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‘Makeovers’, where customers receive a render of their new windows and doors super-imposed over an image of their property, are fast becoming a staple part of the quoting process according to latest analysis of quotes prepared by installers on Tommy Trinder’s Framepoint® platform. The firm reports that in the first three months of the year nearly 11,000 makeovers were prepared for homeowners, compared to just over 9,000 in the same period last year, with over 60% of quotes now accompanied by a visualisation.

“When you consider the ease with which consumers are able to model other significant purchases like cars or kitchens, it feels inevitable that offering the client a visual of their new windows and doors in situ will become the norm,” says Chris Brunsdon, founder and CEO of Tommy Trinder. “Makeovers make sound business for installers too – not only does an impressive visual, but being clear about what you are going to fit at the quoting stage reduces error and rules out misunderstanding from the get-go.”
Crunching the data from eleven thousand visualisations that have been prepared on the Framepoint® platform so far in 2023, Tommy Trinder have identified a number of trending applications for the makeover.
“If a customer is considering a colour change, Framepoint® subscribers will invariably provide a makeover; installers tell us it helps the client get to a final decision quicker,” says Chris. “With 80% of all replacements now foiled this has become an essential sales tool.”
“But it’s not just colour that customers find hard to envisage. Showing the difference that dummy vents, or varying bar layouts will

“If a customer is considering a colour change, Framepoint® subscribers will invariably provide a makeover.” make to the look of the house are also popular reasons to include a makeover with a quote. And when it comes to showing off premium features such as flush sashes, deep bottom rails and timber look cills a quality visual will invariably help justify the uplift in cost.”
Installers interested in finding out more about Tommy Trinder’s Framepoint® platform can book a free demo at https://www.tommytrinder.com/demo