focus on forever
focus on forever
since 1917
since 1917
2009 collection
Mixed Sources Cert no. SA-COC-002023 ©1996 FSC
This spirit has helped us to pioneer the most advanced and revolutionary technologies, while maintaining our enthusiasm, our philosophy and our traditions. We know Gitzo photographers have come to demand exactly that: top performance, traditional quality... no compromise.
2009 collection
Even after 90 years, our ambition at Gitzo is still the same as the day the company was founded: to design and produce the best possible camera accessories and supports using the simplest, most straightforward and elegant solutions... however long and complex the path to get there.
This catalogue has been printed on paper from well-managed forests and other controlled sources.
In the interest of further improving the Gitzo range, Gitzo reserves the right to change the specification within this catalog at any time. All intellectual and industrial property rights reserved: copyright, patents, trademarks and designs © ®. Product photography: Roberto Bigano and Andrea Cracco Issue code: GLGB09 - Issue number: No. 1 - 01/09
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see the front cover fold-out for more information
3-02-2009 14:45:47