Podcasting Lesson Plan

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Podcasting Lesson Plan “How I Enjoy Learning Spanish”

Class description: Two young American students of Spanish and two teachers. Project: These four participants will become podacast students; they will create a 3podcast series from scratch. The first one will be sampled by their teacher, the second and 3rd will be created by them. The team is supposed to go through the whole process of understanding what a podcast exactly is, then planning, writing a script, and then downloading, installing and running the necessary software (Audacity) as well as getting familiar with the use of a podcast platform (Podomoatic) to upload and publish their recordings. Main Objective: To create a 3-podcast series whose topic will be “Tips for learning and teaching Spanish” and publish them on Podomatic.

DQ: How can we create a killer podcast series about Spanish fun ways to learn Spanish? Procedure: 1) Software Preparation: a) Go to https://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/ and download the software to produce audio files; click on the link that corresponds to your operating system, either Windows or Mac OS. You can also watch my tutorial video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJELAPS_hRM&t=63s, pause it and perform one step at a time. b) Install an Mp3 converter (Lame- also mentioned in my tutorial) c) Go to podomatic.com and click Sign Up to create an account. Once you complete the sign up, Podomatic will ask for details of your first episode; when you have recorded it, complete the fields. 2) Podcast Making Prep Listen to some of these podcast to get an idea of what yours should should like: Sample 1: https://www.tarheelblog.com/2018/8/28/17785850/podcast-roundtable-unccal-preview-with-cal-golden-blogs

Sample 2: https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/block-scheduling/ Sample 3: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/464615685/mind-shift-podcast Now, as previously agreed, you need to include the following features when making your podcast: a) One person will be the presenter, just like in a radio show. He/she will act as a “moderator�. b) There will be two different short interviews, this is two Spanish students will be asked a few questions about their experience learning the language. c) Two of the language teachers will give advice on how to better learn an important word, concept or phrase in Spanish that is useful and practical. d) You need to include some intro music (just as in the samples)

e) For more details Go to this URL https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/19/learning/ lesson-plans/project-audio-teaching-students-how-to-produce-their-own-podcasts.html and read thoroughly from the

One-Minute Interviews section, all the way

to the end. F) Also, you can watch this video: http://cultofpedagogy.com/block-scheduling/ 3) Recording:

a) Work

with the students and prepare a script such as this:

SCRIPT Intro: (free) Podcast music from: freemusicarchive.org (3-5 seconds) Presenter: Good morning language learners of the world! Today we will be talking about some of the most unbelievable reasons why people around the globe decide to embark on the adventurous journey of learning a new language! Stay with us for the next few minutes and find out how to succeed at such a fun, but at the same time challenging task. As odd as it may sound, a father needs to learn Spanish to speak with his children! A traveler needs to learn how to ask for help and explain possible damages his mountain vehicle may get while driving through the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico!

Presenter´s comments Let´s begin with Kate, a college undergraduate from Chicago, Illinois in the US. Please introduce yourself and tell us why you´re learning this language. [Kate speaks] What do find the most difficult? [reply] Why?, follow up questions and answers Can you share a couple of tips on how to tackle these nuances about learning a new language? [reply] What do find the least difficult? Why?, follow up questions and answers What are you enjoying the most? [Reply] Do you think that speaking another language is a tool, a life skill which is worth possessing? To what extent? [Reply] Chris and Kate, thank you very much for sharing your experience with us! Well….! Language learners of the world, time is up! Don´t miss our next episode in which two expert teachers will share some secrets on how to improve your language skills without even having to travel abroad or spend any money on courses. Straight from the horse´s mouth! Next week on “Tips on Spanish Learning and Teaching” Fadeout: (free) Podcast music from: freemusicarchive.org (3-5 seconds) b) Make sure your students have used the format featured above: The format should include presenter, two interviewees, and two contributors. c) Ask your students to use the assessment rubric below to make sure their podcast includes each one of the features agreed upon when recording.

ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Name: ________________________________Date: _________________ Title of podcast: _________________________________________ Feed URL (or URL) of podcast: ______________________________ Creators of podcast: _______________________________________





1. Did the podcast include content that was useful / relevant for your purpose? 2. Were the technical qualities (audio, slides, etc.) acceptable in the production? 3. Did the podcast adhere to the copyright guidelines in its use of music, pictures, etc.? 4. Was the length of the podcast appropriate for its content? (15 min. or less) 5. Was the podcast linked from a site which included subject tags? 6. Did the subjects in the podcast have “personality” to keep you interested? 7. Did the podcast flow smoothly (introduction, content, summary)?

d) Have students practice/ rehearse a couple of times and when they´re ready, record their podcast. e) Have them upload their podcasts onto Podomatic.

End of lesson plan By Marco TĂŠllez L&C Spanish School

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