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What will be your biggest challenge / what will have the biggest impact on your business in the year ahead?
Another has also seen a steady increase in online ordering. “Our customers rely on it. However, the shops call if they have an issue or can't find their parts. The counterperson must be well trained to deal with an issue and be able to source their parts. I believe the counterperson has to be better trained than ever,” they observed.
“Online ordering creates more returns,” said another. “An outside sales rep visiting once a week for best shops to once a month for all is a requirement. Returns, ask the right questions, show off new products, explain changes, present rewards and opportunities. Be more than RockAuto with a local store.”
However, jobbers are noticing that just because shops want to order online, that doesn’t mean shops are instantly turning to their first- or even second-call jobber.
“For shops, it is becoming increasingly convenient and allows a simpler solution for parts that are not available from first- and second-call suppliers. I see Parts King and RockAuto boxes more and more on sales calls,” one respondent reported.

“One issue is the wrong [part] ordered and some shops ordering cheaper parts. We lose control of the personal connection. Also losing a bit to online [stores] like RockAuto and Amazon,” said another.

Jobbers were asked to outline their challenges so that their shop partners would have a better understanding of what’s getting in their way.
One, seemingly feeling beat down by constant requests for discounts or cheaper offerings simply said, “We need to make a profit, too.”
Others, for the most part, want to get the message across that they’re trying the best they can to help their customers to help their customers.
“How hard we try to get their orders out the door and to them as quickly and efficiently as possible. Yes, we make mistakes, but we try our best not to and are always looking to improve our delivery system,” one respondent wrote.
“That we are just human and can't just wave a wand and have their odd part in their hand now. If they work with us, we will help them in every way we can,” said another, adding that an unpleasant customer will still be helped but maybe not to the fullest extent.
Staffing, like everywhere, remains a top concern for many jobbers — they placed it second (35 per cent) behind only parts availability (53 per cent).
“What we go [through] each day with the day-to-day issues of staffing, returns, drivers [availability],” a respondent said.”