Give it a Go Autumn Programme

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☛☛☛☛ The Give it a Go Autumn programme 2014 The Give it a Go programme is packed full of activities, events and experiences just for student, so why not join in the fun?! All activities are run at a beginners’ level so it doesn’t matter if you haven’t tried the activity before. There’s no strings attached, just pay and play.

Residence Life

If you are a first year living in one of the student residences you can get a £1 discount off everything you see in this programme above £1.50, just show your Residence Life card at the Box Office. Look out for the Residence Life Logo throughout the programme to find activities that are right on your doorstep.


Choose an activity you want to do

2. Buy your ticket in advance from the Union Box Office or online 3.

Turn up on the day with your ticket and ‘Give it a Go’

******************************************* Tickets must be purchased in advance. *******************************************

Mon 6th Oct

• Self defence • Archery • Ultimate Frisbee (indoor) • Capoeira • Ballroom and Latin dancing • Pole fitness • Contemporary dance • Bell ringing • Graphic design 6 week course • Squash & Racquetball • Intro to Campaigning - Skills for Change

Tue 7th Oct

• Aikido • Self defence • Irish dancing • Beginners modern dance

• Swing dance • Street jazz • Make your own chutney • Fundraising and Events Skills Workshop • Green Fest • Reflexology • Hockey • AmericaN Football

Wed 8th Oct

• Orienteering • Jiu Jitsu • 5 week selfdefence course • An introduction to chainmail • Introduction to papercraft • Bollywood dancing • Know your city on two wheels • Cookery lessons • Intro lecture for Korean Language and culture • Squash & Racquetball • Foodcycle CookAlong • Make your own dreamcatcher • running

Thu 9th Oct

• Archery • Medics’ Running • Pole fitness • Beginners ballet dance

• Beginners belly dance

• Savoury pie making • Netball • Touch Rugby • Swedish back massage

Fri 10th Oct

• Ice Hockey • Muay Thai • Street jazz • Beginners tap dance

• VollEyball • Refugee Conversation Club

Sat 11th Oct

Sun 12th Oct

• Give it a Spin • Film making:

• Basketball • Manchester

beginners workshop • Scavenger hunt • Mahjong • Give GO a Go • Filey food festival • Capoeira • Card gaming • Performing Arts Skill Swap Saturday • Multi Sports Saturday

United stadium tour • Jiu Jitsu • Medieval sword fighting • Women’s Football • Badminton • running

Mon 20th Oct Mon 13th Oct

RAG Week • Henna painting • Flying teapots: Circus skills • French 5 week course • Japanese 5 week course • Graphic design 6 week course • Capoeira • Squash & Racquetball • Give it a Go Leaders information session • Give being an Officer a Go

Tue 14th Oct

RAG Week • Archery • Irish dancing • This is my family • Spanish 5 week course • Sign language 5 week course • Give it a Go Leaders information session • Beer Tasting • Breaking News Scenario • Intro to Campaigning • Hockey • AmericaN Football

Wed 15th Oct

RAG Week Al-HIJRA • 5 week self defence course • Know your city on two wheels • Sign language 5 week course • Greek 5 week course • Cookery lessons • Chinese dance • Korean Culture Lecture • Squash & Racquetball • Urban Scrumping • Give it a Go Leaders information session • LGBT Latin and ballroom dancing • how to use photoshop • running • women's boxing

Thu 16th Oct

RAG Week • Crafts with women's committee • Speed debating • Thai 5 week course • Zumba • Netball • Touch Rugby

Fri 17th Oct

RAG Week • Archery • Bouldering • Muay Thai – women only • VollEybal

Sat 18th Oct

RAG Week • Peak district walk – Derwent Valley • Catrina decorating workshop • Tango • Emergency first aid • Whitby • Card gaming • Multi Sports Saturday • RAG Bungee Jump

Sun 19th Oct

RAG Week • Basketball • Ultimate Frisbee (outdoor) • Harry Potter studios tour • Women’s Football • Badminton • running

• French 5 week course • Japanese 5 week course • Graphic design 6 week course • Squash & Racquetball • General Election - How Parliament works


• Archery • Ladies Rugby • Halloween costume accessories • Chocolate tasting • French 5 week course • Japanese 5 week course • Graphic design 6 week course • Squash & Racquetball

Tue 21st Oct

Wed 22nd Oct

• Aikido • 5 week self • Irish dancing defence course • Historical crime • Archery and murder • Sign language 5 tour

• Spanish 5 week course

• Sign language 5 week course

• Hockey • AmericaN Football

week course

• Greek 5 week course

• Cookery lessons • Squash & Racquetball

• Your Green

Thu 23rd Oct

Diwali (Festival of Lights) • Speed debating • The woman in

• Irish dancing • Spanish 5 week

• 5 week self

• Life drawing • Thai 5 week

week course


• Film making: 24hr challenge • York • Multi Sports Saturday • Missing People Appeal Day

defence course • Greek 5 week course • Cookery lessons • Sign Language 5 week • Thriller dance class • Squash and Racquetball • running • women's boxing

Sun 26th Oct

Clocks go back ONE HOUR • Basketball • Heritage motor museum

• Women’s Football

• Badminton • running • Abundance Fruit Picking Day

Thu 30th Oct

• Hockey • AmericaN

24hr challenge

• VollEyball

Sat 25th Oct

Union • Astrology • running • women's boxing Wed 29th Oct


• Curling • Film making:

black • Thai 5 week course • Netball • Touch Rugby

Tue 28th Oct

• Sign language 5

Fri 24th Oct


• Netball • Touch Rugby

Fri 31st Oct

Sat 1st Nov

• Emergency first HALLOWEEN aid • Bouldering • • Halloween ghost • Oxford Intensive Italian tour • Customise your • VollEyball clothes • Spooktacular • Multi Sports Family Fun Day


• Yorkshire Wildlife Scrub Bashing Day

Sun 2nd Nov

• Basketball • Tropical butterfly farm

• Intensive Italian • Women’s Football

• Badminton • running

Mon 3rd Nov

• French 5 week course • Japanese 5 week course • Graphic design 6 week course • Squash & Racquetball • GAYR Project Team information session

Tue 4th Nov

Wed 5th Nov

• Self defence BONFIRE NIGHT • Archery BIG STEW • Aikido • tour of Sheffield • 5 week self defence course • Spanish 5 week • Naruto style course headband • Sign language 5 making week course • Radio presenting • GAYR Project • Sign language 5 Team info session • How to influence politicians • Breaking news scenario • American Football

week course

• Greek 5 week

Thu 6th Nov

• Opera screening • Greek 5 week course • Thai 5 week course • Netball • Touch Rugby • Spiderwalk • How to use photoshop

Fri 7th Nov

Sat 8th Nov

• Paradise

• Film making:

adventure golf • Volleyball

camera workshop • Yorkshire sculpture park and afternoon tea • Multi Sports Saturday

Sun 9th Nov

Remembrance Sunday • Basketball • Liverpool • Aikido Marathon • Women’s Football • Badminton • running

Wed 19th Nov

Thu 20th Nov

World week • Squash &

World week • Aikido • Quilting

World week • Self defence • Cookery lessons • Squash &

World week • Radio

Racquetball • Reindeer Food Parcels • How to Grow and Eat Indoor Herbs • how to use photoshop • running • women's boxing

week course • Greek 5 week course • Netball • Touch Rugby • breaking news scenario • pizza party


• 24 hr


course Class

• Squash &


• Save Money On Your Bills

Mon 10th Nov

Tue 11th Nov

Wed 12th Nov

Thu 13th Nov

• French 5 week

• Archery • Spanish 5 week

• Sign language 5

• Quilting

• Edinburgh

week course • Greek 5 week course • Cookery lessons • Squash & Racquetball • Baby Bummit Charity Hitchhike to Cardiff • running • women's boxing

workshop • Give a spit save a life • Greek 5 week course • Thai 5 week course • Netball • Touch Rugby • Threading

weekend • VollEyball

course • Sign language 5 week course • German 5 week course • Welcome to Bhangra • Flash Trash Upcycling • Hockey • American Football

Tue 18th Nov

• Cookery lessons • Beyonce Dance

• running • women's boxing

course • Japanese 5 week course • Graphic design 6 week course • Squash & Racquetball

Mon 17th Nov

Fri 14th Nov

Sat 15th Nov

Sun 16th Nov

World week World week • Mountaineering: • Basketball walking the • Edinburgh edges • Edinburgh weekend • Multi Sports Saturday

weekend • Women’s Football • Badminton • running

workshop • Sign language 5 week course • German 5 week course • Life Drawing • 24 hour volunteering • American Football


• Sign language 5

Fri 21st Nov

World week • Curling • Volleyball

Sat 22nd Nov


World week • Emergency first

World week • Basketball • Taste of


• Cambridge • Tango • Multi Sports Saturday

• Reindeer Food Parcels

Indonesia: Angklung • Bolsover castle • Women’s FootbalL • Badminton • running


Tue 25th Nov

Wed 26th Nov

Thu 27th Nov

Fri 28th Nov

Sat 29th Nov

Sun 30th Nov

• Squash &

• Sign language 5 week course • German 5 week course • hockey • American Football

• Cookery lessons • Squash &

THAnksgiving • Cinderella • Sign language 5

• Bouldering • Volleyball

• Piñata

Racquetball • Palmistry • wu dang kung fu and tai chi

• Basketball • Chatsworth at


• kung fu

weapons • running • women's boxing

week course

• Greek 5 week course

• Netball • Touch Rugby • Nutrition and healthy eating

workshop • Give it a spin • Leeds Christmas market • Birdwatching trip to potteric carr nature reserve • Multi Sports Saturday • Freeman College Green Education Space


• Women’s


• Badminton • Kelham Island Christmas Market • running

Tue 2nd Dec

Wed 3rd Dec

Thu 4th Dec

• Flying teapots:

• Aikido • Sign language 5

• Luchador mask

• Opera screening • Greek 5 week

circus skills • Squash & Racquetball

Mon 8th Dec

• Christmas Crafternoon: UPCYCLED Presents • Squash & Racquetball

Fri 5th Dec

• Volleyball

week course • German 5 week course • hockey • American Football

making • Cookery lessons • Squash & Racquetball • Tarot card reading • running • women's boxing

Tue 9th Dec

Wed 10th Dec

Thu 11th Dec

• Cookery lessons • Squash &

• Sign language 5

• Christmas

week course • Life Drawing • Netball • Christmas Wrapping with St Wilfrids

origami • Volleyball

• Making parol • Christmas decorations

• Sign language 5 week course

• German 5 week course

• hockey • American


• Christmas

Wrapping with St Wilfrids • running • women's boxing

Sat 6th Dec

• Lincoln Christmas market • Multi Sports Saturday

course • sign language 5 week course • Netball

Fri 12th Dec

Sat 13th Dec

• Tango • Warwick Castle • Multi Sports Saturday

Sun 7th Dec

• Basketball • Women only self

Sun 14th Dec

• Basketball • Castle Howard at Christmas

• Women’s


Tue 16th Dec

Wed 17th Dec

Thu 18th Dec

• Making Parol • Squash &

HANNUKAH • Aikido • Sign language 5

HANNUKAH • Christmas

HANNUKAH • Sign language 5

origami • Squash & Racquetball • running • women's boxing

week course • Netball


week course

• hockey • American Football

Come along to learn and practice effective, realistic street self-defence techniques. You’ll also be taught the fundamentals of how to stay safe in everyday life through: self-awareness, recognising threats and avoiding dangers. There will be plenty of time to ask any questions you should have.

• Badminton • running

Football Mon 15th Dec

Self Defence

defence • Tatton Park at Christmas • Women’s Football • Badminton • running

Fri 19th Dec


Sat 20th Dec

HANNUKAH christmas vacation


Mon 1st Dec

Sun 21st Dec



Monday 6th October. Meet in No.66 at 2pm, £3. Please wear trainers, loose clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 4pm. Tuesday 7th October. Meet in High Tor 5 in Endcliffe at 7pm, £3. Please wear trainers, loose clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 9pm. Tuesday 4th November. Meet in High Tor 5 in Endcliffe at 7pm, £3. Please wear trainers, loose clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 9pm. Wednesday 19th November. Meet in No.66 at 3pm, £3. Please wear trainers, loose clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 5pm.



If you have always wanted to try archery now is your chance! Archery club will introduce you to archery where you will learn how to loose arrows as well as answering any questions you have about the sport. They will also show off the other types of bows you can shoot as well as organising a slight competition towards the end of the session. Monday 6th, Thursday 9th, Tuesday 14th, Friday 17th, Wednesday 22nd or Monday 27th October, Tuesday 4th or 11th November. Meet in Activity Room 3, Goodwin at 5.30pm, £4.50. Please do not wear open toed shoes. No strappy tops, please wear a t-shirt. Event finishes at 7.30pm.





Jiu Jitsu

Ultimate Frisbee is a fast-paced and exciting team sport which is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. These sessions will teach beginners the basic throwing techniques and introduce a basic understanding of the rules of the game. Be prepared for a little more intensity than a casual bit of frisbee in the park or at the beach - sports clothing and a drink will be needed.

Capoeira is an exciting Sport that combines Martial Arts, Dance, Acrobatics and Music. A Brazillian Art with African roots, Capoeira will improve your strength, balance and flexibility, and is a fun way of getting fit. From kicks to cartwheels, singing to spinning, there's something for everyone! This session is run by the University Capoeira Society and is a special price for beginners. Monday 6th or 13th October. Meet outside the Students’ Union at 6.45pm, £2. Please wear gym clothes and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 9pm.

This will be a session run to introduce you to the sport of orienteering. There will be several experienced members of the Fell Running and Orienteering Club to help out any newcomers to the sport (essentially cross-country running with a navigational element). Afterwards there will be an opportunity to head to one of the many pubs in Broomhill for some food.

Jiu Jitsu is a highly effective form of self-defence and provides a means of countering physical attacks, irrespective of the defender's own strength, weight or gender. These sessions are suitable for beginners so come along and have a go!

Monday 6th October. Meet in Goodwin Sports Hall at 7pm, £1.50. Please wear comfy clothes and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 8.30pm.

Aikido is a Japanese martial art which utilises the opponent's force against them, neutralising attacks with strikes and joint locks; using technique, power and timing. Shodokan Aikido introduces competition, which allows techniques to be practised in a free-play combative environment. Tuesday sessions are suitable for complete beginners, so come along and try something different! Tuesdays: 7th or 21st October, 4th or 18th November, 2nd or 16th December. Meet at the Glossop Road entrance to Bar One at 5pm, £3.50. Please don’t wear jewellery. Wear comfy clothing. Event finishes at 6.30pm.

Wednesday 8th October. Meet outside the entrance to the Botanical Gardens at 3pm, 50p. Please wear running shoes. Event finishes at 4pm.

Saturday 11th October. Meet in Activity Room 1, Goodwin at 2pm, £2. Please wear gym clothes and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 4pm.

Wednesday 8th October. Meet in Activity Room 1, Goodwin at 8pm, £3. Bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 10pm. Sunday 12th October. Meet in Activity Room 1, Goodwin at 3pm, £3. Bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 5pm.

Self Defence - 5 week course



Indoor U ltimate Frisbee

D BRAN ! NEW This course will give a solid introduction to the concepts of self-defence including: psychology, situational awareness, avoiding confrontation, diffusing confrontation and actual physical act of defending yourself. Over the five weeks you will learn basic blocking techniques, defences to common grabs and strangles, how to effectively strike your opponents as well as vulnerable points to attack when in trouble. To supplement this, some basic combat anatomy will be discussed, enabling you to learn locks and pins to overpower people much stronger than yourself. This will culminate in a practical exam that will test and prove your knowledge. Should you pass, you will receive an Amateur Martial Arts Association (AMA) issued award certificate. Every Wednesday starting on the 8th October and finishing on the 5th November. Meet in No.66 at 4pm, £15. Please wear trainers, loose clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 6pm.



Come along for a friendly, introductory run with the Medics' Society running club. They will be heading out to Ladybower or Damflask Reservoir for an easy 3-4 mile run, ideal for those who want to get involved in a fun and friendly club, which is non-competitive. Thursday 9th October. Meet outside The Place in Broomhill at 6.15pm, £1. Please wear loose clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 8.15pm

Ice Hockey

Muay Thai Bouldering

Give it a Go Ice Hockey will provide you with a one hour introduction to the sport, with qualified coaches showing you the basics of skating, passing and shooting, before splitting you into teams and finishing with a scrimmage! The cost of the ticket covers ice time and a rental ice hockey kit provided by the club, as well as ice skate rental from Ice Sheffield. If you want to try your hand at the fastest team sport in the world then this is the event for you!

Give Muay Thai a go! Come try out this popular martial art Thai Boxing with expert trainers. A great way to try something new, keep fit and meet new people!

Friday 10th October. Meet at the Glossop Road entrance to Bar One at 12.20pm, £5. Please bring money for the tram fare. Event finishes at 2.30pm.


Friday 10th October. Meet in the Goodwin Gym Reception at 6.30pm, £2. Please wear shorts, a t-shirt and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 7.30pm

can s u o “Y ing h t new really try are h lots c i wh ng and ti exci f fun!” o

Bouldering is a fantastic sport and a great style of rock climbing. The Matrix indoor bouldering wall at the Goodwin Sports Centre is one of the best of its kind in the UK. At this introductory class you'll learn how to use the climbing wall safely and effectively, along with some expert techniques from a professional instructor. Fridays: 17th or 31st October, or 28th November. Meet in Goodwin Sports Centre at the Matrix Bouldering Wall at 6pm, £5. Bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 7pm

Muay Thai – Women Only

Give Muay Thai a go! Come try out this popular martial art Thai Boxing with expert trainers. A great way to try something new, keep fit and meet new people! Friday 17th October. Meet in the Goodwin Gym Reception at 6.30pm, £2. Please wear shorts, t-shirt and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 7.30pm

Peak District Walk – Derwent Valley

Outdoor Ultimate Frisbee


Come along and enjoy this 12km (7.5 miles) walk along the Derwent Valley, both along the river itself and up Froggatt Edge which will offer spectacular views of the surrounding countryside.

Ultimate Frisbee is a fast-paced and exciting team sport which is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. These sessions will teach beginners the basic throwing techniques and introduce a basic understanding of the rules of the game. Be prepared for a little more intensity than a casual bit of frisbee in the park or at the beach - sports clothing and a drink will be needed.

Want to try something new, exciting and very unique? Then curling is definitely for you. Give it a Go has teamed up with Ice Sheffield to give you the opportunity to try the region's newest sport. Curling is a sport that everyone can play; with just one brief lesson you'll be well on your way, and get the chance to test out your newly acquired skills in a curling competition.

Sunday 19th October. Meet at the XYZ 3D pitches, Goodwin at 5pm, £2.50. Please wear comfy clothes and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 6.30pm.

Friday 24th October or Friday 21st November. Meet on the Glossop Road entrance to Bar One at 1pm, £5. After curling you can stay and ice skate for free. Wear trainers and warm clothing and bring a pair of gloves for ice skating. Please bring money for the tram fare. Event finishes at 4pm.

Saturday 18th October. Meet outside Sheffield Train Station by the Water Fountains at 9.30am, £3. Please wear appropriate footwear and clothing for the conditions on the day and be prepared if they change. We recommend you bring a waterproof jacket and trousers (no jeans) along with sun cream if necessary. Please also bring plenty of water and a packed lunch as we shall be stopping for lunch along the way. We will be catching the train to the start which will cost £5 (or £3 if you have a railcard). Only those with GIAG tickets will be allowed on the walk due to safety. Event finishes at 5pm


Medics’ Running



Mountaineering: Walking the Edges

Want to play with some oddly shaped balls? Then give ladies rugby a go! No experience needed whatsoever. Come and try this amazing sport and meet Ladies Rugby Club.

Join the mountaineering club on their walk around the Peak District. This route will take you along the Burbage Edge and Stanage Edge, stopping at Stanage Pole before continuing on to get the bus back into Sheffield.

Saturday 27th October. Meet at the entrance to Goodwin at 5pm £1. Please wear comfy trainers and clothes and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 7pm.


Saturday 15th November. Meet outside the Octagon Centre entrance at 10am, £2. Please wear walking boots, warm clothing and bring food/snacks for the walk with a bottle of water and money for the bus fare. Event finishes at 4.45pm.

An Introduction to Chainmail

Women Only Self Defence

This self-defence workshop specialises in techniques particularly appropriate for women. All self-defence situations are stressful, but this is often particularly true for women. This session will give you the tools to build a solid background of techniques. The session includes examining the psychology of an attacker, situation awareness, avoiding conflict as well as conflict resolution. You will learn basic blocking techniques, defences to common grabs and strangles, how to effectively strike your opponents as well as vulnerable points to attack when in trouble. To supplement this, some basic combat anatomy will be discussed, enabling you to learn locks and pins to overpower people much stronger than yourself. There will be a male instructor leading the class. Sunday 7th December. Meet in the Studio at 4pm, £3. Please wear loose clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 6pm.

Think chainmail looks cool? Want to add new things to your costumes? Then come along and learn a simple, cheap way of making chain-mail for all your medieval cosplaying. Wednesday 8th October. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 2pm, £3. Event finishes at 4pm.

Introduction to Papercraft (3D Paper Modelling)


Ladies Rugby

Come along and learn how to make 3D models with Papercraft Society; a great opportunity to make little crafts and some new friends. Wednesday 8th October. Meet in View Room 6 at 2.30pm, £1.50. All materials provided. Event finishes at 4.30pm.

E V I T A CRE 15


Catrina Decorating Workshop

Halloween Costume Accessories

Halloween Fashion Illustration

Chinese Calligraphy is an ancient Chinese art. No prior knowledge of Chinese is needed for appreciating its beauty. It is also a way of meditation, establishing “qi” and building Chinese characters as a fine art! Come to follow a step-by-step instruction on applying ink, producing simple strokes and writing Chinese characters. You can go for more complex practice if you're already familiar with the language.

Get involved in Latin American Culture by joining the Latin American Society in this Catrina decorating Workshop. During the first days of November, some countries of Latin America celebrate the Day of the Dead, and the Catrina (a colourful and decorated skeleton) has always been an icon of how the Dead is celebrated and respected. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to decorate Catrina paper skulls and learn about the Day of the Dead culture.

Come along to Stitch Soc to make your Halloween costume accessories in preparation for Scary Tarts and the day itself! They have a variety of accessory designs for you to choose from or they can help you if you have a certain idea in mind. All levels of experience welcome.

Get creative and come and learn how to illustrate the perfect costume for Halloween. You will be provided with pre-sketched models, all you need to do is get creative and draw your fashion ideas on them. You won't just be using pencils, you'll be using lots of different techniques e.g. watercolour pencils, paints, chalk, and lots of other media! This session is taught by a fashion graduate who will be able to advise you on how to sketch the perfect designs. You can then take your designs home and use your illustrations as inspiration for your Halloween costumes.

Wednesday 8th October. Meet in View Room 6 at 5pm, £2. All materials provided. Event finishes at 6:30pm.


Come and craft with the Sheffield Students' Union’s Women’s Committee. Together you will be using stencils, fabric paints and badge makers to make feminist bags, t-shirts and badges. Materials will be provided, but you can bring along anything of your own that you might like to stencil or put a badge on. All genders are welcome – drop in anytime from 5-8pm. Thursday 16th October. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 5pm, £3. All materials provided. Event finishes at 8pm.

Saturday 18th October. Meet in Gallery Room 3 at 2pm, £4.50. All materials provided. Event finishes at 4pm.

Monday 27th October. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 5.30pm, £4. All materials provided. Event finishes at 7.30pm.

Wednesday 29th October. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 6pm, £2. Event finishes at 8pm.

Life Drawing

Customise your Clothes

Life drawing is drawing of the human figure from a live model and is a really good way to practice your observational drawing skills. The Art Society have a wide range of materials for you to use so you have the opportunity to explore new mediums but feel free to bring your own materials if you prefer. All levels of experience are welcome.

Can't afford to buy that new top?! Don't worry! Make do and mend! Come along to this fashion workshop and learn how to jazz up and customise your clothes. Please bring a couple of items of your own clothing to use on the day, we'll be using tassels, fringing, fabric paints and other fun accessories to decorate your clothes.

Thursday 30th October. Meet in Meeting Room 1 in the Octagon Centre at 4pm, £2.50. Event finishes at 6pm.

Saturday 1st November. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 12pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 3pm.

Tuesday 18th November. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 4pm, £2.50. Event finishes at 6pm. Tuesday 11th December. Meet in Gallery Room 3 at 5pm, £2.50. Event finishes at 7pm.

Naruto Style Headband Making


Crafts with Art of Chinese Women’s Calligraphy Committee

Ever wanted to create your own Naruto Style headband? Well now you can! Naruato headbands are worn by Shinobi; composed of a metal plate engraved with the symbol of the ninja's Hidden Village, and normally a band of cloth which can be in different colours. Cosplay Society will be providing the metal pieces for the front and the material to secure it round your head. During the session you will be shown how to etch a design onto the front and then finish it off. Wednesday 5th November. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 2pm, £3. All materials provided. Event finishes at 5pm.



Give a Spit, Save a Life – Craftivism Session

This two-part course from Sitch Soc will teach you all the fundamentals for quilting, no experience needed. In the first session you will be taught the basics you need to know and in the second session you will complete the item.

Are you interested in curing blood cancer but without the 250 page thesis? Be an advocate for those fighting blood cancers by creating a punching, positive 3D surprise for the Union while hearing about the fantastic work done by the UK’s bone marrow register, Anthony Nolan. In this Craftivism session you will be show how to make material marrow's with encouraging messages sewn onto them. The messages will help to dispel myths on how to help tackle the lack of awareness surrounding stem cell donation and provide a creative way to make a difference.

Thursday 13th and Tuesday 18th November. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 5.30pm, £8. All materials provided. Please note this is a two-part course. Event finishes at 7.30pm.


Thursday 13th November. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 7.30pm, £3. All materials provided. Event finishes at 9pm.

Piñata Workshop

Join Latin American Society in their Piñata making workshop and learn how to make a proper Piñata for the Christmas Holidays! Let your creativity flow and get involved in Latin American culture, as you also learn the history behind Piñatas. Saturday 29th November. Meet in Gallery Room 3 at 2pm, £4.50. All materials provided. Event finishes at 4pm.

Luchador Mask Making

Making Parol

Christmas Decorations

Christmas Origami

A Luchador is a person who competes in Lucha Libre Wrestling and the Cosplay Society can show you how to make a Luchador mask. There will be red material available, but if you want another colour just bring down an old t-shirt in that colour.

Parol is a very popular Christmas lantern in the Philippines and it is made out of bamboo and different coloured paper. It comes in different sizes and shapes. Filipino Society will teach you how to make parol so you can celebrate Christmas in Filipino style; colourful, bright and twinkling!

In preparation for Christmas come along to this Stitch Soc session and make some Christmas decorations. They have a variety of designs for you to choose from and will begin the session by teaching you the basics. No experience needed.

Come and learn how to make various Christmas themed origami; the perfect way to decorate your home for the festive period, or even to make some Christmas gifts.

Wednesday 3rd December. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 2pm, £3. Event finishes at 5pm.

Tuesday 9th December. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 2pm, £1.50. Event finishes at 4pm.

Tuesday 9th December. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 5.30pm, £4. All materials provided. Event finishes at 7.30pm.


Quilting Workshop

Friday 12th December. Meet in Monsal Dale Ranmoor at 7pm, £1. All materials provided. Event finishes at 9pm. Wednesday 17th December. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 5pm, £1. All materials provided. Event finishes at 7pm.

Monday 15th December. Meet in High Tor 5 in Endcliffe at 6pm, £1.50. Event finishes at 8pm.




Reflexology (also known as ‘zone therapy’) is carried out on either the hands or feet bringing balance to the whole body. You’ll learn how to use massage and pressure point techniques to have an effect on the energy pathways or reflex zones of the body, which can improve health and well-being. Hand treatments only will be performed during this workshop and will involve pair work. Tuesday 7th October. Meet in Gallery Room 3 at 5pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 7pm.

Make Your Own Dream Catcher

Dream catchers originated in Native American culture and are believed to filter a person’s dreams, allowing only the good dreams to enter. In this session you’ll get the chance to make and keep your own homemade dream catcher from scratch. All materials provided. Wednesday 8th October. Meet in High Tor 5 in Endcliffe at 6:30pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 8:30pm.

Swedish Back Massage

Massage has been practiced in varying forms for centuries by the Eastern Asians and has long established histories, such as Shiatsu and Ayurvedic treatments. This two hour workshop will introduce you to a simple form of Swedish massage. You’ll learn techniques that will leave you totally relaxed and with a new-found talent for de-stressing family and friends. Please bring a bath towel with you. This workshop involves pair work. Thursday 9th October. Meet in Gallery Room 3 at 6pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 8pm.




Come and find out if you're a fiery Leo or a moon drenched Cancer, learn about the influences of planets and what the stars signs really are and what they mean to you and your friends. Could you get on better with Virgo housemates next year or would you prefer the easy going Sagittarius? Come and find out where your stars lay and what they mean to you. Please bring pen, paper and an open mind.

Threading is an ancient method of hair removal originating in the different Eastern cultures. In threading, a thin thread is doubled, then twisted and then rolled over areas of unwanted hair; often a popular alternative to eye brow plucking. This workshop will include demonstrations of simple techniques, with an opportunity to have a go yourself. Today we will be practicing on arm hair.

Palmistry is the art of palm reading. This spiritual practice originates from India and relates to individuals’ characterisation and fortune telling. The different patterns on the hands relate to the heart, head and life lines and this can be read to determine attributes of body, mind and spirit. In this session you will receive a short reading and be taught how to read other people’s palm lines so you can impress friends and family will your new mystical skill. Please bring an open mind.

Wednesday 22nd October. Meet in High Tor 4 in Endcliffe at 6:30pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 8:30pm.

Thursday 13th November. Meet in Dovedale in Ranmoor at 6:30pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 8:30pm.


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Monday 24th November. Meet in Meeting Room 4 in the Octagon Centre at 5pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 7pm.



Wudang Kung Fu is designed for keeping healthy while at the same time gaining many effective fighting skills. Famous for its high kicks, fluid movements and low stances, it helps you make your body stronger, more flexible, more agile and stable. Tai Chi Chuan is an Internal Martial Art where graceful and slow movements combine circular motion with wide leg stances and controlled breathing. Tai Chi is aimed at improving the practitioner’s health by unifying body and mind, stimulating blood circulation and regulating breathing. Every movement has its own martial application so can be used in combat. Monday 24th November. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 4pm, £2. Event finishes at 6pm.

Kung Fu Weapons

Kung Fu is designed for keeping healthy while at the same time gaining many effective fighting skills. Martial Arts always incorporate the use of weapons in their systems. The Sword is an emblematic weapon for the Wudang style and it’s known for its circular, flowing and connected movements. In this session, you will learn about the weapons and try practicing with them, learning some very basic and simple moves. Weapons have been modified for practise and are suitable for beginners. Wednesday 26th November. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 3pm, £2. Event finishes at 5pm.

Nutrition and Healthy Eating

What is a healthy diet? Want to learn how to improve your diet? Come along to this workshop and find out more about dietary analysis. We’ll identify if you have any missing nutrients and discuss which foods are the best source of nutrition for you to help improve your eating patterns. We’ll also look at BMI (Body Mass Index) and how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating particular types of food. Thursday 27th November. Meet in gallery Room 3 at 5pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 7pm.

Tarot Card Workshop

Learn what tarot card reading is really all about in this workshop: dispel the myths, discover different types of cards and what tarot can be used for. Learn how to interpret the cards and gain an insight into the possible future. Many believe the tarot cards are guided by a spiritual force, so come along to this session and find out for yourself. By the end of the evening you will be able to perform your own basic readings. Please bring an open mind. Wednesday 3rd December. Meet in Dovedale at 7pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 9pm.

Ballroom and Latin Dancing

C I S U M CE N A D &

Ever wanted to be able to dance like the strictly stars? Always wanted to be able to impress your friends with some cool dance moves? Whether you're a fan of the elegant Waltz, the energetic Quickstep, the cheeky Cha Cha Cha or the fun Jive this is your chance to ‘give it a go’! You don't need a partner or any previous experience; there will be a patient professional teacher on hand that can teach you all the steps. Come along to have some fun and learn some new moves to show-off on the dance floor! Monday 6th October. Meet at the Edge Reception in Endcliffe at 7pm, £3.50. Please wear comfy shoes. Event finishes at 8pm.

Pole Fitness

Have you ever wanted a work out that's fun, toning, and a bit different and could help you hang upside down? Pole fitness burns calories, sculpts muscle, builds strength and increases flexibility by combining dance and gymnastics. This society is committed to welcoming and including any student who wants to experience fitness, fun and friendship without fear of discrimination against sex, age, race or disability.



Wudang Kung Fu and Tai Chi

Tuesday 7th October. Meet in the Students’ Union Foyer at 5.30pm, £6. Please wear shorts and tight clothing with either bare feet of ballet shoes. Event finishes at 7pm. Thursday 9th October. Meet in the Students’ Union Foyer at 3.15pm, £6. Please wear shorts and tight clothing with either bare feet or ballet shoes. Event finishes at 5pm.



A class based around the style of contemporary dancing; a modern mix of ballet and styles. Monday 6th October. Meet in Activity Room 1 Goodwin at 8.30pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 10pm. .

Irish Dancing

Whether you are completely new to the dance or have some experience, come along to these starter sessions to learn traditional Irish reel and jig and make friends! Tuesdays: 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th October. Meet in the Edge Reception in Endcliffe at 6pm, £3.50. Please wear comfortable sportswear. Refreshments will be provided. Event finishes at 7pm.


Beginners’ Modern Dance

Modern dance is a mixture of jazz and lyrical styles and this Give it a Go class focuses on fitness, flexibility and performance. The modern class is for all abilities and beginners are welcome. Tuesday 7th October. Meet in the Studio at 6pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 7pm.

Swing Dance

Street Jazz

Come and learn lindy hop and Charleston, the iconic dances of the 1930s and 1940s. You don't need a partner, or any previous dancing experience.

This class is for all abilities and welcomes beginners. The class will consist of a warm up, and then you'll learn some short dances and sequences of street jazz.

Tuesday 7th October. Meet in Uni Central at 7pm, £4. Please wear shoes that won’t flick off. Event finishes at 9pm.

Tuesday 7th October. Meet in the Studio at 8.30pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 9.30pm. Friday 10th October. Meet in the Uni Central at 8pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 9pm.

Bollywood Dancing

Beginners’ Ballet Dance

Beginners’ Belly Dance

Ever wanted to know how to dance like a Bollywood star, then this is a session for you. Come and have a go at Bollywood dancing, try and learn some Bollywood moves which you can bust the next time you are on the dance floor.

Ballet is one of the most popular and well established forms of classical dance. This beginners’ class is a rare opportunity for those who have always wanted to try with other students around the same age. It's great for fitness and lots of fun, and a perfect chance to get involved with the dance society community. Ballet shoes not required.

No need to get your belly out! Come and learn this wonderful Middle Eastern style of dance. Belly dance uses all parts of the body with specific focus on isolated hip and abdominal movements. This class is aimed to help you gain confidence, body awareness and tone up whilst having great fun! Suitable for both beginners and experienced dancers who would like to try a new style of dance.

Wednesday 8th October. Meet in Meeting Room1 in the Octagon Centre at 5.30pm, £4. Event finishes at 7.30pm.

Thursday 9th October. Meet at the Edge in Endcliffe at 6pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 7pm.


Contemporary Dance

Thursday 9th October. Meet in No. 66 at 6.45pm, £4. Wear comfortable clothing and bring water to keep hydrated. Event finishes at 8pm.



Give it a Spin

Beginners' tap is for those who are either completely new to tap or those who have not done tap since they were young. Tap shoes are not essential, just turn up and join in. This class is led by Sheffield Dance Society.

Ever fancied learning to DJ? This is a fantastic chance to learn from the best with industry standard DJ equipment and a special appearance from Tuesday Club DJ, Andy H. There will be a demonstration from Andy H, and then you'll be introduced to the basics of live DJing, learning how to mix Vinyl, CDs, digital music and scratching. Please bring your favourite music on a USB stick or CD.

Friday 10th October. Meet in Uni Central at 5pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 6pm.

Saturday 11th October. Meet in the Raynor Lounge at 2pm, £4. Event finishes at 5pm. Saturday 29th November. Meet in the Raynor Lounge at 2pm, £4. Event finishes at 5pm.


LGBT Latin and Ballroom Dance Class

LGBT Committee has organised a taster session for LGBT; a friendly, dance class where everyone is welcome! In this total beginners class you can learn Latin and Ballroom in a relaxed, friendly and prejudice-free atmosphere... Because we all would secretly love to show off on the dance floor! Grab this chance to meet new people and do something new. You’ll probably get addicted. Wednesday 15th October. Meet outside the Students’ Union at 5pm, £2. Event finishes at 6pm.

Chinese Dance

Try something exciting and step into the world of Chinese dance - you will find out about various Chinese dance styles and props and have a go at a fun choreography. This open level class is led by a professional dance teacher from China. Whether you have a passion for dance or have never danced before, come along and enjoy yourself! Wednesday 15th October. Meet in the Studio at 4pm, £3. Event finishes at 5pm.



Zumba is a lively dance fitness class. It gives your whole body a workout, against a backdrop of energetic music. Zumba is suitable for everyone - complete beginners welcome!

CUrITa Sheffield Tango Society will introduce the basic steps and moves of Tango to give you a taste of this attractive Argentine dance! Come and join them in this energetic dance class.

Thursday 16th October. Meet in the Octagon Bar Lounge at 6pm, £2.50. Wear comfy sports clothes and trainers and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 7pm.

Saturdays: 18th October, 22nd November or 13th December. Meet in Uni Central at 12pm, £5. Please wear comfy shoes. Event finishes at 1pm.

Thriller Dance Class


Beginners’ Tap Dance

Ever wanted to dance like the King of Pop?! Well now here's your chance in this special Halloween dance class! Often referred to as the greatest music video ever, Thriller has been voted as the most influential pop video of all time. You all know the words to this pop classic, so come and learn some of Michael Jackson's trade mark moves and dance with the living dead, just like the king himself. This class is definitely going to be a Thriller! Come in fancy dress if you like. Wednesday 29th October. Meet in the Studio at 1pm, £3. Please wear loose comfy clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 2.30pm



Bhangra society welcomes anyone with interest of this dancing style, no matter what your dancing ability is, whether you've danced bhangra before or never heard of it! Bhangra is an energetic, lively form of dance that suits anyone, from experienced dancers to total beginners. We will take you through some basic steps, jump around and let you enjoy yourself! Bhangra creates a lively atmosphere to make new friends. This is your chance to get involved in a dance that has taken the UK by storm since featuring in the London Olympics closing ceremony.


Tuesday 11th November Meet at the Edge Reception in Endcliffe at 7pm, £2. Please wear loose comfy clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 8pm.

Taste of Indonesia: Angklung Playing

Angklung is an Indonesian traditional musical instrument made of bamboo and each Angklung has a unique sound or note. This musical instrument is known as one of the national identities of Indonesia as well as locally in West Java area. The Angklung has been recognised internationally by UNESCO as the “intangible cultural heritage of humanity” since December 2012. Indonesian Society proudly introduces this unique musical instrument to you and gives you a unique chance to play it. Sunday 23rd November. Meet in No.66 at 1pm, £1.50. Event finishes at 2pm.

Beyoncé Dance Class

Bell Ringing

Make your own Chutney

“If you like it, then you shuda put a ring on it!” Join in this one off dance class as we teach you the routine from the music video. The video is ‘feel good’ and powerful, and the choreography was designed to be attempted by anybody. You'll be dancing like Beyoncé in no time.

The Sheffield Universities Guild of Change Ringers is a small society of dedicated, fun-loving ringers! They always welcome new members whether you can already ring or not, and they have an experienced team who are always willing to teach. Bell ringing is great fun for people of all ages and abilities. You don't have to be musical, or strong, but enthusiasm and patience always help! Just come along and give it a try.

Chutney-making: one of those seemingly complicated dark arts you avoid… But is actually super easy! The Abundance project will show you the basics in this fun, hands-on workshop. Home-made chutneys make ideal gifts so come and learn, and take a jar home too. Bring your own apron and some food to share if you like.

Wednesday 26th November. Meet in the Studio at 4pm, £3. Please wear loose comfy clothing and bring a bottle of water. Event finishes at 5.30pm.

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Welcome to Bhangra Class

Tuesday 7th October. Meet at St Mary’s Church on Bramhall Lane at 6pm, 50p. Event finishes at 9.30pm.

Monday 6th October. Meet in The Edge at Endcliffe at 6.30pm, 50p. Wear comfortable clothing. Event finishes at 8.30pm.



A bike ride suitable for all riders, this will be an opportunity for new or old students to get to know Sheffield. This will also be an opportunity for slightly less experienced riders to build confidence in the city. The event will finish up back at the university. Wednesday 8th or 15th October. Meet on the Students’ Union Concourse at 2pm, £3. Please bring your bike; the committee do NOT have spares. Event finishes at 6pm.


Intro Lecture for Korean Language and Culture

Come along and learn about the Korean language and culture in this small society led lecture. If you are interested in the language and don’t know when, where or how to start it then come along. There will also be a chance to learn about Korean film, drama and music with the help of the Sheffield University Korea Society. Wednesday 8th October. Meet in Hicks Lecture Theatre 5 at 3pm, £2. This is a society led session. Event finishes at 4pm.

Savoury Pie Making Workshop


A fun, friendly and informative session providing an insight into the world of pastry with a professional chef! At this bespoke event there will be the opportunity to watch demonstrations of techniques, and then have a go yourself using fresh, seasonal ingredients! There’s the chance to ask lots of questions, and meet other people. Thursday 9th October. Meet outside the Students’ Union at 5.30pm before you head down to the Showroom Cinema with the Baking Society, £15. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the event, the society cannot cater for specific dietary requirements. Event finishes at 9pm.

Performing Arts Skill Swap Saturday

Whether you’re an experienced actor who’s always been intrigued by Irish dance, or you’re a singer who fancies trying their hand at comedy improv, or even if you’re brand new to performing arts and want to try out different activities, this event is for you! Over the course of the day a number of Sheffield’s performing arts groups will be running workshops to introduce you to their society, as well as getting involved in other workshops themselves! It’s set to be a great laugh and with so many societies in one place, it’s the perfect opportunity for you to get a taste of a range of activities and try something new. There’s no previous experience or skill required, just come down and have some fun! Saturday 11th October. Various locations 11am – 6pm including: Uni Central and View Room 4, £3. See SuTCo's facebook page for more information. Societies will run workshops throughout the day but be warned, workshops with a limited capacity may work off of a first come/first serve basis on the day.

Film Making: Beginners’ Workshop

Ever wanted to make a film? This workshop will open with an introductory session all about film making given by the Film Making Society, where you’ll learn the basics of how films are made from scriptwriting to shooting to editing. After that you’ll go out in small groups and with the support of committee members you’ll plan, shoot, and edit a minute-long film! All equipment will be provided, and this is a great chance to learn about the basics of film making and have some fun!

Scavenger Hunt

Come and join a city wide scavenger hunt with Lemon Fresh! You'll be allocated into teams of 4-6 and given a list of tasks to do and places to visit in the city. Each team must be photographed completing each task, and the team who completes the most tasks wins!


Get To Know Your City on Two Wheels

Saturday 11th October. Meet outside the Students’ Union at 2pm, £3.50. Please bring a camera or a camera phone. Event finishes at 5pm.

Saturday 11th October. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 10am, £6. Event finishes at 5pm.



For people who may be interested in the classical game of Mahjong, here is an opportunity to try it out whether you're an expert or a total beginner! For those who have never played before, there will be a tutorial session where you will be taught the basics of the game. Saturday 11th October. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 3pm, £1. Event finishes at 6pm.


Give GO a Go

This year, the Card Games Society is hosting two ‘Give it a Go’ sessions. Whether you frequently hold card nights with your mates or want to try something completely new, they’d like you all to come and join them! You will be introduced to a selection of well-known games with the aim of providing a taster of the society’s regular meetings.

Go is a strategy board game for 2 players, originating from ancient China. With simple rules and great strategic depth, it is a prime example of 'takes minutes to learn, a lifetime to master'. During this session you will be taught some of the history of Go, learn the rules, and of course you will play through a couple of games.

Saturday 11th October. Meet in High Tor 4, Endcliffe at 3.30pm, £2. Event finishes at 5pm.

Saturday 11th October. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 6.30pm, £1.50. Event finishes at 8.30pm.

Saturday 18th October. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 3.30pm, £2. Event finishes at 5pm. Refreshments provided at both sessions. There also will be a competition to win Amazon vouchers.

Medieval Sword Fighting

Flying Teapots: Circus Skills

The Medieval Society hosts an afternoon of fighting with a range of weapons and techniques dating back to the 15th century. If the prospect of fighting one-on-one with single handed swords, bucklers, hand-anda-half broadswords and even giant bills interests you, then come along to this event and their veteran society members will teach you in a safe and friendly environment about how to use these weapons and look good in the process!

Come and learn circus skills! There will be workshops on Juggling, Poi, Diabolo, Plate Spinning, and all sorts of fun things.

Sunday 12th October. Meet in No.66 at 2pm, £5. A bag for keeping valuables and breakables in is recommended. Event finishes at 5pm.

Mondays: 13th October or 1st December. Meet in the Drama Studios 1 and 2 at 8pm, £1. Event finishes at 10pm.


Come and have a go at making your own Henna from powder to paste, also learn how a cone is made. You will get to practice making your own Henna patterns and if you are feeling adventurous you can even try it on other people’s hands. Monday 13th October. Meet in the Octagon Council Chambers at 4pm, £4. Event finishes at 7pm.

Beer Tasting

This Is My Family

Come and taste what all the fuss is about with this introduction to beer. You'll learn how to savour the different flavours of beers, how to make beer, and meet a brewer from the award winning Thornbridge Brewery. Make sure you know what REAL beer is all about…come along and join in the fun.

‘This is my family.’ That was the competition. All Nicky had to do was describe her family and she could win a dream holiday. OK, so she lied through her teeth and made them all sound perfect, but who cares? She won! She could take them to Rio! To Florida! Acapulco! Instead, thirteen year-old Nicky Perry chooses pretty much the last holiday her family were expecting…

Tuesday 14th October. Meet in the Interval Bar at 5pm, £6. The price includes four half-pint vouchers and tasting samples. Event finishes at 7pm.



Card Gaming

Tuesday 14th October. Lyceum Theatre, £12. The play starts at 7.45pm, but Give it a Go recommends you get there for 7.30pm.



Come along to a student led lecture from the Korean Society where they express their views on why North and South Korea are divided. They will go into detail and discuss if they will ever be reunified as well as looking at the culture, historical and political differences between the two. Come along if you have ever had any questions and curiosity about North and South Korean. Wednesday 15th October. Meet in Hicks Lecture Theatre 5 at 4pm, £2. This is a society led lecture. Event finishes at 5pm.


Speed Debating

Need help participating in seminar discussions? Want to improve your public speaking skills? Interested in competitive debating? Learn to develop your debating skills in a fun and informal environment! Debating skills are applicable and invaluable from job interviews to competitions to university life so get involved today! Thursday 16th October. Meet in Endcliffe High Tor 2 or Opal Common Room 2 (this will be specified on your ticket) at 6.30pm, £2. Event finishes at 8pm. Thursday 23rd October. Meet in Monsal Dale in Ranmoor or the Activities and Sports Zone (this will be specified on your ticket) at 6.30pm, £2. Event finishes at 8pm.

Historical Crime and Murder Tour

Would you like to know what lies beneath the ground you walk on? Could you listen to the truth about the Victorian city you live in? Then come and listen to the true tales of the Sheffield criminals on the Crime and Murder Tour. Learn about the hardships and deeds that took place in the back alleys and courtyards of Sheffield, the murders, riots, prostitution, petty thefts and racketeerings. Tuesday 21st October. Meet in front of Sheffield Cathedral at 7.30pm, £4.50. Event finishes at 9.30pm.

The Woman In Black

A lawyer engages a sceptical young actor to help him tell his terrifying story and exorcise the fear that grips his soul. It all begins innocently enough, but as they reach further into his darkest memories the borders between make believe and reality begin to blur and the flesh begins to creep… Now celebrating its 25th year in the West End, over 7 million people have lived to tell the tale of one of the most chilling and successful theatre events ever staged. Thursday 23rd October. Lyceum Theatre, £12. The play starts at 7.45pm, but Give it a Go recommends you get there for 7.30pm.

Film Making 24hr Challenge

Chocolate Tasting

Halloween Ghost Walk

How quickly could you make a film? In small groups you’ll have 24 hours to write, shoot and edit a short film from scratch! All equipment will be provided, and most films end up lasting around 4 minutes. Each group will be supported by members of Film Making Society’s committee, so even if you know nothing at all about film making, this is a great chance to learn more about it, meet new people, and have a lot of fun!

Join us on our chocolate tasting journey in one of Sheffield’s finest chocolate abodes. Come with us as we explore the wonders of chocolate from around the world. Relax in the Cocoa Lounge where you will learn the history of chocolate and the cultivation of cocoa from bean to bar. Then travel through the spectrum from raw chocolate to sweet white chocolate. This promises to be a magical evening; delicious.

Friday 24th – Saturday 25th October. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 7pm, £4. Event finishes at 7pm Saturday.

Monday 27th October. Meet at the Glossop Road entrance to Bar One at 7pm, £10. Includes a chocolate tasting session and a goody bag to take home. Event finishes at 9pm.

Have you ever wondered what spooky secrets lurk in Victorian Sheffield? Take this guided tour around the dark heart of the steel city to discover the ghosts and ghouls of the past! You'll be amazed at the secrets that the industrial city of Sheffield holds... from scandals and murders to some very bizarre occurrences! Wear warm clothing and bring an umbrella if necessary. A chance to experience the spookiest night of the year on a ghost walk. Yikes! Come along in fancy dress if you dare!!

Architecture Tour of Sheffield

This is a tour which takes a unique view of the city of Sheffield, taking in the landmarks of Surrey Street and the environs of Norfolk Street, finally finishing on Fargate. The history of Sheffield is laid out in bricks and mortar and the language of architecture is something that has been sadly lost. This tour gives you a chance to read the city you live in, to learn the hidden secrets of the buildings you pass every day.


Lecture on the Cultural, Political and Economic Differences between North and South Korea

Tuesday 4th November. Meet at Sheffield Town Hall at 2pm, £4.50. Event finishes at 4pm.

Friday 31st October. Meet on the Town Hall Steps in the City Centre at 10.30pm, £4.50. Event finishes at midnight.



Opera Screening

Your dreams of becoming the next Nick Grimshaw or Annie Mac are just about to come true! Forge Radio will be teaching you everything you need to know about radio presenting. Whether you are into music, news, sport or just talking, they will show you how a professional radio studio works. This 2 hour session is a handson introduction to the entire process of hosting a radio show. Think you've got what it takes? You can join the radio team during their February show sign up. Miss it and you’ll regret it!

Come and see some opera! We're putting on screenings of three different famous operas with English subtitles, so bring some friends and some popcorn and try something new. We'll be heading to Bar One afterwards so be sure to come along and make some new friends. This month, the society are showing Verdi's La Traviata opera and Puccini's La Boheme.

Wednesday 5th November. Meet in the Media Hub at 3pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 5pm. Thursday 20th November. Meet in the Media Hub at 5pm, £3.50. Event finishes at 7pm.


Thursday 6th November or 4th December. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 7pm, £1. Event finishes at 10pm.

Paradise Film making: Island Camera Adventure Golf Workshop

Flash Trash Upcycling Cinderella

Birdwatching Trip to Potteric Carr Nature Reserve

Christmas Crafternoon – Upcycled Presents

Traditional golf etiquette has no place here so leave your plus fours and rules at the door. Set amidst a tropical paradise, this is golf as you've never seen it before. Surrounded by tiki huts, palm trees and exotic plants, Paradise Island creates a fun atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. Come and see if you can get a hole in one, or will you be 20 over par? Please bring money for tram fare.

What’s all this fuss about upcycling? Here's your chance to try it. Our expert will provide all materials for you to upcycle your own mirror and guide you through it so you can turn some trash into something flash! Unleash your creative side and take whatever you make home. Wear clothes you're happy to get dirty.

Come and join the Sheffield University Birdwatching Society on a trip to The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Potteric Carr reserve, a beautiful reserve attracting 230 bird species, particularly marsh and water birds. We will walk around the reserve's trails spotting and identifying birds. Bring binoculars and bird identification guides if you have them. There will be a number that can be signed out on the day.

Get in the Christmassy spirit and make your own pressies. Home-made Christmas presents exude LOVE; love for the recipient and for the environment because you're saving stuff from landfill to upcycle into something new and awesome!

Friday 7th November. Meet at the Glossop Road entrance to Bar One at 1.30pm, £5. Event finishes at 4.30pm. Bring money for the tram fare.

Ever wanted to shoot a film? One of the most important parts of film making is the camera work, so this workshop will teach you all about how to get the most from your camera when making a film, everything from how to choose your shots to understanding the settings you need to make your film look as great as possible. This workshop is aimed at beginners and is a great chance to learn how to shoot your own films. Having a camera isn’t necessary at all, but if you have one feel free to bring it along! Saturday 8th November. Meet at The Edge in Endcliffe at 2pm, £4. Event finishes at 5pm.

Tuesday 11th November. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 2pm, 50p. Event finishes at 4.30pm

Northern Ballet’s new adaptation of this classic fairy-tale sees heartbreak turn to joy as the unstoppable power of young love conquers all. A beautiful summer’s day turns into tragedy. Devastated by the loss of her father, and excluded by her cruel stepmother and sisters, Cinderella finds solace on the frozen lake where she sees her Prince Charming. As romance blossoms, a magical encounter in a marketplace changes Cinderella’s destiny. Journey through elegant Russia, with breath-taking winter scenes and opulent ballrooms; you will not want to miss this unforgettable ballet. Thursday 27th November. Lyceum Theatre, £12. The play starts at 7.45pm, but Give it a Go recommends you get there for 7.30pm.


Radio Presenting

Monday 8th December. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone at 12.30pm, £1. Event finishes at 3pm.

Saturday 29th November. Meet outside the Students’ Union at 9am, £11. Please bring a packed lunch and wear sensible clothing and footwear (walking boots or sturdy trainers preferable). Ticket includes all transport costs and reserve entry.



This course is run by the Graphic CAD Society and will cover basics of designing posters, marketing campaigns, logos, cover arts, Topographies, Mobile and website design and print design. At the end of the course there will be a projects based session where you have to create a material of your choice based on a specific topic. The course will be run every Monday and there will be homework for you to complete after each session to top up your skills. At the end of the course, upon successful completion, you will receive a certificate and will be asked to create a creative professional portfolio for yourself on in order to motivate you to continue on with the society as a member. Mondays: 6th October to 10th November. Meet in Arts Tower AT-1012 at 4pm, £25. This is a society led session and is HEAR accredited. Event finishes at 6pm.

The Cookery School

Give it a Go has teamed up with the best chefs from the University to bring you cookery classes at an exclusive price! You will be given a recipe and shown how to make a dish before having a go yourself. All equipment and ingredients will be provided; you will be able to make 4 portions meaning you will have enough to freeze or, if you’re feeling generous, share with your mates! 8th October: Thai Green Vegetable Curry & Rice • 15th October: Pasta with Homemade Meatballs, Tomato & Basil Sauce • 22nd October: Build your own Homemade Pizza • 29th October: Chilli Con Carne with Baked Tortilla Chips • 5th November: Rocky Road Tray Bake • 12th November: Spanish Style Chicken & Chorizo • 19th November: Lamb Kofta Kebab & Spicy Salad Wrap • 26th November: Roast Vegetable & Mozzarella Lasagne • 3rd December: Roast Chicken & Yorkshire Pudding • 10th December: Christmas Treats. All classes will be taking place on Wednesdays from 5-7pm in the Uni Central kitchens; meet in Uni Central at 4:45pm. All classes will cost £2; you will need to buy one ticket for every class you wish to attend.

Give ‘Being an Intro to Officer’ a Go Campaigning

Ever wondered what Students’ Union Officers do? Or are you thinking about standing to become an Officer in the future? If so, this session is for you. Find out what the role of an Officer involves and how you can stand to become an Officer next year. Monday 13th October. Meet in View Room 4 at 5pm, 50p. Event finishes at 6pm


Graphic Design 6 Week Course

Campaigning is much more than placards and protests; good campaigns can create amazing changes in society or right here in your Students’ Union. If you’re new to campaigns or just want to brush up on your campaigning skills then come along and find out how you can run a campaign for change here. Tuesday 14th October. Meet in View Room 6 at 4pm, £1. Event finishes at 5:30pm



How to use Photoshop

General Election: How Parliament works

General Election: How to influence politicians

Keeping cool under fire is a life skill that is only built up with experience. This scenario follows reports of South Yorkshire Police cordoning off the IC. Information will come in thick and fast in various ways . Try to pick out the gems and ignore the rubbish and keep your cool in an incredibly fast paced breaking news scenario. Designed for novices or students interested in journalism or how the news works. From the sessions you will gain skills in writing a news story.

Photoshop is a popular programme and is used in lots of design work. It’s useful to be familiar with even if you’re not planning on entering the design world. Lots of jobs require some creativity so a basic knowledge would be beneficial and this workshop is the perfect place to start! The workshop will be a practical session, and will teach you all the basics such as working with images, text and colour as well as editing documents.

With the UK General Election taking place in March 2015, we’re offering you the chance to find out how it all works ahead of the big day. Learn about Parliament, the difference between the House of Commons and House of Lords, how government works and what you’ll be deciding on Election Day.

With the UK General Election taking place in March 2015, we’re offering you the chance to find out how it all works ahead of the big day. Voting in the election is just one way to have your say, here you’ll learn how to lobby and influence politicians and parliament to make the changes you want to see.

Tuesday 14th October, 2-4pm or Tuesday 4th November, 4-6pm or Tuesday 25th November 6-8pm. The Media Hub, £1.50

Wednesday 15th October, 3-4:30pm or Wednesday 5th November, 4-5:30pm or Wednesday 26th November, 5-6:30pm. The Media Hub, £1.50

Monday 20th October. Meet in View Room 5 at 4pm, £1. Event finishes at 5:30pm

Tuesday 4th November. Meet in Gallery Room 3 at 4pm, £1. Event finishes at 5:30pm

The Pizza Party

Emergency First Aid

Looking for a tasty challenge that will really test your business skills? Come to our Pizza Party and not only will you get free pizza, you will also learn something too. In this workshop, you will work as part of a team to run a fictitious pizzeria in this business simulation game. You will then compete against three other teams to see who can make the most profit. This will give you a great insight into the world of business and should help you improve your budgeting skills. The winning team will win a pizza related prize.

oppor This full day course will give you an Emergency tu First Aid in the Workplace for Appointed Persons to exp nity eri Certificate, which is approved by the government somet ence hing Health & Safety Executive. A useful extra on your new" CV, you’ll be trained in emergency life support procedures. After buying your ticket, please register your attendance at the Information Desk in the Activities & Sports Zone. Please wear suitable casual clothing and footwear.

For other skill development opportunities including creativity and communication check out University of Sheffield Enterprise on campus.

Thursday 20th November. Meet in Octagon Council Chambers at 4pm, £3. Event finishes at 6:30pm



Breaking News Scenario

"Grea t

Saturday 18th October. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 10am, £38. Event finishes at 4.30pm. Saturday 1st November. Meet in Dovedale at 10am, £38. Event finishes at 4.30pm. Saturday 22nd November Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 10am, £38. Event finishes at 4.30pm.




There are millions of French speakers around the world, with the language being spoken not only in Europe, but across Africa, Canada, parts of Asia and the Pacific Islands. Why not become one of them with this five-week beginners’ course?! This French course is aimed at students who have no knowledge of the French language but wish to learn the basics of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

This 5 week course is perfect for someone who has no knowledge of the Japanese language. You will be learning basic grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and you will be practicing using them in inter-active activities. You will also be introduced to Japanese syllabary and the writing system. It will also be a good chance to make new friends who are also interested in Japanese culture.

Hola! Buenos dias! Come and learn Spanish in this five week beginners’ course. The course is aimed at students who have no knowledge of the Spanish language but wish to learn the basics of reading, writing, listening and speaking. This is a great course to introduce you to the Spanish language; perfect preparation for a study abroad placement or holiday.

Mondays 13th October to 10th November. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 7pm, £20. Event finishes at 9pm.

Mondays 13th October to 10th November. Meet in View Room 6 at 5pm, £20. Event finishes at 7pm.

Tuesdays 14th October to 11th November. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 5pm, £20. Event finishes at 7pm.

Sign Language

"I hav e thorou ghly e njoye the co d urse; the tea was g cher reat, v ery en and s thusia uppor stic, t ive an teachi d This 5 week beginners’ course had a ng sty good le. It h is aimed at students who wish and in as bee teresti n f un ng to to learn the basics of British Sign learn for su and ch a r Language. Suitable for absolute eason able beginners, you will learn: situations, price.” finger spelling, basic dialogue and learn about the deaf culture. Tuesdays 14th October to 11th November. Meet in B19 at 301 Glossop Road at 5pm, £20. Event finishes at 7pm. Wednesdays 15th October to 12th November. Meet in High Tor 2 Endcliffe at 6.30pm, £20. Event finishes at 8.30pm. Tuesdays 18th November to 16th December. Meet in B19 at 301 Glossop Road at 5pm, £20. Event finishes at 7pm. Thursdays 20th November to 18th December. Meet in C5 at 301 Glossop Road at 5pm, £20. Event finishes at 7pm.






The Greek language is spoken widely across Europe and is also the traditional language of physics and philosophy. Come and learn how to speak the language, read the Greek alphabet, listen to native speakers and learn how to write words and phrases. This five week course will also cover details about the Greek history and culture. Wednesdays 15th October to 12th November. Meet in Gallery Room 4 at 5pm, £20. Event finishes at 7pm. Thursdays 6th November to 4th December. Meet in Monsal Dale Ranmoor at 7pm, £20. Event finishes at 9pm.



Filey Food Festival


child friendly

Thai is the national language of Thailand with approximately 60 million speakers. Outside Thailand, the largest concentration of Thai speakers is in Los Angeles, California. You learn a whole new alphabet and learn about Thai scripts. This 5 week beginners’ course is aimed at students who wish to learn the basics of this Asian language and learn more about Thai Culture. Thursdays 16th October to 13th November. Meet in View Room 6 at 5pm, £20. Event finishes at 7pm.


Intensive Italian



Ciao! You are invited to learn Italian in our interactive intensive weekend course. You will learn how to speak, read and write the basics of Italian (far more than ordering a gelato) and find out about this influencing language and culture. By the end of the course you will have a sound understanding in the basics of survival Italian. Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd November. Meet in Gallery Room 4, £20. Saturday’s session will run 10am – 4pm and Sunday’s session will run 12pm – 6pm (there will be an hours break each day).

A five week beginners’ course aimed at students who have no knowledge of the German language but wish to learn the basics of reading, writing, listening and speaking. German is now one of the most popular languages spoken across Europe, so this course is perfect if you’re planning to travel study or work in Europe. You’ll be able to order a bratwurst in no time! Tuesdays 11th November to 9th December. Meet in Gallery Room 3 at 7pm, £20. Event finishes at 9pm.



For all you foodies out there, this trip is for you! Come and join us as we head up the North Yorkshire coast to Filey for their Autumn food festival. Filey’s food festival has a collection of the finest food, ales, craft, beer and live music on the Yorkshire Coast; all set in the picturesque gardens overlooking Filey Bay. Now in its third year, Filey Food Festival returns stronger than ever with a children’s fairground, local real ale festival and wine tasting, not to mention a series of professional cookery demonstrations and the eagerly anticipated 'Great Big Bake Off'. Filey is bursting with all the appeal of a traditional Edwardian coastal town and offers a real sense of ‘olde worlde’ charm. Filey’s 5 mile stretch of clean, sandy, award winning beaches offer the ideal place to spend your afternoon, watching the fishermen mend their nets. Saturday 11th October. Meet on Durham Road at 8.30am, £14. The coach departs Filey at 5pm. Travel time is approximately 2 hours.




Heritage Motor Centre in Gaydon



child friendly

Sunday 12th October. Meet on Durham Road at 8.30am, £27.50. The price includes return travel, a guided tour of the stadium, and entrance to the United Museum. The coach departs Manchester at 5pm. Travel time is approximately 2 hours.

Whitby is a seaside town on the North Yorkshire coast and is full of history and myths including the famous Whitby Abbey. With an array of unique shops offering local crafts, famous Whitby Jet jewellery, maritime memorabilia and antiques. For the food connoisseurs out there, Whitby has award winning seafood restaurants, continental delights, traditional sea-shanty inns preparing locally cooked produce and traditional English tea rooms serving freshly baked pastries and Yorkshire teas. Saturday 18th October. Meet on Durham Road or Oakholme Road (this is specified on your ticket) at 8am, £15. The coach departs Whitby at 5pm. Travel time is approximately 2.5 hours.

Tropical Butterfly House and Falconry Centre

Oxford child


Take a look behind the scenes at Old Trafford, the famous home of the mighty Manchester United Football Club. Follow in the steps of some of Man U’s greatest legends such as David Beckham, Bobby Charlton and Ronaldo on this guided tour, which includes a walk through the player’s tunnel and a visit to the dressing room. The rest of the afternoon will be spent in Manchester city centre. Manchester is a haven for shoppers and has fantastic museums and art galleries.


Harry Potter Studio Tours

Come with us on a magical journey to the Harry Potter Studios, they are the working studios where all eight of the Harry Potter films were made. The Studio Tour offers you the unique opportunity to explore two soundstages and a backlot filled with original sets, animatronic creatures and breathtaking special effects. Step inside the Great Hall where Harry, Ron and Hermione had breakfast, walk along Diagon Alley and see Olivandars, knock on the door of 4 Privet Drive and explore the fantastic Studio shop and buy a chocolate frog or even a wand. You can fly on a broom around Hogwarts or step inside the famous Ford Cortina and drive/fly yourself to Hogwarts. This is a fantastic, whizardly, magical day out; not one to be missed!

York is one of the most beautiful cities in the UK, with history and heritage galore! Attractions include the stunning ‘York Minster’, York Castle, the National Railway Museum and the Jorvik Viking Centre (an experience transporting you to a Viking settlement 1,000 years ago). You’ll also find many museums, dungeons and ghost tours, as well as cruises along the River Ouse. All this is within York’s winding medieval streets and enclosed within the city’s fantastic Roman walls. Great for buying gifts, York has high street names, as well as independent shops and antique shops.

Sunday 19th October. Meet on Durham Road at 8am, £49. The price includes return travel and entry to the Studios; normal cost is £77 (£46 for the train and £31 entry to the Studios) so you save a massive £28pp! The coach departs the Studio at 5pm. Travel time is approximately 3.5 hours.

Saturday 25th October. Meet on Durham Road at 8.30am, £12.50. The coach departs York at 5pm. Journey time is approximately 1hour 45 minutes.




child friendly

The Heritage Motor Centre in Warwickshire is home to the world’s largest collection of classic, vintage and veteran British cars charting over 120 years of British car history. Get the most out of your visit and join a free guided tour and make sure you check out the Model Aircraft Show, showcasing over 100 large scale radio controlled model aircraft. You can also pick up some motoring memorabilia to take back to Sheffield. If you love anything to do with British motoring history then this trip is for you!

Come with us as we uncover the hidden treasures that Oxford has to offer. The city of ‘dreaming spires’ is steeped in rich history and is home to the world famous Oxford University and its 38 separate colleges. There are many ceremonial buildings and churches to visit as well as museums and galleries, plus plenty of parks. Climb to the top of Oxford Tower and take in the breath-taking views that inspired writers such as J.R.R Tolkein and Lewis Carrol, or enjoy peaceful punting ride down the river.

Sunday 26th October. Meet on Durham Road at 8am, £22.50. Ticket includes travel and entry to the museum. The coach departs the museum at 4.30pm. Travel time is approximately 4 hours.

Saturday 1st November. Meet on Durham Road or Oakholme Road (this is specified on your ticket) at 8am, £18.50. The coach departs Oxford at 5pm. Travel time is approximately 4 hours.


Manchester United Stadium Tour

This lovely local Wildlife Centre houses amazing wildlife from across the globe. You’ll be able to visit the butterfly house, Meerkat Mansion, small animal house, farm barn and prairie dog camp, as well as seeing lots of birds of prey and parrots. There are plenty of talks and displays throughout the day for you to enjoy. You’ll have the day to explore the centre, and of course there will be plenty of time for you to visit the Jungle Gift Shop and Butterfly Cafe. Sunday 2nd November. Meet on Durham Road at 9.30am, £19. The coach will depart the attraction at 3.30pm. Ticket includes admission and return travel. Travel time is approximately 45 minutes.




Edinburgh Weekend Getaway






Bolsover Castle



Yorkshire Sculpture Park and Afternoon Tea

Leeds Christmas Market

D BRAN ! NEW Yorkshire Sculpture Park is an international centre for modern and contemporary art, experienced and enjoyed by thousands of visitors every year. Explore open-air displays by some of the world’s finest artists, enjoy fascinating exhibitions throughout four stunning galleries, be inspired by the natural beauty of an historic estate, and get involved in a dynamic line up of events and activities. After you have explored the park, Afternoon Tea (includes tea and a scone) will be served in the Auditorium.

The birthplace of The Beatles, the city has a wealth of attractions. The Albert Dock complex is Liverpool’s pride and joy; these restored warehouses are now home to a collection of cafes, shops and attractions – including the Beatles Story museum, the Tate Liverpool gallery, the International Slavery Museum and the World Museum Liverpool. Back in the city centre; look out for more landmarks and museums. Or else just shop 'til you drop in the new and impressive Liverpool ONE .

Saturday 8th November. Meet on Durham Road at 9am, £18. The coach will depart the park at 4pm. Ticket includes travel, afternoon tea and admission to the park. Travel time is approximately 1 hour.

Sunday 9th November. Meet on Durham Road or Oakholme Road (this is specified on your ticket) at 8am, £15. The coach departs Liverpool at 5pm. Travel time is approximately 2.5 hours.

The capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh has a unique blend of culture, sophistication and architecture, plus a remarkable location. It is an extraordinary city and well worth a visit! A World Heritage Site, Edinburgh is one of Europe's finest medieval cities – the jumbled streets of the old town are great fun to explore. Other attractions include Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Palace of Holyroodhouse, and The Royal Mile – a captivating street that links these sights together. Also waiting to be discovered are masses of pubs, shops and restaurants – all crammed into the city centre. Ticket includes return coach transport and 2 night’s bed & breakfast accommodation at Edinburgh Central Youth Hostel in multi-bedded single sex rooms. The hostel is within walking distance of the city centre. Friday 14th November. Meet on Durham Road at 10am, £109.99. The coach departs Edinburgh at 2pm Sunday 16th November. Ticket includes travel, accommodation and continental breakfast. Travel time is approximately 6 hours.

The picturesque city of Cambridge is famous for its University, which is one of the oldest in the world. Take a walk around the backs of the colleges for some stunning views – especially looking towards King’s College Chapel from across the river. You’ll have free time to explore the city, perhaps by punting along the River Cam, a very popular Cambridge activity and great way to see the sights. Or why not visit some of Cambridge’s many museums and galleries? Saturday 22nd November. Meet on Durham Road or Oakholme Road (this is specified on your ticket) at 8am, £18.50. The coach departs Cambridge at 5.30pm. Travel time is approximately 3 hours.

Fairy-tale like Bolsover Castle is an ancient monument, an historic building and archaeological site which has stood proud on the hilltop site of a medieval fortress since the 12th century. Today will include a guided tour of the castle with highlights including the sumptuously painted walls and ceilings of the Little Castle, intricately carved fireplaces and the magnificent indoor Riding School. There is plenty to do in the Discovery Centre with its fascinating audiovisual displays, and extensive grounds to explore with lots of green space. Sunday 23rd November. Meet on Durham road at 10am, £20.50. The coach will depart Bolsover at 3.30pm. Travel time is approximately 1 hour.

child friendly

"Well Christkindelmarkt, Leeds - a little piece of Germany in organ ised, the heart of Leeds City Centre. Leeds is one of the brillia nt cho most established German Christmas Markets in the ice of city. I UK, with traditional wooden stalls festive greenery, would d o it next y Christmas carousel with twinkling colourful lights, all ear as well.” creating a unique continental style festive atmosphere in the heart of Leeds city centre. This is the perfect place to buy your seasonal gifts, plus there are plenty of traditional German delicacies such as gluhwein, bratwurst sausages, and goulash to taste. This is the ideal way to kick start and celebrate the festive period with your friends to get a head start on your Christmas shopping! Saturday 29th November. Meet on Durham Road or Oakholme Road (this is specified on your ticket) at 9am, £10. The coach will depart Leeds at 5pm. Travel time is approximately 1.5 hours.



Warwick Castle

Tatton Park is an amazing historic estate, the property of the Egerton family for nearly 400 years, until being bequeathed to the National Trust in 1948. This Christmas enter the world of the Stahlbaum family as Clara and Fritz celebrate a traditional Christmas Eve in Tatton’s Nutcracker Mansion. Classical music will accompany your visit and once you arrive at the servants’ quarter, there are demonstrations on how to make the pomanders and garlands which are displayed throughout the Mansion. Costumed guides will be baking traditional festive delicacies and there are mincemeat treats to enjoy. There's also a working rare-breed farm for you to look round with cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. And of course there are 50 acres of beautiful gardens which reflect over 250 years of garden design.

Warwick Castle is regarded as Britain's ultimate castle and will surround you with jaw dropping history, myths and adventure! With its magnificent towers and ramparts, the castle offers visitors over 1000 years of history. The chilling dungeon contrasts with the elegant splendour of the State Rooms and the baronial Great Hall. Our visit includes admission to "Castle Unlocked", secret rooms which are over 400 years old. As you visit the ancient rooms, you'll see how they shed light on the defining chapters in Warwick Castle's past to reveal tales of battle, siege, murder, power struggles and haunting. There is also a Winter Bird of Prey show; come along and see these spectacular birds of prey display showcases including vultures and owls flying from the castle ramparts.

Castle Howard at Christmas

child friendly

Chatsworth House is a truly awesome traditional English stately residence, housing 30 rooms full of Europe's finest private collection of treasures. This Christmas they will be decorated in the theme of ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ You can also stroll around the garden which includes a maze, five miles of walks, rare plants, fountains, ponds and the famous Duke's Cascade. Plus we'll make a stop to the Chatsworth 'farm shop' for you to stock up on Christmas goodies on the way home!


Tatton Park at Christmas Nutcracker Christmas Mansion

Sunday 30th November. Meet on Durham Road at 10am, £24. Ticket includes, travel and entry to the house and gardens. The coach will depart Chatsworth at 3pm for a stop at the Farm Shop before heading back to Sheffield at 4pm. Travel time is approximately 45 minutes.

A contemporary cathedral city with over 2,000 years of history, Lincoln is the perfect place to visit over the festive period. Take a trip back through time and stroll along to the cultural quarter of the city. The medieval square between the impressive Norman castle and magnificent gothic cathedral is the perfect backdrop for the Christmas Market. You can enjoy yuletide festivities including: bands, choirs and entertainers. There are over 200 stalls selling gifts, food, hot chestnuts and mulled wine. Saturday 6th December. Meet on Durham Road or Oakholme Road (this is specified on your ticket) at 9.30am, £14. The coach will depart Lincoln at 5.30pm. Travel time is approximately 1.5 hours.

Sunday 7th December. Meet on Durham Road at 9am, £25. Ticket includes travel and entry to the house, garden and farm. The coach will depart Tatton Park at 4pm. Travel time is approximately 1.5hours.

Saturday 13th December. Meet on Durham Road at 9am, £26. Ticket includes travel and admission to the Castle. The coach will depart Warwick Castle at 4.30pm. Travel time is approximately 2.5 hours.



Chatsworth Christmas at Christmas Market

Join us on our last Give it a Go trip in 2014 as we head to Castle Howard. Come with us as we approach the magnificent 18th-century house along the Christmas tree-lined drive. Inside, discover breath-taking interiors lit by candle and firelight, dressed with magnificent trees, a stunning display of traditional Howard family ‘twigs’, winter garlands and floral arrangements. New for 2014 the Garden Room will be decorated with a traditional toy twig, complete with Nutcracker figures and working train set. Christmas at Castle Howard includes live music performances daily and delicious seasonal menus in the restaurant and cafés. Remember to leave enough time to visit the Gift Shops, Farm Shop and Garden. Sunday 14th December. Meet on Durham Road at 9am, £25.50.Ticket includes unlimited access to the House and the Castle's 1000 acres of grounds including woodland walks, lakes, formal gardens, the walled garden and potager. The coach will depart the Castle at 4pm. Travel time is approximately 1.5 hours.





Sport Sheffield is excited to launch its brand new ‘Social Sport Programme’ as part of Sport England’s University Activation Fund, offering a wide and wonderful range of opportunities for you to get in to sport, try something new and keep active. Remember to regularly check out our online pages and Sport Sheffield for further updates, changes and information

/SportSheffield 52


American Football Enjoy an informal coach led session to introduce or reintroduce yourself to this great game. Every Tuesday 4-6pm. Goodwin Sports Centre – Hawley Pitch. £2 Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided

Touch Rugby

Whether you have never played this before or want to dust off the cobwebs on your old racquet, everyone is welcome so come along and get involved in this session. What are you waiting for?!

Women only Social Football offers you the chance to grab a ball, take to the field, have fun and make friends through our informal football session. Every Sunday 6-7pm. Goodwin Sports Centre – 5 a side pitches £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided

Squash & Racquetball

Come and have a go at our weekly social volleyball session, open to all students to come and get involved and give it a go. Every Friday 5-6pm. Goodwin Sports Centre – Sports Hall, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided

Always fancied having a go or picking up where you left off at school? Come and get involved in our friendly hockey session; don’t miss out! Every Tuesday 8-9pm Pitch E and Goodwin Sports Centre – Pitch 2, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided

Social Netball provides you with a chance to brush up on your netball skills, try something new and enjoy some friendly games, drills and importantly have some fun and get active. Every Thursday 4-5.15pm. Goodwin Sports Centre – Sports Hall, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided

Every Monday & Wednesday, 2-4pm, Goodwin Sports Centre – Squash Courts, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided.

Running Get involved in our regular beginner running sessions, whether you want to start running for the first time, improve your fitness or work towards a particular milestone this session is for you. Come and have some fun, meet new friends and get active. Every Wednesday and Sunday, Goodwin Sports Centre Wednesday, The Edge Sunday. FREE

Touch appeals to sports enthusiasts as well as those looking for an alternative way of keeping fit through a fun game which only needs a ball and a few jumpers for corner flags. This fast, simple and exciting game promotes the fundamental skills of running, handling, evasion and support play while developing basic principles of attack and defence without fear of getting hurt.


Women’s Football

Every Thursday 7-8pm. Goodwin Sports Centre – Hawley Pitch, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided



Women's Boxing


Badminton Social badminton is all about fun, friends & fitness... Whether you want to drop shot your way to a lower dress size, keep fit, make friends or fill your free time, no strings badminton has plenty to offer.

Our regular beginner friendly sessions are open to all female students to come and try something new, develop skills, meet new people or enhance your fitness – it’s up to you! You won’t regret it!

Basketball is a sport which you can take part in and enjoy regardless of age, ability or previous experience. Social Basketball gives you the opportunity to practice, play, get coached and have fun.

Every Wednesday 6.30-7.30pm. High Tor 2 – The Edge, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided

Every Sunday 9-11am. Goodwin Sports Centre – Sports Hall, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided

Every Sunday 12-2pm. Goodwin Sports Centre – Sports Hall, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided

Multi Sports Saturday Come and have some fun at our informal weekly multi sport session. Enjoy or range of indoor and outdoor sports, try something new, meet friends and get active! Every Saturday 10.30 – 12.30pm. Goodwin Sports Centre – Sports Hall, £2. Please pay at Goodwin Sports Centre reception (your receipt will act as your ticket). Equipment and coaching provided.

As well as all this great stuff, look out for a whole load of other activities, events and session to keep yourselves active over the next few months including… Cycling, running routes, Handball, Wheelchair basketball, Horse Riding, Bootcamps, Rounder’s, Archery, Tennis and more! For further information about the Social Sport Programme please contact: or go to: socialsport to find out more.







































Exclusive and free to students living in University accommodation * Free for students living in University accommodation

The Green Space is the hub for environmental action at the SU. It houses a recycling drop off point, Sustainability Library, student meeting space and the office where our friendly Green Space staff, Tim and Kiran, work. Tim organises the Sheffield on a Plate project (food sustainability and food poverty) and Kiran coordinates Green Impact Student Homes (greener private rented accommodation). We also work closely with David, the environmental coordinator, who runs great campaigns, like Spring into Nature. Come along to our Green Fest in the Activities and Sports Zone on 7th October for more info or just for some free tea and cake.

FIND US: Just inside the West Entrance (the entrance opposite the Octagon)


David: Kiran: Tim:


Green Fest

Come to Green Fest; we’ve got comfy cushions, chill-out music, free tea and cake, an apple press, a pedalpowered smoothie maker, fun workshops (from upcycling to mud painting) and friendly faces. Did we mention the free tea and cake? See you there! Tuesday 7th October. No need to book, just pop into the Activities and Sports Zone anytime between 11am and 3pm.

Urban Scrumping

Your Green Save Money Union On Your Bills

Uncover the delights of PICKING YOUR OWN APPLES with the Abundance Project. We'll visit some juicy trees right on our doorstep and teach you how to identify and pick ripe apples. Help save the apples from going to waste which we’ll distribute to local community groups and you get to take home as many as you want! Email to take part.

An under the skin look at how green Sheffield Students’ Union really is. Come with us behind the scenes to see what your SU does to be as sustainable as it can be as well as to spy on some of its dirty secrets. No need to book, just turn up.

Are your bills ridiculously high? Have no idea how to reduce them? Come along to this easy-tounderstand workshop and we'll help you figure out ways to bring those bills crashing down. Email to get involved.

Wednesday 22nd October. Meet in the Green Space at 12.30pm. Event finishes at 1.30pm

Wednesday 5th November. Meet in IC Room 4.02 at 12pm. Event finishes at 1pm.

Wednesday 15th October. Meet in the Green Space at 2pm. Event finishes at 5pm.

How to Grow and Eat Indoor Sustainability Herbs Library

Learn how to make herb pots from recycled and reused objects, get some compost, some seeds, some growing tips, recipes, what works well with what, and a "here's one I grew earlier" taster! Email Wednesday 19th November. Meet in the Activities and Sports Zone Wet Space at 2pm. Event finishes at 4pm.

Do you want to try your hand at forgaing, bike repair, upcycling clothes, growing your own, knitting, vegetarianism, veganism or beekeeping? Why not test the water by borrowing related books, dvds, equipment or even a bike for FREE? We have this and much more for loan, check out greenimpactstudenthomes. com/sustainability-library or email for more details.



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All semester – item collection and drop off at set times in the Green Space.


Last year we raised over £196,000 for charity and organised more than 300 events! There are three main ways to get involved with RAG… ESSENTIAL INFO EMAIL: RAG@SHEFFIELD.AC.UK VISIT: WWW.SHEFFIELDRAG.COM 58


e Takur 1 . No t in o par vents e

RAG Week 2014 A whole week of fantastic fundraising including a bungee jump, Mean Girls Pub Quiz and the return of the Societies Bake-Off! 13th – 19th October

The Big RAG Bungee Jump Jump off our 180ft platform and experience a thrill-seeking challenge like no other. Ticket includes bungee place, certificate, insurance and fundraising support. Tickets are £50, minimum sponsorship £60. Saturday 18th October. Weston Park (across from the Students' Union).

Spiderwalk RAG’s 13 Mile Charity Night –hike! Join us for RAG’s infamous 13 mile night-walk in the Peak District! Warm up half-way with a bonfire, fireworks and hot food whilst raising lots of money for charity. Clubs and societies take part for your adopted charity – and claim back up to 50% for your own society / club too! Ticket price & minimum sponsorship tbc Thursday 6th November 2014, evening

Baby Bummit Charity Hitch-hike to Cardiff! 200 University of Sheffield students will aim to reach Cardiff in just one day – BE ONE OF THEM! Tickets on sale 13th October: includes hostel, meal, end-party, t-shirt and fundraising support. Last year’s Baby Bummit to Edinburgh raised over £15,000 for charity – help us to beat that total! Tickets £28; minimum sponsorship £75. Set-off: Wednesday 12th November 2014

2 No. and bs : C lucieties S o dopt a A r it y cha

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RAG’s ‘Adopt a Charity’ scheme works with clubs, societies and individuals to help you fundraise for charities of your choice. You can also claim back up to 50% of your fundraising for your club or society too! We can help with things like planning, budgeting, marketing, resources and legal stuff. E-mail

You can ‘Adopt a Charity’ too and benefit from all the support of the ‘Adopt a Charity’ team on the RAG Committee and x2 full-time staff members. Or you can become a RAG Rep, learn C.V-enhancing events and fundraising skills, gain HEAR, make new friends and put on your own fundraising events with groups of like-minded individuals.

Fundraising and Events Skills Workshop Tuesday 7th October, 18.00, University of Sheffield Hicks Building Lecture Theatre 4



RAG stands for ‘Raising and Giving’ – we’re here to support student fundraising and to put on events that you can’t get anywhere else!

RAG Reps is an accessible and fun way to get involved with RAG. This workshop will focus on creative fundraising and events ideas and is perfect if you’re interested in the events management or charity sector, or even if you just want to make new friends and raise money for good causes! All welcome, no experience required.


Sheffield Volunteering has projects right across Sheffield. From activities right on your doorstep to exploring the wild and wonderful Peak District, you can experience amazing things by volunteering. Our Give it a Go volunteering days are the best way to give volunteering a try. Each activity is designed as a taster day, enabling you to try something new and gain new skills. They are perfect with friends and a great way to meet like-minded people.

All activities including transport are free. For all our volunteering, no experience is required. You do not need to buy a ticket from the Box Office, instead book your place in the Sheffield Volunteering office in your Sheffield Students' Union. (Mon to Fri, 10am - 5pm)



Foodcycle are looking for volunteers to help them prepare & cook a delicious meal for people at risk of poverty in Sheffield. Using surplus food donated from shops and supermarkets, they will be cooking up a tasty three course meal to enjoy. Wednesday 8th October, 8.30am - 12.30pm (lunch provided) or 11.30am - 3.30pm.

Refugee Conversation Club Spend an afternoon meeting new people at this friendly conversation club. Chat to refugees and asylum seekers who are looking to improve their English and learn a bit more about British culture. An amazing opportunity to get to know people from across the world. Friday 10th October, 1pm 4.30pm.

Missing People Appeal Day Help campaign at a local appeal day for Missing People. You will work with the police & the family of someone local who is missing. Raise awareness to the local public with the aim of finding out some new information on their whereabouts. It’s a great opportunity to directly help & make a difference to someone’s life. Saturday 25th October, 10am 3pm.

Abundance Fruit Picking Day Pick some surplus juicy, locally grown organic fruit from gardens in Sheffield! Be part of a team harvesting seasonal fruit, to be redistributed across our city & made into something delicious to avoid food waste. Sunday 26th October, 12.30pm - 4.30pm.

Spooktacular Family Fun Day Help with creepy crafts, pumpkin carving and face painting on this fun activity day for children and families at Whirlow Hall Farm. The charity provides a real farm experience for inner-city children to explore the wonders of the countryside and understand where their food comes from. Friday 31st October 9.30am 1.15pm or 1.30pm - 5.15pm.

Kelham Island

Christmas Wrapping with St Wilfrids

Get crafty and transform oats, ribbon and a pinch of glitter into Reindeer food parcels. Everything is provided on the day & these will later be sold to raise funds for a local charity which supports children with cancer and their families.

Give visitors a warm ‘Dickensian welcome’ to the Victorian Christmas Market and enjoy the cheery atmosphere. Provide information and give directions to the stalls, fairground, performance stage and family activities.

Wednesday 19th November, 1pm – 5pm or Saturday 22 November, 12noon – 4pm

Sunday 30th November, 8am 6pm.

Spend a festive afternoon wrapping presents to be given to some of our city's most vulnerable people. The Centre is very busy supporting homeless people at Christmas and really needs you to help out. Includes a cooked lunch to get you in the festive mood!

Reindeer Christmas Food Parcels Market

Yorkshire Wildlife Scrub Bashing Day

Freeman College Green Education Space

Start a new project with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust to restore areas of Magnesian Limestone woodland in South Yorkshire. Help with tree thinning and scrub bashing to restore this rich ground & encourage new trees and nature to flourish including wild garlic and English Oak trees.

Create an educational and social area for young people and individuals with mental health problems to enjoy. The volunteering day will include creating an organic garden, hedge cutting and woodland work to get stuck into. A great chance to learn a specific skill & you can choose the activities you’re interested in.

Saturday 1st November, 9.301m 5pm.

Saturday 29th November, 9.10am - 4.20pm.

Wednesday 10th December, 11.30am - 4.30pm or Thursday 11th December, 11.30am - 4.30pm.



Foodcycle Cook-Along


give as you rent project team

give it a go leaders Like the look of Give it a Go? You can organise, design and run your own section of the next Give it a Go programme, or volunteer to help run some of the activities in this programme by becoming a Give it a Go Leader!* Give it a Go Leaders will:

• meet loads of new people • discover everything the Students’ Union has to offer • get A budget and full staff support to plan their own activities • Gain loads of new skills and do something awesome to put on their CV

SO GET INVOLVED TODAY! Email for more information or just come along to one of these sessions:

• • •

Monday 13th October, 6-7pm, Monsal Dale Ranmoor Tuesday 14th October, 7-8pm, High Tor 3 Endcliffe Wednesday 15th October, 4-5pm Activities and Sports Zone

*The Give it a Go Leaders programme is only open to students living in University accommodation.

Every year, thousands of students living in University accommodation chose to donate £2 per term through their rent to support Sheffield’s homeless. The Give As You Rent Project Team are responsible for deciding how to donate that pot of around £24,000. If you live in University accommodation, you could be a part of that team!


The GAYR Project Team will:

• Meet around 20 charities to hear about the fantastic work they do in and around Sheffield • Get to donate around £24,000 to some of those charities • Organise a wonderful event to celebrate • Have the opportunity to work closely with Sheffield RAG • Gain loads of new skills and do something really worthwhile that will look great on a CV For more information email or just come along to one of these sessions:

• •

Wednesday 3rd December, 4-5pm, Activities and Sports Zone Thursday 4th December, 6-7pm, High Tor 3 Endcliffe


idea n a t o G it a Go ? e v i G a for next term sessions know at, Let u tago@ givei l sheffie


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Sheffield Students’ Union’s Give it a Go programme is packed full of activities, events and experiences. Every year thousands of students take part in Give it a Go, and you should too!

BUYING TICKETS Tickets for all activities are on sale at the Students’ Union Box Office (tel: 0114 222 8777) and are available to buy online Tickets MUST be purchased in ADVANCE and ucards must be shown at the Box Office. You can’t just turn up and pay on the door. Demand for Give it a Go is massive and events can sell out very quickly… please buy your ticket early to avoid disappointment! Unfortunately, all tickets purchased are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged or transferred. If the event organiser cancels the activity, a full refund will be given from the Students’ Union Box Office. Participants will be informed of cancellations via facebook and twitter, and email where possible.

SPRING WATCH Look out for the Students’ Union Spring Watch logo, it highlights all our activity which celebrate biodiversity.

CHILD-FRIENDLY TICKETS The child friendly logo beside selected day trips allows student parents the opportunity to take their children on that trip. Just ask at the Box Office for a child friendly ticket and get £2 off for them.

child friendly

ROOM LOCATION – Students’ Union

Look out for the Students’ Union’s ‘One World’ logo beside any activities that have a global or cultural aspect to it.

All Gallery rooms, the View rooms, Uni Central and the Media Hub are on Level 4 in the Students' Union. The Raynor Lounge and Bar One are on Level 1 in the Students' Union. Fusion, Foundry and Studio are on Level 2 in the Students’ Union. Coffee Revolution and the Activities & Sports Zone are on Level 3. The Council Chambers, Meeting Room 1, 2 and 3 are in the Octagon Centre, next door to the Students’ Union. No 66 (TV Studio) is situated on Leavygreave Road (opposite the Hicks Building). Goodwin Sports centre is located on Northumberland Road (on your way up to Crookes).


ROOM LOCATION - The Residences

For evening activities in the Students’ Union, the Women’s Minibus will take you home to your door anywhere within a 2-mile radius of the Union. The service runs at half past every hour and tickets cost just £1.50 from the Students’ Union Box Office.

For information on bus and tram fares in and around Sheffield, visit

The Edge (main reception), Endcliffe Studio, High Tor 1,2,3,4 and 5 are all located at the Endcliffe Student Residences. The Ridge (main reception), Chee Dale, Monsal Dale and Dovedale are all located at the Ranmoor Student Residences.If you are at all unsure where to go in The Edge, Endcliffe or The Ridge, Ranmoor just meet outside the main reception. For a helpful map visit mapsandtravel/university





The Women's Campaign at the University of Sheffield Students' Union consists of the Women's Officer and the Women's Committee. Together they work to make your student experience free from discrimination and sexism, alongside the other Liberation Campaigns. Look out for the Women’s Committee logo to see events just for self-defining women.

Like Us on Facebook 'Give it a Go’

If you have any ideas, suggestions or just general feedback about Give it a Go, email or call into the Activities and Sport Zone.

The Give it a Go sports activities are in partnership with Sport Sheffield.

Follow us on Twitter @SUGiveitaGo

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