAR NEKRETNINA (Register property) and SPI/GIS. This IT solution enables holistic approach on asset management by monitoring all relevant components – how many assets are owned by local community, where exactly are they located, how much are they worth, are they profitable or not, also monitors ownership status and also includes all necessary paper work as a kind of record for each single property unit (apartments, office spaces, building lands, public areas, sports and cultural objects, municipal infrastructure etc.) Workshop is consisted out of four components: organization of assets management in local government, assets management by PRLS methodology, IT solution REGISTAR NEKRETNINA (Register property) and SPI/GIS (geographic information system). We will appoint case studies and best practices of assets management and the speakers will be end users. Example of City of Opatija will be presented by the Mayor Ivo Dujmic´ and two more other examples will be presented one County and one municipal.
Rade Ignjatovic´, dipl.oec
Mladen Kolarek, ing.geod.
Ivo Dujmic
12:00 –12: 30
PRLS model of assets management Rade Ignjatovic´, LC
12:30 –12:45
Local Government Assets registry Rade Ignjatovic´, LC
12:45 –13:00
New address management and GIS in service of Local Government Assets management Mladen Kolarek, LC
13:00 –13:20
Case study: a) City of Opatija, mayor Ivo Dujmic´ b) Primorsko-goranska County, employees of county c) Community Novi Grad, BiH, employees of Community
13:20 -13:30
Rural Development and Sustainable Tourism
Thursday, 26 September 2013 | Conference Room Rijeka Host: Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Croatia
Mr. Ivo Baši
This workshop will discuss two crucial documents that serve as a foundation for development of tourism and rural economy in Croatia. “Tourism Development Strategy 2020” positions Croatia as a new destination of rural and mountain tourism, based specifically on a few mountain resorts, as well as several internationally recognizable rural-tourism clusters as well as local eno-gastronomy, preservation of wildlife and natural water reserves. Presentation of the “Program of Rural Development in Croatia 2014-2020” is the other important document emphasizing rural tourism and its role in improving economic situation. From Chamber of Economy a few questions will be offered: what are current development trends of rural and agro-tourism within the Croatian tourism regions/ counties? How can diversification of rural economy and individual business boost economic activity? Best practice model of rural development within tourism elaborates the example of Municipality of Sveti Križ Zac˘retje and Krapina-Zagorje County. The presentation will emphasize tourist advantages offered in the hartland of the country and show different types of services boosting agricultural production.
Ms. Lidija Mišc´in
Mr. Dragomir Đevi
Mr. Marko Kos
“Tourism Development Strategy 2020“ Mr. Ivo Baši, Ministry of Tourism, Adviser to the Minister, Croatia
“Program of Rural Development in Croatia 20142020” Mr. Dragomir Đevi, Ministry of Agriculture, Head of Service for Rural Areas Development, Directorate for European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Management, EU and International Cooperation
“Rural Area as Croatian Tourist Product“ Ms. Lidija Mišc´in, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Department for Tourism
“Best practice model of rural development within tourism - example of Sveti Križ Zac˘retje and Krapina-Zagorje County” Mr. Marko Kos, Mayor of Municipality of Sveti Križ Zac˘retje, Croatia
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
“Cities without corruption – Cities with future”
Thursday, 26 September 2013 | Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv Host: World Bank Institute
Tomislav Katanovic´,
Husejin Smajlovic
Dzevdana Brajic
Ronald MacLean Abaroa
Ana Vasilache
Ivana Pukšec
Emina Abrahamsdotter
Sabine Palmreuther
Tamara Nikolic
The workshop aims to share an innovative and practical approach on how to treat and prevent the vulnerability to corruption in local governments, which has been implemented in a number of municipalities in South-East Europe (SEE) as part of the World Bank-Austria Urban Partnership Program (UPP). The approach implies a strategic and participatory process conducted inside local governments. The process follows the strategic planning steps, from diagnosis to solutions’ elaboration and implementation, focuses on changing corrupt organizational systems and supports mayors to act as institutional reformers rather than judges or prosecutors. The process involves city leaders, managers, and staff, as well as outside stakeholders, who diagnose analytically and without fear their organization’s vulnerability to corruption and act as the creators of its future.
14:30–14: 40
Introduction World Bank – Austria Urban Partnership Program “Cities without corruption – Cities with future” Mrs. Sabine Palmreuther – Sr. Operations Officer, WBIUR Mrs. Tamara Nikolic – Operations Officer, WBIUR
The innovative and practical anticorruption approach Mrs. Ana Vasilache – FPDL, Romania
Lessons learned from La Paz: Mr. Ronald MacLean Abaroa - former Mayor of La Paz, Bolivia
Results and lessons learned from the Application of the Anticorruption Methodology in SEE Countries Bosnia and Herzegovina: Zenica Mr. Husejin Smajlovic – Major of Zenica Mrs. Dzevdana Brajic – Director of municipal council, Zenica Mrs. Emina Abrahamsdotter – WBI AP Croatia: Krizevci Mr. Tomislav Katanovic – Deputy Mayor of Krizevci, Croatia Mrs. Ivana Puksec - CEO METIS Consulting, Croatia
Participants will have the opportunity to meet and learn from Ronald MacLean Abaroa. During his four mandates as Mayor of La Paz, Bolivia, he used successfully this approach in order to address the hyper corruption in his city and local government. Participants will learn also how this approach was adapted and applied in SEE local governments. Ana Vasilache/Partners Foundation for Local Development (FPDL)- Romania, as well as, Anticorruption Practitioners and local governments’ representatives from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose cities received Urban Partnership Program’s support to apply this strategic and participatory methodology, will present their experiences, early results and lessons learned. At the same time, participants will discuss the future steps needed to scale up the use of this anti-corruption methodology by more local governments in the SEE Region.
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
Findings from Municipal Finance and Urban Planning and Land management self-assessment tools and Piloting Urban Audit Thursday, 26 September 2013 | Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv Host: World Bank Institute
Catherine FarvacqueVitkovic
Radomir Kostadinovic
Ljiljana Brdarevic
Adela Allushi
Anila Gjika
Miomir Jaksic
Natasha Obradovic
Sasho Trajkov
Marjan Nikolov
Darko Polic
The WB-Austria Urban Partnership Program (UPP) is organized around several topics including multi-stakeholder City to City (C2C) dialogues on municipal finance, urban planning and land management, leadership development, urban governance and anti-corruption activities, and citizen engagement. This session will feature the municipal self-assessment tools on Municipal Finance, Urban Planning and Land Management, and Urban Audit, a self-assessment of urban services and infrastructure. These tools were developed by the World Bank and carried out in South-East Europe (SEE) as part of the Program. In six C2C dialogues held since 2011 municipalities shared with each other the challenges and achievements from implementation. The overarching objective of the C2C is to facilitate a dialogue and peer-learning among city practitioners. Since the Program’s inception over 40 municipalities in the seven SEE countries are currently engaged in carrying out self-assessment tools designed to help municipal leaders develop a comprehensive understanding of their cities’ finances and land use/urban planning practices – and empower them in shaping sound solutions going forward. The Municipal Finance Self-Assessment (MFSA) helps assess a city’s financial health and to identify specific actions to improve mobilization of local resources, public spending, public assets management and maintenance, investment programming and access to external financing. The Land Use/Urban Planning Self-Assessment (UPSA) helps assemble a diagnostic in the area of spatial and land use planning; compare their performance against other cities in the region, qualitatively and quantitatively; and establish a common ground for discussions and actionable ideas on how to modernize spatial planning and land management further, to support local economic development and improve quality of life of the citizens. In addition, the workshop will discuss lessons from the Urban Audit (UA), a self assessment on urban services and infrastructure that provides municipalities with data and information about all aspects of urban development (population, land occupancy, municipal assets, infrastructure, and services inventory program) related to the current situation and desired situation in one municipality. This session will share and discuss experiences from the SEE region and future steps needed to scale up the tools and methodology through partner organizations such as LGAs, NALAS and Ministries of Finance.
Jelena Pavlovic
16:15–16: 30
Introduction World Bank – Austria Urban Partnership Program Overview of the municipal finance and urban planning and land management selfassessment tools Mrs. Catherine Farvacque-Vitkovic – Leading Urban Specialist, WBIUR Mrs. Sabine Palmreuther – Sr. Operations Officer, WBIUR
Early results and lessons learned from SEE: Municipal Finance Self Assessment Mr. Miomir Jaksic – Secretary of Finance, City of Podgorica, Montenegro Mrs. Natasa Orbadovic – WBI Local Expert, Montenegro Mr. Radomir Kostadinovic – Deputy Secretary of Finance, City of Belgrade, Serbia Mr. Danilo Krivokapic - Associate in the Department of debt management and investment of City funds, City of Belgrade, Serbia Mrs. Ljiljana Brdarevic – WBI Local Expert, Serbia Mrs. Adela Allushi – Specialist, Budget Department, City of Tirana, Albania Mrs. Anila Gjika – WBI Local Expert, Albania
Early results and lessons learned from SEE: Urban Planning and Land Management Self Assessment Mrs. Jelena Pavlovic – Ing. Arch, Urban Planning department, City of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Darko Polic – Msc. Arch, Urban Planning Institute, City of Novi Sad, Serbia
Early results and lessons learned from SEE: Urban Audit Mr. Shasho Trajkov – Head of LED, Municipality of Gazi Baba (Skopje), Macedonia Mrs. Sofija Ristova – Municipality of Strumica, Macedonia Mr. Marjan Nikolov – WBI Local Expert, Macedonia
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
ON THE WAY TO BUILDING AN ATTRACTIVE SEE REGION Thursday, 26 September 2013 | Zamet, Conference Room Opatija Workshop hosted by Attract-SEE project / Host: Attract-SEE Project
The South East Europe region is recognized as diverse and complex, but is it also ter10.00 Presentations followed by a panel ritorially attractive? What makes its spatial/territorial identity? Are we aware of the ter- – 11.15 debate and open discussion ritorial capital of this area? These are just some of the questions this workshop will be searching answers to through project presentations and a lively debate with interesting panellists from various fields of expertise and levels of decision-making, brought together by the Attract-SEE: Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in South East Europe project. Attract-SEE projects’ main objective is to set up a monitoring system model that will provide useful outputs and support evidencebased policy development and implementation and that can also be applied to monitoring territorial quality and attractiveness by means of establishing a shared system of indicators. Another project priority is also improving communication and cooperation among different policy and decision makers and national and regional stakeholders. Deriving from projects’ objectives this workshop aims to: • promote the results of the Attract-SEE project to the important group of stakeholders and future users (mayors, local government councillors, local government associations, development agencies, civil society and business); • present a concept of territorial attractiveness; • assess a need to “redefine” territorial identity of the region taking into account its potentials and assets; • countercheck the transferability of project results (building of the TMS) with the stakeholders on the local level; • raise awareness on the importance of territorial information for improvement of public policy coordination in the region – with special emphasis to vertical coordination state – region – local / municipal.
Fiscal Decentralisation Issues and Public Finance Management for LGUs in albania Thursday, 26 March 2013 | Zamet, Conference Room Opatija Hosts: PLGP/DLDP (Albania)
The workshop aims to share an innovative and practical approach on how to argue and to treat the Albanian situation On Fiscal Decentralisation Issues and Public Finance Management (Own Source Revenues). In reviewing the progress that Albania has achieved over the past decade there are a considerable number of improvements in the local government system that has provided a foundation for further improvements. However, a realistic assessment should also indicate that little progress toward a more decentralized system has occurred over the past several years and several challenges to achieve a more decentralized system have not been met. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and learn from this workshop: • Review and discuss staus of Fiscal Decentralization in South East Europe • Present Update on Fiscal Decentralization in Albania
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
• Share information, prespectives, and discuss Fiscal Decentralization and Public Financial Managment as a precondition for priorites for Albania • Enhance local officials understanding of opportunities to generate “own source revenues” • Promote cooperative relations and sharing of experiences among LGU-s with intention of improving municipal finances
11:30 -11:50
Presentation of NALAS Fiscal Decentralization Indicators for South-East Europe Report
Presentation of Update on Fiscal Decentralization in Albania
Presentation of Best Practices from other countries in the region in PFM ( own source revenue generation ) resource person with the contribution of dldp .
Open discussion on priorities for fiscal decentralization reform and Public Finance Management (new opportunitites for own source revenue generation.)
GREEN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT PUBLIC PROCUREMENT FOR ENERGY PROJECTS Thursday, September 26, 2013 | Zamet, Conference Room Opatija Host: Development Consulting Group
Munir Podumljak
The goal of the workshop is to promote green public procurement principles, as an important EU Sustainable Consumption and Production policy objective and one of the key means of attaining smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, recognized in the Europe 2020 Strategy. The potential benefits of GPP include meeting specific environmental objectives and targets, such as: • Reductions of CO2 emission, • Energyefficiency and conservation of natural resources, • Cost savings, • Increased transparency and accountability of public authorities, • Support to innovation and de-
Mirjana Stankovic´
velopment of competitive green goods, • Improved, more environmentfriendly working conditions, • Public sector capacity building to meet the future challenges of environmental protection and use of renewable energy sources. At the same time, public procurements related to energy projects are associated with large sums of money, high-level decision-making, involvement of various energy groups, and lobbying in influental political circles. Thus, energy-related public procurements are widely observed as a potential corruption focal point.
Green Public Procurement, Mirjana Stankovic´ • Why buy green? Key concepts and definitions • Policy, strategic and regulatory framework • Sector-specific green public procurements • Green public procurement Principles
Moderated Discussion Mirjana Stankovic´, Munir Podumljak • Benefits and impacts of green procurement • Issues and obstacles • Best practice examples from the EU-member countries • Exchange of experience with green public procurements
Public Procurement for Energy Projects – Key Issues and Challenges, Munir Podumljak • Public procurement for energy projects as a corruption focal point • Transparency of action • Control mechanisms • Best practice example in public procurement monitoring – Croatia
Final Questions, Comments and Conclusions
The workshop will be a useful forum for discussing possible ways of increasing transparency, introducing “greener” procurements and more effective control mechanisms;for exchanging experience and sharing best practice examples in energy-related public procurements.
“Preparing for EU Accession – Do’s and Do not’s” Friday, September 27, 2013 | Zamet, Conference Room Plovdiv Host: National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria The workshop program consists of a main session, a discussion and finally formulating of recommendations. These focus on the following: (1) The main session: This consists of three presentations by EU member states (Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia) and one by a candidate country (Serbia). Elected representatives from the aforementioned countries/ associations have been invited to present, in short talks of 10 minutes each, their respective experiences, practices and conclusions regarding the role and tasks of the associations of local authorities in facilitating the process of EU accession. The representatives of Bulgaria and Romania shall give an overview of the lessons and conclusions learned first-hand from the postaccession absorption of funds. Following the four presentations, the participants will be able to address specific questions to the presenters. This session aims at providing participants with a comprehensive view of the presented topics. (2) The discussion aims to provide a platform for exchanging
practices, examples and lessons. During this session, participants will discuss the state of contribution of EU funds to local development, focusing in particular on the following: • Achievements and challenges in the use of EU funds in the SEE region; • Best and worst practices, relevant lessons and experiences; • Evidence-based suggestions on how challenges can be addressed or successes replicated. The moderator will provide an overview of the discussions following the main session. (3) Formulation of recommendations: Identifying opportunities and strategy for moving forward. At the end of the workshop, participants are expected to formulate conclusions and Recommendations regarding possible actions for support and Development of viable local policies related to absorption of EU funds in our region. This session shall encourage open discussion among participants to identify the key elements, which are of greatest importance for successful EU Integration. Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
The challenges and opportunities of youth integration in local government Hosts: Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia and City of Maribor
The workshop hosted by Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia and cohosted by European Capitol of Youth – Maribor 2013 will take a glimpse inside the challenges, opportunities and goals in youth politics of the EU and the important role of local governments and their representative Associations in order to furtherance integration of young people in local life. With good examples of cooperatives, entrepreneurship and activities, which help young people, local governments and the society to employ more people and receive a better social climate, the workshop aims to encourage youth and local governments to take the lead and create the future by themselves. To encourage and to motivate the participants will learn about the attempts of solving the problem of unemployment of young people in city municipality of Maribor through an Start-up Floor and Employment center for youth, about Coworking Initiative, which allows self-employed and other professionals to periodically or continuously share “coworking” space illustrating the strength and self-initiative of Slovenian creative communities, the so called cooperative “Dobrote”, one of the most successful social enterprises in Slovenia, which opens up new opportunities and developments in an area, that was not covered by the public sector nor by the market and Housing cooperative Tovarna- a new, alternative way of obtaining non-profit rental housing. During the workshop achievements, challenges and obstacles will be addressed as well as actions to remove them and achievements made so far. The workshop will be moderated by Jasmina Vidmar, Secretary General of Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia. All speakers will remain available for question and answers for at least one hour after the presentation.
Barbara Horvat
Tjaša Pahor
Eva Perc˘ ic˘
Sebastjan Pikl
Blaž Habjan
Jasmina Vidmar
11.45 – 12.00
Introduction Challenges, opportunities and goals in youth politics of the EU
12.00 – 12.15
The role of local governments and representative associations in furtherance integration of young people in local life Barbara Horvat, Coordinator of youth politics committee, SOS
12.15 – 12.30
Addressing the issue of youth employment in the city of Maribor Tjaša Pahor, European Youth Capital Maribor 2013
12.30 – 12.45
The rise of creative industry communities and their positive impacts on Slovenian Economy Eva Perc˘ ic˘ , co-founder of the Slovenia Coworking and Crowdfunding iniciatives
12.45 – 13.00
Developing new business, “second-hand in another life” Sebastjan Pikl, social enterprise Cooperative “Dobrote”and director of NOVUM Institute
13.00 – 13.15
Cooperative housing model as the model of the future Blaž Habjan, president of Housing cooperative Tovarna and director of private institute Zavod ZORA
Raising citizens’ awareness about existing e-government contents and services Thursday, 26 September / 10:00, Conference Hall Zamet Host: City of Rijeka 10.0010.05
Introduction E-services and e-inclusion within the City of Rijeka Mr. Danijel Antonic, Senior Information Security Advisor and System Architect, IT Institute, City of Rijeka
10.05 -10.30
Examples of good practice E-inclusion of the citizens Reducing digital divide Openness and transparency of the local government: City of Rijeka Mr. Danijel Antonic, Senior Information Security Advisor and System Architect, IT Institute, City of Rijeka
10:30 -10.45
Introduction to the GIS public lighting system Mr. Marko Križanec, B.Sc.E.E., MBA, Advisor to the Management Board, Energo Ltd.
10.50 -11.15
Presentation: Basic concepts of the system Examples of good practice: Main benefits and organization of the workforce Procedures after the implementation of the system Mr. Marko Križanec, B.Sc.E.E., MBA, Advisor to the Management Board, Energo Ltd.
Mr. Danijel Antonic
Mr. Marko Križanec
Mr. Željko Juric moderator
The workshop aims to share an innovative and practical approach on how to raise citizen’s awareness about existing Egovernment contents and services. The main focus of the first part of the workshop will be on the presentation of e-services within the City of Rijeka, covering three main topics: E-inclusion of the citizens, Reducing digital divide and Openness and transparency of the local government: City of Rijeka. The aim of the second part of the workshop is to present the geospatial and historic data within public lighting GIS system of the City of Rijeka. On the examples of good practice, the participants will have the opportunity to learn about the system and its implementation as well as its user benefits. It is also an example of synergy of e-services and energy efficiency.
Financing Municipal Sustainable Energy Projects Thursday, 26 September 2013 | Conference Room Opatija Host: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has recently launched two initiatives which will be discussed in more detail: EBRD-ELENA is a technical assistance facility supporting the preparation and mobilisation of financing for energy efficiency investments by local and regional authorities, and other public bodies. The facility covers up to 90 per cent of the total technical assistance (TA) support needed to structure and implement eligible investment projects that are assisted by EBRD finance. EBRDELENA is funded by the European Union (EU) through the Intelligent Energy – Europe II (IEE II) programme. Participating countries of EBRD-ELENA are: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia In addition, the Bank has also recently put in place a EUR 75 million financing facility under which EBRD provides credit lines to participating banks in the Western Balkans for on-lending to businesses and municipalities wanting to invest in energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy. The facility blends technical assistance with EBRD financing and investment incentive payments. A special emphasis of the facility is placed on supporting municipalities, ESCOs, providers of municipal services and owners of public buildings for investments in energy efficiency. Participating countries of WeBSEFF II are: Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYR of Macedonia.
Davor Indic
Dana Kupova
Zoran Morvaj
16:00 – 16:20
EBRD supporting municipalities in energy efficiency investments Mr Davor Indic, Senior Banker, EBRD
16:20 – 16:30
EBRD ELENA: Technical Assistance facility Mrs Dana Kupova, Engineer, EBRD
16:30 – 16:45
WeBSEFF: Financing energy efficiency through local banks Mr Zoran Morvaj, Consultant, WeBSEFF
16:45 – 17:00
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Success deserves to be scaled up – from pilots to broad change Friday, 27/09/13 Conference Hall Zamet, Host: NALAS
South-East Europe can draw on a number of successful projects that brought change, economic growth, better public services and innovations to pilot communities. The impact of pilots is by definition limited to a certain number of municipalities, regions or levels of government but the experiences gathered and the changes achieved often deserve to be shared and transferred so that more citizens can benefit from them. Success deserves to be scaled up. To ‚scale up‘ means to increase proportionally. In the context of development policy the term ‚scaling up‘ is used to refer to increase in both funding and in the outreach of development measures. While funding is without doubt crucial for policy change, our workshop will focus on the challenges, potentials and benefits of regional scaling up measures to broaden their impact. After further conceptualizing scaling up and its dimensions, we aim to explore the potentials, challenges and chances of scaling up in South-East Europe based on the experience of NALAS, local government associations and development practitioners. The questions of how to broaden the impact and outreach of cooperation projects and what the ingredients of successful horizontal and vertical scaling up look like, will guide our discussion. Participants and visitors should expect an open and lively discussion that does not only provide good food for thought but maybe even new perspectives for cooperation.
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Katarina HaeberliHarker
Peter Clavelle
Hans Fruehauf
Kelmend Zajazi
Introduction Conceptualizing Scaling-Up – what are we talking about and why? Andrea Warner, Independent Development and Management Consultant
Scaling-Up and knowledge management in NALAS new strategy Kelmend Zajazi, Executive Director, NALAS
Potentials, Challenges and Chances of Scaling-Up Zorica Vukelic, Deputy Secretary General, SCTM Katarina Haeberli-Harker, Senior Governance Advisor, SDC Marité Moras, Head of Unit Cooperation Activities, Congress of Regional and Local Authorities of the Council of Europe Peter Clavelle, Chief of Party, Planning and Local Governance Project (PLGP) in Albania Hans Fruehauf, Project Manager, GIZ Skopje
Summary and outlook
End of session
BFC SEE Certification – Regional Impulse for Effective Local Development
Thursday, September 26, 2013, 14:30, Rijeka Hall / Host: NALED
Saša Drezgic´
Mr. Christophe di Marco
Mr. Igor Vidovic´
Mr. Sanjin Halimovic´
Mr. Igor Mirovic´
Mr. Marko Pavic´
Mr. Goran Vukovic´
Mr. Mustafa Avdagic´
Mr. Slavco Cadiev
Mr. Zlatko Kalenikov
The workshop will present the unique regional certification program – Business Friendly Certification South East Europe (BFC SEE), which introduces internationally recognized standards of efficient and transparent local government, improving the quality of services and information that municipalities in SEE region offer to companies. This workshop will be an opportunity for local governments, national agencies, businesses and foreign investors to learn about the mechanism for improving and harmonizing business conditions in the region, strengthening the image of SEE as an investment destination, encouraging economic cooperation and capital mobility and attracting new investments. BFC SEE Program was introduced in 2012 and in June 2013 the first eight municipalities were certified as business-friendly: Bjelovar, Ivanec, Prijedor, Sanski Most, Strumica, Veles, Pirot and Ruma. The BFC SEE program provides extensive benefits for both local governments and businesses. Municipalities entering the program benchmark and position themselves with the most progressive ones in SEE, securing stronger support from national and international institutions and donors. Businesses can count on a stable and predictable business environment and cooperation with local administration. The workshop will gather around all the relevant stakeholders involved in BFC SEE program, including mayors of certified municipalities, representatives of government institutions, business and donor community in the region. The workshop will be followed by a cocktail at the BFC SEE booth and the ceremony of signing the regional BFC SEE agreement among the partner institutions from the SEE region.
Mr. Milorad Batinic´
Mr. Vladan Atanasijevic´
Mrs. Gordana Kovac˘evic´
Moderator: Saša Drezgic´, PhD Assistant Professor, University of Rijeka – Faculty of Economics
14:30 – 14:40
Opening ceremony Mr. Christophe di Marco - Sector Fund Manager, GIZ ORF, Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Igor Vidovic´ - Minister of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation, Republic of Srpska Mr. Sanjin Halimovic´ – Federal Minister of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Igor Mirovic´ – Minister of Regional Development and Local Self-Government, Serbia*
14:40 – 15:40
Standards of business friendly environment in SEE Mr. Milorad Batinic´ - Mayor of Ivanec, Croatia Mr. Marko Pavic´ - Mayor of Prijedor, Republic of Srpska Mr. Goran Vukovic´ - Mayor of Ruma, Serbia Mr. Mustafa Avdagic´ - Mayor of Sanski Most, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Slavco Cadiev - Mayor of Veles, Macedonia Mr. Zlatko Kalenikov, President of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, Macedonia* Mr. Vladan Atanasijevic´ - Head of System Integration at ASSECO SEE and President of NALED Managing Board, Serbia Mrs. Gordana Kovac˘ evic´ – President and CEO of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia*
15:40 – 15:50
Q&A Session
15:50 16:00
Ceremony of Signing Regional BFC SEE Agreement
16:00 – 17:00
BFC SEE booth visit / Cocktail
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
27th September 2013 I 12:45 Conference Hall Zamet / Hosts: Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova and Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities
Ms. Irina Ionita
The Workshop “Equality for women and men in local life” to be held on 27 September 2013 aims to promote among SouthEast Europe Local Governments and Local Government Associations the idea of gender equality at local level, to point out that all decisions made at local level and all services provided by local authorities should involve gender perspective. The speakers will present how Local Government Associations can contribute to support Women Mayors, will show the challenges and successes of women elected leaders, and will brainstorm together with Workshop participants around how gender equality can contribute to the delivery of services at local level and what can be done in order to facilitate women access to local public services. Main objective of the workshop is to discuss gender related problems in public administration, streamlining gender activities of NALAS and what NALAS can do to support women in LPA throughout eastern Europe, gender mainstreaming and gender issues in local context especially what concerns local services, plans and ideas for the future, fund raising and implementation of common initiatives in gender, etc. Target groups of the workshop will include first of all women and men in LPA from south-east Europe countries, NALAS leadership, gender experts and representatives of donor institutions The Workshop is an outstanding opportunity to initiate discussions at South-East Europe level how the experience of CALM Women’s Network and of Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities can be replicated within the Associations throughout the region. The discussion in its turn will generate foundations for further gender activities and gender involvement within NALAS. Will be identified potential fields of NALAS implication in gender issues mostly solicited by local governments in the South-East Europe. Knowledge gained further on will not only help further on to design better thought and better targeted policies at the local level, but will also allow embedding or mainstreaming the gender needs at the national policy level within the context of LPA reforms.
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Nadejda Darie
Rozeta Aleksov
Valentina Casian
Workshop Opening and Introductions
Local public services delivery - the gender equality perspective Ms. Irina Ionita, Monitoring & Evaluation, Communications Specialist, Local Government Support Project in Moldova
The contribution of local government associations in support of women mayors Nadejda Darie, Women Mayors Network Secretary Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM)
The experience of Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities work in gender equality. Rozeta Aleksov, Gender Equality Coordinator Suport to Local Governments in EU Integration Process Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities
Challenges and successes of women elected leaders Valentina Casian Mayor of Straseni Town, Republic of Moldova
Questions and answers session, opening the discussions
Closing remarks
Programme of the Closing Plenary Session of the Fair Friday, 27 September 2013 Main Stage Zamet Centre, Rijeka
Mr Anton Pershak
Ms Dubravka Šuica
Mr Kelmend Zajazi
Mr Ivo Dujmic
Mr Ivan Totev
Mr Miroslav Matešic´
Cultural performance - Vocal group Rivers
The Way Forward for Local Governments of South East Europe Mr Anton Pershak, President of NALAS, Mayor of Trzin, Slovenia
Building Local and Regional Democracy in South East Europe Ms Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the Congress of Regional and Local Authorities, Council of Europe
Reading of the Declaration of NEXPO 2013 Mr Kelmend Zajazi, Executive Director of NALAS
NEXPO Award for Commitment in Decentralised Regional Cooperation
A Ceremony of Passing on the Hosting of NEXPO Mr Anton Pershak, President of NALAS, Mayor of Trzin, Slovenia Mr Ivo Dujmic, Mayor of Opatija, Croatia Mr Ivan Totev, Mayor of Plovdiv, Bulgaria Mr Miroslav Matešic´, Deputy Mayor of Rijeka, Croatia
Presentation of Plovdiv, the host city of NEXPO 2015 Mr Ivan Totev, Mayor of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Closing of NEXPO 2013 Mr Anton Pershak, President of NALAS, Mayor of Trzin, Slovenia
Transportation during NEXPO 2013
FREE PASS IN CITY AND SHUTTLE BUSSES IN RIJEKA AND OPATIJA All the participants of NEXPO will be able to use public transportation in Rijeka and Opatija free of charge showing their NEXPO accreditation instead of a ticket.
How to reach Croatian Cultural Dome in Rijeka?
How to reach Zamet Centre?
The Croatian Cultural Dome is within a walking distance from hotels Continental, Neboder and Bonavia. From the Hotel Jadran, Croatian Cultural Dome is reachable taking the bus line number 1 at the bus stop Hotel Jadran and taking off at the bus stop Sušački neboder ( HKD). Intercity line number 32 connects Opatija with Rijeka. All the passengers coming from Opatija to Rijeka can take off at the last stop on Jelačićev trg ( Jelačić Square) and walk to Croatian Cultural Dome. (Croatian Cultural Dome is a part of the Hotel Neboder) (insert a picture and a google map- dali ke ima mesto za ova?)
City line 2A stops in front of Zamet Centre, starting in Rijeka at the bus stop Andrije Kašića Miošića ( near the Hotel Continental) passing through the city centre. City line 2 also passes through the city centre and stops in the vicinity of Zamet Centre ( bus stop Zamet centre). The city line number 1 connects the Hotel Jadran to the city centre. Passengers coming from Opatija, can take the line 32 in Opatija ( it stops on every bus stop in Opatija) to Rijeka and take off at the bus stop Krnjevo Zvonimirova ( near the shopping mall ZTC) and then take the lines 2 or 2A across the street to Zamet Centar. We encourage our guests to use special blue NEXPO shuttles.
How to reach Croatian Cultural Dome in Rijeka by nexpo shuttle bus?
Tržnica (Opatija) – Zamet (09:50; 14:40) Route: Rijeka (centre) – Zamet Centre 09:30; 14:15 – Hotel Jadran – HKD – Trg RH – Mlaka – Zamet (09:55; 14:40) Route: Zamet Centre – Opatija 13:00; 17:00 ; 18:00 ; 19:00 – Zamet – Tržnica (Opatija) – Hotel Milenij - Slatina - Adriatic I (Opatija) (13:40; 17:40; 18:40; 19:40) Adriatic I (Opatija) (19:40)- MDraga (20:10) Route: Zamet – Rijeka (centre) 13:15; 17:15;18:15;19:15 – Zamet - Mlaka – Riva – Hotel Jadran – HKD (13:40; 17:40; 18:40; 19:40)
The City of Rijeka will provide special shuttles (NEXPO blue buses) to transport guests from their hotels to the venues and back, according to a this schedule: 25 September 2013 Route: Opatija – HKD 11:30; 12:00 – Adriatic II (Opatija) – Slatina – Hotel Milenij – Tržnica (Opatija) – Mlaka - Riva – Hotel Jadran – HKD (12:10;12:00) Route: HKD – Opatija 19:15; 19:30 – HKD – Trg RH – Mlaka – Tržnica (Opatija) – Hotel Milenij - Slatina - Adriatic I (Opatija) (19:50; 20:05) Route: HKD – Hotel Jadran Rijeka 19:20 – HKD – Hotel Jadran (19:30)
How to reach Zamet Centre by NEXPO Shuttle Bus? 26 September 2013 Route: Opatija – Zamet 08:30; 09:30; 11:15 – Adriatic II (Opatija) – Slatina – Hotel Milenij – Tržnica (Opatija) – Zamet (08:55; 09:55; 11:40) 8:55 MDraga-9:25 Adriatic Route: Rijeka (centre) – Zamet Centre 08:30; 09:30; 11:30 – Hotel Jadran – HKD – Trg RH – Mlaka – Zamet (09:00; 10:00; 12:00) Route: Zamet Centre – Opatija 14:00; 18:30 – Zamet – Tržnica (Opatija) – Hotel Milenij Slatina - Adriatic I (Opatija) (14:25;18:30) Adriatic I (Opatija) - MDraga 19:25 Route: Zamet Centre – Rijeka (centre) 14:15; 18:45 – Zamet - Mlaka – Riva – Hotel Jadran – HKD (14:45; 19:15) 27 September 2013 NEXPO FAIR ZAMET CENTRE Route: Opatija – Zamet Centre 8:40 MDraga - Adriatic II 09:15; 14:00 – Adriatic II (Opatija) – Slatina – Hotel Milenij –
Nexpo Info | Nalas International Municipal Fair | September 2013
How to reach Hotel Kvarner Opatija by NEXPO Shuttle Bus? 26 September Route: Rijeka ( centre) – Opatija 19:15 – Hotel Jadran - HKD – Trg RH – Mlaka – Tržnica (Opatija)-– Slatina - Hotel Milenij (19:55) Relacija Rijeka (centar) – Opatija 00:00 – Hotel Milenij – Tržnica (Opatija) – Mlaka - Riva – Hotel Jadran – HKD (00:40)
Guide to nominations:
HKD - Croatian Cultural Dome Tržnica ( Opatija) – the name of the bus stop on the main market in Opatija Slatina - the name of the bus terminal in the centre of Opatija Mlaka- the name of the bus stop near NEXPO BUS and service vehicles Parking Area ( Milutina Barača Street) MDraga- the route going to Mošćenička draga Riva –the name of the bus stop in the centre of Rijeka near the main bus terminal Trg RH- the name of the bus stop at the Republike Hrvatske Square near the Hotel Bonavia Please note that passengers from Mošćenička draga going to Rijeka have to change bus at the bus stop Hotel Adriatic II ( on the road above the Hotel Adriatic). Please note that all the names of the bus stops can be found on the city bus network map and on each bus stop.