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New petrochemical facility coming to Alberta
Northern Petrochemical Corporation has announced that it plans to build a $2.5-billion carbon-neutral ammonia and methanol production facility in the Municipal District of Greenview in Alberta.
This project will provide a big boost to the province’s economic momentum by creating over 4,000 jobs during the construction phase and 400 permanent positions upon completion.
The petrochemical facility will be part of the Greenview Industrial Gateway, a planned industrial sector, and will further diversify the Grande Prairie region.
This investment is part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan, designed to create jobs and diversify the province’s economy.
“The announcement of this huge new job-creating project adds even more momentum to Alberta’s exciting economic recovery,” says Alberta Premier Jason Kenney. He adds that Northern Petrochemical’s decision to build this facility proves that the province’s natural gas vision and petrochemical strategy is working.
This will the first facility of its kind in Canada given the plans to employ carbon capture and storage to produce very low-carbon products that can be used in the energy, agriculture and chemical industries.
“This investment is another example of how Alberta is attracting world-scale hydrogen production facilities via blue ammonia and methanol products,” says Dale Nally, Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity.
Vinci Construction has signed an agreement to acquire the construction companies of the Northern Group of Companies in Atlantic Canada.
If approved by Canadian competition authorities, Vinci will acquire the family-run group of public works contractors operating in roadworks, asphalt mixes and aggregates production in the provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
The targeted companies have around 500 employees at peak season.
In 2020, they generated $93 million in consolidated revenue. Vinci currently employs 5,500 people in Canada, including 4,000 at Vinci Construction, and earned approximately $1.57 billion in revenue in the country in 2020.
Globally, Vinci is engaged in infrastructure and property construction, transport infrastructure concessions, and energy, and employs more than 217,000 people in 100 countries.
Despite environmental objections from several groups, Ontario is moving ahead with plans to build Highway 413, a new 400-series highway across the Halton, Peel and York regions.
The purpose behind this new transit corridor is to relieve gridlock, improve the movement of goods and cut commute times. It will also create plenty of jobs.
“With Halton, Peel and York regions all set to grow at incredible speed, our government is saying yes to building the roads and highways that will keep these communities moving,” said Premier Doug Ford.
He added that thousands of jobs will be created by this project, which is a key component of the province’s “Building Ontario” plan to beef up infrastructure.
Ontario expects Highway 413 to benefit the Greater Golden Horseshoe area in many ways, including attracting increased investment in auto manufacturing and other industries.
“Highway 413 will save drivers up to 30 minutes each way on their commute,
Ontario announces that Highway 413 is going ahead Vinci Construction to acquire Canadian
adding up to one hour per day and five contractors hours per week in people’s schedules. This relief will be the difference between sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic and having dinner with your family at home,” said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation. The highway will run from Highway 400 in the east to the Highway 401/407 express toll route interchange in the west, and will feature four-to-six lanes, separate infrastructure dedicated for transit and passenger stations, and intelligent transportation and truck parking. Preliminary design for the preferred route has already begun. “Investing in transportation infrastructure, like Highway 413, will not only improve our productivity and encourage economic growth by allowing goods to get to market faster, it will also have a measurable impact on the quality of life for Ontario drivers so they can spend more time with friends and family,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance.
RFQ issued for Surrey hospital Volvo and Holcim testing autonomous electric haulers
Residents in and around Surrey, B.C., are a step closer to having a new hospital and cancer centre.
Fraser Health Authority has issued the request for qualifications (RFQ) for the facility, which will feature 168 in-patient beds, a surgical/perioperative suite with five operating rooms, four procedure rooms, an emergency department with 55 treatment spaces, and virtual care options in all clinical service areas.
An integrated cancer centre will include an oncology/ambulatory care unit with 50 exam rooms, 54 chemotherapy treatment spaces and room for six linear accelerators for radiation therapy. Through the RFQ process, Fraser Health Authority will identify a short list of up to three qualified proponents who will be invited to participate in the request for proposal (RFP) stage, which will determine the company leading the design and construction of the project.
The RFQ process is expected to be finalized in early 2022, followed by the RFP process. Construction is expected to start in 2023, with the facility being ready for patients in 2027.
The new hospital will significantly expand the availability of healthcare services for people in Surrey. In addition to adding hospital beds in the region, it will also have a medical imaging department, including three computed tomography (CT) scanners and two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. Additionally, there will be a dedicated area for spiritual care and family gatherings.
The total project cost is estimated at $1.66 billion and is currently funded by the province.
Fraser Health and the Provincial Health Services Authority are working with the Surrey Hospitals Foundation and BC Cancer Foundation to explore potential funding opportunities. Volvo Autonomous Solutions and Holcim Switzerland have teamed up to test autonomous electric haulers in a limestone quarry in Siggenthal, Switzerland.
This initiative is part of each company’s goal to find infrastructure and transport solutions that are safe, efficient, innovative and sustainable. These battery-electric haulers are the world’s first commercially-available CE-certified transport solution and are quieter, more sustainable and safer than conventional haulers.
This project is part of Holcim’s “Plants of Tomorrow” digitization initiative, which includes the testing of automation technologies, robotics and AI throughout the production process with the goal of creating safer, more efficient and more sustainable cement production.

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MPA launches RFQ for new terminal
The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) has launched the request for qualifications (RFQ) for the Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain of the largest expansion project in the history of the Port of Montreal, the Contrecœur terminal.
With the support of Canada Infrastructure Bank and the Government of Quebec, the Port of Montreal and its partners plan to develop a new state-of-the-art container terminal able to handle up to 1.15 million containers.
By issuing this RFQ, the MPA aims to find the best possible strategic partnership that can meet the high standards of the project in terms of innovation, efficiency, social responsibility and sustainable development.
The goal is to enter into a long-term agreement to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the terminal.
The RFQ will remain open to national and international industry players for the next three months.
“The future Contrecœur container terminal will play a mission-critical role in developing the strategic St. Lawrence trade corridor and in supplying Quebec, Ontario and the U.S. Midwest. It will be a green, modern and innovative terminal with facilities that feature extensive electrification,” stated Martin Imbleau, president and CEO of the MPA.
Bidders must demonstrate experience in the design, construction and operation of new port infrastructure, as well as other criteria.
The Contrecœur container terminal is the largest expansion project in the history of the Port of Montreal.
The project has support from both levels of government, a favourable report from the Canadian Impact Assessment Agency, and a decision statement from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change allowing the project to proceed.
This stage of the procurement process will make it possible to select up to three bidders to participate in the request for proposals, set to begin in the second quarter of 2022.
Operated by the Montreal Port Authority, the Port of Montreal is the second largest port in Canada.
It is a diversified transshipment centre that handles all types of goods: containerized and non-containerized cargo, liquid bulk and dry bulk.
The Port of Montreal is an intermodal hub with a service offering that is unique in North America, featuring its own rail network directly dockside connected to Canada’s two national rail networks.

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