Yoga Magazine Media Kit

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Mission Statement The mission of Indiana & Yoga Magazine and its online sister-publication, Indy Yogi (indyyogi. com), is to unify the diverse yoga community throughout Indiana; to promote a mindful and conscientious lifestyle; to cultivate local arts, artists and those in the business of mindfulness; and to spread the physical and mental benefits of yoga to new audiences in Indiana and around the world.

Core Values • • • • • •

peace compassion cultural and ethnic diversity responsible, ecological living social and economic responsibility physical, emotional and spiritual health

Our Vision The transformative power of yoga and meditation will unite people from all walks of life, and as our mindful community grows yoga will no longer seem eccentric or exotic, but a practical part of the way we all live a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy lifestyle.



Our Audience

The ever-expanding yoga community in Indiana is representative of the yoga community throughout the United States. This is backed up by Google Analytics reports and other research carried out by Indy Yogi and the Yoga Alliance, the largest non-profit yoga organization in the United States. Here are the highlights of that research. Yoga Statistics

60% growth in the yoga industry since Now $16 billion per year in the US!


79% of practitioners also run, cycle, lift weights or participate in at least one other athletic activity 37% of practitioners have children under the age of 18 who also practice yoga 43% of the practicing adults are between the ages of 30 and 49, 38% are over 50, and 19% are 18 to 29 In the U.S. today, there are 36.7M yoga practitioners, up from 20.4M in 2012 Estimated 500,000 in Indiana! Practitioners spend $16B on classes, gear and accessories 72% are women, 28% are men 74% have been practicing for five or fewer years yoga keeps booming!

34% of Americans, or 80M people say they are likely to try yoga over the next 12 months Over one third have already tried yoga in their homes!

Yoga is growing fast among men and older Americans. 50% of practitioners say they live green, eat sustainably and donate time to their community

Source: 2016 Yoga in America Study



Main Content Categories and Features

Each issue will contain features and articles about Yoga Practice, Health and Wellness, Fine Arts, Mindful Lifestyle, Philosophy and Meditation, Yoga in the Community, and Food and Nutrition.

For a 10% premium, your ad insertion (1/2 page or larger) will be placed next to or inside the specific section or feature story you choose, or placed near the front of the issue. This is available on a first-come first-serve basis. Otherwise, we will choose the ad locations based on where they will look best with the overall content. We do not produce advertorial content as we believe it compromises journalistic integrity.




We are based in the 13th largest city in the United States, Indianapolis. There are roughly 150 yoga studios in the state, with many more classes taught at fitness centers, churches, community buildings, parks and in private homes. Our Inaugural Issue is to be printed on a full-size, 8.375” x 10.875” perfect bound format with a luxurious textured finish. Where can I find Indiana & Yoga Magazine?

We will be distributing these 10,000 print issues at well over 100 different yoga studios, college campuses, fitness centers, hospitals, coffee shops and yoga-friendly businesses around the state of Indiana, plus a few large cities and towns in neighboring states of Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and Kentucky. Indiana &Yoga Magazine Online Format

Reach many more people online! Not just in print, our magazine will also be published in a state-of-the-art online format, perfect for tablets and mobile devices, on the Indiana & Yoga Magazine website ( It will then be distributed via our eNewsletter and social media. We will push traffic to Indiana & Yoga Magazine with the leverage of Indy Yogi’s website (, eNewsletter, social media, and the help of our Distributing Member Yoga Studios. Our online magazine is identical to print, but will have clickable ads, linking to the business or organization’s website or custom landing page. You can even add a clickable phone number or popup your company’s YouTube video! The online magazine will be live, available to the public for years to come, driving high-quality traffic to advertiser’s website. Although difficult to gauge for our inaugural issue, this online format is likely to double or quadruple the 10,000 print readership. Frequency:

Our Inaugural Issue is planned for June of 2016. In 2017 and beyond, Indiana & Yoga Magazine will be a quarterly publication. • Winter (December 2016)—Artwork deadline November 1 • Spring (March)—Artwork deadline February 1 • Summer (June)—Artwork deadline May 1 • Fall (September) issues—Artwork deadline August 1 Ad Insertion reservations should be made prior to artwork deadline.



Indiana & Yoga Magazine Ads 2016 Insertion Rates Standard Ad Rates Full Page $2,200 2/3 Page (vert.) $1,650 1/2 Page (horiz. or vert.) $1,300 1/3 Page (horiz. or vert.) $950 1/4 Page (horiz.) $750 Double Truck 2-Page Spread $3,800



1/2 Horiz.

1/3 Horiz.

1/3 Vert.


1/2 Vert.

Premium Ad Rates Inside Front Cover $3,600 Inside Back Cover $2,600 Back Cover $3,200 Spread

For questions, or to discuss multiple-ad or frequency discounts, email or call 317-523-2222. Print Magazine Ad Sizes and Artwork Specifications

Publication trim size: 8.375” x 10.875” perfect bound Bleed allowance (spread & full page ads): 0.5” beyond trim Safety area: 0.375” inside trim (and gutter for spreads) Colors: CMYK (no Pantone, spot, index or RGB colors) Resolution: All images must be a mininum 300 ppi File types accepted: High Resolution PDFs only with all fonts embedded. All images/graphics embedded as either EPS or TIFF composite. Clients will be billed $60 for files that require conversion from Photoshop®, InDesign®, and Illustrator® to PDF. Lead Times: Client-supplied artwork must be received four weeks prior to issue date. Advertisement design requests are due at close of ad sale.

Standard Sizes

Width x Height

Spread - Trim

16.75” x 10.875”

Spread - Bleed

17.25” x 11.375”

Spread - Live Area

16.375” x 10.5”

Full Page - Trim

8.375” x 10.875”

Full Page - Bleed

8.875” x 11.375”

Full Page - Live Area

8” x 10.5”

2/3 Vertical

4.875” x 9.875”

1/2 Horizontal

7.375” x 4.875”

1/2 Vertical

3.625” x 9.875”

1/3 Horizontal

7.375” x 3.625”

1/3 Vertical

2.375” x 9.875”

1/4 Horizontal

7.375” x 2.375”

Submit your ad artwork by email to For file sizes greater than 20 MB, contact for alternate instructions. For technical assistance, please contact or call 317-523-2222. All advertisers will receive an artwork proof for approval. Indiana & Yoga Magazine does not accept liability for errors in any advertisement published. All creative content is subject to publisher approval. Materials received after artwork close dates will incur a late fee of $15. Graphic Design Services and Fees

Design Rates (Includes final high-res PDF and proof)

Professional graphic design services are available for Indiana & Yoga Magazine advertisers. The graphic design process includes an initial artwork consultation and up to three rounds of revisions.

Full Page 2/3 Page (vert.) 1/2 Page (horiz. or vert.) 1/3 Page (horiz. or vert.) 1/4 Page (horiz.) Double Truck 2-Page Spread Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Back Cover eNewsletter Banner

Textual content and any client-supplied photographic materials must be submitted to production five weeks prior to launch date. Contact for alterations to existing artwork.


$100 $100 $75 $75 $50 $160 $160 $160 $160 $25


eNewsletter Sponsorship

The Indy Yogi email newsletter is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. We have almost 1,000 subscribers who are 100% opt-in. We do not spam. Our incredible 50% open rate and 20% clickthrough rate is phenomenally high compared to industry standards. This demonstrates the love and unique sense of community that our readers have for Indy Yogi and the Indiana & Yoga Magazine. You can promote your brand, product or event in our monthly eNewsletter with either • a small 200 x 200 image alongside 100 words of your text, or • a large banner image of 590 x 150 pixels (no additional text). We sell a maximum of two spots per issue: • Upper (just under our header and introductory message) $125 • Lower (within the bottom 50% of the email) $75/issue Rates will increase as our email subscription base increases. Above rates were from March 2016. Contact us for the most current rate.

Newsletter graphic is not drawn to scale.

Web Display Ads

Indy Yogi is our online web hub for all things yoga in Indiana. We have an active blog, a yoga directory, and a calendar of yoga events used by thousands of Indiana Yogis, and thousands more around the world. For website display ads, email or call 317-523-2222.



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