1 minute read

Coles U-turn ‘inappropriate’

substantial adverse and unacceptable traffic impacts.”

Mr Holland, also engaged by Village Fair, stated in his affidavit that the request to install a U-turn facility warranted the right of the community to comment.

“Typically, the impacts which arise at a high degree of saturation are: (a) significant delays to vehicles wanting to make the desired movement; (b) a permanent queue (here, for the weekday PM peak); and a higher risk profile for the intersection due to drivers becoming impatient and accepting smaller gaps in traffic and thus further elevating the risk profile,” he stated.

“Given the distance between the stop bar in the westbound land at the new signalised intersection on Roys Road and the new access is approximately 110 metres, the result will be queuing across the new access during the weekday PM peak,” he stated.

“While the frequency of occurrences for the queue distance extending beyond 110 metres is not entirely clear, these are new impacts not previously proposed by the Appellant and may be matters which would have caused members of the public to make

“Replacing a functional but less than ideal intersection (being the existing Moroney Place intersection) with another inferior outcome is inappropriate, particularly where that outcome places an impost in the form of time and distance penalties on the public in circumstances where the catalyst additional time penalty is between 2.5 and three minutes,” coupled with the safety concerns identified by traffic engineer Stuart Holland ... lead to me conclude that the Proposed Change is likely to give rise to

Mr Buckley stated. He also raised concerns that Coles could use the U-turn as an access point to the shopping centre, which was not part of the original application.

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