1 minute read
On the Road
EV & Charging Expo

May 17-18
Toronto, Ontario
The first EV & Charging Expo was held at the Enercare Centre at Exhibition Place in Toronto. It was hosted by Electric Autonomy Attendees were able to take in sessions on a variety of topics, listen to key industry figures and political leaders and check out dozens of booths from exhibitors offering charging equipment, advisory services, whole system solutions and more. There was also a test track for e-bikes and scooters, along with various electric vehicles from pickup trucks to cargo vans for attendees to experience.
Publisher | Peter Bulmer (585) 653-6768 peter@turnkey.media
Managing Editor | Adam Malik (647) 988-3800 adam@turnkey.media
Contributing Writers | Mike Bailey, Mark Sessions, Creative Director | Samantha Jackson
Video / Audio Engineer | Ashley Mikalauskas, Nicholas Paddison Sales | Peter Bulmer, (585) 653-6768 peter@turnkey.media Delon Rashid, (416) 459-0063 delon@turnkey.media
Production and Circulation | Delon Rashid, (416) 459-0063 delon@turnkey.media
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