Art Photos: Ksenia Raykova Model: Ekaterina Kashcheeva
Art Photos: Ksenia Raykova Model: Ekaterina Kashcheeva
Berger Blanc Suisse
dogs are gentle, very intelligent and learn easily. They are loyal to their family and may be wary around strangers, but are not to show shy or fearful behavior. The Berger Blanc Suisse breed derived from decades of evolution to a distinct breed type from the German Shepherd Dog. The Berger Blanc Suisse are suited for a variety of services to man from search and rescue to medical alert to therapy. The character of the Berger Blanc Suisse is gentler and mellower than that of the working lines of German Shepherd Dog, but are still very protective of their people.
Pastor Blanco Suizo
la raza es serena, pero cuando la situación lo exige sus instintos protectores lo pondrán alerta y listo para servir. Con aquellos que conoce es abierto y amigable y con los extraños puede ser un poco distante. Disfruta corriendo, jugando a rastrear o cualquier otra actividad con su familia humana. Es alegre, vivaz, inteligente y fácil de entrenar con buena disposición para pruebas de agility. Es un perro de trabajo con capacidad de adaptarse e integrarse a todo tipo de situaciones sociales.
Белая Швейцарская Овчарка
– в сущности, немецкая овчарка, но белого цвета. Будучи менее агрессивной, эта собака может быть идеальным компаньоном, мягким, послушным, легко обучаемым по разнообразным программам. Из них получаются великолепные собаки-спасатели, терапевты, поводыри, они успешно справляются с розыскной службой. Белая овчарка может быть хорошей семейной собакой, она обладает физическим здоровьем, неприхотлива и вынослива. Она отличается долголетием и сохраняет активность и работоспособность вплоть до преклонного возраста. Собака очень общительная. Cпособность потрясающе бесшумно перемещаться, даёт ощущение родства с полярным волком.
Esther M. Veitnere Photo: Iolanta Beinarovich Dress: Roberto Cavalli
Glamour and Pet
was born in a European country of Latvia. After spending a fabulous childhood in capital city Riga, within a pet loving and creative family environment, I left for Russia to study at the Saint Petersburg University of Veterinary. 6 years later my love for pets pushed me further; I established my first Animal Hospital with the newest technologies in Latvia and continued to run it for 15 years. I have a big passion for pets, glamour and finding a way to put them together. Outside my hospital work hours I used to organize TV Fashion Dog Shows in Europe with a charity incentive, to help abandoned pets. My saying has always been:
‘Not every home should have a pet, but every pet must have a home.’
There are many ways to approach happiness, one of them being contact with pets. The opportunity to help pets grants me a sense of happiness, and sharing this feeling of joy is the mission of Glamour and Pet – it is a way for me to tell the story about how I see the world full of love. The pleasure that my work brings to people is my most important guideline and a genuine source of inspiration for me. ‘Glamour and Pet’ is a magazine that promises to be as a bottle of sparkling champagne, rich with passion and energy!
In my shows I would demonstrate the latest trends in fashion designer clothing, such as Roberto Cavalli, D&G and others, as well as exquisite jewelry. International celebrities, artists and singers from many countries would participate in my shows with their lovely pets. This way we erased geographical and political borders, as love to pets would unite everyone. That is how the brand of Glamour and Pet was born. 5 years ago I fell in love with the city of Miami and found many new friends here. I started working in an animal hospital, and with a group of pet lovers It’s all about the good life! we established the magazine of Glamour and Pet. We will be organizing special Glamour and Pet charity events in near future. You are very welcome Chief Editor, to participate in my Glamour and Pets club! Esther M. Veitnere
Contents/Winter2016 Dogs: Berger Blanc Suisse Editor’s Letter: Brand History Jewelry Trend: de GRISOGONO Travel: Basel Baselworld Celebrities: Miss America Fashion Trend: V.Yudashkin CHANEL Boutique Pet Angel Esther Equine Photos: E.Druz Health: Cosmetic Surgery Gourmet: Chocolate Real Estate: Miami World Center MaxPro Realty - The Carlyle Iguanas Tech: Miami Boat Show Cars Equine Photos
1-3 4-5 8-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 46-47 48-51 53-55 56-57 58-60 61-63 64
Glamour and Pet Magazine Larisa Repnina: Director Esther M. Veitnere: Chief Editor Maris Tomsons: Logo Designer Nadine Veitnere: Photographer Ekaterina Druz: Equine Photographer Ksenia Raykova: Dog Photographer Ekaterina Kashcheeva: Cynologist Consultant Alberts Veitners: Designer/Translator VIP Media Alliance: Publisher Copyright © USA 2016
Photos: Ekaterina Druz
‘I think in volumes, I imagine in colours, I design in lights.’
Фаваз Груози
мя Фаваза Груози, его основателя, в 1993 году уже было на слуху: личность творческая, он обладал даром воплощать в жизнь смелые идеи в поисках красоты и совершенства. Его уникальные экстравагантные ювелирные украшения быстро завоевали сердца именитых клиентов по всему миру; нередко их характерное сияние можно было заметить на премьерах и торжественных церемониях. Тогда, 22 года назад, Фаваз Груози раскрыл секрет великолепия черных бриллиантов и вернул им почетное место в ювелирных коллекциях. Так он стал одним из самых оригинальных дизайнеров своего поколения. Его смелые и яркие решения сделали бренд de GRISOGONO знаменитым и вывели на лидирующие позиции в мире роскоши. Неутомимый творческий гений мастера, страсть к драгоценным камням и материалам помогали ему расширять границы возможного, отходить от клише, рисковать, для того чтобы заслужить признание ювелирных экспертов.
В 2000 году de GRISOGONO заявил о себе как о производителе часов Не ограничиваясь лишь дизайном, Фаваз Груози постоянно занят поиском инновационных решений, которые стали бы новым словом в часовом деле. Смелые формы, не противоречащие функциональным характеристикам, оригинальные часовые усложнения, игра с эстетическими кодами, раскрывающая искусство измерения времени, вот лишь некоторые из отличительных особенностей de GRISOGONO. Мастер в своем неутомимом стремлении к совершенству и идеальным формам удивляет ценителей неординарными дизайнерскими находками. Квинтэссенцией его роскошных ювелирных часов являются оригинальный стиль, харизматичный характер и удивительные часовые функции. Линейку бренда также составляют модели с усложнениями и уникальными калибрами, которые позволяют отображать время и другие параметры нестандартными способами.
‘Я мыслю в масштабах, я фантазирую в цвете, я играю со светом’ 11
Fawaz Gruosi E
n 1993, Fawaz Gruosi fundó de GRISOGONO. Este reputado esteta del diseño, con un don especial para la concepción de ideas audaces, ya estaba inmerso en una incesante búsqueda de la belleza y la excelencia. Con la creación de joyas llamativas y extravagantes, inmediatamente atrajo a una clientela internacional de prestigio y sus relucientes piezas pasaron a adornar a las celebridades en presentaciones y ceremonias de entrega de premios. Más de 22 años después de convertir el diamante negro en una de las piedras estrella de la joyería internacional, Fawaz Gruosi está considerado uno de los talentos creativos más influyentes de su generación. Sus diseños emblemáticos y atrevidos han situado a de GRISOGONO entre las firmas más ilustres del universo del lujo contemporáneo. Gracias a su intensa creatividad, impulsada por su pasión por las piedras preciosas y los materiales exquisitos, Fawaz Gruosi ha derribado barreras, ha roto los códigos del diseño y no ha temido en arriesgarse para conseguir que sus creaciones brillen literalmente entre la reputada élite de la alta joyería. Sus creaciones, a la vez que osadas e ingeniosas, respetan fielmente las tradiciones de la joyería.
de GRISOGONO también se ha forjado un nombre en el mundo de la relojería Más allá del trazo formal, Fawaz Gruosi ha propiciado siempre la innovación, decidido a brindar una nueva vida a la herencia relojera. El diseño de formas audaces que destacan las funciones, el desarrollo de complicaciones originales y el juego con los códigos estéticos para exaltar el arte de medir el tiempo: estas son solo algunas de las características esenciales de de GRISOGONO.
In 1993, Fawaz Gruosi founded de GRISOGONO with two associates based on the rue du Rhône in Geneva, offering customers exclusive works of art and precious jewellery. The first challenge for the new business was to find a name, the right name in Italian. One of his partners mentioned his mother had originally been the Marquise de GRISOGONO. It sounded powerful, mysterious and aristocratic, perfect for the luxury and exclusivity they were planning.
timeless elegance
Then, a few years later in 1995, Fawaz Gruosi took the reins and acquired the sole control of de GRISOGONO to branch out on his own, to follow his own ideas, his personal vision for a new generation of precious jewellery. He loved and understood the jewellery world, so rich in tradition, yet bound by conventions, so often out of step with a fast-changing world. He took huge risks, embarking on a capitalintensive business on a shoe-string. What he did have, however, was a single-minded, driven passion for jewels and gemstones, an affinity with design, and a total dedication to perfection and innovation. He saw the potential of jewellery to be an exciting, relevant part of women’s lives. He saw too the creative possibilities of the gemstones that so captivated him, even, or especially those that had been neglected, or disregarded through rigid rules and classifications. That is how he started the opening chapter for de GRISOGONO and almost immediate success that would give him strength and self-confidence. Since then, Fawaz Gruosi’s unique approach has been proven time and time again, resulting in ground-breaking styles, ideas and approaches that have since been emulated and admired. This has resulted in 22 years of ‘disruptive creations’, namely the art of continually coming up with something unexpected, appealing, original and new.
New Retro W S01 The New Retro Lady is a watch born in the 21st century and rooted in the 1950s. A source of inspiration for fashionistas, first ladies, princesses, actresses and quintessential Women, the New Retro Lady is destined to become a byword for timeless elegance.
TONDO TOURBILLON GIOIELLO The first de GRISOGONO tourbillon, a sparkling, technical creation The brand offers its first ever interpretation of the highly sophisticated tourbillon complication, and does so in a model dedicated to women. The diamond-swathed Tondo Tourbillon Gioiello houses an exclusive new in-house developed and assembled de GRISOGONO mechanical movement, fitted with an offcentred tourbillon at 8 o’clock. The collection takes the form of a trilogy comprising models set with black, brown or white diamonds. These boldly designed timepieces, stemming from advanced research, reflect the inimitable contemporary baroque style cultivated by de GRISOGONO – a perfect blend of exceptional technical mastery and jewellery artistry. The Tondo Tourbillon Gioiello illustrates the brand’s ever-growing mastery of the art of time measurement. This model introduces the first ever in-house mechanical hand-wound movement equipped with a tourbillon, unusually positioned at 8 o’clock. The tourbillon is an extreme horological complication that serves to compensate for the effects of gravity when a timepiece is in vertical positions, in order to optimise its precision. Created in 1801 by Abraham-Louis Breguet for a pocket watch, this delicate and complex mechanism has consistently inspired watchmakers in search of perfection. 16
Por primera vez la marca interpreta el tourbillon, una gran complicación, y lo hace en una pieza dedicada especialmente a las mujeres. Drapeado de diamantes, el Tondo Tourbillon Gioiello alberga un nuevo movimiento mecánico exclusivo de de GRISOGONO, dotado de un tourbillon excéntrico situado a la altura de las 8h, desarrollado y ensamblado en interno. La colección se revela como una trilogía compuesta por realizaciones decoradas con diamantes negros, marrones o blancos. Este garde-temps de diseño audaz, fruto de importantes desarrollos, refleja el más puro estilo barroco contemporáneo de de GRISOGONO. La unión de la técnica de excepción y el arte de la Alta Joyería.
El Tondo Tourbillon Gioiello ilustra el creciente dominio de la Casa en el Arte de la medición del tiempo. de GRISOGONO firma aquí su primer movimiento mecánico de cuerda manual dotado de un tourbillon, situado de manera inédita a la altura de las 8h. El tourbillon, complicación relojera extrema, permite compensar los efectos de la gravedad en las posiciones verticales con el fin de optimizar la precisión del guardatiempos. Creado en 1801 por Abraham Louis Breguet para un reloj de bolsillo, este delicado y complejo mecanismo inspira desde entonces a todos los relojeros en busca de la perfección. 17
witzerland’s capital of art and culture Nestling in the heart of Europe in the three countries corner where Switzerland, Germany and France meet, Basel is a pocket-sized metropolis that combines proverbial Swiss quality with a multicultural population. This makes the city unmistakably openminded, happy and innovative. The city sparkles with all kinds of culture. Nearly 40 museums with their long-established collections and spectacular special exhibitions are the foundation of Basel’s reputation as a city of art and museums. In 1471 Kaiser Friedrich III conferred upon Basel the privilege of being allowed to conduct trade fairs and exhibitions ‘for all eternity’. Since that time, the city has grown into one of the leading trade fair and congress centres in Switzerland. In addition to its central location and first-class transport connections, Basel also offers superb infrastructure and numerous options for framework programmes to support your event. The city’s congress centre is not located somewhere on the fringe of the city, but rather right in its heart - a fact that is appreciated by trade fair participants and visitors alike. All this attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year to events such as Art Basel, the largest art fair in the world, or Baselworld, world trade fair for watches and jewellery, and many other diverse events.
Basilea - es la ciudad universitaria más vieja de Suiza.
Basilea es una ciudad cultural para sibaritas que con sus más de 40 museos concentra el mayor número de museos del país. Además, la ciudad cuenta con un hermoso centro histórico, arquitectura moderna y el río Rin que invita a dar largos paseos. El emblema secreto de Basilea es el Rin. En verano, la vida gira en torno a él en todas sus vertientes. Amantes del sol, paseantes, estudiantes y gente de negocios animan sus orillas en la misma medida. Ideal para refrescarse o para dar un agradable paseo en barco: disfrute de un pedacito del Mediterráneo en el meandro del Rin.
Базель - В месте, где Рейн, одна из крупнейших водных магистралей Европы, делает крутой
поворот и покидает Швейцарию на пути к Северному морю, расположен Базель – очаровательный город на излучине Рейна. Именно этому особенному расположению на пограничном стыке трех государств – Германии, Франции и Швейцарии – город обязан своим космополитизмом, экономическим потенциалом и культурным многообразием. Достаточно один раз пройтись по улицам Базеля, чтобы понять: это интернациональный город. Здесь мирно сосуществуют представители более 160 национальностей. Много правильных ингредиентов сливаются в Базеле воедино: международное окружение и смешанное население, космополитизм, уважительное отношение к искусству и культуре, долгосрочное стимулирование науки и образования, благоприятные рамочные условия для экономики. Все вместе они создают идеальный климат для синтеза исследовательского духа, креативности, готовности к риску и разработки революционных инноваций.
Baselworld is the only show that unites key players from all sectors from around the world: watchmaking, jewellery, diamonds, gemsones and pearls, as well as machines and suppliers. The undisputed premier event saw 1500 brands unveil and showcae their innovations and creations. Baselworld had around 150 000 attendees from over 100 countires. They felt the pulse of the industry, discovered the novelties, and purchased the latest collections. More than 4300 representatives of the press from over 70 countries attended the show. These numbers signify a new all-time record further underscoring the international interest in the show. In keeping with Baselworld’s wide reach and universal attractiveness, a livestream of the opening press conference was broadcasted and followed by some 3000 journalists from all over the world.
Paraiso de los negocios Baselworld – en la primera feria de relojes y joyas del mundo, empresas internacionales informan sobre tendencias actuales marzo-abril. El salón ha vuelto a reunir bajo el mismo techo las marcas más importantes y prestigiosas de todo el mundo, minoristas más influyentes y la prensa internacional. Ofreciendo asi múltiples oportunidades comerciales y de networking propias y únicas de Baselworld. Un número récord de periodistas subraya el constante crecimiento del interés que suscita el salón.
Выставка часов и ювелирных изделий BASELWORLD является важнейшей в мире выставкой часовой промышленности и ювелирной отрасли. Базель сверкает: в апреле на самой знаменитой в мире специализированной ярмарке международной часовой и ювелирной промышленности Baselworld выставляются все новые часовые и ювелирные творения. Внушительные стенды престижных марок заполняют выставочные залы, а многие десятки тысяч посетителей заполняют все гостинцы, даже расположенные в отдалении. Около 2100 экспонентов-производителей часов, ювелирных изделий, драгоценных камней и сопутствующих товаров представят здесь свои новшества профессиональной публике. Посетители выставки-ярмарки Baselworld, наслаждаясь атмосферой роскоши, смогут ознакомиться с изысканным ассортиментом на одно и многоэтажных стендах, размещенных на площади свыше 160 000 м2. Многие известные часовщики и ювелиры используют выставку-ярмарку Baselworld в качестве эксклюзивного места показа своих изделий. Это дает Вам шанс увидеть в Базеле их самые последние новинки.
ira Kazantsev is a tireless advocate on women’s issues, personal branding expert, keynote speaker, host, and blogger.
Kira was born on July 20, 1991 in California to Russian
immigrants who left Moscow in 1990 for the United States, making her a first-generation American. Her father, George, is a general surgeon and her mother, Julia, is a real-estate broker. She has a brother, Boris, who is three years younger. At age 13, she reigned as Miss California Preteen while attending Walnut Creek Intermediate. At 16, she served as Miss California Jr. Kazantsev competed in the Miss New York 2014 pageant as Miss City of New York. She won the title of Miss New York 2014.
Kira has contributed writing pieces to the Huffington Post, USA Today, and has appeared on HuffPost Live, The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, Live with Kelly and Michael, Jimmy Kimmel, Access Hollywood, Extra, Inside Edition, and countless news outlets throughout the US and Canada. She has been a presenter at numerous award shows including the American Music Awards, Academy of Country Music, American Country Countdown, and the Billboard Music Awards. During her year as Miss America, Kira served as the National Goodwill Ambassador for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, advocated on behalf of her personal platform: Love Shouldn’t Hurt: Protecting Women Against Domestic Violence, and was the first Miss America since 1971 to visit troops overseas with the USO. As an advocate against Domestic Violence, Kira has been a long-time partner with Safe Horizon, the largest provider of Domestic Violence services in the country. Kira studied Political Science, Global Studies, and Geography at Hofstra University Honors College and graduated in 2013. She has been accepted at Notre Dame Law School and is also trilingual speaking Russian, Spanish, and English.
alentin Yudashkin is a most famous Russian fashion designer. He was awarded the honorary titles Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation and People’s Artist of Russia. His models are exposed at the Costume Museum of Louvre, at the Californian Museum of Fashion, at the State Historical Museum in Moscow, at the International Museum of Olympic Games and at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. A lot of his collections were shown in Paris, Milan, New York and in other fashion capitals of the world.
The beginning The designer was born on the 14th of October in 1963 in the village Bakovka in Moscow region. In 1986 he graduated with distinction from Moscow Industrial Secondary School with two degrees: History of Costumes and Make-up and Decorative Cosmetics. After that he became a painter at the Central Design Bureau of the Russian Federation Ministry of Daily Services. First personal collection of Valentin Yudashkin, including 150 models, was presented in 1987 in Hotel “Orlyonok” in Moscow. One year later designer opened Vali-Moda “Fashion Theater” at the USSR Theater Union. At this time appeared the collections “Russia of the Origins” and “Peter the Great’s Ball” which evoked great interest in Russia and abroad. The collection “Fabergé” shown in 1991 in Paris received an enthusiastic response and impressive success. Few models from it were taken by the Louvre Museum of Decorative Arts and the Californian Fashion Museum. From this time Valentin Yudashkin begins to take part in the Paris Fashion Week with his haute couture collections annually.
Movement ahead The designer became a member of the High Fashion and prêt-à-porter Association of Russia in 1994. In the same period the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin played a big role and actively supported the launching of Moscow Fashion Week. Soon, in 1996, the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin was accepted as a corresponding member of the Syndicat de la Haute Couture of Paris. This is the first time in history that such a respectable organization has admitted a Russian member. In 1997 designer opened his first boutique in Moscow with prêt-à-porter de luxe items and was extending the range of the goods with accessories, jewelry, perfumery and ware during few next years.
New successes
n 1999 the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin participated for the first time in the Milan Prêt-à-porter Week. The women’s collection shown there had a great success. Three years after the couturier conquered the New York Fashion Week and donated a dress from his haute couture collection Anna Karenina to the Metropolitan Museum in the American fashion capital. Also by decree of the Russian President, Valentin Yudashkin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Dedicated to the fifteenth anniversary of the creative work of Valentin Yudashkin, an album was published, represented in Frankfurt in 2003. And in few next years the designer was awarded with several honored titles - People’s Artist of Russia 2005, Cavalier of the art’s and literature’s Order of the French Republic 2007, Honorary Order for the Contribution to Russian Fashion 2008. Valentin Yudashkin opened a flagship boutique in the historical center of Moscow in the splendid seventeenth-century mansion in the 2010. Two years after, the Fashion House also launched a new product line “La Maison” involving household linen, silverware, porcelain, glass, candles and household fragrances. Nowadays the designer continues to show his collections in Paris, Moscow, Milan and to create a few collections in the year.
Fashion Shows During the years of Valentin Yudashkin’s creativity and of the existence of his Fashion House a great number of collections was shown. In Paris and Moscow the designer has presented 18 haute couture collections and more than 30 prêt-à-porter collections. Since 2001 Valentin Yudashkin annually holds fashion shows on 8th of March: these concerts devoted to International Woman’s Day had become a good tradition of the House. In Milan, more than 20 prêt-à-porter collections were shown. The Fashion House also conducted its runway shows in New York and other fashion capitals of the world.
Exhibitions 2003 – “Fashion history from Valentin Yudashkin”, an exhibition at the State Historical Museum in Moscow, dedicated to the fifthteenth anniversary of the Fashion House 2008 – exhibition “Mysteries of Haute couture” at the State Historical Museum in Moscow 2013 – “Valentin Yudashkin. Fashion in art space” exhibition at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
Projects The collections of uniform for the Russian Olympic team – 1993, 1996, 1998 years Creation of the uniform for the cabin crew of Aeroflot airline – 1997 Launching of the watches’ line in collaboration with Jacob & Co – 2007
Valentin Yudashkin
Valentin Yudashkin
Valentin Yudashkin
Valentin Yudashkin
Valentin Yudashkin
Valentin Yudashkin
If you truly love your pet, and wish the best for it, you may always call pet angel Esther for all your needs. Esther’s more than 15 years of veterinary work experience and award winning dog training is the best choice for your pet’s socializing, training, exercise, loving care, escorting to hospital and wellness consultations. If you’re looking for a pet, Esther will help you purchase an exclusive, healthy and happy pure-breed puppy from dog show winning parents. If you’re looking for the best friend of your pet, Esther will always be ready to share her love!
‘We can learn a lot from dogs - high standarts of unconditional love, loyalty and happiness. What we can teach to dogs is simple - respect towards people’s valuables and way of life.’ With love, Esther
Незабываемая встреча
Зима все активнее вступала в свои права. С неба шел мягкий белый снег, укрывая Землю пушистым белым одеялом. На душе становилось легко и светло. При лунном сиянии всё вокруг казалось таинственным и загадочным. С приходом зимы начинается волшебство! Дома накрыт праздничный стол, где все смешалось — как будто всё пережитое в этом году, горькое и сладкое! Зимняя природа погружена в сладкий сон, но заснежённая дорожка парка влекла меня, обещая чудеса. И вот я уже в парке, вокруг тишина и благодать, изредка нарушаемая лишь хрустом ветки. Люблю вышагивать по мягкому и пушистому снегу. Красотища-то какая! Белое безмолвие. Но тут из далека, тишину неожиданно разрывает звук дыхания... И я замираю в восторге от увиденного! Ко мне на встречу уверенно приближается белоснежный волк ангельской красоты. Так вот он какой ‘Ангел’! Я уже готова было поверить в чудо... Но вдалеке раздался голос : ‘Эдельвейс - ко мне’. Я довольствовалось увиденным и жадно провожала его глазами. Я еще долго завороженно смотрелa ему вслед. Какой это был замечательный вечер! Я открылa для себя это чувство праздника! Чувcтво, что у меня есть все чтобы быть счастливой!
Белые собаки - защитники и целители Белые собаки, это защитники и целители нашей жизни - братья наши меньшие, которые обладают огромным магическим потенциалом! Больше чем мы можем себе представить. Собака чисто белой масти отличается тем, что она трансформирует любую энергетику в белую, положительную. Такую собаку можно заводить абсолютно всем без исключения, а в некоторых случаях даже необходимо. Это настоящий природный целитель. Встреча с белыми собаками, особенно крупными – такая же большая редкость, как встреча с белым котом. Белые собаки указывают на помощь со стороны ‘светлых сил’.
Естер Марите Вейтнере 41
Photos: Ekaterina Druz 42
atya Druz is a professional horse photographer. She is the best Russian equine photographer, a header and organizer of Russian photo contest on equine photography. Her beautiful work is full of expression, bringing out the individual character of each horse. She introduces a mysterious quality, romance and tranquility into her images. Katya’s training is in classical art and she has a very good knowledge of the anatomy of the horses and how to be around them. Living in Moscow Russia she travels extensively photographing Екатерина Друзь – фотограф, которому horses of all breeds in their home countries.
удалось не только найти общий язык с Nowadays she mostly works in Europe and лошадьми, но и показать всему миру other countries, shooting for horse breeding уникальность их нрава! farms, private owners or doing workshops or personal exhibitions. Her works appear regularly on covers of famous equine magazines and calendars. In addition Katya offers workshops and master-classes in horse photography helping individuals to create their own stunning images.
Inspiration The main inspiration for me are the canvases of different painters - from Rembrandt to Van Gogh. Great artists that have skillfully mastered the art of composition and transmitting the characteristics of light.
Больше всего я люблю снимать лошадь в свободном движении. Мне кажется, именно на воле ее характер и красота раскрываются наиболее ярко. Лошадь, выпущенная в поле, радуется движению и показывает лучшее в себе: грацию, гибкость, красиво выгнутую шею, развевающуюся гриву… лошадь становится свободной и счастливой, и именно это мне хочется запечатлеть и показать зрителю. Также я очень люблю снимать портрет лошади, стараясь уловить характер и индивидуальность каждой модели. Бывает, в одном только лошадином взгляде отражается так много, и поймать этот миг – для меня большая удача.
Photos: Ekaterina Druz
our choice of cosmetic surgeon will be a choice you live with for years, if not your entire life. A successful procedure will make you feel more like yourself and give you greater confidence for years to come. On the other hand, ending up in the hands of an inexperienced surgeon increases your chances of having poor results which leads to additional costs, time, and heartache.
Board Certification Many people think they can depend on state medical boards to ensure that surgeons are qualified to perform the procedures they advertise, but that fact is that the government does not require a surgeon to be specifically trained in the procedures they offer. This problem is most acute in the area of cosmetic surgery, as many doctors with general surgery or other medical training hop on the cosmetic surgery bandwagon in pursuit of greater profits.
Experience In the Procedure You Want You now know the importance of specialization and board certification in cosmetic surgery, but cosmetic surgeons can have subspecialties within this field. This is because each
area of cosmetic surgery requires different skills: you can imagine how operating on a nose with bone and cartilage would be quite different from operating on a breast. So to find the right doctor, first you need to choose a board certified cosmetic surgeon. Second, be sure the cosmetic surgeon has plenty of experience in the specific procedure you plan to have. We all know that what one person finds beautiful may be unattractive to another. This is why it is so important to find a cosmetic surgeon that shares your aesthetic sensibility. For this reason, you can’t just trust a friend’s recommendation of a surgeon, or solely depend on the cosmetic surgeon’s experience. You’ll need to look carefully at the results for each surgeon you interview.
Emotional Connection You’re going to be spending quite a bit of time with your cosmetic surgeon both before and after surgery. Plus, surgery is a big deal, and there can be curves in the path to your new look. You need to feel very comfortable with your cosmetic surgeon and their support team.
Safety & the Operating Facility Your safety during surgery depends in large part on the anesthetist and the operating facility. Accredited operating rooms include key life support systems just in case something goes wrong.
Customer Service Throughout the process of improving your appearance, you want to be sure you are being served and treated well. Some of that will be obvious a few minutes after you walk in the door of cosmetic surgeon’s office.
‘Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well’ 47
SECRETS The history of chocolate starts with the first chocolate being drunk rather than eaten. The chocolate residue found in an ancient Maya pot suggests that Mayans were drinking chocolate 2,600 years ago, which is the earliest record of cacao use. The Aztecs associated chocolate with Xochiquetzal, the goddess of fertility, believing that cacao seeds originated in paradise and would bless anyone who ate them with spiritual wisdom, energy and enhanced sexual powers. The Aztecs discovered that roasting and grinding cocoa seeds made a nourishing paste that could be dissolved in water. In the New World, chocolate was consumed in a bitter and spicy drink called xocoatl, pronounced ‘shockohwattel’ often seasoned with vanilla, chilli pepper, and achiote, which we know today as annatto. Xocoatl was believed to fight fatigue, a belief that is probably attributable to the theobromine content. Chocolate was an important luxury good throughout pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, cocoa beans were often used as currency and only the highest levels of Aztec society could partake of this sacred beverage and chocolate continued to be a privilege of the elite until the early 1700’s. Chocolate has aphrodisiac properties - the Aztecs forbade women to eat it for this very reason. This legend still persists today, with ongoing speculation that chocolate reproduces the feelings of being in love, possibly through the presence of the stimulant PEA phenylethylamine, which boosts energy levels and increases serotonin in the brain, triggering sensations of pleasure. The more widely acknowledged belief is that chocolate makes people feel good because of the sensual pleasure it delivers - which explains much more succinctly our enduring love for this wonderful substance. Chocolate stirs up the emotions like no other food. Since it’s discovery, we have used it to express our feelings, soothe our bodies and minds and celebrate a wide array of social occasions.
Scientists ascribe the aphrodisiac qualities of chocolate, if any, to two chemicals it contains. One, tryptophan, is a building block of serotonin, a brain chemical involved in sexual arousal. The other, phenylethylamine, a stimulant related to amphetamine, is released in the brain when people fall in love.
Ready to Wear Ready-to-wear or prêt-à-porter is the term for factory-made clothing, sold in finished condition, in standardized sizes, as distinct from made to measure or bespoke clothing tailored to a particular person’s frame. The Valentin Yudashkin fashion house produces an irresistible top quality ready-towear line for both men and women. Some of the ready-to-wear line pieces are unique as they are produced in limited numbers.
Erected in 1939, The Carlyle remains an iconic Art Deco landmark of a greatly celebrated bygone era. A distinguished architectural statement of her time, The Carlyle Hotel was not only a magnificent example of the fanciful optimism in design and architecture occurring simultaneously with the tragedy of World War II, but a timeless product from the famed Art Deco architectural masters, Kiehnel and Elliott. The faรงade of the modern-day Carlyle remains virtually unchanged from the original, constructed over sixty-six years ago. One of the most iconic locales on Ocean Drive in South Beach, instantly recognizable, the Carlyle is one of the most sought after settings for photo shoots, televised programming, Hollywood, and independent, film making. Providing solace for a range of sensibilities, from sophisticated jet setter to entrepreneurial freethinkers, the Carlyle has established itself, as the cornerstone property for all that is grand in the new South Beach.
Carlyle has been featured in such films as : Bad Boys 2 2003, Random Hearts 1999, Pronto 1997, The Birdcage 1996, and Scarface 1983 56
Although green iguanas are not native to Florida, they are thriving in the warm South Florida climate. Iguanas are typically not aggressive, but they will defend themselves against pets and against people who try to catch or corner them. Iguanas can bite, scratch, or strike with their powerful tails. Since they are mostly herbivorous - plant eating, iguanas are probably here to stay. As with all wildlife, iguanas are protected by anticruelty laws, and inhumane treatment of them is punishable by law.
Photo: Nadine Veitnere
The Miami Boat Show 2016
Hottest Winter Event World’s Premier Destination to See Best in Boating
Highlights of the 2016 Miami International Boat Show:
A boater’s shopping paradise
he Progressive® Insurance Miami International Boat Show®, recognized as one of the world’s largest boat shows and THE winter destination to find the best in boating, marks its 75th year at a new home - the iconic Miami Marine Stadium Park & Basin, February 11-15, 2016. Just minutes from downtown Miami, the boat show’s new location provides visitors with an island oasis, ideal to shop thousands of new boats and accessories and experience life on the water. Boaters and dreamers alike can board and browse more than 1,200 new boats both on land and in-water, from luxury yachts and sport fishers, to high-speed performance boats and family cruisers. Attendees can also take a free water taxi or shuttle bus to Strictly Sail Miami, a second location of the Miami Boat Show at Miamarina at Bayside and sailor’s paradise, featuring more than 125 sailboats, dozens of daily seminars, and the newest sailing gear being introduced in 2016.
The boat show’s new footprint elevates the entertainment experiences. Exhibit areas are situated in large, state of the art air-conditioned tents for boats, engines, accessories, and the latest boating technologies. Temporary vessel slips will house more than 400 boats in a marina setting, featuring boat demonstrations and sea trials for serious shoppers.
Get your feet wet For those looking to get out and learn on the water, Discover Boating Hands-On Skills Training offers exclusive on-the-water power boating and sailing workshops. Water sport lovers can make their way to the new Try It Cove and try activities such as kayaking and stand up paddle boarding, all while enjoying the picturesque backdrop of downtown Miami. 61
Wine & dine like a boater
Travel to the show like a boater
Food and beverage experiences also play a big part of the Miami Boat Show’s makeover. From on-water dining locations to popup restaurants, a beer garden and upscale wine bar, attendees can please their palates with a variety of options. An interactive kids’ area is also onsite, where children can build their own pizzas, play, and be a part of the family fun at Miami International Boat Show.
New, free park and ride options include dozens of pickup and drop off points for water taxi and shuttle bus service, located throughout Miami, making getting to and from the show seamless and fun. Attendees can board a water taxi or shuttle bus from mainland hotels, park & ride lots, and Metro Rail stations in Downtown, Brickell and Coconut Grove areas.
Celebrating 75 years of boating in Miami The Boat Show celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2016 and is featuring two iconic South Florida boats. The Pilar, a replica and “sistership” of E. Hemingway’s famous boat, is on display, offering show goers a glimpse of the boat that influenced several of Hemingway’s finest books, like The Old Man and the Sea. Carol Suzanne, built by well-known hydroplane driver Robert Schroeder, is one of Miami Marine Stadium basin’s most prominent racing boats.
Where: Miami Marine Stadium Park & Basin 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, FL 33149
stunning new car The luxury British sports car brand is delighted to confirm that James Bond, the world’s most famous spy, once again drives an Aston Martin in Spectre. On this occasion, it’s a model developed specifically for the film and built in-house by the brand’s design and engineering teams. The debut of DB10 in the latest film continues a more than 50-year partnership between Bond and Aston Martin dating back to the iconic Aston Martin DB5 in the 1964 film Goldfinger. Aston Martin CEO, Dr Andy Palmer, said: “It was a pure delight to see the DB10 put to such spectacular use on the big screen. “The ongoing love affair between Bond and Aston Martin has endured for more than half a century and I’m pleased to see the DB10 put through its paces in Spectre.”
Photos: Ekaterina Druz
9700 Collins Avenue, Store 101 Bal Harbour, FL 33154 Tel. 305 865 8765