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simple things you can do to promote literacy at home and beyond


Glamaour Era


hat was your favorite childhood book? Chances are, you can come up with a title right away. That's because books create

powerful memories of stories and characters that inspire kids' imaginations and will be treasured for a lifetime. Unfortunately, some children grow up with limited access to books, meaning they're unable to create those memories so many people take for granted. A lack of books in the home is also linked to lower reading scores and less success in school, according to research by the Family and Community Engagement Research Compendium. Even more concerning, an Annie E. Casey Foundation report found students who can't read proď€ ciently by third grade are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma than proď€ cient readers.

Glamaour Era Society as a whole pays a high price for low literacy. It costs the U.S. at least $225 billion each year in non-productivity in the workforce, crime and loss of tax revenue due to unemployment, according to the National Council for Adult Learning. Here's the good news: this problem does have a solution. Having books in the home has been proven to improve children's reading performance, cause them to read more frequently and for longer lengths of time, and improve overall attitudes toward learning. It's clear that promoting literacy in your home and in your community are worthwhile investments of your time and money. Wondering where to start? Build reading into the routine: When the kids are small, it's easy for many parents to create the nightly ritual of story time. Don't stop just because they've started school and are reading on their own. Commit to sitting down every night to read together. Or, make reading into an event the whole family can enjoy by reading a chapter book out loud. When the kids see you reading books too, you set a great example.

Ask questions: Asking children questions while you read together helps them develop critical thinking skills. For example, you might ask, "How is the family in this book like our family?" or "The girl in this book likes to swim. What do you like to do?" Give books as gifts: The next time you celebrate a holiday or child's birthday, consider giving the gift of a book - especially a title or two that you loved growing up. Be sure to make time to read at least one of them together. It's a great way to bond. Share, share, share: One way to spread literacy is to help make books more available in your community. Every year or so, go through your book collection with the kids and decide which titles should be given a new home. They can be donated to schools and public libraries, or given to other groups that make books available for free or little cost to young readers. Even better, when you buy a book, purchase a second copy to donate or give away. Support literacy causes: Between Feb. 26 and April 15, there's an easy - and delicious - way you can promote literacy. Add a "topping of literacy" to your next Pizza Hut order and your contribution will go directly to the company's fundraising campaign "The Literacy Project," which beneď€ ts recognized nonproď€ t, social sector leader First Book. You can also inspire others to read by entering a Pizza Hut sweepstakes for the chance to win a trip that will bring your favorite book to life. Go to Instagram or Twitter and share the title of your favorite book, and why it touched your life. Be sure to tag @PizzaHut in your post and use the hashtag #HelpStartANewChapter #sweepstakes to enter.



Glamaour Era

5 Tips to feel better immediately during spring allergy season

From owers poking through the ground to ditching heavy winter parkas, it's easy to look forward to spring. Unless, of course, you have allergies. Then, the path to warmer weather and additional daylight could be marked with watery eyes, sneezing and a runny nose. Makes it hard to be excited, right?

It doesn't have to. While spring carries its own concerns for allergy sufferers everywhere, there is relief. Now is the perfect time to set plans in place to help ease your allergy symptoms before they begin.

"People think they're doing everything they can to battle spring allergies," says allergist Bradley Chipps, MD, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). "But many still nd themselves under siege from pollen and other allergens that appear once the weather starts to warm up. What they don't realize is that by following a few simple rules they can make life a lot more pleasant, and their allergies more bearable." As you start your spring allergy planning, keep these ve tips from ACAAI in mind. Use them and your spring will be lled with owers and breezes, not coughing and sneezes.

1. It may not only be allergies. In some cases the symptoms you are experiencing may not be caused by allergies alone but by another complication such as asthma. Research shows two-thirds of people with asthma also suffer from allergies, making symptoms worse during the spring season. If your symptoms include a persistent cough or feeling winded quickly, asthma could be the cause of your trouble. If this sounds familiar, consult your allergist. Your allergist can help identify the source of your asthma and help treat your allergies to manage your symptoms. 2. Take a deep dive for spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is a must for many people, but if you suffer from allergies, it's even more important. Clearing dust and cobwebs can ease your sneezing, but for better results, roll up your sleeves and give your home a deep scrub. A thorough cleaning can eliminate allergens such as dust mites and mold, and clear the air.

3. Start your relief early on. Don't wait for your eyes to begin watering before taking your allergy medicine. Start your medications at least two weeks before the season begins, and they will already be in your system when you really need it. 4. Clean your air effectively. When looking for support to clean the air in your home, don't choose an ionic air lter. These lters require more airow to operate properly than most homes are able to provide. Instead choose a HEPA room air cleaner rated with a Clean Air Delivery Rate. If you have central air, change your lters every three months and use lters with a MERV rating of 11 or 12 to keep your air as clean as possible. 5. Resist the urge to breathe in fresh air. After months cooped up indoors, you want a fresh breeze, but before you open your windows, beware. Opening windows allows pollen and other debris into your home where they can settle in your carpet or upholstery. As hard as it can be, you're better off keeping your windows closed during peak allergy season. Use your air conditioning to regulate your home's temperature instead. For people with allergies, spring's annual arrival feels like a mixed blessing. By using the tips above, you can ensure that you have everything you need to make spring great. And you'll do so with less of the coughing and sneezing that can go with it.

5. ways to support your child and address issues at school

Children and teens experience some of the most important moments of their lives at school. It's where they spend two-thirds of their waking hours. Of course, school can be stressful, too - and not just because of pop quizzes and science projects.

“Stress isn't the same for all children, and it impacts every one differently," said Dr. Cheryl S. AlMateen, medical director of the Virginia Treatment Center for Children. "In fact, in some cases this stress can even be traumatic. If left unnoticed, it can lead to real mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, self-harm and even substance abuse."

Everyone deserves to feel comfortable talking about mental health - it plays an important role in a child's overall health. Sometimes, however, topics around mental health can feel overwhelming or confusing for parents. Many may nd it difcult

to spot the difference between traditional school stress and the possibility of potential trauma. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help. As a start, Dr. Al-Mateen has ve recommendations to support parents in understanding school issues, helping children cope and tackling potential problems.

Glamaour Era

* Work with your school. If your child is showing signs of stress that concern you, don't be afraid to reach out to their teacher(s) or school principal. Your child's teacher may be able to shed light on what's causing the stress and, if nothing else, can help watch out for your child during the school day. * Establish a routine at home. Children thrive in stable, consistent environments. Creating a predictable schedule is helpful, if you can, but sometimes that's just not possible. Make a big family calendar and keep it where everyone can access it. This empowers children to know what's coming up and helps provide the solid foundation they crave at home. They'll be better prepared to deal with changes and unexpected situations they may face at school. * Seek help when you need it. How do you know if your child needs help beyond what you or the school can provide? Look for warning signs. For example, young children may complain about stomachaches and headaches that have no physical explanation. When depressed, a child may say that they're angry, rather than sad, so listen for both - especially when their eating or sleeping patterns also change dramatically, they seem to have low energy or they aren't taking pleasure in things they enjoyed before. These may be signs of a larger problem that needs to be addressed immediately with help from mental health professionals. The school years are exciting, important times for your children, but they can be tough. Check in with your child daily and don't downplay the stress they may feel. Recognizing potential issues quickly can help prevent larger problems down the road. To learn more about the Virginia Treatment Center for Children and to ď€ nd more resources to support you and your child, visit

* Check in about school. It can be difcult in our go-go-go world, but give your child your undivided attention for 5 to 10 minutes every day. Talk about their friends, teachers and classes. Open yourself to hearing the good and the bad, and ask what they nd difcult - like feeling too nervous to talk or being teased for talking too much. These conversations help you identify problems as they arise, teach your child problem-solving skills and reinforce how deeply you care about their wellbeing.

* Strengthen your lines of communication. Your child may be more open about school if you have frequent conversations about other things as well. Talk to them about the little stuff, and they'll be more apt to tell you about the big stuff. Listen without judging, and be ready to engage them in an activity if that makes them more comfortable. Braiding your child's hair, shooting a few baskets in the driveway or working a puzzle can lead to a great conversation.


CAN BUILD trust and relevance in their communities

How retailers can find success in a digitally driven world O

ver the past decade, technology has reshaped the retail industry in profound ways. Ninety-six percent of Americans are now shopping online, according to a recent study from CPC Strategy. Which means today's business leaders face increasing pressure to keep retail spaces relevant and engaging for customers. One solution to captivating today's consumer is a simple one: Build meaningful connections with local communities, says Etienne Veber, president of Field Trip Factory, a ď€ rm that helps design, schedule and promote interactive learning experiences within retail environments.

Glamaour Era

"Technology provides greater convenience and lower prices," Veber says, "but it is not a replacement for human interactions." The increasing lack of human connections in our daily lives represents a unique opportunity for retailers to thrive in today's environment, he says, by identifying their core values and concerns, and then expressing them through meaningful learning experiences and a deeper sense of community. "We learn by doing, and retail environments can be incredibly powerful as teaching platforms," Veber says. The value of purpose When companies express a sense of purpose to their customers, it has a profound effect on the condence in the brand. Eighty-ve percent of companies with a strong sense of purpose say they are backed by their communities, because they are seen as "good and helpful corporate citizens," according to a survey by Deloitte. Furthermore, 89 percent of rms with a purpose say clients and customers trust the quality of their products and services - versus the 66 percent of rms that do not have this sense of purpose. As a way to demonstrate its commitment to its local communities, multi-format food retailer Giant Eagle, Inc. developed an interactive program that connects with local school children. "Be A Smart Shopper" helps young students and their families learn about making healthy food choices. Over the years, it has been a very effective way for Giant Eagle's retail Team Members to uphold the company's common purpose to improve people's everyday lives and well-being in a community-centered way, and so far more than 600,000 families have been reached across Pennsylvania and Ohio. Educators love the program because it supplements the classroom curriculum and gets their students really engaged. Ninety-ve percent of them are planning to come back with their students next year!


Be A Smart Shopper program is an important part of how we fulll our commitments to education and health and wellness," says Giant Eagle CEO Laura Karet. "Through the program, our retail Team Members are able to meaningfully impact how the children in our communities think about the foods they eat, and encourage involvement from the children in family meal planning." Expressing purpose in the retail space A retailer can build trust and loyalty by expressing their values in innovative ways. Their stores are more than places to shop. They can build opportunities right in the towns and cities in which they serve. Host in-store classes and events: Business leaders, store managers and longtime employees, with their industry knowledge, are community gurus. With that mindset, what better way to connect with the community than to open the doors for an on-site event? Things like hands-on demonstrations, seminars, consultations and even heading up an ongoing club are all engaging ways to share knowledge and help people solve their most common pain points. Champion local causes: Transform company values and industry knowledge into a community asset, and direct resources to solve problems in the community. Reaching out to local nonprots, being a major sponsor to make a local event even bigger and better, or paying employees for their time to volunteer are all ways a brand can build a meaningful community presence. Find a partner: Most businesses do not have the in-house expertise to organize, plan and publicize in-house events and initiatives, which is why some turn to a trusted partner for expertise in that eld. For example, as Giant Eagle planned its Be A Smart Shopper Program, Field Trip Factory took the lead with the curriculum (with input from educators), and created the online tool that makes it easy for teachers to discover the program and sign up their class for an event. Each participating store can easily set its availability on the Field Trip Factory platform and these educational events take place without disrupting their day-to-day business activities. Today's retail climate is a uniquely challenging one, due to the rise in technology. To learn more about nding opportunities to engage with customers and communities, visit 

How to inspire your teen to expand their horizons and find their passion


mounting pressures and expectations, the high school years can feel overwhelming - for students and parents alike. Teens grapple with questions like: Which colleges should I apply to? What should I choose as a major? What do I really want to do with my life? What if I don't have a clue? As a parent you naturally want to give advice and steer them in the right direction, but you also know it's a tricky balance. It's their life, after all, as they'll often remind you. So how can you help? Encourage them to explore different interests, with no strings attached. Look for activities beyond the usual choices. Research extracurricular programs at your school, in your community, even overseas so they can see the breadth of what's out there. Expose them to a range of possibilities and see what they pick. oes your teen already have a clear focus? Look for innovative programs that allow them to dig even deeper in real-world settings. Or maybe your son or daughter is shy or stuck in a rut and needs a gentle nudge to try something new? It's amazing how a change of scenery can inspire students and tap hidden talents. Over time they'll gravitate toward one thing or another, and the journey will be rich with self-discovery.


UN is another valuable program that teaches students about the world around them, and builds conď€ dence as well as leadership and communication skills. A new activity picked up on a whim may turn into a lifetime source of joy or even a career. If options are limited at school, branch out. Urge your teen to get involved in the local community, meet new people, and bond with others who share similar interests. They'll see what's out there in the bigger world while demonstrating to colleges and employers that they're engaged beyond the standard classroom requirements.

Service programs help teens gain valuable perspectiveWhen teens offer their time and talent to nonproď€ ts and worthy causes, they gain more than just real-world experience for their college resumes. They gain maturity, perspective, practical skills and a greater appreciation for what they've got. Volunteering can be customized to one's own interests, whether it means walking dogs at an animal shelter or building a website for an environmental group. Adventurous students can take it one step further by participating in service programs abroad. Whether working to raise social awareness, lending a hand with environmental and conservation project, or mentoring underprivileged youth, teens grow exponentially during a summer far away from their usual routine.

Study abroad transforms the way a teen looks at elds of study - and lifeStudying abroad is not just for college. More and more high school students are making the leap overseas for summer programs or for a semester or gap year. As many students, parents and guidance counselors have discovered, this is an opportune time to develop valuable lifelong skills, learn a new language and discover career interests in a way that is not possible in an everyday classroom environment. Perhaps the ultimate opportunity for personal growth, studying abroad also expands communication skills and helps students understand different cultures and ways of living. Not sure study abroad has crossed your teen's mind? Surf the web together for resources and get on mailing lists for brochures. CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange), a nonprot that operates high school study abroad programs in more than 30 global destinations, is a good place to start. Transported to a world far different from their own, teens nd themselves fully immersed in a new topic and a foreign culture. Programs range from three weeks in the summer to a full semester or academic year.


ahead is key. By involving a teacher or counselor in the discussion early on, you'll ensure a smooth transition to and from the study abroad experience. It also gives you more time to plan nances and research scholarships to make the opportunity possible. Do your research sooner rather than later: Organizations like CIEE offer scholarships based on merit and nancial considerations, but be sure to check the application deadlines so you don't miss out. To learn more about CIEE's Global Navigator High School Study Abroad program and available scholarships, visit




weather means more time living indoors - working, playing, relaxing and staying warm. It's important to keep your home fresh by staying ahead of the continual buildup of dirt, dust and allergens. The following are some key areas to tackle for a comfortable and efficient home.

Wash windows Washing

away dirt and water marks from

your windows and screens gives you a clear view of the outdoors and lets in more natural light. It will also make your home feel lighter and brighter, keeping cabin fever at bay. And to help maintain a controlled climate inside the home, prevent air from leaking in or escaping by using weatherstripping or caulk around your windows. You'll stay cozy inside and save money on your energy bill.

Check and replace your vacuum bag, filter and belt A full vacuum bag, clogged ď€ lter or broken belt can hinder your vacuum's effectiveness, leaving dirt, dust and allergens behind. Replacing your vacuum bags every 1-2 months, ď€ lters every 3-6 months and belts once per year is recommended to help your vacuum achieve peak performance. Even more, a Filtrete HEPA vacuum ď€ lter will help trap particles 75 times smaller than a human hair, including 99.97 percent of dust mite debris, animal dander, molds and pollen.

Don't forget to look up After tackling oors, dust ceiling fans and light ď€ xtures. These hard-to-reach and hard-to-see places can harbor dust. And while you're up there, change the direction of your ceiling fans to counterclockwise for the winter. This will keep air moving, but circulate warm air instead of cooling the room down.

Clean around your HVAC With the heater on, be sure to clear the area around your HVAC unit to make sure there is nothing blocking the ow of air. Next, remember to swap out that lter for maximum effectiveness and change your lter every 90 days.

Turn on the humidifier Increasing the humidity in your home during the cooler months adds moisture to your air and living space. This raises the "heat index," making 68 degrees feel more like 76 degrees. If your house has low humidity, you may notice chapped lips, dry skin or a dry, sore throat. Be sure to maintain a relative humidity in the home between 20 and 40 percent. As the temperature outside drops, lower this percentage so condensation does not form on the windows.

Add extra insulation to all areas of your home

Adding insulation to your home reduces energy usage and increases comfort. If your home uses less than 12 inches of insulation, chances are heat is escaping. Add insulation in the attic to prevent warm air from escaping. Also consider adding insulation in crawl spaces, under oors and against basement walls to stop the transfer of cold through the house.

Take back your clean, fresh home today

Tackling each of these simple projects will help you take on winter with a fresh, cozy home you and your family can enjoy. For more information, visit www.ď€



to time l a e d ta an i a boa ls t it's u g b n i , ny ea wn or ma reams of o e hottest d els f d i g d th od be fri make er some of w boat m llion d n may a e f i head ountry of tives on n 142 m the a s y to the cen r da the c arme ws across g and in draw for ccording dy to w r o a a f n plan . Boat sho cial prici a major ch year, r those re e best y e a o t th p e i real ith s essories e water ciation. F hows are w , d c s o aroun arine ac take to th urers Ass ater, boat t m c w o a f he and ans wh Manu tures on t c e i r n i e r n a Am ve nal M er ad Natio eir summ th plan o start. t place

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Whether you ď€ sh or sail, enjoy cruising, riding personal watercraft or wakesurď€ ng, boat shows provide the opportunity to browse and board hundreds, sometimes thousands, of boats while taking advantage of boat show specials. Boat shows also provide an avenue to enjoy a taste of the boating lifestyle during the off-season, plus they offer educational opportunities and alternative ways to get on the water for novices looking to get their feet wet.

Whether you want to fulfill that New Year's resolution of spending more time on the water with family and friends, or are simply in the mood to escape the winter doldrums, Discover Boating, the national awareness program to help get people on the water, offers three tips to get started in boating at a 2018 boat show:


Test the waters. You can learn the ropes of

boating and take advantage of onsite training, which is usually offered at little to no cost. Educational opportunities at boat shows include everything from knot-tying and DIY boat maintenance seminars, to sailing simulators and boating lessons. You can often ď€ nd fun activities to entertain the family and get everyone into the outdoors, from practicing how to reel in a ď€ sh to learning to dock and more.

* Look for the seal of approval. When shopping for a boat at a show, online or at a dealership, always check to make sure it is certied by the National Marine Manufacturers Association. An "NMMA Certied" seal means a boat has met strict industry standards for safety, construction and federal regulations, enhancing an improved and safer boater experience. Look for the NMMA Certied sticker near the helm of a boat. Visit to nd a boat show near you, a list of certied dealers and manufacturers, and tips to get started in boating.

When to introduce tech to children

If you're a parent with a smartphone or tablet, it didn't take long before your little one first reached for your shiny device. If only their fingers weren't covered in slobber at the time, you may have been more willing to hand it over. The good news is that saliva is easy to wipe off! S'mores? Not so much. To your surprise - and theirs - learning how to swipe and tap objects to make them move on the screen came quickly and naturally. Oftentimes the challenge soon becomes how to keep their hands off the device. It's perfectly acceptable, even beneficial, for young children to have these interactions with technology ... but only with appropriate parental guidance.

How young is too young?

Young children can strengthen their interactions with other family members, as well as improve their familiarity with sounds, words, language and the world around them, through the responsible use of technology. Most experts agree, however, that children under the age of 2 probably shouldn't trade their rattles in for tablets. There are enough real-world interactions to keep them busy, and whether they play with blocks or pull the cat's tail, these tangible experiences are important to their development. There will be plenty of time to show them Angry Birds when they're a bit older, so allow them to develop their senses by exploring, touching things and even getting into a little mischief.


beyond the 24-month mark, you can begin introducing technology to your little tyke. Chances are

he or she may already enjoy the privilege at preschool; many toddler day-care centers and preschools now incorporate technology, from computers to tablets, into their curriculum.


DIGITAL MEDIA Whether at school or at home, most youngsters interact with screens before they turn 5. According to a survey conducted by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center, more than eight in 10 children from age 2 to 10 use digital media every week. In fact, two-thirds have tablets or ereaders. While the interactions are practically inevitable, signiď€ cant parental and caregiver involvement can help steer them in the right direction, ensuring kids are exposed to content providing the best opportunities for learning. Between laptop computers, desktop PCs, tablets, televisions and smartphones, there's probably a screen in nearly every room of your home. Although these screens can and often do serve as virtual babysitters, games, apps and other content should be carefully selected, and screen time should be limited to an hour or less a day for toddlers.

PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT By using technology with your children, you'll introduce them to the most beneď€ cial content, while also bonding with them over an exciting, shared experience. Something as simple and fun as taking turns in a game or reading together on a tablet can also help ensure technology is being consumed in a responsible way that can educate and aid development. While education is key, it doesn't always have to be about learning your ABCs and 123s. Plenty of games and apps combine learning and entertainment experiences that are fun for kids. Checking the ESRB age and content rating information in console and online stores (like the Nintendo eShop, the PlayStation Store, the Xbox Store and Windows Store) is a great way to ď€ nd appropriate games for kids of all ages. ESRB ratings are also assigned to mobile games and apps in the Google Play Store, complete with content descriptors and interactive elements when applicable. As your little ones mature from toddlers to tweens, their use of technology as well as the technology itself will certainly evolve. The breadth of content they enjoy will greatly expand, highlighting the importance of parental involvement in managing and monitoring their time with tech. Regardless of where our smartphones and tablets take us, parental involvement and engagement is key to ensuring kids enjoy a healthy, responsible relationship with technology.





Beautiful Interacting with your children is one of the best parts of being a parent and it's no surprise that many people report looking for toys this holiday season that incorporate interactive technology. Are you one of them? If you are, then you know you're looking for the kind of technology that involves you and engages, motivates, teaches, surprises and sparks the imagination of your child. The beneďŹ ts of this interaction are considerable.


Responsive interactions are the key to a toddler's ability to increase their vocabulary and a baby's ability to learn language, according to a study by the Society for Research in Child Development. Researchers at the University of Washington, Temple University and the University of Delaware studied 2-year-olds who effectively learned new verbs, either through training face-to-face with a person or via live video chat technology such as Skype. The study found children learned new words only when conversing with a person live or in the video chat, both of which involve responsive social interactions. These ď€ ndings highlight the importance of a more interactive and responsive approach to learning language.


creative, technology "toy" that's being

introduced this year to support these ď€ ndings is Chappet, a 2-inch, round yellow speaker button that's controlled by a smartphone app. Chappet allows parents or caregivers to interact with a child through a stuffed animal that adorns the button by supplying their own voice via voice or text chat. Chappet can also support more than 1,000 prerecorded phrases, features 20 prerecorded songs and stories and its auto chat function can mimic the words a child shares with it in conversation, allowing children to interact with their toys in an entirely new way. "You can be in another room or right next to them on the couch," said Naoki Ono, Chappet Development Team Leader. "They won't know it's you unless you tell them because Chappet allows parents or loved ones to become the voice of the child's plush toy that involves fun, responsive, back-and-forth social and creative interactions. Children also will laugh aloud when they ď€ nd out their best friend plush is mimicking them."

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1. Choose Something Meaningful There are a lot of reasons why you might want to incorporate your personal values and belief into your wall decor. Choosing a piece that is personally meaningful can help you maintain a positive attitude. Choose a piece of motivational art that is meaningful. Maybe it’s a favorite saying or phrase. Maybe it’s an image that uplifts you. Whatever it is, put it in a place where you will see it every day and let it inspire you.

2. Frame Your Memories Filling your walls with framed pictures is another great way to share who you are through your decor. Great pictures from past vacations or unique portraits of friends and family are great options for any room. Seeing them can be a reminder of wonderful past experiences or can make you feel closer to loved ones who live far away. The best thing about this kind of decor is that it will be personal to you. No one else will have those same photos and it’s your way to make your unique mark on your space.

3 . B r i n g Yo u r Home to Life Small plants add both color and liveliness to any space. There are several interesting ways that you can incorporate plants into your decor. For plants like succulents, which grow in smaller pots, consider building a shelf on one wall, and lining all your pots up side by side. If you prefer larger, hanging plants, you can screw decorative hooks or nails into your walls. Besides adding a clean, natural look to any room, taking care of houseplants has been linked to improved mental health and a better mood.

4. ADD AN ACCENT COLOR If you prefer a more minimal look, you may not want to add a lot of different elements to your walls. In that case, painting your walls may be a good option. A subtle color throughout a room can be calming, but if you prefer to be a little bolder, choose a bright color and paint one wall to be the focal point of the room. Ready to Start Choosing Wall Decor? No matter what your personal style is, the way you decorate your home should be a reection of that. With these tips in mind, you can start shopping for the elements that will make your home feel uniquely yours.

Glamaour Era

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