Edition 18 March 2025

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New fire station for BeerwahHeavy rains impact growers

THE Queensland Fire Department is proposing a major $10 million upgrade of the Beerwah Fire and Rescue Station and Rural Fire Brigade Station. Public submissions are now being called ahead of an April 15 deadline.


The proposed development is located at 14 Creek Crescent, Beerwah and would be constructed over lots 11 and 12. If approved, it would replace the existing fire and rescue facilities in Beerwah. The project will include a one-storey fire and rescue station building, and

another one-storey rural fire brigade station building, a covered outdoor recreation area and three driveways on Creek Crescent. According to the applicant’s Environmental Assessment Report, funding was allocated after it was identified upgrades were crucial. Full story p3

FLOODING from ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred has impacted local growers with crops damaged and property impacted. Peachester’s Green Valley Fingerlimes, was hit hard from the torrential rain last week. Green Valley’s Jade

King, said she was facing losses in the thousands of dollars, after fruit prematurely ‘popped’ and trees were felled during the storms that hit just prior to full harvest. “We have lost a bit of fruit, it’s peak season, so they are just holding on at the moment,” she said.

“I knew there was going

to be a loss happening, so I tried to harvest as much as I could before the rain.

Sunshine Coast Food & Agribusiness Network (FAN) CEO, Nicole McNaughton, said the best thing people can do during this difficult time, is to buy from local farmers and producers. Full story p4-5



MITCH GAYNOR Managing Editor mitch@gcnews.com.au

SONIA ISAACS Deputy Editor sonia@gcnews.com.au

KIRRA LIVINGSTONE kirra@gcnews.com.au

TINA GRIEVE tina@gcnews.com.au

LEWIS KWARCIANYI lewis@gcnews.com.au


SHARON KING & KATIE BUCKLEY design@gcnews.com.au


ANGELA USHER angela@gcnews.com.au


The tension between the lifestyle we desire and the reality of population growth—and what that means for the hinterland—is tightening.

At its core, this is an area where many people want to live.

It ticks boxes for people from all walks of life, helped, albeit to a diminishing degree, by its affordability.

You don’t have to travel far to play sport, hit the beach, hike a mountain, pick a school, join a community group, attend church, or go shopping.

While we can’t exactly paint an idyllic picture of half-acre blocks and white picket fences, where doors are left unlocked and keys are in the car, we don’t have it too bad.

Yet times are a-changin’.

This week, we launch the first of three features exploring the future of the hinterland. (p17-

21). We begin with housing and liveability, coinciding with the State Government’s approval of the Sunshine Coast Council’s 2025 Planning Scheme.

This blueprint for future development—yet to be made public—will be essential reading for those keen to understand what lies ahead.

There will be plenty of questions.

Where will nearly 200,000 new residents fit?

Will minimum lot sizes change?

Will apartments and units sprout around Beerwah station, and what could the town look like in a few short years?

What is the real plan for Beerwah East?

It’s been discussed nearly as long as the Sunshine Coast rail line and could remain just talk for years to come.

If it’s delayed, pressure will only build elsewhere.

The council will have some late nights trying to sort out those talking points.

To start the conversation, we speak to local residents

about what attracted them to the hinterland—and their concerns for its future.

We also talk to town planners, local leaders, and state politicians, who will be held accountable for the changes ahead.

Like it or not, change is happening.

This sporting life

Congratulations to the Glasshouse cricket women’s side who played in their first grand final on the weekend. Pipped in the final ball the team did their club proud. Well done! (p30)

Tipping is a bargain

We are two weeks into the NRL season and while it’s too early to make a call about our Pip the Pollies tipping competition, I’d like to give a shout out to Jess Luthe from Maleny & Hinterland Real Estate who is leading based on margins. (p31) We’re also impressed by Bargain Max Betty who seems to know quite a bit about league despite being a mannequin. Our pollies appear to be holding their own, but they’re there to be beaten!

The Glass House Mountains Rowlands family. Maddison, Leigh, Carly and Elliott (back row), Oliver and Connor (in hammock). Housing and liveability feature p15-21.

Flowering marvel

AMATEUR orchid enthusiast Max Whitten (pictured) has shared a stunning photo of his Stanhopea wardeii in bloom.

Acquired last October, this species originates from Nicaragua to Venezuela and is pollinated by the rare

Euglossine ‘Golden Bee.’

“The orchid mimics the scent of the female bee, luring males to collect pollen,” Mr Whitten said. “Alas, my orchid is very unlikely to be pollinated. We don’t have this species of Golden Bee.” Stanhopea orchids,

New station in Beerwah

Upgraded fire and rescue facilities in town

being called ahead of

identified upgrades were crucial.

“QFD have determined that the existing Beerwah Fire and Rescue Station at 23A Beerwah Parade, Beerwah ... and the existing Beerwah and District at 175 Roys Road ... are no longer supporting the operational

brigade station will also enhance the capability to response to rural fire and emergency events in the district.”

The document added the new joint facility is positioned with connectivity to the Bruce Highway and Steve Irwin Way, which will optimise emergency response times.

known as ‘upside-down orchids,’ were once a mystery to growers until it was discovered their flower spikes emerge from below.

“These spectacular, fragrant blooms last just a few days, making each flowering a fleeting marvel”. Mr Whiten said.

rescue station building, and another onestorey rural fire brigade station building, a covered outdoor recreation area and three driveways on Creek Crescent.

According to the applicant’s Environmental Assessment Report, funding was allocated after it was

“The Beerwah replacement station will provide a contemporary fire and rescue station which meets the current and projected demand for emergency incidents services for the Beerwah area.

“The new rural fire

A Queensland Fire Department spokesperson said a tender for the design of the facility is now open.

“This is a key area of growth in Queensland and the replacement stations will provide a contemporary frontline response capability to service the rapidly expanding Sunshine Coast community well into the future,” they said.

To submit your thoughts on the project, visit www. planning.qld.gov.au/ planning-framework/ infrastructure-planning/ or email infrastructuredesig nation@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au. kirra@gcnews.com.au

Artists impression.

Cyclone support available

THE Federal Government is providing financial support to communities impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred through the Disaster Recovery Allowance. This allowance offers up to 13 weeks of income support for eligible workers and sole traders who have suffered income loss due to the disaster.

It will be available in 14 Local Government Areas in Queensland, including Brisbane, Fraser Coast, Gold Coast, and Sunshine Coast.

Towns in New South Wales affected by the adverse weather such as Ballina, Byron Bay, Lismore and Tweed Heads will receive compensation as well.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said natural disasters bring the best out of the nation. “My message to these communities is we’ve got your back and will support you through the recovery.” Application opened on March 11.

Eligible individuals can apply via myGov or call the Australian Government Emergency Information Line on 180 22 66.

Farmers tough it out


ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred has

some local growers with crops damaged and property impacted.

Peachester’s Green Valley Fingerlimes, was hit hard from torrential rain last week, which resulted in a hit to her business.

Green Valley’s Jade King, said she was facing losses in the thousands of dollars, after fruit prematurely ‘popped’ and trees were felled during the heavy rain and winds that hit just prior to full harvest.

“We have lost a bit of fruit, it’s peak season, so they are just holding on at the moment,” she said.

“It’s something that I had accepted, I knew there was going to be a loss, so I tried to harvest as much as I could before the rain.

“Over the coming days more of the fruit will pop open from the extra water, but I’ll probably lose a few 100kgs.”

She added that the farm had received some additional damage from the intense rain.

“Some trees have come down, but they were probably ones that were ready to come down,” Ms King said.

“The road washout is probably my most expensive issue at the moment.

“With the amount of water that went down my driveway, it makes it unable to go up in a normal vehicle, even in a 4WD it’s diff

Glasshouse Plantations owner, Lisa Palu, said they expected the worst from the flooding, but luckily came out unscathed.

“It was actually benefi to us and the rain has been terrific,” she said.

“We were expecting our coffee trees to tip over from the wind but not only did we not lose any trees, we didn’t lose any branches either.

“The branches are very heavy now with the coff cherries, and we were expecting the rain to weigh them down and cause them to snap.”

Tropical Pines general manager, Anthony Dobson, said while the floods didn’t cause any crop losses or damage, the warmer conditions following the heavy rain would result in

hit the shelves in the cooler months.

“(Alfred) hasn’t caused any damage on the farm, we haven’t had any plants wash away, and certainly have had no where near the impacts that Townsville has had from the rain,” he said.

after the rain, the danger with that is we will get sunburn on the fruit.

“We weren’t flooded in, we didn’t lose power, so we are pretty good with everything.”

He said that the last three years of adverse of pineapples in the hinterland.

“We have another natural flowering event coming up which will start to hit around May, so we will have an increase in volume as we head into Winter,” Mr Dobson said. “This is not

after storm

our Spring crops, so we will have a shortage heading into September/ October.”

Macadamia crops were also impacted by the heavy rains.

Australian Macadamia Society (AMS) CEO, Clare Hamilton-Bate, said the release of their crop forecast was now delayed.

local and support local businesses.”

“Every purchase makes a difference.”

“It has been a challenging few days for many growers,” Ms Hamilton-Bate said.

“The priority now is ensuring safety, followed by orchard clean-up and assessing crop loss and orchard damage as soon as conditions allow.”

The updated figures in the AMS’ crop forecast will be released within two weeks.

Sunshine Coast Food & Agribusiness Network (FAN) CEO, Nicole McNaughton, said the best thing people can do during this difficult time, is to buy from local farmers and producers.

year but not in other states, so sales will drop off for pineapples as it gets cooler and other products are more popular.

“It’s a bit of a challenge for us, and because the natural flowering is coming early, it has an impact on

“Now is the time to support our local producers, makers, and growers,” Ms Naughton said.

“They are the backbone of our region, and as they face the challenges brought by recent floods, the best way we can help is to buy

A FAN spokesperson said the full extent of disadvantages on local farmers was still being investigated.

“Early reports suggest that crop losses, soil erosion, and infrastructure damage could pose challenges for some farmers, but more time and assessment are needed to evaluate the broader effects,” they said.

The FAN spokesperson added they will continue to provide support to local farmers and businesses.

“We’ll be sharing information on available resources and funding, facilitating connections with relevant government agencies, and exploring opportunities to support business recovery through our network.” kirra@gcnews.com.au

SES volunteers keeping busy

HINTERLAND SES crews have been working tirelessly in the aftermath of exTropical Cyclone Alfred, which swept through the region last weekend (March 7-8).

SES Sunshine Coast Unit local controller, Brendan Casement, said his team was kept busy with dozens of callouts both before and after Alfred had crossed the coast.

“In the Beerwah area we had 80 requests for assistance in our system, and another 41 in the Maleny area,” he said.

“The initial first four days was all preparation work, in the Beerwah area alone there was 30,000 sandbags

and trees which have fallen down across driveways and houses.”

Despite most evacuations taking place in Nambour,

we had to get the general nursing staff to one of their medical facilities there,” Mr Casement said.

Maleny SES acting deputy group leader, Jared Ashcroft, said in the days

Once the floods hit, Mr Ashcroft said it was a long and challenging time for volunteers. “On Monday, myself and the crew had about a 14-hour day doing jobs and completing rescues,” he said.

“The challenging part was because of the roads that were flooded, we couldn’t access any of the properties that we needed to get to until water receded.

“We are now back to our normal routine, and are able to respond to call outs since the majority of our jobs have now closed.”

Mr Casement said that because the cyclone didn’t directly hit the Sunshine Coast, the damage was less severe than anticipated.

“We were prepared for worst case scenario, so when Alfred decided to change tracks and go south, we saw less requests than we were expecting,” he said.

“We are very lucky we weren’t in that situation, if it hit the north of Maroochydore, we would be in the same situation as NSW and the Gold Coast.”

Mr Ashcroft also thanked volunteers for giving up their time and businesses for donating food and supplies to SES crews.

Green Valley Fingerlimes owner, Jade King, holding the damaged finger limes.
Pictures: Kirra Livingstone
Close up of a popped finger lime.
Back - Steve, Jared, Mitch, Roy, Reinhard and Lindsay. FrontChayse and Reign.

Caravan and camping tourist park awaiting approval on SIW


application for a tourist park on 1286 Steve Irwin Way, Beerwah, is currently in its decision period with the Sunshine Coast Council.

A decision will be made at an upcoming Ordinary Meeting and if approved, it could provide a new camping option following the closure of camping facilities at the Beerwah Sportsground in 2023.

It will boost short-term accommodation options in the lower hinterland,

providing 79 camp sites and 40 cabins.

Some of the available camp sites will have access to ensuite facilities.

The tourist park will have a camp kitchen, BBQ facilities, and a pool and playground.

It will also have a visitor check-in office, which will have a kiosk where you can purchase miscellaneous, café-style food and drink items.

This will be used predominantly by tourist park residents but will also be available for the general public and

other holidaymakers. Accommodation for the manager and staff will also be built on-site.

The application for a material change of use was first submitted on November 16, 2023, and did not require public submissions.

It is expected that the application will be discussed at a Sunshine Coast Council ordinary meeting in the next few months. Division 1 Councillor Jenny Broderick said the Sportsground camp ground would not be reopened.

Calls to hire a new caretaker

Sportsground going down as tenants say vandalism and lax cleaning takes a toll on community space

VANDALISM is on the rise and maintenance standards are slipping at Beerwah Sports Ground, prompting Beerwah Lions president Rod Layt to call for an external caretaker to manage the now-defunct campsite. Mr Layt said issues at the Sports Ground began after the campground ceased operations.

“When we had caravans in there and a caretaker, we

never had a problem with vandalism or maintenance,” he said.

“There’s a job there –they can create a job for someone, they can create a house for someone to stay there and be the new caretaker.” He said Sunshine Coast Council was falling behind on maintenance, particularly gardening.

“Back in December, a huge tree branch had fallen onto the ground, and it took council a month to come

and remove it,” he said.

“When they came to mow, which is only fortnightly if we are lucky, they would go around the branches instead of taking them.

“At one point we had to mow around our shed twice because the grass was almost knee height.”

A Sunshine Coast Council spokesperson said lessees of

the Sports Ground were responsible for maintenance in their own spaces. “The common areas of the grounds are maintained by Council’s Parks and Gardens team while the elds and surfaces are maintained by the sporting clubs as part of their lease requirements,” they said.

Mr Layt said vandalism had

also increased since the campground closed.

“We always had our toilets unlocked, and we never had any issues with graffiti here until the campground closed,” he said. “People came in and spray-painted the toilets, council came to repaint it and then installed gates and now lock them at night.”

The Beerwah Bulldogs clubhouse and Beerwah RSL sub-branch, both located at the Sports Ground, have

also been targeted by graffiti vandals over the past year.

Mr Layt said the council should reinstate camping at Beerwah, citing economic benefits for the community.

“We need a campground because it brings so much money into our local businesses,” he said.

Division 1 councillor, Jenny Broderick, said people can still utilise the Sports Ground as a day area.

Artist impression of proposed development cabins.

Call to arms over Bunya Dieback

MORE than 100 conservationists, scientists, landholders, Indigenous rangers, and government representatives gathered at the Maleny Community Centre on March 14 for the Beyond Bunya Dieback Symposium, tackling the devastating impact of Phytophthora cinnamomi.

Held on Jinibara Country, the full-day event brought together experts from across Australia and

beyond, all committed to addressing dieback threats tackling the threats posed by dieback and pathogens like Phytophthora.

Program co-coordinator and rainforest ecologist Spencer Shaw said dieback was a growing global crisis.

“We can’t ignore the devastation caused by pathogens like Phytophthora,” he said.

“Solutions demand crosssector collaboration, and this symposium was a step towards real change.”

Fellow coordinator Karen Shaw said the program covered national and international biosecurity strategies, Indigenous land management, and ecosystem restoration using native fungi.

“Attendees engaged in discussions, sharing insights and potential action pathways,” she said.

The event reinforced the urgency of collective action to protect Bunya trees and other threatened species.

“Many left inspired to drive

real change. A huge thank you to all who contributed to this important event,” Ms Shaw said.

The symposium also featured the Beyond Bunya Art Exhibition, showcasing works from over 20 Australian and international artists, including First Nations creatives. Running until March 19 at Little Red Cottage, above Forest Heart ecoNursery, the exhibition offers a poignant visual response to the ecological crisis.

A clearer path for our region

THE Sunshine Coast Council has adopted its Corporate Plan 2025-30, setting a strategic direction to create a connected, liveable, and thriving region.

At its February 27 meeting, Council endorsed the 2025-30 Corporate Plan, shaping policies to manage population growth while preserving the region’s natural beauty and economic strength.

Mayor Rosanna Natoli said the plan reflected community feedback and provided a clear and steady focus on the challenges and opportunities ahead.

“Our new Corporate Plan is built around the bold vision of being Australia’s most sustainable region,” Mayor Natoli said.

“It’s a vision that is characterised by creating a balanced Sunshine Coast that honours our residents now and into the future.

“Our goal is to enable a community that is connected, liveable and thriving.”

Under the plan, ‘connected’ initiatives include improving public transport, fostering community engagement and enhancing digital connectivity.

‘Liveable’ projects focus on maintaining the region’s natural landscape, integrating sustainable design principles and ensuring diverse housing options.

The ‘thriving’ pillar aims to support innovation, tourism, manufacturing and the arts while ensuring benefits extend beyond the Brisbane 2032 Olympics.

Community engagement was a key driver of the plan, with 17,000 responses shaping the Council’s approach.

“We’re listening and working with our community to build a better future,” Mayor Natoli said. The plan will guide the 2025-26 Budget, effective from July 1, 2025. www. sunshinecoast.qld.gov. au/council/planning-andprojects/council-plans/ourvision

Jason Murphy, Uncle Colin Ross, Aunty Zeitha Jalamala Murphy, Gabrielle Quakawoot, Kaleb Murphy, Adrian Bauwens, Tom Esperanza, Mita Harris, Spencer Shaw (Front row) Karen Shaw, Aunty Rhonda Sandow and Brianna Hanson.

Vale Bill Hankinson

William George Hankinson

Nov 25, 1940 - Feb 22, 2025

THE Maleny community has joined to celebrate the legacy of William George Hankinson — better known as Bill.

True to his nature, Bill would not have wanted a fuss. He would simply want to know that his family, friends, and neighbours were gathered, sharing memories and, as he would say, “having a yarn.”

Born on November 25, 1940 in Maleny, Bill was the second child of Ted and Phyllis Hankinson, with his older sister Adele preceding him by 18 months and younger brother Ivan arriving five years later.

The Hankinsons have been long standing members of the Maleny community, with Bill’s grandfather George (whose parents were John and Jane Hankinson who arrived in 1878 as early settlers to the Maleny township) selecting land along the Landsborough-Maleny Road in 1916, where the family brand, 7 Lazy Z H, became a hallmark of the property.

Bill’s childhood was spent on the steep country of his family’s 300-acre property, Oceanview.

By the age of 14, he was

driving steers a with horse and dog from the western side of Maleny (Reesville) to Little Mountain (Caloundra) where the abattoirs were. An arduous task that today is almost unimaginable.

School held little interest for young Bill, and at 15, he left to pursue his true calling: farming.

His father, Ted, ensured that Bill not only worked the land but also understood the business — sharing in both profits and losses.

Together, they expanded and improved the dairy and beef herds, cleared land, and acquired a paddock where Maleny High School stands today.

Despite his work on the land, Bill found time to immerse himself in sport and community life.

and remaining a lifelong LNP supporter. At 40, he joined Rotary, later serving as President and receiving the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow Award.

In 1963, Bill met Marlene, at the Maleny Show Ball. As was the custom, he drove her home that night, beginning a courtship that

his own connection to the land. The 1980s saw Bill and Marlene venture into the world of horse racing, becoming founding members of the Sunshine Coast Turf Club. Their passion for the sport never waned, and they remained life members, attending regularly.

He played cricket, A-grade badminton on the Sunshine Coast, and rugby league for Maleny, known for his hard tackling as a hooker.

Community service came naturally to Bill, as it did for many from that era. At 18, he became heavily involved in the Maleny Show Society, later becoming a Life Member.

He received the Rotary Youth Leadership Award and joined Apex, serving as President. His commitment extended to politics, joining the Country Party at 18

lasted nearly five years before their wedding on 26 April 1968. They wanted to marry sooner, but Marlene’s father insisted she wait until she was 21. Ever pragmatic, Bill likely saw the delay as an opportunity to invest in improving his pastures and herd.

Bill and Marlene welcomed three children— Murray in 1971, Rebecca in 1972, and Ashley in 1974.

Bill was adamant that all three learned to ride horses properly, instilling in them a life skill that mirrored

In 1994, Ashley returned from Emerald to work alongside his father. Together, they transformed the farm, increasing milk production to 750,000 litres—an extraordinary feat on steep terrain.

Bill’s philosophy was clear: on such country, only a young, strong herd could endure. His deep knowledge of the land and livestock was instinctive.

In 1998, deregulation upended the dairy industry, forcing many small-scale farms to close. Bill made the difficult decision to transition to beef cattle but took the change in stride. “You could stay bitter all your life, but what’s the use?” he said.

With milking no longer dictating his daily routine, Bill turned his attention to camp drafting — a lifelong dream. For the next two decades, he travelled across

Queensland competing, first on a horse named Mr Ed, and later his favourite horse, Beau. At 70, he won at Widgey, outclassing professional drafters—a victory he took great pride in. He continued competing until the age of 78, finally retiring when he received titanium knee replacements at 79. In his later years, Bill

Marlene and Bill on their wedding day.


Bill Hankinson was, above all, a farmer—one who knew every tree, every inch of his land, and every beast in his care. Bill

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Marlene, Bill and their family.

IWD breakfast

THE Montville Chamber of Commerce’s International Women’s Day breakfast was a great celebration of hinterland women in business.

Ladies from across the hinterland attended the sold out breakfast event, which was held at Secrets on the Lake in Montville last Friday March 14.

Dr. Sophia O’Brien delivered an inspirational speech and there were some incredible raffles and auction items on the day with all the proceeds going to Zonta Blackall Range. The event also had a fabulous fashion parade with models from Flair 4 Fashion, Montville, MC’d by Lynn Fallon.

Deborah and Sandra.Taryn, Kim, Leeanne, Dr. Sophia and Annie.

GH Chamber’s first Women in Biz event for the year

THE first Women in Biz event of 2025 was a resounding success, bringing together local businesswomen for a day of networking, learning, and growth.

Hosted by the Glasshouse Country Chamber of Commerce, the event

featured guest speaker businesswoman Kate Langford, who shared valuable insights on business confidence and success. The Chamber extended its gratitude to the dedicated committee members, sponsors, and attendees whose support

made the event possible. A special thank you was given to the Glasshouse Tavern, for hosting the gathering and providing the ladies with a delicious lunch. With a strong start to the year, organisers are looking forward to empower women in business.

IT was a great turnout for MDSRC’s community group breakfast held last Tuesday March 11. Around 30 representatives from various hinterland organisations enjoyed breakfast and an industry led chat.

Back: Hayley and Rebecca.
Local community groups were well represented at the first MDSRC community breakfast at Maleny Food Co. Fleur and Barbara.
John and Lynda.Penny and Mike.
Lovely Hospital Aux. ladies.Jean and Margy.
Mary and John with Desley.
Jessica, Tess, Lauren and Mia.
Speaker Kate Langford with Tamara Hazelden.
Models Terri, Angie, Linda with Stephanie from Flair 4 Fashion.
Ladies of Zonta Blackall Range.
Clare, Jacinta and Keryn Jones.

GHM coffee farm Business

IF you have been to the Glass House Mountains Lookout recently, you will have driven past Glasshouse Plantation’s 2,000 new Arabica coffee trees. It is the first time these varieties have been commercially planted in Australia. Bred in South America they are semidwarf, making them easier to manage than the 3,000 trees already established.

Our first plantings are an Arabica variety called K7

needing a lot of pruning. Unfortunately, our new little trees have had a tough time of it. There were two heat waves just after we planted them and now a cyclone!

The Spot shop has opened in a new location

Tara and Rhys with some of their pots. Inset: The Spot’s new premises at Beerwah.

Contributed by The Spot

EXCITING news for all garden enthusiasts and home decorators in the area!

The Spot Sunshine Coast are thrilled to announce the opening of their new location, strategically situated at the bustling corner of Roys Road and

Steve Irwin Way (9/1 Roys Road, Beerwah).

This prime location offers easy access for all visitors and promises a delightful shopping experience. Our warehouse boasts a stunning collection of pots, featuring an impressive array of styles, sizes and designs to suit every taste and preference.

Whether you’re looking for something classic, modern, or entirely unique, our selection is designed to inspire and enhance any garden or home decor. We invite the local community to visit us and check out our stunning pots on offer.

The Spot Sunshine Coast

“Your Number 1 SPOT for High Quality Pots!”

How long have you lived in Mooloolah for?

We’ve lived in the Mooloolah area for 13 years. What made you move to Mooloolah?

We originally lived in Caloundra, and my son was in high school at the time, he was mixing with the wrong crowd, hanging in skate parks so we told him that we are going bush. I haven’t looked back, it made a huge difference. What do you love about living in Mooloolah?

I love the friendliness really, even though you may not know everyone but you still talk with them, help everyone out when you can. It’s good where it is because you can go either way, you can go to Maleny, Caloundra,

Community profile

Brisbane, it’s central. What’s your favourite spot or hidden gem in Mooloolah?

It would have to be the Ewen Maddock Dam, I love the dam, we take the kayaks down there and go there on Christmas because it doesn’t get packed. Is there anything that you’d change about Mooloolah?

The more you bring things into a town, the more it spoils it. When we first moved here it was very quiet and now it’s pretty busy. What’s something people may not know, but should know about Mooloolah?

We don’t want them knowing anything! It’s the little town that is a bit of a hideaway from the city. We are still in touch with the nature and still have common sense out here.

Volunteers needed

THE Mooloolah Valley Community Association is looking for more volunteers to help out at their upcoming community BBQ on Friday, March 28. Due to their usual volunteers who operate the monthly community BBQ’s will be away on the day, they are seeking some replacement helpers.

The association used to run these events a number of years ago, and the new committee brought it back in the last few months.

These community BBQs are a great way to connect

Planting coffee bean trees.

Free Seniors Morning Tea


Senior Citizens Club

invite all local seniors (50+) to enjoy a special complimentary morning tea event on Tuesday March 25 at the Beerwah Community Hall from 9am11am.

Guests can enjoy an opportunity to join in with other local seniors, play some games, enjoy some delicious morning tea, visit some stalls and be in the running to win raffle prizes.

The morning tea will also offer guests the chance to learn more about the club as well as other local community organisations.

Beerwah Community Hall is located at 25 Peachester road (next to Beerwah Library).

Please RSVP for catering purposes by calling or texting 0476 793 134.

Book launch at Rosetta

LOCAL poet Brendan O’Shea (pictured) known as the Mindfulness Poet, is set to launch his latest book ‘How Wonderful: A Funny Story About Depression and Mindfulness’ on Friday, March 21.

The event, at Rosetta Books, starts at 5pm for a 5.30pm kick-off, with tickets just $5, including a glass of wine and cheese.

A regular performer at Arts Alive, Mr O’Shea’s new book blends memoir and self-help, sharing his lived experience with depression and the transformative power of mindfulness.

From yoga to psychedelic therapy, he explores various paths to mental wellness.

Mr O’Shea, once a Buddhist monk and now a mindfulness mentor, brings humour, hope and resilience

Snapshots competition

RESIDENTS with memories of life on the Home Front in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast during World War II are invited to share their stories for a special theatre event in Maleny.

The upcoming production Snapshots from Home, written by local playwright Margery Forde, will be performed at the Maleny Playhouse across seven shows from April 25 (Anzac Day) to May 11. Each performance will feature a live reading of a short nonfiction piece, drawn from real-life accounts of the era.

Community members are encouraged to submit their true stories up to approximately 100 words— by April 20 2025.

If your submission is chosen, you will receive two complimentary tickets for the performance of your choice to hear your story read aloud to an audience.

This is a unique opportunity to share personal or family experiences from the war years and ensure these stories live on.

For submissions email, malenyplayersproductions @gmail.com Results will be posted on Maleny Players Facebook page from April 22, 2025.

Celebrate Together: Harmony Week

CELEBRATE Harmony Week with Sunshine Coast Libraries from March 17–23, featuring workshops, an engaging conversation circle, and valuable multicultural resources.

Strong Community Portfolio Councillor Taylor Bunnag said the week was a chance for residents to embrace cultural diversity.

“Harmony Week reminds us that we live in a wonderful, culturally diverse region where everyone is welcome,” Cr Bunnag said. “Libraries offer great activities and resources to bring the community together. Come along and celebrate your diversity in a supportive space.”

Sandbags left high and dry

Thousands of sandbags have been left unused following Cyclone preparation

NEARLY 200,000 sandbags were collected from SES locations across the Sunshine Coast in preparation for Tropical Cyclone Alfred, but with the worst of the severe weather now behind us, many remain unused.

Sunshine Coast Council and emergency services are now urging residents to repurpose or properly dispose of their SES sandbags to ensure they don’t go to waste.

Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group Chair and Mayor Rosanna Natoli commended the community for their preparedness and encouraged residents to find practical uses for their sandbags.

“We feel incredibly fortunate to be through the worst of the severe weather,” Mayor Natoli said.

“We know that many

people have unused SES sandbags, and we are calling on our community to put them to work.

“When the time comes to dispose of sandbags, please use the sand to topdress

future use. The bags may last up to 12 months.” From 7am to 3pm daily until Friday, March 14, residents can take SES sandbags to several councilstaffed locations across the

12.30pm to 2.30pm.

Check out the Sunshine Coast Libraries website for more information.

Discover and download millions of songs and albums through Freegal Music and Hoopla apps, and explore music from diverse cultures.

Connect further with the community and access support services through the Multicultural Welcome Hub.

Why not join a Harmony Week Conversation Circle?

Practise your speaking and listening skills in a friendly group of adults where English is an additional language. A trained teacher will guide and encourage you, helping to build confidence and connections.

A special conversation circle will be held at Caloundra Library on Tuesday, March 18, from

Libraries host workshops across the region—find out what’s on via the Libraries website.

Shine a Light on Racism Harmony Week also includes the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21.

Join the ‘Shine a Light on Racism’ campaign and take a stand—racism is never okay.

Learn more about the campaign on Council’s website.

Judith and Bob Smyth.
SCC Parks Field Leader Michael Burrows.

Endo Awareness Month brings light to condition

MARCH marks

Endometriosis Awareness

Month, a time to shed light on a debilitating condition that affects 1 in 10 women in Australia.

Although widespread, the journey to diagnosis and proper treatment remains a long and often painful one. Women living with endometriosis often face 10-15 years of medical misdiagnosis, societal stigma, and the emotional

toll of being dismissed by those who should offer support.

Hailey Price, a 30-year-old local woman, knows this struggle all too well. She has lived with both endometriosis and adenomyosis for 16 years, conditions that have rendered daily life nearly impossible. After consulting with eight doctors in search of answers, one doctor who had the necessary

STEPS Harvest Day event this month

STEPS Garden Centre is gearing up for its annual Harvest Day event on Saturday, March 22, bringing the Sunshine Coast community together for a day of autumn festivities, gardening fun, and support for a great cause.

Running from 9am to 3pm at STEPS Garden Centre on Ulm Street South in Caloundra, the event promises a variety of attractions.

These activities will include discounts on plants and gardening supplies, engaging activities for kids, a bonsai workshop, and free gardening information sessions.

The event is designed to offer something for the whole family.

STEPS Garden Centre

Manager, April Heard, expressed her excitement for the upcoming celebration.

“Our previous Harvest Day was the biggest day for STEPS Garden Centre ever, and the entire team was so incredibly proud to share our passion for gardening and the ‘why’ behind our non-profit business, which is STEPS Pathways College,” Mrs Heard said.

STEPS Garden Centre operates as a social enterprise, with all profits supporting STEPS Pathways College.

This unique program equips young adults with disabilities and autism with the skills needed for independent living.

Attendees can shop for quality native plants,

expertise to identify the disease, took her seriously and successfully diagnosed it. Hailey is now scheduled this month for laparoscopic surgery to manage her endometriosis and a full hysterectomy to treat her adenomyosis - the only known cure for this often misunderstood disease. The delay in receiving a diagnosis is largely due to the lack of awareness and understanding of

the disease among both the public and medical professionals. It’s this very lack of awareness that makes comments like those recently made by comedian and radio host Marty Sheargold all the more damaging. In a segment, Sheargold dismissed endometriosis as “made up” and trivialised the suffering of women who endure it with remarks such as “God, don’t ladies carry on.”

participate in seasonal activities, and enjoy a funfilled day while contributing to a meaningful initiative.

For more information, visit STEPS Garden Centre and Café on George in

miss this opportunity to celebrate gardening, community, and a brighter future for young adults.

For many, such comments are not just hurtful - they set back the critical progress needed to address these conditions.

“It’s frustrating because it feels like we’re still fighting to be taken seriously,”

Hailey explains.

“When public figures minimise what we go through, it makes it harder for women to get the proper recognition which can in turn lead to infertility in women and the inability to have children.”

In fact, up to 50 per cent of women with endometriosis experience infertility, adding another layer of heartbreak for those who struggle to start a family. This disease can affect so many areas of the body: ovaries, bladder, bowel, and in rare cases, even the lungs, spine, heart, and brain.

“The more we talk about it, the more we can change the narrative,” she said.

“Women need to know that they’re not alone. It’s not ‘just’ period pain - it’s a debilitating, lifelong struggle.”

As Endometriosis Awareness Month continues, the hope is that stories like Hailey’s will spark the necessary conversations to ensure those suffering, and are not left to struggle in silence. If you or someone you know is struggling with these conditions, it is crucial to be persistent in advocating for yourself. For more information, head to www. endometriosisaustralia.org

Australia not ready for next health crisis

PUBLIC health experts are urging political parties to commit to public health investments, including a permanent Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC), ahead of the 2025 Federal Election.

Adjunct Professor Terry Slevin, CEO of the Public Health Association of Australia, reflected on the impact of COVID-19.

“The start of the pandemic was an unprecedented worldwide event that affected all of us.

“Although overall Australia did well, we can’t afford to forget the challenges we faced and lessons we learnt.

“Many fear we are less, not more prepared for a similar outbreak should it occur now.”

Labor leader Anthony Albanese pledged in 2022 to establish a permanent CDC, but while an interim CDC exists, the permanent body isn’t expected until January 1, 2026.

Professor Allen Cheng AC, Professor of Infectious Diseases at Monash University, stressed urgency.

“It’s a matter of when, not if, the next health emergency will occur. It is vital that we move to a permanent and properly resourced CDC as soon as possible.”

Adjunct Professor Slevin warned resources have shifted away from essential public health services. “We are very concerned that governments are prioritising acute care over preventive health initiatives.”

Caloundra or check their website.

Pets & Animals

Beerwah’s best dogs in Olympics

BEERWAH’S first annual Dog Olympics is on this weekend (March 22-23), showcasing a range of sports and showing events.

It is expected to draw in hundreds of dogs to the Beerwah Sportsground.

This year’s event will have something for everyone, but keep your own dogs at home as they will interfere with the show and competing dogs.

There will be market stalls with dog themed merchandise, and food, coffee and ice cream vans.

For the kids, there will also be fun filled a treasure hunt set up. And best of all, entry for all spectators is free! On Saturday most of the show events and sprintdog will take place.

Then on Sunday the remainder of the show events, tricks and scent dog will continue to entertain crowds.

RSPCA Million

communities together to fight animal cruelty, this year’s Million Paws Walk will be the last as a national event. Since its inception, the event has seen up to 1.6 million paws—representing 400,000 dogs—alongside more than 750,000 participants, raising an incredible $17 million for animals in need.

Over the years, the walk has brought joy and essential funding to RSPCA services, helping care for tens of thousands of animals annually. However, in May 2025, the final national Million Paws Walk will take place across the country. RSPCA Australia CEO, Richard Mussell, said the decision was made in response to cost-of-living

we took lightly,” Mr Mussell said.

“However, the financial strain on animal lovers and increasing event costs has meant Million Paws Walk is no longer able to provide what it once could to the community while also effectively fundraising for much-needed RSPCA services.

“The RSPCA feels it best to channel resources directly to support the animals in our care, and ensure every dollar supports the critical services and care that have become increasingly costly to provide.”

Reflecting on the walk’s legacy, Mr Mussell said it has successfully united the nation in supporting animal welfare.

New animal product laws

Legislation is coming in September 2025 to improve the use of health supplies

NEW laws pertaining to the use of some animal health products are coming into effect later this year.

In September 2024 the APMVA changed, and in some instances, cancelled registrations for products containing the active ingredient diazinon.

As a result of new and continuing research, this decision is based on both trade concerns, and environmental, human and animal safety.

Diazinon is one of a group of chemicals called organophosphates, which act by disrupting the nervous system of insect pests.

Over the years, diazinon’s use has been largely replaced by other products, but its role in some circumstances, particularly in farm animals, has continued to be important.

Lice, fly-strike and buffalo fly are major problems for sheep, pigs and cattle.

Diazinon has played an important role in relieving the stress and damage done by pests via its presence in some sprays, powders and ear-tags.

As of September 2024, it has been illegal to buy these products and from September 2025, it will be an offence to own, store or use these them.

It’s important that producers make appropriate adjustments in the way that they manage these issues in their animals.

This should involve seeking advice regarding alternate chemicals, and other management strategies.

The changes relate to diazinon only, and not to other organophosphates. Full details of the changes are available from the APVMA or a short list and link to the APVMA decision is available on our website www.malenyvet.com.au.

For advice regarding safe disposal of these products,

Billy Sage Poppie
Mr Smooth Houdini Busta

Your Opinions You Said It ... Elected Reps

Work the system

And so the Heidelberg Hanson quarry saga enters its final stage.

Now it’s up to Council for a decision.

Last week’s editorial (GC&M News March 3) highlighted important facts that were always completely lost on the Quarry Action committee.

Never were they on track to stop the quarry extraction.

Never once did the Quarry Action representatives seek to engage discussion with quarry management.

Because of this they were never aware of what actually transpires during the processing of and the movement of the rock.

They were never aware of what risk mitigation protocols are in place.

Can someone tell me how you can have a dispute when one party to the dispute refuses to meet the other.

So where were the action group getting their information.

I think they went to Arnhem Land to seek “spiritual” guidance.

So much opportunity has been lost.

Community gains could have been won by adopting a sensible approach which involves discussion and negotiation.

As we know the quarry will be around for decades yet.

John Quinn Glass House Mountains

Government will deliver its promises. It won’t.

The major promises it made here have disappeared, the funding needed from other Governments to deliver them didn’t exist and never did.

And there’s little else to help local voters deal with cost of living and other local issues. Six months out it still hasn’t figured out where it’s at, beyond it can’t afford the promises it made.

Jeff Taylor provides a clue and gives the game away.

In 2020 Caloundra voters decided to get things done and elected Labor’s Jason Hunt who made promises and delivered them.

And in fact he still is, while the LNP MP takes credit for them.

The Voters elected to get things done.

The Voters. There’s the challenge and choice.

If MPs don’t have to deliver anything beyond

Read the signs

As Queensland and New South Wales reel in the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Alfred, perhaps we can open our eyes a little wider to the facts about fossil fuel pollution driving up both atmospheric and ocean temperatures and increasing the severity of extreme weather events like cyclones.

The people, places and things that we love from beaches to football teams have been impacted.

Insurance premiums alone demonstrate that the cost of these “unnatural” disasters is rising.

When will the major political parties, and in particular those individual politicians who still deny that climate change is happening, put people first and present the pollution reducing policies that will prevent and protect us from these disasters?

observe how candidates in the Federal Electorate of Fisher actually present to the voters.

We have a sneaky Claytons Independent who obviously has the intention of aligning herself to the equally sneaky Teal Party while seeing absolutely no need to be upfront and honest about this during campaigning while also falling well short on policy outside the local area.

We have the Greens; still complaining about everything while not providing sensible pathways forward through policies that do not include bankrupting Australia.

One Nation will throw a little person to the wolves to help keep Pauline’s suffering profile in our mailboxes.

We have the poor Labor Candidate pushing Albo’s very heavy wheel barrow (full of broken promises), up the same very steep mountain all Labor candidates are visiting.

Plenty more to do

‘The message is pretty simple’ (Jeff Taylor, You Said It March 11) is old news.

It’s not what we now need to discuss.

‘Where are we?’ and ‘what are we going to do about it?’ are the relevant questions.

Much needs to be done answering these.

All our local state and federal LNP MPs agree.

Mr Taylor sets out some options.

One option is hope.

Hope that the Crisafulli

vaporware to be elected, that’s all we’ll get.

Unfortunately that’s the story of the Sunshine Coast.

Wall-to-wall LNP MPs who have delivered nothing, just excuses.

Why should we vote for nothing (and pay for it)?

We shouldn’t.

We need to get things done here.

We can do it by making our votes count. We voters. Let’s do it.

Weather words

Lately a lot of attention has been paid to the weather.

Watching and listening to the ABC’s weather report, I noted the presenter describe winds as “pretty strong”, temperatures as “pretty average”, and districts “copping rain”. I deemed her presentation as pretty average.

Trickery all around

It is very interesting to

with Andrew Powell State Member for Glass House

Alfred Aftermath

As our community continues to recover from the impact of Tropical Cyclone Alfred, particularly the subsequent flooding we’ve experienced, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed during the preparation and recovery efforts.

To the SES volunteers, Energex workers, supermarket staff, health professionals, emergency services, and all others who worked tirelessly in challenging conditions— your efforts to provide resources and assist those in need have been invaluable. Your commitment to our safety and ensuring our homes and businesses could return to normal has not gone unnoticed.

While the LNP cries foul over the dishonest tactics of that sneaky Teal Candidate rather than promoting the positive outcomes and big ticket achievements the LNP Federal Member has achieved for the residents of Fisher.

We can only await such a forthcoming exciting announcement. Yes, political trickery is all around us.

Finally, to the community in my electorate—your resilience, kindness, and willingness to help each other have proven once again what makes our


region so special. The strength of our community is unmatched. Together, we have shown that by working hand in hand, we can weather any storm. Thank you all.

Crisafulli Crime Crackdown Continues The Crisafulli Government is providing $31.1 million in additional funding for highvisibility police operations to target high-crime areas and restore safety in our communities. This includes marked cars, mobile police beats, and foot patrols in shopping centres, business districts, and other public spaces.

For over a decade, Labor’s underfunding and watereddown laws have stretched the police front-line. The increased police presence will reduce, deter, and disrupt crime, bringing justice to victims and ensuring community safety. We promised to restore safety where you live, and we’re doing exactly that.

Winston Johnston

Division 5 - Sunshine Coast Council

Disaster ready

When the Bureau of Meteorology told us that Tropical Cyclone Alfred was heading for the Queensland coast, you heeded the warning by securing your homes, checking on family and friends, and preparing to hunker down. Thank you for being ready, remaining vigilant, and supporting each other when faced with a potential disaster.

Covid Dreamin’

Anyone remember Covid?

Me neither, but I had a flashback last week when someone told me it had been five years since the World Health Organisation declared this little flu (It’s not just a flu!’) a pandemic. We all behaved remarkably well, took our medicine and free money and have been paying for it

ever since.

Sandbagging overload

Speaking of conforming weren’t we all well behaved little vegemites in the face of dire warnings from every angle over Cyclone Alfred.

An entire major metropolitan city and the south east generally was effectively shut down for days while we armed ourselves with thousands

of sandbags, which we duly fortified our homes with (while bathed in sunshine and warm summery winds). You’d be forgiven for thinking that entire streets were reenacting the Battle of the Somme with the number of sandbags being used.

Now if everyone could take them to the tip of Bribie they might be able to

Jeff Taylor Currimundi CONDITIONS Please

You kept informed through Council’s Disaster Hub, with a record 220,000 active users during the event. And although we were spared the brunt of the cyclone, many properties and businesses across the hinterland were impacted by rain and flooding.

To find out what clean up and recovery support is available to you please go to Disaster Recovery Information on Council’s website.

To our emergency services, Council’s disaster coordination team, and our

wonderful volunteers, my heartfelt thanks for your training, preparedness, coordinated response and exemplary care of our community. I take comfort in knowing when the next wild weather event comes our way we stand together, ready to face any disaster. Future Planning Council is preparing a new planning scheme to help guide growth and development as well as preserve what we love about our region. After completing one of the largest, most successful community engagements ever undertaken on the Sunshine Coast during preliminary consultation, Council’s next step is to review the Queensland Government conditions and revise the proposed scheme. Council will then prepare for additional community consultation. For updates, I encourage you to subscribe on Council’s Have your Say Sunshine Coast webpage.

fill some of those gaps (just joking, you’re not allowed). Follow the numbers

Anyone get sick of Greenies using single weather events as ‘proof’ of climate change?

Alfred gave the Climate Council et al a great opportunity, which they didn’t let slip.

Don’t worry though, I am equally sick of those

that endure a chilly summer’s day and use it as ‘proof’ to deny climate change.

They can’t both be right, but they’re both pretty inane arguments.

The answer is in the long-term data and that’s incontrovertible.

Using a rare but not unprecedented cyclone as an ‘example’ is doing a

to those of us wanting to apply common sense to an argument that shouldn’t even be contentious.

Croc Croc

These generously sized, ready-to-build elevated quarter acre homesites, averaging 1,025m², offer the perfect canvas to design your dream home with plenty of room to suit your lifestyle. Nestled in the heart of the Mooloolah Valley hinterland, you’ll be rtlessly connected to everything you need:

•Close to shops, cafes, and schools.

•Scenic nature views from spacious elevated lots, ready for you to build on.

•Just a 25-minute drive to Sunshine Coast beaches.

•Hiking and bushwalking trails right at your doorstep.

•Only 5 minutes from Mooloolah train station.

•Brisbane is a convenient 80km away via the M1 or accessible from Mooloolah train station.

Queensland’s housing plan

Crisafulli Government will ensure Queenslanders have a

IT’S not news to anybody; Queensland is in a state of crisis when it comes to housing.

Hundreds of Queenslanders have been and in local parks, falling behind in their rents, and are locked out of owning their home under Labor’s Housing Crisis.

It has never been more or keep a roof over your head as it is right now in slowing construction and fewer homes being built now than a decade ago, we do not have the homes to house Queenslanders.

Not only has Labor failed to release the land for new homes, but they have also failed to build the infrastructure needed to get Queenslanders deserve the choice to buy their own

rental options.

The Crisafulli Government is committed to securing our housing foundations and has the Right Plan to ensure Queenslanders have a place to call home.

To help address this issue, our government has partnered with BlueCHP to address a critical gap in our housing shortage, with construction underway on social housing complex in Beerwah.

Once completed, these units will be allocated to Queenslanders in need of housing.

In addition, we’ve abolished Stamp Duty for First Home Buyers who build a new home, and we’ve permanently homeowners being able to rent out a room. Now, to rent a room without

home buyer grants and concessions.

Our Unlocking Homes for Queensland’s Future policy has also recently been announced and will address the lack of housing supply that has ultimately led to our state’s housing crisis. This policy involves new Regional Plans, matched with Infrastructure Plans for every corner of Queensland, to deliver one million homes by 2044.

Some of our current Regional Plans are 15 years out of date. We’ve already commenced working with communities to update these plans and have clear outlines of where housing will be delivered across the state.

I’ve met with many locals in the Glass House region who have expressed a desire to subdivide their properties and help meet housing demand, but are hindered by outdated zoning regulations in the Southeast

Queensland Regional Plan (SEQRP). It is essential that we unlock these properties with a change of zoning and increase housing availability. Like other Regional Plans around the state, we will review the SEQRP.

we’re committed to scaleup housing approvals by 25%, before ramping up further to ensure we reach one million extra homes by 2044.

We know our targets are ambitious, but we are a government that has respect for your money, and we are working hard to deliver on time and on budget.

Balancing sustainable growth

Hinterland transformation ahead as region balances lifestyle and growth

THE Sunshine Coast community is about to get the chance to have their say on one of the most important planning projects ever released on the Sunshine Coast.

At stake will be finding the right balance between lifestyle, environment and maintaining affordability with the reality of catering for a population of 565,000 - an extra 190,000 residents - by 2041.

The State Government last week conditionally approved the Sunshine Coast Council’s 2025 Planning Scheme, which will set in stone key projects and planning policies that aims to find this balance.

While the scheme is yet to be made public, GC&M News has previously reported on the tension between local and state authorities about how to achieve dwelling targets.

In September last year the council was told it simply wasn’t doing enough to create development opportunities. In fact, Australian Bureau of Statistics data showed just 3290 of an annual target of 4000, were approved in 2023/24.

The coast is a key region as part of the state’s commitment to deliver 1 million new homes by 2044.

Glass House MP and Tourism and Environment Minister Andrew Powell stressed the need to strike the right balance between development and sustainability.

“The lack of supply in the

region is driving up prices and making it harder for buyers and renters to keep a roof over their heads,” he said. “At this stage, we’re not enabling sensible development.

Change is a scary thing, but we need to properly consider higher-density housing near transit hubs like Beerwah.

“Cities and towns across Europe and the globe have done this exceptionally well. One example is introducing apartments near transport hotspots, even with vibrant farmland and natural environments on their doorstep. We can learn from them and, in doing so, have the best of both worlds.”

Key planning scheme

The new scheme, expected to be completed in 2025, will replace the current Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014, which sets out development guidelines until 2031.

With increasing numbers of people choosing to move to the region, Council says careful planning is essential to balance urban expansion with environmental conservation.

The new scheme will regulate land use, guide infrastructure development and manage the impacts of population growth.

Following preliminary consultation in 2022, Council submitted the proposed planning scheme to the State Government in December 2023 for a State Interest Review (SIR) .

This recently completed review ensures the scheme aligns with state planning priorities before moving to

formal public consultation.

Key objectives of the scheme include ensuring sufficient land for housing, business, and public spaces, integrating land use with infrastructure planning, and strengthening resilience to natural hazards such as floods, bushfires and coastal erosion.

Beerwah East

One development that looks to be staying on the backburner is the longawaited Beerwah East project.

The 5200 hectare site - currently subject to a 99year forestry lease between the Bruce Highway, Steve Irwin Way and Roys Road - could one day house 50,000 people across 7000 dwellings.

However GC&M News understands there is little appetite to fast-track the project, especially ahead of final plans for the Sunshine Coast Direct Rail

Line, which will head east from Beerwah. Ultimately it appears the government wants the Beerwah East plan to align with broader land use goals and avoid fast-tracking decisions that could impact transport planning.

In saying that, it said it would allow the development of a “small parcel” of land in the area.

A spokesperson for the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning said: “The framework within the draft planning scheme acknowledges the long term outcomes for the area and takes into consideration any complex matters (such as native title, land use and otherwise) that need to be worked through before the majority of the area can be opened up for development.”

Division 5 Cr Winston Johnston said the SIR

From backyards to housing blocks

LONG-time Beerwah

resident Roger Reilly says the town’s gradual gentrification over the past two decades was always inevitable.

Having purchased his property in 2007, Mr Reilly was drawn to Beerwah’s central location and country-town charm but was well aware of its growth potential. “At the time, I was still working in Brisbane, and Beerwah offered

the perfect mix—an easy commute by both private and public transport, while also being close to the beaches and the range,” he said. “You could see that it was going to be a growth area. Also in the back of my mind was that the capital gain was obviously going to be here.”

Previously living on the Blackall Range, Mr Reilly said Beerwah ticked all the boxes, and property prices

at the time were attractive.

“Another big drawcard for me was that the town had excellent educational facilities and well-serviced shopping and amenity options, while still maintaining that countrytown friendliness,” he said.

One of the most significant changes Mr Reilly has witnessed firsthand (pictured below) is the rise of higher-density housing.

“I’ve seen so many

complexes go up in Beerwah—especially in the last few years,” he said.

“Large backyards will be a thing of the past.

“This complex used to be a one house block. You have to accept that community living is the going to become the only way viable for many people as housing gets more expensive.

“Living on a 1/2 acre block is going to become a thing of the past.”

indicated the state government was still committed to the Beerwah East Development Area, however at this stage not the entire development.

“The development of the Beerwah East as an Emerging Community Zone has been put on the backburner until state government acquisition of land from lease holders and native title is finalised,” he said.

Division 1 Cr Jenny Broderick said the review still supported a first release area within the Beerwah East SEQ Development Area.

She said the state recommendations were now under review and assessment by Council’s planning team, who would be putting together recommendations to be discussed with Council over the coming weeks.

“We’re looking forward

to bringing the new draft planning scheme back to the community so they will be able to have their say,” Cr Broderick said.

The question remains as to where 4000+ dwellings each year will ultimately be built.

Let’s get moving

The state government gave council clear advice on steps to achieving this last year, including:

* Supporting small lots (down to 300sqm) in the low density residential zone;

* Lowering the level of assessment for dual occupancies to accepted developments;

* Removing minimum lot size requirements for secondary dwellings;

* Reviewing and amend the proposed zoning throughout the Sunshine Coast to provide greater residential density of land in proximity to high amenity areas and district, local and

The Rowlands family from Glass House Mountains.
Beerwah resident Roger Reilly.

Housing and Liveability

growth and liveability

neighbourhood centres.

Town planner, Adrian Raedel, said he was pleased that “finally” the State interest review had been released allowing the Council to progress their new planning scheme.

“The previous state government took so long to do the review that things changed dramatically in the interim,” the Arc Planning Director said.

“Now that the new State Government has cleared the bottleneck, I encourage the Sunshine Coast Council to get on with the business of progressing the planning scheme, fast, so that private enterprise and Sunshine Coast residents can do their bit in ensuring the vibrancy and the growth of the Sunshine Coast continues to flourish.”

Mounting Pressure

With a rapidly growing population, coast policymakers must prevent housing demand from outpacing infrastructure and services.

But they are also under pressure to balance development with environmental conservation and green space preservation.

The region has experienced significant growth, with the population increasing by more than

79,000 between 2011 and 2021.

“This level of growth and visitation continues to place significant pressure on the Sunshine Coast’s housing, transport, employment patterns, social infrastructure, and environment,” a council spokesperson said.

Sunshine Coast Mayor, Rosanna Natoli, said her focus was on managing growth for current and future residents.

“The new planning scheme project is a vital step in ensuring our community remains connected, liveable, and thriving—both now and into the future,” she said.

Striking a Balance Stockland General Manager for Stockland Halcyon QLD, Scott Ng, supported these sentiments, highlighting the importance of blending new developments seamlessly with the region’s character and community spirit.

“It’s important to us that these communities such as Halcyon Coves in Nirimba and Halcyon Dales in Beerwah compliment the area’s surroundings and combine the best of the Sunshine Coast lifestyle with resort-quality living,” Mr Ng said.

“When designing these communities, we aim to

provide quality homes and communal facilities that enable our homeowners to lead more sustainable lifestyles.

Meanwhile, BlueCHP, the developers behind a five-storey affordable and social housing development in Beerwah said they were committed to responsible planning.

“All BlueCHP developments are designed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the town planning requirements, ensuring appropriate design scrutiny and consideration of community character before they are approved to proceed,” a spokesperson said.

As the Sunshine Coast prepares for its next stage of development, all eyes will be on how policymakers and developers navigate the delicate balance between growth, sustainability, and affordability.

Lifestyle is key

Carly and Leigh Rowlands and their four children (Connor, Oliver, Elliott, Maddison) moved to Glass House Mountains 10 years ago for the lifestyle.

The family are currently building on acreage where they say they will be away from the ‘busy-ness’ of town but still close to services.

“We wanted to have the small town feel, and the safety of a small town, and just wanted to move out of the city,” Carly said.

“We love the area because of the mountains ... I love that we are still close to the highway but far enough away from it and close to the beaches.

“We really are close to everything.

“You’re half an hour away from big shops, the hospital and the beach but we still feel remote.”

Lifestyle and community calls

THE Webb family, Jesse, Tahnee, and their three children—relocated to Beerwah in 2023, seeking a balance between affordability, lifestyle, and proximity to family.

Mr Webb said they moved back from Brisbane, drawn by the town’s charm and accessibility. “We actually grew up here and decided to come back after a number of years, as our two youngest boys were quite small,” he said.

“It’s a beautiful area, it was more affordable

(marginally!) than Brisbane where we were living. It’s a good place to live as you have access to everything while also being in close proximity to world-class natural beauty—mountains, beaches, and hinterland.”

Mr Webb said Beerwah’s small-town appeal and easy city access via the train line were also drawcards.

“We love that it still has community and small-town charm,” he said.

“It was important to be able to get in and out of the city. There are plenty

of services.” However, he expressed concerns about future development.

“We definitely think there’s an opportunity to consider what makes each town here unique before we potentially become just another suburb,” he said. “There’s room for both modern suburban development and infrastructure planning that maintains a walkable, liveable environment while preserving a boutique, bustling main street and township ”

Community push for sustainable living solutions


was a long-held dream for community leader Madonna Hampson and her husband, drawn by the region’s stunning natural beauty and strong sense of community.

After considering locations from northern New South Wales to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Maleny stood out as the perfect place to embrace a slower, more connected way of life.

“The sense of community here is exceptional—locals genuinely look out for one another, fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere,” Ms Hampson said. “This strong sense of connection makes Maleny not just a beautiful place to live, but a place where you

feel truly welcomed.”

Ms Hampson’s commitment to community led her to the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre (MNC), where she plays a vital role in supporting locals in need and strengthening the town’s social fabric.

“Each day, I am fortunate to witness the generosity of our community and connect with remarkable individuals who contribute to its rich fabric,” she said.

“The Centre plays a vital role in supporting those in need, bringing people together, and advocating for our community.”

As the Sunshine Coast Council’s new planning scheme becomes set to enter the public

consultation phase, Ms Hampson said she was keen to ensure Maleny’s future growth aligns with the town’s core values.

Her priorities include protecting green spaces, fostering social inclusion, and addressing key infrastructure concerns.

“Maleny’s natural environment is what makes this place so special. Preserving our green spaces must be a priority,” she said. “At the same time, we need to ensure all voices are heard in the planning process.”

A key issue is the need for a dedicated youth space.

“For years, the lack of a supported youth drop-in centre has been a growing concern,” she said. “A

multi-generational, all-abilities district park with a youth hub would be a valuable addition to the Hinterland.”

Another challenge is housing affordability.

“Many people in our community are struggling to find affordable housing,” she said. “Council should explore sustainable solutions, including utilising council-owned land for affordable housing initiatives.”

Improving access to public transport is also critical. “Better transport options would improve access to essential services.” she said.

Jesse and Tahnee Webb with Pilgrim and Ransom.
Construction of Beerwah’s first five storey development is underway.
Madonna Hampson and husband Scott Paine.

Hinterland Property Boom

Why buyers are choosing the Sunshine Coast

The Hinterland’s Rising Appeal

The Sunshine Coast Hinterland continues to experience strong real estate activity, with more focus towards areas like Beerwah, Landsborough, and surrounds. The region’s mix of lifestyle investment potential has made it a standout in the current market.

Recent data reveals that median house prices in Beerwah have risen to $850,000, marking a steady increase despite national past six months, Hazelden Realty has successfully facilitated sales across the region.

Optimism for the Future

Looking ahead, the next 5-10 years are expected to bring continued growth to the Hinterland property market. With population growth surging, many buyers are moving from Brisbane and southern states, drawn to the relaxed lifestyle, natural beauty, and larger property sizes at competitive prices.

such as transport upgrades and new housing developments, will further enhance the region’s appeal.

Key suburbs expected to experience the most growth include Beerwah, Glass House Mountains, and Landsborough, where new estates and lifestylefocused properties are in high demand.

What’s Driving Demand?

The recent interest rate cut has encouraged and investors to enter the market, seeking both value.

A major trend we’re noticing is the growing interest in acreage properties and sustainable living, as more people look lifestyles.

With more professionals working remotely, Hinterland homes with parcels, and modern renovations are selling quickly.

Hazelden Realty: Leading the Way At Hazelden Realty, we pride ourselves on

providing a boutique, relationship-driven approach to real estate. Unlike traditional agencies focused on market share, our mission is to help buyers and sellers make the best decisions for their future.

Our unique Pre-Sale Concierge Service helps sellers maximize their property value through expert project management, arranging everything from staging to minor renovations. We also provide in-depth market insights and personalized strategies, ensuring our clients achieve the best outcomes.

Thinking of Buying or Selling?

Now is a fantastic time to enter the Sunshine Coast Hinterland market. Whether you’re looking to sell your property for top dolla your dream home, Hazelden Realty is here to guide you every step of the way.

Building the dream

AFTER almost 40 years of marriage, Susan and Steven are preparing for an exciting new milestone – moving they’ve built together.

“We love our home in Brisbane, but the constant upkeep of the pool and large garden is a lot,” Susan explains. “When Steven retired, we started thinking about downsizing to something that would make life easier.”

The couple explored several options but couldn’t

discovered Halcyon Coves on the Sunshine Coast.

“As soon as we walked just looked at Steven, and we both knew this was the Susan says. “Why shouldn’t life feel like being on holiday for the rest of our lives?”

Halcyon Coves ticked every box for the duo. Close to the Sunshine Coast’s beaches, pet-friendly for their beloved King Charles Spaniel, Charlie, and part of a vibrant, community-

had everything they were looking for.

For Susan and Steven, the opportunity to design their own home from scratch was particularly exciting.

“We’ve only ever lived in established houses, so this was a whole new experience,” Susan says. “We’ve loved choosing all the little details and our lot has a beautiful outlook. We picked stackable doors to connect the living areas to the patio, so the space will with natural light.”

Susan and Steven were also drawn to Halcyon Coves’ location within the masterplanned community of Aura.

so Aura’s 200 kilometres of bike paths were a huge selling point for me,” Steven

access to dedicated paths right outside our front door. Plus, it’s a great way to meet people.”

With a lagoon-style pool, clubhouse, pickleball courts, gold class cinema,

and a bowling green, the couple is looking forward to all the opportunities to connect with like-minded people and stay active.

“Where we live now, if you join a club, it’s usually a weekly thing, so it’s harder to keep in touch with people. But once we move to Coves, there’ll be something to do every even join Susan for a tai chi class,” Steven says with a laugh.

“We can’t wait to be part of a community that’s

social, active, and fun,” like we’re moving into a resort, and we know this is a decision we won’t regret.”

With new friends to meet and adventures to share, Susan, Steven and little Charlie can’t wait to start their exciting new chapter at Halcyon Coves.

Halcyon Coves lifestyle, and the latest homes available please visit: https://www. stockland.com.au/halcyoncommunities/qld/halcyoncoves/homes

Coast living with contemporary homes and resort-quality facilities.

Every home comes with luxury as standard, turnkey options.

Cnr Aura Boulevard and Central Avenue, Nirimba QLD 4551 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday (appointments are recommended)

Susan and Steven can’t wait to call Halcyon Coves home.

Time Out

Bluegrass band visit hinterland

Multi award winning band tours

CAPTIVATING audiences across the country with their extraordinary vocal harmonies, outstanding musicianship, and a seamless blend of traditional and original bluegrass and folk songs, multi-award-winning Haystack Mountain Hermits are bringing their electrifying live show to local stages this month.

Renowned for their performances filled with full of energy, warmth and heartfelt storytelling, the acclaimed family band promises an unforgettable musical experience.

This six-piece group, comprises of parents Kerrie Gambley and Dave Church along with their four adult children, Ella, Lachlan, Marcus and Jackson. This multi talented family of

accomplished musician has been enthralling audiences for 14 years with their unique brand of folk-infused bluegrass.

“There’s just something so special about singing with your family,” says Kerrie, the band’s primary songwriter.

“We call it ‘blood harmony’ - that incredible connection you get when you’re performing with people you’re so closely related to.”

The group’s performance origins trace back to a seven-month trip around Australia, where the theninexperienced musicians began busking their way across the country. “None of the kids had really played any instruments besides piano,” Kerrie said. “But they picked up the strings as we went, and the band just evolved from there.”

Woodford, the National Folk Festival, and even took out the busking competition at Tamworth.

But Kerrie insists the greatest thrill comes from simply sharing the stage with her loved ones.

Now seasoned performers, the group has




Other people’s demands can be hard to ignore but take advantage of the sun’s last days in your sign to opt out of playing everyone’s caretaker. Switch off the world’s white noise, step out of day-to-day obligations and tune in to what your intuition is telling you.




“I still get goosebumps looking around and seeing my family up there with me,” she says.

“That’s the real peak


The band’s sound has evolved over the years, moving from a more eclectic mix to a strong focus on folk-infused bluegrass.

Kerrie credits the genre’s “jazz-like” potential for showcasing the group’s instrumental prowess and tight vocal harmonies.

“Bluegrass really allows us to highlight


MAY 21 – JUNE 21

As you get swept into the flurry, challenges and possible turmoil of this week’s interactions and dialogues, it’s important not to get distracted from your goals by information overload. You’ll find the current celestial scenario definitely benefits from writing lists, creating outlines and formalizing agendas.



With Venus and Mercury both retrograde in your sign, what isn’t working becomes apparent. If you don’t want to keep having replays (and what Aries does?), then change what needs changing. Keep finding creative outlets for those inevitable retrograde frustrations and give your self-care an extra boost.


APRIL 21 – MAY 20

Whether you’re shy and reserved or naturally outspoken, Venus, your ruling planet, might very well have you feeling frisky and flirtatious this week. In which case, how about dressing up the present tell-it-like-it-is communication style with some artfully expressed sentiments? A little poetry never goes astray.


JUNE 22 - JULY 22

Cancerians are understanding and engaged listeners, and with forthright Mars, currently in your sign, you might also feel more confident about approaching a long-standing issue with a friend or family member. Your sensitivity is a superpower, so use it to share your feelings without overwhelming others.


This week’s Venus placement suggests that Leos are quite likely to get the best results by allowing others – who know best – to wrestle responsibility away from you and let them try it their way. Which will then either work out or not. And, if the latter case, you’ll get to do it your way after all.

especially the younger ones,” she explains. “And those family harmoniesthere’s just something so powerful about that blood connection coming through in the music.”

With a debut full-length album in the works, Haystack Mountain is gearing up for an exciting run of shows on the Sunshine Coast. While the

gigs will mark their first time performing at dedicated music venues in the region.

“We’re really looking forward to connecting with some new audiences and sharing our sound,” Kerrie said.

Maleny Community Centre Thursday 20 March, 7pm, Eudlo Hall Sunday 23 March, 4pm Full Event Details: redchair.com.au

Messenger Mercury, your mentor planet, slows down for three weeks, three times each calendar year. Which is Virgo’s cue to execute a retrospective check, retire what’s tired, and reset your PGS (personal guidance system) before launching into another cycle. Aim for the sophisticated simplicity which is your trademark.





Venus retrograde is prime time for Librans to do a recce of what’s working and what not so much in longterm friendships and partnerships. So take the initiative with people and activities that matter to you: your ruling planet, in one of the spiciest zodiac signs, is keen to try something new.



You’re a water sign, so move with this week’s tide rather than against it. Better to expend your energy playing to your strengths than resisting conditions you don’t think are favouring you. The present planetary recipe’s igniting quite a sexy dynamic, so why not enjoy the gameplay?



Your ruling planet, Jupiter, in its most convivial, communicative mode, is optimal for brainstorming, networking and lively exchanges, but beware this week of getting distracted and scattering your focus. Engage in lighthearted interactions with other witty people by all means but take care you don’t get carried away and overpromise.

If this week runs your ideas, beliefs and operating systems through a series of stress tests which uncover some challenging realities, then accept that knowing where your weak points lie is useful data. Now you can redirect your energy, so you aren’t wasting valuable time, energy and resources.



As frustrating hitches and glitches see tempers flare, Mercury and Venus, both reversing in the zodiac’s fieriest sign, are known to spark heated communications, leading to hasty decisions. But on the flip side, this is a week when your calm and cautious Aquarius side really comes into its own.

with Lilith Rocha
Haystack Mountain Hermits play Maleny and Eudlo in March.

Watch out for Maleny Film Fest

WITH only three more sleeps until opening night of the Maleny Film Festival, local movie buffs are dreaming in DayGlo. If you haven’t seen the memo, you’re invited to dust off your old hippie outfits for the screening of Aquarius, at 7.00 pm on Friday night.

On opening night, we’ll be looking for the individual who most exemplifies the spirit of the sixties.

To honour their love of paisley, bell-bottoms and bandanas, the best-dressed hippie will receive a gift voucher from the Maple Street Co-op, the film’s sponsor.

The Maleny Film Festival is only made possible by the generosity of all our sponsors. Glasshouse Country & Maleny News is proud to sponsor the quirky Oscar nominated

animation, Memoir of a Snail, which screens at 2.00 pm on Saturday.

Queensland Country Bank is supporting the Indigenous film, Heart of the Man. This poignant coming of age drama shows at 7.00 pm on Saturday.

Maleny Grove is sponsoring The Way, My Way, the tale of an older man determined to walk with Camino. It screens at 11.00 am on Sunday morning.

The festival closes with the showing of Runt at 2.00 pm on Sunday afternoon, kindly sponsored by our good friends at Rosetta Books. The heartwarming tale of a stray dog with exceptional abilities promises to close the festival on a high note.

The Maleny Film Society is excited to partner with

Rangebow to showcase locally produced short movies throughout the festival. It’s a great opportunity to introduce emerging talent to new audiences.

Members of the Maleny Film Society can buy a Festival Pass for $45 dollars. This includes an invite to the exclusive Launch Party and five fabulous Australian movies.

Non-members pay $70. Festival passes are available online at malenyfilmsociety. au, or from the Maleny Tourist Information Centre. Tickets for individual sessions are priced at $8 for members and $13 for nonmembers.

We’ll see you at the Maleny Community Centre on Friday night—and remember to get your groove on!

Jazz maestro comes to The Presynct at Nambour

ACCLAIMED musician, composer and educator

Professor Rob McWilliams is set to bring his worldclass jazz ensemble to the Sunshine Coast, performing at The Jazz Sessions at The Presynct in Nambour on Thursday, 20 March.

Mr McWilliams has had an illustrious career spanning decades, beginning as a professional musician in Melbourne, where he performed with artists such as Wilbur Wilde and Paul Grabowsky. His expertise and passion for music took him to the United States, where he became Professor of Music at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, and later served as Head of Music. An internationally recognised educator, McWilliams has presented at major music conferences across the world. His performance resume is equally impressive, having played alongside jazz luminaries such as Nat Adderley, Vincent Herring,

Australian Cinema

Fri 21 March

5.30 pm Launch Party

Maleny Community Centre

7.00 pm Aquarius

Australia-CC-Doco-75m - M

Sat 22 March

3.00 pm Memoir of a Snail


7.00 pm Heart of the Man


Sun 23 March

11.00 am The Way, My Way


2.00 pm Runt


CC (English with Closed Captions)

Dee Dee Bridgewater, Eddie Daniels and Dale Barlow.

Now based in Australia, he continues to compose, arrange and perform, maintaining a deep connection with audiences through his dynamic and engaging style. For his upcoming performance in Nambour, McWilliams will be joined by a stellar lineup of Brisbane and Sunshine Coast musicians, delivering unique interpretations of jazz standards alongside his original compositions.

The event will be held at The Presynct, Nambour.

Doors open at 6pm, with the show starting at 7pm. For tickets, visit www.oztix. com.au.

produced shorts will screen with each

film in a collaboration between Maleny Film Society, the Rangebow MicroFilm Festival & Sunny Coast Showdown.


Festival Passes available from 23 Feb Session Tickets available from 9 Mar Book online or at Maleny Info Centre Festival Passes: Members $45

Non-Members $70

Individual Sessions: $8-$13

Venue Maleny Community Centre


It’s time to rock your wildest hippie vibes – show off that groovy gear and let’s get the party started! But you’ll need a Festival Pass to join the fun, so grab yours now!

Friday 21 March 5:30 pm Maleny Community Centre Bonus Shorts: Some of the best

Lily LaTorre stars as Annie Shear in Runt, a comedy for the whole family to enjoy.
The lure of the open road—Chris Hayward stars in The Way, My Way. Claymation - Memoir of a Snail.

Genealogy Sunshine Coast Workshops

When: Wednesday March 19, 9.30am - 3pm

Where: Petrie Park Rd., Nambour (opposite the swimming pool)

Info: Cost is $15/day for members and $25/day for non-members. Bookings are essential. Phone 5329-2315 or email to genealogysc@gmail.com with your details. Morning tea is supplied and bring our own lunch or purchase same at our premises. Use our computers and wifi or your own laptop.

Councillor in the Community

When: Wednesday, March 19, 12pm

Where: Landsborough Hotel, 32 Cribb Street, Landsborough

Info: We warmly invite you to an open and friendly community meeting where you can meet your local Councillor and Division 1 Team and discuss the issues that matter most to you. Voice any concerns in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

Registration essential. Ages 16 and over.

Book Launch: How Wonderful - Brandan O’Shea

When: Friday March 21, from 5pm Where: Rosetta Books, 30 Maple Street, Maleny Info: A funny story about depression and mindfulness. Tickets are $5 at www.rosettabooks.com. au including a glass of wine and cheese.

Maleny Film Festival

When: Friday March 21Sunday March 23

Where: Maleny Community Centre, 23 Maple St, Maleny Info: FESTIVAL PROGRAM: 21 Mar 5:30 pm Launch Party - 21 Mar 7:00 pm Aquarius - 22 Mar 3:00 pm Memoir of a Snail - 22 Mar 7:00 pm Heart of the Man - 23 Mar 11:00 am The Way, My Way - 23 Mar 2:00 pm Runt. Tickets: https:// malenyfilmsociety.au/

Energy Bill Hacks

When: Saturday March 22, 10am - 11.30am Where: Beerwah Library 25 Peachester Rd, Beerwah Info: With the cost of living, high power prices can really put a strain on the family finances. The good news is, you could make savings and reduce emissions through no-cost electricity usage behaviour changes. Take home strategies to get more bang for your energy buck. Session details: BYO fully charged device. Free. Registration essential. Ages 16 and over.

Autumn Barung Big Butterfly Count 2025

When: Saturday March 22, 10am - 12pm

Where: Parklands Drive, via, Porters Ln, North Maleny Info: The Butterflies are out and abundant in the Barung Garden for Wildlife! Join Trev and Milo and be part of the Autumn Sunshine Coast Big Butterfly Count for 2025. Morning tea provided. All ages welcome - this is a fun event for kids to get out and learn more about the wonderland around us in nature!

Peachester History Committee Open Day

When: Sunday March 23, 10am - 2pm Where: Peachester Heritage Centre, Peachester Road, Peachester Info: Regular Open Day. All welcome.

The Glass Ukes

When: Monday March 24, 6.30pm - 8.30pm Where: Glass House Mountains Neighbourhood Hall, Ryan Street Info: Every 2nd and 4th Monday evening. We provide a couple of borrow ukuleles for beginners. The first hour is for easier chord combination songs from a provided song list. Thereafter we have a short “tea break” before attempting more advanced songs followed by requests from the floor. All material is available in a shared Google Drive folder. Send us an email to glassuke@


Glasshouse Country Senior Citizens Club

Inc - Complimentary Morning Tea

When: Tuesday March 25, 9am - 11.30am Where: Beerwah

Community Hall, 25 Peachester Road, Beerwah Info: The Glasshouse Senior Citizens Club Inc. invites all seniors 50+ to a complimentary morning tea. Highlights will include; stalls, games and raffles. Please RSVP to 0476 793 134.

Tips for Android Phone

When: Thursday March 27, 10am - 11.30am

Where: Beerwah Library, 25 Peachester Rd, Beerwah Info: Join library staff for the absolute basics of your Android phone. This introductory session covers calls, messages, notifications, camera, apps and settings. Learn about the security features, Play Store, files and folders. Find out how to backup photos and use your phone while travelling. Session details: Bring your updated and fully charged Android phone with Google Account for this session.

Peachester Village


When: Saturday March 29, 8am - 12pm

Where: Peachester Community Hall, Peachester Road, Peachester Info: All your favourite stalls! Contact 54949557 or 54949748 to book a site.

Invasive Plants and Animals Workshop

When: Saturday March 29, 9am - 12pm

Where: Glass House Mountain Community Hall, 8 Coonowrin Rd, Glass House Mountains Info: Come along and learn about Invasive Plants and Animals. Come along and learn about: Weed management, feral animal control, wildlife of your area Registration is essential for this event. Free morning tea and native plant with every

registration. https://events. sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/

Master Your Emotions

When: Saturday March 29, 10am - 11.30am

Where: Beerwah Library, 25 Peachester Rd, Beerwah Info: Find out how to harness your emotional intelligence to create better connections. Learn practical tips for better self-awareness, emotional regulation and empathy. Discover how creating emotional intelligence can have a positive impact in your daily interactions. Hear real life scenarios to identify potential triggers and responses. Enjoy relaxing breathing activities to stay centred and calm. Take home strategies to improve emotional responses and build stronger personal and social connections.

Mythimo Exhibition

When: Tuesday April 1 till Wednesday April 30, 9am5pm

Where: Beerwah Library, 25 Peachester Rd, Beerwah Info: Simo is a talented artist of Celtic heritage, known for his works in painting, writing, and music that explore human nature and the natural world. His series, Mythimo: Favourite Fairy Tales Reimagined Under the Sunlit Australian Skies, features 22 paintings that blend classic fairy tales with the Australian landscape, addressing themes of belonging and personal growth.

Heritage Talk: Australian Women’s Land Army

When: Friday April 4, 10am - 11am

Where: Bankfoot House, 1998 Old Gympie Road, Glass House Mountains Info: On the eve of International Women’s Day, join guest speaker India Dixon from State Library of Queensland as she discusses the formidable Australian Women’s Land Army. Formed in the depths of World War Two, the Land Army ensured the

nation’s food supply in a time of great uncertainty, taking on agricultural work to allow more men to enlist. India will showcase Queensland’s stories and offer insight into the lives of the young women who served in this vital wartime effort. Not to be missed! Free. Registration essential at https://heritage. sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/. Morning tea provided.

Basic Ceramic Casting

When: Saturday April 5

Where: Beerwah CWA Hall, Simpson Street, Beerwah Info: “Understand the possibilities of what you can do with casting. Investigate decorative pieces and bowls using moulds. You will make 3 pieces - a decorative piece, a small mould and a larger mould bowl that explores aspects of casting that you may not have considered before. Cost $45. Contact Julia 0418 727 659 or email juliafbell@ozemail. com.au

Movie Night - Ready Player One

When: Thursday April 10, 6pm - 8.30pm Where: Beerwah Library 25 Peachester Rd, Beerwah Info: Sunshine Coast Libraries and Qld Blue Light invites you to join us for a series of free movie screenings. Bring your favourite comfy camp chair, bean bag or blanket or just turn up, we have heaps of chairs too! Snacks will be available to purchase from the Hall kitchen. Rated M13+ Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. FREE Event - Registration required due to capacity https:// events.humanitix.com/ movie-night-ready-playerone-m13/tickets

First Nations Family Fun Day

When: Saturday April 12, 10am - 2pm

and craft activities for all ages.

Caloundra Chorale’s Easter Concert “The Hunt for What Really Matters”

When: Saturday April 12 and Sunday April 13, 2pm

Where: Caloundra Uniting Church, 56C Queen St, Caloundra Info: Experience the magic of music as voices unite in harmony at our upcoming Choral Concert, The Hunt for What Really Matters. Featuring a stunning repertoire of timeless classics and powerful contemporary pieces, this event promises to captivate and uplift your spirit. Our talented choir will transport you to a world of pure musical beauty. Tickets: Adult $28, Concession $26, Group $23, Member/FOC $23, Child $10. BOOKING: Either phone 0490329912 OR www.trybooking.com/ CYWJZ

Kids’ Easter Party

When: Saturday April 19, 12pm - 3pm

Where: Beerwah Hotel, Beerwah Parade, Beerwah Info: Hop down for an eggciting afternoon packed with Easter fun for the whole family! Face Painting – Transform into your favorite Easter character! Colouring-In Competition – Get creative and win awesome prizes! Lucky Door Prize – You could be the lucky winner of an Easter surprise!

Easter Fun Day

When: Saturday April 19, 12pm

Where: Golden Beach Tavern, 32 Bowman Road, Caloundra Info: Join us for lots of family fun. Face Painter, DIY activities, Easter Egg Hunt, Guest appearance from SCARS, Raffles

Where: Bankfoot House, 1998 Old Gympie Road, Glass House Mountains Info: Join Kabi Kabi and Jinibara First Nations People for a unique, fun filled day of cultural learning. Games, dancing,

Muses Trio

When: Sunday June 29, 2pm Where: Maleny Community Centre, 23 Maple Street, Maleny Info: For more information visit: www.trybooking.com/ events/landing/1350912

Church & Community

Getting Involved

Our mental health is improved by being connected with others, especially as we age, scientists insist. It is natural for humans to join together in groups for friendship, help, safety, service to others and personal growth. This newspaper greatly assists the community by reporting on activities of local groups and advertising their meeting times and locations. An individual joining a group is mostly a process over time.

1. Initially, you go to look at them – to see who is involved, what they do, what their aims or goals might be and what philosophy underlies their program. You observe carefully, ask questions, participate tentatively with one or more activities occasionally.

2. Then you may INVESTIGATE their history, dig deeper into their leaders, question the members before you start


offering to help with an activity,

participating with them.

4. Gradually you may be AVAILABLE for other activities, particular tasks.

5. Until you become a member officially, being present regularly, even offering to stand for the management committee. Joining a church is a similar process – from looking around to finally deciding you are a member and begin to take up duties. Churches have a variety of activities, not just a worship service, and many people join a church via being invited to a craft group, a youth group, a men’s or women’s group. Some go along to observe a worship service and regular members there need to be sensitive to not expect commitment to involvement immediately. The welcome message and invitation to be part of the

The hunt for what really matters

Contributed by Sue Hawes

MUSIC lovers are in for a treat as a powerful choral performance, ‘The Hunt for

invitation to ask questions and not necessarily accept the theology or biblical interpretation at face value, is really important. The other members of a church are crucial if new ones are to be incorporated – far more important than the priest, minister, or pastor in leadership.

Perhaps the major difference between a church and a secular community group, is the presence and work of God among the people. Worship is centred on thanking and learning about what God might be leading us to do in the week ahead. It involves being honest with God about our failures and hearing God’s forgiveness. Group life during the week is enriched by God’s love experienced by us in worship times and in service of others. Come and try us.

St George in the Hills inaugural piano concert

FOR the first time, St Georges-in-the-Hills concerts will feature a pianist in the church at 2 Walkers Drive, Maleny at 2pm on Sunday April 6. Born and musically trained in Italy, Denis Feletto, with his family, is based now on the Sunshine Coast where he is actively engaged in the local music scene. He teaches, performs, and develops creative projects that reflect his varied influences.

“I like to bring fresh interpretations to familiar melodies to make my performances emotionally resonant,” he said.

Originally classically trained, with a degree in Classical Piano Performance, he has master’s degrees in Jazz Music, and Orchestration for Film, Games and TV. As a result, his career has spanned a wide range of musical disciplines including composing for short films, conducting and arranging for ensembles and performing as a soloist and associate artist. For his concert in Maleny Denis Feletto will present a carefully selected program of timeless melodies from jazz and cinema, reimagined through the solo

classics to contemporary masterpieces.

next month. Set to be held at Caloundra Uniting Church on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 April at 2pm, the concert

The Ultimate Victory

Hear Revelation, the final book in the Bible, unpacked in a series of messages by Pastor Lester Kelly – international speaker and Bible teacher at Maleny Baptist Church, every Sunday at 9am, commencing 16 March. This is a critical time in history to understand the Revelation of Jesus. Please join us; a warm welcome awaits you.

piano. The committee will be providing free tea, coffee and refreshments in the hall after the show where you will have the chance to meet Denis. Tickets are available from events.humanitix. com/piano-stories-withdenis-feletto. You can also ring Susan on 54943062 or purchase tickets at the door on the day with card or cash.


Pastor Lester writes: ‘In

this series, it’s important that we don’t miss the great truth that in Jesus Christ we are overcomers. The book of Revelation was written at a time of great suffering for the Church. We are a people who experienced great victory over sin at Christ’s first coming, and we will experience the ultimate victory over death at His second coming, looking forward to a new Heaven and Earth where we will dwell with Christ.’


Container Exchanges on Public Bins

You may have noticed attachments on the sides of many public bins for 10c exchange bottles and cans. This encourages the recycling of eligible cans and bottles through the Containers for Change program. It also reduces the chance of recyclable bottles and cans being thrown into general waste bins and ending up in landfill. The container exchanges also give the community

a chance to pay it forward by providing an easy way to collect eligible bottles and cans for 10c refunds, without collectors having to rummage through bins to find them. How does it work?

Place empty bottles or cans in the attachment on a public bin. Anyone can collect the bottles and cans (for themselves or a community group) and take them to a Containers for Change depot (eg Beerwah, Caloundra).

Presented by The Caloundra Chorale, Kim Kirkman and joined by The Next Generation, organisers say the event promises to deliver an afternoon of breathtaking harmonies, uplifting melodies, and an immersive musical experience for all ages.

“This concert is about connection, passion, and the beauty of voices in unison,” event organisers said. Tickets are priced at $28 for adults, $26 concession, $23 for groups and members, and $10 for children. Bookings can be made via 0490 329 912 or www.trybooking.com/

Listen to Pastor Kelly’s recent message ‘Walking with God in a shaking world’ at malenybaptist.church/ messages Visit malenybaptist. church &.facebook.com/ malenybaptist/

There they are put on conveyor belts, counted and exchanged for cash, or paid into a nominated account (personal, or a community group of choice). Alternatively, collectors can organise a pick up from home.

For information on local refund depots and details on how the scheme works, visit www. containersforchange.com. au/qld.

WAM’s aims are to educate and empower people to take action on waste and related issues, at a personal and community level. To find out more, visit our website www.wasteactionmaleny.org , Facebook group WAM Waste Action Maleny or email us at wasteactionmaleny@gmail.com.

Contributed by Maleny Baptist Church
With Waste Action Maleny
Pastor Lester Kelly with wife Deanna
with Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan Glasshouse Country Uniting Church
Pancake morning tea at Glasshouse Uniting Church
Denis Feletto at his piano.
The Caloundra Chorale singers

5. 50.35% Marianne Idle - Gwyneth Drane (11). 6. 49.65% Wendy Raven - Katie Piva (8)

Maleny Bowls Club

Witta Tennis

David Hallam - Barbara Freeman (3). 3. 46.43% Tom Major - John Marsden (4). 4. 45.24% Judith Boyd - Ann Slade (2) E/W 1. 56.55% Faye RogersJennifer Hobson (3) 2. 55.36% Kay Smith - Di Hume (1)

3. 50.60% Marianne IdleBill Chessellls (2)

4. 37.50% Jenny DonovanJen Leighton (4)

Contributed by Brett Gillis and surrounds. Obviously everyone was relieved to get back into the outdoors and enjoy our club facilities with Wednesday Twilight Bowls having 30 bowlers play and

Contributed by Pauline Fraley

The Whistlers played at Nambour against the Jets. Looked like rain might come but the sun came out instead and it turned out to be good weather for tennis. We played well and had a good win, and we enjoyed the good company. Score was 48-11games, 8-0 sets. Team was Maree Hooley, Paula Cudmore, Donna Kuskopf and Aki Lepper.

against Nambour Heights in Maleny. There were some terrific bowls played that resulted in 2 game wins each. This was our first year playing in this popular

Katya’s Coaching for Kids Friday afternoons. Sessions available at 3.30 & 4.30pm depending on ability. Drills and Thrills commences at 5.30pm - for adults and children.

For more information or to make a booking please contact Maree on 0437295501 or Katya 0417625294

Socials - All Tennis Players Welcome: Saturday 1pm till 5pm - (mixed tennis); Monday 8am till 11am(Ladies tennis)

Championships will be launched on 29 March with Men’s and Ladies 4’s competition followed by Mixed Pairs (26 April), Triples (3 May), Pairs (17 May), and Singles (31 May).

David Hayes

Wednesday 12.03.25 9.00am Bowls Ladies Championship Four’s Rd 1. Jill Kirchheiner, Margaret Gibson,, Marilyn Podmore and Noelene Annakin def Seija Munster, Margaret Smith, Viv James and Steph Sleeman 23 - 10. Social

Whittam and Rob Scullion def Ian Sleeman, Shane Kirstenfeldt and Sally Squires 20 - 18. Carol Lewis, Jonathon Orr and Mick Clark def Jos Evans, Jenny Hobson and Dennis Hume 37 - 10. Carolyn Malcomson and Chris Freshwater defTrish Jackson and Warren Blackbourne 30 - 7.

Mick Clark’s triples team

Thursday 13.03.25 Social Bowls Pairs and Triples 12.30pm Winners of the day with 2 wins and a s core of 44 were Jonathon Orr, Paul Maher and

Range Croquet Club

Contributed by David Kerr

Donna Manning from the Range has recently competed in Adelaide.

Donna travelled as a member of the Queensland contingent that participated in the Association Croquet Nationals and won the Plate final at Australian Women’s championship. To clinch the Plate against Lousie Vale from the Victorian Numurkah club Donna had had to win by a minimum of 16 hoops and did it, 26-7, once again showing her skills and determination – Comhghairdeachas (Congratulations in Irish) Donna!

The peak event in Adelaide was the Eire Cup, the annual Association Croquet teams’ competition for Australian States. Teams of 8 compete in singles and mixed doubles games and the Queensland team took out third.

Readers may be interested to know a little about the Eire Cup in this week of St Patrick’s day! The story begins in 1937, when the Australian team, after playing a 5 test matches in England, journeyed to Ireland to play a series of matches in Dublin. They played for the Irish Croquet

back with the highest winning score in either game of 22 were Allan Pashby, Eamon Wibberley and Gavin Linnan. Lucky draw was won by Warren Blackbourne and Graham Nicholson. Raffle winners. $30 cash Norm Pashby, $25 cash Dave Walters. $20 cash Paul Maher and $15 cash Warren Blackbourne

International Eire Cup which Australia won four games to two. Before the match it was agreed that the ‘Eire Cup’ would become the property of the winning country. So, the Cup was bought to Australia and kept at Victoria’s headquarter until it became the property of the ACC in 1949.

Back home on the Range, improvements continue to be made to the club’s new accommodation, the former TS Centaur. Thank you to the Maleny Showgrounds for enabling this. At times, in particular during the Maleny Show this multipurpose building will used for the administration of show events.

Much of the refreshing of the interiors has been done by club members, in particular that hard working leprechaun Wallace! To find out more about our club and croquet, contact Sarah

Saturday 15.02.25 1pm BPL Hinterland Final

Ladies. Congrats to our ladies yellow team def Nambour for 1st place in the competition. Coming from behind Di Hume, Noelene Annakin and Marilyn Podmore won 22 - 14. In the Four’s the ladies came close to a win only going down by 1. Carolyn Malcomson, Nicki Bedwell, Sylvia Chamberlain and Chris Freshwater 17 - 18. A win by 7 overall. Well done girls

Donna in Adelaide, with close examination of a shot by referee Greg Bury
BPHLL final round versus Nambour Heights Bowls Club.
HInterland ladies.

2023 Beerwah High graduate signs Women A League football contract

Amali Kinsella scores spot at Brisbane Roar

BEERWAH State High School alumni, Amali Kinsella, has fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a professional football player, debuting for the Brisbane Roar FC A League team.

Kinsella has signed a short

her father. “Playing with the boys until I was 16 taught me so much about myself as a player and what I was capable of,” she said.

The defender joined the Queensland’s elite women’s youth program run by the FQ Academy QAS at just

Grants to support local sport clubs

THE State Government is delivering urgent financial support to sport and recreation organisations impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

Not-for-profit organisations in disasterdeclared areas can apply for grants of up to $5000 to assist with clean-up efforts. Across South East Queensland, around 5000 clubs have been affected, with assessments underway to determine the extent of the damage.

boys, and was coached by


Additional financial assistance will be considered once assessments are complete to ensure clubs can resume operations as soon as

Minister for Sport, Tim Mander, urged eligible clubs to apply for help through the Disaster Recovery

“We want to ensure every community returns to normal life quickly, including our local sporting organisations,” Mr Mander

“These grants offer financial assistance to help with those recovery efforts.

“We also thank the volunteers who are working incredibly hard to get these clubs back up and running.”

Heartbreaking loss for Glasshouse cricketers in final ball Grand Final thriller

THE Glasshouse Cricket Tier 2 Women suffered a heartbreaking grand final loss on Sunday, March 16, falling to Tewantin Noosa by just one run in a thriller that went down to the final ball. Despite the gutwrenching result, coach Davina Stokes was full of praise for her side’s effort and determination.

“We’re devastated, but we did it—we lost on the last ball of the game, but it is what it is,” Stokes said.

“The girls played amazing, so we couldn’t

fault that, I am extremely proud of them all.

“They did everything we asked, and we had the 2nd Grade Men there and some of the BeeGees supporting us as well.”

Already looking ahead, Stokes is eager to see her team come back stronger next season.

Tewantin Noosa won the toss and opted to bowl, with Glasshouse posting a competitive total of 2/101 after 20 overs. Bridget Morrow led the way with the bat, top-scoring with 29.

Glasshouse fought hard with the ball, taking six wickets and keeping the pressure on. Tayla Schultz, Amy Higgins, and Ebony Runge each pulled off a crucial run-out, while Higgins and Runge also claimed a wicket apiece.

Anna Hain added to the tally, bowling one of Tewantin’s batters for a duck. But in the end, Tewantin Noosa held their nerve. Needing just one run off the final ball, they scrambled through to seal the victory, finishing

Coolwell is bound for Vegas

BEERWAH boxer, Dana ‘Deadly’ Coolwell is heading back to the US with a vengeance, determined to return as a winner in his Las Vegas bout against Albert ‘Chop Chop’ Gonzalez on April 5. It will be Coolwell’s second card in the US in six months after fighting Bruce Carrington on the Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson undercard on November 24 last year.

While going the distance the Beerwah fighter lost in a unanimous decision.

Coolwell said he was disappointed with his performance, and was keen

to get back in the ring. “It was a great experience obviously and I’ll take a lot away from it and that’s what I plan on doing,” he said.

“I’m not taking it as a loss but more as a lesson, and putting that into this next performance.”

Preparations won’t shift much from his usual routine with Coolwell flying to Los Angeles this Wednesday for a training camp.

“A lot of the preparation stays quite similar, we’re fine-tuning a few things, we’re just delaying more of the hard sparring for when I go to America,” he said.

“So when I fly out next week, I’m peaking at the right time and not too early.

“The last prep was really good but we’ve taken away what we can change and put it into this next one.”

Coolwell added that Gonzalez would be a challenging opponent.

“He’s good, he’s another really hot prospect, Bruce and him are probably one of the best prospects coming up,” he said.

“So it’s good to be able to fight them back-to-back, I want to prove that I’m more than a test for them.

“I just need to move

better, stick to my boxing, use my jab, stay behind that, draw the punches out and then counter strong.”

Coolwell’s goal for 2025 is to get a few wins under his belt and work back up the ranks after his recent loss.

This will give him the opportunity to go for a world title next year.

Coolwell’s coach, Steve Pitt, said fighting in the US has been a huge advantage for the Beerwah boxer.

“There’s no one else in the country doing this right now, to be back-to-back in America, fighting the cream of the crop, it’s great,” he


“This next kid he’s fighting, it’s going to be a very tough and physical fight, and it’s going to suit us.

“Gonzalez’s team are gauging how Dana is going to box after his last fight, and they will be mistaken because that’s not going to be the same kid in the ring.”

Steve added that he was confident as long as Coolwell executed his plan on the day, he will win his fi Gonzalez. kirra@gcnews.com.au

at 6/102 to Glasshouse’s 2/101.

Despite the loss, the Glasshouse women made history as the first team from the club to ever reach a grand final. Meanwhile, the Glasshouse 2nd Grade Men also booked their spot in the big dance, winning their two-day semi-final against the Caboolture Snakes on March 15-16.

The men’s grand final is set for Saturday, March 22, and Glasshouse will be out in full force to cheer them on.

Former Beerwah State High School student, Amali Kinsella (middle) in preseason for Brisbane Roar.
Glasshouse Tier 2
Women’s team grand final runners up.
Dana Coolwell is ready to fight at for his next bout.

You can’t help but laugh at


What do you call a fish with no eyes?

A fsh.

What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?

A can’t opener.

There are three types of people in the world: Those who can count and those who can’t.

Did you hear about the Italian chef who died?

He pasta-way.

Two muffins were sitting in an oven. One turned to the other and said: “Wow, it’s pretty hot in here.” The other one shouted: “Wow, a talking muffin!”

I sold my vacuum cleaner the other day. All it was doing was collecting dust.

What is Forrest Gump’s email password?


Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock knock joke?

He won the “no-bell” prize.

Did you hear about the fire in the shoe factory?

10,000 soles were lost.

The police said some heels started it.

What’s the difference between a rabbit and a plum?

They’re both purple except for the rabbit.

Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks: “What’s your favourite type of music?” The other says: “I’m a big metal fan.”

Two guys walk into a bar. The third guy ducks.

Did you hear the story about the claustrophobic astronaut?

He just needed some space. What kind of tea is hard to swallow?


A man and a giraffe walk into a bar. After a few drinks, the giraffe falls over and dies. The man begins to walk out when the bartender stops him. “Hey, you can’t leave that lyin’ there,” the bartender yells out. The man turns around: “It’s not a lion. It’s a giraffe.”

Home & Garden

Backyard Wildlife Backyard

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OFTEN it is said, that we can’t see the wood for the trees, but I also think that when we look at our forests we often can’t see the shrubs and ground-covers for the trees. Maybe you have noticed those straggly, sparse and some unkind folk, may say spindly plants (I prefer foliage impaired), in the shade of that lovely cool forest you’re strolling through. However, more often than not, they are

not noticed, and this is a great tragedy because there are some fantastic groundcovers and shrubs hidden in the understorey of our local Eucalypt forests and Rainforests. If you’re wanting to do the right thing and plant some of our natives to the area, but looked at our local rainforests and thought everything local is at least as tall as a four-storey building, likely to crack foundations,

hide that beautiful view and block out the sun or on the other hand a sparse, bedraggled little plant in the understory, then perhaps it’s time to think again. Many of the exotic shrubs and groundcovers that make good garden plants would have previously been first collected on forest edges, elsewhere in the world, and a horticulturalist or gardener has given them a go. So too many

of the native plants that make up our native forest understory positively thrive when treated to the same conditions. Not all plants ‘suffer’ in the shade, many ferns often look their best when in the humid environment of the forest and we must simulate these conditions in our gardens to grow them. If you need any more convincing to grow native shrubs and groundcovers,

you can add to the mix, that they often flower and fruit/ seed early in their lives, in 1-2 years. So not only do we get some very attractive plants in our gardens, but also provide food for a myriad of birds, insects and other fauna to feed on. When we plant local plants in our garden, we create a beautiful environment and help restore our local ecology, a win-win situation for everybody!

Advertising in GC&M News is more than just a page in the paper. Your advertising is also seen online by our 2,000 subscribers.

Add to that bonus editorials and your open homes sent out with our weekly newsletter and posted on our Facebook page (with 21,000 followers).

Main: Rainforest Lobelia - Lobelia trigonocaulis (Image: John Tann). Insetsabove: Yellow Buttons - Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Image: Captain Tucker). Right: Native Plumbago - Plymbago zeylanica (Images: Bob Peterson and Tim.

12 Toriana

12 Toriana Place, Beerwah

• Master bedroom with walk-in robe and ensuite

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• Kitchen with stone bench tops, gas cooking, dishwasher, pantry, and breakfast bar

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3 Layt Court, Landsborough

3 Layt

• Master bedroom with walk-in robe and en-suite

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• Kitchen with electric cooking, stone bench tops, dishwasher, breakfast bar, and walk-in pantry

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• screened outdoor area

• Remote double garage with internal access

• Remote double garage with internal access

• 657m2 of land with solar

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88 Allan

• Master bedroom with walk-in robe and en-suite

Plant 0435 825 942 donnie.plant@raywhite.com

donnie plant@raywhite com


O/O $799,000

Alex Garden 0407 245 287



88 Allan Avenue, Glass House Mountains

• High-quality kitchen with electric cooking, stone bench tops, dishwasher, breakfast bar and walk-in pantry

• kitchen with electric stone bench tops, breakfast bar and walk-in pantry


• Multiple living areas plus office/study

• areas


• outdoor with down

• Large outdoor entertaining with multiple down lights

• Sparkling in-ground pool

• Huge 3 bay shed with additional double carport

• • 3 shed with additional double

• Mountain rainwater tanks and13kw solar array

• Mountain views, rainwater tanks and13kw solar array

Alex Garden 0407 245 287

• of land

• 2,048m2 of land



www raywhitebeerwah com au alex garden@raywhite com

2/16 Swan Street, Beerwah

2/16 Swan

• Master with robe, en-suite, and private balcony

• Master with and

• Main bathroom with both bath and shower

• Modern kitchen with electric cooking, stone bench tops, microwave and space

• Modern kitchen with electric cooking, stone bench tops, dishwasher, microwave niche, and fridge space

• Expansive open plan living and dining room

• open and room

• Single garage with toilet and internal access

• garage with toilet and internal access

• Fenced with low maintenance

• Fenced courtyard with low maintenance gardens

• 125m2 of land with shared car wash bay

• 125m2 of land with shared car wash

• Approx rental return: $580 - $600 p/w


• rental return:alex garden@raywhite com O/O

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