The Relation between Chemical Jacketed Reactor and Chemical Industry
I image a lot of people aren’t interested in chemical industry; this is because many people think this industry is unfamiliar in our daily life. At the same time, some people think chemical industry is so board and abstruse. As a fact of fact, many products in chemical industry play a very important role in everyday life, for example: necessities of life, and so on. In this article, we are going to talk about an important device used in chemical industry - this is just chemical jacketed reactor. Chemical reactor is vessels designed to contain chemical reactions and it has ability to deal with multiple aspects of chemical engineering. In today’s market, chemical reactor with jacket is very, very popular due to its advantages. In addition to be used in chemical industry, chemical reactor also is very popular in laboratory; designed to achieve well-defined conditions of concentration and temperature, laboratory reactor can make a reaction model can be developed while will prove useful in the design of a large-scale reactor model. Mention again, jacketed chemical reactor is very popular in these days; and the part – jacket can be divided into different types, for example: half coil jacket, single external jacket, and so on. Being made by welding a half pipe around the outside of the vessel, half coil jacket can create
a semicircular flow channel to control heating and cooling. At the other hand, single external jacket consist of an outer jacket which surrounds the vessel; this type also is very welcomed on the market. General speaking, nowadays chemical reactor with jacket has a lot of advantages, for example: it is easier to clean due to the design of large bottle mouth and easier and more convenient to measure temperature with LCD display, can be used as a distillation syntheses device, could be taken away quickly through water, cycling in the jacketed glass; as well as the evaporation and backflow of reaction material can be controlled, also has good chemical and physical properties due to the GG17 high borosilicate glass, just to name a few. For years, chemical industry closed to our daily life and devices used this field also have gotten more and more advanced. In addition to chemical jacket chemical reactor, other types also are available, for example: single and double glass reactor, and three layer glass reactor, etc. In short, there are a lot of devices contribute to chemical industry and our life.