Glad Tidings 16.4

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Glad Tidings

Volume 1 6, Issue 4

July/August 2012

Glad Tidings July/August 2012

Something To Consider ...................... p.3 by Vince Finnegan Seek Yahweh: The Tetragrammaton In the First Century.............................. p.4 by John Cortright

Glad Tidings is published six times per year by Living Hope International Ministries

Daniel 9:24-27 ...................................... p.6 by Vince Finnegan The Congo Connection ....................... p.8 by Richard and Cheryl Elton Anxiety and Worry, Scriptures and Prayer ......................... p.9 by Mary Ann Yaconis Trinity Controversy 1: Alexander and Alexandria ..................p.11 by Sean Finnegan

458 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, New York 12110 USA Office





Website Glad Tidings is mailed free to anyone who requests it. Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible unless otherwise noted.

Window into the Throne Room Revelation 4:1-10 ................................. p.14 by Vince Finnegan

Teen Camp

Mark these important dates on your calendar!!

August 5th-10th Silver Bay Royal Family Reunion August 24th-26th Living Hope Community Church 2


DELIGHT IN YAHWEH The theme for our Family Camp was Delight in Yahweh, which generated a life changing experience. “Delight” implies a combination of good things such as satisfaction, fulfillment, extreme joy, and pleasure. That which gives us delight or appears to provide delight is what we follow. If we find delight in Yahweh, we joyfully submit to obedience and strive to control our will-power to live godly. The seductive temptation sincere Christians face is that the desire to love God can be reduced to deeds of obedience and acts of will power with no delight at all. However, the great means to loving and living for God is accepting the grace of joy in a sovereign God that triumphs over the joy of sin. Psalm 37:4 states, “Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.” God graciously supplies a world of good things that can bring pleasure to our lives such as a sunrise, sunset, the seasons, trees, flowers, animals, rivers, streams, oceans, food, music, friendships.… If these things and so many more are enjoyed with moderation, God is blessed, and so are we. Nonetheless, when these things − the pursuits of our overall delight − become the object of our aƩenƟon without limitaƟons, we miss the mark and eventually receive displeasure from the very thing intended for pleasure. Since we have the tendency to follow that which delights, we are vulnerable to excess that ultimately brings sadness. How many of us become addicted to that which seems to bring delight? The source of our delight must always remain centered in Yahweh. A major step in this direction is finding delight in His Word. Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. Psalm 111:2 Great are the works of the LORD; they are studied by all who delight in them. Psalm 119:16 I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word. Psalm 119:24 Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors. God’s blessings,


Seek Yahweh:

By John Cortright

The Tetragrammaton in the First Century


cholars often refer to the four letter name of God, YHWH, as the Tetragrammaton. It is commonly believed that the name of God, which appears over 6,000 times in ancient Hebrew manuscripts, was no longer in use during the first century. Rather, with the translation of the Greek Old Testament known as the Septuagint, the name of God was replaced with the Greek word kurios. It is believed that Jews had stopped using the name and instead used the word adonay when speaking the name of God. The Encyclopedia Britannica explains: “After the Exile (6th century bc), and especially from the 3rd century bc on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh….” While this may be a commonly accepted belief about the Tetragrammaton, textual evidence suggests a different truth. Before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest known complete Old Testament manuscripts were Greek, dating from the fourth century AD. Two renowned complete Greek Bibles are the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus. In both of these famous codices, written after the time of Constantine, the name of God does not exist.

Rather, in all uses, the name is replaced with the Greek surrogate kurios. While these are the oldest “complete” versions of the Greek Old Testament, they are not the oldest manuscripts that have been found. Some partial Old Testament Greek manuscripts and fragments exist from the second and third century AD as well. In these documents, as with the fourth century codices, the name of God is not present, but rather, the Greek surrogate kurios had replaced the name. It is also noteworthy to mention that there are no extant New Testament manuscripts from the first century. The oldest known New Testament manuscript is a fragment of the Gospel of John in Greek, dated at the earliest to 125AD. There are later second and third century New Testament manuscripts that have been found. As with the Old Testament Greek manuscripts, the Tetragrammaton, the four letter name of God, cannot be found in any of these surviving New Testament manuscripts. However, extant Old Testament manuscripts dating from the first century and earlier tell a different story. In fact, in all extant manuscripts and fragments of Old 4

Testament writings from the first century or earlier, the Tetragrammaton or some form of it was being used. Textual evidence suggests that the use of the Greek word kurios did not begin replacing the name until the second century. In first century Old Testament manuscripts that have been discovered, the name of God is written in three different ways: in Herodian Hebrew script of that era, a more ancient Paleo Hebrew script (see examples below), or in some instances, rendered in Greek by the letters IAO. In all of the Hebrew Old Testament manuscripts discovered in the caves around the Dead Sea, the Hebrew name of God is present, written in the Herodian Hebrew script as hwhy. These manuscripts date between 100BC and 70 AD. In some instances, the main body of text is written in the Herodian Hebrew script, but the name of God is written in the more ancient Paleo Hebrew. There were also a few Greek Old Testament fragments found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. One such manuscript is from the book of Habakkuk. In this beautiful text, dated at the turn of the Common Era, the words are all in Greek; except when it comes to the Tetragrammaton. (Continued on page 5)

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The name of God is not written in Greek, but rather it is in Paleo Hebrew (see example below). From cave four, manuscript 4Q120, is a fragment of Leviticus 4:17. In this Greek manuscript dated to 1BC, the name of God is written as a Greek rendering of IAO. In his book, The

Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, author Geza Vermes writes, “The Tetragram (the divine name YHWH) is rendered semi-phonetically as Iao, and is not replaced, as was customary later, by the Greek Kurios (Lord).” The Dead Sea Scrolls are not the only first century manuscripts discovered. In the deserts of Egypt from the Oxyrhynchus collection, a few first century Old Testament manuscript fragments were uncovered. One such manuscript is a Greek text from the book of Job, dated to around 50AD. Also as with the

Habakkuk scroll found at Qumran, in this first century Greek Old Testament, the name of God is not replaced with the Greek word kurios, but rather, the name of God appears in Paleo Hebrew Script (see below). Scholars and paleographers are aware that manuscripts from the first century and earlier do not use a surrogate kurios for the name of God. This practice does not show up until codices of the second century. What does this mean for Bible students interested in a study of God’s name? The evidence suggests that Old Testament Scriptures used by Jesus and the disciples most likely contained the name of God. In Luke chapter four when Jesus went to the synagogue in Nazareth and read from the scroll of Isaiah, the Tetragrammaton could have been present. When Philip met the eunuch from Alexandria in Acts 8 and he was reading from the scroll of

Isaiah, this manuscript most likely contained the name of God. Also when Paul reasoned with the Bereans “out of the scripture” in Acts chapter 17, these disciples very likely had a rendering of YHWH, either in Paleo Hebrew script, or in a Greek rendering, semi-phonetically as IAO. All of these New Testament records took place before 70AD, and there is no textual evidence that the Greek word kurios (translated into English as “Lord”) was being used as a replacement for the Tetragrammaton until the second century AD. 1

Encyclopedia Britannica Online, Downloaded on 11/18/2011 from website at URL ecked/topic/651183/Yahweh 2

Vermes, G. (2004). The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English.

London, England: Penguin Books Ltd., Pg 472.

The name of God, YHWH, in Herodian Hebrew script from First Century Era

The name of God, YHWH, in Paleo Hebrew

Habakkuk scroll from Rockefeller Museum, Jerusalem, Israel. The scroll is written in Greek. The Tetragrammaton is written in Paleo Hebrew script. Scroll is dated to turn of century-1AD. 5

Job scroll from Oxyrhynchus collection- Egyptian desert. The scroll is written in Greek. The Tetragrammaton is written in Paleo Hebrew script. Scroll is dated to 50AD.

DANIEL 9:24-27


ahweh’s wisdom and generosity are evident with the instruction He gave Israel regarding agriculture. For six years, they were to work the land to produce crops, and in the seventh year, they were to give the land a Sabbath and leave the land dormant so it could rejuvenate. Yahweh promised the land would produce enough in the sixth year to provide for three years− the sixth, seventh, and eighth. The details of this instruction are found in Leviticus 25 and in chapter 26; the consequences of disobedience are also recorded. If they failed to obey, God would allow them to become captives taken from the land, and then the land would receive its Sabbaths.

Daniel was one of the young men taken captive to Babylon. In the later part of his life, while reading Jeremiah, he realized the required seventy years was soon ending. Therefore, he gave his attention to Yahweh to seek by prayer forgiveness and the restoration of Jerusalem, the Temple, and “Your people.” Gabriel comes to him with the answer to his prayers, which is quite different than what I am sure Daniel expected. Rather than responding to and satisfying Daniel’s request, which indeed was done, the angel spoke of the ultimate restoration of Jerusalem, the holy place, and Israel at the end of the age.

For centuries, Israel struggled with immorality and idolatry, and eventually Yahweh had enough. All the prophets repeatedly told them to turn from the worship of false gods, but they refused to listen. In the day of Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, defeated Judah and led them into captivity that lasted 70 years. Jeremiah 25 and 2Chronicles 36 tell the reason for the length of captivity which was one year for every Sabbath that they failed to keep. Since the Sabbath was supposed to be every seventh year, we can multiply seven times 70 to discover that Israel failed to keep the Sabbaths for 490 years.

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy place. The word “weeks” correspond with the English word “heptads,” which mean a group of seven. We may rightly understand seventy weeks to mean seventy sevens as translated in the LXX and other Coptic MSS. We will see as we progress, the context reveals the group of seven re6

By Vince Finnegan fers to years. Gabriel informs Daniel about another group of 490 years that will accomplish six essentials for Israel and the holy city.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

To finish the transgression To make an end of sin To make atonement for iniquity To bring everlasting righteousness To seal up vision and prophecy To anoint the most holy place

The first three must happen before the last three can become a reality. Yahweh, the holy perfect one, is always righteous and, as the administrator of justice, determines an impartial satisfaction of all transgression, sin, and iniquity. By the grace and mercy of God, those with faith receive atonement for their sins with the cross of Christ. Jesus was the just payment for our sins. For the unbelieving Jews and the rest of humanity, the debt is unpaid; therefore, it must be satisfied. The arm of God’s indignation will come upon Jerusalem and Israel plus the rest of the world and all humanity during the final seven of the 490 years. Before God establishes everlasting righteousness, seals up the vision and prophecy, and anoints the most holy place, there must be a just conclusion or judgment with the necessary consequences for the transgression, sin, and iniquity. (Continued on page 7)

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Daniel 9:25 and 26a So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixtytwo weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. Then after [the restoring and rebuilding of the city] sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing…

Before the advent of Jesus, the reader of Daniel would most likely conclude that the 490 years would be consecutive. These verses among many others caused the Israelites to believe that the Messiah’s coming would bring a restoration to the holy city and his reign as the King of the theocratic worldwide monarchy. The gap of time between the 483 years and the last seven years, the age in which we now live, was purposely hidden by God as part of the

The prince who is to come is called the little horn in Daniel, the Assyrian in Isaiah, the man of lawlessness and the son of destruction in 2 Thessalonians 2 , the antichrist in 1 John, and the beast in Revelation. He will be the last world ruler empowered by Satan during the last seven years before the return of Jesus Christ. The people of this prince will destroy Jerusalem and the temple. He will bring much desolation upon the earth and destruction for humanity.

Daniel 9:27 Consideration of a “...caused the Israelites to believe that "And he will make a firm covenumber of historical the Messiah coming would bring a nant with the many for one records helps to conweek, but in the middle of the clude the exact time restoration to the holy city....” the decree was given week he will put a stop to to restore and rebuild sacrifice and grain offering; Jerusalem, with the and on the wing of abominamost probable being tions will come one who makes when Artaxerxes did desolate, even until a comso (recorded in Neheplete destruction, one that is miah). From this time decreed, is poured out on the until the coming of the great mystery. If God’s intenone who makes desolate." Messiah would be seven tions were known, the crucifixweeks of sevens (49 years) and ion of Christ and the redeemHe will make a peace covenant sixty-two weeks or sevens ing results thereof would not at the beginning of the seven (434 years). From the time of have occurred. The age of years that apparently will inthe decree to rebuild the city grace in which we now live is fluence Israel so that they are until it was complete, 49 years in between the 483 and the able to worship in the Temple, passed. From the completion final seven years. but half way through the until Christ was an additional seven years at 3 ½ years, he 434 years which is 483 years. will break the covenant and Daniel 9:26b (Look at the chart on Page 8 stop the sacrifices. He will set …and the people of the prince for clarity). So, the first 483 of up the abomination of desolathe 490 years spanned the who is to come will destroy the tion in the temple. However, time from Daniel until Christ, city and the sanctuary. And its in the end, his destruction will leaving seven more years. The end will come with a flood; even be poured out by our Lord last seven years correspond to the end there will be war; when he returns. with the final years of this age right before Jesus returns.

desolations are determined.


Congo Connection By Richard and Cheryl Elton


nter the Ark program a success In June, Living Hope International Ministries of the Congo completed its inaugural sevenmonth outreach program called Enter the Ark. The believers who participated in this challenging venture saw growth in their lives and fruit in their communities. Several new house churches were established. Rev. Armel Ngo explains that the goal of this outreach is “to

win people to Christ, and to help them develop and maintain a personal relationship with God, to the end that they keep the faith to enter the Kingdom of God.” “This project was an experimental phase for us. At the end of August, we plan to expand the program to every community across the country, now that our ministry has been officially recognized by the authorities of our country,” he said.

LHIM to visit the Congo From July 26 – August 8, Rev. Vince Finnegan, Rev. Thom Riley, and Dan Fitzsimmons plan to visit the believers in both Congo countries. Meeting them in Africa will be Luis and Ive Carlo from Puerto Rico. Their visit will coincide with the large annual fellowship meeting in Kinshasa as well as a similar meeting in Brazzaville, in the Republic of the Congo. (Continued on page 9)









3 1/2 YRS. 3 1/2 YRS. Desolation by Anti-christ


Anxiety and Worry, Scriptures and Prayer By Mary Ann Yaconis


is that prayer is the answer to being able to have the strength to escape what will happen now and to be ready to take our places before the Son of Man. Worries of this life, we

Health conducted research which reported that anxiety disorders are the number one mental health problem among American women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men. During the 1990’s, panic and anxiety disorders climbed to epidemic proportions and are still climbing. Over 50 million people in the United States are unable to function socially and unable to work, due to panic attacks, phobias, and other anxiety disorders in just one year. Mass shootings in schools, snipers, hijackers, terrorism, economic disasters, tsunamis, violent tornadoes with multiple entire cities devastated, as well as divorce and unemployment at peak numbers are all a part of the stressors that cause anxiety and panic in people’s lives.

uke 21:34-36 Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation [corruptness] and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come Look at the birds on you suddenly like a of the air,...your heavenly trap; for it will come upon all those who dwell Father feeds them. on the face of all the Are you not worth earth. But keep on the alert at all times, praymuch more than they? ing that you may have Matthew 6:27 strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand are warned, can cause us to before the Son of Man. stumble and be unfruitful. The Jesus instructed his disciples to be on guard and be alert so that during the years leading up to his return, we keep ourselves from sin and the personal concerns that emanate from evil in the world. The clear instruction

parable of the seed sown among the thorns (Matthew 6:25 and 26) teaches us that the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the Word out of our lives. The National Institute of Mental

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School’s out!

Congo Connection Continued...

The 2011-2012 school year is over, and ‘summer vacation’ is in full swing for the Congolese children. This year, 56 children from the fellowships in Kinshasa were able to attend school because of the generosity of 42 believers in North America who sponsored them by paying their school tuition.

A full agenda is planned, which includes meeting with the leadership of all three churches, teaching, and ministering. They will also explore how LHIM can more effectively partner with and support them. Please remember to pray throughout this time for a successful trip for all involved.

Because there is no free public schooling, this is a tremendous 9

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blessing to the many families who have financial hardships. If parents cannot afford the tuition ($480 per year), it’s not uncommon that a child simply doesn’t go to school that year. This completes the fourth year of LHIM’s school sponsorship program, which has grown each year. Please prayerfully consider being involved this next school year, and contact LHIM this summer for details.

Anxiety and Worry, Scriptures and Prayer Continued... (Continued from page 9)

Anxiety is thought to be the result of cumulative stress over time. Americans are at this time under more stress than at any other time in our history. One reason given for this increase in stress is the burgeoning wealth of information that bombards us constantly due to technological changes. Farmers in the 1940’s and 50’s were found to have approximately 30 stressors a day, while people living in cities today deal with at least 3,000 stressors a day. Scientists have determined that probably one of the most devastating situations for Americans is the lack of a consistent, externally sanctioned set of standards and values. These are traditionally prescribed by society that is impacted by religion. People living

without these values have a void in which they are left to fend for themselves. With the onslaught of worldviews and values promoted by the media, people are left to determine for themselves what is important, right, and just. All of this causes an erosion of a person’s ability to manage everyday occurrences, let alone the everpresent city, state, country, and global issues that surround us. Godlessness is rampant, and anxiety multiplies and cripples people’s lives. Christians are not immune to the anxiety of unbelief. Personal relationships are a major source of anxiety. Dealing with offenses, losses, difficult people, and sin patterns of loved ones distracts Christians from their faith and trusting in God alone. Matthew 6:25-27 For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you being worried can add a single hour to his life? If we as Christians have been given the ability by God not to worry about our lives or to be entangled with daily cares (2 Timothy 2:4), we have no need to be anxious for our safety, food, clothing, jobs, and health. 10

Philippians 4:6, 7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Training our minds to be at peace is a difficult process when we do not have a disciplined mind to begin with. But with the help of God and the holy spirit, we can become disciplined. Just as we exercise our body’s muscles to be strong, we have to exercise our brains to think the way they were designed to think – the way that Christ’s mind thought. Jesus gave us fair warning (Mark 13) to trust in the holy spirit and not to be deceived by the senses but instead to be spiritual. As we work the Word and become more knowledgeable about the Scriptures, we begin to develop a personal relationship with God through Christ and build our faith. Through this process, we will find that our anxiety will dissipate because we will be trusting in Yahweh. Anxious thoughts are those that are contrary to what the Word says. Every thought is to line up with the Word. The time to start training our minds is now. When adversities happen, we need to have our thoughts and faith already in order. We cannot delay a minute longer. Read, study, and pray to be able to have the strength to stand strong in the evil day.

Trinity Controversy 1: Alexander and Alexandria By Sean Finnegan


he stereotype of pious, respectful theologians working together to understand and articulate the doctrine of the Trinity looms large in the collective imagination of countless Christians. However, the truth is that defenders of the Trinity doctrine in the fourth and fifth centuries were guilty of hypocrisy, embezzlement, slander, hatred, beatings, kidnappings, and even murder in their herculean effort to force others, content with simpler ideas about God, to believe that Jesus really was on the same level as the almighty, supreme God and that he really was both divine and human at the same time. In the course of this series of articles, we will see bishops and priests act like children, vying for the attention of their emperor in an effort to use their privileged position as their patron’s favorite to undermine, discredit, and exile their theological opponents. As we journey through the historical record, we will look on as myth after myth evaporate like mirages on a desert trek that are convincing illusions when viewed from a distance, but suddenly disappear when one draws near. We will discover why many church history textbooks

omit the juicy stories of chicanery, politicking, and megalomania in an effort to cloak this formative period in a conspiracy of silence rather than tell the whole story, warts and all. We will begin our investigation in the early days of the conflict between Alexander and Arius in A.D. 318 at Alexandria, and end in A.D. 451 when the dualnatures’ doctrine was set in stone at Chalcedon. Along the way, I will not be able to cover every important person engaging in the various issues that arose during the time but will instead focus my attention on the players who most flagrantly flouted Christ’s command to love their enemies in an effort to bolster and impose their own belief on others. I intend to restore some balance to the current, one-sided version of the events students of church history are typically spoon fed. I contend much of what is out there represents only the most digestible chunk of a very fatty piece of meat, which is often pre-chewed and partially digested. So, rather than focusing on the good, what follows will expose the bad and the ugly so that truthseekers may find themselves better equipped to make informed decisions about the Trinity idea. 11

Before delving into the controversy that broke out in Alexandria in A.D. 318 when Bishop Alexander fired Arius, one of his pastors, we must begin with a few words about Alexandria and Alexandrian Christianity. Ever since Alexander the Great founded and gave his name to the port city at the mouth of the Nile delta in 331 B.C., Alexandria was destined for greatness. Not only was it the capital city of Egypt for a millennium (until the Muslims came in A.D. 641), but it survives even today with more than four million inhabitants and is still the largest city on the Mediterranean coast. After Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C., Ptolemy (one of his generals) took possession of Egypt and established a dynasty of Greek rulers in Alexandria that would last until Cleopatra VII, the last autonomous Ptolemaic ruler, finally succumbed to Roman imperialism in 30 B.C. Whether under Greek control or Roman, the city enjoyed a reputation as the sophisticated intellectual center of the Mediterranean world. The famed library of Alexandria—the largest in the ancient world, housing hundreds of thousands of scrolls— stood as a monument to the city’s voracious appetite for knowledge. Even Athens was surpassed by Alexandria as first-class scholars and thinkers flocked there to pursue philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, anatomy, and geography. It was in Alexandria that (Continued on page 12)

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Ptolemy II commissioned the most famous Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, the Septuagint, in the third century B.C.

tions, contributions, and controversies, the city’s bishops played critical roles in the wider Christian world from Demetrius (who began the process of galvanizing episcopal authority) to Dioscorus (whose brazen, thug tactics earned him the distinction of causing the defection of Alexandria from the Catholic communion, a rift that produced the Coptic O rt h o do x Church). Demetrius, who held sway from A.D. 189 to 232, famously rebuked the bishops of Caesarea and Jerusalem for allowing Origen, a man whose scholarly reputation had by then far surpassed his own, to preach in their churches though he was not ordained as a minister. Later on, while he was sojourning in Caesarea, these same bishops solved the problem by doing what Demetrius stubbornly refused to do—ordain Origen as a priest. When he came home to Alexandria, Demetrius was so appalled at such blatant disregard for his authority that he ran Origen out of Egypt for good. Demetrius and those who inherited his position after him were master politicians; they steadily increased their power locally and abroad

“When modern readers are introduced to the theological debates of the fourth and fifth centuries, they are sometimes shocked by the atmosphere in which they took place. Those debates were not carried on by calm scholars sitting in their manuscript-lined studies. From one perspective, the story is one of misunderstandings, vicious personal attacks, distortions, violence, bribes, mutual excommunication, intervention by emperors, and the deposition and exile of bishops and others who lost in the struggle. From another perspective, the story is one of theological creativity that has shaped Christian beliefs for about fifteen centuries.” – Joseph H. Lynch, Early Christianity: A Brief History (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010), 161.

A truly diverse society, Alexandria was home to the ruling Greeks and Romans and the largest community of Jews outside of Judea and a huge number of native Coptic Egyptians. At times, the city was fraught with eruptions of riots and mob violence and at others viewed as a model of civilization. In fact, Augustus Caesar himself spared no expense upgrading Rome to imitate the jewel of the Nile. The metropolis had a reputation as the light of the world— symbolized by its massive lighthouse, the Pharos—and was also the bread basket of the region. The fertile ground on either side of the Nile river produced vast quantities of grain, far more than Alexandria needed, enriching it immeasurably. In short, Alexandria was one of the major hubs of the ancient world and was a place of incredible influence and importance with regard to agriculture, philosophy, religion, culture, architecture, and, before long, Christian theology as well. Although Christianity found its

way to Alexandria much earlier, it was not until around A.D. 190 that the famed catechetical school—a training ground for new Christians and a center for advanced theological study— came to prominence. Under its founder, Pantaenus, and his successors, Clement and Origen, the school endeavored to combine Christian theology and Greek philosophy in an effort to make the faith intelligible to the educated and elite of the second and third centuries. Over time, Alexandrian Christianity became enormously influential, and a good portion of the most important ecumenical councils resulted from Alexandrian theology, one way or another. Beyond the theological innova12

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until the bishopric of Alexandria was elevated to a position of such eminence that it was second only to Rome, typically expressed with the moniker “second among equals.”

made it impossible for Arius to receive communion in any of the churches under Alexander’s influence. Furthermore, Alexander was not satisfied with ruining Arius’ livelihood and potential for

and impious. He wanted to be sure that Arius could not find friends in high places, or at least not in the Constantinople. However, Alexander had gone too far this time, and Arius, though already sixty-two years old, had no intentions of taking such bullying lying down. He would fight back, and he was not alone. Even if Alexander had supreme authority over Egypt’s clergy, Arius would soon turn to poetry and song to popularize his message. Before long, Arius’ Thalia was recited and sung by sailors all over the Mediterranean. After all, Alexandria was the most important and busiest port in the region.

“As important as his doctrinal emphases is Alexander’s method of painting his opponents (primarily Arius) as devious and deranged; they are divisive, mischievous, deceitful, “Jewish,” insane, and embedded in a chain of heretical predecessors, all drawing their venom from the devil.” –Bart D. Ehrman and Andrew S. Jacobs, Christianity in Late Antiquity 300-450 C.E. (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2004), 160.

With this background in mind, we can now turn to Alexander, who was bishop of Alexandria from A.D. 313 to 326. Alexander was a welleducated controversialist, who engaged in the debate over the dating of Easter, the removal of Meletius of Lycopolis from office, and, most importantly, the firestorm surrounding whether or not Jesus was on the same level as God. The year was A.D. 318, and Alexander began publicly insisting that the Son and Father were both eternal. This message came as a shock to Arius, the aged and well-respected pastor of an Alexandrian congregation in the Baucalis district. Scandalized by Alexander’s strange and contradictory teaching, Arius protested and asserted that the Son was subordinate to the Father because he was begotten. Alexander called a synod of a hundred Egyptian bishops and not only severely reprimanded Arius, but removed him from office and even excommunicated him. This

acceptance in Egypt, he also sent a letter to the bishop of Constantinople. In this letter he incessantly railed on Arius and labeled him a greedy scoundrel who was driven mad by the devil. He claimed it was Arius who refused to remain under the authority of the church; it was Arius who sowed strife and controversy; it was Arius who went off to gather a gang of fighters to assail the church. Alexander went on to call him wretched, deranged, cantankerous, idiotic, ignorant, 13

Next time, we will turn our attention to Arius in an effort to understand his theology and dispel some of the more pernicious myths that many Christians hold, even today.

Actually, the library was only one part of the larger museum, which served as a research institute. Such luminaries as Euclid, Archimedes, Eratosthenes, Herophilus, Erasistratus, Hipparchus, Aedesia, Pappus, Hypatia, Aristarchus of Samos, and Saint Catherine spent time in there. For the text of the letter, consult J. Stevenson’s A New Eusebius: Docu-

ments Illustrating the History of the Church to ad 337, trans. Stuart Hall, ed. J. Stevenson, rev. ed. W. H.C. Frend (London: SPCK 1987).



ohn, Isaiah, and Ezekiel were all allowed to see a window into God’s “throne room” (Revelation 46, Isaiah 6, and Ezekiel 1). Each glance inspires awe, humility, and wonder in the reader and compels the awe worthy response of worship. John says the following:

Revelation 4:2-4 I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance. And around the throne were twenty-four thrones; and upon the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and golden crowns on their heads. John was “in the spirit” implies a state of spiritual exaltation best described as a trance or vision similar to what Peter experienced with the vision of the blanket and animals in Acts 10 and Paul being caught up into the third heaven and earth. The words “throne” or “thrones” are used 48 times in Revelation from a total of 64

times in the New Testament. John is viewing the place of the absolute authority, dominion, sovereignty of Almighty God who was and is and is to come. The supreme authority overall belongs only to Yahweh. The rainbow is first seen after the flood recorded in Genesis 9:11-13. God gave it as a sign of His covenant not to destroy the earth by water again. So, the bow stands as a sign of God’s integrity and faithfulness to keep His covenant. The rainbow over the throne signifies Yahweh’s unparalleled, incomparable truthfulness and reliability. His authority is pure, righteous, unwavering, and absolute. Today, the rainbow is a symbol of homosexual pride. The president of the United States was recently on the cover of a prominent magazine with a rainbow halo over his head. Could any picture be more sacrilegious and communicate more effectively the arrogant disrespect for our holy God? Although many believe that the 24 elders are humans, such as the 12 apostles and 12 heads of the Israel tribes, we have no biblical reason for such a conclusion. They are clearly spiritual beings who are in reverential subjection to 14

God but also with ruling regal authority. “Thrones” and “crowns” imply ruling authority; yet, they are obviously subordinate to and in harmony with God. Apparently, some hierarchy is in place in the spiritual realm. Their primary task is to worship God (Rev 4:4, 10; 5:5, 6, 8, 11, 14; 7:11, 13; 11:16; 14:3; 19:4).

Revelation 4:5 And from the throne proceed flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God; Lightning and thunder are aweinspiring, and in this context, “voices” is to be understood in the same way. At Mount Sinai, God presented Himself in a similar fashion according to Exodus 19. The living creatures and the elders speak to John in his visions, but the seven spirits do not. They seem not to have individual personalities; rather, they are similar to the gift of holy spirit that each believer receives, comparable in that the spirit serves as a vehicle of communication and power of God.

Revelation 4:6-8 Before the throne there was, as (Continued on page 15)

(Continued from page 14)

in nature. Each of them has the pre-eminence in his particular sphere and world. The lion is supreme among beasts; the ox is supreme among cattle; the eagle is supreme among birds; and man is supreme among all creatures. The lion is the king of beasts, the noblest of them all. The laboring ox is the strongest of beasts. The eagle is the swiftest of all birds. Man is the smartness in all creation.

Who was and who is and who is to come (1:4, 8; 11:17; and 16:5).

it were, a sea of glass like crysRevelation 4:9-11 tal; and in the center and around And when the living creatures the throne, four living creatures give glory and honor and thanks full of eyes in front and behind. to Him who sits on the throne, to And the first creature was like Him who lives forever and ever, a lion, and the second creature the twenty-four elders will fall like a calf, and the third creadown before Him who sits on the ture had a face like that of a throne, and will worship Him who man, and the fourth creature lives forever and ever, and will was like a flying eagle. cast their crowns before the And the four living creatures, throne, saying, each one of them having six "Worthy art Thou, our wings, are full of eyes Lord and our God, to rearound and within; and day ceive glory and honor and and night they do not power; for Thou didst crecease to say, "Holy, holy, “The rainbow over the throne ate all things, and because holy, is the LORD God, the of Thy will they existed, signifies Yahweh’s Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come. unparalleled, incomparable and were created."

truthfulness and reliability.” The elders join in the Ezekiel 1:4-28, the only worship. Their actions other occurrences of are ways of giving Him the four living creathe chief place. The tures, provides more throwing down of their descriptive details. crowns expresses the truth Ezekiel sees them from all “Rest not day and night saythat He alone reigns; all other sides and notes that each has ing” implies the most spiritual sovereignty must yield to His. all four images as part of beings in existence, those ever In heaven, God is worshipped them. John sees only one side in the presence of God, conunceasingly! Remember the of each. They are the closest tinually praise Him. They acLord’s Prayer - “Our Father living beings near God. “Eyes knowledge three outstanding who art in heaven, hallowed be before” and “eyes behind” characteristics of God: thy name. Thy kingdom come. suggest they can always keep Thy will be done on earth as it their eyes upon God while also He is completely holy. No is in heaven.” When the day seeing what is in front of darkness, uncleanness, or sin comes, everyone on earth will them. They hold a spiritual is associated with the one who worship God unceasingly. We perception and constant is holy, holy, holy. His holiness need not wait for the Kingdom watchfulness. The eyes may triumphs over all evil. to join in with the heavenly also symbolize God’s all seeing host and give glory, honor, and nature and His omnipresence. He is the Almighty (Genesis thanks to Almighty God! 17:1; 2Corinthians 6:16; ReveThe four living creatures stand lation 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; for everything that is noblest, 16:7, 14; 19:6, 15; 21:22). strongest, wisest, and swiftest 15

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The Final Words A Study of the Book of Revelation, Part 1 As the last book, Revelation contains many quotations and citations from the entire Bible. Many of the prototypes of the end times are elucidated with remarkable insight. As with the conclusion of many other books, the final words in Revelation put together what is written throughout the whole Bible. For many of us, Revelation has been difficult to comprehend; however, a fresh look at this time to come will be sure to increase our understanding. God expects us to know!

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