FarmGen Solar PV Panels The Journey So Far

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FarmGen Supporting Sustainable Farming

Farmgen Solar Pv Power Bundle offers farmer’s a turn-key Solar PV solution and equips them with state-of -the-art technology to help them grow their business sustainably into the future, while improving energy efficiency on farm and further reducing bills. Some key benefits of the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle offers include: • •

Solar PV installation SMART Monitoring

Launch 2019

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Preferential rates on 100% green energy Fully funded solution

Ploughing 2019

James Mackey, winner of 6kw system at the 2019 Ploughing Championships.

External Recognition

Mairead McGuinness MEP complemented Glanbia Ireland for their positive work on launching the FarmGen initiative on International Co-op day in Brussels.

Farmgen chosen a case study & presented at the Solar Ireland 2020 conference in Croke Park in October.

A 10Kw system delivering 40% of a farms energy usage on a summer’s day in June 2021


Wexford farmer installs FarmGen Solar Panels on farm and reaps the benefits. Having travelled to farms across Europe where solar panels were a widespread power source, Wexford farmer, Michael Doran, turned to FarmGen to help him save money and do his bit to protect the environment. Michael, who has a herd of 240 cows on a spring calving rotation, said ‘sustainable farming is always something that I have felt passionate about and it was something that we really wanted to embrace.’ Enquiry and Installation Having seen Glanbia Ireland launch the ‘FarmGen, Solar Powered Energy’ initiative through a partnership with Active8 and SSE Airtricity, Michael jumped at the opportunity to install FarmGen solar powered panels on his farm. ‘FarmGen through Glanbia, gave me the opportunity to install solar panels with a company that I know I can trust and that will be there to service our needs into the future’. Michael’s expression of interested was followed by a phonecall from the FarmGen team, who arranged for Glanbia Ireland’s

FarmGen Progamme Manager Damien Sutton, to visit Michael’s farm. Damien helped Michael select the best solar powered system for his farm, and walked him through the whole process. FarmGen System ‘The system is very simple, it works away itself you’ve very little to do. There’s an app available which allows you to monitor the milking, the cooling of the water, heating and irrigation system, and what power each system actually uses. It helps focus where the big energy uses are on the farm’ explained Michael. Savings Since installation about 20% of Michaels energy coming from solar panel PV. Michael is very happy as it is ‘ensuring that we’re making the maximum use of the number of panels that we’ve installed versus the demand that we have.’ Michael’s farm has now made significant savings in energy costs on the farm and ‘what really makes me proud is the fact that it’s all 100% renewable’ says Michael.

FarmGen has made submissions to the DECC on the Microgeneration Support Scheme, which is due to be rolled out in July 2021.

FarmGen Solar PV systems now installed in 13 counties across Glanbia’s region

FarmGen has now Solar PV installed on farms with herd sizes ranging from 40-900 cows

Case study of recent FarmGen installation Customer purchases a 7Kw Solar PV system on a 115 cow herd delivering an annual saving of c.€1,300 plus savings of another €2,800 per annum by switching to our Partners in Green Energy SSE Airtricity.

This equates to a total saving of €4,100 per annum or 0.62 CPL on all milk delivered. Express your in interest for FarmGen Solar PV panel by calling: 1890-928-889 or visit:


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