Glagoslav Publications - Catalogue 2015

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Your Trusted Publisher of Slavic Literature

Glagoslav Publications is an independent British-Dutch publishing company, specializing in the production and worldwide distribution of the English and Dutch language translations of fiction and non-fiction titles by Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian authors. Expertise in Slavic and European languages and literature, extensive experience in international publishing, and a deep appreciation of the histories and cultures of both Western and Eastern Europe enable us to offer English-speaking readers throughout the world and Dutch readers in The Netherlands and Belgium access to important works that deserve an audience beyond their native lands. We seek out books from Slavic countries that represent an important part of our common cultural, literary, and intellectual heritage and that promote a better understanding of this intriguing but often misunderstood part of the Eurasian continent. The primary focus of Glagoslav Publications is to bring out translations that embody values that are uniquely Slavic in nature. Every book that we publish has already achieved an engaged readership in its native land, has been recognized by international critics, and, in many cases, has either received or been short-listed for prestigious national and international awards. Glagoslav Publications has launched an entire series of previously untranslated fiction and non-fiction titles including re-publications of translations that deserve the attention of international readers with an interest in Eastern Europe. Our print and e-book titles are now in stores across the globe. Thanks to advances in the art of publishing and distribution, high-quality print editions are available for low-cost, fast delivery not only through our website and other internet vendors, but also through most local bookstores in the United States, Canada, UK, The Netherlands, Belgium and other EU Countries, Australia, New Zealand and throughout the world.

In 1941 a Belarusian soldier and an Italian girl escape the Nazi concentration camp. The soldier tries to get rid of the girl; she is a burden and is slowing him down. But she is also a native and knows the territory and the Alps where they eventually find their shelter. Somewhere along the way the two develop feelings for each other but their love is not destined to grow beyond the edge of the mountains. Yet, their emotional bond cannot be denied and years after the war something happens… From the master of psychological narrative whose firsthand experience with World War II enabled him to re-create the ordeal on pages of his books, Alpine Ballad is Vasil Bykau’s most heartfelt story. Bykau sends a powerful message to his readers: human values can be extrapolated and in the context of war people can still uphold their humanity. An altruistic, philanthropic project of Glagoslav Publications, Alpine Ballad

Vasil Bykau

Alpine Ballad

is coming out as a gesture of peace and a reminder to all of the human cost of wars that ransack our planet to this day.

Novel ISBN: 9781784379445 Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF

Translated from the Belarusian by Mikalai Khilo.

Vasil Bykau (1924 – 2003) is a household name in Belarus and is the most widely read Belarusian novelist outside his native country. Bykau’s novels featuring World War II have been captivating minds and hearts of generations of readers in Belarus and beyond its borders. Hailing from a small Belarusian village, Bykau experienced the war as a young man and later, already a writer, transferred his memories onto pages of his literary works. After the war, Bykau quickly became actively involved in promotion of the Belarusian renaissance, albeit clashing with the Soviet authorities. His opinionated position on many issues earned him popularity among peers and a strong following in Belarus and abroad where he had lived for many years.



A publishing sensation in Russia in 2012, Everyday Saints and Other Stories by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) of the Russian Orthodox Church hit the top of the bestseller lists in the country and won several national awards including Book of the Year. This finest piece of “monastery prose” is a collection of stories from the author’s life. The book continues to mesmerize the international audience, and here’s why. In it, readers find homilies, confessions and parables, words of universal wisdom and much more. “Almost all the stories included in the book, were part of my sermons. All this is part of our church life. A sermon is based on the understanding of the Scripture, on the interpretation of church events by the holy fathers and examples from life. Students of pastoral theology told these stories. To brotherhood and friends. Many advised me strongly, and then even demanded, that these stories were written.” The book has been translated into English, German, French, Polish, Greek and

Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov)

other languages.

Everyday Saints and Other Stories (Dutch) ISBN: 9781784379186 Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF

Archimandrite Tikon (Shevkunov) is a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate. He is the Abbot of the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow, and the Executive Secretary of the Patriarchal Cultural Council of the Moscow Patriarchate. He is also a member of the Presidential Council on Culture and the Arts for the Russian Federation.


In his book Vladimir Lenin. How to Become a Leader, Vladlen Loginov who is one of major authorities on Vladimir Lenin, writes about the revolutionary leader’s early years, his parents, his choice of career and his political activity. He goes on to show where the future statesman and creator of the world’s first socialist country came from with his incredible will power and ability to influence people, his drive towards success and his leadership qualities. All of these were Lenin’s distinct character traits since a young age. Hundreds of books have been written about this one of the most misterious and influential people in the history of mankind. In his research, Vladlen Loginov used new sources, previously unknown documents and memoirs, and uses archive of Russians in exile. In this work, Loginov, with objectivity of a great historian, explores ways which in his first thirty years of life led Vladimir Ulyanov, a graduate of the School of Law at Kazan University, baptised in Russian Orthodox Church in his childhood, to the establishment

Vladlen Loginov

of the world’s first socialist state.

Vladimir Lenin. How To Become a Leader Biography ISBN: 9781782670612 Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF

Vladlen Loginov is the director of the Center for Historical Research, professor of National and World History at the Russian Academy of Education, author of over 400 academic works on the 20th century history of Russia.



Paradoxes of Growth addresses vital problems of global demographic revolution when humanity shifts to a limited reproduction. The answer to the questions why this happens and what are the consequences of that inuences not only our distant future, but also our approach to solving today’s problems, particularly the analysis of the causes and results of the global crisis. In his book, Sergei Kapitsa examines the concept of the model and the main results of mathematical modelling which led to the theory of growth of the world population, offers an interpretation of history and development of the humanity, the present and the future that we may expect. The discussion of global issues is not intended to be a complete analysis, but shows the opportunities offered by the quantitative analysis of the history of the world. The concept developed by Kapitsa is related to human civilization as a whole and can provide some forecasts for large bounded communities as well. Translated from the Russian by Inna Tsys.

Sergei Kapitsa

Paradoxes of Growth Popular science ISBN: 9781782671213 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF

Sergei Kapitsa was an outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist, professor and TV presenter, patent-holder of 14 inventions and 1 discovery, author of hundreds of books and articles published in many languages around the world. He conducted scientific research and worked in numerous fields of science. Professor Kapitsa was one of the founders of cliodynamics and the creator of the phenomenological mathematical model of hyperbolic growth of the world population and the global demographic transition.


‘Much as Pavel Basinsky bases his the [book] is still an essentially Over a hundred years ago something outrageous happened in Yasnaya Polyana. Count Leo Tolstoy, a famous author eighty two years of age at the time, took off, destination unknown. Since then, circumstances surrounding the writer’s whereabouts during his final days and his eventual death bred many myths and legends. Popular Russian writer and journalist Pavel Basinsky picks into archives and presents his interpretation of facts prior to Leo Tolstoy’s mysterious disappearance. Basinsky follows Leo Tolstoy throughout his life up to the very end. Reconstructing the story from historical documents, he creates a visionary account of events that led to the Tolstoy family drama. Translated from the Russian by Scott D. Moss.

Pavel Basinsky is a famous Russian writer and literary critic, member of the Union of Russian Writers and the Academy of Russian contemporary literature and an active member of the permanent jury of the Solzhenitsyn Prize and Yasnaya Polyana Book Prize. Basinsky graduated from the Saratov University and the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute in Moscow, where he also obtained his PhD in Russian Philology. Since 1981, Pavel Basinsky’s works of criticism have been appearing in Literaturnaya Gazeta (‘Literary Newspaper’) and such literary journals as Novy Mir (‘New World’) and others. Currently he a culture editor of Rossiyskaya Gazeta (‘Russian Newspaper’). Pavel Basinsky received the Big Book Prize for his book Leo Tolstoy: Flight From Paradise and the Anti-Booker Prize for his works of literary criticism.



narrative on documentary proof, intimate statement’ THE VOICE OF RUSSIA

“A new and powerful book by Pavel Basinsky describes the writer’s last days in moving and graphic terms.” RUSSIA BEYOND THE HEADLINES






approach, showing Tolstoy’s departure through the perspective of his entire life, which makes this book so special.” RUSSIA NOW

Pavel Basinsky

Leo Tolstoy: Flight From Paradise Biography ISBN: 9781782671268 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF


This book is a novel-in-verse about the first Russian translator of the Iliad, the romantic poet and librarian Nikolai Gnedich (1784-1833). Since Gnedich spent almost his entire life translating Homer’s epic poem, Maria Rybakova has chosen verse as the most appropriate stylistic means in recreating his life. To the English-speaking world, this genre of poetic biography is best exemplified by Ruth Padel’s Darwin – A Life in Poems. Like the Iliad itself, the novel consists of twelve Songs or Cantos, and covers the life of Gnedich from his childhood to his death. It depicts the lives of Gnedich and his best friend, the poet Batyushkov, who is slowly losing his sanity, and incorporates motifs from their poetry, from Homer’s epics, and from Greek mythology, as well as magnificent images of imperial Russia and the Homeric world. The space of the novel covers snowy Russian villages, aristocratic St. Petersburg salons, magnificent Italian landscapes, and the

Maria Rybakova

austere Greece of Homer’s heroes. Rybakova allows readers to lift the veil of


secrecy that surrounds imperial Russia, the foregone era that’s lost forever and


only comes to life by the will of a writer.

ISBN: 9781784379544 304 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 1st June 2015 € 17.00

Maria Rybakova was born in Moscow. She studied Greek and Latin in Russia, then in Germany and subsequently in the USA where she is now teaching the subject. Her first novel, Anna Grom and her Ghost was published in 1999. Several novels and short stories followed. Maria Rybakova is a recipient of numerous literary awards in Russia, including Students’ Booker Prize, Eureka Prize, Serguei Dovlatov Prize, Antologia Award, The Russian Prize, Globus Award. Her novels have been translated into German, Spanish and French. Gnedichis her first book to appear in English.



The Investigator is set in the mid 20th century USSR. With Joseph Stalin at the helm the post-war Soviet society struggles to rebuild and heal the nation of its multiple wounds. Nothing comes easy. The authorities are being confronted with new and quite creative criminal structures that shatter socialist ideals. A young woman is murdered in a typical Soviet town somewhere in Ukraine. In the spirit of the era everyone is a suspect. Many theories of the crime emerge and to solve the mystery an investigator is being summoned - a strong man, former intelligence officer, tested by war. Now his purpose is in fighting malignant elements in the entrusted to him territory. But he is not the only hero in this story - there’s also a plural protagonist with a loud and obnoxious voice desperate to be heard - this voice is exactly the reason why Khemlin wrote The Investigator, a striking novel about Soviet life that has never been revealed before.

Margarita Khemlin

The Investigator Novel ISBN: 9781784379650 338 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 30th October 2015 € 18.30

Margarita Khemlin is a Jewish-Russian author and winner of the Russian Booker Prize and the Big Book Prize. Khemlin began with a modest dishwashing job in a café decades ago while working hard to fulfill her writing dream. She never gave up and many manuscripts later she is a prolific and celebrated novelist in today’s Russia. Since 2012 Khemlin is also one of the jurors of The O’Henry Award in the USA.


‘This is a must-read book, “This is a must-read book, it will change you,” critic Mikaël Demets has written. “It is the result of painstaking work over a period of 15 years. It is an immensely valuable document related to the history of Chernobyl and examining the disaster which occurred there from all possible angles. 1968: the fire at the nuclear power plant and the real risk of an explosion which might have wiped Europe off the map, and the fate of the so-called liquidators – 800,000 young Soviet citizens who were sent there to try to limit the consequences of the accident at the power station, amid incredible levels of radiation which not even the electricity systems of robots could survive. It was a tragedy for these people, who had been completely abandoned by the authorities, and who died in the most horrific of circumstances after being exposed to inhuman dosages of radiation. The reader then finds out what happened next: the scale of the catastrophe was deliberately underplayed. If people had known the true extent of the disaster, the practice of using nuclear power might have come to an end altogether – (and there would have been no Fukushima, nor any of the other catastrophes which the nuclear power industry cannot guarantee it will be able to avert, Tchertkoff adds). This outcome was unthinkable, of course, for there was too much money at stake: the West had joined the Soviet leaders in hiding the true level of danger posed by this event. They all sought to draw a line under Chernobyl and move on. The book contains a wealth of documents from the time: selected with care and easy to read, they give us an insight into modern-day Belarus. The country was home to peasants who were not aware of the risks posed by radiation inside their food, without which they would simply have died of hunger. There are countless diseases which still exist today because no-one is doing anything to find a cure for them, barring a handful of experts who are trying to save the people. What have they achieved? The claims they make in their works are refuted, and their pleas for help are rejected. The remarkable doctor Y. Bandzhevsky was arrested, sentenced and tortured. The book is frightening, gripping, soul-destroying and deeply alarming; it brings us face to face with the cynicism, self-centred approach and scorn of the big organisations as regards human lives. Fortunately there is a handful of people who are stubbornly fighting back against all this, despite the fact that it is not a fair fight.” Wladimir Sergeevich Tchertkoff began his career as a documentary-maker rather than a professional writer, although he felt a keen sense of envy and admiration about great works of literature from his childhood onwards.



it will change you...’


Hundreds of books have been written about Chernobyl, from short works to lengthy studies. It was the biggest radiation catastrophe in the history of Mankind, and few will be left unmoved after gaining a closer insight into what happened. Amid the vast panoply of works on Chernobyl, Wladimir Tchertkoff’s book The Crime of Chernobyl - a Nuclear Goulag has an important place.

Wladimir Tchertkoff

The Crime of Chernobyl The Nuclear Goulag Non-fiction ISBN: 9781784379315 Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF


Having spent years in a coma, a female protagonist is anxious to lead a normal life. Her miraculous recovery is riddled with falling in and out of our time continuum - she wanders through history in her imagination as if it were her backyard. Notwithstanding her condition, her peers are going through a real change of their own echoing events that engulfed Russia in the past few decades. In Multiple Personalities, life is a masquerade and its participants are characters from classic world literature racing towards destination unknown. The question they all are asking is whether the traditional notion of time’s flow from the past to the future is the correct one. Who has the answer?

Tatyana Shcherbina

Multiple Personalities Novel ISBN: 9781784379346 168 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 15th June 2015 € 18.30

Tatyana Shcherbina is known in Russia for her poetry and prose, as well as numerous essays and translations from French. Her early works had been self-published in the USSR to avoid censorship, and it was only in the new Russia that she gained public recognition. She recieved various literary awards and is considered one of Russia’s most celebrated female writers.



A Man of Change is a gift from the Foundation of the First President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin otherwise known as The Yeltsin Fund, produced in cooperation with Glagoslav Publications and distributed with the aim to preserve the knowledge and memory of Russia’s first President. Boris Yeltsin will be remembered as the fierce, daring political leader who fought for democratic ideals of his nation during an unprecedented crisis when the Soviet empire had already fallen apart and new emerging nations had not yet firmly established themselves in the region. Russia took over from the previously mighty union of nations, but the country had to be rebuilt and its leadership needed to be reaffirmed. During the years when others were abandoning the sinking ship, Boris Yeltsin showed a remarkable strength of character and took it upon himself to salvage the nation despite unfavorable odds. Yeltsin created a stronghold for the new Russian governance, and this book is about a man who worked until it was his

A Man of Change

time to go, and kept his promise to his native land.

A study of the political life of Boris Yeltsin The President B. Yeltsin Centre Foundation Non-fiction

The President B. Yeltsin Centre Foundation Founded in November 2000, “The President B. Yeltsin Centre” Foundation is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to give the youth of Russia the opportunity to reach their creative potential. The Foundation uses its influence to support young people, cultivating their talents in various fields, including education, science, art and sport. The Foun-

ISBN: 9781784379360 546 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 25th February 2015 € 22.55

dation also carries out studies of historical and political foundations reforms that took place in Russia, and the role of President Yeltsin in Russian and international politics. The Foundation is working to nurture peaceful and friendly relations between the world’s nations, offering help in the battle against social and religious conflicts. In order to achieve these various goals, the charity has become a committed contributor to international humanitarian work.


‘It was an evening of music and tenderness, Marina Tsvetaeva: The Essential Poetry includes translations by Michael M. Naydan and Slava I. Yastremski of lyric poetry from all of great Modernist Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva’s published collections and from all periods of her life. It also includes a translation of two of Tsvetaeva’s masterpieces in the genre of the long poem, “Poem of the End” and “Poem of the Mountain.” The collection strives to present the best of Tsvetaeva’s poetry in a small single volume and to give a representative overview of Tsvetaeva’s high art and development of different poetic styles over the course of her creative lifetime. Also included in the volume are a guest introduction by eminent American poet Tess Gallagher, a translator’s introduction and extensive endnotes. Naydan and Yastremski have previously published a well-received annotated translation of Tsvetaeva’s collection After Russia with Ardis Publishers. The fourteen previously published translations from the After Russia collection have been revised for this volume. A tragic figure in Russian literature, Marina Tsvetaeva is mentioned in the same heights of her distinguished contemporaries Anna Akhmatova, Osip Mandelstam and Boris Pasternak. She published her first collection of intimate lyric poetry at her own expense in 1910 under the title Evening Album, which garnered positive reactions from several prominent poets, who by happenstance reviewed it. She published her second collection Magic Lantern in 1912 and a compilation from her first two collections From Two Books in 1913. Both publications marked her early years in poetry. To follow was her mature period that was shadowed by a romantic fiasco and childbirth in Tsvetaeva’s life, and social turbulence in the old Russia that impacted her family. Despite severe hardship, Tsvetaeva’s creative output was on the rise during the years of the Russian Civil War from 1917-1922. Her daughter Irina died of malnutrition at age 3 in 1920, a tragedy that sparked a series of poems that came out in the following years. Typical of Tsvetaeva in that period was creating lyrical diaries that closely followed events in her life in chronological order.



Everything in the cottage garden blooming.’


“Marina Tsvetaeva holds a very special place in my memory of the search for women writers who might offer examples of what to admire and to which we might aspire.” TESS GALLAGHER

Marina Tsvetaeva - The Essential Poetry Poetry ISBN: 9781784379582 164 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 15th May 2015 € 18.30


Since Maidan in Kyiv and Russian presence in the Crimea, Ukraine has never been the same. In 2014, the country is deeply divided by the conflict imposed on the Ukrainians. But since nobody actually asked the nation, author Oleksandr Shyshko decided to take matters into his own hands and look for the answer to the ultimate question – who are the Ukrainians and what do they want. Shyshko spent his time researching the national identity of native Ukrainians, and as he went he stumbled on a discovery that led to yet another question – where is Ukraine going, the so-called Quo vadis? of the Ukrainian people. His findings and critical comments gave birth to this new book that is now for the first time being published in English.

Oleksandr Shyshko

To Get Ukraine Non-fiction ISBN: 9781783840250 246 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 28th April 2015 € 18.99

Oleksandr Shyshko is an oxymoron. In the past a formidable example of Homo Sovieticus, Shyshko is now an authority on the international environmental law with multiple publications on record and a successful consultant in the field of finance, credit and foreign capital. Throughout his life Shyshko never stopped learning, and the effort paid off in the form of a PhD degree in Law, another degree in Finance, and fluency in a number of European languages including English.



The literature on Boris Yeltsin is vast. Memoirs have been produced not only by politicians – first-hand participants in the events, Yeltsin himself penned three volumes of recollections – but also assistants, press secretaries, political analysts, journalists, MPs, retired members of Gorbachev’s Politburo, public figures now long forgotten, generals of special services and security service staff. Boris Minaev started working on Boris Yeltsin’s biography when the politician was still alive. In his work the author has used not only publicly accessible documents that have been printed or otherwise made accessible but also interviews that are published for the first time. In this unique biography of the first President of the Russian Federation author consistently describes events of Yeltsin’s life, capturing and conveying his unique personality with all the contradictions of his character and principles that determined public attitude towards Yeltsin. Some saw him as an outstand-

Boris Minayev

ing builder of the new Russia, others - as a destroyer of the great state. But

Boris Yeltsin

whoever he was de facto, the decade of his rule shook the world.

The Decade that Shook the World Non-fiction ISBN: 9781784379223 572 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 22nd February 2015 € 22.85

Boris Minayev is a Russian writer and correspondent. Minayev has worked for many Russian venues and is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Medved. Boris Minayev is known for his children’s books and novels for mature readers. One of the most famous works of his that is being widely quoted in the media is his biography of Russia’s first president Boris Yeltsin, first published in the series ‘Lives of Extraordinary People’.


‘He was considered to be a prisoner of Ten years of personal experience with the Russian prison system translates into a series of overarching shorts stories about the characters Mikhail Khodorkovsky meets behind bars – and, through their eyes, first and foremost about the entire system of bureaucratic criminality, and a human tragedy hidden so well. Many a time Khodorkovsky resorts to personification of the despicable treatment of prisoners inside the Russian justice system, but the stories embrace one common theme – that of human passionate voices for freedom and an outcry against injustice. Mikhail Khodorkovsky (born 26 June 1963) is a Russian businessman and former oligarch, as well as philanthropist, public figure and author. In 2003 Khodorkovsky and Roman Abramovich were jointly named as Person of the Year by Expert. In 2004, Khodorkovsky was the wealthiest man in Russia (with a fortune of over $15 billion) and one of the richest people in the world, ranked 16th on Forbes list of billionaires. He had worked his way up the Communist apparatus during the Soviet years, and began several businesses during the era of glasnost and perestroika. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, he accumulated wealth through the development of Siberian oil fields as the head of Yukos, one of the largest Russian companies to emerge from the privatization of state assets during the 1990s. He was arrested on 25 October 2003, to appear before investigators as a witness, but within hours of being taken into custody he was charged with fraud. The government under Vladimir Putin then froze shares of Yukos shortly thereafter on tax charges. The state took further actions against Yukos, leading to a collapse of the company’s share price and the evaporation of much of Khodorkovsky’s wealth. He was found guilty and sentenced to nine years in prison in May 2005. While still serving his sentence, Khodorkovsky and his business partner Platon Lebedev were further charged and found guilty of embezzlement and money laundering in December 2010, extending his prison sentence to 2014. After Hans-Dietrich Genscher’s impassioned lobbying for his release, President Vladimir Putin pardoned him, releasing him from jail on 20 December 2013 There is widespread concern internationally that the trials and sentencing were politically motivated. The trial process has received criticism from abroad for its lack of due process. Khodorkovsky lodged several applications to the European Court of Human Rights, seeking redress for alleged violations by Russia of his human rights.



conscience by Amnesty International.’

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Bajesvolk (Dutch edition) Novel ISBN: 9789491425615 80 pages Available in Paperback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 10th December 2014 € 17.45


Asystole is a novel about love of life in its purest, more instinctive and intimate form. It’s also a novel about human faith in its existence and a desire to experience this love. Author Oleg Pavlov places his character — a boy who grows to be a man and is clearly personified by the writer’s own outlook on life — in impossible and familiar circumstances, impossible not to relate to. Laconic and ‘to the point’ observations of Pavlov’s protagonist as he goes, are chilling at times. They pierce through flesh right to the bone — the quality only the naked truth can have. Asystole is moreover about the by-stander effect, about a disconnected and malfunctioning society and a struggle of one not to merge into the faceless mass of many. Modern, deeply thought through and heartfelt, this novel is an examination of the physics of the human soul.

Oleg Pavlov

Tranlsated from the Russian by Arch Tait.

Asystole Novel ISBN: 9789491425264 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 28th April 2015

Born in Moscow in 1970, Oleg Pavlov is a critically acclaimed, award winning author who puts social and personal themes at the core of his writing. Pavlov has a military background. Some of the lessons he learned during his military service in some of the most inhospitable places where he had witnessed heart wrenching tragedy became the inspiration for his narrative, often immediate, sharp and absolute.



Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna’s Diary, while being a historical document, is not the kind that would give a reader an idea of the time or the personality of the author by describing daily hassles. The Empress, in fact, filled many pages with short spells, lyrics, poems and comments she encountered in the works of JR Miller, Thomas à Kempis, La Rochefoucauld, Wordsworth, Longfellow and others. Words like duty, humility, perseverance, self-sacrifice, and dedication are key concepts here. On paper these might be words, but they represent the life of a woman who held a rather solitary position at the Russian court. Daughter of the German Grand Duke Louis IV and the English Princess Alice, Alix, as was the German name of Alexandra Feodorovna, was an unloved outsider. Despite the loss of her homeland Hessen-Darmstadt, she was happy and passionately devoted herself to her family. In this selected fragment, Tsarina offers us a glimpse into her soul and reveals Orthodox Christianity turns out to be not that much for the sake of her

Tsarina Alexandra’s Diary Dutch edition

marriage but for the sake of her living soul: these notes reveal her deep devotion


the source from which she drew her strength. Her conversion to the Russian

to her faith. The three different parts of the diary - Marriage and Family Life (1899-1904), Wise Words (1908-1913) and The Garden of the Heart (1917) offer a lot of wisdom and reflect the spirit of 2014. Translated by Ineke Zijlstra.

ISBN: 9781783840250 Paperback EPUB/PDF/Kindle Publication date: 30th January 2015 € 17.25

Born a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, Alix of Hesse and by Rhine, was given the name Alexandra Fedorovna upon being received into the Russian Orthodox Church and married to Nicholas II, the last Emperor of the Russian Empire. The Empress consort of Russia, her husband and children were executed in1918 by Bolshevicks.


‘Probably the most important

Sasha “Sankya” Tishin, and his friends are part of a generation stuck between eras. They don’t remember the Soviet Union, but they also don’t believe in the promise of opportunity for all in the corrupt, capitalistic new Russia. They belong to an extremist group that wants to build a better Russia by tearing down the existing one. Sasha, alternately thoughtful and naïve, violent and tender, dispassionate and romantic, hopeful and hopeless, is torn between the dying village of his youth and the soulless capital, where he and his friends stage rowdy protests and do battle with the police. When they go too far, Sasha finds himself testing the elemental force of the protest movement in Russia and in himself. Originally published in 2006, Sankya is even more relevant today as a prism through which to view the recent large-scale actions against Vladimir Putin. It is Prilepin’s first novel and is widely considered his best. Translated from the Russian by Maria Gusev and Jeff Parker with Alina Ryabovolova.

Zakhar Prilepin, one of Russia’s most acclaimed and widely translated contemporary authors, was born in 1975. He is the author of five award-winning novels, three short story collections, and several works of nonfiction. His works have received the top literary prizes in Russia. He lives in Nizhny Novgorod, where he is the regional editor of the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta. Originally published in 2006, Sankya is a cult sensation in Russia, where it won the Yasnaya Polyana Award and was shortlisted for the Russian Booker and the National Bestseller Prize.



writer in modern Russia’


“Prilepin is the biggest event in today’s Russian literature; his language reminds us of Tolstoy.” TATYANA TOLSTAYA

“The novel is so vivid that it seems to be almost extremist.” KOMSOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA

Zakhar Prilepin

Sankya Novel ISBN: 9781783840168 Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 8th April 2014 € 17.25


This biography of the famous psychiatrist and hypnotist is written by one of Messing’s closest friends. Tatiana Lungin spent a lot of time around Messing and kept a diary of things he did, circumstances and events that played an important role in his life. Born a Polish Jew, Wolf Messing ran away from home at early age and soon discovered his psychic gift. He gained an international reputation as the world’s greatest telepath as he toured the capitals of Europe, where he met Albert Eistein and Sigmund Freud. In 1937, after Messing publicly predicted the downfall of the Third Reich, he was forced to flee to Russia. In the USSR Messing gained a rare celebrity status. Even Joseph Stalin himself was intrigued by his ability to influence thoughts at a distance. This book not only depicts a detailed portrait of the great personality, but

Tatiana Lungin

also provides an interesting insight in parapsychology and psychic research

Wolf Messing

behind the Iron Curtain.

The True Story of Russia’s Greatest Psychic

Translated from the Russian by Cynthia Rosenberger and John Glad.

Biography ISBN: 9781782670964 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 9th May 2014 € 17.99

Tatiana Lungin was a Moscow journalist and a close friend of Wolf Messing and his wife and assistant Aida. Messing employed Tatiana specifically to prepare his life story. And their friendship lasted for over thirty years before his death in 1974. Tatiana Lungin conducted meticulous records of all the circumstances of Messing’s life, impressions regarding the man with an extraordinary destiny and a mysterious soul.



The novel Good Stalin is inspired by Erofeyev’s experience growing up amidst the Soviet political hierarchy. His father, a staunch Stalinist who has dedicated his life and soul to the party, begins as Stalin’s personal interpreter, and rises rapidly to the top of the political ladder and into the leader’s inner circle. The book reflects the family’s prestigious – and yet precarious – position as members of the nomenklatura. However, unquestioning devotion to the Communist Party does not come to young Victor so easily as it had for his father: growing up, he begins to write stories classified as ‘obscene literature’ by the party. Like Erofeyev himself, Victor gets involved in the world of dissident literature, violating Soviet censorship laws and being expelled from the Writers’ Union. His actions result in the end of his father’s career, just at the point when he hoped to be appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Victor Erofeyev Translated from the Russian by Scott D. Moss.

Good Stalin Novel

“Victor Erofeyev, the exuberant new iconoclast of Russian literature” THE INDEPENDENT

ISBN: 9781782671114 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 25th June 2014 € 17.99

Victor Erofeyev is a living classic of Russian literature, one of the most acclaimed Russian authors abroad, and a dissident who was described in a recent documentary about his life as ‘the Russian libertine’. In 1992 he was awarded the Nabokov Award, and in 2006 was made a member of the French Order of Arts and Letters. Erofeyev served as editor of the anthology, The Penguin Book of New Russian Writing. He is also a contributor to The New Yorker magazine and hosts a popular program on Russian television.


‘Stone Bridge, the bitter fruit of the Putin On June 3, 1943, two bodies are discovered at the Great Stone Bridge, in the heart of Moscow. They are the teenage offspring of two of Stalin’s favourites: Volodya Shakhurin, the son of the People’s Commissar for the Aviation Industry, and the stunningly beautiful Nina Umanskaya, 15 years of age, the daughter of the former Soviet ambassador to the USA. By all accounts, the former shot the latter before turning the gun on himself. The Stone Bridge is a detailed historical reconstruction of the Stalinist era as seen through one man’s seven-year investigation into the case of ‘young wolves’ - a Nazi-inspired secret society inside an elite Kremlin school. Based on a true story, The Stone Bridge resurrects actual historical figures and brings to light official documents from NKVD case files. The books shines the spotlight on a past with which the country has never properly come to terms, and which therefore - tragially - has a poisonous effect on present-day Russia. Translated from the Russian by Simon Patterson and Nina Chordas.

A professional journalist, Alexander Terekhov has contributed to Ogonek, a top Russian magazine, and worked for the editorial teams of various publications. During his time at the newspaper Top Secret, Terekhov came across an item about two youngsters who perished in 1943 at the Stone Bridge in Moscow. He first featured the story in one of his short works, but later on embarked on a quest for the truth that lasted several years. The outcome of Terekhov’s research provided the premise for his novel The Stone Bridge, eventually winning him the Big Book Award in 2009. Alexander Terekhov is known outside Russian for his sharp, topical satire. He has published several novels and short stories, which have been translated into English, French, German and other languages.



era is postmodern and anti-nostalgic’


“Instead of the standard Russian problems, What is to be done? Who is to blame?, Terekhov’s novel raises postmodern (or post-Soviet) questions: Who am I? What is history?” TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT

‘‘The concept statement that this book is, it’s filled with deep, multifaceted thinking and the vastness of ideas. An achievement for the reader, and the critic.” DMITRY BYKOV

Alexander Terekhov

The Stone Bridge Historical thriller ISBN: 9789081823968 500 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 31st March 2014 € 21.00


Empire of Corruption is Vladimir Solovyov’s attempt to share his opinions on Russia’s ways of dealing with corruption. With a certain irony, Solovyov calls the issue ‘the Russian national pastime’, explaining why in the country where everyone is supposedly fighting corruption, corruption still rules. The author’s detailed research into the corruption structure in Russia, with concrete examples and historical references, is now available to the reader in the English language. Solovyov goes further than just talking about the basics of this evil phenomenon; the author suggests a method, a personal path each citizen of Russia may follow to avert corruption in their country. Translated from the Russian by Matthew Hyde.

Vladimir Solovyov

“The author did not exaggerate or applied labels but chose the position of a wise

Empire of Corruption

observer, thus helping the reader to form his own point of view on the issue. Dis-


tinctive features of the book are - the depth of analysis and fascinating narration.” ROSPIL INFO

ISBN: 9781782670711 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 15th November 2014 € 17.99

Vladimir Solovyov is a famous Russian journalist, TV and radio host and a public person. His career began after graduating from one of Russia’s main institutes of technology and obtaining a PhD degree in economics. At first, he taught science in high school, then spent two years teaching economics at Alabama State University. His bibliography counts more than two dozen titles on most urgent topics in modern Russia.



Russia’s rich history is full of secrets: there’s not another country in the world with so many skeletons in its closet. Vladimir Medinskiy’s new book offers the reader the opportunity to get better acquainted with some myths about Russia in an a quick way. The book covers some of the most interesting, colourful and controversial debates in Russian history and the most popular myths about Russia: lessons from the Bastille and the Civil War, the last testament of Peter the Great, amongst many others. In his book the author tackles some of the most pressing questions about Russia: whether you can trust Russians, the meaning of progress in Russian terms, who really won at the Battle of Borodino two hundred years ago and why Russians call Napoleon ‘the consummate liar’. In this book, Medinskiy diligently unravels the myths surrounding this vast and complex nation, picking them apart to uncover the truth about Russia and her fascinating history.

Vladimir Medynskiy Translated from the Russian by Christopher Culver.

Myths about Russia Non-fiction

“Professor and politician Vladimir Medinsky has explored negative stereotypes surrounding Russians, such as laziness, brutality and drunkenness. His books sparked vicious debate.” THE TELEGRAPH

ISBN: 9781782670865 Available Paperback, Hardback Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 15th December 2014 € 17.99

Vladimir Medinskiy is a Russian statesman, professor, essayist and novelist. Since May 2012 he has held the post of Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation. Although he is the author of several popular books on advertising, PR and history, his Myths about Russia series is Medinskiy’s most famous, having been the bestselling Russian popular history series of recent years.


‘The photos in this album plunge the viewer but the history of Russia Children’s Fashion of the Russian Empire is a book of photographs that has been compiled by the famous Russian fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev. The book is all about children’s clothing and fashion in Russia in the age of the Tsars, from the 1860s to 1917. Presented in the form of an antique photo-album and featuring over 400 photographs from the author’s private collection, Children’s Fashion of the Russian Empire is unique in both its content and the way it is presented. The story of children’s dress and fashion is divided up into decades and accompanied by texts written by the author, in which Alexander Vasiliev describes all the key trends and developments in the evolution of children’s fashion.

A world-famous fashion historian, collector and playwright, Alexander Vasiliev is also a fine lecturer and has more than thirty books to his name, including albums such as Russian Fashion. 150 Years in Pictures and Three Centuries of European Fashion. He has staged over 100 productions at leading theatres in 25 countries around the world. Alexander Vasiliev is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, and has been awarded the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Diaghilev and Nizhinsky medals.



not only into the history of children’s fashion of the era, itself.’ RUSSIA BEYOND THE HEADLINES

“Alexander Vasiliev’s book is not only about clothes, but also about the country’s culture and children upbringing”. MARIE CLAIRE RUSSIA

Alexander Vasiliev

Children’s Fashion of the Russian Empire Book of photographs ISBN: 9781783840304 Available in Paperback, Hardback, PDF Publication date: 10th October 2014 € 22.95


Fifty Highlights of the Russian Literature contains detailed summaries and profound analyses of the most famous works of Russian literature (novels, short stories, plays, poems, etc.) In contrast to most literature compendia, the book is not centered around the authors but around their works. The two volumes together cover a period of one and a half century – from Eugene Onegin till The Gulag Archipelago. The first volume, focusing on the “Golden Age”, contains descriptions of works by Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and others, while the second volume, focusing on the “Silver Age” and the Soviet period, describes works of Chekhov, Pasternak, Bulgakov, Nabokov, Solzhenitsyn and others. The volume is very useful as a reference tool for scholars and students but is at

Maarten Tengbergen

50 Highlights of the Russian Literature Dutch edition

the same time written in a style which is comprehensible for everyone interested in Russian literature, inspiring them to read the original works.

Non-fiction ISBN: 9781782670667 (Part 1) ISBN: 9789491425639 (Part 2) Paperback Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 29th December 2014 € 21.95

Maarten Tengbergen was born in the Netherlands and studied Slavic Languages and Literature at the University of Groningen. After his graduation, he taught Russian at this university and translated three novels of Maxim Gorki and about twenty short stories from different Russian writers. He is a member of the Flemish PEN Centre and the founding father of the “Club Russe des Institutions Européennes”, conceived to spread the knowledge of Russian culture within the European institutions and to combat prejudices dating back to the Cold War.



This novel revolves around the life of Archana Guha, whose unique destiny became the subject of continuous media attention for nearly twenty years in India, Europe, USA and Japan. One night in1974, Archana, her brother’s wife and a family friend who happens to be staying the night at their house, were taken hostage by the police, because Archana’s younger brother, Saumen, was a member of a terrorist underground movement which is at war with the police and preparing for armed insurrection. When Archana’s brother is caught, the three women are sent to prison indefinitely, along with him, on trumped-up charges. Her ordeal in the torture chamber of the Kolkota police leaves Archana paralysed in both legs. Lying helplessly on her mattress, she loses hope of ever returning home and walking again. After Archana’s brother is released from prison, he initiates a public campaign against the torturers, which the family is sucked into. His pursuit of revenge becomes a way of life which tries to take Archana hostage for a second time.

Dina Yafasova

This is a psychological drama about exceptional, indomitable people, but also

Don’t Call me a Victim!

about the hell human beings create. It is a political drama about torture as a


means of combating terrorism, and about terrorism as a reaction to state terror. It is a human drama about survival, about how to hold on to your humanity when everything has been taken from you.

ISBN: 97817838402712 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 1st October 2014

Translated from the Russian by Melanie Moore and Clare Kitson.

Born in Uzbekistan, Dina Yafasova worked as an accredited correspondent in Central Asia for the Danish and other international media. For results of her investigative journlistic work being published internationally, Dina was harassed by the Uzbek security services, and after a series of severe interrogation, repression and attacks forced to leave their homeland. Since 2001 Dina lives in Denmark, where she initially worked in a Danish international organization. Dina made her debut as a writer in 2006 with a book of autobiographical prose.


Heroes of the 90s is a book composed by journalists of the newspaper Kommersant. The book sheds light on the transformation of the USSR and the country’s social, state, financial, economic and civic institutions into a new state — the Russian Federation. The work covers Russia’s first decade as a new country, the turbulent 90s that formed Russia’s reality today. Heroes of the 90s revisits the storming of the White House, the allocation of vouchers in attempts to set up a new economy of private ownership, Boris Yeltsin and the Chechen wars, hired assassins, Ponzi schemes and financial crises, Boris Berezovsky, Anatoly Chubais and others. For the first time in history, Heroes of the 90s offers to the English speaking reader a rare opportunity to learn about the developments in the post-Soviet Russia from the perspectives of the Russian journalists who have spent years investigating the ups and downs of the period.

A. Soloviev, V. Dorofeev and V. Bashkirova

Translated from the Russian by Huw Davies and William Keenan.

Heroes of the 90s Non-fiction

“Heroes of the 90s. People and money, written by business correspondents, is something of another summing-up or an alternative textbook on the most recent history.

ISBN: 9781782670414 Available Paperback, Hardback Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: July 2014

Seems more like the latter.” AFISHA.RU

Authors of Heroes of the 90s are journalists and editors of the newspaper Kommersant, the first daily business publication in Russia. The team of Kommersant saw its purpose in delivering news as a working tool for entrepreneurs. No evaluations, no author’s own conclusions – just pure facts.



It’s not only the beautiful name of the country this book is about - ‘White Russia’ - that piques the reader’s interest; to this day Belarus remains a blank spot on the map for many people. Previously difficult to find, publications on Belarusian history are a potential treasure trove for the English language reader, holding the story of a nation whose territory is larger than some European countries. Throughout its history, Belarus has been continuously included in various state formations such as Kievan Rus’, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Kingdom of Poland, the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union. Lubov Bazan’s book is a detailed narration of all these meaningful milestones in the history of Belarus. The book presents a thorough but fascinating chronological history of the country. The book gives the reader plenty of leeway to form their own conclusions about the historical material she presents: the book covers different

Lubov Bazan

theoretical viewpoints on important points such as the ethnic background of

A History of Belarus

the Belarusian people and their ethnic and national identity, the origins of

Popular science

the language, and the historically complex union between the Orthodox and Catholic churches. Translated from the Russian by Callum Walker.

ISBN: 9789491425059 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 30th August 2014

Lubov Bazan is a historian, art analyst and translator, was born in Belarus where she graduated from the Faculty of History at the Pedagogical University and the post-graduate School of Art at the Academy of Science. Following her graduation, she worked as a research associate at the Vitebsk Historical Museum and professor of the History of Art at the Institute of Technology. In 1988 Bazan became the director of the Vitebsk Municipal Art Gallery, at the same time working as the television writer and hostess of TV shows about art.


Elected for the third term in March 2012, Russia’s President is by far one of the most influential and mysterious politicians in the world. Regardless of the keen attention Vladimir Putin has been receiving worldwide, a proper edition of his biography is hard to find. Putin is a deep and personal account of the President’s life, created as a result of the authors’ careful investigation that took place over the period of six years. To gather facts, Chris Hutchins traveled across Russia and met with everyone who had known Putin prior to his rapid rise in politics, from those who knew him as a child and teenager to people who remembered him as a young intelligence service officer. Nevertheless, in this book, the authors strove to create a biography of a person first and foremost, and only then of a politician. They wanted to highlight what makes Vladimir Putin laugh and shed a tear, what his friends and

C. Hutchins and A. Korobko

his wife think of him, how rich he actually is and what he really thinks about

Putin Dutch edition

oligarchs. Two famous journalists, Chris Hutchins and Alexander Korobko,

Biography ISBN: 9781782670568 Paperback Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 15th June 2014

answer these and many other questions, and lift the veil of secrecy that surrounds Vladimir Putin. Translated from the Russian by Anna Ravve and Annelies de Hertogh.

Chris Hutchins is a famous journalist with years of experience in established British media such as Daily Express, Today and The Sunday Mirror. Hutchins publishes several biographies of famous people, including the ones that shed light on the mysteries of Great Britain’s Royal family, the Onassis dynasty, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich and The Beatles. Alexander Korobko is a Russian journalist and television producer, currently living and working in London. In 1994, Korobko left Russia to work as a reporter in USA, Canada, UK. Today, Korobko owns a TV channel Russian Hour TV.



The book sheds light on how Sberbank of Russia was transformed from the old-school institution with outlived Soviet practices into a decent member of the world’s financial elite and one of the richest brands on the planet. Sberbank reform was an unprecedented event in the history of Russian business. Never before such a large post-Soviet establishment has undergone such a radical and total reorganization according to western patterns. Initiator of the Sberbank reform in 2007 is the ex-minister and well-known liberal German Gref, whose ambitious plan was to turn this huge, unwieldy institution into an advanced financial company that would join the global financial elite. Wins and losses of Gref ’s team became not just a personal achievement or the bank’s chief failure. They essentially answered the key question of Russian business: can people in Russia work on the same level as people in the West? For the purpose of this book, journalist Eugeny Karasyuk conducted dozens of interviews with employees of Sberbank on different levels. The book is

Eugeny Karasyuk

written with skill, but using accessible and fascinating language. The result is a breathtaking economic thriller with a remarkable story of how progressive

Sberbank: The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant

management techniques were implemented in that reality.


Sberbank: The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant will be interesting to anyone seriously considering reforms in one’s company, and those who are curious about doing business with Russia.

ISBN: 9781782670919 Available in Paperback, Hardback Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 1st May 2014

Translated from the Russian by Lewis White.

Eugeny Karasyuk is a journalist, author of numerous articles on business and management in leading business publications (The Company’s Secret, Smart Money). He published a series of reports on companies in Russia, introducing Japanese management. This made inevitable the author’s interest to a grand renewal of Sberbank which drew inspiration from the ideas of the Japanese corporation Toyota.


Andrei Tarkovsky died in a Paris hospital in 1986, aged just 54. An internationally acclaimed icon of the film industry, the legacy Tarkovsky left for his fans included Andrei Rublev, Stalker, Nostalgia and a host of other brilliant works. In the Soviet Union, however, Tarkovsky was a persona non grata. Longing to be accepted in his homeland, Tarkovsky distanced himself from all forms of political and social engagement, yet endured one fiasco after another in his relations with the Soviet regime. The Soviet authorities regarded the law-abiding, ideologically moderate Tarkovsky as an outsider and a nuisance, due to his impenetrable personal nature. The documentary novel Andrei Tarkovsky: A Life on the Cross provides a unique insight into the life of the famous film director and a man whose life was by no means free of unedifying behaviour and errors of judgment. Lyudmila Boyadzhieva sets out to reveal his innate talent, and explain why

Lyudmila Boyadzhieva

the cost of such talent can sometimes be life itself.

Andrei Tarkovsky: A Life on the Cross

Translated from the Russian by Christopher Culver.

Biography ISBN: 9781782671015 304 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 18th February 2014 â‚Ź 18.90

Lyudmila Boyadzhieva is an outstanding Russian documentary writer. Her novels, novellas and short stories first began appearing in print nearly two decades ago under various pen names. Her works are a synthesis of various genres, striking combinations of suspense, adventure and love stories. Boyadzhieva’s work on Andrei Tarkovsky is one of the latest in her series of documentary novels examining the lives of outstanding figures from Russia and elsewhere, such as Frank Sinatra, Mikhail Bulgakov, Marina Tsvetaeva and Anna Akhmatova.



Women’s prose writing has exploded on the literary scene in Ukraine just prior to and following Ukrainian independence in 1991. Over the past two decades scores of fascinating new women authors have emerged. In this collection of stories you will find an entire gamut of these Ukrainian









that sexuality

range and




relations. You will find tragedy and humor and on occasion humor in the tragedy. You will find urban prose, edgy, caustic, and intellectual; as well as prose harkening back to village life and profound tragedies from the Soviet past that have left marks of trauma on an entire nation. This is a collection of Ukrainian women’s stories, histories that serve to tell her unique stories in English translation. Substantial excerpts from novels and translations of complete shorter works of each author will give the reader deep insight into this burgeoning phenomenon of contemporary Ukrainian women’s prose.

Herstories An Anthology on New Ukrainian

Seventeen different translators from around the world have contributed

Women’s Prose Writers

translations to the volume.

Compiled by Michael M. Naydan ISBN: 9781909156012 446 pages Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 17th March 2014 € 21.40

Michael M. Naydan is Woskob Family Professor of Ukrainian Studies and teaches Ukrainian and Russian language and literature at The Pennsylvania State University. He is a prominent translator from Ukrainian and Russian with more than twenty five books translated or edited by him.


From the Academy award winning screenplay writer of Burnt by the Sun, Solar Plexus is a compelling saga of family and friendship, love and betrayal, set against the backdrop of Azerbaijan’s rapidly-changing capital, Baku, as the country struggles with the transition into a post-Soviet world. Spanning three generations and stretching from the 1940s to the 1990s, the four distinct parts that make up Solar Plexus intertwine to tell the tale of a group of friends who grew-up around the same courtyard in Baku. Each section is told from a different perspective as the friends’ passions, deceits, rivalries and disappointments play out against the shifting turmoil of those decades: from the Great Patriotic War and Stalin’s Purges, to the industrial institutes and Russification of the ’50s and ’60s, through to the struggle for independence and violence of the early ’90s. Mixing heart-wrenching romance, surreal humour, complex moral dilemmas

Rustam Ibragimbekov

and philosophical reflection, this saga in four parts is a rich and multi-layered

Solar Plexus

book that tackles big themes within the most engaging of narratives. By the

A Baku Saga in Four Parts

time we reach the last page, we have been touched by lives that most of us

Novel ISBN: 9781782671169 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 15th May 2014

would previously have been unable to imagine. Translated from the Russian by Andrew Bromfiled.

Rustam Ibragimbekov was born in Baku, Azerbaijan in 1939. He is an internationally renowned and multi-award winning screenwriter, dramatist and producer. He holds State awards for contributions to the arts from both Azerbaijan and Russia. His writing credits include more than 40 film and television scripts, plays and prose. Close to Eden (1993) won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, a European Film Award for Best Film of the Year and was nominated for an Oscar. In 1994 Burnt by the Sun was awarded the Grand Prix at Cannes and an Oscar for Best Foreign Film.



Two twin sisters, natives of Dobratyche, a small Belarusian village on the Buh river close to the border with Poland, set out to examine the events that led to granny Makrynya’s unexpected death. Their trek quickly turns into a murder investigation. As the twins uncover new facts of the crime, more questions need to be answered. But will they? A rural intrigue continues to hold the villagers firm in its grasp until the very resolution. Today mostly associated with the personality of President Lukashenko, Belarus remains terra incognita for the rest of the world. Babina’s surprisingly fresh portrait of today’s Belarus celebrates the country’s diverse demographics be it business, education, culture or just the way people go about their daily errands. Translated from the Belarusian by Jim Dingley.

Natalka Babina “For an impression of provincial Belarusian life, this vivid novel reveals some of the

Down Among the Fishes

undoubted physical attractions of Belarus, as well as the cruelty and harshness of the


lives of many who live there”. Professor Arnold McMillin

ISBN: 9781782670766 Available in Paperback, Hardback, Mobi/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 30th November 2013

Natalka Babina was born in Belarus, close to the border with Poland and Ukraine, and graduated from Belarusian Institute of Technology in Minsk. Babina worked at the editorial departments of two Belarusian newspapers. Since 1994, she published her works in the independent newspaper Nasha Niva. Since 2006, she became a journalist at the same venue, also collaborating with other presses in Belarus and Ukraine.


‘The bard, the minstrel,

Masterfully fulfilled by Peter Fedynsky, Voice of America journalist and expert on Ukrainian studies, this first ever English translation of the complete Kobzar brings out Ukraine’s rich cultural heritage. As a foundational text, The Kobzar has played an important role in galvanizing the Ukrainian identity and in the development of Ukraine’s written language and Ukrainian literature. However, yet in more than 150 years since Shevchenko’s death in 1861, there has never been a complete English translation of his profoundly influential compilation of poetry. A prophet for the Ukrainian people, Shevchenko never realized his dreams of living in a free and independent Ukraine. The first editions had been censored by the Russian czar, but the book still made an enduring impact on Ukrainian culture. There is no reliable count of how many editions of the book have been published, but an official estimate made in 1976 put the figure in Ukraine at 110 during the Soviet period alone. That figure does not include Kobzars released before and after both in Ukraine and abroad. A multitude of translations of Shevchenko’s verse into Slavic, Germanic and Romance languages, as well as Chinese, Japanese, Bengali, and many others attest to his impact on world culture as well. The poet is honored with more than 1250 monuments in Ukraine, and at least 125 worldwide, including such capitals as Washington, Ottawa, Buenos Aires, Warsaw, Moscow and Tashkent. Translated from the Ukrainian by Peter Fedynsky.

Taras Shevchenko (1814-61) was a Ukrainian author and artist. The Kobzar, which he worked on for nearly 25 years, is considered his masterpiece. His works are celebrated worldwide in museums and cultural centres named after him. Aside from his literary work, his paintings earned him many awards and a professional title from the Imperial Academy of Arts.



the muse of Ukraine’


Taras Shevchenko

Kobzar Poetry ISBN: 9781909156548 Paperback: € 20.90 Hardback: € 28.15 Illustrated Gift Edition: € 69.50 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 16.50 Publication date: 11th October 2013


Anatoly Kudryavitsky

DisUnity Two novels included in this book are works of Russian magic realism. In the first novel, Shadowplay on a Sunless Day, Anatoly Kudryavitsky narrates about life in modern-days Moscow and in emigration, in Germany. The novel deals with problems of selfidentification, national identity and the crises of the generation of “new Europeans”. In the second novel, A Parade of Mirrors and Reflection, the writer turns his attention to philosophical aspects of creating artificial personalities lacking emotions and experience of everyday life. Most of the clones find themselves in Grodno, Belarus, the city that, due to its geographical location, has always been an important Novels ISBN: 9781782671060 Paperback: € 18.80 Hardback: € 21.45 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: December 2013

crossroad of Eastern Europe. Commenting on a long poem by Anatoly Kudryavitsky’s, Joseph Brodsky once remarked that he gives voice to Russian silence. Translated from the Russian by Carol Ermakova and Siobhán McNamara.

Eugenia Kononenko

A Russian Story He is young, intelligent, well educated, with patriotic sentiments. But certain misunderstandings oblige him to flee from Ukraine, because in his native land he is a misfit, a superfluous man. For some reason, everything in his life builds up to a certain Russian scenario. So to what extent should one burden Ukrainians with the outcome of this Russian Story? This new book by Eugenia Kononenko deals with love and the quest for one’s own identity, with the vaguely remembered circumstances rendering life nonsensical in Ukraine during the last years of the empire and the early years of independence. It Novel ISBN: 9781783840113 Paperback: € 17.00 Hardback: € 21.45 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: November 2013


considers the possibility of a mid-Atlantic meeting in today’s globalised world. Translated from the Ukrainian by Patrick John Corness.


Sergei Shargunov

A Book without Photographs Shortlisted for the National Bestseller Prize and a contender for The Big Book Award, A Book without Photographs follows the young journalist and activist through selected snapshots from different periods of his remarkable life. Through memories both sharp and vague, we see scenes from Shargunov’s Soviet childhood, his upbringing in the family of a priest; his experience of growing up during the fall of empire and studying journalism at Moscow State University; his trip to war-torn Chechnya and Kyrgyzstan during the revolution; his first steps towards a fledgling political career. The book reflects the vast social and cultural transformations that colour Russia’s recent history and mirrors the experience of an entire generation of Russians whose lives and feelings are inextricably intertwined with the fate of their homeland. Translated from the Russian by Simon Patterson.

Novel ISBN: 9781782670513 Paperback: € 17.80 Hardback: € 21.45 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: August 2013

Nadezhda Ptushkina

The Battle of the Sexes Russian Style Ptushkina’s plays reflect her keen interest in constructing multidimensional characters that reflect the myriad ways people are affected by today’s turbulent world. Often writing strong female roles, she does not shy away from exploring the sometimes tragic implications that lie behind her comical, almost farcical scenes. Ptushkina questions the nature of love, and explores the boundaries between the spiritual and the base, the constructive and the destructive, that lie within every human being. Her writing questions the relationship between ideals and reality, and between truth and deception. In this new translation, western readers have a chance to discover why Ptushkina’s work holds such a wide appeal in the Russian theatre. Translated from the Russian by Slava Yastremsky and Michael M.Naydan.

Plays ISBN: 9781782670810 Paperback: € 18.30 Hardback: € 21.45 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: August2013


Maria Konyukova

Watching the Russians Dutch edition Konyukova’s Watching the Russians is not just a merry ride through everyday life in Russia. Full of self-irony, the book is a very practical guide from an insider perspective, which aims to give the reader a fundamental understanding of the country. Where do our judgments (both positive and negative) and our prejudices come from? In answer to that question, Konyukova examines not only the culturally coded differences in all aspects of life, but also explores the chaotic store of emotions in various social settings surrounding Russians. She is thus effortlessly able to Non-fiction ISBN: 9781909156395 Paperback: € 21.50 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 13.80 Publication date: August 2013

refute common misconceptions and evoke understanding for Russian quirks and idiosyncracies, all with a healthy dose of humor. Translated from the Russian by Els de Roon Hertoge and Ineke Zijlstra.

Leonid Andrejev

Grand Slam and Other Stories Dutch edition After his debut in 1901 Leonid Andrejev became one of the most popular writers in pre-revolutionary Russia. In his first novels he introduced signature elements that would become integral to his later works: terminally ill patients, fear of death, existential desperation, forms of madness and hysteria, and typical settings – a mental hospital, an infirmary or someone’s deathbed. Andreev’s active period as a writer spanned twenty of Russia’s most turbulent years. Feelings of despair and uncertainty, provoked by war and revolution, made their way into his work. Many of Collection of stories ISBN: 9781782670056 Paperback: € 21.00 EPUB/PDF/Kindle: € 9.95 Publication date: May 2013


his stories mix delusion and reality, creating a sense of personal tragedy that assumes global proportions. Translated form the Russian by Otto Boele and Amy Bakkens.


Dmitry Glukhovsky

METRO 2033 Dutch edition The year is 2033. The civilized world has been destroyed and the human race is almost extinct. Cities have been reduced to rubble and rendered uninhabitable by radiation. It is now twenty years since the catastrophe, and stewardship of the Earth has already passed from man to new life-forms – creatures that have mutated in response to the radiation and are better adapted to the new world than humans. The age of man is at an end. Translated from the Russian by Paul van der Woerd and Els de Roon Hertoge.

Science fiction ISBN: 9789491425004 Paperback: € 26.15 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 15.70 Publication date: June 2012

Dmitry Glukhovsky

METRO 2034 Dutch edition The year is 2034. The world succumbed to the consequences of a nuclear war. Large cities are gone from the face of the Earth, smaller ones are disconnected from the rest of the planet. Last survivors spend their days hiding in bunkers and bomb shelters, the biggest one being the Moscow Metro. Everyone who had managed to reach Metro during the city’s bombing, saved themselves. For them, Metro became the Noah’s Ark after the Flood. The planet’s surface is contaminated with radioactive debris and populated by mutants. Habitable living conditions exist only underground. Metro stations have turned into self-governed city-states, while tunnels are being dominated by darkness and angst. Sevastopolskaya is one station that, like ancient Sparta, is being protected by its inhabitants who manage to stay alive at an incredible cost.

Science fiction ISBN: 9789491425448 Paperback: € 25.00 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 15.20 Publication date: October 2013

Translated from the Russian by Paul van der Woerd and Els de Roon Hertoge.


Serhiy Zhadan

Depeche Mode A poet and novelist whose work has been variously compared to Rimbaud, Charles Bukowski and Irvine Welsh, Serhiy Zhadan’s first novel Depeche Mode depicts Ukrainian youth during the turbulent 1990s. Described by the author as “a book about real male comradeship,” the novel follows the unemployed narrator and his friends, Jewish anti-Semite Dogg Pavlov and Vasia the Communist, on their adventures around Kharkiv and beyond. Against a background of social disintegration, slowly eroding Soviet mores and rapidly encroaching Western culture, the three comrades drink gratuitous amounts of Novel ISBN: 9781909156845 Paperback: € 18.99 Hardback: € 23.99 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.90 Publication date: April 2013

vodka and embark on a quest to find their missing friend Sasha Carburetor to tell him about the suicide of his one-legged stepfather. Despite containing some darker themes, Depeche Mode takes an irreverent look at life; Zhadan is not afraid to mix philosophical musings and grotesque narrative with moments of slapstick comedy. Translated from the Ukrainian by Miroslav Shkandrij.

Larysa Denysenko

The Sarabande of Sara’s Band The novel revolves around the male protagonist, the journalist Pavlo Dudnyk, who takes his schoolhood friend Sara Polonsky as his second wife. When Pavlo moves in with Sara, he doesn’t realize at first that he’s also “married” into her extended family, Sara’s band of Polonskys, with their myriad quirks and manifestations of peculiar behavior. The novel presents a number of small slices of life and is filled with lively repartee. There are many comic moments, and the novel is saturated with a great amount of word play and humor. It gives the reader a good deal of insight into the everyday Novel ISBN: 9781909156692 Paperback: € 17.30 Hardback: € 23.99 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: January 2013


lives, loves and tribulations of Ukrainians living today. Translated from the Ukrainian by Michael M. Naydan and Svitlana Bednazh.


Elvira Baryakina

White Shanghai Some called the place the ‘Splendour of the East’; others the ‘Whore of Asia’. A melting pot of different nations, fused by war and commerce, this was the Shanghai of the 1920s. The Great Powers are greedily exploiting China for its cheap labour and reaping the cruel rewards of the opium trade. However, as a flotilla of ships carrying the remnants of the defeated White Army enters Shanghai, the uneasy balance of this frenetic international marketplace comes under threat. Elvira Baryakina’s White Shanghai reflects the greatest traditions of the Russian classics. Her years of research in libraries and archives around the world have engendered a rare kind of literature which, by blending a multinational cast of exotic characters against the backdrop of the turbulence and fervour of the early XXth century, sends the reader on a breathless journey of passion, politics and crime.

Historical novel ISBN: 9781782670346 Paperback: € 19.99 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: January 2013

Translated from the Russian by Anna Muzychka and Benjumin Kuttner.

Lee Mandel

Moryak The novel Moryak revolves around the story of Lieutenant Stephen Morrison, a naval officer sent by President Theodore Roosevelt on a top-secret mission in 1905. Morrison’s assignment is to work with British agent Sidney Reilly to kidnap Tsar Nicholas II and remove him from Russia before he can sabotage the upcoming Portsmouth Peace conference. The mission goes awry and Morrison is captured and sentenced to death. Through a quirk of fate, he is instead sent to the infamous Russian prison on Solovetsky Island. He soon catches the attention of the Bolshevik prisoners and their growing interactions come to have devastating effects on the evolving revolution in Russia, as well as the Allied war effort as the world descends into the chaos of World War I. As events unfold and secrets are unveiled in an uncanny political intrigue, Moryak in fact tells the life story of one man’s struggle for acceptance, him finding his place and finding himself.

Historical novel ISBN: 9781782670469 Paperback: € 19.99 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: February 2013


Leonid Yuzefovich

Harlequin’s Costume The year is 1871. Prince von Ahrensburg, Austria’s military attaché to St. Petersburg, has been killed in his own bed. The murder threatens diplomatic consequences for Russia so dire that they could alter the course of history. Leading the investigation into the high-ranking diplomat’s death is Chief Inspector Ivan Putilin, but the Tsar has also called in the notorious Third Department - the much-feared secret police on the suspicion that the murder is politically motivated. As the clues accumulate, the list of suspects grows longer; there are even rumors of a werewolf at large in the capital. Suspicion falls on the diplomat’s lover and her cuckolded husband, as well as Detective ISBN: 9781782670292 Paperback: € 16.80 Hardback: € 21.45 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: March 2013

Russian, Polish and Italian revolutionaries, not to mention Turkish spies. Harlequin’s Costume is the first volume in a series whose main character is based on the real-life Ivan Putilin, the Tsar’s Chief of Police in St. Petersburg from 1866 to 1892. Translated from the Russian by Marian Schwarz.

Dmitry Rogozin

The Hawks of Peace The Hawks of Peace. Notes of the Russian Ambassador is a unique analytical edition where Russian Deputy Premier Dmitry Rogozin shares his notes on personalities and events that shaped the history of post-Communist Russia, believing that without those it would be impossible to understand the past and envisage the future of his country. Permanent Representative of Russia to NATO until recently, in his political diary Dmitry Rogozin contemplates on the complex relationship between Russia and the West. In his behind-the-scenes account, Rogozin opens up about certain mysteries of political stand-offs, military conflicts of the last two decades, Non-fiction ISBN: 9781782670063 Paperback: € 23.50 Hardback: € 24.99 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: April 2013


terrorist acts and hostage situations. The book is addressed to politicians, historians, diplomats, experts and professional military men, as well as a wider audience. Translated from the Russian by Nadezhda Serebryakova and Camilla Stein.


Layla Alexander-Garrett

Andrei Tarkovsky: The Collector of Dreams The Sacrifice is Andrei Tarkovsky’s final masterpiece. The film was shot in Sweden, in summer 1985 while Tarkovsky was in exile; it turned out to be his final testament, urging each individual to take personal responsibility for everything that happens in the world. Day after day, while the film was being made, Layla Alexander-Garrett - Tarkovsky’s on-site interpreter - kept a diary which forms the basis of her book Andrei Tarkovsky: The Collector Of Dreams. In this book the great director is portrayed as a real, living person: tormented, happy, inexhaustibly kind but at times harsh, unrelenting, conscience-stricken and artistically unfulfilled.

Non-fiction ISBN: 9781782670001 Paperback: € 21.90 Hardback: € 27.60 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: December 2012

Translated from the Russian by Maria Amadei Ashot.

Hamid Ismailov

A Poet and Bin-Laden A Poet and Bin-Laden is a novel set in Central Asia at the turn of the 21st century against a swirling backdrop of Islamic fundamentalism in the Ferghana Valley and beyond. The story begins on the eve of 9/11, with the narrator’s haunting description of the airplane attack on the Twin Towers as seen on TV while he is on holiday in Central Asia. Subsequent chapters shift backwards and forwards in time, but two main themes emerge: the rise of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan under the charismatic but reclusive leadership of Tahir Yuldash and Juma Namangani; and the main character, poet Belgi’s movement from the outer edge of the circle, from the mountains of Osh, into the inner sanctum of al-Qaeda, and ultimately to a meeting with Sheikh bin Laden himself. Translated from the Russian by Andrew Bromfield.

Reality novel ISBN: 9781909156333 Paperback: € 18.40 Hardback: € 23.80 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 9.95 Publication date: September 2012


Zakhar Prilepin

Sin Zakhar Prilepin’s novel-in-stories Sin has become a literary phenomenon in Russia, where it was published in 2007. It has been hailed as the epitome of the spirit of the opening decade of the 21st century, and was called “the book of the decade” by the prestigious Super Natsbest Award jury. Now available for the first time in English, it not only embodies the reality of post-perestroika Russia, but also shows that even in this reality, just like in any other, it is possible to maintain a positive attitude while remaining human. Sin offers a fascinating glimpse into the recent Russian past, as well as its present, Novel ISBN: 9781909156258 Paperback: € 17.25 Hardback: € 22.85 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 11.95 Publication date: April 2012

with its unemployment, poverty, violence, and local wars – social problems that may be found in many corners of the world. Zakhar Prilepin presents these realities through the eyes of Zakharka, taking us along on the life-affirming journey of his unforgettable protagonist. Translated from the Russian by Simon Patterson and Nina Chrodas.

Elena Chizhova

The Time Of Women The Time of Women tells the story of three old women raising a small mute girl, Suzanna, in a communal apartment in the Soviet Union of the 1960s. If the authorities find out Suzanna will be taken from her home and sent to an institution. When her mother falls desperately ill, the grannies are faced with the reality of losing the little girl they love – unless a stepfather can be found before it is too late. And for that, they need a miracle. Memories of hardship in the first cataclysmic half of the century, as well as the loss of their own children, retain their power against the background of everyday worries. Novel ISBN: 9781909156210 Paperback: € 17.25 Hardback: € 22.85 Mobi/EPUB/PDF: € 11.95 Publication date: January 2012


Translated from the Russian by Simon Patterson and Nina Chordas.


Eduard Kochergin

Christened with Crosses Novel

This prizewinning memoir is the unforgettable story of a young boy’s dangerous, adventure-filled westbound journey along the railways of Russia. Desperately longing for his native city and his Polish mother, he flees his orphanage in Siberia soon after the end of World War II. The main charachter on novel, Eduard, spends more than six years on the run, experiencing close encounters with post-war Russia where life and fate have become synonyms. Translated from the Russian by Simon Patterson and Nina Chrodas.

Publication date: July 2012

Igor Sakhnovsky

The Vital Needs Of The Dead Novel

This semi-biographical story of ‘sentimental education’ of a young man in a Russian province chronicles his life from childhood to university years, with his first love, to an older woman, his attempt to break out of the provincial morass and the choices he has to make. The book was highly acclaimed in Russia and firmly established Igor Sakhnovsky as one of the most interesting Russian writers of today. The novel gained Sakhnovsky the prestigious Hawthornden Fellowship. Translated from the Russian by Julia Kent. Publication date: August 2012

Ales Adamovich

Khatyn Novel

Based on previously sealed war archives and rare witness records of the survivors, Khatyn is a heart wrenching story of the people who fought for their lives under the Nazi occupation during World War II. The novel’s main character, Florian, presents a retrospective narrative of genocide and other horrific crimes against humanity. Part of the Belarusian cultural heritage, the book retains its relevance in today’s world, where the scorched earth and scarred surface of our planet act as a warning to future generations. Translated by G. Kozlov, F. Longman and S. McKee. Edited by C. Stein.

Publication date: June 2012


Irene Rozdobudko

The Lost Button Novel

The taut psychological thriller The Lost Button keeps the reader transfixed. The novel encompasses an entire era from the mid-70s of the previous century till the modern day with its geography stretching over the European region including Kiev, the Ukraine’s periphery, Russia and Montenegro, and at last the United States. Translated from the Ukrainian by Michael M. Naydan.

Publication date: June 2012

Maria Matios

Hardly Ever Otherwise Novel

Everything eventually reaches its appointed place in time and space. Maria Matios’s dramatic family saga, Hardly Ever Otherwise, narrates the story of several western Ukrainian families during the last decades of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and expands upon the idea that “it isn’t time that is important, but the human condition in time.” Translated from the Ukrainian by Yury Tkacz.

Publication date: April 2012

Uladzimir Karatkevich

King Stakh’s Wild Hunt Novel

A jewel of Belarusian classic literature, King Stakh’s Wild Hunt is one of Karatkevich’s most critically acclaimed works, and also inspired a 1979 film adaptation. Based on an ancient European legend, this masterpiece of suspense taps into the imagery of the country’s rich cultural heritage to offer both a haunting piece of gothic intrigue as well as a profound meditation on the destiny of the Belarusian people. Translated from the Belarusian by Mary Mintz. Edited by Camilla Stein.

Publication date: December 2012


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